Antoine de Saint Exupery – an adult who didn`t become adult


Antoine de Saint Exupery – an adult who didn`t become adult
Antoine de Saint Exupery
An adult who didn’t become adult
Count – hrabia
Executive – kierownik, dyrektor
Stroke- udar mózgu
Affect – wpłynąć na
Impoverished – zubożały
Cauntess – hrabina
Financial – finansowe
Difficulties – trudności
Forced - zmusiły
moved – przeprowadził się
relatives - krewni
Acquired- nabyty
Nurses – nianie, guwernantki;
Antoine de saint Exupery was born on 29th June, 1900 in Marseille, France in
an aristocratic family. His father , Count Jean de Saint Exupéry , died of a
szkoła podstawowa
stroke in Lyon's La Foux train station before his son's fourth birthday. His
father's death would greatly affect the entire family, transforming their status
to that of 'impoverished aristocrats'. The financial difficulties forced
Bording School – szkoła z
Exupery’s mother, Countess Marie de Fonscolombe, to move to her relatives’
castle in Le Mans where litlle Antoine spent his childhood altogether with his
Preparatory School – prywatna
Naval Academy – akademia
Intentionally – celowo
sisters, aunts, cousins and nurses. He acquired his early education at Jesuit
Enter – rozpocząć, wejść
Auditor – wolny słuchacz
schools in Montgré and Le Mans, and a Catholic boarding school in
Without – bez
Switzerland (1915-1917). After twice failing his final exams at a Naval
Graduate – ukończyć
Fall into the habit – wpaść w
Academy (intentionally, some believe), Saint-Exupéry entered the École des
Beaux-Arts as an auditor to study architecture for 15 months, again without
Accept – przyjmować
graduating, and then fell into the habit of accepting odd jobs. In 1921 he
Odd - dziwny
discovered his passion for flying planes. In 1927 he became a licensed civil
Became – został
Duty – obowiązek
Release –uwolnienie
Morocco. His duties included negotiating the safe release of downed fliers
Downed fliers – ranni lotnicy
taken hostage by hostile Moors. It was a very dangerous task . It was in that
Taken hostage – wzięty jako
pilot. Soon after that accepted the position of airfield chief in southern
time that he wrote Southern Mail (1928) qnd Night Flight (1931). On the
September 1, 1939, World War II began when Germany invaded Poland, and
Hostile – nieprzyjazny, wrogi
then Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. Saint
The Moors- Maurowie
Invade- najeżdżać
In 1943 he wrote his most known story – The Little Prince. In 1944 he
Reconnaissance – zwiadowczy
took spotter flights over Africa. On July 31, 1944, he was scheduled for
Took spotter flights – podjął loty
Exupéry joined the French air force to fly reconnaissance missions.
one of his last missions. His plane, a Lockheed P-38 Lightning,
disappeared on that same day. His squadron declared him officially
missing on September 8.
There were many speculations about that mysterious death . Some
people claimed he lost control over his plane, some suggested suicide
and others believed his plane was shot by the Nazi Germans.
In 1998, a fisherman named Jean-Claude
Bianco was working in the
Be scheduled for – być
wyznaczonym do
Squadron – eskadra
Officially – oficjalnie
Missing – zaginiony
Claim – twierdzić
Suicide – samobójstwo
Nazi Germans – Naziści
the Mediterranean Sea- Morze
Mediterranean Sea off the coast of
approach – zbliżać się
Marseille, France when he found in his
trawling net – sieć rybacka
trawling net and found an engraved
engraved – wygrawerowana
bracelet entangled in it. Bianco
entangled – zaplątany
recognize – rozpoznawać
immediately – natychmiast
recognized a man’s name immediately.
Authorities who also looked at the
authorities – władze
bracelet decided that the item probably was a fake—that is, until a
source - źródło
scuba diver later working near Bianco’s fishing area discovered the
fake – podróbka, fałszywka
bracelet’s source: an airplane wreck on the ocean floor. The damaged
wreck – wrak
plane was a reconnaissance aircraft from World War II. And the name
Truth – prawda
Come to light – ujrzeć światło
on the bracelet was none other than that of the French author and flyer
Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Former – były
In 2008 the truth came to light. The former pilot of Luftwaffe Horst
Admit – przyznać
Rippert admitted shooting down Saint-Exupéry’s plane. Rippert stated
Shoot down – zestrzeliść
Report – zdać raport
Exist – istnieć
Verify – zweryfikować
Account – zeznanie
he reported the kill over his radio, but no documents exist to verify his
Aviation – lotnictwo
Childlike – dziecięcy
In 1931, Saint-Exupéry got married with a Salvadoran
Seductive- ponętna,
writer and artist Consuelo Suncin. He - a brave pioneer
of early aviation with a childlike appetite for danger, She
Widow – wdowa
– a seductive young widow. He – a fierce loner, she frail and voluble, exotic and capricious woman eager for
Fierce loner – zażarty
Frail – krucha, delikatna
being adored . Though they never divorced, by all accounts their marriage was a
Voluble – elokwentna
troubled one. The main reasons were Saint-Exupéry’s infidelities and frequent
Eager for –spragniona
absences. In 1935 he tried to break the air-speed record between Paris and
Though – chociaż
Saigon. It was one of the most dramatic events in his life. His plane crashed in
Divorce – rozwieść się
the Sahara, and he and his copilot wandered the desert for days, nearly dying of
By all account – bez
sun exposure and dehydration. They were rescued by a Beduine. Many believe
Troubled – pełne
that his time in the desert provoked the setting for “The Little Prince” which
similarly describes a plane crash in the Sahara, a mystical meeting and a walk
Infidelity – niewierność
through the desert in search of water. The same concerns Rose. Consuello Saint
Frequent – częsty
– Exupery realised and admitted she had been an inspiration for the story of a
Absence - nieobecność
boy who left a beloved flower and returned to it felling it was „unique in all the
world” – whom he could not live with and could not live without.
Wander- włóczyć się
The desert – pustynia
Exposure – nastawienie
Rescued -ocalony
Setting – tło zdarzenia
In search of-w
Realise-zdawać sobie
Whom- którym
If Saint-Exupéry is to be believed The Little Prince is a book for children
written for grown-ups. It can be read on many different levels to provide
Grown-ups- dorośli
Provide pleasuredostarczyć przyjemność
pleasure and food for thought for readers of all ages.
Food for thoughtjedzenie dla myśli
The author, an aviator, crashes with his aeroplane in the middle of the
Sahara desert. While he is trying to repair his aeroplane, a little boy appears
Crashes with-rozbić z
and asks him to draw a sheep. The author learns that The Little Prince
In the middle-po środku
comes from asteroid B-612 where he has left behind three volcanoes and a
Appears-wydawać się
Reaching earth-
Before reaching Earth, he has visited other planets and met some very odd
people: a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a lamplighter, a geographer…
osiągnąć uziemienie
Conceited man –
Since arriving on Earth, he has spoken to a fox who has taught him that to
zarozumialec, próżny
know someone or something, you must « tame » them, and that makes them
A drunkard-pijak
A lamplighter-latarnik
A geographer-geograf
Makes unique- czynić
« What is essential is invisible to the eye, says the fox. »
In order to return to his planet and his rose, The Little Prince allows himself
to be bitten by a poisonous snake: his planet is too far away, he cannot take
his « shell ». The aviator, who has succeeded in repairing his plane, also
leaves the desert. He still hopes The Little Prince will return one day and
asks us to write and tell him if ever we should meet his friend.
The king – asteroid B 325
In the book, the Little Prince meets a king who claims to rule over all with
absolute power. His only “subject”, however, is an old rat that he hears at night.
Rule over - rzązić nad
Set-zachodzić (o słońcu)
At sunset-o zachodzie
The king exercises his power over the sun by ordering it to set – but only at
sunset. In order not to lose face, the king gives only “reasonable” orders (“I order
Lose face-stracić twarz
you to sit down”) – as good a way as any to satisfy his thirst for power. The Little
Thirst for power- rządza
Prince is not fooled, however, and sees the monarch as no more than another
odd grown-up.
conceited manzarozumiały człowiek,
The conceited man – asteroid B 326
Wearing a hat as showy as it is ridiculous, the conceited man sees himself as the
handsomest and the most intelligent man on his tiny planet. The Little Prince
reminds the conceited man that he is, in fact, all alone on his planet, but still the
conceited man wishes to be admired and applauded. The Little Prince is
perplexed by such vanity: “Grown-ups are really very odd,” he says to himself.
Tiny- niewielki
Wishes to be admired-
The drunkard –asteroid B 327
pragnie być podziwiany
He lives alone with his collection of bottles and spends his time drinking to
Applauded- oklaskiwany
forget that he is ashamed of drinking. To the Little Prince, it is clear that the
Perplexed- zmieszany
drunkard is deeply unhappy, and he wants to help. The drunkard, however,
vanity- próżność
Ashamed - zawstydzony
Drunkard- pijak
Withdraw- wycofać się
withdraws into sadness and silence. The Little Prince is left perplexed by this
adult who sees no way out of his misery.
The businessman – asteroid B 328
The businessman is a large gentleman who is so very busy that he does not even
Light hiscigarette- światło
have time to light his cigarette. He spends his time counting stars, which he
Count- liczyć
claims to own. Then he writes down the numbers on a piece of paper that he puts
own- posiadać
waste- marnować
in the bank. The Little Prince tries to make him see that he is wasting his life and
that “owning” means being useful to what you own. He speaks of his rose,
Water- podlewać
which he waters and protects. The businessman is left speechless, and the
Protect – chronić
Little Prince once again finds grown-ups to be very disappointing.
Speechless –oniemiały
Disappoint - zawodzić
Initially- początkowo
Charmed- zauroczony
Character- postać
Light the lamp- zapalać
The lamplighter – asteroid B 329
The Little Prince is initially rather charmed by this character. His job is a
useful one: to light the lamp at sunset. But the speed of rotation of the
lamplighter’s planet is increasing all the time, and the poor lamplighter is
forever putting out his lamp and immediately lighting it again. “Orders are
Put out- gasić
orders,” says the lamplighter to the Little Prince who, in spite of everything,
can only admire the effort this grown-up puts into being faithful to his
The geographer – Asteroid B 330
The geographer is an old gentleman who writes down, in big books, the
information brought to him by explorers. His planet is vast and magnificent,
orders - rozkazy
In spite of – pomimo
geographer- geograf
brought- dostarczony,
but he has no way of knowing whether it has rivers and mountains because
“the geographer is far too important to waste his time browsing around”. The
browsing around-
geographer is someone who needs the stories of others in order to know
things; for the Little Prince, on the other hand, it takes effort to know things.
It is the geographer who advises the Little Prince to visit Earth because, he
says, it has “a good reputation”.
Explorers- badacze
Magnificent- doskonały
On the other hand- z
drugiej strony
Advise - doradzać
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can
see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
„ A oto mój sekret. Jest bardzo prosty: dobrze widzi się tylko sercem. Najważniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu.”
“People have forgotten this truth," the fox said. "But you mustn’t forget it. You become
responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.”
„Ludzie zapomnieli o tej prawdzie.” Lis powiedział. „Ale nie wolno zapomnieć. Stajesz się
odpowiedzialny na zawsze za to, co oswojone. Jesteś odpowiedzialny za twoją różę.”
„All grown-ups were once children, but only few of them remember it”
„Wszyscy dorośli byli kiedyś dziećmi ale niewielu o tym pamięta”
„And now here is my secret , a very simple secret :
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
What is essential is invisible to the eye”
"A oto mój sekret, bardzo prosty sekret:
Jest tylko sercem, że widać słusznie;
Najważniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu "