Newsletter - Zion Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Zion Lutheran Church
October 2016
Rooted in Faith * Growing in Spirit * Reaching Out to Those in Need
“We are to fear and love God, so that we neither endanger nor harm the lives of
our neighbors, but instead help and support them in all of life’s needs.”
(Luther’s explanation of the 5th Commandment in the Small Catechsim)
Do you have an idea for ministry but you’re not sure how to get it off the
ground? Is there a local cause that you’re passionate about? Have you seen an
unmet need in our community?
Thrivent Financial has a way to begin making those ideas and dreams for
ministry happen: Thrivent Action Teams. These teams help Thrivent members
live generously and take action to meet needs in their communities. Here’s how
Thrivent describes the program on their website:
Think about an unmet need in your community and how you could help. Apply to
lead a volunteer team in a one-time fundraiser, service activity, or educational
event that can be completed within 90 days. Once your project is approved,
you’ll receive a Thrivent Action Kit, which includes promotional material and
t-shirts, along with a $250 Community Impact Card to help with project
This $250 is intended to be used as seed money to kick-start your project by
paying for supplies and promotion for your project. Chances are good that
you’ve already seen some of these Action Teams at work in Aberdeen and even
here at Zion. Our freezer meal ministry got a kick-start with Action Team seed
money to pay for food and other supplies. Our tie-blanket materials for one of
our “God’s Work. Our Hands.” service projects were also paid for with this seed
All Thrivent Benefit members are eligible to lead two Thrivent Action Teams
per calendar year, and associate members can lead one team per calendar year.
Applying to lead a team (and a team can even be your family!) involves a simple
online application. Pastor Marcia and I are available to walk you through that
process if you’re applying for the first time. If you’re not sure what kind of
project to lead, we can also connect you with someone in the congregation who
has a ministry idea.
In Christ’s peace, Pastor Erin
Zion’s General Fund needs to take in an average of
$31,000.00 each month or $7,750.00 per week to
meet monthly obligations.
Zion Core
September 4
September 11
September 18
September 25
Fund 2
If you are interested in joining the
congregation, contact the church office, at
225-6755or indicate your desire to join on the
welcome pads during worship. Then, you will be
contacted by Zion’s Welcome & Outreach
Committee who will answer any questions you
might have about Zion.
If you know of anyone who is being
led to join our family of faith at Zion,
or has expressed interest in joining
us in serving the Lord, please have
them contact Pastor Marcia at
Our Bedrock
*Amazing Grace God loves us
*Sweet Hour of
Prayer - God
promises to listen
and hear our prayers
* I Lay My Sins on
Jesus -God forgives our sins
* My Faith Looks
Up to Thee - Faith
to Zion.
* Last gift I gave: Sent my niece a
wedding gift.
* My favorite ... Color - Blue - Sport basketball - Hobby - Listening to
music - Activity - Riding my bike Movie - “A Few Good Men” - Food Hamburgers - Vegetable - Cauliflower
- Clothes – Casual - Music - Oldies 60’s-70’s - Indulgence - Chocolate
Proudest moment: Gr aduating fr om
high school.
* Born and raised: Webster SD.
*If I could change things in this
* Education: Gr aduated fr om
World, I would: 1. Peace in the
Webster High School in 1982.
world. 2. End hunger.
* Family history: 1 sister : J ane. 2
* The one thing people don’t know
brothers: Toby & David. Parents are
about me is: I have a boyfriend who
loves me unconditionally.
*Member of Zion for how long: 4
* A perfect day is when: I wor ship
God on Sundays.
* What I like about Zion: Pastor s,
* My biggest challenge in life:
singing the hymns in church, refreshments Keeping busy and not getting bored!
& fellowship.
*How I’ve been involved in my Church:
Served on Altar Guild, have helped with Everyone, sooner or later, will be in
the newsletter and watering the plants.
the “spotlight”! Committee
* My favorite part of Zion is: Wor ship- members: Gary Job (chair), Sharon
ping in church on Sunday.
Stroschein, Sharon Paranto, and
* What my Church means to me:
Kathy Job
Going to my pastors if something is
bothering me.
* Best time of year at Zion: Chr istmas.
* What I would like to see more of at
Zion: Mor e visitation fr om the chur ch.
* Last dream I had: When my Dad & I
went fishing.
*Last time I cried: When we lost our
"Get to Know You" Spotlight Person
For the Month of
October 2016
“Becky Waldowski”
Items for Grandma’s Treasurers for the October 15th bazaar
may be brought to the church beginning Saturday, October
Special Offering for the Month of
October is
Lutheran World Relief
Please see the bulletin board
for more information.
Sponsorships are available for
the next several months. The
sign-up sheet is on the bulletin
board in the Narthex. We are
heard at 8:30 am on KSDN radio
(930 AM). The cost of sponsoring
a week's broadcast is $110.00.
One family or an individual can
pay this, divide it into half, or
even divide it into three parts.
Please help us by signing up to
sponsor one of our Sunday
worship services. We need
you to keep this important
ministry going.
If you have any prayer
requests, call the
Church Office at 2256755 or Elsie Geffre at
225-7488 with
the person’s
name and
Van Rides
Van rides are available for
both the 8:30 am or 10:00 am
(summer) or 10:45 AM
services. Please call the church
office at 225-6755 by 12:00
noon on Friday for a ride. Or
leave a message on the
answering machine.
The ZLCW Executive
Board will meet
Saturday, Oct.8th
9:00 AM..
I have once again made my list of helpers here at Zion, but I hope you
will forgive me if I have forgotten any of you, as it is so hard to see everyone. (Please don’t evict me - I love living at Zion!) But if I forgot you, or
someone you know of, please call them at the office and see if they will put it
in the next time. Thank you. SeeMore!
☺ Oh my. God has given some people so such talent. And we are thankful that
they have found it in their hearts to share those gifts with us at Zion.
For example:
- Glenn Denning quietly puts together the beautiful faith chests that we
give our baptized children.
- Myron Walth recovered the benches and small table in the kitchen to
match our new counter tops.
- Curt S. cleaned the church while Art was on vacation.
- Carol Rutherford made a beautiful quilt for our congregation to benefit
Lutherans Outdoors Bible Camps.
- Mike Brumbaugh made a one of a kind wooden cutting board for the
Lutheran Outdoors auction.
- Lois Sollie faithfully proofs the newsletter each month.
I heard Rick Weber single handily “manhandled” the parsonage stove and
gave it a ride to the landfill. Thanks Rick – we got it in on the last day of free
A little bird told me that October 9 is Pastor Marcia and Galen’s 40th
wedding anniversary! Wow- I didn’t know they were that old! Congratulations
Sylvesters. ☺
God’s Work Our Hands was sure fun this year! Over 10,000 meals were
prepared that day for distribution across the world. Becky and Jusin Desens
hands were all over that project. Ida Fauth, Viola Tetherow, Julie Beusch,
Alexis Olson, Saundra and Zach Anderson, Pastor Erin and Pastor Marcia
helped create13 fleece blankets for infants, children, and adults in need.
Job well done everyone!
I saw the Sunday School Superintendents clapping for joy when all the
teacher positions were filled. They said to say “thank you” to all those who will be
using God’s gifts of teaching to touch the hearts and minds of our children at
“Here comes the bride” It has been fun to see all the happy faces during
the weddings this month. Thank you Hugh Dahme for making their day even
more special by attending to the sound system. (The music wouldn’t be the same
without your talents!)
Health and
Robert Jarvis
Larry Wolff
Nano Nagle
Howard\Hazel Martell
Bethesda Home
Gottlieb Gienger
Anna Stern
Martha Zimmerman
Phyllis Schnorr
Esther Schock
Manor Care
Adam Reich
Gladys Wannr
Erna Schmierer
Zion’s Prayer Shawl Ministry
Helen Tichota
Mother Joseph
Emily Wagner
Delores Hilgemann
Florence Marzolf
The Prayer Shawl group will meet on October 3rd.
2:30 for knitting and crocheting together;
3:40 for prayer and blessing of shawls.
Contact Person: Kathy Brumbaugh
Fellowship Circle and Peace Circle
Peace Circle will meet on Thursday, Oct. 13th at 9:00 AM
Fellowship Circle will meet on Thursday, Oct. 13th at 2:00 PM.
Bible Studies are found in “Gather” magazine, the magazine
of Women of the ELCA.
November Fellowship Service List
* Altar Guild Co-Chairs
Ella Aipperspach
Lyle Chapin
*Lois Chapin
Milbert Dais
Brett Dinger
Michelle Dinger
Shaine Dinger
Brody Dinger
Janel Ellingson
Mike Geffre
Jeff Goreham
Nick Guthmiller
Christy Guthmiller
Charleen Hargens
Steve Harrison
*Kari Harrison
Jackson Harrison
Estelle Harrison
Erin Heidelberger
Katarzyna Heidelberger
Paul Helling
Pam Helling
Robert Jarvis
Connie Kaul
Maxine Lammle
Dodie Nelson
Michael Noonan
Janice Noonan
John Opsahl
Donna Opsahl
Glorida Rudolph
Joy Schmidt
Stan Schumacher
Ed Suchomel
Shirley Wageman
ZION’S BOOK CLUB, will meet on
Tuesday, October 11th @ 11:30 AM at Minervas.
Our book for the month of October is
“Ordinary Grace”
by William Krueger
Hub City Brew is kicking off the year at
Aberdeen Oktoberfest! HCB is a
monthly gathering of people in their 20s
and 30s for food, fellowship, and faith
Join us on Saturday, October 8, 6:00 PM
at Oktoberfest at the Aberdeen Civic
Arena. Keep up-to-date on HCB events at
Memorial Gifts
In Memory of
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Anderson
Allen Hoffman
Allen Hoffman
Allen Hoffman
Allen Hoffman
Lorraine Fiechtner
Lorraine Fiechtner
Lorraine Fiechtner
Lorraine Fiechtner
Zion Preschool
Zion Cardmakers
Bible Fund
Sunday RGHSchool
Zion Preschool
Trust Fund
Zion Preschool
Kitchen Remodel
Zion Building
Zion Cardmakers
Zion General
Kitchen Remodel
Faith Chests
Radio Broadcast
Bible Fund
Sunday School
Zion Advocacy
Zion Preschool
Zion Preschool
Restoring God’s House
Bible Fund
MaryJane Kabrud
Viola Tetherow
Ray\Marcie Andersh
Vivian Eske
Rod\Rose Weidrich
Gladys Melcher
Carmel Heyd
Wilma Zimmerman
Lois Sollie
Alegra Fischer
Bob\Joan Haak
Family & Friends
Jane Fischer
Ken\Sharon Mizerny
Myron\Beth Walth
Family & Friends
Mavis, Family, Friends, Relatives
Mavis, Family, Friends, Relatives
Mavis, Family, Friends, Relatives
Mavis, Family, Friends, Relatives
Leon\Virginia Tobin
Mary Jane Kabrud
Carmel Heyd
Ray\Marcie Andersh
Social Concerns committee Freezer Meal ministry!
The Social Concerns committee has recently stocked the freezer. Our
group is looking to help those who may be in need of a warm meal for one
of several reasons: financial hardship, illness, surgery, death of a loved
one, new baby, etc. Periodically throughout the year, the committee will
be organizing and conducting Freezer Meal Prep Days, where volunteers
can get together, prepare, and package meals to stock the freezer. Watch
your bulletin for more information on how to get involved and
help with and when the next prep day will be. If someone you
know is in need of some meals to help through a difficult time,
please talk to someone in the church office.
Noah’s Park Preschool
Hello from Noah’s Park!! What a wonderful group
of students we have again this fall! Every class is full and
we have taken a few extras...I have even run out of cubbies for the
first time. Preschool teachers are pretty creative so that wasn’t a
hard problem to solve. We started the year getting to know each
other and learning the rules of the classroom. We have already
practiced with scissors, glue, crayons, markers and even paint.
Each day is definitely an adventure—especially in the beginning of
the year. One of my favorite things I made over the summer is our
apple orchard. I set it up for the beginning of the year to go along
with our apple theme and it has been so fun! The children have
loved buying and selling apples and writing out receipts. I have
visited their apple orchard a lot and to be honest I am questioning
their pricing. I have had to pay anywhere from $4 to $17 million
dollars for a basket of apples… Hmmm! You might want to save
up your pennies if you plan to shop with us! Happy Fall! - Jami
Table of Plenty Community Meal
The next Table of Plenty Community Meal will be Monday,
October 24th from 5:30-7:00 PM.
Please join us for a great meal and fellowship!
Ken’s and Kessler’s receipts for
Noah’s Park Preschool.
We will begin collection receipts for the
upcoming school year beginning again on
September 1, 2016.
We really appreciate you and hope you
continue to save these receipts for us.
Since we are beginning a new tradition at Zion
of giving Story Bibles to all of our 3-year-olds,
we have also created a new fund to cover the
cost of these Bibles. If you would like to
contribute or designate memorials to this fund,
you can direct contributions to the Zion Bible
Fund. Thank you for helping us to put the Word
of God into the hands and hearts of our
High schoolers are invited to
movie night at Zion on
Sunday, October 23
6:00 PM.
Supper included!
SECOND SUNDAY for high school
youth will meet on Sunday, October 16
(which is the third Sunday of this
month!) at 5:00 PM at Caribou Coffee.
Your drink is on us! Join us for fellowship
and faith conversation. All 9th-12th graders
are welcome.
Plans are already underway for next summer’s youth
trip! June 11-16, 2017 will be Zion week at
Outlaw! Pastor Erin will accompany youth finishing
grades 5-12 for the week.
Youth interested in Zion Week at Outlaw and their
parents are invited to an informational meeting at
noon on Sunday, October 16 in the Fellowship Hall. We will also discuss
fundraising opportunities to pay for camp.
You can choose one of these camps:
*Youth Camp (grades 5-6 and 7-8):
Hike, canoe on the lake, ride a horse, worship around the campfire, go on an
overnight campout, have fun on the challenge course, try your archery
skills, enjoy an interactive Bible study, meet new friends, eat great food,
and hang out with a super cool counselor!
*Peer Ministry (Grades 9-12)
Through small groups, peer ministers learn ways to become welcoming and
accepting, awareness of the hurts and needs of others, and how to be
caring listeners. Visits to Crazy Horse and Mt. Rushmore included.
*Counselor-in-Training (Grades 10-12)
Begins June 11-16. J oin Outlaw Ranch for three weeks of incr edible
experiences and learning. The first week, CITs will join Peer Ministry,
gaining knowledge in becoming a caring listener. Team building and
learning sessions, similar to what staff experience during training, will fill
week two. The final week, CITs learn directly from counselors in a cabin
as they join in managing a cabin full of campers.
*Adventures (Grades 7-12)
This small group adventure experience includes full-day or part day adventures such as hiking or overnight backpacking, biking on the Mickelson
Trail, lake and creek kayaking, caving, service projects, and the low ropes
challenge course and trail ride. The week includes daily worship, Bible
study, great food and awesome counselors.
Registration for summer 2017 camps opens November 7. A deposit of $125 is
required to register (help is available for deposit if needed). Full cost of camps is
$450 for Youth Camp, CIT, and Peer Ministry (if registered before Feb. 15) and
$500 for Adventures.
Radio Broadcast Quality
We have been informed that the quality of our Sunday morning
radio broadcast has been poor over the past summer.
Unfortunately we have not been able to assess what the problem
is. We are in need of people in the congregation to listen to the
broadcast on KSDN 930 AM at 8:30 am on Sunday mornings.
Please note the quality of the broadcast and inform Hugh Dahme
or Pastor Marcia (225-6755) as to what you hear (good or bad).
Thank you! The more ears we have around this issue the sooner
we can get it resolved.
P.S. KSDN has gone digital in their broadcasts so to
receive the best signal you will need a digital radio
rather than an older analog radio.
Every second Saturday of the month Zion hosts bingo at Bethesda.
The women are in charge of finding Volunteers to help with
bingo. Plan to participate in this ministry opportunity on
Saturday, October 8th! Contact Carol Knispel (216-2100)
if you can help.
Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving
As Zion prepares for a new year, it is important to know what support
we can depend on from our congregation members. By knowing what
you are willing to commit financially, we are able to better plan for the
future. Please consider setting up a recurring giving plan. Automating
your financial commitments means your contributions will be received
on a steady, uninterrupted basis.
To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at
[], locate the Online Giving button and
set up your recurring giving schedule. The first time you give, you will
select a password that will enable you to log in at any time and make
changes to your giving or view your complete online giving
history. Or if it’s easier, contact Donna in the office and she
can get you set up.
Wanted: Per sonal Dr iver . Responsible, clean dr iving r ecor d, able to
lift up to 30 lbs, must provide own vehicle in good condition that can
hold a walker. Willing to hire two persons or a couple, so their schedules
can be accommodated. Perfect for retired person.
Regular schedule with some additional, all in
town. Please call Jackie at 216-2039 for an
interview. Salary negotiable.
References requested.
Parking Lot Reconstruction
The date is set! Our parking lot reconstruction will be on Monday,
October 17. The project will take two weeks with each lot done on
separate weeks. Be prepared to walk a bit further as
you may need to park on the street at some point
during those two weeks. Finallya parking lot with
Zion Council Minutes - September 2016
Parking lot improvements are coming soon.
Some members of the congregation have reported the radio broadcast is
difficult to understand.
Stewardship Committee will introduce a ‘narrative story’ budget for
2017. It will be vision driven and fused with storytelling
Commitment Sunday will be the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Pastor Marcia will serve as Vice Pastor at Groton during their call
QUILT TICKETS are on sale now for our beautiful butterfly quilt
to be raffled off at the bazaar on October 15th.
Tickets are one for $2.00 or 3 for $5.00 and can be
purchased each Sunday in the Narthex or during
the week in the church office. The quilt will be on
display on Sundays.
Middle schoolers, mark your calendars for October 28-30. Zion will be
taking a group to this year’s synod middle school youth gathering!
Get ready for an adventure in faith in the new frontier of Joy Ranch.
Stay in JR's Bunkhouse, enjoy rootbeer floats and games in the
Thirsty Boot Saloon and hang out in Wild Bill's Game Room.
You will be spending the weekend with the amazing Joy Ranch staff,
adults from Zion and peers from around South Dakota. You don't need
to pack along your boots and cowboy hats for this wild west adventure, but they are certainly welcome.
Adult Bible Study Opportunity
Sundays, October 9 – November 13
Wednesdays, October 5- November 9
The Reformation – 500 Years Old and Alive and Well
Join Pastor Marcia on Sunday mornings between services from
9:45-10:30 am; OR from 6:30–7:30 pm Wednesday evenings
as we celebrate 500 years of the Reformation. We’ll meet in
Classroom A off the Fellowship Hall. Choose the day that works for
your schedule.
You are invited to follow the beginning of this story as we look at
who Luther was, where he came from and what formed his ideas.
Luther wasn’t born a Lutheran, nor did he set out intending to be a
We’ll leave Friday after school and be back Sunday at noon.
Your cost: We hope to make this event free for Zion youth, so if you
want to attend, plan to help out with a yet-to-be-determined fall fundraiser to pay the cost.
Sign up now! Sign up sheet is on Pastor
Erin’s bulletin board in the fellowship hall.
Let’s dig into Luther’s thought and theology and start to unpack
what it was about this man, Luther, and his understanding of
Scripture that not only inspires but also creates controversy– even
today. So whether or not you’re new to the Lutheran conversation
or you’ve been born and raised in it, join us as we explore the man
and the theology that sparked a revolution.
Stewardship 2016
I Love to Tell the Story:
How God Uses Our Offerings in Story and Pictures
Orientation for the 10th Grade Life Application year of
Confirmation will be Sunday, October 9 at 6:30 PM. Dessert will
be served! Both students and parents should plan to attend.
Have you noticed that September has been missing something?
We have not had our annual 4 weeks of Stewardship programs. The
Stewardship Committee decided to change things up a bit this year.
Instead of a 4 week Stewardship program we are going to focus on
discovering how God is using your offerings to Zion to touch the hearts
and lives of people in our congregation, in our community and in the
world! We will do this through story and pictures. Our commitment
Sunday will take place on November 20 – the Sunday before
That Sunday will be a Sunday of thanks, praise and
commitment. As an added bonus the Youth of Zion will be
having their annual Turkey Dinner that day!
Happenings at Zion!
Above Left: Fun at Confir mation mini-retreat at
Above Right: Shar on Str oschein shar ing cake with
Zion’s Church Council for her birthday.
Above: 3r d Gr ader s and their families lear ning
about their brand new bibles.
Baptized at Zion are Khloe Acosta & Maximiliano
Nery. Pictured are parents: Brianna Acosta &
Miguel Nery and sponsors Kyle & Denielle Olson &
Jarell Arndt & Sarah Fischer.
Welcome to Zion: Brianna Acosta, Khloe Acosta &
Maximiliano Nery, Debra Fischer &
Matthew Fischbach.
God’s Work Our Hands - Over 10,000 meals
prepared and 13 fleece blankets made!
It’s been said that in the history of Western civilization only one
individual has had more books written about him than has Martin Luther:
that is - Jesus Christ.
What was it this small town priest from a little known university in
a town on the fringes of German society said and did that has caused
generation after generation to assess the impact and fallout of events
from 500 years ago? According to Luther himself, it all began in Wittenberg, Germany on the eve of All Saints Day, October 31, 1517 when he
posted the 95 Theses. What did he say that offended so many people?
How did that event ignite a revolution that impacted not only religion, but
also the social, economic and political forces of the day?
During the next month we invite you to follow the beginning of
this story as we look at who Luther was, where he came from and what
formed his ideas. Luther wasn’t born a Lutheran, nor did he set out
intending to be a reformer. Coming out of a working class family with a
traditional education he was, by his own admission, surprised by what
transpired in the months following the Ninety-Five Theses - a document
that spread like wildfire across continental Europe.
We will also dig into Luther’s thought and theology and start to
unpack what it was about this man, Luther, and his understanding of
Scripture that not only inspires, but also creates controversy-- even
today. So whether or not you’re new to the Lutheran conversation or
you’ve been born and raised in it, join us as we explore the man and the
theology that sparked a revolution.
Join Pastor Marcia on Sunday mornings between services from
9:45-10:30 am; OR from 6:30–7:30 pm Wednesday evenings as we
celebrate 500 years of the Reformation. We’ll meet in Classroom A
off the Fellowship Hall. Choose the day that works for your
Saturday, October 15th
9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Zion’s annual bazaar is fast approaching! ALL members of Zion
are invited to provide items and/or help with the bazaar! The money
raised by the bazaar supports programs in our church and our
Crafts and sewn items are needed for the Country Store and
the Quilt areas. Do you have items in your home that you no longer
need and are in good condition? Box them up for the Grandma’s
Treasurers room. We will also need baked goods for the Bake Shop,
candy and snacks for the Candy Shop, kuchen for the Kuchen Corner,
and plants and produce for the Fall Harvest area. Last but not least,
we will need rolls, pies & kuchen to be used in the kitchen the day of
the bazaar.
We will need people to help bake kuchen at the church for the
Kuchen Corner. Our kuchen is a BIG DRAW for the bazaar so we want
to have a lot on hand for sale. Inexperienced and experienced bakers
are needed. Our baking day will be Friday, October 14th starting at
8:00 a.m. Even if you can only help for a few hours we need you!
Please come and help bake kuchen! It’s a wonderful opportunity for
fellowship and many hands make light work!
We are also in need of workers the day of the bazaar. If you
would like to help in one of the areas, please contact Carmel Heyd at
229-1360. You do not have to work the entire day. If you have can
volunteer for a couple of hours, we can find a spot for you!
Please stop by the church for a donation list of what is needed
or see your Sunday bulletin.
Thank-you in advance for helping make the 2016 Bazaar a
ANNUAL QUILT AUCTION - Lutherans Outdoors in SD, serves Klein
Ranch, Outlaw Ranch, Joy Ranch & NeSoDak will hold their annual quilt
auction on Sunday, October 16, 2016 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in
Sioux Falls. We are sending a quilt made by Carol Rutherford and also a
cutting board made by Mike Brumbaugh. You may also see them online at for these and other items to be auctioned off. If anyone is
interested on putting a bid on them, you may let us know by contacting the
church office.