smithsonian tropical research institute


smithsonian tropical research institute
smithsonian tropical research institute
Leadership Message
nearly Half the world’s human
population lives in the tropics amid
remarkable biodiversity. These regions
are under tremendous, growing pressure
as demand for natural resources intensifies.
m atth ew C . la r sen, ph . D
smithsonian tropical
research institute
In few places are the challenges of population
growth and the loss of species seen more
clearly. These disruptions of vulnerable
tropical ecosystems and the additional
stressor of climate change, which is
altering important drivers — temperature,
precipitation, sea-level — are making it ever
more challenging to maintain sustainable
environmental conditions in the future.
So where do we go from here?
Your investment in the Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute’s century-long commitment
to understanding biodiversity will help us to
illuminate the brilliance of life in the tropics,
seek answers to inform our understanding
of global change and find new, sustainable
approaches to resource management
and conservation.
It will enable us to document, analyze and
share knowledge and continue to pioneer
programs that set global standards and
advance our understanding of fundamental
biological processes. Whether that critical
data comes from the 60 worldwide forest
plots we monitor or from a radio-tracking
study of whales leading to new regulations
to stop whale collisions with ships, our
mission has never been more urgent.
I’m thrilled to lead this premier research
institute. Providing strong, objective science
to local and global decision makers is
essential to our path forward.
Thank you for your support.
Our goal
$50 million
The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
explores the mysteries of the natural world in
the tropics through inquiry-based research. Its
home between continents in Panama provides
unparalleled access to Earth’s biodiversity.
Campaign gifts will enable us to advance discovery
by endowing outstanding leaders in tropical
biology, promoting visionary ideas, fostering
the next generation of tropical researchers and
connecting people to the natural world.
Case for Sup p or t
Revealing the Tropical World
Your campaign
gift will help to
advance global
understanding of
tropical diversity
and its relevance
to humanity.
Field team measures a tree on
Barro Colorado Island, Panama.
Through the Smithsonian Forest
Global Earth Observatories,
scientists in 24 countries learn
how forests sustain species
diversity and about their role in
global water and carbon cycles.
The stunning diversity of plant and animal species
in the tropics holds a storehouse of new knowledge
about our planet. The Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute pioneers research across the
tropics. Our investment in long-term studies is
critical to understanding life on Earth and to
addressing 21st-century challenges.
Strengthening Leadership
Our nine campuses straddle the low continental
divide separating two oceans in Panama. This unique
laboratory yields insights into ecology and millions
of years of evolution. For more than a century, the
Smithsonian has convened an active, international
community of scientists in Panama. We provide
historical perspective and keep our fingers on the
pulse of biological processes key to our survival.
At the Forefront of Research
Our studies help scientists to predict how global
change will alter forest and marine ecosystems and
how disease and invasive species will spread. Our
results inform policy decisions around the world.
The Smithsonian Campaign will enable new
discoveries about nature and human impact in
the tropics and deepen understanding of how
to sustain the planet.
Investment in question-driven science guides
the research of our nearly 50 resident scientists
and 1,400 visiting scientists and students. We
seek gifts to endow chairs for researchers to put
their passion to work on critical topics ranging
from tropical anthropology to zoology.
Endowment of a fund for game-changing ideas
in tropical science positions the Smithsonian to
take advantage of unexpected opportunities in
multi-disciplinary research and create new,
forward-looking initiatives.
Next Generation Tropical Scientists
We are a premier training ground for tropical
biologists and scholars, providing transformative
educational experiences in projects such as the
recent discovery of the world’s largest known
prehistoric snake, Titanoboa, in South America.
Campaign gifts will support career-building
fellowships and public programs to inspire
stewardship of the natural world.
Our Campaign Priorities
Investments in
leadership, research
and education will
strengthen our
work with partners
to address global
change and
science’s most
pressing challenges.
Smithsonian Tropical Research
Institute fellow Virginia Schutte conducted research for her Ph.D
dissertation on mangroves at Bocas
del Toro Research Station. Interns
and fellows make significant
contributions to our work.
Photo sean mattson
Endow Leaders
The Smithsonian Campaign
We seek investments of $25 million to endow leadership
positions. A $4 million gift endows a research chair or director
of education and outreach, enabling us to hire creative minds
to lead in exciting new directions. Endowed positions provide
us with the freedom to develop innovative approaches and take
risks that lead to breakthroughs. Your gift will help to keep the
Smithsonian nimble as our understanding of life advances.
will transform a national
Strengthen “Big Bet” Endowment
people everywhere.
Our goal is to raise $10 million to fund innovative research
that keeps us in the vanguard of scientific discovery. Gift
opportunities range from $25,000 to $5 million.
treasure into a catalyst
for change. Please join us
as we raise $1.5 billion
to spark discovery, tell
America’s story, inspire
lifelong learning and reach
The Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute is
Training tropical Scientists
raising $50 million of the
We seek investments of $10 million to support careerchanging field experiences in tropical science. Opportunities
include $25,000 for educational programs, $500,000 for
a marine education center and $1 million for a postdoctoral
or senior fellowship.
Smithsonian Campaign’s
For more information, call 202.633.4014
or visit smithsoniancampaign.ORG.
overall goal.
COVER Coastal biodiversity in the
Caribbean depends on the health of
three marine ecosystems: mangroves,
seagrasses and coral reefs. All are
within easy reach for scientists
working at our Bocas del Toro
Research Station in Panama.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Oficina del Director
office of development and outreach
Apartado Postal 0843-03092
Panamá, República de Panamá
PO Box 37012, MRC 705
Washington, DC 20013-7012