Hot Business Launchpad program, click here to full details about


Hot Business Launchpad program, click here to full details about
Launch your business.
Launch your life.
Inside the Hot Business Launchpad
Hey there hot stuff
If you’re anything like me, you
don’t want to settle. In fact,
you’re scared to. Because let’s
face it, when you spend the
majority of your time at work,
you don’t want to be doing
something you don’t love.
your biz, then look no further.
The Hot Business Launchpad
is for everyone, whether you’re
a practitioner or someone
looking to launch a jewelry
After inspiring others to really
My mission with the Hot
take their dreams to the next
Business Launchpad is to give level the first time I launched
you the tools on how to reach the Hot Business Launchpad,
your full potential and start
I am thrilled to be able to do it
building your own freedom.
all over again.
I’ve pulled all my experience
as a previous Ad Exec and as I hope you can join us and
a current owner of Sexy Food become an official, “Hottie”
Therapy Inc. to give you the
because you deserve to offer
goods so that you can unleash your greatness to the world
that special spark within.
and don’t ever let anyone tell
you different.
Whether you’re a student,
stuck at a job you hate, a stay- xo
at-home mom or have been
out there for a while and just
can’t seem to get a focus on
About Hot Business Launchpad founder,
Melissa Ramos
As a Nutritionist, Acupuncturist and owner of Sexy Food
Therapy Inc., Melissa Ramos’ high-heeled approach to
health helps people feel sexy from the inside out. She
is a regular expert on CTV’s The Social, a TED speaker
and has been named one of Canada’s up-and-coming
health and wellness stars by FLARE magazine. Ramos
is an official health blogger for Huffington Post and
has appeared on CBC’s, Steven & Chris, CHUM and
Virgin Radio and was named Woman of the Week from
Women’s Post Magazine. Ramos’ focuses on digestive
imbalances, mental health and hormone-related issues
and can be found speaking at events, providing health
consults or developing her next online program. Her
popular “Quickie” newsletter videos provide people
with an opportunity to get their weekly fix by offering
food, supplement and lifestyle tips in an unconventional
but engaging way. Melissa’s passion is infectious and
her continual dedication is to inspire, empower and
motivate as many women throughout the globe.
So what is the Hot Business Launchpad?
The Hot Business Launchpad is a 6-week online
business program that will provide the tools you need
to take your business (or dream of one) to the next step.
You’ll learn to market effectively, build a strong brand,
serve others with your gift you have to offer and make
money while doing it.
Now I couldn’t offer this program without adding in an
element of health. So this year, I’ve included my SelfCare Toolkit that will provide you with ways to stay
healthy and on your game. Because after all, you can’t
build a kick-ass home without a solid foundation.
What people are Saying!
The alumni Hotties speak out!
“If you're wondering whether or not to invest in the Hot Business
Launchpad, I only have two words for you: Do it.
Melissa will teach you exactly what you need to know to set your business apart from the rest,
attract your ideal customers, and build a vibrant, engaging online presence. Her approach is
very practical, straightforward, and understandable. You'll get cutting edge information about
social media, strategies you can implement right away, and you'll have Melissa's encouragement
and support every step of the way. My business has benefited tremendously from the Hot
Business Launchpad - I've seen huge engagement on my website and Facebook page,
and I'm drawing in the right clients for me. I have Melissa to thank for my success online!”
- Alex James
“Starting a business is a daunting task, to say the least! Everyone has their opinions and everyone
wants you to spend a million dollars. When I found Melissa Ramos' Hot Business Launch Pad I had a
huge sigh of relief. Melissa is young, talented and actually cares to see you succeed. The HBL put our
ideas into perspective and not only taught us where to start, but in detail laid out the steps needed to
build our brand. Business doesn't come overnight and it sure as hell takes a lot of work, but it's worth
it! Melissa will help pull out any insecurity, teach you some tricks of the trade and keep you motivated.”
Jessica Mowforth -
What people are Saying!
The alumni Hotties speak out!
"Working with Melissa through her brilliant online course 'Hot Business Launchpad' has quite literally
changed my life. It has given me the confidence to begin the process of launching my blog and therefore
my new business venture. Creating an online business is something I have wanted to do for the past
two years but felt like I had no idea how to do it. Melissa is knowledgeable, inspiring, fun and makes
business sexy and interesting! I feel empowered and informed. I learnt so much from the course and
I continue to use all the valuable information Melissa most generously gave - there is so much. I am
so grateful to Melissa and to my fellow 'Hotties' for inspiring me to start my new journey. If you are
thinking about doing this amazing course - stop thinking and start doing! You won't regret a moment."
- Amy Rhodes
“As a student, I was hesitant to sign up for the Hot Business Launchpad, since I didn’t yet have
a business to launch. I’m SO glad I decided to. Melissa’s program gave me a great foundation to
build my business on, and taught me strategies I could use to build my audience for when I am
ready to launch. I feel much more prepared now to take on the business world. Thanks, Melissa!”
Kelly Boaz -
So what are the specifics of the Hot Business
Launchpad? Give me the straight goods!
for future use), worksheets, the Self-Care Toolkit,
motivational community support and so much more.
The Hot Business Launchpad is one of the most
comprehensive and holistically rounded programs online.
You’ll receive interactive webinars (that will be recorded
So before signing up to anything, I wanted to provide you
with specifics on what this exactly entails so that you can
make sure that this course is right for you.
Part I:
& Competition
Within Part I, I’ll be breaking down the key foundational tools that you’ll need to get started. This is one of the most
important parts of the entire program. Here are the topics on what’s included:
• Building your Personal Avatar
• The Brand-Boosting Strategy
• Building Your Customer Avatar
• Profit Diagnosis
Worksheets will be given to help you map out Part I
Building Your Personal Avatar
Discovering you & your hidden brand
Uncover your strengths & how to leverage your “weaknesses” so that they work for you
Learn how to play big even if you’re an introvert
The Brand-Boosting Strategy
How to shape your brand & play like the big girls do
The brand inspiration model that will take your brand to new heights
How to set your price without the comparison
Building Your Customer Avatar
Discover why the old “target market” model no longer works
Learn the new ways of identifying your customer that goes deeper than you ever thought possible
Get heard by understanding how to touch your client’s sweet spot
Profit Diagnosis
Uncover new opportunities that you never knew existed
Find out what may be holding back your profit & where you’re currently leaving money on the table
Discover how to create a model that works for your business to turn a profit despite being a service or product-based business
Part I: Branding, Customer Breakthrough & Competition
Part II:
Websites &
Creating an
Website Anatomy: Terms & Definitions
Websites: Your Online Money Maker
How to Create a Killer Opt-In
Bonus: WordPress must-have designs & plug-ins
Worksheets will be given to help you map out Part II
Website Anatomy: Terms & Definitions
WordPress Navigation 101
Common terms & definitions that finally make sense:
• URLs, domains, hosting
• Affiliate sites and marketing
• Squeeze page & landing pages
• Shopping carts, merchant accounts, payment processors
Websites: Your Online Money Maker
Be the driver of your money ship & direct your customers to your cash flow
Developing the sweet spot of your website
List Building tactics that work + the importance of traffic & collection
The common website mistakes you want to avoid that could be halting your cash flow
How to Create a Killer Opt-In
Who cares about opt-ins? The thinking behind creating an opt-in that will drive sales
The template program that will save you time & make you money
Developing an opt-in strategy that will generate higher conversion rates.
BONUS: WordPress must-have designs & plug-ins
Part II: Website & Creating an Incredible Offer
Creating killer content is everything
when selling any product or service.
t's about being able to speak directly
your customer avatar, relate to them
Part III:
erstand theirCreating
nd ultimately hitContent
their sweet spot. Th
of developing copy is about storytelli
entertaining. You can find informati
nywhere on the internet, but how you
onvey it, add your individual flare, is
Developing incredible home page content that gets you noticed
Blogging: Why it’s so damn important
Bios: Why most people have it all wrong
Free Content: The big bang for your buck & how to avoid giving away too much
Worksheets will be given to help you map out Part III
Developing Content on Your Homepage that Gets You Noticed
The biggest mistakes to avoid that will turn customers off immediately
Developing actionable copy that funnels people to the areas of your business that will make you money
Blogging: Why it’s so damn important
Why blogging isn’t just a pastime but rather crucial to the success of your business
The importance of creating umbrella themes & drill downs
Widgets that keep people on your site bouncing from blog to blog
Perfecting the art of storytelling
Bios: Why most people have it all wrong
The biggest mistakes in writing your bio that you need to avoid
Why you’re bio is actually not all about you
Why you need two bios for your website
The bio template that will save you time in crafting your own and will even turn some heads
Free Content: The big bang for your buck & how to avoid giving away too much
Why free content equals cash & how to give away enough without giving away too much
How to get free shit from suppliers even if you don’t have a following
Developing free content, teasers and info that will draw people into your products & services
BONUS: How to sales copy & a pitch letter in a simple way without
sounding “pitchy”
Part III: Creating Killer Content
Part IV: Social
Media & How
to Make it
Work for You
Many people are scared of this section because many are convinced that it either won’t work or that it’ll take a lot of
time. The truth is over 80% of my patients in my private practice have found me through a social media avenue. So
whether you have a product or service-based business, social media should be a part of it.
Facebook & Twitter: The art of making people hear you in a noisy digital age
Pinterest: Why it’s more than just wedding planning & home design
Hootsuite: The biggest blessing for the busy entrepreneur
Worksheets will be given to help you map out Part IV
Facebook & Twitter: The art of making people hear you in a noisy digital age
Facebook anatomy & crafting your description so that Google picks you up in a local search
When and how to purchase Facebook ads without breaking the bank
How to get more likes on Facebook by incorporating the Facebook algorithm without spending a penny
How to implement opt-in’s on your Facebook
How to install custom widgets without fancy software and how to make them actionable
Twitter anatomy & terms that will make you feel at ease
How to find where your customer is hiding on Twitter
How to create killer tweets & Facebook posts that will get shared & retweeted
Pinterest: Why it’s more than just wedding planning & home design
Why Pinterest matters and how to make it work for you
How Pinterest Business & Personal are two very different things
How to develop effective pins & boards with copy that makes you come out on top
Understanding how often to pin material & repin others material
Peak pinning times
Understanding the most popular pins to-date and using it within your business
How to develop Pinterest contests that creates buzz around your brand and gets you noticed
Hootsuite: The biggest blessing for the busy entrepreneur
Understanding the anatomy of Hootsuite, how to create an account online & on your mobile and how to set up your most relevant social media networks
How often to post without annoying people & how to not be forgotten about
Why you can’t solely rely on scheduling to do all the work
Part IV: Social Media & How to Make it Work for You
Part V:
Building stage
Vlogging &
Stage presence: Why it matters even if you don’t want to be in the media
Vlogging: How to produce content that gets you noticed
iMovie: The in’s and out’s to editing and a behind-the-scene look at the easiest free editing software available
Worksheets will be given to help you map out Part V
Stage presence: Why it matters even if you don’t want to be in the media
What to do about getting the pre-jitters from a supplement perspective and tried-and-true physical
tactics that work
Tricks to prepping & how to roll with the punches, even if you forgot your lines
Why your stature will say a lot about you and how to look confident even when you’re terrified!
Why intonation is everything and tools on how to effectively deliver content
The 80/20 rule that you need to know when you’re with hosts
Improv: How to be the best you possible
Vlogging & iMovie
Understanding how often to vlog
The importance of time constraints – why the digital age demands more for less and why you have to
give it to them
How to create your vlog content
What camera to shoot with and tips on how to do it yourself
iMovie: The anatomy and layout in easy terms
Why editing is everything and how you will begin to perfect and adjust it over time
Finding music that works for you thats affordable!
Exporting music: YouTube or Vimeo? A case for both.
BONUS: The Stage Presence Cheat Sheet
Part V: Building stage presence, Vlogging & iMovie
Putting it all
together: A step-bystep guide to making
it all happen
By this point you will likely have a head full of ideas and
you may even feel overwhelmed. I’ve developed this last
section as a way to help you pull all the content together in
an actionable plan that’s laid out for you.
I’ll take you through a webinar to help to answer your
questions and provide you with a step-by-step action guide
that you will leave with on how to put it all together
Facebook Community
One of the biggest benefits about the Hot Business
Launchpad is the strong community support you’ll
receive in the private Facebook group. Here you and I
will be able to chat and I’ll be here to support and answer
any questions you may have along the way.
Plus, when you purchase the Hot Business Launchpad,
you’ll become an official, “Hottie” meaning that you’ll
have access to the program for a lifetime.
That’s right, a lifetime.
This community that I’m building is one where we
can mentor future Hotties and create an empowering
community of women who will bond and motivate one
There’s power in numbers people, so together we can
kick some serious ass.
The Self-Care Toolkit
One of the things that any entrepreneur will tell you is that
they often neglect themselves and seriously people, this
needs to stop.
In the past as an Ad Exec, I worked hard and played even
harder. Then as an entrepreneur, I found myself skipping
meals and putting myself last. So after getting sick and
landing myself in adrenal fatigue hell, I decided to create a
program for myself that I am not giving to you. Here’s what’s
Supplement plan
• Receive my basic, must-have supplement advice that will compliment the dietary portion of this plan, replenish your body & nourish deficiencies
Lifestyle plan
Receive a lifestyle plan that will help keep your Qi (a.k.a. vital energy) moving to help your creativity flow so you can knock em’ dead in your biz
Start your day with two different meditation
recordings that will help keep you clear, calm and focused through your day
The Self-Care Toolkit
Dietary plan
Receive what a dietary plan that will help you to understand which foods will nourish your adrenals and nerves, plus boost cognitive function
• Receive some of my most popular and delicious recipes
that will keep you energized and nourished to really get out there and kick ass.
So how much am I looking at to be a part of the official
Hottie tribe? And when do doors officially open and close
for purchase?
The price for the Hot Business Launchpad is $199.
This online program will open its doors on February 15, 2014 and will close its
doors on March 15, 2015.
The official start date is March 27, 2014 when the first webinar will begin. The proceeding webinars will
happen on every Thursday thereafter and will be recorded for you to view thereafter.
It’s time to Launch
your Business
…and stop saying,
“what if”
Sign up now and don’t miss out.
On behalf of the alumni Hotties and myself, I genuinely
hope that you can join us and that I will have the
wonderful pleasure of working with you.
Let’s do this.