Air Mail - 14 Oct / Nov - Aviation Heritage Museum


Air Mail - 14 Oct / Nov - Aviation Heritage Museum
“Fostering the Spirit of Friendship and Perpetuating the Honour and Ideals of Her Majesty’s Air Forces”
October / November 2014
Print Post Approved:
Cambrai Village
90 and still
Des Wright has documented the
lives of WWI Victoria Cross heroes by
setting the scene where they served
together with the actions in which
they were involved.
AFME resident Alan Rye has been
involved with the Aviation Heritage
Museum’s Youth Club for more
than 15 years.
Certificates of
held on the Estate consists of over 90%
RAAFA residents and has a strong support
June Graham took up residence on Cambrai
Village in 2006, soon becoming involved in
various activities throughout the Village.
Perth Vietnam Veterans Remembrance Ceremony
Vietnam veterans
remembered across
VETERANS, their families and the wider
community gathered at ceremonies across
the country to mark Vietnam Veterans’
Remembrance Day on 18 August.
Australians joined together to honour the
men and women who served our nation
during the Vietnam War. Their sacrifices
will never be forgotten.
The arrival of the Australian Army
Training Team Vietnam in South Vietnam
during July and August 1962 marked
the commencement of Australia’s
involvement in the war. By the time the
war had come to an end, over a decade
later, almost 60,000 Australians had
served. 0f these men and women, 521
died and more than 3,000 were wounded.
As we pause to honour and remember
those who lost their lives, we must also
pay tribute to those who served and
returned home, many still carrying the
effects of the war. The physical and
mental scars left by the war are still
evident for many of those who served
and their families.
A range of support and services is
available to veterans and their families.
Children of Vietnam Veterans can access
the Long Tan Bursary Scheme, which
provides up to $9,000 over three years
to help them pursue their chosen study
or professional career. Applications
and information are available on Application close
on Friday, 31 October 2014.
The Veterans and Veterans Families
Counselling Service (VVCS) is the legacy
of Australia’s Vietnam veterans. Founded
in 1982, today VVCS provides free and
confidential, nation-wide counselling
and support for war and service-related
mental health conditions to all Australian
veterans and their families. For help, to
learn more, or to check eligibility for
VVCS services, call 1800 011 046 or
Over the ANZAC Centenary period
we remember a century of service and
sacrifice in all wars, conflicts and peace
keeping operations, including Vietnam. It
will be a defining period in our nation’s
history, as we seek to better understand
where we fought, when we fought and
reflect on the values we fought to defend.
LtoR Patricia Carruthers, June
Graham and Fay Mattioda
DURING August seven Certificates of
Appreciation were awarded to Cambrai
Village residents for their volunteer efforts.
Patricia Carruthers moved onto Cambrai
Village in 2000, participating in a range of
activities for the benefit of the residents.
During 2002-03, Patricia was a member
of the Cambrai Singers, a choir which
entertained people from both within and
outside of the Village. She also became
the inaugural Secretary of the Cambrai
Entertainment Group.
Since 2005, Patricia has been a committee
member for the new library, becoming
joint President for two years, overseeing
the supervision of the library expansion to
its present capacity of over 3,000 books
and 4,000 DVDs. All of which have been
processed, catalogued and correctly displayed.
Management of the library involves over 40
volunteers who require training and initial
supervision, a role she has willingly undertaken
and which has required a commitment of as
much as four days per week.
Patricia has also been the Secretary for the
Carpet Bowls Club since 2011, responsible
as the principal annual functions organiser
on a number of occasions.
Although Probus is an independent club,
Patricia has been both its Vice President
and President. Attendance at these meetings
In 2009, June volunteered for a role on
the Cambrai Village Estate Committee and
was given the portfolio of Maintenance,
Appearance and Safety of the Estate. This
included responsibility for the cleanliness,
tidiness and upkeep of the village’s grounds,
paths, and buildings with the exception of
the units. A significant role which included
responsibility for safety and a general Duty
of Care.
Concurrently, June volunteered to join
the Cambrai Village Residents Branch
Committee and assumed responsibility
for the organising of bookings for the
Community Hall, which overlapped with the
Estate Committee’s requirements as outlined.
Her portfolio has since changed to
Maintenance and Appearance of the
Community Hall to enable her to administer
both portfolios under the umbrella of the
Cambrai Village Residents’ Branch.
June also became a volunteer in the Village
library in 2010.
Fay Mattioda has been an active and
participating member in many aspects
of Cambrai Village life over the past 12
years, with many of her roles running
concurrently and generating significant
demands on her time.
From 2003 to 2005, Faye was both Secretary
of the Club Committee and a member of the
Residents’ Branch Committee. She added to
these roles in 2004 when she became both
Secretary of the Bowls Club and took on the
responsibility for selling ‘Money Boards’ for
Story continues on page 3
Around the roundel
way to obtain stock of the clasps. They said,
“The Directorate seeks your understanding
and continued patience”.
DVA missions
I have been advised of two veteran Missions
for which the Department of Veterans’
Affairs is seeking nominations.
State President, Graeme Bland
By Graeme Bland
THIS report is a bit shorter as it has only
been a month since my last report. Our
AGM will be held at AFME, Bull Creek on
Saturday, 25 October 2014 and the RAAFA
National President AVM Brent Espeland
AM (Retd), has accepted our invitation and
will be attending.
Bomber Command Clasps
I have received notification that there is at
least a seven month delay in the delivery of
Bomber Command Clasps from England
for those who have already applied. The
Directorate of Honours and Awards is
mindful of the delay and the distress it may
be causing and is pursuing a more expedient
Firstly, to commemorate the 70th
Anniversary of Operation Oboe landings to
liberate the island of Borneo from Japanese
occupation towards the end of WWII, a
group of eight veterans will be escorted to
Borneo in June 2015. Applications close 15
December 2014.
The second mission is to commemorate
the 70th Anniversary of the Declaration of
Victory in Europe in 1945. Eight veterans will
be escorted to England and France in May
2015. Applications close 24 October 2014.
Further information and application forms
for either mission can be obtained from
myself or the State Secretary on 9311 4445.
Division Council
The August Division Council meeting
concentrated on the approval of the annual
budgets both operating and capital. The annual
external audit is underway and will be ready for
the Annual Report due at the AGM.
Our newest apartments at AFME, Bull
Creek, Orion Terraces have been completed
CEO’s perspective
of the Members Survey has now gone
another step. The survey company has been
engaged and we are finalising the format of
the questionnaire to be distributed to all our
Members. When this survey does arrive
at your home, I encourage you to take the
time to complete it so that we can gather an
understanding of what you need and want
from RAAFA as an organisation.
As I have highlighted previously, with 4,500
members of which 2,000 live with us, there
are 2,500 members that are members of the
Association outside of these estates and we
would like to be able to support and help and
understand what your needs are going into
the future.
By John Murray
AS I write this we are entering into the first
days of spring and it is beautiful to see
great weather and the blossoming of trees
through my office window.
My primary focus at this point in time is
to continue to develop RAAFA’s capacity
to respond to the growth and the needs of
our Members and in part the development
Page 2
October / November 2014
Annual General Meeting
It is pleasing to see a number of new
nominees for Division Council positions
for the up and coming Annual General
Meeting on Saturday, 25 October.
Although we only had one nomination for
State President, there is now a competitive
process underway for Vice President and
also Division Councillors. For those
who may have considered putting in a
and many residents have now moved in. We
welcome them to RAAFA.
Bereaved Family
Commemorative Pins
A reminder that these pins are available for
surviving partners and family members of
deceased Australian veterans. Please ring
(02) 6265 1320 or fax (02) 6265 5995 to
Visits and representations
On behalf of our members I attended:
• 72nd Anniversary of cessation of
hostilities in Korea;
• Perth Mint release of the ANZAC
Centenary coinage;
• The “Nek” and 10th Light Horse
ceremony at Parkerville;
• Branch AGM’s at Cambrai, Erskine and
the Australian Air Force Cadets Branch;
• Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony at
King’s Park;
• Malay/Borneo Veterans Merdeka Day
• Battle for Australia Day Ceremony at
• RAAF No 236 Course Graduation at
RAAF Pearce;
• Cammerri Craft Exhibition at Cambrai
Village; and
• Bull Creek AFA Bowling Club
President’s Day.
nomination for Division Council, I would
encourage you to consider it for next year.
I remind members that it is no
longer a requirement that you are an
ex-serviceperson to be able to nominate for
Division Council and that there are many
of you within our membership who have
many business and life skills that would be
of value to the organisation, should you
consider nominating in future elections.
The National President of RAAFA, Air
Vice-Marshal Brent Espeland AM (Retd),
will also be attending the AGM and it
will be an opportunity to hear what is
happening within the Association and
its response to the needs of its members
I look forward to meeting all those who
do attend the AGM and hope that you are
able to make some time to come to the
AFME, Bull Creek and be a participant in
this event.
Aviation Heritage Museum
Many of you may have seen recently that
there has been a number of media exposures
of the Aviation Heritage Museum at Bull
Creek. In part, this coincides with the focus
on the military history of Australia and
the ANZACS, but is primarily to ensure
Editor: Jane Donald
Contributions to: Air Mail, AFME, Bull Creek Drive, BULL CREEK WA 6149
Telephone: (08) 9311 4449
Fax: (08) 9311 4455
Email: [email protected]
Enquiries: Julie Stearne
RAAF Association (WA Division) Inc.
Bull Creek Drive, BULL CREEK WA 6149
Telephone: (08) 9311 4444
Fax: (08) 9311 4455
Email: [email protected]
For submission deadlines
please see page 5
As this is my last ‘Roundel’ report I wish to
thank the RAAFA membership in general
for their support. I have appreciated the
work done by our Management Group,
Branches and the members who attend our
Ceremonies and our Annual Dinner. I hold
in high regard our numerous volunteers who
give so much, yet expect very little.
Cheerio and undoubtedly we’ll meet in the
great outdoors, but please remember “To
Stay on Your Feet”.
that the community is aware of this iconic
collection of artefacts reflecting not only
the military aviation history but the history
of aviation in Western Australia.
If you haven’t been to the museum or it has
been many years since you have, there are
many new exhibits that have been put in
place and every visitor I have taken to the
Museum has been amazed at the extent of
the collection and how it is unknown to
many in the community.
The arrival of the Huey Helicopter is
another arm to the displays that represents
very much the role Australia had in the
Vietnam War and is a very strong symbol of
that involvement.
ANZAC celebrations
The ANZAC celebrations in Albany to be
held on 30 October to 2 November 2014
will be attended by Graeme Bland, Dave
Peet and myself to be part of the very
important commencement of the ANZAC
legend. My wife Stacey and I are very
much looking forward to participating in
the various ceremonies that will take place
commemorating this important event. We
look forward to representing RAAFA in
what is an auspicious moment in the 100
year history of the coming together of the
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
Royal Australian Air Force Association
Continued from page 1
the Club Committee every Wednesday night.
Both roles that she continued to undertake
until 2008.
With no intention of becoming idle, in
2006, Faye took charge of the Gift Stall
at the Annual Fete, the Village’s biggest
fundraiser. She also assumed responsibility
for scheduling and organising drivers for the
buggy ‘Genevieve’.
This was followed in 2007 when she became
Secretary of the Cambrai Lawn Bowls and
in 2008, she took on the responsibility for
organising the Monday Night Whist players
by setting up tables, purchasing supper
requirements and keeping records.
Fay is renowned for her greetings cards,
which she makes on her computer. She sends
condolence, get well and birthday cards to
residents to brighten their lives. Fay is a
caring and supportive member of Village life
and is well respected by all in the Village.
Bob Cotton has been a member of RAAFA
since 2004 and became a resident on
Cambrai Village in 2008. As a qualified
electrician he has assisted the Fete in
checking and verifying the safety and
usefulness of items of an electrical/technical
nature for the purpose of resale.
As an Auditor, George has had the
responsibility of auditing the Cambrai
Village Residents’ Branch financial records
since 2011 and undertakes the audit for
three other Village Groups.
Will De Smedt moved onto the Cambrai
Estate in January 2002 and since that time
has been instrumental in many activities and
commitments on behalf of the Estate.
As most of his contributions have
overlapped, it is difficult to present them
in a chronological sequence. Needless to
say, his contributions have been wide and
varied, carried out in a diligent and efficient
Tuesday, 18 November 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Cost $25
Includes afternoon tea
Bookings essential through the Club on 9311 4460
Will was the Secretary/Treasurer/Chairman
of the Hobby Workshop for nine years.
During this time he was successful in
obtaining two grants totalling $15,000 for
workshop machinery.
Agelink Theatre has just returned from a highly successful season of Cis and Barbiche at the
York Theatre Royal UK, sponsored by the Yorkshire Air Museum and Artflight.
Will and has wife have been largely credited
with the resurrection of the Croquet Club
after it had lost interest from the residents.
Today it is well supported and enjoyed
by many residents and he has been the
Chairman and organiser for seven years.
He is currently the Chapel Warden and he
has previously been Chairman of the Chapel
Bob’s skills don’t stop in the electronic field.
He is one of the original members of the
‘Cambrai Plunkers’ who teach residents to
play the Ukelele.
Keith Oellermann became a member of
RAAFA in 2003 and moved into Cambrai
Village in 2008. He is one of the quite
achievers in the Village, keeping a low profile
whilst working diligently behind the scenes.
Bob undertook the role of Secretary of the
Cambrai Village Residents’ Branch from
2009 to 2013 and commenced this year as
a committee member of the Cambrai Village
Estate. He willingly stepped in when the
Secretary position became vacant mid-term.
Since George Kirk move into Cambrai
Village in 2001 he has served six years on the
Committee of the Cambrai Village Residents’
Branch. He was also a member of the Chapel
Committee for six years from 2002 to 2008.
George was a foundation member of the
Croquet Club Committee and served as
President from 2002 to 2006.
LtoR Bob Cotton and Graeme Bland
Special performance at Bull Creek AFA Club on
England 1944 and young Barbara Rigby (Barbiche) falls in love with a French airman,
Francis Usai (Cis). Their “grown up” love story about two young people facing difficult
decisions and endeavouring to keep their hope and humanity alive in the face of so much
suffering, has been brought to life in the tender, funny and poignant play, Cis and Barbiche.
Cis and Barbiche is adapted from a book featuring their letters and diaries.
Will spent six years as the Estate ‘meter
reader’. He was also the bus driver for
Merriwa in the early days, as well as for
Cambrai for nine years.
He also provides lessons to the less
technically savvy on how to use their ipads
and computers.
Bob is a ‘Coach Captain’ for the Village bus
and has taken residents on numerous trips
around the countryside. He also arranges
for the loan of the Shire of Wanneroo’s
passenger bus when a larger vehicle is
needed. As an experienced and qualified
caravaner, Bob also organises caravan and
cabin trips for the Village caravaners.
Perth Theatre Trust and Agelink Theatre present
Keith became very active in the hobby
workshop, carrying out repairs on items
for residents in both wood and metal. He
also made and repaired equipment used
throughout the Village.
Keith has built two trailers for the Village,
one large metal caged trailer, licensed for
general road use; and a smaller one used by
the groundsmen and others to move items
around the Village.
Keith provides invaluable assistance to the
Fete, collecting, lifting and transporting
any heavy items donated, where and when
necessary. He has worked for the Home and
Sports Section of the Fete for the past two
years and in 2013 was responsible for the
running of this section.
Keith is a volunteer driver of the buggy
‘Genevieve’ around the Village and assists in
the recycled paper run which generates funds
for the Village.
LtoR George Kirk, Will De Smedt
and Keith Oellermann
Season opens
By Kevin Thomson
THE 43rd season of the Bull Creek AFA
Bowling Club was opened on Saturday, 6
September. Prior to the official opening
invited guests and members sat down to a
lunch in the AFA Club.
Invited guests included RAAFA State
President Graeme Bland and his wife
Judy, Estate Manager Alan White and
his wife Janet and Life Members George
Anning and his daughter, and Bill Corry
and wife Muriel.
After lunch the traditional “spider”
was conducted with prizes awarded for
the bowl closest to the spider. Graeme
Bland was invited to deliver the first bowl
to officially open the 2014/15 season.
This was followed by a restricted game
of bowls. The winning team competed
for the President’s Cup, which was won
by a team skippered by Terry Priest, 3rd
Carol Marshall, 2nd Ted Sanders, Lead
John Mealor.
The Bull Creek AFA Bowling Club
conducts social bowls on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays and evening
bowls on Wednesday when the weather
gets warmer. Both ladies and men
bowlers compete with Bowls WA Pennant
Bowls events. Friendly competition is
held with RAAFA Meadow Springs and
Merriwa Estates.
New and experienced bowlers are always
welcome to visit and join our Club.
Qualified coaches are available for those
new to bowls or who want to brush up
on their skills. Bowling Club facilities at
the AFME Estate Bull Creek are the best
in the West! Come and visit us or call
9311 4465 for more details.
Graeme Bland delivering the first
October / November 2014
Page 3
Padre’s Piece
Children’s Christmas
Party 2014
Sunday, 7 December
at 12noon
It is well summed up in the words of
Tango Two Charlie:
“You put your life on the line for
nothing; You watch your fellowman
die for nothing; You seek help and
get nothing; You leave the world for
nothing; Why live for nothing?”
However there is another poem I would
like to share with you.
Its author is unknown and it is simply
By Padre David
BECAUSE we were on holidays this year
I missed my participation as chaplain
with the Mandurah Murray Vietnam
Veteran Group in the commemoration
of Long Tan Day. Each year the
veterans hold a march and ceremony at
the Mandurah War Memorial.
On 18 August we were in Darwin and
from where we were staying on the
Esplanade in Darwin we heard the
sounding of the Last Post and realised
that the City of Darwin was holding
its commemoration ceremony at the
Darwin Cenotaph War Memorial at the
southwestern end of Bicentennial Park.
While we were in Darwin we visited
the Darwin Military Museum at East
Point, and I spent some time in the
new upgraded Vietnam War Galley.
That display, only opened last year on
14 August, is a tribute to the Australian
Forces involved in Vietnam and presents
the role that the 60,000 Australian men
and women played in the conflict.
Quite poignantly, interspersed between
the displays are poems written by some
of the veterans and so many of them
express that sense of despair, rejection
and isolation that the veterans faced on
their return to Australia.
I was that which others did not want to be.
I went where others feared to go,
and did what others failed to do.
I asked nothing from those who gave nothing
and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal
should I fail.
I have seen the face of terror,
felt the stinging cold of fear,
and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moment’s love.
I have cried, pained and hoped…
but most of all,
I have lived times others say are best forgotten.
At least someday I will be able to say
that I was proud of what I was…
A soldier
Page 4
October / November 2014
Tea and coffee, full bar service (no BYO)
For further information contact Judy Bland 9311 4401
Complete the registration form and return (along with $20 per child) to RAAFA Bull Creek
office by Friday, 28 November 2014.
2014 Children’s Christmas Party Registration Form
Parent/Grandparent Name:
Amount enclosed: $
Child’s name:
Child’s name:
Child’s name:
Note: For children 12 years or under, but young teenagers welcome
(Any special interests? Please let me know)
Lest we forget.
AFA CARE has a new Community
Development Manager, Mary Macnish,
who started with RAAFA in late August.
AT THE Amity Village happy hour on
Friday, 29 August, 10 members from the
Albany Rock n Roll Club entertained us
with their dancing expertise, enthusiasm and
fun, which had residents tapping their feet
and clapping their hands with enjoyment.
Applause at the end of each dance was loud
and spontaneous.
Father Christmas, face painting, crafts, animal farm and balloon fun
Introducing Mary
By John King
The R n R Club members then persuaded
a few residents to participate, which showed
we had forgotten more than we remembered
of our younger years.
Cost $20 per child.
Sausage sizzle 12noon - 1.30pm.
This issue of Air Mail covers November
when on Remembrance Day, at the
eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the
eleventh month we pause for a moment’s
silence and remember.
Rock ‘n’ Roll never dies
One of the demonstrations consisted of
one man who rock and rolled with one lady,
then two, on to three and finally finished
with four ladies.
AFA Club, AFME Bull Creek
R n R Club members rock it up
The dancers were invited by the Social
Ladies Group to join us in a meal as a thank
It was a thoroughly invigorating evening
with encouragement by the residents for a
return visit.
Mary has been involved in the not-forprofit sector for almost 17 years, as
CEO of a Division of General Practice
in the Great Southern, though has
recently been with Outcare as Deputy
Along the way Mary has worked for
Anglicare WA and Parkerville Children
and Youth Care. She said, “community
service is my passion, I want all people
to be treated equally, no matter what ails
them. I am also an advocate for the onestop shop concept of care. This is what
has drawn me to RAAFA - AFA Care,
I believe we can do so much more for
each one of you in terms of delivering a
caring service to you in the community,
our community.”
Mary is married to Robert, they have
three children and are now blessed with
four gorgeous little people to love and
spoil, Declan 7, Cohen 5, Samantha 3
Mary Macnish
and Sophia 1, who are all healthy and
cared for which is all she can ask.
Mary looks forward to meeting many of
you in Bull Creek and hopefully other
estates as she gets to know RAAFA.
AFA Care has moved to the old estate
office in AFME, Bull Creek so pop
in and say hello if you can or call on
9311 4498.
Royal Australian Air Force Accociation (WA Division) Inc
Annual General Meeting
Agenda Programme
The 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Royal Australian Air Force
Association (WA Division) Inc. will be held in the Air Force Association
Club, Air Force Memorial Estate, Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek.
At 9.30am on Saturday, 25 October 2014
Note: Prior to the AGM, at 9.25am a wreath will be laid in memory of fallen comrades
The Chairman will be the State President,
Mr Graeme Bland
Enrolment commences (please enrol early)
Wreath laying
AGM commences
Morning tea
AGM recommences (if required)
8. Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Mr John Murray, the CEO, will deliver his
9. Financial Report and Statement
Mr Rob Parker, the Chief Financial Officer,
will present the annual financial report.
Note: Any members desiring a copy of the
accounts prior to the AGM may obtain a
copy from the Division’s Head Office during
normal office hours upon presentation of a
current Division membership card.
THE Division Council provides
this brief summary of matters to
be considered at the 2014 Annual
General Meeting (AGM) to be held
on 25 October 2014. All members
of the Division are entitled to attend
the AGM. Non-members will not be
Division Council congratulates those
RAAFA members who have been
nominated as candidates for election as
Division Officers at the 2014 AGM,
and thanks them and their proponents
for their interest in the affairs of our
Association. Division Council wishes
to remind those seeking election
and the voting membership of the
responsibility attached to service on
Council. The powers of the Division
are vested in Division Council, and
members in general meeting perform
an important function in electing
RAAFA (WA Division) Inc. is a
complex not-for-profit association
operating in a competitive, regulated
environment and subject to constant
scrutiny. Division Councillors are
effectively directors of a board, and
have similar individual and collective
obligations and responsibilities. The
current Council is committed to
efficient and transparent Council
processes and continuous attention
to good governance. All members
of Council expect that any Division
Council constituted after the AGM
would maintain such commitment.
Division Council wishes those
nominated for election “good luck”,
and encourages those members voting
to exercise their vote carefully and
Due to the complexity of accounts, if
members have any questions it would be
appreciated if they could contact the Chief
Financial Officer prior to the close of
business on Friday, 17 October 2014 so that
their questions may be researched adequately
prior to the AGM.
5. Confirmation of Minutes
The State Executive confirmed the minutes
of the 19th AGM held on 26 October
2013 at its meeting on 21 November 2013.
10. Correspondence
A letter has been received from Buckingham
Palace acknowledging the Affirmation of
Loyalty made at the last AGM.
The following positions become vacant this year:
• State President
• State Vice President
• Two Division Councillors
6. National President’s Address
AVM Brent Espeland AM (Retd), visiting
RAAFA National President will deliver his
There are no motions to be considered.
Voting Procedure – Division Council
12. Declaration of the ballot for vacant
Division Council positions
7. State President’s Report
Mr Graeme Bland, the State President, will
deliver his report.
13. Close of AGM
Ballot papers for Division Council election have been sent to eligible members in the
Voting Pack under separate mail. It is important that you follow the instructions on
the ballot paper and number your preferred candidates in the available boxes.
1. Declare the 2014 AGM open
2. Fallen Comrades
3. Table the Notice of Meeting
4. Affirmation of Loyalty
Deadlines are:
7 November for December/
January issue
2 January for February/
March issue
6 March for April/ May issue
All Scribes, please note that articles of
interest are always gladly received and
accompanying photos need to be of a
high resolution. You are most welcome
to submit prior to the deadline.
Please send articles electronically to
[email protected] in the first
instance or via snail mail to Julie
Stearne, AFME, Bull Creek Drive,
Bull Creek WA 6149.
by order of the Division Council,
Graeme Bland, State President
There is no voting at the AGM for Division Council positions, all voting is by
secret ballot using the ballot papers provided.
Your Division Councillor
Clive Robartson AM LGM
CLIVE was born in 1945 in Fremantle
and has a Bachelor of Applied Science
(Biology) Degree from Curtin University
of Technology and a Diploma in
Agricultural Technology. He lives on
AFME with his wife Cherryl and they have
two adult children and four grandsons.
Clive had a long career in the WA Public
Service at the Department of Agriculture
and Food Western Australia in Plant
Pathology, Electron Microscopy and
for the last 15 years of his career as the
Laboratory Manager of the Animal Health
In 1968 he was called up for Military
Service and served in the Royal Australian
Army Medical Corps that included 12
months service in South Vietnam at the 1st
Australian Field Hospital and 8th Field
Clive has extensive community experience
having served on the City of Melville
Council for over 25 years and has been the
Deputy Mayor on three separate occasions.
He was President of the WA Local
Government Association and a Director
of the Australian Local Government
Association and is Immediate Past Chair
of the Order of Australia Association,
Western Australia Branch. He has served on
a number of state and national committees
that include, the Australian Landcare
Council, Gene Technology Community
Consultative Committee (Commonwealth),
Waste Management Board of Western
Australia, Swan Canning Clean-up Project,
Melville Aged Homes Board (Alchera) and
Churches of Christ Aged and Community
Services Board (Bethanie Group).
Clive has acted as Secretary of a number
of Boards and Committees that include the
Clive Robartson AM LGM
Department of Agriculture (WA) Animal
Ethics Committee, Order of Australia
Association (WA Branch) and various
church committees. He is the Chairman of
the City of Melville Citizens Relief Fund
(Inc) and a member of the Department
of Agriculture’s Institutional Biosafety
Committee and the Jandakot Airport,
Community Aviation Advisory Group.
Clive has a thorough understanding of
corporate operation and governance.
October / November 2014
Page 5
Christmas present ideas
HAVE you started thinking about your
Christmas shopping yet?
KEEN military historian and involved
Cambrai Village resident Desborough
Wright OAM recently completed a book
called Streets of Valour, The Victoria Cross
Heroes of Cambrai Village Commemorative
Centenary Edition.
The Aviation Heritage Museum gift shop
has many items available for the aviation
enthusiast in your life. We have a large
range of plastic and flying model kits,
interesting aviation books and toys for
the little ones.
Des presents the lives of Victoria Cross
heroes, sets the scene where they served and
provides basic details of the actions in which
they were involved.
We also have souvenir caps, shirts and
For those really hard to buy for people,
what about a gift voucher for a tour of
the Dakota and Spitfire for $50 or for
the ultimate experience an internal tour
of the mighty Lancaster for $100.
Streets of Valour
You can also come and visit all of the
amazing displays for as little as $10
adults, $7.50 seniors, $5 children and
$25 for families.
We are located on the Air Force
Memorial Estate in Bull Creek and open
daily from 10am to 4pm. For inquires
contact 9311 4470.
Brigadier A G Warner AM LVO wrote the
Foreword for the book. He said, “WWI
was a bloody and dreadful conflict and
its impact is woven into our Australian
nationhood. Despite the passing of a
century since it took place, interest in the
war has not waned.
survived, the Victoria Cross transcended
personal achievement and was considered
a tribute to their unit and the steadfastness
and loyalty of comrades.
“The places in Cambrai Village which
echo the names of these Victoria Cross
recipients evoke not only notions of great
valour. They also cause us to think of those
associated qualities of respect, mateship,
selflessness, volunteerism and sacrifice.
Clearly evident in our Victoria Cross heroes,
these qualities contribute in great measure to
the community spirit envisaged by RAAFA
and the residents of Cambrai Village.”
The book is not for sale but copies have
been supplied to all RAAFA estates and
should be available in their estate Library.
“On days such as ANZAC Day and
Remembrance Day we recall those
who served and gave their lives in that
catastrophe. RAAFA’s Cambrai Village is
named after an historic 1917 battle and
so its residents are reminded constantly of
service and sacrifice.
“Sixty-four WWI Victoria Crosses were
awarded to Australians. Each Victoria Cross
recognised the most conspicuous bravery, or
pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice,
or extreme devotion to duty in the face of
the enemy. I feel sure that for those who
LtoR Desborough Wright with
Graeme Bland
Out of the Blue
From Palestine to Bull Creek
The story of the capture of Albatros D.III D.636/17 in Palestine 8 October 1917
By Mike Mirkovic
IN 1990 the Aviation Heritage Museum
at RAAFA Bull Creek received the
donation of a distinctive piece of wing
fabric from a German Albatros aircraft
that took part in combat during WWI.
the British aircraft and dived out of the
sun to attack them. This was their first
encounter with Bristol aircraft and the
speed and aerial manoeuvres surprised the
The fabric was donated by the family
of Lt FC Conrick who was part of 1
Squadron, Australia Flying Corps in
The Albatros was holed in the fuel tank
and radiator and forced to land between
Goz el Basal and Karm. The aircraft was
quickly surrounded by men from the 9th
Light Horse and Lt Dittmar was stopped
from destroying his Albatros.
Research by the Museum’s photo librarian,
Mike Mirkovic, has shed light on the
history of this interesting donation.
On the morning of 8 October 1917,
four Bristol Fighters of 111 Squadron
Royal Flying Corps (RFC) were patrolling
in pairs over the front lines at Gaza,
Palestine. Meanwhile on the other side of
the lines, Oberleutnant Gustav Dittmar
of Flieger Abteilung 300 took off with
another Albatros for a patrol over the
front. At about 8.00am the Germans saw
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October / November 2014
The captured plane was taken away and
eventually repaired and repainted with
RFC roundels and fin flash, which is
probably when the piece of wing fabric
was removed from the bottom of one of
the lower wings.
Later, probably in early 1918, the plane
was gifted to the Khedive (King) of Egypt
although its fate remains unknown.
By John (Blue) Bailey
MOST people experience something
special from time to time, and I was so
privileged recently.
Back in WWII I joined the RAAF and
trained as a pilot. My first posting was
to 25 Squadron at Pearce Airbase, flying
Many will remember that the Australian
cruiser “Sydney” was sunk by the
German ship “Kormaran” off the coast
from Carnarvon in November 1941. A
few months later, I was detailed to search
the coast between Geraldton and Onslow,
as it was thought by the authorities that,
by this time, any wreckage or bodies
would have been washed ashore. We
never found any.
My Observer was Jack West, who ever
since has been a very dear friend and
as we flew up the coast at low level,
south of Carnarvon, we passed a station
homestead called “Cardabia” where we
spied two girls on the roof waving to us!
So I did a low pass over them. Now I
was born in Carnarvon, so I knew most
of the station families, including the
Frenches from this homestead. Wanda,
was the eldest, about nineteen and Mara
was about seventeen.
One day we were running a bit early, so
I decided to land on the nearby claypan
and say hello to the girls and their
parents. We stayed for a cup of tea, but
on taxying to take off I bogged one
wheel. Fortunately there were three husky
young lads handy, so I got them to get
under the wing and lift, so we managed
to get out and took off back on patrol.
Later, the girls were in Carnarvon when I
landed and I have an old photo of one of
the girls with me.
Not long after that I became one of
the founder pilots of a new squadron
flying fighters, and eventually flew with
75 Squadron in New Guinea, so I never
went back to Carnarvon.
Now we fast forward to the present day!
My wartime Observer, Jack West, lives in
Victoria on a farm and at 94 is not very
well. He has however told me that the
older girl, Wanda, has passed away, and
he put me in touch with Mara’s daughter
Lyndie. The result being that Lyndie
brought Mara down to see me last week!
What a wonderful reunion after 72 years!
I feel very privileged to have met up with
Mara again after so many years.
Royal Australian Air Force Association
Pilots graduation
THE graduation ceremony for No 236
RAAF Advanced Pilots Course was held on
4 September when RAAFA State President,
Graeme Bland presented the RAAFA trophy
to Pilot Officer Tim Cooney, for most
improvement throughout the course.
Pilot Officer Tim Cooney was born and
raised in Sydney, completing high school
in 2009. He went on to study a Bachelor
of Science majoring in Aviation at the
Australian Defence Force Academy. Tim
has been posted to 292 Squadron to fly the
AP3C Orion at RAAF Base Edinburgh.
Reviewing Officer, Air Marshal Geoff
Brown AO offered his congratulations to the
Graduates. He said, “your graduation marks
the start of a further challenging period of
your life as you embark on a rewarding career
as a pilot and as an officer in the Australian
Defence Force. You are joining the wider Air
Force and Navy at a time of considerable
change. Over the next 12 years or so we
will replace almost all of our weapons
systems and our Air Force is adapting as we
acquire these new capabilities. This process
was most recently demonstrated with the
rollout of our first Joint Strike Fighter in
the USA and will continue into the future
with the introduction of the C-27J Spartan
Battlefield Airlifter, the P-8A Poseidon and
the EA-18G Growler.
“You will now also start to serve at your
units as officers in your own right, with the
expectations and special responsibilities
that go with providing leadership to those
with whom you will serve. The career and
vocation you have chosen will always be
challenging, and is not without risk, but I
am sure you will find it equally rewarding
and satisfying. Be proud of what you
have achieved so far but also be aware that
this is only the start. One of the great
The McIntosh
Scholarship is
once again open
for application.
Geoff Brown and Graeme Bland
characteristics of the career you are about
to embark on is that there will always be
challenges and opportunities to test your
professional competence and to learn from.
“As you now depart to your specialist flying
squadrons and as you build your own careers
I wish you every success. The Air Force is
a team that unites highly skilled, dedicated
and specialised personnel, making us the
most effective small Air Force in the world.
You are a proud and integral part of that
team and as the Chief of the Air Force, I am
pleased to welcome you aboard.”
“THE NEK” Commemorative Ceremony
By Graeme Bland
A GROUP of Bull Creek residents joined
in the 99th Anniversary of the Nek with
the annual ceremony in the Parkerville
Children’s’ Home Church on 10 August
The Nek was a vitally important position
on the northern end of the ANZAC front
line and the scene of a tragic attack by the
Light Horse Brigades at dawn on 7 August
1915. It was a narrow bridge of land that
stretched between Russell’s Top and Baby
700 across the top of Monash Valley on the
Gallipoli Peninsula. The Turkish trenches
on the slopes of Baby 700 allowed them to
dominate the Australian positions below.
The first wave of horsemen from the 8th
Light Horse Regiment were shot down by
Turkish rifle and machine-gun fire. The
second line, also from the 8th, scrambled
over the dead and wounded of the first
line to make their attack, and suffered
the same fate. Cancellation of the attack
was proposed, but was rejected by Major
John Antill, who had taken over effective
command of the 3rd Brigade. The third
line of soldiers, from the 10th Light Horse,
went over the top and were also shot down.
The Master of Ceremonies, Phil Sullivan,
cited extracts from six diaries of soldiers of
the 10th Light Horse Regiment which gave
us all a stark insight into their fears, dogged
resolve and bravery against a dominating foe.
After the Ceremony we were given a
presentation by historian Kevin Crombie
on the involvement of the ANZACS in the
establishment of the nations of Israel, Iraq,
10th Light Horse display
Syria, Lebanon and Jordon and the role
played by the 10th Light Horse.
Before returning home we were feted with a
fabulous and filling afternoon tea and able
to view the 10th Light Horse display.
The guest speaker, Warrant Officer Class
One Leanne Iseppi OAM, is currently
appointed as the Regimental Sergeant
Major of 13 Brigade in WA and is the first
female to be appointed to such a position
Flight Sergeant Kylie Ewen-Cranford SSM
– Support Service 2SFTS Pearce has spent
nearly 20 years in the RAAF and has been
The award for the 2015 academic year
will be $3,000 and is usually used
by students to help with the costs
of equipment, books, or activities
associated with their studies.
Applications close on Friday,
24 October 2014.
Recent recipients include:
• 2014 Matthew Biddiscombe. Matthew
follows in his brother’s footsteps as
a recipient of the Scholarship. He
is studying veterinary science at
Murdoch University.
• 2013 Lachlan Crossley. Lachlan’s
grandparents Bill and Brenda Broun
reside on Cambrai Village. Lachlan
is undertaking a Bachelor of Science
at UWA.
• 2012 Kate Haynes. Kate was
undertaking a Bachelor of Education
(Primary) at Murdoch University. Her
proud grandparents Bev and Ian
Haynes live on AFME, Bull Creek.
within an Army Corps Brigade. She has
operational experience in East Timor and
in the Sinai. Leanne grew up in Waroona
WA and joined the Australian Army in
1986 in search of secure employment.
Captain Angela Bond RAN is the
Commanding Officer of HMAS Stirling
and has 2,000 personnel under her
command. She says her greatest honour
was to be invited to give the address at the
ANZAC Day Dawn Service in Kings Park
in 2014.
To be eligible they must be undertaking
a first course of tertiary education. They
may be in any year of that course, and
must reside in Western Australia.
Julie Stearne, Executive Assistant
RAAFA (WA Division) Inc.
Air Force Memorial Estate
Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek
P: 9311 4449
E: [email protected]
By June Perry
It was very pleasing to have representatives
from each of the three armed services
with us on the day and most of the
conversations at the lunch tables were
centred around what it was like when we
served and what it is like now.
It is available to descendants of persons
who enlisted in Western Australia for
service in any branch of the RAAF. These
could be your children, grandchildren or
even great grandchildren!
Application forms and further information
on the Scholarship are available from:
Combined Ex-Service Women’s luncheon
THE annual ex-servicewomen’s luncheon
was well attended with 90 people coming
together at the AFA Club, Bull Creek on
Thursday, 28 August 2014.
• 2011 Ashlee Dent. Ashlee was
undertaking a Bachelor of Education
(Primary) at the University of Notre
Dame. Ashlee’s great-grandfather,
Flight Lieutenant Charles Dent was in
the RAAF during WWII,
LtoR Flight Sergeant Kylie Ewen-Cranford with WAAAF
Branch President, June Perry
deployed to Baghdad, the Middle East and
many bases in Australia.
• 2010 Andreas Biddiscombe.
Andreas’ grandfather, the late Ernest
Biddiscombe was a Flying Officer in
WWII and served in Bomber Command
with 467 Squadron. Andreas undertook
a Bachelor of Science at UWA.
October / November 2014
Page 7
Service rewarded
AT THE Erskine Grove Branch Annual
General Meeting, State President Graeme
Bland presented Certificate of Service awards
to four Erskine Grove residents.
Jock Beattie moved into Erskine Grove in
May 2004. Almost from the day he moved
in, Jock became involved in the affairs of the
village and in 2011 he was elected President
of the Residents’ Branch. Jock served in
this position for two years and it was under
his stewardship that the residents saw the
purchase of the ice making machine, a much
improved microphone for the lectern, the
massage chair and most importantly, the
purchase of the defibrillator machine. A full
training session in the use of this machine by
a group of residents was also conducted.
Jock, of course, comes from good farming
stock and a good farmer always has his eye
on the weather. So Jock became the rainfall
recorder for the village and there have been
monthly reports published in the Grove
Gazette of every drop of rain that has fallen on
the village ever since Jock took up residency.
Jock has also been recognised for his
contribution to country football by being
awarded the “Order of Australia” in the 2012
Australian of the Year Awards.
Digger Mahony moved into Erskine Grove
in May of 2005. Digger also came from
farming stock, so it was only natural that he
would become involved in the village garden
plots at the rear of the swimming pool. Not
only does he have his own plot, but he also
encourages other ‘old farmers’ to come along
and help with the watering and weeding. This
weeding sometimes leads to disastrous results,
as some of them have forgotten the difference
between a seedling and a weed.
The garden section is also the nursery for
plants for the very successful village fetes.
Digger’s involvement in the fete’s plant
section has also led to him becoming a great
supporter of the fete in other ways. He
supplies dozens of eggs for the cake cookers
and kilos of plums to be made up into jam.
Jim Mondy arrived at Erskine Grove in
July 2004. Jim was a farmer from the
Mukinbudin district and served as a
councillor on the Mukinbudin Shire Council.
It was only natural that with credentials such
as these that he would serve on the Residents’
Branch Committee as the President.
Jim was elected in 2009 and served for a two
year period during which time the Residents’
Branch Committee and also the Liaison
Committee dealt with two major projects that
concerned the village.
The first was the introduction of the Solar
Energy System and all of the associated
problems and the second was the endeavours
of the RAAFA Divisional Council to have
a new constitution approved. The latter
produced a great deal of angst from certain
LtoR Digger Mahoney, Kay Smith, Graeme Bland, Jim Mondy and Jock Beattie
sections of the RAAFA Branches. Erskine
Grove residents felt fortunate to have Jim as
their President during this time with his sage
advice, on which they felt they could rely.
Jim also assisted in arranging several
caravanning trips with the village’s more
adventurous caravaners and his mechanical
and bush craft skills were more than welcome
along the way.
Kay Smith became a member and arrived at
Erskine Grove in October 2007.
Her husband Rod has a keen eye for collecting
and restoring things and this at times has been
a bit of a bone of contention to Kay, especially
when she has trouble getting out of the car
after she has parked in the garage.
However, such is her nature that she has put
up with it, for she knows that it is in Rodney’s
heart to help those in need and the village in
This kindness of heart is also in Kay, for she
is constantly calling on and caring for those
in the village who can no longer look after
themselves – checking on them, running small
errands and generally making sure that they
are comfortable.
This of course extends to helping Rodney with
the disposal of the donated bread to those who
are unable to make it down to the collection
area. She has made sure that they do not miss
out on their ‘daily loaf ’. In all kinds of weather,
there is Kay running alongside the van and
calling on ‘her special customers’.
The Erskine Grove Residents Branch had
much pleasure in nominating these four
deserving residents for the award of a
Certificate of Service.
Why live at Erskine Grove?
ERSKINE Grove is situated between the Peel
Estuary and the Indian Ocean. The estuary
is within walking distance where you will see
an abundance of water birds and sometimes
dolphins feeding in the lagoon at Mandurah
Quay. Crabbing, fishing and boating are also
very popular activities in this area.
Erskine is a very attractive leafy estate with
197 brick two and three bedroom units, all
with lock up garages. If you are a boating or
caravan enthusiast, we have a number of hard
stand bays available.
The well laid out Community Centre is the
social hub on the estate where many functions
are held for special events like ANZAC Day,
Australia Day, Mother’s Day etc. Other
social events that residents enjoy, are monthly
dinners, weekly happy hour, Jackpot Dinner
evenings, musical events and even weight
watchers meetings.
The Community Centre also incorporates
the estate office, our well-equipped hobby
shop for those creative residents who enjoy
wood and metal work, a craft room where
there are a variety of activities including,
sewing, quilting, art and card making. The
library is situated inside the function centre
and has an abundance of books and DVDs.
The activity room is used by residents to
play various games such as pool, table tennis
and darts. Also in this building are the hair
dresser, cleverly named “Hairforce”, the
Page 8
October / November 2014
beautician’s room and a medical room for our
visiting Doctor and Podiatrist.
Erskine also has a very well equipped
Clubhouse. The Clubhouse has meeting
rooms used for various activities such as cards,
mahjong, computer classes, camera classes and
for various group meetings. The large activity
area is used for social events and physical
activities like Tai Chi and gentle exercises.
One area of the room can be partitioned
off to create a small chapel where nondenominational church services are held every
Thursday afternoon. Both the Clubhouse
and the Community Centre have commercial
style kitchens for catering purposes.
The well-appointed indoor heated pool and
spa is well used and enjoyed by the residents.
Aqua aerobic classes are held twice per week
and add to the enjoyment and physical wellbeing of the residents. Within the indoor
pool building is a small, airconditioned and
well equipped gymnasium.
two shopping centres, a number of medical
centres and other health professionals.
Erskine is situated only five minutes drive
from the Mandurah foreshore where there is
an abundance of cafés and restaurants, cinema
and Mandurah Performing Arts Centre where
you can enjoy local, national and international
Our estate has a Coaster bus which is used
by residents to go shopping at the Forum
Shopping Centre every Tuesday and to
attend other local activities including outings
to restaurants and other events. Our new
six seater golf cart “Grover” is available to
take residents who can no longer drive to
appointments on the estate, collect their mail
or to attend social events.
With such wonderful attributes within the
estate and surrounding areas, take the time to
visit Erskine Grove and see for yourself this
very beautifully appointed retirement village.
Erskine does not have a Bowling or Croquet
Club, however next door to the estate is the
Halls Head Bowling & Recreational Club
and Halls Head Croquet Club where our
residents are able to join either socially or to
enjoy bowls. Our residents are allocated a key
into the Bowling Club grounds to enable easy
access to the facility.
A short distance from the estate there are
Residents Branch Committee
Erskine Grove Buggy
Thai Chi
Royal Australian Air Force Association
Changing of
the guard
By Lillian Bridewell
IT IS with much regret that the
residents of Erskine Grove say good
bye to Lyn Boston as their Estate
Manager. Bright and bubbly Lyn has
worked tirelessly for the achievements
she has made in the village and they
have been many.
However we are delighted to welcome
Helen MacBeth as our Acting Estate
Manager and hope that she enjoys the
position with us.
Helen took up the position as
Acting Estate Manager on Tuesday,
30 September. She has worked for
RAAFA for approximately 10 years
as Welfare Officer on both Meadow
Springs and Erskine Grove Estates and
is well known by many residents.
Helen has a wealth of knowledge
regarding the welfare of our residents
and her empathy and ability to
encourage residents to maintain
their independence and improve
their quality of life is a great asset to
Erskine Grove.
Mudlarks do it again
By Joyce Johnson
THE Mudlarks are a group of volunteers
based at RAAFA Merriwa who use their
own time and resources to put on shows
to amuse the residents. This “singing
group” was started at the beginning of
1998 with the main purpose of providing
entertainment with performances every
fourth Friday night at the Lodge Bistro.
Soon this was changed to three shows per
year of three performances each. In 2002
they had 35 members, including 12 men.
Finances for running the shows come from
a Mudlarks membership fee of $5 per year
and the proceeds from show raffles. Funds
were expended on costumes, wigs, props,
furniture and the sound system.
Sadly as the years have gone by the
membership of the Mudlarks has dwindled
and their capacity to put on regular shows
has diminished as well. Last year they
managed one show of three performances.
I was privileged to be in the audience for
the final show this season on 23 June.
Unfortunately due to illness, holidays
and overall diminishing of the ranks the
Mudlarks on stage only numbered twelve,
with one man. However this did not stop
them from putting on a fabulous show.
The MC, David Feint, kept the momentum
going with timely jokes and narratives
keeping the audience amused and helping
to smooth the breaks between numbers.
The Mudlarks welcomed back their “piano
man”, Stan Tower, who had been absent
due to illness and had been sorely missed.
The Company lead by Lenore Grieve kept
us entertained with beautiful solos, skits
LtoR Helen McBeth with Lyn Boston
Cammerri craft
FOR many years the “crafty” people
of Cambrai Village and RAAFA Estate
Merriwa have combined to showcase their
talents at the annual Cammerri Craft
Exhibition held each August.
This year’s impressive collection of
handcrafts, woodwork and art was so large
that the art section had to be held in a
separate building to the rest of the show. It
is amazing to see all the talents on display
over the Cammerri weekend.
and some mimed renditions of golden
oldies. There were even a couple of dance
numbers. These performers are versatile and
professional, keeping going even when not
all goes to plan. Tom Hadley gave us two
flute solos which were truly haunting.
Going back to their roots the ensemble
performed at the August Lodge Bistro
evening on Friday 29th, giving a rousing
performance. The highlight of which was
“story time” read by John Lockley of a
Roald Dahl re-work of Jack
and the Beanstalk.
sound engineer as well, so if you have any
knowledge of sound systems let us know.
Be a part of something great and have a
good time with wonderful people, doing
something they know you want
to... contact Lenore Grieve on 9304 5109.
With your help and support we will see
continued performances by the Mudlarks
and who knows, if enough people respond
to our call for help we may even be able to
enjoy a Christmas performance this year.
The Mudlarks are a great
institution and we want to see
them continue and flourish,
however this can only occur
with an injection of new
blood. If you or anyone
you know has any degree of
musical talent PLEASE help
us to keep the Mudlarks alive.
They are in urgent need of a
Ceremony to mark 100 years
since declaration of WWI
Acknowledgement: Australian War Memorial
THE Australian War Memorial marked
the centenary of the declaration of
WWI on 4 August with a Last Post
Ceremony attended by the Minister
for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator the Hon.
Michael Ronaldson, and a contingent of
ambassadors and high commissioners.
Ceremony. This action embodies the world
we want to live in,” Dr Nelson said.
The Director of the Australian War
Memorial, Dr Brendan Nelson, encouraged
all Australians to reflect on how far the
world has come since WWI.
After the ceremony, the Memorial officially
launched its Roll of Honour Name
Projections project.
“This day 100 years ago was the start
of four years of horror. Today we send
a message of peace and unity to people
in Australia and overseas as about 75
ambassadors and high commissioners,
representing 48 countries, lay wreaths
simultaneously at the Memorial’s Last Post
“We should all take a moment to think
of the Australian experience of WWI and
to reflect on its enduring impact on our
history and our future.”
The names of all 62,000 Australian
soldiers who died during WWI will
be projected on to the exterior of the
Memorial’s Hall of Memory each night
over the next four years.
The Memorial has developed an online
estimator to enable the public to find
out the time and date of each name
projection. Families can search for a
particular person on the Memorial’s website
( by clicking on “Search
for a person: Roll of Honour” and entering
that person’s name. Under each individual
entry can be found a list of the times at
which that person’s name will appear.
The first two names displayed were those
of Able Seaman Williams G.V. Williams
and Captain Brian C.A. Pockley, who are
believed to be among the first Australians
killed in WWI.
The Last Post Ceremony commemorated
Captain Keith Heritage, understood to be
the first man to volunteer for the Australian
Naval and Military Expeditionary Force,
which was raised and sent to New Guinea
within days of the outbreak of war.
October / November 2014
Page 9
Notes From Branches and Groups
Airfield Construction Squadrons
Janis Purvinskis
President - Ian Durrant
Vice President - Marlis Dobson
Hon. Treasurer - Brian Alderdice
Hon. Secretary - Jo Naylor
Upcoming events
Branch meeting
On 21 August some 20 members gathered
for the Branch General Meeting. The
financial report showed that we are still
quite solvent and, if careful, may survive for
some time into the future.
The Branch Picnic at north Dandalup Dam
in February and Luncheon in April were
both well attended and enjoyed by all.
46 copies of our book “We Prepared the
Way” were donated to the ACS Branch
of NSW, as our contribution towards the
ACS Plaque Dedication Ceremony in ACT
in March. A further two boxes were sold to
the Aviation Heritage Museum and the 100
remaining are being donated to appreciative
recipients who may continue to spread the
story of the past achievements of the ACS.
Branch AGM
The 17th Branch AGM followed the
General Meeting. The President thanked
the outgoing committee members for their
work and efforts during the past year. The
new committee is as follows:
President - Bob Henley
Vice President - Andy Gilmour
Secretary/Treasurer - Janis Purvinskis
Social Secretary - Bev Gilmour
Floor Member - Ray Smith
Committee (non voting IPP) - Ron
We acknowledge the contributions that
Val Lopaten, 14 August 2014 and Val
Purvinskis 1936 to 2014 have given to the
Upcoming events
Saturday, 25 October, RAAFA AGM,
Langley Hall, AFME, Bull Creek, 9.30am.
Thursday, 27 November, Christmas Lunch
at Meadow Springs Club. Members are
asked to call Bev Gilmour on 9582 5135 if
they intend to join us.
October, Luncheon Meeting. In lieu of
our October meeting arrangements will be
made for a luncheon meeting.
Wednesday, 6 November, General Meeting,
Meg Olive Room, 7.30pm. Arrangements
for a Christmas festivity in December will
be discussed.
Mandurah Branch
Ruth Poat
General Meeting and AGM
These two meetings were held on 21
August 2014. There were 93 present and a
record number of apologies at 37.
The following Office Bearers were elected:
President - Ron Gregor
Vice President - Hugh Brett
Secretary - Ruth Poat
Treasurer - Shirley Yeomans
Executive Committee - Frank Poat, Jan
Lambert, Peter Brophy, Hilary Rose and
Diann Gibbs
Fay Lawrence was ratified as a new member
and Geoffrey Fisher was welcomed as a
rejoining member.
Nulsen Haven raffle tickets are now
available and any Member wishing to have
a book of tickets or just one ticket please
contact Hilary Rose (9582 5147 or 5147).
She will be very pleased to hear from you.
Upcoming events
Thursday, 16 October 2014, General
Meeting, Happy Hour and hot meal will be
served following this meeting, Middleton
Hall AFA Club at 3.45pm.
Thursday, 20 November, Dwellingup.
It is planned to hire a coach and go to
Dwellingup Hotel for lunch, cost $30.
Thursday, 11 December, Christmas Lunch.
Tuesday, 28 October, Meadow Springs
Primary School Concert, Middleton Hall,
Tuesday, 11 November, Remembrance Day
Ceremony, at the Memorial Wall.
Friday, 21 November, Branch General
Meeting, Middleton Hall.
Monday, 1 December, Residents Branch
Christmas Luncheon, with entertainment
from the children from North Mandurah
Primary School, 12noon.
WRAAF Branch
Sadly, the arranged Sunday concert of
carols with “Heart and Soul” has been
cancelled due to a clash of dates with other
Merriwa Branch
Joyce Johnson
Residents AGM
Held on Monday, 11 August, the following
new committee and executive were elected.
President - Joyce Johnson
Vice President - TBN
Treasurer - Eric Couzens
Secretary - Betty Titterton
Committee members - Warren Johnson,
Noel Cahill, Claire Cahill, Maitland
Briggs, Clive De Ridder, Bill Barnes and
Barbara Clackson.
Bingo is still running strongly on the
second and fourth Wednesday of each
month with eyes down at 7.30pm. The
next dates are: 8 October, 22 October, 12
November and 26 November. Come along
and win cash prizes and be part of the fun.
Upcoming events
Monday, 13 October, Bi-monthly Branch
Tuesday, 4 November, Melbourne Cup
Luncheon, Merriwa Club, stay tuned for
further details.
Jo Naylor
Vale – John Crago
David Oxley
Sunday, 16 November, Merriwa Fete,
8.30am – 2.00pm. There will be
entertainment and amusements for young
and old and lots to buy from fresh cakes
to plants, bric-a-brac and even exercise
equipment. If you would like to help or
donate items please contact Joyce Johnson
9400 3492.
Sunday, 5 October, Mokine Ceremony. We
will have a bus to attend the ceremony.
Tuesday, 7 October, day trip to the
Bunbury Markets.
WAAAF Branch
June Perry
Branch AGM
Sunday, 19 October, Craft Fair. The
Branch will run a cake stall and sausage
At our recent AGM the following officers
were elected:
Saturday, 25 October, A bus has been
arranged to the Division AGM at Bull Creek.
Page 10
October / November 2014
Judy Bland
Upcoming events
Tuesday, 7 October, General Meeting, Meg
Olive Room, 7.30pm.
Saturday, 11 October, Annual
Luncheon, Wings Restaurant. Tickets
available from Judy on 9311 44401 or
[email protected].
Tuesday, 4 November, General Meeting,
7.00pm. Followed by chicken and
champagne supper. Please book with
Gwyn 9310 6705 for catering.
Tuesday, 2 December, Christmas Party in
lieu of meeting, 6.30pm. More details in
WRAAF Newsletter.
Sunday, 7 December, Children’s Christmas
party. See separate advert page 4 for
Meadow Springs Residents
Upcoming events
Monday, 10 November, General Meeting,
Meg Olive Room, 11.00am.
Monday, 9 March 2015, 74th Annual
Reunion Luncheon. More details to
Tuesday, 11 November, Remembrance Day.
A ceremony and breakfast will be held to
celebrate this occasion.
We were saddened to learn of the death of
our esteemed colleague, John Crago. John
joined the RAAF Association after serving
in Bomber Command in WWII. He
has been Treasurer of the European Area
Branch for many years and was a founder
member of the Aviation Museum Branch.
We will miss our loyal friend.
Monday, 13 October, Fashion Parade and
luncheon to be held in Langley Hall with
morning tea at 10.00am.
Sunday, 23 November, Tivoli Theatre
outing in Applecross.
Friday, 18 December, General Meeting
followed by a sausage sizzle.
European Area Branch
Upcoming events
There will be no general meeting in
October because the Branch has arranged a
Fashion Parade and Luncheon for Monday,
13 October. We hope you can all make it.
Merdeka Day
Hari Merdeka (Independence
Day) is a national day of Malaysia
commemorating the independence
of the Federation of Malaya from
British colonial rule in 1957,
celebrated on 31 August each year.
This annual ceremony was held in
Perth at the Flame of Remembrance,
King’s Park, on Saturday, 30 August
2014. The ceremony honours the
comrades and friends who served
in Malaya, Borneo, Java and the
Timor region during WWII, in the
Malayan/Malaysian Emergency
conflict, the Malaysian Confrontation
and more recently the Thai Border
and East Timor operations.
The service was attended
by Ex-Service Organisation
representatives, families and relatives
of those who served within these
theatres of Commemoration,
Government representatives, the
Malaysian Consul General (WA) and
the Perth Malaysian community who
provided a beautiful Malay repast
following the ceremony.
Royal Australian Air Force Association
Cambrai Club
Bull Creek AFA Club
Meadow Springs Club
Merriwa Club
Phone: 9304 5401
Phone: 9311 4460
Phone: 9582 5375
Trading Hours
Trading Hours
Phone: Club 9400 3640
Kitchen 9400 3642
Monday, 12noon to 2.00pm
Tuesday, 4.00pm to 8.00pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, 11.00am to 6.00pm
Wednesday, 4.00pm to 8.30pm
Friday, 11.00am to 10.00pm
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11.00am to
Friday, 12noon to 1.30pm
Saturday, 3.00pm to 6.00pm
Wednesday, 11.00am to 9.00pm
Wednesday to Friday, 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Monday and Wednesday, Happy Hour
4.00pm to 5.00pm
Monday to Friday, Morning Coffee and
Afternoon Tea with selection of muffins &
cakes available
Monday, $10 roast of the day lunch
Monday, Chase the Ace 4.00pm to 5.30pm
Tuesday, $10 fish and chips lunch
Monday, roast lunch
Tuesday, fish and chips lunch
Wednesday, Chase the Ace, bingo & horse
racing, 5.00pm to 8.00pm
Thursday, happy hour 4.30pm to 5.30pm
in S/bar
Tuesday, fish and chips / pot luck dinner
Wednesday, morning tea 10.00am to
Wednesday, dinner 6.00pm to 8.30pm
2nd Friday, Sundowner 5.00pm to
BBQ area opening for warmer months
Counter lunches
Friday, 12noon to 2.00pm
Sunday, roast 11.30am to 2.00pm
alternate Sundays with Merriwa
4th Friday, Theme night happy hour,
6.00pm to 9.00pm Now with
Counter lunches
Monday to Friday, from 11.30am to
Dinner dance
Friday, 5.30pm to 10.00pm
Residents requiring transport out of
volunteer buggy hours, please contact Simon
at the bar and we will organise pickup.
Trading Hours
Monday, 11.00am to 2.30pm
1st Friday, fish and chips and salad bar
2nd Friday, dinner in the Beaufort
4th Friday, entertainment and buffet
Melbourne Cup lunch
Tuesday, 4 November, doors open
11.00am, $30 per person.
Champagne on arrival followed by buffet
at 1.00pm. Includes sweeps, raffles, hat
parade and spot prizes.
Our friendly staff are looking forward to
having you join us at Meadow Springs Club.
General news update
Alan has lived and breathed aviation
throughout his life. He joined the Royal Air
Force during WWII as an apprentice, and
went on to become an engine fitter.
He remained with the Air Force for a
number of years after the war, and after
migrating to Australia with his family
continued to work in aviation as a licensed
engineer in general aviation.
Alan joined RAAFA in the 1950s, and now
lives on AFME, Bull Creek which gives
him easy access to the Aviation Heritage
Museum on site.
He leads about 25 young people, who range
from eight to 16 years old, at each monthly
“It’s great to see the kids grow up and move
on to other things, everyone in the club
has an interest in aviation, but a number
of young ones have gone on into careers in
aviation. It’s nice to think we’ve had a hand
in that.”
CEO John Murray said the Youth Club was
an integral part of the Museum’s outreach
programs, encouraging and fostering young
Tuesday to Saturday, 12noon to 2.00pm
Wednesday, happy hour 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Wednesday, bingo, Main Hall 7.30pm
Wednesday, pie and pint
Thursday, morning tea 10.00am to
Thursday, games night 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Thursday, bowlers social drinks 4.00pm to
Saturday, bowlers social drinks and fish &
Saturday, fish and chip lunch
Counter lunches
Monday to Saturday, last orders taken
2.00pm daily
Sunday, roast 11.30am to 2.00pm
alternate Sundays with Cambrai
Friday, 5.00pm till late, orders taken
5.30pm to 7.00pm
Tuesday, Theme Night, 5.00pm to
8.00pm, 2 course menu every week
4th Wednesday, 12.00noon to 2.00pm
Offal Club
meeting of the Youth Club, along with the
support of a fellow aviation-enthusiast
“One of the things we do each school
holidays with the group is take apart an
aircraft engine, then re-build it, and learn
how it operates – that’s always good fun.
Monday, 12noon to 2.00pm
Blue Gum Restaurant (please book)
Good times continue to roll at Youth Club
for 90 year old volunteer
“I really enjoy working with the Youth Club,
we teach the kids all sorts of things about
the history of aviation, how planes fly, how
engines work etc,” Alan said.
Raffles, lucky wheel and horse racing
• New menu and wine lists for all Clubs from 1 October 2014
• All Clubs open for Melbourne Cup Lunch on 4 November 2014
• Bull Creek AFA Club, special performance of Agelink Theatre’s “Cis and
Barbiche” on Tuesday 18 November, 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
• All Clubs open for Christmas Day lunch, then closed until New Years Eve
NINETY-year-old volunteer Alan Rye
is somewhat of a local institution at the
Aviation Heritage Museum in Bull Creek,
where he’s run the Youth Club for more than
15 years.
Trading Hours
Do you have a few spare
hours every 2 months?
We need someone to co-ordinate the
distribution of Air Mail, our bi-monthly
membership newspaper. You would be
required to:
Alan Rye in one of the Museum’s
people’s interest in aviation.
“Alan is incredibly generous the way he
shares his extensive knowledge and passion
for aviation – he’s helping teach and mould
the next generation of aviation enthusiasts,”
he said.
“We’re always keen to welcome more young
people to the Museum’s Youth Club – it’s a
fairly unique club where children get taught
some really practical hands on experience
learning about different facets of WA’s civil
and military aviation heritage.”
• Confirm the availability of a group of
helpers for the morning’s “envelope
• Set up the room at Bull Creek the day
before for the morning’s work, including
laying out bundles of labels, envelopes,
newspapers and mail crates.
• Co-ordinate the morning’s distribution.
The setup takes approximately 1 hour and
depending on the number of volunteers, the
morning session takes about 2 hours.
Our retiring co-ordinator is happy to assist,
but wishes to take some well deserved
Please call Julie Stearne on 9311 4449
October / November 2014
Page 11
Health and wellness
RAAFA resident rides
RAAFA Welfare Team
scooter across desert for North
Mental Health Fundraiser
THERE’S a hero in our midst – a so-called
‘every day hero,’ as participants in an
adventurous 2,400km scooter ride across
Western Australia’s Nullarbor Plain aspired to
be. RAAFA resident Ted McEvoy of AFME,
Bull Creek, was among a group of intrepid
over-65s who undertook the challenging twoweek trek to expand their personal boundaries
and in the process, raise funds for the
iconic mental health advocacy organisation,
Ted, a grandfather to four boys, in a
moment of madness, decided to participate
in the Scootarbor Challenge to support the
meaningful work of Beyondblue.
With 20 year’s of service with the RAAF
and also a Vietnam Veteran, he is very aware
that many of the returning military personnel
from Iraq, Afghanistan, etc will suffer from
PTSD. “In a small way, I want to ensure that
these veterans receive appropriate treatment to
which they are entitled. I want to make people
realise that mental illness is like any illness.
There are treatments and there is help out
there” he said.
At age 71, Ted is a fitting representative of
the event’s 20 registered participants, who
range in age from 65 to 75. He was initially
contacted by one of his ex-RAAF mates who
explained the objectives of the Scootarbor
Challenge. He was asked “Are you up for it,
mate?” Without hesitation, Ted agreed to the
challenge. His only problem he could foresee
was a sore bum!!
society, have an obligation to look after these
Riders started their engines on 9 September
in Port Augusta. The group was split into
teams of two, alternating riding 50cc scooters
for half of the day. The goal was to cover
approximately 240km of desert terrain per
day, with a few days of rest for tired bodies in
between. They reached their final destination
in Perth on Sunday, 21 September and the
group hoped to raise an ambitious $300,000
for Beyondblue.
The Scootarbor Challenge was conceived
by Queensland resident Ian “Jake” Jacobsen,
a retired pilot in the RAAF and habitual
To make the event more inclusive, Mr
Jacobsen decided to have the ride on scooters
instead of motorcycles, so participants
wouldn’t have to obtain a special license. He
wanted to focus the event on members of the
over-65 demographic who would be inclined
to extend themselves mentally and physically.
Save for the generosity of a wealthy
benefactor, the group was dependent on
donations from anyone who might have a
personal connection to the cause - whether it
is experience with depression and anxiety, or
just to endorse the idea that we’re never too
old to seize the moment.
To contribute to the Scootarbor
Challenge, please follow the prompts at
He said “A sore bum is nothing in
comparison to the pain which those returning
diggers would feel. We Vietnam Vets are
determined that their mental health issues will
be more readily accepted and treated. We, as a
CUDDLY, loyal, playful and intelligent!
Pat Morcom and Phillip Hughes
with one of the dingoes
October / November 2014
9582 5369
Erskine Grove & RAAFA Estate
Meadow Springs
South West
Irene Smith 9841 8311
RAAFA Amity Village Albany
The Welfare Service
aims to:
• Assist ALL MEMBERS to maintain
and improve quality of life
• Encourage & maintain
• Provide information & referrals
• Link you to services to assist with
individual needs
Cambrai Village – Cambrai Club
Macular Degeneration Information
Thursday, 23 October, 10.00-11.30am
Macular Degeneration (MD) is the
name given to a group of degenerative
diseases of the retina that cause
progressive, painless loss of central
vision, affecting the ability to see fine
detail, drive, read and recognise faces.
MD is the leading cause of blindness
in Australia. Come along and find out
more information on this disease. All
welcome to attend.
A volunteer Tax helper is available to
assist anyone that has a simple Tax
Please call Merriwa Estate admin office
on 9400 3400 to make an appointment
AFME Bull Creek – Village Hall
RAC Part 1, “Driving Your Future”,
Tuesday, 7 October, 10.00-11.30am
A presentation that is focused on
senior motorists.
RAC Part 2, “Decade of Action”,
Tuesday, 14 October, 10.00-11.30am
Will conclude the RAC senior motorist
education series. This is a must see
for everyone who has been driving
for years simply because so much has
changed on our roads.
Lions Ear Science, Tuesday, 28 October, 10.00-11.30am
Chronic Pain Series presented by
Medicare local, Wednesday, 15 October & 19 November, 10.00-12noon
This course is a must for those living
with chronic pain requiring some
education, refreshing information and
new suggestions on how to live well with
chronic pain. All materials supplied.
Monday Meditation class from 2.00-3.00pm
Relaxation in a friendly environment.
Very popular and continuing to grow
in numbers. New members welcome
and if anyone is interested in any
instruction before attending a class
please contact Carena on 9311 4562.
Gems: Once a month ladies
Tuesday, 21 October, 18 November
& 16 December, 2.00-3.15pm
Guest speakers, friendship and
encouragement. Lots of laughs and
afternoon tea supplied. Very popular.
Jane Fletcher talks Common Sense
on Funerals
Tuesday, 25 November, 10.00–11.30am
Easy and affordable options explained.
Time for questions and answers over a
cuppa with friends.
Morning and afternoon teas supplied,
please bring a $2 donation for the
bickie tin.
RAAFA caps
RAAFA caps are now available at the Aviation
Heritage Museum gift shop in Bull Creek.
The caps are only $15 each and can be mail
ordered plus $4.95 postage.
The professional team of presenters
educated and informed us whilst the
Dingoes remained politely seated….well
most of the time!
Page 12
Carena Slattery 9311 4562
AFME Bull Creek
Stay On Your Feet information sessions
aim to promote healthy active ageing
in WA and raise awareness within the
community that falls are preventable
and not a consequence of ageing.
Come along and find out more on the
nine steps to prevent falls.
When Dingoes WA brought their much
loved team of canines to the AFME,
Bull Creek on Tuesday 16 September, it
was nothing short of amazing.
A special thanks to all of the morning
tea helpers who tended to the crowd.
Stay On Your Feet WA
Thursday, 13 November, 9.30–11.00am
at play
By Carena Slattery
Vanessa Priestley 9304 5280 / 9400 3778
Cambrai Village & RAAFA Merriwa
Merriwa Estate – Welfare Office
Tax Help Volunteer
Thursdays, 10.00-1.00pm
The Museum gift shop has many other interesting items
available for the aviation enthusiast.
AFME residents enjoyed the visit
We are located on the Air Force Memorial Estate in Bull Creek and open daily
from 10am to 4pm. For enquiries contact 9311 4470.