THE MESSENGER PACE Pancake Breakfast Saturday, February 8


THE MESSENGER PACE Pancake Breakfast Saturday, February 8
It is difficult to imagine that half of our school year is behind us. We’re looking ahead to a number of
events and beginning the preliminary planning for a new school year.
We are working on registration materials for the 2014-2015 school year. More information will be coming
in e-mails and posted on our website.. Registration will formally open on Monday, February 3rd. For those who
may have a need for extended office hours to pay registration or seek help from a secondary faculty adviser regarding academics, we will have Registration Night on Monday, February 24th from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. There will be a
7th Grade Orientation Night, Wednesday, February 5th at 4:00 p.m. for the present 6th grade class. Additionally,
we will host a Freshman Orientation session on Registration Night, Monday, February 24th at 5:30 p.m. for the present 8th grade class. These are major transitional years academically, and we feel it will benefit our students and
their parents to gain additional information and insight to ensure success. Encourage families you know to consider RCS for their children’s educational needs. We’re eager to schedule tours and visit. Open enrollment begins
Monday, February 10th. Families receive a $500 referral fee for recommending a family that registers at RCS.
I want to congratulate our students who have earned the Honor Roll and Merit Roll status for the previous
semester. A number of our students have worked diligently to receive recognition. Congratulations is extended to
Luke Imrie who won the school Geography Bee. Carson Reeves, Leo Cooper, and Wiley Pickering won essay contests and were recognized by the VFW. Students are also participating in and preparing for the Jr. High and Sr.
High Quiz Bowls.
Baseball season opens March 3rd. Check the website for a complete schedule of games. School will be in
session on Monday, February 17th to makeup one of our snow days. Two additional makeup days remain which
will most likely be completed at the end of the end of the semester.
An opportunity has surfaced which may allow RCS to be relieved of its facility debt. Please be in prayer
along with the Board in asking for God’s blessing, timing, and direction in the days to come while facilitating details
and finalizing decisions.
2014-2015 RCS Registration Schedule
Marcia Elder--Administrator
February 3—Registration packets distributed. Current
families open enrollment.
February 5—2014-2015 7th Graders Orientation—4:00
February 10—General Public Open Enrollment begins
February 24—Registration — 3:30 p.m.—6:00 p.m.
New Freshman orientation—5:30 p.m. Parents please
attend for an overview of graduation credits and requirements.
June 3—Book Orders Due
PACE Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, February 8, 2013
8—10 a.m.
Highland Drive Baptist Church
Pre K3
We just spent a week learning about
Australia and some of the amazing animals
that live there.
A pouch is on a kangaroo.
The koala and wombat have one too!
The platypus doesn't have any teeth
But he has pockets inside of his cheeks!
The big emu runs across the ground
And the kookaburra makes a laugh sound!
It's sometimes called the land down under
But we think it's a land of wonder!
Pre K4
Kindergarten students are so excited because we are reading in our reading
books now! We are also doing reading homework assignments with our parents.
Reading is fun!
First Grade
We are busy learning new
things each day in Mrs.
Couch's class!! We are learning our ABC's and our 123's.
We are learning about the
seasons and how they
change. We have learned
about David and Goliath,
Daniel and even Jonah.
The newest skill we are working on is writing our names!!
Look what we can do!
First grade is always very busy. There are many new things to learn everyday. In science we are learning that things change, even we change.
Two-digit addition was challenging, now it is fun! We must get back to work now. There is more to learn.
Third Grade
Second Grade
2nd grade makes hornbooks like pioneer children used many
years ago!
Third grade went on a “measurement” hunt recently. They practiced measurement of length,
Fourth grade
capacity, and weight.
Fourth grade celebrated Matt McAdams
making it to the final round of the Geography Bee with cupcakes!!!
It’s time to get a new Warrior Basketball t-shirt!
They are available for $10 in the office
or at any home game.
Fifth Grade
Ms. Williams class is learning about all of the different countries and they are excited
about it!!
Craighead County Spelling Bee
February 7, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
ASU Fowler Center
Theatre Department
RCS Students participating: Lexie
South, Emily Bowman, Paul Betts,
Luke Imrie, Leo Cooper, Nathaniel
Day, Ean Dunton, and Alternate
Alex Burnett.
Sixth Grade
Mrs. Jenness and her sixth grade class collected donations
for The Children’s Shelter in December.
February Events:
February 4
Make Up Pictures
and Team Pictures
February 5
PLAN Test—10th
February 8
PACE Pancake
Breakfast at HDBC
February 12 Valentine TAG Day
Sponsored by PACE
February ??? Junior High Science
February 24-28 RCS Book Fair
February 26 Ole! Fiesta TAG Day
Sponsored by the
9th grade Physical Science students create the periodic
table with tiles provided by ASU. They are studying classes of elements and their location on the table.
Luke Imrie was the winner of
the RCS 2014 National
Geographic Bee.
The winner for the AR Reward
Barnes and Noble Gift Card was
Devin Overshine.
Three RCS high school students received awards for their essays in the VFW Voice of Democracy
and Power of the Pen Competitions. Leo Cooper was awarded third place and Carson Reeves
received second place in the Power of the Pen Essay Competition. Wiley Pickering was awarded
third place in the Voice of Democracy speech competition. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mosby of the VFW
Post 1991 awarded the students with a certificate, medal and a cash prize at a recent Chapel
assembly. Congratulations!!!
“And you shall love the
Lord your God with all
your heart and with all
your soul and with all
your mind and with all
your strength.’ The second is this: You shall
love your neighbor as
yourself.’ There is no
other commandment
greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31
RCS recently received a check from Box Tops for Education for $937.90!
That’s a LOT of box tops! That amount was for the box tops collected in
the calendar year of 2013. Please continue to bring them in to school and
place them in the basket in the lobby. Be sure to check the expiration
date and if you would, please trim them down to remove any excess wrapper or label. Ms. Erin Day is coordinating this effort for RCS. Thank you!!!
7th Grade Art- students have been learning to draw and shade 3 D shapes. Currently they are finishing a Geometric Still Life using chalk
pastels. The next lesson will be over the Color Wheel.
Art 1 – Students are finishing their Grid Self Portraits. The next project will be working on an entry for the State Fish Art Contest. This contest requires artwork and a one page essay.
Art 2 - Students are finishing their colored pencil Grid Self Portraits. The next project will be working on an entry for the State Fish Art Contest. This contest requires artwork and a one page essay.
Art 3 & Art 4 – are working on a life-size Slab Shoe. This is a form of ceramic hand-building that requires the use of a rolling pin. The clay is
rolled out in such a way as to copy the pieces of leather or suede. The shoes will be fired and glazed in a color to imitate a real shoe.
Elementary Art – Students are working on a variety of projects and skills. 1st grade is learning about patterns. 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grades
are learning about Pointillism, and 4th and 5th grades are learning Cartooning. There are two up-coming art contests: “Through a Child’s
Eyes” art contest at ASU and the State Fish Art Contest.
French 1 – Students are working in Chapter 5. Chapter 5 is about “Going to Town” and teaches the four ways of asking a question, conjugating the verb “aller”, and vocabulary on modes of transportation. Students also have a bonus project of entering in the TACE or SFAC contests which consist of artwork and a one page essay.
Personal Finance – Students are working in the “Discovering God’s Way of Handling Money” series and the related Teen edition workbook. Currently, students are in chapter 4 on the subject of “Counsel.” Following this, students will cover chapter 5 on the subject of
“Giving” and will have a community service/missions based project.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be here February
24-28. So dust off your sombrero and mark your calendars now! Love books? Want to help set-up?
Great with decorations? Mrs. Parker always needs
helping hands during the book fair. You can sign up
at our online book fair website at:
At our personalized RCS Book Fair website you can also check book fair hours, see
your student’s dedicated shopping time, view and keep up with our school’s book fair goal,
shop or browse at our Online Fair (shop beginning 2/16) and much more! Please remember that your support of the Book Fair provides the RCS Library with new books for our students as well as funds for library supplies for the year.
Because of the enormous show of support at last year’s GRAND Event, the Library
will look forward to hosting our “Grands” again this year. However, to ensure that each
student has the necessary time and space to shop, we will divide our Grand Event into
grade-specific shopping times. Look for more details in the coming weeks!
Tanja and the Imrie Family
We have three children of our own and so deciding to bring a fourth child
into our home was a big decision but one that has enhanced our family
greatly. All three of our kids took to Tanja immediately and she took to
them. She has been a great big sister. Having a foreign exchange student
has allowed us to learn about Germany and their culture and school system. She has been a perfect fit and added laughter and love to our lives.
She will always be our "daughter"and my children's "sister" long after she
leaves to return to Germany.
Nerea has been sent to us from God. I could not have imagined our first time hosting an exchange student going as
well as it has. She has become part of our family. We enjoy
every moment we have with her and will miss her terribly in
Nerea and the Grissom Family
Host Families are Needed for
International Students for the
2014-2015 School Year.
For more information, go to or see Mrs. Stotts.
Niklas and the Silas Family
Our 2013-2014 International Students: Niklas Seib of
Germany, Tanja Voehringer of Germany, Nerea Remirez
of Spain, Ming Nitiparksagul of Thailand and Sebastian
Nikol of Germany.
Hosting an international student has been an exciting
adventure for our family. We have opened our home
and hearts to Niklas. We have enjoyed sharing our
culture and day to day living with him. He
has experienced things here that he would not have had
the opportunity to experience in Germany. He has even
shared his culture with us through pictures, food, and
music. We feel blessed and thankful to be a part of his
life. He will always be a part of our family.

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