San Marco, view of eastern apse. Transformadon


San Marco, view of eastern apse. Transformadon
TransformaDon San Marco, view of eastern apse. San Marco, West Façade
San Marco: Porta del Mar, south façade Pillars from Acre Spolia Fourth Crusade – 1202-­‐04 Porphyry columns from the central portal Columns from Acre Tetrachs, 305 CE. Porphyry, ca. 4’3” high. Original LocaDon: ConstanDnople Now: SW Corner of the façade of San Marco, Venice ByzanDne relief icons: Orant Virgin and Archangel Gabriel. North façade of San Marco, Venice Lysippus, Triumphal Quadriga or Horses of St Mark's, 4th Century BCE. Bronze. Originally from ConstanDnople, brought to Venice in 1204, now at San Marco treasury, copies on the facade. Lysippus, Triumphal Quadriga or Horses of St Mark's, 4th Century BCE. Bronze. Originally from ConstanDnople, brought to Venice in 1204, now at San Marco treasury, copies on the facade. East vs. West Anonymous Central Portal, Relief illustraDng November, 13th century. Porta dei Fiori, 13th-­‐century. Porta Sant'Alipio, with stone window grilles, ca. 13th-­‐century. Damascus, Great Mosque, begun 702, showing stone window grilles, later removed. Photographed, 1862. Cairo, City of the Dead. Iconography Arrival of the Body of Saint Mark. Venice: San Marco, LuneTe above the Porta Alippio. Mosaic, 13th Century. Archangel Gabriel and Virgin Annunciate, San Marco, Venice. Interior San Marco, Modern plan. PendenDve triangles Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, Hagia Sophia, ConstanDnople, 532-­‐537 Antonio VisenDni, Drawing of the old mosaic floor of San Marco, 1761, sanguine drawing. San Marco, Mosaic detail Cartoon Tessara (pl. Tessere) Joachim del Fiore or Jacopo VeneDco credited with concepDon of Mosaics Iconographic Program Program includes scenes from: Live of Christ, Life of the Virgin, Saint Mark, Other Saints Ascension dome Betrayal of Christ, narraDve mosaic in the arch of the passion, 12th century. Scenes from the life of the Virgin. Capella Nuova. Based on Cartoons by Jacopo Bellini, Andrea del Castagno, Michele Giambono, 1448-­‐1451. Genesis Dome: CreaDon of Adam and Eve mosaic. Narthex. Jacopo de Barbari, View of Venice, 1500. Woodblock. Piazza di San Marco 1090: CompleDon of Contarinian Basilica 1172-­‐1178: PalaHum Communis – Communal Palace: Palazzo Ducale constructed under SebasDano Ziani to house all three branches of the Republic’s government, 1170s: Start of the development of the Piazza Fra Paolinos Minorita, Plan of Venice (Detail), Chronologia Magna, Bibl. Marciana, Ms. lat. Z. 399, fourteenth century. Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. N PIAZZA SAN MARCO 1170s – Start of development of the Piazza di San Marco 1260s – Whole square paved ProcuraDe Vecchie Basilica di San Marco Campanile ProcuraDe Nuove Palazzo Ducale Procuratorie di San Marco 1152: First Record of the Opus ecclesie SancH Marci Original responsibility: general fiscal and administraDve responsibility of S Marks and its endowments ProcuraDe Vecchie Basilica di San Marco Campanile ProcuraDe Nuove Palazzo Ducale Columns Bricolage Saint Theodore, Erected end of 12th Century PALAZZO DUCALE 1172-­‐1178: PalaHum Communis – Communal Palace: Palazzo Ducale constructed under SebasDano Ziani Fra Paolinos Minorita, Plan of Venice (Detail), Chronologia Magna, Bibl. Marciana, Ms. lat. Z. 399, fourteenth century. Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. View of the Bacino di San Marco, Codice di Marco Polo, fourteenth century. Oxford, Bodleian Library. Palazzo Ducale 1172-­‐1178: PalaHum Communis – Communal Palace: Palazzo Ducale constructed under SebasDano Ziani 1297 – Serrata del Maggior Consiglio (Closing of the Great Council) 1340-­‐460s: ConstrucDon of the Modern Palazzo Ducale Fra Paolinos Minorita, Plan of Venice (Detail), Chronologia Magna, Bibl. Marciana, Ms. lat. Z. 399, fourteenth century. Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. Venice, Palazzo Ducale. Funds for construcDon first allocated 1340 Structure largely completed by the mid 1360s Southern wing possibly completed by 1344 Pythagorean column West façade – 14th Century 1340 – Start of construcDon Early 1360 release of funds to complete construcDon 1366 – Release of funds for PainDng Program 1422 – ConstrucDon of Western wing commences Venice, Palazzo Ducale. Stone cross vaults, ogee arches Istrian stone and red Verona Marble Crenellated screen Veneto ByzanDne Architecture Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, 1299. View of the Bacino di San Marco, Codice di Marco Polo, fourteenth century. Oxford, Bodleian Library.