business briefs - Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership


business briefs - Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership
Storm Surge
& Media
Bay Area
Our Partners
9 ,
President’s Letter
2 0 1 6
Bob Mitchell
There are so many positive things happening in Bay Area Houston right now
that it would take this entire newsletter to
even begin a discussion about them.
Therefore, I’d like to mention just one
initiative that is so vital to this region —
storm surge suppression. We’ve been
working with our local legislators for
some time to encourage the State of Texas
to take a serious interest in coastal protection. (On page 2 you can read about related activities.)
Over the past six months, momentum in
Austin has been building to take action on
this sooner rather than later after the next
big hurricane hits — and it will.
During a keynote address at the Energy
Thought Summit on March 29th, Texas
Land Commissioner George P. Bush said
that protecting the Texas coast will be his
priority during the 2017 legislative session. “More than 7.1 million people, of
the 28 million that reside in our state, live
in a coastal area,” Bush
said. “One quarter of
the nation’s refining
capacity also resides in the Houston Ship
Channel – not to mention the tens of thousands of jobs in the fourth-largest metropolitan area in our country. So, protecting
these assets among our people and our
community should be a national security
priority of the highest order.”
Ongoing studies support the costbenefit ratio of the coastal spine system,
or Ike Dike concept, that Dr. Bill Merrell
of Texas A&M University at Galveston
and BAHEP have been promoting since
2009. The importance of having a champion for storm surge suppression at this
level of the Texas government cannot be
overstated. It looks as though the tide is
finally turning in favor of getting the studies completed and building a system that
will protect us and future generations
from the devastation of storm surge.
Business Assistance
the county joined this call in order to
pledge support for continuing the effort to
keep insurance affordable and available to
everyone. The call outlined efforts to include local governments and citizens in
the FEMA Flood Map re-imaging process
and avoid unilateral decision making at
the federal level. The coalition is now a
501(c)(3). Membership schedules were
announced that include the Board of Directors level at $10,000 and Investor level
at $2,500.
The Coalition for Sustainable Flood
Insurance Advocacy Initiative
On Feb. 23, 2016, BAHEP joined the conference call for the Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance’s kickoff of the advocacy efforts for the 2017 Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program. More than 100 entities from across
John Elbon, vice
manager, Space
Exploration, The
Boeing Company;
Randy Weber ;
BAHEP President
Bob Mitchell (l to r)
Randy Weber (l)
and Steve Paterson,
League City
Regional Chamber
of Commerce
BAHEP Discusses its Legislative
Agenda with Sen. Larry Taylor and
Rep. Greg Bonnen
Bob Mitchell met with Sen. Larry Taylor
on Feb. 1, 2016, and Rep. Greg Bonnen,
M.D., on Feb. 10, 2016, to discuss the
goals of BAHEP’s 2017 legislative
agenda. The legislative agenda for the 85th
Texas Legislature will include issues that
were unresolved during the 84th Texas
Legislature, such as recreational maritime
jobs preservation legislation and storm
surge suppression funding.
Business Assistance Activities
Staff members made presentations, participated in conferences, seminars, forums, and industry and municipal meetings to assist BAHEP members. Please
contact BAHEP if more information is
needed regarding any of these events.
These included:
 BAHEP President Bob Mitchell
attended the inauguration of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and
other city officials as the guest of
Houston City Council Member
(District E) Dave Martin.
 Recognition Ceremony for Congressman Randy Weber for support of Export - Import Bank Legislation
 Independence Plaza Grand Opening at
Space Center Houston
 “Legislative Coffee: Candidate Meet
& Greet” hosted by League City
BAHEP Embarks on Update to its
Five-Year Strategic Plan
The Strategic Planning Steering Committee has initiated actions to develop BAHEP’s strategic plan for 2017 through
2021. Dr. Glenn Freedman, committee
chairman and president of EduSafe Systems, Inc., is meeting with all BAHEP
committees to solicit input for the plan. A
survey has been sent to various organizations and allies to gather their input. Meetings will be scheduled with BAHEP’s
member municipalities, state elected officials and industry cluster partners so that
they can provide their recommendations.
Bay Area Community Advisory
Panel Receives Air Quality Report
BAHEP’s C.A. Shields attended the Jan.
27, 2016, BAYCAP meeting, held at Armand Bayou Nature Center, to hear a presentation on the Bayport Industrial District
Plant Emissions Annual Report. Twentyfour of the Bayport Industrial District companies provided data from the latest available year, 2014. Shields networked with
attendees to identify potential project leads
for BAHEP.
BAHEP Supports Pasadena ISD
STEM Program
On Jan. 28, 2016, BAHEP’s Jimmy Spence
attended the Systems Go Aeroscience program informational breakfast at Space Center Houston to advise local school districts
on this new STEM program. The Systems
Go Aeroscience program’s mission is to
enhance STEM education for better workforce development. Attendees heard testimonials about the program from participating high school students and teachers.
PISD has decided to implement Systems
Go at two of its high schools, Pasadena
Memorial and South Houston.
Regional Leaders Learn of Port of
Rotterdam Expansion Plans
BAHEP’s Dan Seal attended a Port of Rotterdam New Year’s celebration and presentation at the Houston Club where the Rotterdam Port officials discussed the port’s
expansion plans in 2016. The event was
held on Jan. 27, 2016, and was well attended, including Port of Houston Authority Commissioners John Kennedy and
Theldon Branch III.
Storm Surge Protection
Advocacy Strategy for Coastal
Spine to Protect Upper Texas Coast
and Galveston Bay
BAHEP organized and hosted a meeting on
March 3, 2016, for the rollout of the new
video on storm surge protection, produced by Space City
Films, Inc., and the Coastal Atlas for state-elected officials: Senator Sylvia Garcia and Representatives Greg
Bonnen, M.D., Wayne Smith, Dennis Paul, and Ed
Other attendees: Brooke Jimenez, district director, Senator Larry Taylor’s office; Betty McGinnis, district assistant, Rep. Carol Alvarado’s office; Wesley Starnes, chief
of staff, Rep. Wayne Faircloth’s office; Debra Risinger,
district director, Rep. Dennis Paul’s office; Jacque Darbonne, Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner Jack
Morman’s office; Morgan’s Point Mayor Michel Bechtel;
Murry Matthews, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner’s office; Lauren Laake, chief of staff, Houston City Council
Member Dave Martin’s office; Houston City Council
Member David Robinson; Julia Retta, deputy chief of
staff, Houston City Council Member David Robinson’s
office; Col. Len Waterworth (USA Ret.) of Texas of
A&M University at Galveston; Bill Read, TAMUG, and
former director of the National Hurricane Center; Derek
Darnell, Senator Garcia’s office; Chris Hext of the East
Harris County Manufacturers Association; and Fredell
Rosen, president, Bay Area Coastal Protection Alliance.
The Coastal Atlas, developed by Texas A & M University at Galveston’s Center for Texas Beaches and Shores,
is a web-accessible, interactive software program that
allows public users to view the impact of storm surge
flooding over any particular geographic location. This
innovative tool will help inform the public of the impact
from another large storm like Hurricane Ike and build
advocacy for a coastal spine to protect both residential
and business properties along Galveston Bay and the
Houston Ship Channel. The Coastal Atlas can be viewed
Storm Surge Protection Phase 2 Technical
Study Completed
BAHEP Executive Director for Special Initiatives Dan
Seal traveled to Beaumont, Texas, on Feb. 23, 2016, to
attend the Gulf Coast Community Protection and Recovery District (GCCPRD) board meeting where Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation rolled out its Phase 2
Technical Study report for storm surge protection along
the upper Texas Gulf Coast and Galveston Bay. The three
-phase study is funded by the Texas General Land Office.
Phase 3 will use the results of the Phase 2 study to recommend a cost-effective and efficient system of flood
damage reduction and storm surge protection for the sixcounty region.
The GCCPRD, consisting of Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Jefferson, and Orange counties, was
formed following Hurricane Ike in 2008 in response to
then Gov. Rick Perry’s executive order creating the Governor’s Commission for Disaster Recovery and Renewal.
Texas Tribune Interviews BAHEP President Bob
Mitchell on Coastal Spine
Bob Mitchell was interviewed by Kiah Collier, a Texas
Tribune news reporter, along with Neena Satija, an investigative reporter, on Dec. 9, 2015, regarding the vulnerability of Bay Area Houston to storm surge and the work
BAHEP has accomplished over the last several years in
support of a coastal spine.
The reporters were gathering background information for
a news article on their collaborative project with a national non-profit news organization, ProPublica, to post
online the storm surge models developed by Texas A&M
University at Galveston and Rice University. The models
will be interactive, showing where a particular storm
surge would make landfall and the height and distribution
of its surge.
Mitchell Editorial in Texas Tribune, Warning of
Impact from Future Devastating Storms
BAHEP President Bob Mitchell’s editorial about the economic impact of a direct hit to the region from a large
storm to both the local and national economy was published in the Texas Tribune’s TribTalk on March 3, 2016.
Mitchell's column is published here:
Mitchell Addresses Storm Surge, Spaceport at
Houston City Council District E Meeting
BAHEP President Bob Mitchell spoke to citizens attending Houston City Council Member Dave Martin’s Town
Hall meeting on Feb. 25, 2016, about the
importance of developing a storm surge
protection system for the upper Texas Gulf
Coast and how BAHEP has worked with
the Houston Airport System to develop the
Houston Spaceport.
In a March 2016
speech, Texas Land
Commissioner George
P. Bush cited the
potential devastation
Hurricane Ike could
have caused in
Houston in 2008 if the
storm had not shifted
off course and said,
“It’s time to take
action and move
forward on this
important issue
for our state.”
BAHEP Participates in Spaceport
Roundtable for Assistant Secretary
of Commerce
BAHEP Executive Director for Special
Initiatives Dan Seal participated in a spaceport roundtable discussion with Jay Williams, the assistant secretary of Commerce
for the U.S. Economic Development Administration; Congressman Pete Olson;
City of Houston Council Member (District
E) Dave Martin; Houston Airport System
Director Mario Diaz; Ellington Airport
General Manager Arturo Machuca; NASA
Johnson Space Center representatives; and
other local economic development leaders
on Feb. 18, 2016. The discussion focused
on the new Houston Spaceport and the opportunities for the spaceport to contribute
to our nation’s space exploration goals and
serve as an important economic driver for
local space exploration employees still recovering from the end of the space shuttle
Prospect Review Meeting
BAHEP marketing managers conducted
their quarterly Prospect Review meeting to
review projects with city, county and BAHEP member representatives. Upcoming
marketing opportunities and trends were
also discussed. Included in the discussions
were the 32 projects currently in work by
BAHEP. Ace Schlameus and Liz Le Doux
of Colliers International gave a presentation on the “Anatomy of an Office Deal.”
During the presentation, Schlameus complimented BAHEP on its economic development contributions to the region.
BAHEP Engages Chemical
Companies at InformEx Tradeshow
BAHEP’s C.A. Shields attended the Infor-
mEx Fine & Specialty Chemical Industry
Tradeshow in New Orleans, Louisiana, on
Feb. 2 - 4, 2016, to network and identify
project development opportunities with
both domestic and international prospects.
This event showcased products from
chemical manufacturing, chemical R & D,
and chemical processes. Shields connected with several Asian-based chemical
companies that are interested in the Bay
Area Houston region due to the low cost
of energy and feedstock. Domestic companies showed interest in the region, as
well. BAHEP provided information to
these prospect companies and will continue to engage and assist with their projects as they arise.
Industrial Magazines’ Journalists
Learn about Strengths of Doing
Business in Houston
BAHEP’s Dan Seal participated in a joint
Port of Houston Authority / Greater Houston Partnership event to brief journalists
from three industrial magazines on the
manufacturing strengths of doing business
in Houston. The event was held on Jan.
26, 2016, at the Port Authority administration building.
BAHEP Participates in Galveston
County Economic Developers
Strategy Meeting
BAHEP participated in the Galveston
County Council of Economic Developers
strategy meeting held on Jan. 21, 2016, at
the Doyle Convention Center in Texas
City. The purpose of the meeting, chaired
by Galveston County Economic Director
Dr. Bix Rathburn, was to develop collaborative marketing strategies for the county.
Participants included economic development professionals representing various
cities in Galveston County.
BAHEP Showcases Bay Area
Houston Region to Commercial
Real Estate Brokers
Commercial real estate brokers with
Wulfe & Company’s Houston office received briefings from BAHEP and repre-
sentatives from member cities in order to showcase the
opportunities for commercial and retail developers in the
Bay Area Houston region. Participating in the Dec. 8,
2015, event were: City of Dickinson / Angela Forbes,
City of Friendswood / Karen Capps, City of La Porte /
Scott Livingston, City of Nassau Bay / Mary Chambers
and Jason Reynolds, City of Webster / Karen Coglianese,
and BAHEP / Barbara Cutsinger.
City of Houston and the Federal Aviation Administration,
provide the $7.1 million needed to complete construction
of the control tower. Dan Seal and Jimmy Spence of BAHEP met with representatives from HAS, Ellington Field
Military Operations, and other stakeholders over several
weeks in 2015 to develop the grant application. BAHEP
is assisting HAS in follow up actions to implement the
BAHEP Hosts Houston Region Economic
Development Alliance February Meeting
BAHEP hosted the 2016 Houston Region Economic Development Alliance (HREDA) first quarterly meeting of
2016 on Feb. 11 at Space Center Houston. Jeff Wiley of
the Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council
reported on TARGET, a stakeholder group that has filed
a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency
over new proposed rules that would regulate Texas
coastal prairie wetlands, potentially impacting property
developers. Wiley was followed by Kim Morris of BayTech, who gave an outstanding update on BayTech’s cyber-security training for unemployed returning veterans,
and Arturo Machuca of the Houston Airport System who
reported on the recent Houston Spaceport activities.
The current control tower at Ellington was built in the
mid-1950s and sustained structural damage in 2008 during Hurricane Ike. City of Houston engineers determined
that it is not cost effective to repair the current tower,
and, while emergency repairs were made, the existing
tower still is vulnerable and cannot likely sustain the impact of future storm force winds.
BAHEP Works with Developer of Mickey Gilley’s
Project in City of La Porte
Demographics and other information were provided to
Vincent Worley, the commercial broker working on the
Gilley’s project in La Porte, on Jan. 26, 2016, by BAHEP’s Barbara Cutsinger. This information will help ensure success of the project.
BAHEP Plays Significant Role in Houston
Airport System’s Grant Win for Ellington
Control Tower
The Houston Airport System (HAS) was awarded a $3.1
million Texas Military Preparedness Commission Defense Economic Assistance Adjustment Grant (DEAAG)
to assist in building a new air traffic control tower at Ellington Airport. The grant, plus matching funds from the
Public Relations & Media
BAHEP President Bob Mitchell Writes Letters of
Support for Allies
 University of Houston Subsea Institute – support for
the Subsea Institute, its mission and its grant proposal
to secure funding
 United Airlines – support letter for United Airlines
request to Department of Transportation to liberalize
air services between the U.S. and Cuba
 Association of Space Explorers, USA – letter of support for the ASE Houston Team to host the 2019
ASE Congress
Galveston Daily News Interviews BAHEP on
Space Program Economic Impact
BAHEP President Bob Mitchell and Aerospace Marketing Manager Jimmy Spence met with Joseph Baucum,
reporter with the Galveston County Daily News, on Feb.
18, 2016. Baucum was gathering information for an article he was writing about the space program and how it
impacts Bay Area Houston.
Realty News Interviews BAHEP on
East Harris County Economic Boom
BAHEP Marketing Managers Barbara
Cutsinger and C.A. Shields, along with
Marshall S. Clinkscales, Jr., principal at
Colliers International, were interviewed on
Feb. 5, 2016, by Realty News reporter
Mike Sheridan regarding the economic
growth in East Houston and East Harris
County. Cutsinger, Shields and Clinkscales
discussed the vitality of the petrochemical,
logistics, distribution, construction and
maritime industries in this region. The full
article is published here:
Regional Print Media Featuring
Numerous publications, including the
Houston Chronicle, Bay Area Citizen,
Pasadena Citizen, Friendswood Journal,
Pearland Journal and the Galveston
County Daily News, publish Bay Area
Houston’s Business to Business update
monthly as well as BAHEP news releases.
Additionally, Bay Area Houston Magazine
publishes articles on BAHEP initiatives.
Story topics include economic development news, the Space Alliance Technology
Outreach Program, and other information
relevant to the region’s business community. Copies of the most recent issues of the
Business to Business page can be found on
BAHEP’s website at:
Regional Online Media Featuring
Guidry News Service publishes BAHEP
news releases on events and services in
Bay Area Houston and frequently covers
BAHEP events. Guidry News is based in
midtown Houston with offices in downtown Beaumont and downtown Galveston.
BAHEP’s E-News Publications
The e-newsletter, The Business Develop-
ment Update, produced by BAHEP four
times a year, is available online and distributed to more than 2,500 commercial brokers, developers, and site consultants. The
Business Development Update includes
information regarding commercial, office,
industrial, residential, retail and infrastructure development in Bay Area Houston. It
can be found on BAHEP’s website, along
with archival issues:
BAHEP’s Business Briefs is posted on the
organization’s website. This newsletter
provides brief summaries of major BAHEP
activities. The fall 2015 and archival issues
are currently available for viewing in the
News Room section of the website.
The BAHEP Twitter feed provides up-todate news on BAHEP and the region. Read
BAHEP’s tweets at
The BAHEP Facebook page at http://
has updates on recent activities of interest
to the Bay Area Houston community.
BAHEP also provides updates on Bay Area
happenings with the professional networking site, LinkedIn: http://
The BAHEP YouTube channel: http://
provides video from General Membership
Meetings and interviews on special topics.
Special Initiatives
Preserve NASA Funding Levels
BAHEP joins NASA JSC in Hosting
Legislative Aerospace Caucus Tour
BAHEP and NASA Johnson Space Center
jointly organized and hosted the Texas
Legislative Aerospace Caucus tour of NASA JSC facilities and the Houston Spaceport at Ellington Airport on
Jan. 21, 2016, with a tour of the Independence Plaza Exhibit at Space Center Houston followed by a dinner
which was sponsored by The Boeing Company. The
event was attended by 19 legislators and their guests.
The legislators also toured the Boeing facility where they
were briefed on the development of the CST-100 Starliner, Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation system, by
Mark Mulqueen, program manager, International Space
Lockheed Martin gave the legislators a presentation on
the progress of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
and a review of the success of the Orion Exploration
Flight Test - 1 in December 2014. After the presentation,
Texas Legislative Aerospace Caucus Chair Rep. Dennis
Paul and Vice Chairmen Sen. Larry Taylor and Rep. Doc
Anderson were presented with a flag that was aboard the
Orion space capsule during EFT-1 by Larry Price, Orion
deputy program manager.
Following the Lockheed Martin presentation, Arturo Machuca, Ellington Airport general manager, gave an update
regarding progress of the Houston Spaceport development. He then led a driving tour of the Ellington Airport
flight line.
Boeing’s John Elbon and BAHEP’s Bob Mitchell
appointed to Aerospace & Aviation Committee
Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the appointment
of Boeing Space Exploration Vice President and General
Manager John Elbon to the Aerospace and Aviation Advisory Committee on Jan. 28, 2016. BAHEP President
Bob Mitchell was previously appointed to the sevenmember board by then Gov. Rick Perry and reappointed
by Abbott on March 1, 2016. The board oversees Texas’
efforts to attract jobs and investments in the state’s aerospace and aviation industry.
BAHEP Coordinates Tour of NASA JSC
BAHEP coordinated a meeting and tour of NASA JSC on
Jan. 20, 2016, through BAHEP’s resident NASA liaison,
James Lewis, with Houston commercial and industrial
real estate developer and investors J. Andrew Billipp and
Mark Witte to create awareness and increase JSC’s
knowledge in the area of commercialization and utilization of underutilized engineering and testing facilities,
along with undeveloped property at the space center. JSC
is working to understand opportunities and options to
fund reparation or replacement over the next 5-10 years
of dozens of aging facilities.
CSE Trip to Washington, D.C., Planned
BAHEP President Bob Mitchell and Aerospace Marketing Manager Jimmy Spence traveled to Stennis Space
Center in Mississippi on Feb. 17-18, 2016, to participate
in the pre-trip planning meeting for the Citizens for Space
Exploration (CSE) visits to Capitol Hill on May 24-26,
2016. Attendees included Kelly Page, mission integration
manager, Barrios Technology; Joe Mayer and Joe Rice,
government relations, Lockheed Martin; Tish HaasWilliams, director of Partners for Stennis Space Center;
and Mike Ward, director of the Huntsville-Madison
County Chamber of Commerce in Alabama. The group
discussed details of the trip and developed a theme of
“continuity,” along with the tag line, “Don’t stop the
countdown on America’s journey to Mars.” Contact
Jimmy Spence at 832.536.3255 if you want more information on the trip.
Bay Area Houston Advanced Technology
Consortium (BayTech)
What is BayTech?
BayTech was formed by BAHEP and has built a network
of partners across multiple industries and academia, creating a resource pool which will be drawn on as collaborations are identified and research funding is pursued.
BayTech’s goals are to 1) acquire public and private research and technology development funding for the Bay
Area Houston region; 2) secure customers for, and pro-
vide simplified access to, NASA JSC’s
capabilities and facilities through its Space
Act Agreement; and 3) pursue partnerships
to support technology development.
The San Jacinto
College Maritime
Technology &
Training Center
offers training
delivered through
U.S. Coast Guard
required and
approved course
NASA JSC Facility Support
BayTech has executed agreements valued
at approximately $15,000 through February
2016 utilizing the NASA Johnson Space
Center (JSC) Receiving, Inspection, and
Test Facility (RITF). BayTech continues to
work with JSC Engineering to offer access
to engineering services to the University of
Houston Subsea Institute and commercial
customers for use in various activities including testing of deep water oil & gas
components and water survival training.
Space Shuttle Independence Plaza
Tourist Exhibit
BayTech, along with its partner DB Consulting, completed the refurbishment activities of the interior of the Space Shuttle
replica Independence, the historic Shuttleera White Room, and the provision of historic Shuttle-era videos and still images.
These are part of the Independence Plaza
exhibit located at Space Center Houston
and open to the public.
BayTech and its partner DB Consulting
completed its work in the fabrication and
installation of high fidelity replicas of International Space Station (ISS) equipment
and experiment racks for an ISS display at
the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in
Huntsville, Ala. BayTech supported and
participated in the grand opening of this
exhibit in Huntsville on Jan. 26, 2016.
Wagner-Peyser Grant Provides
Cyber Security Training to Veterans
BayTech completed its 2015 WagnerPeyser grant activities with 21 participants
trained in a cybersecurity and communications curriculum. The participants included
unemployed military veterans, displaced
aerospace workers, and other unemployed. This training is an intense 320-hour
curriculum and includes technical cybersecurity training in the areas of network man-
agement and security, IT security, and is
delivered by BayTech’s academic partners
– the University of Houston, University of
Houston Clear Lake, and San Jacinto College District. Once the training was completed, BayTech partner Workforce Solutions began facilitating the placement of
these participants into full-time jobs in the
IT and IT Security industry.
BayTech Awarded Grant
for Cybersecurity Training
BayTech was awarded a follow-on Wagner-Peyser grant for 2016, continuing the
very successful program. In 2016, BayTech will train a minimum of 22 participants in the 320-hour cybersecurity program through its academic partners. Additionally, BayTech will conduct four cybersecurity workshops, with the first one
scheduled for April 22, 2016, and two
cybersecurity tabletop exercises.
Space Alliance Technology
Outreach Program (SATOP)
What is SATOP?
The Space Alliance Technology Outreach
Program (SATOP) is a State of Texas
funded program that helps small businesses faced with technical challenges by
providing up to 40 hours of FREE technical assistance for qualified requests. This
is accomplished by utilizing the vast engineering expertise of NASA and participating Alliance Partners (NASA contractors,
subcontractors or colleges). SATOP is
designed to speed the transfer of the U.S.
Space Program’s knowledge and technology to the private sector, to provide economic benefits to the community, and to
raise public awareness of the Space Program. For more information, visit
SATOP Helps Houston Small
Business Owner Solve Technical
After years of performing Department of
Transportation (DOT) inspections on 18wheelers as a DOT inspector, a small
business owner decided to make his job more efficient.
He designed and developed a portable inspection unit to
test and run diagnostics on the air supply, lights, and
brakes on 18-wheelers and small trailers. This new, innovative tool allows DOT inspections to be a one-person
operation versus a two-to-three person operation.
SATOP Project Engineer Richelle Brasher connected him
with a NASA JSC electrical engineer. After a review of
the product design, the JSC engineer researched the challenge, recommended design improvements, including
circuit board safeguards and simplification, and provided
recommendations for circuit board manufacturers.
SATOP Connects with Small
Businesses at Tech Connect 2016
SATOP Director Bob Payne gave an overview of the program to more than 50 Houston-area organizations that
serve as a resource for small businesses during the Houston Technology Center’s Annual Tech Connect. The Feb.
4, 2016, event was well attended with representatives
from the Greater Houston Partnership, the Houston Technology Center, the City of Houston, the University of
Houston Small Business Development Center, the Houston Business Journal and others. This annual event focused on Houston’s startup community by sharing resource offerings, ways to collaborate and upcoming
events and plans for 2016.
Boeing Engineers Learn of Opportunities to
Help Small Business Owners
SATOP Director Bob Payne and Project Engineer
Richelle Brasher hosted a lunch and learn at The Boeing
Company facility on Feb. 23, 2016. This technical session revealed how the SATOP program collaborates with
volunteer engineers and detailed many SATOP success
stories. Following the presentation, a Q & A session was
held with the engineering team to help encourage program participation and community outreach.
BAHEP Members
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership owes much of
its success to the active participation of its members. Following is a current list of our members:
Acadian Ambulance Service
Advantage BMW Mini of Clear Lake
The Aerospace Corporation
AeroSys, LLC
AEXA Aerospace, LLC
Airbus DS Space Systems, Inc.
Al-Razaq Computing Services
All Points Logistics, LLC
Allegiance Bank Texas
The AM Agency
Amegy Bank of Texas
American Acryl
AMOCO Federal Credit Union
Anadarko Industries, LLC
Aquifer Group, LLC
ARES Aerospace and Technology Services
Armand Bayou Nature Center
Art of the Meal
Ayrshire Corporation
Barlow Jones, L.L.P.
Barrios Technology
Bastion Technologies, Inc.
Bay Area Houston Magazine
Bay Area Houston Transportation Partnership
Bay Area Regional Medical Center
Bay Area Surgicare Center
Bay Area Turning Point, Inc.
Bay Oaks Country Club
Baybrook Mall/General Growth Properties, Inc.
Bayshore Medical Center
Branch Banking & Trust Company (BB&T)
Big League Dreams
The Boeing Company
Booz Allen Hamilton
Born Wild - Innovative Promotions
Bowers and Sadler, LLP
Capital Bank - Pasadena
Clear Creek Independent School District
CDS Community Development Strategies
CenterPoint Energy
Chemical Process and Production, Inc.
Chris Reed Consulting
City of Clear Lake Shores
City of Dickinson
City of El Lago
City of Friendswood
City of Houston
City of Houston, Houston Airport System
City of Kemah
City of Kemah/KCDC
City of La Porte
City of League City
City of Morgan’s Point
City of Nassau Bay
City of Pasadena
City of Seabrook
City of Taylor Lake Village
City of Webster
CLC Properties
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
Clear Lake Flowers & Gifts
Clear Lake Regional Medical Center
Coastal Solutions
Coldwell Banker United Realtors
College of the Mainland
Colliers International
Communities In Schools - Bay Area, Inc.
Courtyard By Marriot Houston
NASA/Nassau Bay
Coventry Development Corporation - Houston
Crowder Funeral Homes
CSRA, Inc.
Ruby Cubley
Curran Investment Group of
Wells Fargo Advisors
CYFOR Technologies, LLC
Cypress Bay Subdivision/Marina Bay Village
Shopping Center
DB Consulting Group
Dean & Draper Insurance Agency, LP
Del Papa Distributing Company
Devereux Texas Treatment Network
Dickinson Independent School District
Digitex Corporation
Economic Alliance Houston Port Region
EduSafe Systems, Inc.
Encore Business Consulting
ERC, Inc.
Express Employment Professionals
The Eye Clinic of Texas
Falcon Group
Fast Signs - Clear Lake
Faust Distributing Company, Inc.
Friendswood Chamber of Commerce
Friendswood Independent School District
Frost Bank
Galveston County
Galveston County Daily News
Galveston County Economic Alliance
Galveston Economic Development Partnership
GB Tech, Inc.
GeoControl Systems, Inc.
Global ICS
Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
Greater Houston Partnership
Green Bank
Greer, Herz & Adams, LLP
Gregg & Gregg, P.C.
Griffin Communications Group
Griffin Partners, Inc.
GSL Welcome Group, LLC
Guardian Anesthesia Services, PLLC
Guidry News Service
Gulf Coast Educators Federal Credit Union
Gulf Coast Limestone, Inc.
Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority
Gulf Coast Yacht Brokers Association
Ham, Langston & Brezina, LLP
Harris County
Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Houston Space Center
HomeTown Bank, N. A.
Houston Area Safety Council
Houston Association of Realtors
The Houston Chronicle / Hearst Media Services
Houston Community Newspapers & Media
Houston Methodist St. John Hospital
Houston Pediatric Specialty Group, LLC
HPP Corp
Icon Bank of Texas, N. A.
Intuitive Machines, LLC
ITT Technical Institute
J&P Technologies
J. A. Billipp Company
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
JES Tech
John Manlove Marketing & Communications
Johnson Traffic Design
Joiner Partnership, Inc.
JSC Federal Credit Union
Kaneka North America LLC
Keller Williams Realty Clear Lake
Kemah Boardwalk
Kuraray America, Inc.
La Porte Independent School District
Lakewood Yacht Club
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
The Law Office of Phil Griffis
League City Regional Chamber of Commerce
Legacy Port Partners, LLC
Lexus of Clear Lake
Lillibridge Healthcare Services, Inc.
Lockheed Martin
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
Logical Innovations, Inc.
Lone Star Flight Museum
LYC Concours Corporation
Marsh Darcy Partners, Inc.
McCormick Stevenson Corporation
MD Anderson Regional Care in the Bay Area
MDA US Systems, LLC
MDT Financial Advisors, LLC
Meador Staffing Services, Inc.
Medistar Corporation
MEI Technologies, Inc.
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
Merrill Lynch
Mills Shirley L.L.P.
Minuteman Press - Bay Area
Mobile Studio Technologies, LLC
Moody National Bank
Mori Associates
MRI Technologies
Mutual of Omaha Bank
My FlooringAMERICA
NASA Alumni League — JCS Chapter
NASA Johnson Space Center
National Space Biomedical Research Institute
Nestle Waters N.A.
Norman Frede Chevrolet
Oceaneering Space Systems, Inc.
One Stop Tents & Events
Orbital ATK
Paragon Space Development Corporation
Pasadena Independent School District
Pathfinder Development
Green Bank
Paul Engineering, Inc.
Payne’s Plants
Pearland Economic Development Corporation
Pennington Chen Interests, LLC
Perry’s Restaurant Group
PM Realty Group
Port of Houston Authority
PrimeLending — A PlainsCapital Company
Randall-Porterfield Architects Inc.
Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services
Regions Bank
REMAX Space Center
Residence Inn by Marriott
The Rothe Companies: Houston Operations
S&K Global Solutions
Sage Commercial Group, LLC
San Jacinto College District
Savills Studly, Inc.
Shelmark Engineering, LLC
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Signature Flight Support
South Shore Harbour Resort & Conference Center
Southwest Airlines Company
Space Center Houston
Space City Films, Inc.
SSCI Environmental & Consulting Services
Steele Media Services
Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies
Suez Treatment Solutions Inc.
Summit Management Group
TASC, an Engility Company
Teledyne Brown Engineering
Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Texan Bank
Texas A&M University at Galveston
Texas Chiropractic College
Texas Citizens Bank
Texas First Bank
Thrivent Financial
Tommy’s Restaurant Oyster Bar
Trustmark National Bank, Texas
Twenty Twenty Properties, Inc.
TXU Energy
UHCL Center - Economic Development & Research
United Airlines
United Equities, Inc.
United Space Alliance
Universities Space Research Association - USRA
University of Houston
University of Houston - Clear Lake
UTC Aerospace Systems
UTMB Health
Vesco Business Products
VMD Systems Integrators, Inc.
Voyager at Space Center
West Oak Development, Ltd.
Whitley Penn
Wendell Wilson & Dr. Pat Wilson
Wings Over Houston Air Show
Workforce Solutions
Wyle STE Group
YMCA of Greater Houston
Your Printing Now
The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, or
BAHEP, is a member-driven organization that provides the leadership to stimulate regional economic
18045 Saturn Lane
Houston, Texas 77058
development and employment. Utilizing a collaborative committee structure, we engage more than 265
P.O. Box 58724
investor companies, business professionals, local gov-
Houston, Texas 77258-8724
ernments, and educational institutions, in southeast
Phone: 832.536.3255
Fax: 832.536.3258
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: BayAreaHoustonEcon
Twitter: @BAHEP
Texas, to bring about prosperity and a high quality of
life for the 800,000 people who live and work in the
region. Our members include business partners encompassing 14 cities, Galveston and Harris counties,
the Houston Airport System and the Port of Houston Authority.
Clear Lake Shores Dickinson El Lago Friendswood Houston Kemah La Porte League City
Morgan’s Point Nassau Bay Pasadena Seabrook Taylor Lake Village Webster
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership sincerely thanks Harris County, Galveston County,
the Port of Houston Authority, and the Houston Airport System without whose continued
support BAHEP’s work on behalf of the region would not be possible.