November - Syracuse Track Club


November - Syracuse Track Club
Syracuse Track Club
Volume 30 Issue 11
The View from Ground Level
By Margaret Hartmann
What a fall season we have had – a real mix of sunny,
mild days, chilly, rainy days, and everything in
between. Recently, on an early Sunday morning I
was running at Green Lakes State Park and headed up
the trails to the top of the park. I had my dog Gypsy
with me (as usual) and I started around the area on
top we fondly call the Serengeti. This was one of the
most awesome mornings in a long time, simply
because of the scenery. It was a cloudless day with
the bright, colorful trees, the mist coming off of the
areas where the sun was drying the ground, the deer
everywhere you looked along with rabbits and even
some pheasants that flew out of the weeds (chased by
my herding dog!) It was like I entered a poetry book
and was running in between the pages. All I kept
thinking was it doesn’t get any better than this!
Upstate New York can be a beautiful place to live.
The Bruegger’s Halloween Run was a lot of fun with
over 200 people signing up the day of the race. It
was great to see so many people in costume with lots
of young kids very much enjoying themselves. The
rain held off for the morning “rituals” of registration,
packet pickup and the start of the race. We had chip
timing by Pat Leone for the first time at the
Halloween Run, and it went very smoothly. This
made a huge difference for certain volunteers who
Inside This Issue…
Halloween Recap
Cross-Country Pictures
1970s Flashback
Annual Banquet Details
November 2007
have always been “stuck” compiling the results, and
the quicker processing of the results for posting was
much appreciated by many of the runners. I do have
to say that we were still handing out the awards in the
pavilion (which is not covered) when it did start to
hail, however the hail held off until the end, and fun
was had by all.
We have the Resolution Run next on our calendar of
events on January 1st at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
The run generally takes off precisely at 10:07am and
the distance is usually around 4-6 miles. The course
changes every year but not too much and it just
doesn’t matter anyway because it’s all about the eats
and drinks afterwards. For $13.00 you can run, join
the STC and get a buffet and drink afterwards. If you
have renewed at some point during the year you will
not have to pay to run. We will have a membership
list available if you are in doubt about your
membership status (your renewal date is printed on
the mailing label of this newsletter), so show up and
join the fun, and bring a friend. Of course, it
wouldn’t be the Resolution Run without the post-run
prize raffle—you definitely do not want to miss the
raffle of valuable, garage-sale chic wardrobe items!
The STC board of directors is looking into hiring a
bus for the annual trip to NYC on New Year’s Eve.
The high price of gas may factor into our decision –
the old trickle-down theory of passing costs on down
the line. Last year the charge was $75.00 a person
and we really don’t want to go higher if we can help
it. It will depend on what the bus companies are
charging. We will announce our decision on the
website and in the next newsletter.
The STC Annual Banquet will be held on Saturday,
January 19th at The Spaghetti Warehouse at 6:30pm.
There will be elections of directors and officers.
Newsletter 1
After those minor details are taken care of we will
move on to enjoying dinner and the “Dave Mullen
Presentation.” We are taking nominations for Runner
of the Year, Masters and Veterans Runner of the
Year, and Most Improved Runner. I want to note
these awards are both male and female in each
category. We also will accept nominations for any
other category one feels should be recognized. Dave
Mullen, Sharon Ames, Lynn Schneider and I will be
on the awards nominating committee, and we
encourage everyone to send in your nominations, via
email, the web site, or in person.
One of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving, is fast
approaching; I wish everyone a wonderful day.
Please think of those not so lucky and look around
and be thankful for what you have. I end with a
quote from the Talmud: “Man has three friends on
whose company he relies. First, wealth-- which goes
with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his
relatives-- they go only as far as the grave and leave
him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with
him beyond the grave.” Since Thanksgiving is a real
family holiday, I thought it was appropriate to print
something George Santayana said: “The family is one
of nature’s masterpieces.”
Award Nominees Sought
As the club approaches the annual
banquet, it is once again time for us to
gather nominees for our annual awards.
For those of you who would like some
reminding, the club presents female and
male awards in the following categories:
Open, Masters (40+), Veteran (50+), and
most improved. We do not yet award in
the “Old and crotchety” category.
Additionally, there are the always
coveted, often imitated, never duplicated
Committee Awards. These awards are
given to club members for “unusual”
performances and/or activities during
this year.
If you would like to nominate someone
for an award, serious or otherwise,
please speak to one of the awards
committee members – they would be
Margaret Hartmann, Dave Mullen,
Sharon Ames, and Lynn Schneider.
Or use email:
Run and Play Hard………………………
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
It’s also a good time to put the banquet
on your calendar. It will be on Saturday
January 19th, at the Spaghetti
Warehouse, with the usual menu
choices. It’s a great time to celebrate
the year just concluded, while looking
forward to the year ahead. The banquet
will also serve as the club’s annual
Some Chick!
Newsletter Deadline:
Any information to be included in the next newsletter must be submitted by the 11th of each month to:
e-mail: [email protected]
mail to: STC, PO Box 1032, Syracuse, NY 13201
We would love to include your fall marathon results!
Newsletter 2
Syracuse Track Club
c/o YMCA
340 Montgomery St
Syracuse, NY 13202
Green Lakes State Park Runs - Fartlek X/C Runs:
Thursdays, 6:00 pm, April 5 – October 18, 2007
Board of Directors
Margaret Hartmann, President
Russ Abraham, Vice President
Lori Dietz, Treasurer
Tony Muhlnickel, Secretary
Board Members:
Sharon Ames
Rick Cleary
Don Hughes
Bruce Laidlaw
Bruce MacKnight
Fred Marty
Ann Mullen
Chris Read
Lynn Schneider
Rick Schneider
Scott Shaw
Jack Stauffer
Change of Pace Runs - Interval Road Runs:
Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. October 25 – March 2008.
Change of Pace Sports Bar, 1802 Grant Blvd.,
Syracuse NY
Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Race Committee
Chair: Dave Mullen - 414-0722 [email protected]
Sharon Ames
Dave Miller
Margaret Hartmann
Lynn Schneider
Don Hughes
Rick Schneider
Ann Mullen
Jerry Smith
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Bruce Laidlaw - 472-2709
Janet Constantino
Tony Muhlnickel
Chris Read
Competitive Teams
Dave Miller – 682-5845
Newsletter Editor
Jack Stauffer – [email protected]
Constantino Runs – 5K/10K Fun Runs:
Returning Summer 2008, Tuesdays 6:00pm,
Nottingham High School Track
Club Merchandise
Margaret Hartmann – [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator
Lori Dietz [email protected]
Personal Profiles
Lynn Schneider - [email protected]
Junior Marathoners
Jack Stauffer – [email protected]
Newsletter 3
Resolution Run Ahead
The Resolution run is rapidly approaching!
Here are the answers to all your questions!
Q: When is it?
A: January 1st, at 10:07 A.M.
Q: Where is it?
A: The Spaghetti Warehouse, on North
Clinton Street
Q: How long is the course?
A: As long as Don Hughes and Jerry Smith
feel like making it that morning… Usually,
it’s a little longer than a 5k, and somewhat
shorter than 10 miles, unless you get lost, of
Q: Is the course certified?
A: And they said there was no such thing as
a stupid question…
Bruegger’s Halloween Run 2007
By Lynn Schneider
Over 600 runners, some in costume and many with
their families, came out to Beaver Lake Nature
Center on Sunday, October 28th, to enjoy the
Syracuse Track Club’s annual Halloween 5K trail
run. The chilly weather, coupled with the great
Halloween atmosphere – with ghosts and goblins in
attendance – made for a fun day. Costumed kids ran
to the finish and were rewarded with the customary
bags of Halloween candy and prizes for their efforts.
The overall and age group winners all receive the
much coveted witch/pumpkin trophies, as well as free
bagel coupons from our sponsor, Bruegger’s Bagels.
Congratulations to Steven Hicks, the overall men’s
winner, and Kristin White, the first finisher for the
women. A big “thank you” to all who came out and
participated in one of the most enjoyable and fun
races to wind down the racing season. See more
photos at
Q: What does it cost?
A: The run is free to current STC members
– you may join the club the day of the race.
The cost is $10 for non-members.
Q: Is it chip timed?
A: See the answer to the certification
Q: Do I get a t-shirt?
A: If you stay for the awards, you will most
assuredly get a shirt or some other very
memorable “runner premium”.
Q: Will Cleary complete the run?
A: Maybe his New Year’s Resolution will
have something about actually finishing a
workout or run – you’ll have to show up to
find out.
Newsletter 4
Upstate Cross-Country Series #4
The 2007 Upstate Cross-Country series was at VVS High School on
November 4 for what was billed as the STC’s home meet.
Pat Riccardi Edging (maybe) Some Girls
Tony Muhlnickel, Becki Robbins
Jim Bright
Dan Krawczyk
Dave Miller
Ashley Lewis in a Battle
See for more pictures.
Newsletter 5
Tuesday, January 1st, 2008 at 10:07am
Spaghetti Warehouse – 689 North Clinton Street
Distance: 5K or 10K or thereabouts
Free to present or joining STC members
Non-members: $10.00
Run followed by chili, ziti, bread, and beverages
Volunteer Award Program
It’s Time to Collect!
The STC has announced a new volunteer incentive program. In this program you will receive one point for
every event you volunteer for. Eligible events include any race managed by the STC (Resolution Run, Mt.
Goat Run, Bud Run, etc.), the Constantino runs, the Junior Marathon program, or any other program/event
authorized by the Board of Directors. After each event the event director will supply a list of volunteer
names to the Volunteer Coordinator who will keep a running total of points for every member. At the end
of the year the points will be published in the November newsletter and you will be able to pick up your
award(s) at the Annual Banquet. The awards and points required are as follows: coffee mug (two points),
pint glass (four points), or 12 ounce white wine glass (six points). You may choose how to apply the points
to the awards yourself. For example, if you have six points you can receive a mug and a pint glass or a
wine glass. If you have four points you can get two mugs or a pint glass, etc. All points will be accrued on
a calendar year basis and at the end of the year the points will be erased and then start again for the next
calendar year.
The 2007 volunteer record we have to date is available at Please check
your points, and send any corrections to [email protected], or contact Bruce MacKnight.
Newsletter 6
Not So Secret, But Long Forgotten Marathon Tips
By Rick Cleary
I was in the mall recently and a display that caught
my attention was a new Nike showcase that said, “If
you ran in 1977, you’ll remember these shoes.”
Nike has reissued old versions of their classic running
shoes. Hey, who broke into my closet and took
them? As I stood there and had a flashback, I was
wondering how we managed to run 80-100 miles a
week in these stripped-down, bare-boned shoes.
Perhaps we were pushing the daily limits of the
molecular structure of the shoes. Perhaps we did 10
x 800 before they were known as “Yasso 800s”
because it sounded like a good workout and we didn’t
know any better. Perhaps we wore Nike Elite racing
shoes in all our races, including marathons, because
they weighed 7 ounces and you weren’t deemed a
serious racer if you didn’t wear racing flats to a race.
After all, that’s why it’s called a race! In 1977, you
had to run under 3 hours to qualify for Boston. No
problem. But then to weed out the slow runners, they
changed it to 2:50! Hey, we’d better work on our
speed! So…
Weight: Lightweight was everything. Shoes, shorts,
singlets: the lighter, the better. Body weight, again,
the lighter the better (there is a 7% increase in speed
for every lost pound.) Dolphin tricot shorts and
singlets were the fashion rage the late 70’s. Socks?
Nope, they weighed too much. Sunglasses? Hey,
where’s your boat? Water-bottle belt? What the hell
are you talking about? According to the AAU you’re
not allowed to drink before the third mile. What are
you, a wimp?
Miles: The more, the better. We wouldn’t even think
about showing up for a marathon if we hadn’t
averaged 60-plus miles for the past 8 weeks. What
did all those miles teach us? To run fast when we’re
tired, to keep our weight down and allow us to eat
anything we wanted (chips and dip were considered a
two course meal) and to develop a mean, nasty
attitude. Two-a-days? Yep, all the time. An old
comment was, “Wow, you look like crap, you must
be in great shape!”
Speedwork? Well if it’s Tuesday, it’s track day. The
goal was to develop…speed! Ludicrous speed! At
every distance. Recovery days? Well, we didn’t
know what they were; they were considered days
when you were sore and tired and couldn’t run fast
from all the hard work you did in those stripped down
Gels and Power Bars? Remember, this was BC
(before cable). There use to be a product called Body
Ammo. They were glucose tablets which we
wrapped up in foil, placed in a baggy and stuffed in
our shorts. We took one every five miles just to keep
our blood sugar up.
Carbo-loading, yes. But only after depleting for three
days. No carbs, just protein and fats. I did it for all
of my (35) marathons, and it worked. I never
Chip timing? That’s what you have a watch for!
Besides, the chips weigh too much. And entry fees!
The Marine Corps Marathon used to be $3.00! The
Turkey Day Races in Baldwinsville were $.50! They
run the same course today!!!
In 1977, I ran 3,659.1 miles. I averaged 10.02 miles
per day (okay, so I was a little anal retentive about
counting miles), weighed 145 pounds, ran two
marathons (2:55, 2:45), graduated from college and
became a father to my son Ryan. I wrote in my log
that it was a good year but 1978 should be better. It
Now, I still have those ’77 Nike Elite racing shoes I
bought in Boston. I wonder if I strapped them on
again, if I could….never mind.
Newsletter 7
Syracuse Track Club Annual Meeting
and Awards Banquet
Saturday, January 19th, 2008
Cocktails at 6:30pm, Dinner at 7:00pm
$20.00 per person
The Spaghetti Warehouse
689 North Clinton St.
Choice of:
Chicken Parmagiana
Grilled Chicken Alfredo
Vegetable Lasagna
House Tossed Salad
Sourdough Bread
Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks
Beer and Wine
RSVP: [email protected]
Happy Holidays from The Syracuse Track Club
Newsletter 8
Newsletter 9
Official Merchandise
All items contain the Syracuse Track Club logo
Wear the Club Colors!
As the holiday gift-giving season is upon us, just a friendly reminder that it’s always nice to give your
loved ones some STC insignia clothing. And maybe give some to yourself, too.
______________________________________________________________ _______ _________
STC 25th Anniversary Shirt - 1977-2002
Heavy 100% cotton, pre-shrunk, long sleeve mock turtleneck w/full chest design, rear neck logo w/"STILL RUNNING CRAZY
Sizes: M, L, XL
Price: $20.00
STC Racing Tops
100% cotton sweatshirt, long-sleeve, w/ chest logo.
Colors: Navy, grey
Sizes: M, L, XL
Price: $20.00
Sugoi sublimated design, 100% polyester
Color: White w/ Black logo
Sizes: S, M, L, XL
(WORN BY STC X-C TEAMS →) Singlet: $24.00
Shirt: $36.00
Long Sleeve “One with the Mud” Shirt
Moisture-moving technical shirt (that means 100% polyester!)
by Brooks. STC Logo and “CROSS COUNTRY” on the front;
muddy footprint and “One with the Mud” on the back.
Color: Dark Blue
Sizes: M, L, XL
Price: $20.00
Sizes: M, L, XL
Navy blue Nike warmup jacket with the STC logo (in white)
on the left breast. Body 100% polyester, mesh lining 100%
polyester, lining insets 100% nylon.
Navy Blue
"I Used To Be Good" T-Shirt or Singlet
100% cotton
Color: White
Nike Warmup Jacket
Sizes: S, M, L, XL
Price: $55.00
Price: $8.00
Make Checks payable to: SYRACUSE TRACK CLUB
To order or obtain any items on this form, contact Margaret Hartmann at 315-446-2929 or e-mail: [email protected]
Syracuse Track Club
340 Montgomery St.
Syracuse, NY 13202
(Address label goes here)
Newsletter 10