Inland Wetlands, Tidal Wetlands and Vernal Pools


Inland Wetlands, Tidal Wetlands and Vernal Pools
Inland Wetlands, Tidal Wetlands and Vernal Pools
This map depicts the general location of both inland and tidal wetlands in Old Saybrook. Activities within inland wetlands or within the 100'
upland review areas adjacent to inland wetlands are regulated by the Old Saybrook Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission. Activities
in tidal wetlands are regulated exclusively by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Inland wetlands include areas of hydric soils, waterbodies, watercourses and intermittent watercourses. Soils classified by the USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) as poorly drained, very poorly drained, alluvial or floodplain are inland wetland soils. Also included
as regulated inland wetlands are vernal pools and upland areas within 100' of them.
Tidal wetlands are defined in the Tidal Wetlands Act by their current or former tidal connection, and their
capacity to support certain wetland vegetation.
Users of this map should be aware that the wetland boundaries generally are not precise and
that wetlands smaller than 2-3 acres were not mapped by the USDA NRCS and are not
included on the map. The data can be used as a general guide but can not be
used for permitting purposes to determine the presence or absence of
wetllands at a specific location. Such determination only can be made
in the field by a certified soil scientist. Accurate locations of
wetlands that have been field surveyed by a licensed soil
scientist are shown on the map as red lines.
Vernal Pool
Map accuracy - very high
Map accuracy - high
Map accuracy - on property
Map accuracy - unknown
Flagged Wetland (mapped in the field)
Tidal Wetland (Activities regulated by CT DEEP)
Inland Wetland Soil (Activities regulated by Old Saybrook IWWC)
Inland Wetlands 100' Upland Review Area (Activities may be regulated by Old Saybrook IWWC)
Tidal Wetlands 50' Setback (Structures not allowed per Old Saybrook Zoning Commission)
Document Path: C:\Users\sprisloe\Desktop\MXDs\Wetlands Base Map.mxd
Date: 11/27/2013
1,000 500
3,000 Feet