2013 Annual Report - Alabama Kidney Foundation


2013 Annual Report - Alabama Kidney Foundation
Corporate partner ($10,000+)
ACIPCO Board of Operatives
Cooper/T. Smith
Fresenius Medical Care
Nephrology Associates of Mobile
Representative Greg D. Wren
Corporate SponSorS ($7,500+)
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, LLC
Corporate SponSorS ($5,000+)
Lexus of Mobile
Corporate FriendS ($2,500+)
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings
Dialysis Clinic, Inc.
Genzyme Corporation
Government Affairs, Inc.
Heritage Golf
Honda Mfg. of Alabama, LLC
Huntsville Renal Clinic
Mobile Infirmary Foundation
Jemison Investment Co., Inc.
Kohl’s Department Stores
Lifeline Vascular Access
Renal Associates of Montgomery
UAB Educational Foundation
Corporate SupporterS ($1,000+)
Alabama Power Company - Customer Service Department
Alabama Power Service Organization Mobile Division
Alfa Foundation
Aronov Realty Management, Inc.
Balch & Bingham, LLP
Baptist Health - Montgomery
Baptist Health System, Inc
Buffalo Rock Company
Caffco International, Inc.
Capitol Container, Inc.
Central Alabama Kidney and Hypertension Center
China Doll Rice and Beans, Inc.
Dax R. Swatek and Associates
Delaney Development, Inc.
Drummond Company, Inc.
Jackson Thornton & Co., P. C.
Medical Properties Trust, Inc.
NephCon Vascular Access
Nephrology Associates
Nephrology Vascular Lab
PNC Bank
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Renal Hypertension Clinic, P. C.
SERVIS 1st Bank
Shoals Kidney & Hypertension Center
Southeast Alabama Medical Center
Southeast Medical Development, LLC
Surgical Care Affiliates
The Thompson Foundation
Tuscaloosa Nephrology Associates
Vandelay Industries
Wells Fargo Bank, N. A.
X-tra Clean
Young Contracting Co. Foundation, Inc.
Corporate SupporterS ($500+)
Adams Drugs; AES, Inc.; Alabama Steel Supply, Inc.; Amedisys Home Health Services; American Family Care; APSO-Southeast-Farley
Division; Ashley Furniture Store; Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miltes, PC; Birmingham Hide & Tallow Inc.; Cara & Company LLC;
City Drug; Crestwood Medical Center; Daniel Realty Company; Dothan Hypertension - Nephrology Associates; Dothan Surgical Services, LLC;
DSI Renal; Dunn- French Foundation; Franklin Resources Group, LLC; Giles Food Service Equipment; Granville Interiors, LLC; Gwin's
Commercial Printing; Huntsville Hospital; International Shipholding Corporation; ITEC; Jack Ingram Motors, Inc.; Jackson Thornton;
McInnis Construction, LLC; Mobile Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau; Montgomery Aviation; Montgomery Kidney Specialists; Nudraulix
Inc.; Oxford Properties, Inc; John 3:16; Prim & Mendheim, LLC; Regions Bank; Robert's Electrical Contractors, Inc.; Rogers & Willard, Inc.
Builders; Rotorworks, LLC; Service Electric; Southern Progress Corporation; T.A. Hall - Contractors, Inc.; USA Health Services Foundation;
Whitehurst General Sugery, PC
That Alabama’s
kidney patients
will experience
life to its fullest.
Dear Friends and Supporters:
our HiStory
In 2013, the Alabama Kidney Foundation (AKF) continued its rich legacy as Alabama’s foremost
source of programs for kidney patients. Thanks to our dedicated staff and four Regional Offices,
we were able to increase our physical presence state-wide and reach more kidney patients
through financial assistance, education, and support services.
Here are some notable accomplishments for 2013:
• The Foundation’s financial assistance program distributed a record-breaking amount:
• The Foundation’s Stocking Stuffer events provided holiday gift bags for Birmingham,
Dothan, Huntsville, Mobile, and Montgomery. Over 6,000 dialysis patients received holiday
gift bags in December.
• The Foundation hosted 4 patient education conference in 2013, in Birmingham, Huntsville,
Mobile, and Montgomery.
• The Foundation sponsored 5 walks in 2013 that raised almost $450,000.
Kidney disease is referred to as a “silent disease.” In many cases, you do not experience any
symptoms until it is too late. The two main risk factors of kidney disease, high blood pressure and
diabetes, are very prominent in our state – making Alabama 5th in the nation for kidney disease.
AKF’s continued goal is to meet the growing needs of kidney patients and increase our awareness
efforts for kidney disease prevention.
Our growth is a reflection of our faithful and generous supporters. Thank you for making the
needs of our kidney patients a priority and truly making a difference in the lives of others.
The Alabama Kidney Foundation has a rich history of serving Alabama’s kidney patients
beginning in 1975. At that time life was extremely difficult for kidney patients. Few outpatient
treatment facilities were available and the costs of treating kidney disease were enormous. With the
demand for treatment far exceeding the medical community’s capacity, real life or death decisions
about who would receive dialysis and who wouldn’t were being made.
The Alabama Kidney Foundation embarked upon its journey to becoming Alabama’s
premier provider of assistance programs for kidney patients during this difficult period of time.
It all began with a conversation between two kidney patients where one made known his
decision to discontinue treating his disease because the costs were so high he feared it would
leave his family destitute. The hopelessness and despair expressed by that one patient
would have far reaching effects. William E. Rowe was the patient who listened to this
tragic revelation and he knew there were other patients facing similar circumstances.
His empathy and concern for other patients drove him to action. Mr. Rowe gathered
a group of volunteers and formed a mission-driven organization dedicated to
helping and supporting the patients. This compassionate group of volunteers soon
became known as the Alabama Kidney Foundation.
Incredible advancements in the world of kidney medicine have occurred since
those early days, but the despair and helplessness caused by kidney disease
continues to be clearly visible. Alabama has an unusually high occurrence of
kidney disease, ranking fifth in the nation. Today almost 8,000 Alabamians
seek dialysis treatments three times a week simply to sustain life.
The Alabama Kidney Foundation, founded to assist kidney patients, has
a 38 year history of serving Alabama’s kidney patient population. Today,
the Alabama Kidney Foundation stands alone as the only state-based
organization dedicated to assisting kidney patients and each year touches the
lives of thousands of Alabamians.
Gwen Deierhoi
E. W. “Jack” Jackson, II
Executive Director
Our Mission
The Alabama Kidney Foundation serves kidney patients by providing
financial assistance, education, and support services.
The Foundation provides public education to promote organ donation
awareness and prevention of kidney disease
FinanCial aSSiStanCe
E. W. “Jack” Jackson, III, Executive Director
2012 University Blvd., Ste. 164
Birmingham, AL 35233
205- 934-2111
The Financial Assistance programs provide patients with much needed help during financially difficult times. The Alabama
Kidney Foundation has three separate programs:
Daily Living Needs (DLN) provides assistance to help patients meet basic daily living expenses.
Critical Need Treatment Related Transportation Assistance Program (CNTRTAP) provides transportation assistance to
Alabama’s sickest and poorest kidney patients for life-sustaining dialysis treatments. Guidelines for admittance to this program
are very strict.
The AL Transportation Assistance Program (ATAP) provides transportation assistance to a broader range of patients who, while
not qualifying for admittance to CNTRTAP, are still in great need of help with the high cost of travel to dialysis three times a week.
Dollars Distributed through Financial Assistance Programs - $845,834
Birmingham regional office
Huntsville regional office
Gwen Deierhoi, RN
Traci Clark, Regional Director
1311 North Memorial Parkway, Suite 300
Huntsville, AL 35801
2nd vice president
Norman Dixon
Mobile regional office
Becki Connally, Regional Director
1551 Old Shell Road
Mobile, AL 36604
Mark C. Henry
The Education Program addresses three community needs: patient education, public education and organ donation awareness.
The Patient Education Program includes an array of printed resources and annual Patient Education Conferences. The Public
Education Program focuses on early detection, targeting high risk groups and promoting organ donation awareness.
Dollars Distributed for Patient and Public Education Programs- $175,356
Support ServiCeS
The Support Services Programs strive to help patients cope with their life circumstances by reaching beyond traditional
knowledge-based patient education and helping them develop problem-solving skills, improve self-sufficiency and apply their
knowledge in real-life situations. Support Services include pediatric kidney camps, dialysis center activities and stuffing holiday
gift bags for the holidays.
Dollars Distributed for Support Services Programs - $10,315
Gary Barron
Frank K. Battle
Sabrina G. Bessette, MD
Melissa Beukelman
Suzanne Bird
Angus R. Cooper, II
Joan Currier
Chris Duncan
Tammy Flowers
Susan Gaston, RN
Joe Gehrdes
Bobby Ginn
Laura Glaze
Deborah Grimes
Melanie Halvorson, MD
Marilyn Henry
Jacquese M. Hill
Debbie Hultquist
Paige Connell, Regional Director
2012 University Blvd., Ste. 164
Birmingham, AL 35233
Montgomery regional office
William Bibb Lamar, MD
Donna Lawson
Colin Luke
Rodney Moon
Ann Rayburn, RN
Ed Sauls
James M. Smelser, MD
David Sweet
Martha Tankersley, RN
Margaret Tresler
Jacki Ward
Thomas H. Watson, MD
Edna Weaver
Faye J. Wilson, PhD
Timi D. Young
Renae Thompson, Regional Director
441 High Street, Suite B
Montgomery, AL 36104
E. W. “Jack” Jackson, III, Executive Director
Diane Alessio, Office Coordinator
Traci Clark, Huntsville Regional Director
Becki Connally, Mobile Regional Director
Paige Connell, Birmingham Regional Director
Lisa Costanzo, State Development Director
Ann Dyer, Program Assistant
Rebecca Smith, Development Coordinator
Renae Thompson, Montgomery Regional Director
BirMingHaM regional oFFiCe
2013 marked the 1 year anniversary of our Birmingham Regional Office. The greater Birmingham area volunteers continue to
provide a valuable service to the chronically ill patients living in the surrounding five counties (Jefferson, Walker, Shelby, Blount
and St. Clair). The Birmingham Regional Office hosted the annual Patient Education Conference in the fall at St. Vincent’s Bruno
Conference Center. Attendees became more knowledgeable on featured topics, which included: UAB’s Incompatible Transplant
Program; Kidneys and Dental Health; Individualized Treatment Options; and the Benefits of Staying Healthy. In December,
volunteers gathered for the annual Stocking Stuffer project. More than 2,000 dialysis patients were presented with holiday gift bags
prepared by our volunteers. James Spann served as Birmingham’s 2013 Walk Chair and helped raise over $180,000 to help
provide services to kidney patients and their families in Central Alabama.
MontgoMery regional oFFiCe
We were pleased to welcome Renae Thompson as the new Montgomery Regional Director in the fall of 2013. The greater
Montgomery area volunteers continue to be a group of compassionate and enthusiastic individuals, providing service throughout the River Region. The Montgomery Regional Office hosted the second annual Patient Education Conference in the fall at
Baptist Medical Center South’s Montgomery Cardiovascular Institute. Attendees became more knowledgeable on featured topics,
which included: Patient Centered Care; Transplant and Dialyis Options; and Renal Grocery Shopping Made Easy. In December,
volunteers gathered for the annual Stocking Stuffer project. 1,200 dialysis patients were presented with holiday gift bags prepared
by our volunteers. The Montgomery Regional Office also held the 1st annual Dothan Walk-a-Thon. Chris Maddox served as
Dothan’s 2013 Walk Chair and helped raised $30,000. Ray Petty served as Montgomery’s 2013 Walk Chair and helped raise close
to $80,000 to help provide services to kidney patients and their families in the River Region.
HuntSville regional oFFiCe
The Huntsville Regional Office hosted the second annual Huntsville Patient Education Conference in the fall at the Early Works
Museum. Attendees became more knowledgeable on featured topics, which included: Dry Weight; Understanding the Trasplant
Waiting List; Renal Friendly Snacks; Anemia Management and Phosphorous Control; and Treatment Options. For the first time,
the Huntsville Regional Office hosted a Stocking Stuffer event, which provided over 1,000 holiday gift bags to dialysis patients in
North Alabama. The Huntsville 2013 Walk-a-Thon raised over $40,000 to help provide services to kidney patients and their
families in the North Alabama area.
MoBile regional oFFiCe
The Mobile Regional Office, in collaboration with Mobile Infirmary Medical Center and the University of South Alabama
Medical Center, presented a CME accredited Physician's Education Symposium in September of 2013. The three-part event,
attended by over 100 physicians, featured Dr. Gerald Appel, Director of Clinical Nephrology at Columbia Presbyterian Medical
Center and Professor of Clinical Medicine with Tenure of Title at Columbia University. Dr. Appel is an internationally recognized,
award winning physician and lecturer on the subject of Nephrotic diagnosis and treatment. The symposium was made possible
by a grant from Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Mobile Regional Office also hosted a Patient Education Conference in the fall
and presented topics on Individualized Treatment Options; Healthy Eating; Maintaing Your Lifeline; and Lab Values. For the first
time, the Mobile Regional Office hosted a Stocking Stuffer event, which provided over 1,000 holiday gift bags to dialysis patients
in Lower Alabama. Mayor Samuel L. Jones and Lisa Cooper served as Mobile’s 2013 Walk Chairs and helped raise over $90,000 to
help provide services to kidney patients and their families in the Lower Alabama area.
area Walk-a-tHonS
The Alabama Kidney Foundation hosted five walks in 2013, one in Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, and for the
first time, one in Dothan. The Walk-a-Thons generated a total income of almost $450,000 and involved over 2,500 participants
and volunteers. The revenues generated by the Walks helps fund the AKF’s financial assistance programs.
The Alabama Kidney Foundation diligently seeks
to work with other organizations in collaborative efforts that help
Alabama’s kidney patients experience life to its fullest.
united Way oF Central alaBaMa
Since 1923, the United Way of Central Alabama has helped to increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another
and to improve its community. The Alabama Kidney Foundation is proud to be one of the United Way of Central Alabama’s
partnering agencies.
united Way oF MadiSon County
United Way of Madison County serves those least able to help themselves by uniting volunteers and resources in the community,
and to solve community problems and address education, income, and health needs through internal initiatives, programs, and
Collaborative Partners. The Alabama Kidney Foundation is proud to be one of the United Way of Madison County’s partnering
alaBaMa organ Center
The Alabama Organ Center is committed to increasing knowledge about organ and tissue donation and transplantation, while
eliminating common misconceptions regarding donation through public and professional education programs. The Alabama
Kidney Foundation and the Alabama Organ Center share the same commitment to organ donation and awareness.
The Alabama Kidney Foundation is pleased to partner with the State of Alabama to provide treatment-related transportation
assistance to Alabama’s kidney patients. The State of Alabama reinstated an annual appropriation from the General Fund budget
in 2007 that assists hundreds of patients each year with the transportation costs associated with renal failure treatments.
CoMBined Federal CaMpaign and State eMployee CaMpaign
The Combined Federal Campaign and the State Employee Campaign provide an avenue where federal and/or state employees can
support the work of the Alabama Kidney Foundation through payroll deductions. The Alabama Kidney Foundation uses the
funds generated by these two campaigns to make a difference in the lives of those it serves.
Corporate partner - $10,000 pluS
ACIPCO Bd. of Operatives
Alabama Power Company Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama/
The Caring Foundaton
Cooper/T. Smith
Fresenius Medical Care
Healthcare Research Inc.
Nephrology Associates of Mobile
Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Representative Gregory D. Wren
The Daniel Foundation of Alabama
december 31, 2013
Corporate SponSor – $7,500 pluS
Energen Corporation
Genentech, Inc.
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, LLC
Audited by Tim Clark & Associates, P.C.
Corporate patron – $5,000 pluS
Lexus of Mobile
WalMart Foundation
Current Assets
Cash and equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Total current assets
Property and equipment
Furniture and fixtures
Less accumulated depreciation
Total property and equipment
Total Assets
$ 21,947
Liabilities and net assets
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
Line of Credit
Total liabilities
Net assets
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 1,118,305
Corporate Friend – $2,500 pluS
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings
Dialysis Clinic, Inc.
Elmore County Community Foundation
Fraternal Order of Eagles-AL State Aerie
Genzyme Corporation
Heritage Golf
Honda Mfg. of Alabama, LLC
Huntsville Renal Clinic
Mobile Infirmary Foundation
Jemison Investment Co., Inc.
Kohl’s Department Store
Lifeline Vascular Access
Renal Associates of Montgomery
UAB Educational Foundation
Corporate Supporter – $1,000 pluS
Alabama Power Service Organization
Mobile Division
Alfa Foundation
APCO - Customer Service Department
Aronov Realty Management, Inc.
Autauga Area Community Foundation
Balch & Bingham, LLP
Baptist Health - Montgomery
Baptist Health System, Inc.
Baxter International Foundation
Buffalo Rock Company
Caffco International, Inc.
Capitol Container, Inc.
Central Alabama Kidney and
Hypertension Center
China Doll Rice and Beans, Inc.
Dax R. Swatek and Associates
Delaney Development, Inc.
Drummond Company, Inc.
Government Affairs, Inc.
Jackson Thornton & Co., P. C.
Medical Properties Trust, Inc.
NephCon Vascular Access
Nephrology Associates
Nephrology Vascular Lab
Network 8, Inc.
PNC Bank
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Renal Hypertension Clinic, P. C.
SERVIS 1st Bank
Shoals Kidney & Hypertension Center
Southeast Alabama Community Foundation
Southeast Alabama Medical Center
Southeast Medical Development, LLC
Surgical Care Affiliates
Texas Methodist Foundation
The Solon & Martha Dixon Foundation
The Thompson Foundation
Tuscaloosa Nephrology Associates
Vandelay Industries
Wells Fargo Bank, N. A.
X-tra Clean
Young Contracting Co. Foundation, Inc.
Corporate BaCker – $500 pluS
Adams Drugs
AES, Inc.
Alabama Steel Supply, Inc.
Amedisys Home Health Services
American Family Care
APSO-Southeast-Farley Division
Arthur M. Britton Foundation
Ashley Furniture Store
Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis
& Miltes, PC
Birmingham Hide & Tallow Inc.
Cara & Company LLC
City Drug
Crestwood Medical Center
Daniel Realty Company
Dothan Hypertension Nephrology Associates
Dothan Surgical Services, LLC
DSI Renal
Dunn- French Foundation
Franklin Resources Group, LLC
Giles Food Service Equipment
Granville Interiors, LLC
Gwin's Commercial Printing
Huntsville Hospital
International Shipholding Corporation
Jack Ingram Motors, Inc.
Jackson Thornton
John 3:16
Macedonia Baptist Church
McInnis Construction LLC
Mobile Bay Convetion and Visitors Bureau
Montgomery Aviation
Montgomery Kidney Specialists
New Jerusalem MB Church
Nudraulix Inc.
Oxford Properties, Inc.
Prim & Mendheim, LLC
Regions Bank
Robert's Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Rogers & Willard, Inc. Builders
Rotorworks, LLC
Service Electric
Southern Progress Corporation
T.A. Hall - Contractors, Inc.
USA Health Services Foundation
Whitehurst General Sugery PC
otHer Corporate and CiviC donorS
1st Choice Equipment Rental & Supply Inc.
A & M Dental, Inc.
A L M Convention Committee
AA Asset Services LLC
Abundant Harvest Ministries
Adams Family Practice, PC
Advanced EMS, Inc.
Adventureland, Inc.
Alabama Council on Renal Nutrition
Alabama Teachers Credit Union
Alabama Xi Eta Chapter
Alabaster Optical & Hearing Aid
Service, Inc.
Albert E. Ritchey Attorney At Law
All Clean Janitorial Service, LLC
Allstate Giving Campaign
Alpha Delta Kappa-Eta Chapter
Alpha Epsilon Delta University
of South Alabama
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Beta Nu
Omega Chapter
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Beta Pi
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. of Delta
Phi Lambda Chapter
Alpha Rho Zeta Chapter Zeta Phi Beta
Alpine Baptist Church
Amis Graphics
Amstar Emergency Medical Services
Anderson Law Firm, LLC
At Home Medical, Inc.
Athens Internal Medicine & Nephrology
Associates, P.C.
Badcock Home Furnishings
Baker Hill Volunteer Resque Squad
Baldwin Transfer Co., Inc.
Banks Memorial Funeral Home and
Cremations LLC
Bass Tabernacle CME Church
Bay Minette Intermediate School
BBRL, Inc.
Bedford Capital Southeast
Bethesda Cathedral Apostolic Fath, Inc.
BKB Event Planning, LLC
Blue Ridge Consulting, Inc.
BMC Auto & Truck Rental Inc. Impressive
Collision Center
BMW of Mobile
Brewer and Associates
Brewton Animal Hospital
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Bruce M. DiPlacido, M.D., PC
Cabaniss, Johnson, Gardner,
Dumas & O'Neal LLP
Calera Dental Center, PC
Capitol Hill Health and Rehabiliation
Carmichael Lodge 548
Carolina Grocery, Inc.
Carrollton Prescription Shop
Central Supply Company
Changes Hair Salon
Chelsea Animal Hospital
Chester's International, LLC
Chick-fil-A at Prattville
Choice Transport
Circle J Western Store Inc.
Steve's Cue & Grill
City Auto Parts
Citywide Investigators
Club South
Coleman's Airport Collision Center
Community Foundation of Greater
Connolly Animal Clinic, P.C.
Cook Chevrolet, Inc.
Cultural and Educational Advancement
Foundation/Omicron Omega Chapter
Darby's Village Pharmacy
Deb's Fitness Studio, LLC
Dixie Sporting Goods, Inc.
Dothan Hardware and Supply Co., Inc.
Dublin Machine, Inc.
Dunn Unlimited, Inc.
E.G. Cummings Memorial
Funeral Home Inc.
East Lauderdale News
Ecclesia Wingard Sun. Sch. Class
Eddie's Wholesale Jewelry Number 5, Inc.
Emeralds, Inc.
Employees Charity Organization (ECHO)
of Northrop Grumman
Eoline Church of God of Prophecy
Escambia County Farmers Federation
Eta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa
Eufaula Dental
Eufaula Glass & Construction Co., LLC
Eve's Studio, LLC
Exquisite Affairs, LLC
First Baptist Church - Winsome Sunday
School Class
First Exchange Bank
First National Bank of Central Alabama
Florida Ltd., LLC
Frank's Care Pharmacy
Fraternal Order of Police
Fresh Wave Dental Care, PC
Gates Restaurant, LLC
Gilbert's Logging, LLC
Glamour Nails
Glenwood Healthcare
Gordon's Sharpening Service
Gulf Coast Drivetrain, Inc.
H & M Mechanical, Inc.
Hammond Farm Supply
Hand Arendall, LLC
Harper Electric Construction Co, Inc.
Herrington's The Florist, Inc.
Hillview Terrace
Huntsville Utilities
Integrity Therapy Group, LLC
James L. Barton, LLC
Jeff Palmer Collision Center
Jefferson Title
John F. Robertson, Atty. At Law, LLC
John M. Cronenberg, P.C.
Johnson Chapel Church
Johnson Ford, Inc.
Johnson Funeral Home, LLC
KE Cooper Construction, LLC
Kenny's Collision Center & Towing, LLC
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kesslers Pharmacy
King Car Mart, Inc.
King Vault Company Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Fort Conde
Mobile AL Inc.
Knights of Columbus-Council No. 11537
LABORS (Ladies Aiming To Bridge
Openness For Relief Through Services)
Lackey's Furniture
Lagoon Park and O'Connor Tennis Center
Lewis and Son Roofing and
Construction, Inc.
Lindsay Lane Baptist Church
Links, Inc. Columbus Chapter
Locust Fork Family Dentistry, Inc.
Locust Fork Pharmacy, LLC
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Lynn Layton Chevrolet
Malachi Chapter 186
Mayer Electric Supply Co., Inc.
McDaniel & Associates, P.C.
Mel's Pest Control
Meredith Tubbs Rohling, DMD, PC
Merit Health Care, PC
Michael Meadows Fitness Center, LLC
Michael's Transportation
Mitchell Internal Medicine Clinic, PC
Mitchell McLeod Pugh & Williams, Inc.
MLY Best Properties, LLC
Mobil 1 Lube Express
Mobile County EMS System
Rescue Squad, Inc.
Mobile Financial Group
Mobile Heights Baptist Church
Mobile Infirmary
Mobile's Derby Darlings, LLC
Monroe Chapel, Inc.
Monroe County Education Retirees
Mount Tabor
Mt. Zion Cumberland Presbyterian Church
MW Rogers Construction Co., LLC
My Heart 2U Pro Nutritional Consulting
My Time Christian Bookstore LLC
Nathan's Paint & Body
National Grand Court of Amaranth
National Society of Black Engineers
New First Baptist Church of Sawyer
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
New Life Church of God in Christ
Nissi Security, LLC
North Alabama State Fair, Inc.
Norton Lilly International
Oakworth Capital Bank
One Stop Package Store
Palmer & Sons Collision Center, Inc.
Peaceful Valley Independent Baptist
Peach Chevrolet Buick GMC Cadillac
Pearce, Bevill, Leesburg, Moore, P.C.
Peerson Construction Co., Inc.
Penn & Sons, Inc.
Peoples Bank of Greensboro
Personal Touch Health Care, Inc.
Pickens County Medical Ctr., Inc.
Piggly Wiggly #338
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
Precision Auto Body
Price Drug Company
Pruitt Springs Baptist Church
Benevolent Fund
PWC, Inc.
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
R & G Mechanical, Inc.
Reli Settlement Solutions, LLC
Rental Equipment & Supply Co., LLC DBA
Portable Toilet Services
Rentz Landscape Management, LLC
Riverwalk Outfitters, Inc.
RMFC Agents
Rockford Area Convention & Visitors
Royal Cup Coffee, Inc.
Russell & Russell, P. C.
S & H Truck Parts & Equipment
S & R Contracting
S and O Enterprises, Inc.
Saint James Baptist Church
Salon West 54 Hundred, LLC
Sanders Law Firm PC
Schillinger Rd. Chiropractic
Schoen Walton Telken & Foster, LLC
Schofield Homecare Services, Inc.
Seale, Holmes & Ryan, LLC
Sesi Ogunbi M.D., LLC
Shiloh AME Church
Shore Acres Plant Farm
Sics Consultants, LLC
Sipsey Forest Services
Smith and Sons Logging Co.
Solid Rock Church, Inc.
Southwest Alabama Medical Center
Spivey Interiors
Sprinklers and More
St. John's Baptist Church
St. Peter Primitive Baptist Church
Stanford and Son Funeral Home
State Farm Insurance
Surgical Arts, PC
Telecom Pioneers
The Bizness Center
The Donut King
The Farm Center
The King Law Firm, PC
The Law Office of Matt Green, LLC
The Moseley Agency
The Orthopaedic Center
The Park At Madison
The Progressive Insurance Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
The Southern Co. - Alabama Power
The Vault Bar & Lounge
Thigpen & Behel, Inc.
Thompson Tax Service
Thornton Iron and Metal, Inc.
Tommy Baker Service Company Inc.
Top 10 Nails and Spa
Trax Tires, Inc.
Tri-County Cooperative
Trinity Chapel Church
Tri-State Timber Co., Inc.
Troy Bank & Trust Co.
Turfmaster Landscape and Lawncare
of Mobile, LLC
Turner & Eaves Ins. Agency, Inc.
Turner Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc.
Tyndall Federal Credit Union
Unique Boutique
UPS Employee Giving
USA Medical Center Auxilliary
Walgreens Company
Walton's Restaurant, Inc.
Webb Realty Inc.
West Alabama Bank & Trust
Wiregrass Research & Extension Center
Woodmen of the World
Wright Auto Sales, Inc.
Yancey Parker's
YB East Montgomery, LLC
YB North Pensacola, LLC
YB Panama City, LLC
Zion Travelers P. B. Church
Walton's Restaurant, Inc.
Waste Processing Equipment, Inc.
Wayman Chapel A.M.E. Church
Wehadkee Missionary Baptist, Inc.
Welders Supply Equipment Co., Inc.
West Alabama Bank & Trust
Willi's, LLC
Wilson Chapel Baptist Church
Windham Poultry Farms
York Girls
Yours Distributors
Zion Travelers P. B. Church
philanthropists $2,500-$4,999
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Glaze
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. “Jack” Jackson, III
patrons - $1,000-$2,499
Flora and James Batte
Ms. Stephen Busenlehner
Mr. Gregory Cade
Mr. and Mrs. William Fiser
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Flowers
Mrs. Faye France
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gaston
Mr. Hank Hassinger
Marilyn and James Henry
Mr. Mark Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lamberth Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lyerly
Ms. Renee McInnis
Ms. Rosalyn Oliver-Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney T. Smith
Ms. Deborah Sparks
Mrs. Jeane Tresler
Ms. Margaret Tresler
Mrs. Edna M. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Weaver
Friends - $500-$999
Mr. and Mrs. Otello A. Alessio, III
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Broome
Dr. and Mrs. John Clark
Dr. Roger and Dr. Theresa Comer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Costanzo
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Deierhoi
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Diethelm
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Donegan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Hilburn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hullett
Ms. Cindy A. Killen
Ms. Jacqueline Lucas-Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Marx
Mr. Jerry L. Moseley
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ozbirn Jr.
Dr. Garfield Ramdeen
Mr. Donald Schulz
Ms. Mary Thigpen
Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Walker
Mrs. Donna P. Welch
Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Young
Supporters - $250-449
Mr. Tony Ash
Mrs. Kristie Barton
Dr. and Mrs. Tim Beukelman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boone
Mr. and Mrs. James Camel
Mrs. Paige Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Errol Crook
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Davis
Ms. Stacie Davis
Mrs. DeLoris Donegan
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dutcher
Ms. Wynell Gardner
Mr. Gary Gorham
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. James Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. William Lyndon
Ms. Kristen Mashburn
Mrs. Patty Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nudo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Reich
Dr. Mark Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. David Romanoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Silas, Jr.
Ms. Dimple Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Steele
Mr. and Mrs. James Steen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Tankersley
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vaccaro
Ms. Barbara Ware
partners - $100-$249
Mr. George Abdulahad
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Alessio
Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Alexander
Dr. James Noble Anderson, Jr.
Mrs. Darlene Anderson
Ms. Norma Andrews
Ms. Paula Argo
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Bannister, Jr.
Ms. Linda Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bates
Mr. and Mrs. James Batte, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte Baynes
Ms. Anna K. Beall
Rep. William M. Beasley
Ms. Charlcey B. Beckman
Mr. Preston Bedsole
Ms. Janice Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Ishwarlal Bhuta
Ms. Freida Bland
Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Bland
Ms. Carol Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Braden
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Brassell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Braswell
Mr. Michael Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burns
Ms. Victoria Burt
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Bynon, Jr.
Ms. Jill A. Caheen
Mr. Richard K. Capps
Mr. Brian Carney and Ms. Judith Herndon
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carnley
Ms. Tamiko Carroll
Ms. Barbara J. Chapman
Dr. Susan Childress
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Christenberry
Mr. John Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Conger
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cooper, III
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Cooper
Ms. Betty Sue Cotton
Mr. John Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cronin
Ms. Connie O. Dacus
Ms. Diana Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davies
Ms. Amy Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean
Drs. Joseph and Carol Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean
Ms. Sandra Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Dearing
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeJarnette
Ms. Elizabeth Deshazo
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Downs
Mr. and Mrs. James Drummond, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Dumontier
Mr. Otis Dunning, Jr.
Ms. Tonita Dupard
Mrs. Ann Dyer
Ms. Carol Lynn Dyer
Ms. Nova Eatmon
Mrs. James Emack
Mr. Tim Emerson
Mrs. Judie Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Falkner, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Feely
Mr. James Fields
Ms. Noelle C. Fleming
Mr. R. Zeke Flournoy
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Friedrich
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fuller
Mrs. Joyce Galloway
Ms. Lakeitha Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Willard A. Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Glaze
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Toice P. Goodson
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grisham
Dr. Orlando Gutierrez
Ms. Elsie Hales
Mr. John W. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hamm
Ms. Betty Hancock
Mr. Ronnie Hawkins
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Heck
Mr. C. Gary Hicks
Ms. Ashley Hillis
Ms. Lynda Hoagland
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Holmes
Ms. Rosilyn Houston
Ms. Angela Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Howard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Huckestein
Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Humber
Mr. Alexander Ikefuna
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Inge, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jackson
Ms. Gloria Jackson
Mr. T. K. Jackson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert James
Ms. Bettye R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson
Mr. Jack Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Jr.
Mr. William Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones
Ms. Rea Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keil, II
Ms. Kathleen Kelley
Mr. Thomas Keyes
Mr. Shaun Khalfan
Mrs. Alice Killen
Mr. and Mrs. Billy King
Mr. Brandon King
Ms. Cynthia Knight
Mr. James Knight
Dr. Zipporah Krishnasami
Dr. Gary Kwan
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. LaGrone
Ms. Clara L. Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lamons
Ms. Lillian Land
Ms. Sonia Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Latham
Ms. Sara Lawhorne
Ms. Lisa P. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. G. Lees
Mr. Eric Letzgus
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Loveless
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ludder
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Luther
Ms. Josephine Lyas
Mrs. Gayle Mason
Mr. Michael Matthews
Ms. Vera May
Rev. and Mrs. Homer McCall
Dr. Charles A. McCallum
Mr. Kevin McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKenzie, III
Mr. Joseph Laughlin
Ms. Lynne Medders
Ms. Sue Meeks
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Melton
Ms. Tracie Mickler
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mizell
Mr. Daniel Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moore
Ms. Deborah Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mullen
Ms. Sue J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Al Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas New
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noble, II
Ms. Elizabeth Oates
Ms. Billie P. Odom
Mrs. Darlene Oldham
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oliver, Jr.
Ms. Vicki Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker
Mr. James Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker
Ms. Glynda Parsons
Ms. Lenora W. Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Pattillo
Ms. Angela Patton
Ms. Glinda Perkins
Ms. Susie Person
Mr. James Vince Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Price
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price
Ms. Ann Rayburn
Ms. Ruth Reeves
Ms. Lelia Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Reynolds
Ms. Karen Lynne Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eddie Rhodes
Marty and Phillip Rich
Mr. Mike Riggins
Mr. Buzzy Riis
Ms. Franetta D. Riley
Mr. Ferris S. Ritchey, Jr.
Dr. Dana Rizk
Ms. Charlotte Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Rostand
Mr. Billy Rushing
Mr. Danny Russum, Jr.
Dr. Edwin A. Rutsky
Mrs. Odell D. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Salerno
Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Sandlin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sauls
Mr. Alvin Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Seibels
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Self
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shambley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Shaw, Sr.
Mr. Jay H. Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Siers
Ms. Lois T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith
Mr. Stan Smith
Dr. and Mrs. W. Smith
Dr. Ruth Speir
Ms. Lori Stamper
Mrs. Mildred Stephens
Ms. Denice Stisher-Howell
Mr. Jim Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Storm
Mr. Grant Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Synhorst
Mr. Timothy Talley
Ms. Christina Talty
Mr. and Mrs. Booker T. Taylor
Mr. Brett Terry
Ms. Amy Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson
Ms. Lucille R. Thompson
Mr. Chris Thornton
Mr. D. C. Thornton, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Tietjen
Mr. Perry Timberlake
Mr. Stanley Turner
Mr. David Underhill
Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Uzzelle
Ms. Dorothy Veitch
Mr. and Mrs. John Vick
Ms. Alwynna B. Vinson
Mr. Bennie Vinson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hasten Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Lenel Walton
Ms. Suzanne G. Ward
Mr. Jeffrey Warner
Ms. Marie A. Washington
Mr. Oliver Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Watson
Ms. Elaine Weaver
Ms. Laura Weaver
Mr. Ronnie Weaver
Mrs. and Mr. Fronzena W. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weil, Sr.
Mr. J. Welborn
Mr. Lester Welch
Mr. and Mrs. James White
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. White
Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Williamson
Mr. Bobby Willis
Mr. and Mrs. W. Leon Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Leopold O. Wilson
Mr. Robert H. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woodfin, Jr.
Ms. Chanetta Woodham
Mr. and Mrs. Alis Woods
Ms. Kim Wren
Ms. Judith Wrought
Mrs. Karen Yarbrough
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Yates
Ms. Sharon E. Yeldell
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yoder
Mr. Jeff York
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Young
Backer - $25-$99
Ms. Kristal Aaron
Mr. George Abdulahad
Mrs. Donna Adair
Ms. Kerri Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Adams
Ms. Linda Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Adamy
Mr. Terry Adderhold
Ms. Dorothy Addison
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adkisson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alesce
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexander
Dr. Tom Alexander
Ms. Sharon A. Alexander
Mrs. Jeanette Allen
Mr. Leo Allen and Dr. Tina Allen
Ms. Tawana Allen
Mr. Tommy Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Van Allen
Mr. Mike Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allyn
Ms. Anne O. Amick
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ammons
Mr. Charles Anderson
Mr. Edward T. Anderson
Mrs. Karen Anderson
Ms. Essie Anderson
Ms. Darlean Anderson
Mrs. Janice Anson
Mr. and Mrs. William Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mark Armstrong
Ms. Jeanne Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Atkisson
Mr. Michael Auinbauh
Mr. and Mrs. John Aycock
Mr. William Bailey, III
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bailey
Ms. Rose M. Baker
Ms. Linda Baker
Ms. Hilda Baker-Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Balch
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Banks
Ms. Lisa E. Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barber
Ms. Deborah J. Barber
Ms. Mary Jean Barisa
Mr. Brian Barker
Miss Richelle Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker
Ms. Eleanor Barnes
Ms. Joni Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. James Barnette
Mr. Andrew Baroody, Sr.
Ms. Kay Barrett
Ms. Joy Barron
Ms. Helen Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bartlett
Mr. Stephen Bartlett
Ms. Christine Bartram
Ms. Sharon Basham
Mrs. Jennifer Baskerville
Ms. Nancy Bass
Ms. Belinda Bassham
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bates
Ms. Abbie Batson
Mr. Scotty Baugh
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Beamon
Mr. Larry Beamon
Ms. Sandy Bean
Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillip Beasley
Ms. Leora Beasley
Mr. Terry Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Beavers
Ms. Linda Beavers
Ms. Harriett Bell
Ms. Norma Bell
Ms. Rosemary Bell
Dr. Eliza Belle
Mrs. Patricia Belle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Belletty
Mrs. Letitia Benford
Mr. David Benjamin
Mrs. Kim Benos
Dr. and Mrs. Neal R. Berte
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Beshears
Ms. Tammy Beverly
Ms. Karen Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beville
Mr. James U. Bevis, Jr.
Mrs. Alexis Bevis
Mr. and Mrs. Ishwarlal Bhuta
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Bibb
Ms. Jessie Bibbins
Mr. Anthony Birk
Ms. Karen Bischoff
Ms. Erica E. Bivins
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Black
Mr. T. A. Black
Mr. Larry Blain
Ms. Connie Blalock
Ms. Bridget Blalock
Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blankenhorn
Mrs. Sherrill Blankenship
Ms. Paula Blevins-Russell
Mr. Ernest Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boettger
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bolling, Jr.
Ms. Lucinda Bollinger
Mr. Greg Bomar
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin G. Bonds, Jr.
Ms. Maryann Bonventre
Mrs. Jane Boozer
Ms. Janet Boozer
Mr. and Mrs. James Boren
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Boschert
Ms. Anna Bostick
Ms. Mary E. Bottcher
Ms. Roma Bounds
Ms. Pat Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Boyd
Ms. Thelisia Boykin
Ms. Linda Bracks
Ms. Joycelyn Bradford
Mrs. Marguittia Bradford
Mrs. Letha Bradley
Mr. James Edward Brake
Mrs. Heather Bramblett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Brantley
Ms. Gail Brasfield
Mr. and Mrs. Don Breen
Ms. Diane Breland
Ms. Sandra Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Burns Bringman
Ms. Linda Brooks
Ms. Shirley Brooks
Ms. Alberta Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown
Ms. Ella Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brown
Mr. Percy James Brown
Ms. Delaine T. Brown
Mrs. Regina Brown
Ms. Meredith Bruner
Ms. Joe Bryan
Mr. Chris Bryant
Ms. Connie Bryant
Ms. Rosemary Bubien
Ms. Vicki Buckner
Mr. John Bullington
Ms. Katherine Buntin
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burchell
Mr. Keith Burchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Burgess
Ms. Rockell N. Burks
Ms. Danylu Burnett
Mr. Walter Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Burnett
Ms. Lindsey Burnett
Ms. Rebecca Burns
Mr. Terry Burns
Ms. Sandra Burroughs
Ms. Karen Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Butler
Mr. Daryl Butts
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Byerly
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Byrd
Ms. Marchele Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Byrd
Mr. Martin Cabrera
Ms. Julia Caddell
Mr. Lawrence Caine
Ms. Linda Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Calloway
Ms. April Calloway
Ms. Lannora D. Camel
Ms. Janie J. Campbell
Ms. Myra Campbell
Dr. Jeremy Campbell
Mrs. Deborah Canale
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Canfield
Stephanie and Francis Cannon
Ms. Willie Cargill
Ms. Courtney Carruba
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Carruba
Mr. Craig Carter
Ms. Rita Carter
Ms. Showanda Carter
Mr. and Mrs. William Carter, III
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carter
Ms. Amanda Carter
Ms. Kelly Carter
Ms. Quintella Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eugene Cash
Mr. and Mrs. James Cater
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cato
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Cauley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Causey
Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick
Ms. Sandy Chambless
Ms. Heidi Chamblin
Ms. Cheryl Chaney
Mr. Craig Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Chapman
Mr. Matt Chapman
Ms. Jennifer Chappell
Ms. Deana Charba
Ms. Clydene Charles
Ms. Tawanna Cheathan
Ms. Cynthia Cherry
Ms. Yolanda Cherry
Ms. Priscilla Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Grayling Christian
Ms. Tonya Clark
Mrs. Traci Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clark
Ms. Theresa Clark
Ms. Trunella Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Clement
Mr. Lionel C. Clement
Ms. Adrienne Clements
Mr. Jerry Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Clickner
Mr. Dickie Cline
Mrs. Carolyn Ruth Clingan
Mrs. Jacqueline Cobb
Mr. James Coggin
Dr. and Mrs. Mark P. Cohen
Monty and Lucille Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coker
Dr. Ashley Colburn
Mr. Timothy Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cole
Ms. Candace Coleman
Mr. Michael Coleman
Ms. Sandra Collier
Mr. Bentley M. Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Collins
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Collins
Mr. Ernest Collins
Mrs. Beth Collins
Ms. Kimberly Davis Colvin
Ms. Rosalie Condo
Ms. Jacqueline Condon
Ms. Bonita Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Conte
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Cook
Mrs. Linda Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Cook
Mr. William Cook, III
Mrs. Pam Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper
Mrs. Joyce Cooper
Mrs. April Cooper
Ms. Mary B. Cooper
Mr. Charles Cooper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Copus
Ms. Anne Cork
Mrs. Sheron Corl
Ms. Ashley Corn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corum
Ms. Teresa C. Coston
Ms. Caitlin Covey
Mr. Charles Cowart, Sr.
Mrs. Cathy H. Cox
Mr. C. C. Cox, Jr.
Mrs. Susan Coyne
Ms. Jane Coyne
Ms. Robbie Crabtree
Mr. Joe Craddock
Ms. Glenda Crawford
Ms. Lynda Creasy
Mr. Robert Cremen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Crenshaw
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Crump
Nathalia and M. J. Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cullighan
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Culver
Mr. Kenneth Cupp, III
Ms. Lori Currie
Ms. Heather Curry
Mr. Al Curtis
Mrs. Mary Curtis
Ms. Felecia Dailey
Ms. Willette Dale
Ms. Dawn Danforth
Ms. Alice Daniel
Mr. Steven M. Dauphin
Mr. C. Fitzgerald Davenport
Mrs. Elaine Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. David Davenport
Ms. Angela Davidson
Ms. Kelly Davidson
Mr. Chris Davis
Mr. Jeff Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Clay Davis
Ms. Kathleen Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Davis
Mrs. Sonja A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Davis
Mr. James Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis
Mrs. Derrick Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Deal
Ms. Jennifer Dean
Drs. Joseph and Carol Dean
Ms. Kimberly Deangelis
Mrs. Kim Del Pozzo
Ms. Carolyn K. Delk
Ms. Colleen DeVoe
Mrs. Gwendolyn Dey
Mr. Bademba Diallo
Mr. and Mrs. Pete A. DiChiara
Ms. Julia Dill
Mr. Charles Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Garvis Dixon, Sr.
Mr. Norman Dixon
Ms. Shirley Dodd
Mrs. Linda Dodson
Ms. Rebecca Dodson
Ms. Teresa Doherty
Ms. Sonya Dolan
Mr. Andy Dolan
Ms. Selma Domit
Ms. Retha R. Dorough
Ms. Susan Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Dotson
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Doughty
Ms. Tonya Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis DuBose, Jr.
Ms. Misty Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duke
Miss Sheri Duncan
Ms. Carol Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earnest
Dr. and Mrs. Leland Eaton
Mrs. Leslie Echols
Ms. Lauren Eckenrode
Ms. Charles Eddins
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Edwards
Mrs. Pamela Edwards-Howard
Ms. Heather Eldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Elgavish
Ms. Mary Ellis
Ms. Mary Ellison
Ms. Marshalle Ely
Ms. Lorraine Englande
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Paul English
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Estrada
Mr. Andrew Etier
Ms. Joni Euler
Mrs. Debbie Evans
Mrs. Melinda Evans
Mrs. Sherry Ezell
Ms. Kathryn C. Fair
Ms. Tricia Farha
Mr. Jason Farless
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farley
Ms. Lisa Farris
Mrs. Pennie Faulk
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Faulkner
Ms. Charlotte Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Faust
Mr. John Fendley
Ms. Ashley Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferguson
Ms. Susan Ferguson
Ms. Becky Feronti
Ms. Betty Fibler
Ms. Betty Findley
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Finley
Mrs. Rosalie Fitzmorris
Drs. John and Laura Fiveash
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Flanagan
Mr. John Robert Fleenor, Jr.
Ms. Tena Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Flowers
Ms. Leisa Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Floyd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Folds
Ms. Dianne Ford
Mr. Jared Ford
Mr. Thomas Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Woodham G. Foxworth
Ms. Carolyn Frame
Ms. Ramona Franklin
Ms. Sandra Franklin
Ms. Cynthia Frazier
Mrs. Marion R. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Freeman
Dr. Paul Freeman
Ms. Sara French
Ms. Karen L. French
Ms. Valerie Frieson
Mr. and Mrs. John Frost
Ms. Ruth Frost
Ms. Sherry Fulks
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fulmer
Ms. Jayne Gaddy
Mr. Christopher Gagliano
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Gardner
Dr. Kurt Gardner
Mrs. Lynn Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Garrett
Mr. Kevin Garwood
Ms. Silvia Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Gedling
Ms. Patti H. Giambrone
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Giddens
Ms. Marjorie Giddeon
Ms. Barbara Gilbert
Ms. Wanda Gilbert
Mr. Charles Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilliland
Ms. Velda Gilyot
Ms. Gwendolyn Givins
Dr. and Mrs. R. David Glasgow
Ms. Courtney Glass
Ms. Patsy Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Glover
Ms. Shauntey Goins
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Golden
Ms. Cynthia Goldsmith
Mrs. Linda Golembiewski
Mrs. Deborah Golquett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman
Mr. Richard S. Goodwin
Mr. Juan Gose
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Gossett
Mrs. Jill Gould
Mr. G. E. Graf
Dr. Michael Graham
Ms. Louvenia D. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Graham
Ms. Annette R. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gray
Dr. Jeff Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight R. Gray
Ms. Anita Graydon
Mrs. Jackie Grayson
Mr. Brent Green
Mr. Fred Green
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Green
Mr. Vernandi R. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greene
Mr. Jeremy Griem
Ms. Patricia Grier
Ms. Margaret Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grimes, Jr.
Ms. Tewana Gulley
Ms. L. J. Guthmann
Dr. Orlando Gutierrez
Mr. Ed Guy
Ms. Lorene Hacker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haffarnan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haggard
Mr. Parkey J. Haggman
Ms. Christine Hall
Mr. Stephen Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Hall
Ms. Angela Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Sadaka Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ham
Ms. Tracy Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Hamm
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hand
Ms. Vivian Handy
Mrs. Joy Hansel
Ms. Amy Hardeman
Mrs. Beth Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardison
Mrs. Tabitha Hardman
Ms. Ann R. Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Harrelson
Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. Harris
Mrs. Beth Harris
Ms. Cheryl V. Harris
Ms. Eleasa Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Harris
Ms. Robyn Harris
Ms. Stella Harris
Ms. Tamikia Harris
Ms. Tiffany Harris
Mr. Norzell Harris
Ms. Lana Hart
Mrs. Kathleen Hart
Ms. Martha Harvell
Mr. James Harvery, Jr.
Mrs. Doris Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. John Hatchett, Jr.
Ms. Vera Hauptfeld-Dolejsek
Mrs. Judy Hausler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hawkins
Ms. Karen Hawthorne
Ms. Teressa Haynes
Ms. Helen Head
Mr. and Mrs. Gill Head
Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Head
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Heard
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Heard
Ms. Danielle D. Henderson
Mr. Charles Henderson
Ms. Vickie Henderson
Ms. Laine Hendley
Mr. Ryan Hendley
Mrs. Sheree Hendon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henriksen
Mr. and Mrs. David Henry
Mr. and Mrs. James Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Herold
Mr. Thomas Herrin, Sr.
Mrs. Eyvonne Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herrington
Ms. Amy Heslin
Mrs. Denise Hester
Col. and Mrs. James O. Heyward
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Hicks
Mr. Russell Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Higginbotham
Ms. Amy Hill
Ms. Barbara B. Hill
Ms. Electra Hill
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill
Mr. Kevin Hill
Ms. Leann Hill
Ms. Esterlene Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hines
Mrs. Misty Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hinson
Ms. Catherine Hitt
Ms. Angelen B. Hochberger
Mrs. Leslie Hodges
Ms. Pamela Hoffman
Ms. Jane Hogwood
Mr. Doyle Hokett
Ms. Tammy C. Holiness
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hollander
Ms. Gloria Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holt
Mrs. Donna Holt
Ms. Sabrina Holt
Ms. Karen Hood
Ms. Brenda Hopson
Dr. Iverson Hopson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hopson
Mr. Richard Horn
Ms. Judith Hornady
Mr. William Horne
Mr. Jimmie Horton
Mrs. Vernice Horton
Ms. Naora Horton
Mrs. Sandy Howard
Ms. Sharron Howard-Taylor
Ms. Kacey Howse
Ms. Macie Howze
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Howze, Jr.
Ms. Karen E. Howze-Samuels
Mr. D. A. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoyt
Ms. Peggy H. Hsu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huckabaa
Mrs. Linda Huckestein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hudson
Mrs. Betty Huebner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huffman, Jr.
Ms. Carla J. Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Humphries
Ms. Irene Hunter
Ms. Tonja Hunter
Mr. Boykin Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew J. Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hunter-Gilbert
Ms. Doris Huntley
Mr. Matt Hutchison
Ms. Twyla J. Hyde
Ms. Sheri C. Irvin
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Isom
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Isom
Mr. Johnnie M. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson
Mr. Sylvettee Jackson
Ms. Tara Jackson
Mr. Tony Jackson
Ms. Alicia Y. Jackson
Ms. Della Jackson
Mr. Bobby Jackson
Mr. Phil Jackson
Ms. Cynthia Jackson
Mrs. Carol Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Jacobs
Mrs. Sally Jacqmain
Ms. Belinda James
Ms. Johnetta James
Mr. Joe Janik
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jehle
Mr. Clyde Jenkins Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Jennings
Mr. Keith Jennings
Ms. Elizabeth Jerome
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jess
Mr. Arthur Johnson
Mrs. Bessie Johnson
Ms. Diane Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Johnson
Ms. Harriett Johnson
Mrs. Jennifer Johnson
Rev. and Mrs. John Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson
Ms. Victoria Johnson
Ms. Cathy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson
Ms. Susan Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Leonetta Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Willie F. Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones
Ms. Cindy A. Jones
Ms. Clasonya Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jones
Mr. Johnny Jones
Ms. Sandra Square Jones
Ms. Vickie D. Jones
Mr. Nedric Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Winfred C. Jones
Mr. Benjamin Jones
Dr. Gorman Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones
Dr. Lester Jones
Mr. Earnest Jordan
Ms. Florence Jordan
Ms. and Ms. Shawn Jordan
Ms. Stephanie Jordan
Mrs. Doc Judkins
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kabase
Mr. and Mrs. Miley Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly
Teray Kendall
Ms. Mozella Kerley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keyes
Ms. Estelle King
Mr. and Mrs. Billy King
Mr. Irving King
Ms. Katie Jo Kinney
Ms. Laura Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Missy Kitchens
Mr. and Mrs. George Kling, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Knight
Ms. June Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Knight
Ms. Viola Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Melchie Koonce
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kracke, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Krasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krause
Mr. Loren Krause
Mrs. Priscilla Krause
Mr. C. Richard Krout, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia L. Lackey
Mrs. Florence Ladd
Mrs. Rosa Lamar
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamb
Mr. Nathan Lambert
Mr. Clarence Landrum, Jr.
Ms. Peggy Lane
Ms. Martha Lang
Mrs. Melva Langford
Ms. Krista S. Langston
Ms. Melissa Langston
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lansdell
Ms. Cynthia Larry
Mr. Michael R. Lassiter
Ms. Debbie Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Laughmiller
Mr. Edward Laurendine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Lavett
Mr. Donald Lawrence
Ms. Janie Lawson
Mrs. Cathy Lawton
Mr. Gregory Ledford
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Ledoux
Ms. Billie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee
Mrs. Amanda Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Legrone
Mr. and Mrs. Gudrun Lemieux
Mr. Michael Leonard
Ms. Barbara LeShure
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lessley
Ms. Mary Beth Lester
Ms. Debra Lett
Mrs. Frantoria Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lewis, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lewis
Col. Winstone Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lindholm
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lipscomb, Jr.
Ms. Stefanie Little
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Littrell
Mr. Les Litzinger
Mrs. Kristin Long
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Looney
Ms. Lynn Lovelady
Mr. and Mrs. James Lovett
Ms. Margaret Lovvorn
Mrs. Martha Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thomas Lucas, Jr.
Dr. Olivia Ludwig
Mr. Eugene Lunceford
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lurwig
Ms. Josephine Lyas
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lynch
Ms. Beverly C. Mabry
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maddox
Mr. Dwight Madison
Mr. Stanley Maiden
Mr. Michael Maier
Ms. Jean P. Malden
Mr. Nestor Maldonado
Ms. Cynthia Malloy
Mrs. Kim Mangham-Barelare
Ms. Allison Mann
Ms. Maryann Manning
Ms. Wilma Marcrum
Ms. Irene Marinich
Mr. Brian Marsh
Ms. Patsy Martin
Mr. and Mrs. S. DeWayne Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin
Ms. Delorys Sankey Martin
Mr. Richard Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin
Mrs. Gayle Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Masonia
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Masonia
Ms. Eileen Mastracchio
Ms. Shelba Matheson
Ms. Kristin Matt
Mrs. Lisa Maxwell
Ms. Victoria Maynard
Mr. William Mayo
Ms. Sarrita Mays
Ms. Marcia L. McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAnnally
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. McCallum
Mr. John McCarron
Mr. and Mrs. James McClain
Ms. Michelle McCord
Mr. and Mrs. James McCrary
Ms. Ava McCullar
Col. and Mrs. George R. McCurdy, III
Ms. Lisa McDay
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James McFall
Ms. Diane McFarland
Ms. Mary McGhee
Mr. Russell S. McGhee
Mrs. Nancy A. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. William McGill
Ms. Mesherri McGill
Ms. Mary B. McGinty
Ms. Claudnette McGrew
Mr. Garry McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGuire
Ms. Susan McInnish
Mr. Alan McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. David B. McKee
Ms. Joan McKenna
Ms. Beverlyn McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Colin McKern
Ms. Kesha McLemore
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. McMahon, Jr.
Ms. Lashonda McNair
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McNider
Ms. Jan McNorton
Ms. Eva McVay
Ms. Rocine McWhirter
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Meiers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Merritt, Jr.
Ms. Yvonne Messer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Michael
Ms. Elaine Michaels
Ms. Flora Miles
Ms. Cynthia Miller
Ms. Mary Miller
Mrs. Sheila Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Miller
Mr. Joey Millican
Ms. Julie Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Milner
Ms. Kimberly H. Ming
Mr. and Mrs. William Minter
Rev. and Mrs. E. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mitchell
Mrs. Terry Mitchell
Mrs. Yvonne Mitchell
Mr. Jiley Mitchner, Jr.
Ms. Jenny Mixon
Ms. Cherry Mixon
Mr. Paul Mohr, Sr.
Ms. Tamara Moody
Mrs. Valerie Moon
Mrs. Louise Moore
Mrs. Michele Ellis Moore
Ms. Jeanette Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Moore
Mr. Rufus Aaron Moorehead, II
Mr. Ted Moreno
Ms. Brittany Morgan
Ms. Sherri Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Morris
Mrs. Leslie Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrow, Jr.
Mr. Richard Mort
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Mosley
Ms. Gwendolyn Mosley
Mrs. Sherri Moultrie
Ms. Sandra Moyer
Mrs. Neela Mudgal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mullins
Ms. Janice Mullins
Mr. Reginald Murchison
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murphy
Ms. Carol Murphy
Ms. Lashunda Murray
Ms. Kristee Music
Ms. Carol Myers
Ms. Jacquenetta Nails
Ms. Veda Nami
Mr. Thomas Neinast
Ms. Sherry Nelloms
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Neloms
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Mr. Taylor Nelson
Ms. Barbara Nelson
Ms. Samuetta Nesbitt
Mr. Bryan Neth
Ms. Jimmie Newberry
Mr. Derrick Newman
Ms. Uyen Nguyen
Ms. Anna S. Nichols
Ms. Brenda Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Norris
Ms. Winnie Norwood
Mrs. Lynn Oberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Obermann
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Odom, Jr.
Dr. Adedoyin Ogunbi
Mrs. Darlene Oldham
Mr. and Mrs. G. Eric Oller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ollinger
Ms. Mary R. O'Neal
Ms. Catalina Ontiveros
Mr. and Mrs. G. Orr
Mrs. Jeanna Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. John Otts
Mr. Steve Overton
Ms. Vicki Page
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Palmer
Judge Julie Palmer
Mrs. Marla Pams
Mr. Timothy Paramore
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker
Mrs. Marie Parrish
Ms. Rachel W. Parrish
Ms. Sue Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pate
Ms. Deborah Paul
Mr. Ronald S. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Don Payton
Ms. Linda Peagler
Mr. J. Wray Pearce
Mrs. Denise Peebles
Mr. and Mrs. William Peel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peele
Ms. Monica C. Pendleton
Dr. Jibin Peng
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pennington
Mrs. Barbara Pepe
Mr. and Mrs. Coy Perdue
Mrs. Amy Perkins
Ms. Olivia Perloff
Ms. Nikki Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Jerod Pettus
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Pettus
Mr. Trang T. Pham
Ms. Ellen A. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips
Ms. Cindy Phillips
Ms. Jennifer Phillips
Mr. Mike Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Phillips
Ms. Mona Pickett
Ms. Judith A. Pierce
Ms. Kathy Pierce
Ms. Debra R. Pierce
Mrs. Eleanor F. Pigan
Mrs. Johnny Piggott
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pitard
Ms. Marrin Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Pleasant
Ms. Sandra Pledger
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. David Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Poole
Mr. and Mrs. James Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porter
Ms. Karesa Potts
Ms. Patricia Powell
Ms. Moureen Powell
Ms. Jamelle Prewitt
Mrs. Kym Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. John Pribula
Ms. Carolyn Price
Ms. Kay Pridgen
Ms. Antoinette Pritchett
Mr. James W. Pritchett
Ms. Renee Pugh
Ms. Laverne Pugh
Mr. Steve Pyle
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Quarles, Jr.
Ms. Tonya Quick
Mrs. Janice Quinn
Mrs. Yvonne Quinn-Cantrell
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Raaflaub
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainge
Ms. Evelyn Ramsey-Smith
Mrs. Janet Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rankin
Mr. Jacob Ransom
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Brady Ratliff
Mrs. Ashley Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Brett L. Rayburn
Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond
Mrs. Pam Rea
Mr. Lamar Reaves
Mr. Brandon Reaves
Ms. Sandra Recio
Mr. Jeffrey Taylor Reed
Ms. Christina Reed
Mrs. Kimberly Reed
Ms. Tracy Reeves
Ms. Bobby Regnault
Mr. Cedric Reid
Ms. Grace Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Reid
Ms. Lelia Reid
Ms. Patsy Reid
Mr. Cedric Rembert
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds
Mrs. Angela Rhetta
Ms. Alabama Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rice
Mr. Jerry Rich
Ms. Cindy Richards
Mr. Michael Richards
Ms. Melissa Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Richardson
Ms. Gaytrice Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson
Ms. Shaunda Ridley
Ms. Susan Rinehart
Mr. Terry Ritchey
Dr. and Mrs. Ferris J. Ritchey
Ms. Rosa Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ritter
Mr. Bradon Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Roach
Ms. Lera Roark
Ms. Michelle Robbins
Mr. Steve Roberson
Ms. Barbara Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Roberts
Ms. Marsha E. Robins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson
Ms. Adrian Rodgers
Ms. Patricia G. Rodgers
Ms. Donna Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Jr.
Ms. Lynn Rogers
Ms. Odera Rogers
Ms. Tammy Rogers
Mr. Greg Rood
Ms. Virginia Rood
Ms. Josephine Roper
Ms. Beverly D. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Ross
Mr. and Mrs. David Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ross
Ms. Lucille Ross
Ms. Shelia Rosser
Mr. Paul C. Rote
Mr. Kenneth L. Rudolph
Ms. Sandra D. Rudolph
Mr. Rain Ruggerio
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rushano, Jr.
Ms. Rachel Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Rutherford, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Rutherford
Ms. Amanda Joyce Rutledge
Mr. Brian Ryals
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ryan
Mrs. Nancy Ryan
Ms. Julie Ryland
Mr. Gary Sagnella
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Saint
Mr. and Mr. Cary Salerno
Ms. Eleanor Sanders
Ms. Henrietta R. Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sanders
Mrs. Sandra Sandusky
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sartino
Mr. Alvin Sawyer
Mr. Sam Scalici
Mrs. Janet Schmidt
Mr. Brian Schmidtke
Ms. Amanda Schwarting
Mrs. Eleanor Schweinsberg
Ms. Ann Scioneaux
Ms. Debra A. Scott
Ms. Kristina Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott
Ms. Shonda Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William Scully, Jr.
Ms. B. Chandra Sekar
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Sellers
Mr. Francis Semmes
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sensintaffar
Mr. Nadiyah I. Seraaj
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shambley
Mrs. Lana Sharit
Ms. Barbara Shaw
Ms. Deborah Lee Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sheff
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sheffield
Ms. Frances Shehan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Shelton
Mr. Don Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. George Sherling
Mr. Nick Shields
Mr. Quez Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Shireman
Ms. Mary Shoemaker
Ms. Yvette Shuford
Ms. Edith Silas
Mr. Jeffrey L. Simmons, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Travolis Simmons
Mr. Richard Simmons
Mr. Maurice Simon
Ms. Susan Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Simpson
Irene and Henry Singer
Mrs. Maria Sipriano
Ms Rita Sisk
Ms. Shirley P. Smelley
Ms. Donna Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Felix L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Smith
Ms. Judy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Smith
Ms. Mary Jo Smith
Ms. Renee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith
Ms. Sandy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith
Mrs. Mary Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith
Mrs. Shelly Smith
Mr. Donald Smith
Ms. Robbie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Broderick D. Smith
Mr. William Smitherman
Mr. and Mrs. James Snead
Ms. Gwen Snoddy
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Sollie
Mr. and Mrs. John Somerville, IV
Mr. Domingo Soto
Mr. and Mrs. Buster Spears
Ms. Wanda Spillman
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sprayberry
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Springer
Ms. Patricia St. Blanc
Mr. and Mrs. David Stamey
Mr. and Mrs. John Stamm
Ms. Ann-Marie Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Starks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Steen
Mr. and Mrs. James Steincamp
Mr. and Mrs. Al Steinhauser
Mr. Elvis Stephens
Ms. Tonia Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart
Mr. Daniel Stewart
Mr. Paul Stinson
Mr. Ricky Stockton
Mrs. Nancy Stone
Ms. Beverly Stone
Linda and Jeff Stone
Mr. and Mrs. William Stone
Mr. Tyrance Story
Mrs. Dorothy Story
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Strait
Ms. Hosia Streeter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Streety
Ms. Sylvia Strothers
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Stukes
Mrs. Danean Sullenger
Ms. Linda Sullivan
Ms. Amy Sunderland
Ms. Cheri Sweatt
Mr. Richard Sweet
Mr. Karl Allen Swelling
Mr. Mike Swinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jamarcus Taite
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tankersley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Tanner
Mr. Russell Tanner
Mr. Jerry K. Tate
Ms. Linda Tate
Ms. Mary Tatum
Ms. Catherine K. Tatum
Mr. Michael Taylor
Ms. Rosalyn Taylor
Ms. Earlene Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor
Ms. Tiffany Taylor
Ms. Dianne C. Teague
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Teal
Ms. Deborah Tennyson
Ms. Deborah Tennyson
Mr. and Mrs. David Thacker
Ms. Marci Tharan
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. Algernon Thomas, Sr.
Ms. Annie Thomas
Ms. Denise Thomas
Ms. Sonjia Thomas
Ms. Annie Thompson
Ms. Felicia A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
Mr. Stanley Thornton
Ms. Mae B. Thornton
Mr. Beryl H. Thrasher
Mr. and Mrs. Ramulu Thundena
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thurman
Mr. Robert Thuston
Mr. Ronald Thweatt
Mr. Alan Tichansky
Mr. L. S. Tilghman
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Tillman
Mr. Perry Timberlake
Dr. and Mrs. Ashita Tolwani
Ms. Katherine Tomko
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Toner
Mrs. Beth Toner
Mrs. Helen Tornquist
Ms. Melani Townsend
Mr. Chris Townson
Mr. Darry Towry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Tramble
Mr. Tim Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trice
Mr. Ericsson Trieu
Mr. Robert Trotter
Ms. Rebecca Troyer
Mr. Will Tucker
Ms. Angela Tudisco
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Tuggle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turner
Ms. Rachael W. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Will P. Turner
Mr. David Underhill
Mr. and Mrs. William Valentine
Ms. Lorie Vance
Ms. Patricia Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vandiver
Mr. Jason VanHorn
Ms. Dianne Vann
Ms. Karen Vansant
Mrs. Maggie Varga
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Vaughn
Ms. Latasha Vereen
Ms. Cristy L. Vice
Mrs. Jennifer Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Vu
Mrs. Connie Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wade
Mrs. Jane Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Walker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker
Ms. Naomi Walker
Ms. Nelva Walker
Ms. Ola Bell Walker
Ms. Tarja V. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker
Mrs. Amy Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace
Ms. Susan Wallace
Ms. Blanche Wallace
Mr. Justin Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wanner
Mr. and Mrs. James Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Warnke
Ms. Tullie M. Warren
Ms. Lillian Warren
Ms. Edweina Washington
Mrs. Linda Waterman
Mrs. Coletta Watson
Ms. Lela Watson
Mr. Robert Watson
Ms. Sandy Watson
Mr. Timothy Watts
Ms. and Ms. Manessa Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver
Ms. Nancy Weaver
Mrs. and Mr. Edna Weaver
Ms. Erica Webb
Mrs. Dorothy Webb
Mrs. Dorothy Webb
Ms. Jerri Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alfred Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Ardis T. Weems
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weldon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Welty
Ms. Michele Wenter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wesson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. West
Ms. Penny Westmoreland
Ms. Brooke Wheat
Mr. Paul Whitcomb
Ms. Elvesta White
Ms. Frances R. White
Ms. Jennifer White
Mr. John White
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. White
Ms. Traci White
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. White
Mr. Bennie White
Ms. Gidget Whitlow
Ms. Carol A. Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Whitt
Ms. Caroline Whitt
Mr. Charles Wiggins
Ms. June Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilburn
Mrs. Shirley Wilcox
Ms. Diana Wilkerson
Mrs. Sheila Wilkinson
Mr. John H. Willauer
Mrs. Bonnie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Williams
Ms. Corlene Williams
Mrs. Dardanelle Williams
Ms. Glenda P. Williams
Ms. Gwen Williams
Ms. Jana C. Williams
Ms. Sharon Williams
Ms. Sharon Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Williams
Ms. Bettye Willis
Ms. Linda Willis
Ms. Ethel Wills
Mr. Michael Wilson
Mr. Randy Wilson
Ms. Ferrann Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Wilson
Mr. J. Wilson
Ms. Chiquita Wilson-Penn
Mrs. Tracy Wimberley
Ms. Agatha Windsor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witherington
Mrs. Patricia Wittig
Ms. Linda Wood
Mrs. Sherry Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R. Wood
Mr. Woody Woodfin
Mr. and Mrs. David Woodruff
Ms. Aleshia Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Alis Woods
Ms. Geneva Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wooten
Ms. Christa Wren
Mr. Bill Wright
Ms. Kimberly C. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Kip Wright
Ms. Marian N. Wright
Ms. Joanne Xenelis
Ms. Rende Yates
Mr. Wren Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Yerby
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young
Mr. Mark S. Young
Ms. Melanie Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Young
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Young
Ms. Mable Youngblood
Ms. Kandi L. Zackie
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Zeigler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zimmerman
up to $25
Ms. Deletha Abrams
Ms. Dessie Abston
Ms. Tanisha Adair
Ms. Audrey Elaine Adamson
Ms. Stephanie Aguirre
Mr. Brad Ainsworth
Mr. Randall Albaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alexander
Mrs. Ferry Alford
Mr. James Allen
Mr. Leo Allen and Dr. Tina Allen
Ms. Helen Alvarado
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Amberger
Ms. Anne O. Amick
Mr. Charles Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Anderson
Mrs. Karen Anderson
Ms. Mary Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. William Anthony
Mrs. Valerie Aplin
Ms. Eugenia Armbrecht
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mark Armstrong
Ms. Brenda Armstrong
Ms. Vicki Armstrong
Ms. Jeanne Arnold
Mrs. Lynn Arnold
Ms. Valerie Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Atkisson
Ms. Anne Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Austin
Ms. Phyllis Avery
Mr. J.E. Avrard, III
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bailey
Mr. Tim Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Balch
Ms. Doris Ball
Mr. and Mrs. William Balliew
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banker
Ms. Carol Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bannister
Ms. Deborah J. Barber
Ms. Mary Jean Barisa
Mr. Brian Barker
Mr. Glen Barlow
Ms. Rhonda Barnes
Ms.Tiffany Barnes
Ms. Joni Barnett
Ms. Patricia Barnett
Mr. Stephen Bartlett
Ms. Charlotte Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bates
Ms. Caitlin Bates
Mr. Gregory Bayens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beach
Ms. Tanya Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Beale
Mr. Larry Beamon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beams
Mr. Sanborn Bean Jr.
Ms. Amy Beasley
Mrs. Victoria Beavers
Mr. Donnie Beckham
Mr. Thomas B. Bedsole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Behm
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bell
Ms. Harriett Bell
Mr. John Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Neal R. Berte
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Beshears
Ms. Tammy Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Beyerle
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Biddlecombe
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bigham
Ms. Klarien Birchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bishop, Jr.
Mr. Terry Black
Ms. Claudia R. Blackwell
Ms. Connie Blalock
Mrs. Patti Bland
Mr. and Mrs. William Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blankenhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Blankenship
Mr. Michael Blythe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boettger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bolin
Ms. Lucinda Bollinger
Mrs. Christa Bolton
Mr. Al Bondurant
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bonner, III
Ms. Mary E. Bottcher
Ms. Roma Bounds
Ms. Melanie V. Bouyer
Ms. Barbara Bowers
Ms. Yolanda Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyd
Ms. Thelisia Boykin
Mr. and Mrs. James Brackin
Mr. and Mrs. William Bracks
Ms. Joycelyn Bradford
Mr. James Edward Brake
Ms. Sylvia Brantley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Brantley
Mr. and Mrs. James Breech
Mr. and Mrs. Don Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brewer
Ms. Rachel Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Briggs
Ms. Holle Briskman
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Bromberg
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Brooks
Ms. Shirley Brooks
Ms. Alberta Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Brown
Mr. Bud Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David Brown
Ms. Delaine T. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Brown
Mr. Edward Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bunn
Ms. Katherine Buntin
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burchell
Ms. Ruby P. Burden
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Burgess
Ms. Lindsey Burnett
Ms. Hannah Burnette
Mr. James Burnham, Jr.
Ms. Lula Burton
Mr. Stephen Busenlehner
Mr. Ben Byerly
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byrd
Mr. John E. Byrd
Ms. Varrie D. Byrd
Mr. Luis Cabrere
Ms. Linda Cain
Ms. Carolyn Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Calloway
Ms. Lannora D. Camel
Mr. Thomas Cameron, Jr.
Ms. Myra Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William Capps, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Cardwell
Mr. Robert Carlisle
Ms. Mattie Marie Carr
Ms. Latisa Carroll
Ms. Myrna Carroll
Ms. Ellen Carson
Ms. Amanda Carter
Ms. Showanda Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eugene Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Causey
Mrs. A.T. Cephus
Ms. Dottie Chamberland
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Chambliss
Mr. and Mrs. Carey A. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Chapman
Ms. Cheryl Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chatel
Mr. Jason Childress
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Childs
Mr. Francis Chirico
Ms. Linda B. Christy
Mr. Ernie Clark
Ms. Mary Clark
Ms. Ruby Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Clarke
Mr. Marshall Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Clickner
Mr. Bobby Clifton
Mrs. Jacqueline Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Mark P. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coker
Dr. Ashley Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cole
Mr. Bentley M. Collier
Mr. James Collier, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Collier
Ms. Charlotte R. Collins
Ms. Debby Collins
Ms. Roberta Collins
Ms. Jacqueline Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Cook
Mr. and Mrs Tom Cook
Mrs. Pam Cooley
Ms. Sheila Cooley
Ms. Mary B. Cooper
Ms. Shana Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Copus
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cordor
Mrs. Bessie Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Corretti
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Corte
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Coston
Mr. Tim Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cramer
Ms. Virginia Creamer
Ms. Lynda Creasy
Dr. Henry Crommelin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Crook
Rev. Ronald Croom and
Mr. Joseph Croom
Ms. Angela Cross
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Culbreth
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cullighan
Ms. Lori Currie
Mr. Bobbie Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chad Daniel, IV
Ms. Isabel Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dansby
Ms. Kelly Davidson
Mrs. Brenda Davidson
Mr. Charlie Davis
Mrs. Julie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis
Mr. Julian Davis, III
Mr. Ronnie Davis
Mrs. Sonja A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Davis, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Deason
Ms. Jeannette Debardleben
Ms. Christine Dedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Dees
Ms. Nikita Dees
Mr. Lawrence Deramus, Jr.
Ms. Casey DeVaney
Ms. Betty DeVault
Ms. Colleen DeVoe
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Dinges
Ms. Betty Dobbs
Mr. John C. Dobbs
Ms. Shirley Dodd
Ms. Teresa Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Dolan
Ms. Diane Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. James Donaldson
Ms. Retha R. Dorough
Mr. Bill Dorrough
Ms. Estrella Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Doughty
Ms. Bertha A. Douglas
Ms. Janet Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. William Dover
Mr. Haywood A. Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drake
Ms. Tonya Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Drexler
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Drummonds
Ms. Erin Dunlap
Ms. Theresa P. Dunn
Ms. Zoey Dunn
Mr. Harry Durden
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Durham, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Dyas
Mr. Perry Dyck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edington
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Egeto
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Elgavish
Ms. Rebecca Ellingwood
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Elliott
Ms. Mary Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emberg
Mr. Robert Emerson
Ms. Rosemary Emrick
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Essix
Ms. Maria P. Estrada
Mr. Mark Etheridge
Mr. Robert Etheridge
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Ethridge
Mrs. Debbie Evans
Mr. Melvin Evans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Evans
Mrs. Sherry Ezell
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Fairfax
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fanchier
Ms. Robin Farnell
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Faulkner
Ms. Martina Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Faust
Ms. Ashley Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Ferguson
Ms. Jacquelyn Ferreira
Ms. Nancy Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Fisher
Drs. John and Laura Fiveash
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Floyd
Mrs. Sue Fobbus
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Forbes
Ms. Ashley Ford
Ms. Dianne Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Ford
Mr. Jared Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Forrest
Ms. Heide Forsythe
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrius Forward, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodham G. Foxworth
Mrs. Marion R. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Free
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Freeman
Ms. Karen L. French
Mr. and Mrs. John Frith
Ms. Sherry Fulks
Ms. Gabrielle Furgerson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Furlong
Mr. Christopher Gagliano
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gann
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall Gardner
Ms. Paulette Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garrick
Mrs. Nettie Garth
Mr. Kevin Garwood
Mrs. Mona Gautney
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Gedling
Ms. Robin Gee
Mr. Robert Giddeon
Ms. Pamela Gideon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gifford
Ms. Barbara Gilbert
Ms. Jacques Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gill
Ms. Theresa Gill
Ms. Dona Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillott
Dr. and Mrs. R. David Glasgow
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Glass
Ms. Debra Glenn
Ms. Pearlene Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Golden
Ms. Kathy Goode
Ms. Beverly L. Goodson
Mr. Richard S. Goodwin
Mr. G. E. Graf
Mr. Allen Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Grantland
Ms. Annette R. Graves
Ms. Carrie Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight R. Gray
Ms. Krista Gray
Ms. Mildred Gray
Mrs. Jackie Grayson
Ms. Tanganyika Grayson
Mr. Brent Green
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Green
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Green
Mr. and Mrs. James Green
Mrs. Judy Green
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Green
Mr. Vernandi R. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. James Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grier
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Guice
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gunn
Ms. L. J. Guthmann
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gutierrez
Ms. Lorene Hacker
Ms. Edwana Hagler
Mr. Dennis Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallowell
Ms. Daphne Hamilton
Ms. Karen Hamilton
Ms. Chelsey Hamlin
Mr. Clay Hammond
Mrs. Michelle Hampton
Ms. Pomposa Hansen
Ms. Nancy Haragan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardison
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hardwick
Mr. David Hargrove
Ms. Ann R. Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. Harris
Ms. Cheryl V. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dewayne Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robrert Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harris
Ms. Lashelton Harrison
Mrs. Kathleen Hart
Ms. Brenda Hartzog
Dr. Danny Hartzog
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harville
Ms. Stephanie A. Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. John Hatchett, Jr.
Dr. Vera Hauptfeld-Dolejsek
Ms. Ava Havard
Mr. Lonnie Hawkins
Mr. Timothy Hawkins
Ms. Katherine Hays
Ms. Cassandra Head
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Heald
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hearns
Mrs. Carol Heinse
Ms. Traci Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hendon
Ms. Patty Kay Hendricks
Ms. Valerie Henslee
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Herold
Mr. and Mrs. James Hester
Mr. and Mrs. David Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Higginbotham
Ms. Amy Hill
Ms. Sherri Hilliar
Mr. Bryan Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hines
Ms. Connie Hinkle
Ms. Catherine Hitt
Mrs. Angela Curry Hodge
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hoit
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Holden
Ms. Tammy C. Holiness
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holliman
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Holman
Mrs. Annie Hooks
Ms. Judith Hornady
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hornbuckle
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Houser
Ms. Lucille Howard
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Howell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huckabaa
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Huckestein
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Huddle
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huffman
Ms. Patricia Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hughes
Mrs. Tricia Hughes
Mr. Herbert Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew J. Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hunter-Gilbert
Ms. Debra Troncone
Mr. Matt Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Irons
Mrs. Tammy Irons
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Isom
Ms. Laquita Ivory
Mr. Bobby Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Grover D. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie M. Jackson
Dr. Katie Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jackson
Mr. Sylvette Jackson
Mr. Frank James
Mr. and Mrs. Mryon James
Ms. Sallie James
Ms. Georgann Jantzen
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jarmon
Mr. Dennis Jarrells
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarvinen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Errek Jett
Ms. Barbara Johns
Mr. Arthur Johnson
Mrs. Bessie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Samuel Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Jessica Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson
Ms. Pula Johnson
Ms. Susan Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thaxter Johnson
Mr. Harold Johnston
Ms. Kathy Johnston
Mrs. Ann Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Willie F. Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolley
Mr. Benjamin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George Francis Jones
Mr. Jesse Jones
Mr. Joshua Jones
Ms. Linda Jones
Mr. Richmond Jones
Ms. Vickie D. Jones
Ms. Whittney Jones
Ms. Janet Jordan
Ms. Stephanie Jordan
Ms. Elizabeth Jorden
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Justice
Ms. Alison Kaczmarczyk
Mrs. Pamela Kadle
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kanute
Mr. and Mrs. James Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. James Kaye, III
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Kaylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Keeshan
Ms. Jessica Kellenberger
Ms. Mary Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kelly
Ms. Florence Kessler
Ms. Rubynell Key
Ms. Robyn Kilpatrick
Ms. Estelle King
Ms. Kim King
Ms. Margaret J. King
Ms. Katie Jo Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kirby
Mrs. Jennifer Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Kirkpatrick
Ms. Lela Klatson
Ms. Lori Knarr
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Knight
Ms. Selusta Knight
Ms. Tamaya R. Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kracke, Jr.
Ms. Pam Krnjaich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuck
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herbert Lackey, III
Mr. Mark LaCroix
Mrs. Florence Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. James Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane
Mr. Damien Langan
Ms. Barbara Langford
Ms. Kimberly Langham
Ms. Krista S. Langston
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dewayne Lankford
Mrs. Anita Latham
Ms. Cheryl Law
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Law
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Lazarus
Ms. Allison Leblanc
Mr. Christopher Lee
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lee
Ms. Maureen Lee
Mrs. Nellie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Legrone
Mr. Donald D. Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard
Mr. David Lesnick
Ms. Bobbye Lessman
Ms. Mary Lester
Ms. Jennifer Letchworth
Mr. and Mrs. Scotty A. Lett
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lewis Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Enest Lightbourne
Mrs. George A. Lindholm
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Littrell
Ms. Jeri Lockett
Ms. Sue Locklar
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Loeser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Long
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Long
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Long
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Lowry
Mr. Scott Lowry
Ms. Juawana Loyde
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thomas Lucas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lucas
Ms. Sandra N. Luther
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lynch
Mr. Alma Machado
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maddox
Ms. Jane Maguire
Mrs. Madie Jo Mahan
Mr. Nestor Maldonado
Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Mallory
Mrs. Margaret Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. David Marcrum
Ms. Delorise Mardis
Ms. Alison Marler
Ms. Priscilla Martin
Mr. Richard Martin
Mr. and Mrs. S. DeWayne Martin
Mr. and Mrs. David Marzette
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Masonia
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Masonia
Mr. and Mrs. Darryll Massey
Ms. Rosemary U. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Matlock
Mr. Alan Mayes
Ms. Mary Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. James Maze
Ms. Lovie McAboy
Ms. Marcia L. McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McBride
Ms. Andrea McCafferty
Ms. Annie McCain
Ms. Sherry McCall
Mr. Thad McClammy
Ms. Katherine McCloud
Mr. and Mrs. John McConnell
Mr. Douglas McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. James McCrary
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McDonald
Mr. Owen McDonnell, Jr.
Ms. Mesherri McGill
Mrs. Nancy A. McGill
Ms. Kim McGlothan
Ms. Claudnette McGrew
Ms. Brenda McHoward
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. McKay
Ms. Irene McKee
Ms. Joan McKenna
Ms. Beverlyn McKenzie
Ms. Evelyn McKinzie
Mr. and Mrs. William H. McLemore
Ms. Virginia McLeod
Mr. Troy McMichael
Ms. Lashonda McNair
Ms. Jennifer McNees
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McNorton
Ms. Cindy McRee
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McTier
Ms. Eva McVay
Ms. Karen Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Means
Ms. Patricia G. Melton
Ms. Debra Messner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mikkelsen
Ms. Flora Miles
Mrs. Sheila Miller
Mrs. Deborah Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Miller
Ms. Kimberly H. Ming
Ms. Judy Page Mitchell
Ms. Lori Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell
Mrs. Yvonne Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Mize
Ms. Ashley Mock
Mr. Paul Mohr, Sr.
Mr. Hernan Montoya
Ms. Tamara Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Moore
Ms. Jeanette Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Mrs. Michele Ellis Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moore
Mrs. Paula Moore
Ms. Marsha Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Morris
Mrs. Leslie Morrison
Ms. Sandra Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mullis
Ms. Christie Munford
Mr. John Munroe
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murphy
Ms. Deborah Murray
Ms. Lashunda Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Myers
Ms. Barbara D. Nave
Ms. Barbara Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Nelson
Mr. Taylor Nelson
Mr. Ed Nesmith
Ms. Uyen Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nicholson
Ms. Lizeidy Nieves-Vera
Ms. Shirley T. Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Nolan, Jr.
Ms. Labrenda Norman
Mr. George Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Norris
Mr. and Mrs. T. Northrop
Mr. and Mrs. James Nowell
Mr. and Mrs. Orvil R. Nunley
Ms. Kelly O'Brien
Mr. Eddie Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Odom, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. G. Eric Oller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ollinger
Ms. Mary R. O'Neal
Ms. Helen O'Neill
Ms. Cheryl Orebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ory
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Owens
Ms. Gayle Ozbirn
Mr. William H. Pace
Ms. Tammy Painter
Judge Julie Palmer
Ms. Alys Paravicini
Ms. M. M. Parcus
Ms. Robin Parden
Ms. Mildred Paris
Ms. Althea Parker
Mr. Brian D. Parker
Mr. H.D. Parker
Ms. Teresa Parker
Ms. Johnetta Parks
Ms. Sharon Parmer
Ms. Rachel W. Parrish
Ms. Sue Parsons
Ms. Nancy Pasley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pate
Mr. Sam Pate
Mrs. Doris Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Patton
Ms. Jemallen Payne
Ms. Maria Payne
Mr. Ronald S. Payne
Ms. Adrian Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Peers
Ms. Norma Peoples
Mr. John Perkins
Ms. Lakeela Perryman
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Perryman
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Pettus
Ms. Sandra C. Pettway
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Peveler
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenza Pharrams
Ms. Cindy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Phillips
Ms. Kelly Phillips
Mr. Mike Phillips
Drs. Rick and Susan Phillips
Robert and Margie Phillips
Robert and Susan Phillips
Ms. Mona Pickett
Ms. Debra R. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pierce
Mrs. Eleanor F. Pigan
Mrs. Johnny Piggott
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. R. Joe Planson
Ms. Leslie Podbel
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ponder, III
Mrs. Lila Pongonis
Mr. and Mrs. Arlon S. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Poole
Ms. Cora Pooler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porter
Mr. Johnny Portis
Mr. Keith Posey
Ms. Karesa Potts
Ms. Deborah Powe
Ms. Channel Powell
Mr. and Mrs. David Ray Powell
Ms. Denise Powell
Mr. M. P. Powell
Ms. Maureen Powell
Ms. Nancy Powell
Mr. Richard H. Powell, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powell
Ms. Yolanda Presnell
Mr. Bert Price
Mr. Jimmie Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Puckett
Ms. Marcia Pugh
Ms. Renee Pugh
Ms. Gale R. Quarles
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Raaflaub
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radford
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainge
Ms. Janet Rakestraw
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Ramsay
Ms. Evelyn Ramsey-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rankin
Mr. Emanuel Rankins
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ratliff
Ms. Joy Ray
Ms. Karen Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Brett L. Rayburn
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reed
Mrs. Kimberly Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reese
Ms. Mary Reeves
Mr. Cedric Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds
Ms. Pamela D. Reynolds
Ms. Sondra B. Reynolds
Ms. Sandra Rhodes
Ms. Amanda Richards
Ms. Cindy Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Irven D. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rickard
Ms. Kelly Ridgeway
Ms. Serena Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Ritter
Mr. John Ritter
Ms. Rosa Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roach
Ms. Barbara Roberts
Ms. Marsha E. Robins
Ms. Barbara B. Robinson
Ms. Bridget Robinson
Mr. Johnnie Robinson
Ms. Adrian Rodgers
Ms. Debra Rodkin
Ms. Lynn Rogers
Ms. Odera Rogers
Ms. Mary F. Rohling
Mr. Gene Ross
Ms. Shelia Rosser
Mr. Paul C. Rote
Ms. Donna Rotton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Rudd
Ms. Glynis S. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saiia
Ms. Eleanor Sanders
Ms. Henrietta R. Sanders
Ms. Celia Sapp
Mrs. Mingyawna Satterwhite
Ms. Jody Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Scoggins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
Ms. Muriel Scott
Mr. Ronald Scott
Ms. Shonda Scott
Ms. Gayle Seale
Mr. Mark Segal
Ms. Nancy Seibt
Ms. Dawn Self
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Self
Mrs. Martha Semplinski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sewell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Shapiro
Mr. Doug Sharp
Mr. Anthony Sharpe
Ms. Linda Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sheffield
Ms. Tatia R. Shelby-Brown
Mrs. Janice Shelton
Ms. Velma A. Shelton
Ms. Vanessa Shoots
Ms. Susan Shunnarah
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sigman
Ms. Amanda Simmons
Ms. Barbara Simmons
Mr. Jeff Simmons
Ms. Janie Simon
Mr. Jonathan Simon
Ms. Susan Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sims
Mr. Keith Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Singer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singley
Ms. Adilene Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smallwood
Ms. Shirley P. Smelley
Ms. Robyn Smiley
Ms. Belinda Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Boykin Smith
Ms. Charisse Smith
Mr. Edward Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Smith
Ms. Generva Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Jr.
Ms. Gwen C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Smith
Ms. Judy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Smith
Ms. Mary Jo Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Smith
Mrs. Rebecca Smith
Ms. Renee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith
Ms. Trina Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James Snead
Ms. Gwen Snoddy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. John Somerville, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Spann
Mr. Jeremy Sparkman
Mr. William Spaulding
Mr. and Mrs. Buster Spears
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Springer
Mr. Michael Springrose
Mr. Edward Stafford
Ms. Teresa Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. David Stamey
Ms. Ann-Marie Stanford
Mrs. Carol Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stedman, Sr.
Mr. Kelvin Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Al Steinhauser
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Stern
Ms. Nancy Stetson
Mrs. Janice Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart
Ms. Lori Stidham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stiles
Ms. Beverly Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Mrs. Fern Strahan
Ms. Theresa Straughn
Ms. Hosia Streeter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Streety
Mr. and Mrs. James Stringfellow, Jr.
Ms. Rochelle Strother-Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Stubblefield
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Studdard
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stutts
Mr. Clyde Sudduth
Ms. Amy Sunderland
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Svetlay, Jr.
Ms. Donna Swack
Mr. Richard Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Jamarcus Taite
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Tanis
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Tanner
Ms. Laura Ann Tarver
Mr. Jerry K. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tatum, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Taylor
Ms. Dianne C. Teague
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Teal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teare
Ms. Cassandra Terry
Ms. Susan Terry
Mr. and Mrs. David Thacker
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Thigpen
Mr. Corey Thomas
Ms. Denise Thomas
Ms. LaQuisha Thomas
Ms. Thelma Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Felton Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
Ms. Krissi Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Thompson
Mr. Stafford Thompson
Ms. Mae B. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thrash
Mr. Beryl H. Thrasher
Mr. and Mrs. Ramulu Thundena
Ms. Lesley Tighe
Mr. and Mrs. Arty Todd
Ms. Renae Tolleson
Ms. Caroline Towns
Mr. Clarence and Dr. Katrina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trice
Ms. Mavis Tubbs and
Ms. Bonnie Tubbs
Mr. and Mrs. David Tudisco
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Tuggle
Ms. Kim Tunnell
Ms. Rachael W. Turner
Ms. Melody Tyner
Ms. Virginia Tyson
Mr. John R. Vail
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Valenti
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Varner
Ms. Katherine Vega
Ms. Cristy L. Vice
Mr. Otto Voellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Vu
Mr. and Mrs. Tien Vu
Mr. Ramakanth Vydyula
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Walker
Mr. George Walker
Ms. Janie Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker
Ms. Rebecca Walker
Ms. Tarja V. Walker
Mr. Andy Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Walley
Mr. Justin Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walls
Ms. Elizabeth Walmsley
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Ward
Ms. Mary Ward
Ms. Melinda Ward
Ms. Lillian Warren
Mr. Johnnie B. Washington
Ms. Kinyatta T. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Watson, Jr.
Mr. William T. Watson
Ms. Schettler Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Weathers
Mr. Jonathan Weaver
Ms. Leigh Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weaver
Mrs. Dorothy Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Ardis T. Weems
Ms. Julie Weems
Ms. Shirley Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wells
Mr. Larry Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells
Ms. Michele Wenter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wesson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. West
Mr. Bennie White
Ms. Kathy White
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. White
Ms. Mary Lou White
Mr. and Mrs. Pat White
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. White
Ms. Sylvia White
Ms. Traci White
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitley
Mr. Lucas Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilburn
Ms. Diana Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkinson
Mr. John H. Willauer
Ms. Angel Williams
Mrs. Barbara Williams
Ms. Carolyn Williams
Mrs. Dardanelle Williams
Ms. Darlyne Williams
Ms. Deborah Williams
Ms. Glenda P. Williams
Ms. Jo Ann Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Mr. Michael Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William Williams
Ms. Jennifer Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson Jr.
Ms. Edna Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Willis
Dr. Faye Wilson
Ms. Loretta Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson
Ms. Venus Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John Windley
Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell Wolsfelt
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R. Wood
Ms. Paula Wood
Mrs. Sherry Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodham
Mr. and Mrs. Jethro J. Woodson
Ms. Paula Wray
Ms. Belinda Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wylie
Ms. Rende Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Yerby
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Young
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young
Ms. Melanie Young
Ms. Samantha Young
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Youngblood

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