September 2012 Steeple - Gethsemane Lutheran Church


September 2012 Steeple - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
The Steeple
September 2012
221 Atlantic Avenue East
P.O. Box C
Dassel, MN 55325
(320) 275-3852
(320) 275-2111
e-mail: [email protected]
Pastor: Steven Olson
[email protected]
Youth Minister:
Drew Nelson e-mail:
[email protected]
Visitation Pastor:
John Peterson
Church Secretaries:
Paula Roling
Judi French
Donna Nelson
Dennis Ashburn
Church Council
Steve Lien-President
Melissa Hillmyer-Vice Pres.
Louise Tjernagel-Secretary
John Sandstede-Treasurer
Tammy Thompson-Worship
Paul Fank-Property
Judy Schmitz –Library
Bill Cowan - Education
Steve Olson –Stewardship
Louise Tjernagel-Evangelism
Mechele Pitchford-Service
Nancy Piepenburg-Youth
Rick Johnson– Family Life
Have you been served?
Have you been served? We have all been asked this question in stores, restaurants and
many other places. We are asked the question, and we welcome it, because we expect good service. That expectation is part of our everyday mind set but what about when it comes to worship
What is the expectation when we come into this place? Many may think of our church
as a place where they come to receive service, which is well and good; but in our worship services
something different happens. Here the tables are turned. For when we gather for worship, we do
not come to be served, but to serve. We come to serve God and those God loves.
How? First, we serve God through prayers, praise and thanksgiving. That is a service
we are all called to give. Secondly we serve God by hearing God’s word. We listen for what God
wants, just like a waiter listens for a customer’s order. Then, thirdly, we take God’s orders and live
them out in faith and life, as God’s servants in the world.
All this is why when it comes to our life of faith, and especially on Sunday Mornings,
we are the ones who need to ask “Have you been served?”
God has every right to expect good service from us, just as we expect it, when we are the
ones being served. Of course whether or not that service is offered, is up to us. We can choose to
serve God, or not. That is as it has been and always will be and that is why Joshua’s challenge is
as relevant today as it was 3000 years ago.
We live in a world where choices have to be made. We choose whether to serve or be
served. We choose whom and what we will serve, and those choices define us. They define us
because we can not do it all. There is no way we can satisfy all the conflicting demands for our
time, and this is just as true on Sunday Morning as any other day of the week. The Lord’s day is
no longer just the Lord’s, not anymore. Our society has made that decision. As a society, we have
allowed many other things to stand in competition with our call to serve the Lord. So we, as Christians, also have a decision to make.
Will we remember the Sabbath day
to keep it holy? The fact is that come next
Sunday, and every Sunday morning, we will
choose whether or not to serve the Lord. That
will be our choice, but just as Joshua said to
the people of Israel, so I say to you in modern
terms. Make the choice. “Choose this day
who you will serve, whether the gods (our
society has created to take God’s place on
Sunday mornings, or the God in whose name
you were baptized), but as for (us, my prayer)
is that, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua
24:15 abridged)
Your Brother in Christ,
Page 1 Pastor’s Article
Page 2 & 3 Monthly Events /Stewards
Page 4 & 5 Church News
Page 6&7 Youth News & Church News
Page 8& 9 September Calendar
Page 10&11 Stories & Milestones
Page 12&13 Church & Library News
Page 14& 15 Parish Paper
Page 16 & 17 Stewardship & Stories
Page 18 & 19 Birthdays/Financials/Council
Pastor Steve
Page 20 Sunday Worship Schedule
Grade 10
Orientation & Preparation for
Confirmation Sunday, Oct 14th.
2012 Women’s Evening Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study will meet on October
1st at 6:45 p.m. Our topic will continue to
be Remarkable Women of the Bible. If you
have questions, please contact Wendy Seefeldt at 275-3063. The next meeting will be
Monday November 5th..
Over the past three years our tenth graders have
studied the old testament (grade 7), the new testament (grade 8), and most of the catechism. Below is the schedule for the fall sessions leading
up to confirmation which is currently planned for
Wed. Sept. 5th @ 7:30 pm 10th Grade orientation
and explanation of Faith Statements.
Wed. Sept. 12th @ 7 p.m. Memory Tests
WELCA Meeting Times
Rebecca Unit: September 19th, 9:00 a.m.@
Bev Cowan’s Home
Mary Unit: September 20th, 9:00 a.m.
Wed. Sept. 19th @ 7 p.m. Stoles and memory
Sun. Sept. 30th @ 6 p.m. Movie Night “Luther
Wed. Oct. 3rd @ 8 p.m. Membership expectations and Gethsemane History
Ruth Unit: September 18th, 9:30 a.m.
Rachel Unit: September 13th, 2:00 p.m.
Grades 7-9
Confirmation Orientation Sept. 5th
Orientation for Grades 7-9 will be at 6 PM
on September 5th.
Wed. Oct. 10th @ 7 p.m. Confirmation
Banquet and Rehearsal
Sun. Oct. 14th @ 9:00 am Social hour in honor of those affirming their baptism, followed
by the Confirmation Ceremony at the 10:30
a.m. Service.
Grade 10 Confirmation Orientation
The confirmation service for Grade 10 students is planned for Sunday, October 14th ,
here at Gethsemane. Prior to that we need to
complete our catechism work. That includes
the sacraments, prayer and the section on
confession and forgiveness. We will also be
doing a quick overview of the reformation
and how our church got to be here in Dassel.
Finally, we will be looking at what it means
to become a confirmed church member, including the rights and responsibilities.
In the upper right column is a summary of
our group times and what we will be doing.
Please cut this out and put it on your fridge.
Pay close attention to the dates and times.
Women of Gethsemane
Ice Cream Social– Sept 1st.
Gethsemane will once again sponsor the
ice cream social after the parade on Saturday, Sept. 1st. There are sign-up sheets on
the table in the narthex for workers and to
furnish pies for the event. Your help will
be greatly appreciated. Our menu this year
will include: BBQ Sandwich, chips, pie,
ice cream and a beverage. A free will offering will be taken.
Lectors: (Contact Laurie Francois)
9.2.12 8:00a.m. Marvel Erickson
9.9.12 8:00a.m.Margaret Schow
10:30a.m. Colleen Compton
9.16.12 8:00a.m. Lyle Walker
10:30a.m. Wyaneta Timm
9.23.12 8:00a.m Irene Bender
10:30a.m. Bev Cowan
9.30.12 8:00a.m. Shari Johnson
10:30a.m. Bill Cowan
Greeters: (Contact Worship & Music)
9.2.12 8:00a.m.
9.9.12 8:00a.m.
9.16.12 8:00a.m.
9.23.12 8:00a.m.
9.30.12 8:00a.m.
Altar Flowers (Sign up in lobby)
9.23.12 Memory of Les Provencher by family
Missionary Support (Sign up in lobby)
Coffee Servers (Sign up in lobby)
9.2.12 8:00a.m. Jerry & Ann Bollman
9.9.12 8:00a.m. Campers
9.16.12 8:00a.m.
9.23.12 8:00a.m.
9.30.12 8:00a.m. & 10:30 a. m. Library Bd.
Ushers: (Contact Worship & Music)
9.2.12 8:00a.m.
9.9.12 8:00a.m.
9.16.12 8:00a.m.
9.23.12 8:00a.m.
9.30.12 8:00a.m.
9.9.12 8:00 a.m. Makenna Ankrum & Dylan Braunworth
10:30a.m. Cy Flick & Gaven Gillman
Subs Abigail Huhn & Michaela Grochow
9.16.12 8:00a.m. Alayna Johnson & Alicia Johnson
10:30a.m. Shelby Miller & Derek Nessett
Subs William Olsen & Austin Schnitzler
9.23.12 8:00a.m. Megan Schultz & Aaron Schwartz
10:30a.m. Cailie Bapp & Cody Cates
Subs Sara Cronk & Kayleigh Deitel
9.30.12 8:00a.m. Brianna Dimond & Kurtis DuChaine
10:30a.m. Gus Flick & Olivia Hjelmeland
Subs Dannalee Johnson & Trever Kaiser
Communion Assistants: Contact Worship/Music)
9.2.12 8:00a.m. Elvera Smith/Barb Wischmann
9.9.12 8:00a.m. Steve & Becky Nelson
10:30a.m. Peggy Smith/Judy Schmitz
Radio Broadcast: (Sign up in lobby)
9.2.12 Rosalie Haglund in Memory of Warren’s 90th b’day
9.16.12 Richard & Karen Wick
Simply Giving
An Easier Way to Remember.
More and more people are turning to automated payments for their bills. We make
arrangements with our banks and others to
have payments taken out of our checking
account. It is a convenience that insures
that our payments are made on time. That
is the main reason that Diane and I use
this option whenever we can. We even
use it for our weekly offerings and have
done so for the past 12 years. Using programs like SIMPLY GIVING, we arranged for our offerings to be deposited
into the church’s accounts automatically
on a schedule that works best for us. This
way we know that even when we our
gone, our church will continue to receive
our support.
If this sort of thing sounds attractive to
you, sign up forms with explanations are
available. You can find them in the file
folder by the office window under
“Simply Giving.”
“New Day” Schedule for 2012-2013
We are looking forward to hearing “New
Day”, our Adult Contemporary Band, play
again this year on the second Sunday of
the month at the 10:30 service . Practices
will start Wed., September 5th at 8:00
p.m. Their next performance will be Sunday, September 9th for Rally Sunday. Be
sure to come and hear their joyful music.
Choir 2012-2013 Schedule
The Choir, under the leadership of Barb Kay,
has an exciting year planned. They will begin
preparations for producing a new CD in 2013.
This will be in conjunction with the Church’s
140th anniversary. What a great time to become a choir member. Talk to Barb or any
choir member about joining this fall.
Because the choir does not sing until September
16th at the 10:30 service., rehearsals will start
on the first Wednesday in September at 7:00
pm on a familiar song for that service.
The choir will then continue to meet every
Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. and will again be
part of church services on the first and third
Sundays of the month.
They will participate in a special service on
Sunday, Dec 9th at both services with instrumentalists, lessons, readings etc. (which will
include many songs from the Christmas CD
2013). Looking forward to another great year!
Sign-up to be a
Faithful Steward.
Faithful Stewards are needed for the rest of the
year, but especially for September. As you put
together your schedule for the new school year,
please set some time aside to help on a Sunday
as a greeter, usher, lector, communion assistant
and/or coffee server after each service. We will
be glad to train you. Why not include the whole
School Supply Drive
There is still time to drop off school supplies and monetary donations to help our
local schools. Find the shopping cart in the
Narthex with a list of items needed. The
Christian Service Committee will use the
monetary donations to purchase sweatpants, tennis shoes and socks in addition to
the items listed below. Thank you for your
White Boards—11x16, 8 Pack Crayons,
Dry Erase Markers-Low Odor, Thin Sharpie Markers-Black, Child Scissors, Kleenex,
Gallon Size Ziploc Bags, Sandwich Size
Ziploc Bags, Clorox Wipes-No Bleach, 15
Plastic-3 Prong Folders—Purple, Green,
Orange, Colored Pencils—12, Plastic Protectors, Large Erasers, Pencil Toppers, Mechanical Pencils with Lead, Wide-Ruled
Notebooks, Large Glue Sticks, Pencil
Sharpeners, 3-Subject Notebooks, Sweatpants-Small, Med Large, X- Large, Underwear-Various Sizes.
Please make
Sunday School
a part of your fall
It is mid-August as this is being written. There
are reminders all around us that fall is coming
which means a change for many of us in our
routines. We hope that Sunday School will be
a part of your Sunday morning schedule.
The 2012-2013 Sunday School year will begin
on Sunday, September 9 with a special Rally
Sunday church service at the 10:30 service.
Students will spend part of the time in church
with their families and part of the time in their
Sunday school classrooms meeting their teachers. Our regular Sunday School schedule will
begin on Sunday, September 16 with classes
starting at 9:30 and ending at 10:20. We ask
that parents pick up their children when class
time is over so we are sure all the children get
back with their families.
Please watch for tables in the narthex to register your children for Sunday School and provide some emergency contact information in
case of an emergency during Sunday School
time. We want to be able to reach you as
quickly as possible should there be a need. We
also want teachers to be aware of any allergies
or special medical concerns there may be when
working with the children each week.
Finally, we would appreciate your prayers for
our Sunday School year. We pray this year to
be a blessing for all involved.
If you have any questions about Sunday
School or if you would like to help in any way,
please contact Mary Alice Holm.
Lutheran Marriage Encounter
Say “I Love You” with a Lutheran Marriage
Encounter weekend. Get away from the everyday demands of the world so the two of you
can really focus on each other. You’ll spend
two nights in a comfortable hotel and enjoy
five delicious meals from Friday at 7:00 pm to
Sunday at 5:00 pm. Four presenting couples,
including a Lutheran clergy couple, give a series of presentations followed by questions the
couples discuss in the privacy of their hotel
room. There is no counseling and no group
sharing. The Fall weekends in MN are October
19-21 in Brooklyn Center and Nov. 16-18 in
Duluth. Please register several weeks in advance. Contact Larry Guilfoile 612-257-6960
Youth Pastor: Drew Nelson
PO Box C, Dassel, MN 55325
Cell Phone:: 612-916-8520
Work Phone: 320-275-3852
Email: [email protected]
Sunday’s @ 7pm
Stop by Drew’s house for fun and
games. All ages are welcome. We
will be playing board games,
watching movies, outside games,
hanging out, and whatever else
we think of.
10th Grade
Please call the office with how
you would like your name printed
on your Bible ASAP!!
Welcome Back!!!
After a great summer, confirmation season is
beginning again! With a new program and
different approach we are very excited to
spend Wednesday nights with our youth. We
pray that this program goes well and that
the youth program will continue to grow and
expand. Some of my goals this year do not
revolve so much around activities though.
When I think of growth, I am thinking in our
number of disciples. The most rewarding
thing that I could think of in my position is
seeing one of the youth find their own calling in ministry. I pray that this year we aid
our youth in becoming disciples so that they
may have the same passion for ministry that
would bring them into the seminaries and
back to the church as leaders and pastors.
After a year of being here I feel more comfortable and ready for the year, and for developing the youth program with the youth
committee. Thank you for all who have volunteered to help with this year’s confirmation. If you are still interested in volunteering
we can always use more help. Feel free to
contact me at the office.
9th Grade
Remember that you are required to attend
24 worship services this year. If you attend
another church on Sunday please bring a
bulletin with your name on it to
Drew’s office. Thanks!
7th and 8th Grade
Be sure to check the acolyte schedule to see
the dates you are scheduled. It is posted on
the youth board and is required
for confirmation.
Grace and Peace, Drew Nelson
Funeral Lunch
Due to health issues, several people have removed
themselves from the active serving list. If there are
others who feel they cannot be on the active list
due to health issues, please call the church secretaries.
To continue to provide this service, changes were
1. 15 serving groups instead of 18
2. 30 co-chairs
3. No serving booklet
4. Bars [13x9 pan] replace cakes. This change
was made at the request of some active
5. Master list of active workers sent to the 30
6. Co-chairs will be called when it is time for
them to serve [not always in numerical
order]. They will call people on the active
list, number of people needed depends on
how many guests are expected. If a person
is called and cannot work at that time their
name will remain on the master list and
they will be called again. If they are able to
work and bring bars, their name will be
checked as having served.
7. A list of people willing to bring bars or
donate $5.00 but cannot work will be sent
to co-chairs.
8. Co-chairs will give names of workers/bar
bringers to church secretary. She will
e-mail names to all co-chairs so that their
master list will be kept up to date.
Joan Dallmann or Virginia Anderson will
contact co-chairs.
The willingness of the ladies and gentlemen
of Gethsemane to serve when called has been
an important part of our ministry.
Member Pictorial Directory
Taking a look ahead into the crystal ball of
Gethsemane a huge project lies in our future.
The pictorial directory will be in the process of
being built and designed in the upcoming
months. The pictures are scheduled out for the
month of April with the dates of the 9-13 and
16-20, 2013. This will give us 10 days of onsite photography. There will be advance notices and many new options available for scheduling for your family
photos this year.
Including online
availability, in person scheduling, and
scheduling in the
office directly. This
is a large project,
and volunteers are
always needed for
this event. If this is
something you are wanting to help with, or
maybe you have a picture you are wishing to
have included in some of our showcase pages,
a wedding, a youth photo, etc. please drop
them by the office for consideration. They
will be scanned in color, and returned to you
promptly. Paula Roling owner of TP CAT
Photography, and Judy Schmitz owner of The
Shutterbugs Studio will be heading up the layout and design of this project. Watch for any
upcoming announcements, or instructions as
the spring will be here before we know it.
Special dates for our Church
• Ice Cream Social, September 1, 2012
• Community Service September 2nd, 2012
• Confirmation Orientation, September 5th, 2012
• Best Burger Quest, September 7th, 2012
• Rally Sunday September 9th, 2012
8:00 a.m. Worship w/Holy Communion
Labor Day– Office
9:00 a.m. Coffee
10:30 Community Service
(Evangelical Covenant Dassel)
Red Rooster Days
9 Rally Sunday
8:00 a.m. Worship w/Holy Communion
9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship
10:30 a.m. Worship w/Holy Com-
4 School Starts
9:00 a.m. Quilting
2:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
7:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
9:00 a.m. Quilting
6:30 Cub Scouts
2:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
7:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
7 am-4:30 pm Staff workers Retreat
9:30 a.m. Ruth Unit
9:30 am Milestones –4th graders
7:00 p.m. Council Meeting
2:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
7:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
23 Start Stewardship
8:00 a.m. Worship
9:00 a.m. Quilting
9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship
1:00 p.m. Steeple Mailing
9:30-10:20 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship/Remembering
6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts
7:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
8:00 a.m. Worship
9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship
9:00 a.m. Education Committee
2:00 p.m. Adult Ed. Class Bill Cowan
Special dates for the Month
• Labor Day, September 3, 2012
• National Grandparents Day, September 9, 2012
• Patriot Day, September 11, 2012
• Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15–October 15, 2012
• First Day of Autumn, September 22, 2012
4:00 p.m. Ice Cream
Social (Ellvera Smith &
Jan Werner)
7:00am Men’s Bible Study@Latte Da
6:00 p.m. 7th-9th Confirmation Orientation
7:00 p.m. Choir
7:30 pm 10th Confirmation Orientation
7:00am Men’s Bible Study@ Latte Da
9:00 a.m. Rebecca Unit
6:00 p.m. 10 Grade Confirmation
7:00 p.m. 10th grd Memory Tests
7:00 p.m. Choir
9:00 a.m. Women’s Fellow- Pastor John Visitations
ship Coffee
9:00 am Kitchen
2:00 p.m. Rachel Unit
7:00am Men’s Bible Study@Latte Da
8:00 a.m. DC Ministerium
9:00am Rebecca Unit-Bev Cowen
6:00 p.m. 10 Grade Confirmation
6:30 –9:00p.m. Youth Night
9:00 a.m. Mary Unit
1:00 p.m. Steeple Labelers
7:00am Men’s Bible Study@Latte Da
6:00 p.m. 10 grade confirmation
6:30 Youth Night
7:00 p.m. Choir
6:00 pm Best Burger
9:30 am Library Board
Synod conference-All Day
A letter-writing lesson
Knowing the communication patterns of firstcentury Rome helps us understand Paul’s letters to the early church. The opening named
the author(s) and addressee(s) and gave a
greeting. The body typically began with remembrance of, thanksgiving for and prayer for
the addressees. Writers might then mention
their circumstances or their relationship with
The main message followed — perhaps
urging certain behavior (exhortation), offering
consolation or congratulations, introducing a
friend or giving instruction. The body might
conclude with a summary, call to action or notice of an upcoming visit. The closing offered
final greetings and well-wishes.
Paul often uses expanded forms of
thanksgiving and exhortation, adapting typical
vocabulary to fit the Christian context. Rather
than “Hail!” he writes, “Grace to you and
peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus
Christ” (e.g., Romans 1:7, NRSV); instead of
“Farewell,” he closes with a doxology or benediction and “Amen.”
istry, we sometimes still argue and struggle
with God over his right to direct us,” he writes.
“But Jesus calls us to his ministry, not one of
our own choosing.”
College correspondence
Dear Dad,
$chool i$ really great. I’m making lot$
of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my
$tuff, I $imply can’t think of anything I need.
$o if you’d like, you can ju$t $end me a card,
a$ I’d love to hear from you. Love, Your $on
I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics
and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even
an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the
pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and
you can never study eNOugh. Dad
Labor Day reflections
Labor Day brings to mind picnics, cookouts
and family gatherings. Falling on the first
Monday in September, it marks the unofficial
end of summer and the beginning of a new
Time to surrender
school year. But the holiday was created in
Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven
1882 to honor the social and economic contriLife, identifies Campus Crusade for Christ
butions of American workers.
founder Bill Bright as a mentor early in his
In a strong economy, it’s easy to take
ministry. Warren once asked him, “Why did
for granted the ability to work and be paid
God use and bless your life so much?”
well. But times have changed during the past
Bright replied: “When I was a young
few years, with many people still struggling
man, I made a contract with God. I literally
with unemployment and underemployment.
wrote it out and signed my name at the bottom.
During our holiday celebrations this
It said, ‘From this day forward, I am a slave of year, let’s give thanks for the jobs we have,
Jesus Christ.’”
pray for those who aren’t as fortunate and offer
Warren wonders how many Christians words of encouragement or help to someone
have considered making such a written conwho needs it.
tract. “Even though we’ve surrendered to min10
Traits of friends
Milestone Ministry
In Confessions, St. Augustine (A.D. 354430) called human friendship “a nest of
love and gentleness.”
He wrote of the
many joys of
Christian friendship: “To make
conversation, to
share a joke, to
perform mutual acts of kindness, to read
together well-written books, to share in
trifling and in serious matters, to disagree
though without animosity — just as a person debates with himself — and in the
very rarity of disagreement to find the salt
of normal harmony, to teach each other
something or to learn from one another, to
long with impatience for those absent, to
welcome them with gladness on their arrival. These and other signs ... [act] as fuel
The vision of Milestone Ministry is to recognize and nurture faith-forming events at key
moments in the life of a family. This ministry
empowers parents to pass on the faith to their
children and encourage faith conversations at
Home visits, intergenerational events, worship celebrations, positive parenting programs, leadership training, and adult Christian education are all ways to nurture the faith
lives of our families.
Little Lambs - Intro to Sunday School
September 9th, 2012 10:30 a.m. Service
Rally Sunday
Our three year olds will be presented with
Toddler Bibles as they will begin their
Sunday School journey here at Gethsemane.
“Sheep-herders” needed!
4th Grade Students & Parents:
The Bible: One Family Session:
Sunday, Sept 16th, 2012 with time to be
announced in the Milestones Room (#11)
This class will be a time to discover how to
find our way around the Bible. New Adventure Bibles will be presented to 4th Graders
on Sunday, Sept. 23rd at the 10:30 worship
service. Mark your calendars and plan to attend as a family.
Jesus, the good Shepherd, has FILLED the
fold at Lambs Christian Daycare and Preschool in Cokato for this fall. Loving volunteers are urgently
needed to help guide
the precious lambs
through their morning
routine and activities.
No special degree or
training is needed—just a love for children
and a desire to help them learn to know Jesus while they grow physically, mentally
and emotionally. If you are able to help,
please call 320-286-3412 or fill out a form
found in the Narthex and mail to the Preschool.
God & Politics
LIBRARY NEWS FOR September 2012
An adult Christian education course will be
offered on God and Politics, starting on Tues,
Sept. 4th, at 2 & 7 p.m. We will discuss Luther, Calvin, and Catholic perspectives on government. We will look at the age of the Enlightenment and its unique contributions to
American government and religion. If time
permits we will survey current issues such as
current psychological research on politics. A
major problem in our world today is the prevalence of anger in our politics and in our religion. A presentation on anger and ways to return to civility will be discussed. This will not
be a partisan discussion or endorsement of a
political party or candidates. This course will
be in the form of a seminar with speakers and
discussion following presentations. There will
be a sign-up sheet available in the Narthex on
the Family Life board. If you have any questions contact Bill Cowan.
Some fiction books in the library have never been
checked out. The Junior Fiction books have been separated from the rest of the Junior Fiction books and
placed on the top shelf above the other Junior Fiction
books. Please check them out.
Also, as you enter the Library, facing the piano on the
right side, there are some ADULT FICTION BOOKS
All of these books have been listed and the lists are on
the table as you enter the library.
Bill Cowan donated a book called The Wonderful Spirit
Filled Life in memory of Lorraine Peterson. This is
what he says about the book. It was given to Bill as a
gift from Lorraine. It is a great book with emphasis on
how the Holy Spirit can lead our life. I was surprised
and blessed by it. The book is soundly scriptural with
emphasis on how the Holy Spirit guides and leads us in
our Christian life. I can appreciate how much this book
meant to Lorraine. I highly recommend it.
The following DVDs were donated by Laurie Nelson.
Facing the Challenge and The Cross and the Switchblade.
The following DVD was donated. Gideon the Tuba
Player and Hotel for Dogs.
Elaine Ashburn donated a book called A Gravestone
Made of Wheat. Wyaneta Timm donated the following
books. Hugs for Teachers and Faith Under Fire.
Augustana Lutheran Worship
Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:30 pm
Hymn Sing and Service with Holy communion
Liturgy from the former Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Preacher will be
Reverend Dennis J. Johnson. Liturgists: The
Reverends David Spong, William Strom and
Michael Edwins. Service will be held at the
Normandale Lutheran Church. 6100 Normandale Rd, Edina. Call for more information
(952-929-1697) and see poster in the Narthex.
Refreshments to follow worship. All are welcome…. Bring your friends.
Marley and Me was donated.
Izzy Hansen donated the following books. Song of
Abraham, John son of thunder, Test your Bible
knowledge, The Cowman Handbook of the Bible, Behold Your King, In the Steps of the Master, The Glorious Folly, The NIV Study Bible, Holy Bible GIANT
PRINT, Who’s Who in the Bible, Luther’s Life and a
set of encyclopedias entitled The Living Bible Encyclopedia in Story and Pictures. The set has 16 volumes.
The Library Board is requesting DVDs to be donated
rather than VHS Tapes. The reason for this is that
many people no longer have tape players. They only
have DVD players.
We would also like to increase our supply of Large
Print Books. These can be fiction or nonfiction.
Our next meeting is September 8, 2012 Saturday at
Evangelism Committee
Small groups to GATHER at Gethsemane.
The ideas are here, now we need your involvement. Look through the list and respond immediately if you are interested in any of the activities:
note day, week and times are scattered throughout
the month. As we look forward to GATHERING
together there are opportunities at a variety of different times. There will also be sign-up sheets at
church if you are not an e-mail person or feel free
to chat with anyone on the Evangelism Committee
as we Grow, Gather Together, and Go out into
God’s World.
Gathering Sunday:
Gethsemane at the Movies—Fourth Sunday at
church parking lot @ Noon.
Gathering Monday:
Grief Support Group—Potluck and program, Nov
12th @ 5 pm contact
Peggy Sullivan [email protected]
Gathering Wednesday:
Confirmation Parents’ Coffee—Time and week to
be determined. Contact:
Tonia Olsen [email protected]
Gathering Thursday:
Faithful Readers—Sept. 13th @7:30 pm contact
Julie Mischke [email protected] Sept. read
‘Outcasts United’ by Warren St. John [Typical
small town designated as a refugee settlement center in 1990—could this have been Dassel and how
would we have done?]
Small Group Bible Study—Contact Sharon Asplin
[email protected] time and Week to be
Gathering Friday:
First Friday Best Burger Quest— 6 pm meet in
church parking lot, on Sept. 7th. Contact Julie
Mischke [email protected]
Gathering Saturday:
Couples Game Night—Time and week to be determined. Contact
Tonia Olsen [email protected]
On October 20th, our former youth Pastor
Amanda Dahlseng will be getting married to
Darin Monroe. Pastor Steve, Diane, and Nancy
Piepenburg will represent our congregation at
the wedding. If you would like to contribute
towards a wedding gift, you may leave it in the
Crop Walk - October 7, 2012
What on earth is a crop walk? Is it like DE
tasseling corn or walking beans? Not Really,
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide
events sponsored by Church World Service
and organized by local volunteers to raise
funds to end hunger.
In our area Pastor
Mark Little, from
Stockholm Lutheran
Church has been, and
continues to be a passionate supporter of
this event. Unfortunately in previous years the date or location
has not fit with our schedule. This year
though, the afternoon of Sunday October 7th
looks good and the location in Hutchinson is
convenient. So I am inviting people of all ages
to join me on a walk to fight hunger. We will
be putting out information over the next few
weeks on how you can get involved and join
our team, watch for i
“Bearing Fruit for Jesus”
It is exciting to inform you that our stewardship theme for this year is Bearing Fruit for Jesus!: His Grace and Power at Work within You. This will start on Sept.30th. The following is
an introduction to what God’s Word says about bearing fruit:
Jesus said, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides
in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he
who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5). Fruit characterizes the life of the Christian steward. It is interesting to note
that, in this passage above, Jesus did not say, “You should bear fruit.” He stated that when we
abide in him, it follows naturally that we will bear fruit.
Paul explained to the Galatians what that fruit is: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.” “Since we live by the
Spirit,” Paul exhorted, “let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other” (Galatians 5:25-26). As children of God, we have this fruit because his Spirit lives in us. We do not bear fruit as a result of our own efforts, but we do cease
to bear fruit when we give in to our sinful natures, becoming, in Paul’s words, “conceited, provoking and envying each other.”
Just as fruit needs light for its growth and maturation, so do Christians need to have their lives
illumined by Christ. They then are able to produce spiritual fruit and shed that light on the
world around them. Ephesians 5:11 cautions us to, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds
of darkness” but to “Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness,
righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord” (Ephesians 5:8-9).
We discover God’s will through his word and through prayer. As Paul prayed for the Colossians, we, too, can ask God “to fill [us] with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding . . . in order that [we] may live a life worthy of the Lord and may
please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work . . .” (Colossians 1:9-10).
God has plans and uses for our lives. When we abide in Christ,
we will be fruitful. We will discover and follow his plan, and
we will use the gifts he has given us in ministry to the people
of the world.
Holy Cross Day
Sing to the Lord!
On September 14, many churches observe a
festival variously called Exaltation of the
Cross, Feast of the Glorious Cross, Triumph of
the Cross or Holy Cross Day.
According to legend, St. Helena, mother of
Roman Emperor Constantine, while on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 326, discovered the
actual cross on which Jesus had been crucified. Although portions were taken to Rome
and Constantinople, part was kept at the discovery site.
By order of Helena and Constantine, the
Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built and
dedicated there on September 13, 335. The
following day, the portion of what was called
the True Cross was brought outside so worshipers could pray before it.
While Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion, Holy Cross Day focuses on the cross
itself as an instrument of cruel death, which
God transformed into the means of eternal life.
The hymn “Earth and All Stars,” based on
Psalm 148, invites all creation to praise
the Lord. Some people love Pastor Herbert Brokering’s all-encompassing lyrics;
others appreciate calling earth, stars, plant
life and weather to sing to the Lord but
find it far-fetched to urge engines, steel
and hammers to do so.
The song’s fifth verse and part of the
sixth make it especially popular for
school-year kickoffs:
Classrooms and labs, loud boiling test
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Athlete and band, loud cheering people,
Sing to the Lord a new song! ...
Knowledge and truth, loud sounding wisdom,
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Whether or not you find the hymn poetic,
it reminds us that God gives us the ability
to learn. Factual knowledge and critical
thinking need not impair faith but can
strengthen it.
Spelling spree
A kindergartner was practicing his spelling
with magnetic letters on the refrigerator. He’d
formed the words cat, dog, dad and mom for
his family to see.
One morning, the boy greeted his proud mother with arms outstretched. In his hands were
three magnetic letters: G-O-D. “Look what I
spelled!” he exclaimed.
“That’s wonderful!” Mom said. “Now go put
them on the fridge so Dad can see them, too.”
Happily, she thought, “That Christian education sure is having a great impact.”
Just then, a little voice called from the kitchen.
“Mom? How do you spell ‘-zilla’?”
A powerful weapon
Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one
concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless
studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our
wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.
—Samuel Chadwick
Evelyn Johnson
William Cronk
Logan Johnson
Martha Johansen
Terry O’Brien
Kristine Mackenthun
Kari Erickson
Nancy Piepenburg
Eunice Nelson
Colbie Ernst
Jadyn Quaas
Ami Sjoquist
Tiffany Dahlman
Alexander Bapp
William Strandquist
Joey Maxwell
Sheryl Faust
Gretchen Madson
Terry Moore
Richard Johnson
Warren Servin
Ryan Nelson
Jacki Noga
Roger Werner
Gerald Bollman
Melissa Abraham
Kurt Olson
Chrys Lien
Curtis Alberts
Lyle Money
Steven Nelson
Jeremiah Dunn
Peter Osness
Marlys Lindgren
Clark Olsen
Macenziee Schmandt
Kjell Nordlie
Micah Bengston
Todd Bapp
Eric Josephson
Sigrid Olsen
Marion Sjoquist
Clinton Lindquist
Georgiann Walker
Wallace Willette
Brian Semke
Barb Preston-Broesder
Krista Cook
Hunter Nelson
Beverly Cowan
Cheney Johnson-Huddleston
Jadyn Nessett
Kristin McGowan
Kelly Kaiser
Lloyd Nelson
Evan Babekuhl
Leah Anderson
Joclyn Warner
Marcia Johnson
Virginia Anderson
Brent Ostlund
Aaron Benson
Seymour Peterson
Sam Narducci
Rick Carl
Joan Benson
Jessica Fank
Jack Nesseth
Michelle Gesinger
Brett Johnson
Rick Johnson
Liliana Mischke
Cammy Moses
Sydney Nelson
Nicholas Burandt
Scott Smith
Linda Carlson
Joshua Pankake
Lynn Johnson
James Nelson
Disa Dahlman
Thomas Bergquist
Kamron Thomas
Willa Mae Alberts
Troy Erickson
Douglas Johnson
Hayley Bruss
Jesse Huber
Benjamin Haapala
Georgia Rettman
Peter Ruschmeyer
Kim Schimmelpfennig
Sharon Asplin
Steven Tupa
Cole O’Brien
Mary Mortenson
Wendy Seefeldt
Kristina Burkstrand
Justin Berg
To schedule baptisms,
weddings, and other events,
please contact the church
office at 320-275-3852 or
Council highlights :
Council Highlights: June and August Meetings
The council has authorized a Ministry Task force to begin making plans for our
future ministry needs following the retirement of Pastor John in June of 2013.
On February 13, 2013, our church will celebrate its 140th anniversary. The
council has requested a committee be organized to coordinate our celebrations beginning on
the anniversary and culminating on Red Rooster Weekend.
The council was also informed of Amanda Dahlseng’s upcoming wedding on
October 20 . See the article about that happy news.
The council revisited worship expectations for confirmation students. That will
be conveyed to the students and parents at the fall orientation.
Finally, as you can see from the financial report above, one of the topics discussed last night was the financial state of the church. We have been informed that much of
the shortfall in giving is due to the death of some faithful and generous donors. As we mourn
their passing, now we need to step up to the plate as they did, in order that our church may continue the ministries we enjoy and expect.
Non Profit Org.
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Change Service Requested
September Worship
September 2
8:00 a.m. Worship/Holy
10:30 a.m. Community Worship at Evangelical Covenant
Preacher: Steven Olson
Organist: Barb Froemming
September 9
8:00 a.m. Worship/Holy
Communion/New Day
10:30 a.m. Worship/Holy
Communion/Rally Sunday/New Day
Preacher: Steven Olson
Pianist: LeRene Soderberg
Pianist: Beth Flick
September 16
8:00 a.m. Worship
10:30 a.m. Worship
Preacher: John Peterson
Organist: Barb Froemmimng
September 23
8:00 a.m. Worship
10:30 a.m. Worship
Preacher: Steven Olson
Organist: Barb Froemming &
LeRene Soderberg
September 30
8:00a.m. Worship/ Remembering the Promise
10:30a.m. Worship
Preacher:Pastor Steve
Organist:Barb Froemming
Pianist: Elaine Nordlie
Gethsemane Office Hours
(1260 AM).
Worship services are broadcast
each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on
KDUZ radio
Quick Notes: Thursday by Noon
Newsletter: 15th of the Month
Bulletin—Noon on Wed.
9a.m.-Noon & 1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.