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August 2016
Pretty, precocious and pregnant
The dramatic rise in teen pregnancies
Beauty and the Bass
Meet the talented Zanelle Britz
Go, Pokemon Go
Pokemon is here and we show you how
Vacancies Available
The World’s most dangerous jobs
Top of their game
Some of the top sportswomen ever
The August Index
Click on any video below to view
How much do you know
about movie theme
songs? Take our quiz and
find out.
Goede interviews former
28’s gang boss David
The old South African
Defence Force used
a mixture of English,
Afrikaans, slang and
techno-speak that few
outside the military
could hope to understand. Some of the terms
were humorous, some
were clever, while others
were downright crude.
Part of Hipe’s “On the
couch” series, this is an
interview with one of
author Herman Charles
Bosman’s most famous
A taxi driver was shot characters, Oom Schalk Hipe spent time in
dead in an ongoing Lourens.
Hanover Park, an area
war between rival taxi
violence, to view firsthand
Ceasefire is dealing with
the situation.
Hipe TV brings you videos ranging from actuality to humour and everything
in between. Interviews, mini-documentaries and much more.
Check out Hipe TV and remember to like, comment, share and subscribe.
Cover Story
Pretty, precocious, and pregnant
page 6
With a dramatic increase in the number
of teen pregnancies, Lynda Linn-Jones
asks if anything can be done about it.
It’s a girl thing
A man makes a plan, a woman makes
one that actually works.
Beauty and the Bass
Go, Pokemon Go
We talk to the talented Zanelle Britz.
We show you how to download and play
the game in South Africa.
Vacancies available
Jumping out of a plane straight into a
fire. Handling devices designed to explode and kill you. Sounds like fun? We
take a look at the world’s most dangerous jobs.
page 14
Goodies & Gadgets
Get your geek on.
Hello, my name is...
Not everyone is who they say they are.
And this is especially true when it comes
to celebrities and famous people.
Front Cover Photo
Women journalist cover yet another protest march.
his month is Women’s
Month. So be nice
to your mom, sister,
aunts, female teachers
and girlfriend.
I’ve got a confession to make
- I’m hooked on Pokemon Go.
And yes, I know it’s not available in South Africa yet, but
check out our article on page
17 and we’ll show you how
to download and start playing
This is the last official month
of winter and I for one am looking forward to Spring and a bit
of warmer weather.
And for you lot in matric,
only a few more months and
then it’s out to face the big,
brave world. I trust that you’re
looking forward to it, but that
you’ll remain a loyal reader.
Catch you guys later. Enjoy
the rest of the month.
Ten of the Best: Chick Flicks
Gaming: The Sims 4
Hipe Media
Ryan Murphy
Ryan Gould
Janine Cassidy, Patricia Dlamini, Raymond
Fletcher, Lynda Linn-Jones, Sandra Naiker,
Catherine Randall, Matt Tennyson, Samantha
2day’s Teen is published on-line every
month. Articles in 2day’s Teen are copyrighted and may not be used without prior
permission from the editor.
The views stated in this magazine do not
necessary reflect the views of 2day’s Teen, the
editor, the staff, or Hipe Media.
2day’s Teen
P.O. Box 31216, Tokai, 7966
South Africa.
[email protected]
The Beat Box - The Divas
When you’ve sold more than 50 million
albums you know that you’ve made your
mark and earned the right to be called a
page 28
It’s Women’s Month, so what would be
more appropriate than what we regard as
our Ten of the Best Chick Flicks.
Patricia Dlamini tells us about her favourite game.
Defeating Dryness
Does your hair feel like straw? Does it
look as if you’ve spend the last 10 years
wandering around the desert? Samantha
Willis gives some tips on how to tame
dry hair.
page 30
Top of their game
Catherine Randall reflects on women
that have achieved the pinnacle of their
particular sports
Water Wonder Women
Learning to swim is not that difficult.
Learning to become a competitive swimmer is another story. Sandra Naiker talks
about five women that have inspired her.
page 40
2day’s teen cover story
Pretty, precocious, and
With a dramatic increase in the number of teen pregnancies, Lynda
Linn-Jones looks at some of the possible reasons and asks if anything
can be done about it.
here was an interesting report in
one of the local newspapers recently. And I must admit that it
got me thinking.
According to Statistics SA more
than 160,000 teen pregnancies were
recorded in the past two years. And if
that’s the official figure you can be sure
that the actual total is far higher.
The Minister of Basic Education,
Angie Motshekga, told parliament in
a written report that although her department had taken “an active role”
regarding teenage pregnancy, “it is a
battle that requires active involvement
of stakeholders, including our sister
department, civil society, (the) faith
community and organised business.”
Sorry Minister, but may I be as bold
as to ask what may be a stupid question? You mention that the Department
of Education is involved and that you
want other stakeholders to become involved, including your sister departments, civil society, the faith community and organised business. Where do
the parents fit into all of this?
Shouldn’t the parents of teenagers
shoulder at least some of the responsibility? Or is it also the responsibility of
the Department of Education to teach
teenagers discipline, social skills and
moral values? Then again I am only
16, so what do I know.
One of the disturbing things I read in
the article was the fact that pregnancies
were becoming more frequent among
primary school children. And I use the
word children here and not teenagers
because most primary school students
are not even in their teens yet.
For what it’s worth, here are a few
thoughts I’ve had about this. In South
Africa the age of consent is 16. This is
the age when you can legally have sex.
The age of consent in most other African countries is between the ages of 16
to 18. Although in Angola the age of
consent is 12. It’s much the same for
Europe and North America with the
ages of consent being between 16 and
What puzzles me is that in South Africa I need to be 18 to drive a car, go to
a club, have a drink, smoke a cigarette,
or vote. But at the age of 16 I’m legally
allowed to have sex, fall pregnant, and
produce a child. In other words I can
have sex as long as I don’t have a cigarette afterwards.
Another thing that bothers me is
that according to the Criminal Law
(Sexual Offences and Related Matters)
Amendment Act, 2007 it is a crime to
have sex with a person under the age of
16. Even if they do give their full consent and permission. In fact Section 15
of the above act says that if you have
sex with a person under the age of 16
you will be guilty of statutory rape.
So my next question is, “how many
of the boys/men that made the more
than 160,000 teenage girls fall pregnant were charged with statutory
rape?” Maybe I’m wrong but I doubt if
any of them were ever charged.
In South Africa any female merely
has to go to their local Family Planning
Clinic and ask to be put onto the birth
control pill - irrespective of their age.
And even if a girl is under the age of
16 she does not need permission from
her parents.
So even though it’s against the law
for a girl under 16 to have sex they can
still go and request to be put onto birth
control pills in order to minimise the
risks of falling pregnant while having
The reasoning behind this is easy
to understand - If we can’t stop them
having sex then at least try and stop
them from falling pregnant. While this
may be understandable you have to ask
what sort of a message it is sending.
The State has passed a law that says
it is a crime to have sex with a person
under the age of 16. Yet in almost the
same breath the State is saying come
and get free birth control pills because
we don’t want you falling pregnant.
Do they perhaps see breaking the law
as the lesser of the two evils? And we
still wonder why the country has such
a high crime rate. Maybe it’s time that
they sat down and reviewed the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related
Matters) Amendment Act, 2007.
Yet even though birth control is freely available, many teens do not take the
opportunity for a variety of reasons.
This ranges from religious and cultural
beliefs to lethargy and plain ignorance.
And if you do fall pregnant there is
always the option of an abortion. Since
1997 the Choice on Termination of
Pregnancy Act (Act 92 of 1996) has
provided abortion on demand. In South
Africa, any woman of any age can get
an abortion by simply requesting it,
with no reasons given if she is less than
13 weeks pregnant.
A girl under the age of 18 will be
advised to consult her parents, but
she can decide not to inform or consult them if she so chooses. Girls as
young as 12 are having abortions. And
in most cases the parents are none the
wiser. Remember that until I’m 18 I’m
not considered mature enough to vote
and decide who should run the country.
But hey, I’m mature enough to make a
decision about abortion.
Another question that needs to be
asked is why are so many teenagers
having sex in the first place.
The newspaper article I read quoted
unemployment as one of the contributing factors to teen pregnancy. Girls
were falling pregnant under the illusion that the state child support grant
would be enough to provide for the
needs of the family.
While I realise that poverty is a factor in many communities shouldn’t
most teens still be in school and therefore naturally unemployed. And poverty can’t be used as the only excuse.
I’m in Grade 11 at a private school
where poverty is the least of our worries. Yet since I’ve been here there
have been six girls from our school
that have fallen pregnant. Five of them
had abortions.
My opinion, for what it’s worth, is
that sex has no realism for teenagers.
While I love the Internet and use it every day, I feel it has been a major influence on my generation.
In past generations sex always had
this aura of mystery about it. You
learnt about it gradually as you grew
up. These days you can turn to the ‘Net
for an education, if that’s how you
could describe it.
It is rumoured that one in every
three websites on the Internet is a pornographic site. And teens have access
to the most graphic and visual con-
tent. Every sexual act and perversion
is there at the click of a button. And
make no mistake, teens are watching
it. According to a survey it is estimated
that 42% of youths between the ages of
10 and 14 had watched Internet porn.
Between the ages of 15 and 17 this increased to a staggering 80%.
And with modern cellphones you
don’t even need a computer to access
the Internet.
The thing is that porn is not realism. It is often degrading and there is
no emotional involvement. Yet many
teens are emulating what they see in
the false belief that this is what sex is
all about.
There is also peer pressure. And with
social networking everyone knows
exactly what you’ve done or haven’t
done. Earlier this year I dated a boy
from another school. He is in matric
and is the captain of the rugby team. I
was the envy of just about every other
girl at my school.
He put a lot of pressure on me to
have sex with him, using the excuse
that “everyone did it” and that if I
loved him I would do it. I dumped him.
I later discovered that he had already
had sex with six girls from my school.
And with four of them he had filmed
the act on his cellphone.
Now call me old fashioned or a
prude, but I want to remember my first
time because it’s special, not because
of how many views it had on some Internet porn site. u
2day’s teen feature
It’s a girl thing
They say that ‘a man makes a plan’. But then it normally takes a
woman to come along and make the plan actually work.
ver the eons of time man has
come up with some pretty ingenious inventions. But some
woman have been no slouches themselves. Take a look at a few inventions that were the ideas of women.
Randice-Lisa Altschul never let
a lack of expertise stand in her way.
With little technical education or
training, the New Jersey toy inventor began creating games and toys for
children and adults in 1985.
By age 26 she was a millionaire.
She has since licensed more than 200
games and toys. Some of her successful ventures include the Miami Vice
board game based on the popular television show, Barbie’s 30th Birthday
Game and board games based on the
and The Simpsons.
also created
a breakfast
cereal that
comes in the
shape of action figures
solves into mush in milk.
It was in 1996 that Altschul came up
with the idea that would make her famous: the world’s first disposable cell
phone. While driving down the highway and talking on her mobile phone
one day, she became frustrated as her
connection became weak and the conversation cut in and out. She wanted to
throw her cell phone out the window.
Suddenly she thought, “Why not
create a disposable cell phone that
people could buy and use until an allotted amount of time was used up,
and then throw it away?”
Her toy mentality helped her to
think this way — she was used to
building toys for children, who tend to
use an item for a fairly short period of
time before they move on to other toys
and throw their old ones out.
The disposable cell phone marked
Altschul’s first foray into electronics.
She worked with engineer Lee Volte
to develop the super-thin circuitry
that would go inside the phones. She
was issued a series of patents for the
wireless, prepaid cell phone as well as
the circuitry in November, 1999. Her
phone was called the Phone-Card-
Phone®, less than half a centimeter
thick, about the size of a credit card,
and made from recycled paper products.
Madame Marie SklodowskaCurie discovered radium and further
advanced X-ray technology with her
pioneering research in Radioactivity.
She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and so far the only person
to win a Nobel Prize in multiple disciplines.
In 1850, Joel Houghton patented a
wooden machine with a hand-turned
wheel that splashed water on dishes,
it was hardly a workable machine,
but it was the first patent. In 1886,
Josephine Cochran proclaims in disgust “If nobody else is going to invent a dishwashing machine, I’ll do
it myself.” And she did, Josephine
Cochran invented the first practical
(did the job) dishwasher. Josephine
Cochran had expected the public to
welcome the new invention, which
she unveiled at the 1893, World’s
Fair, but only the hotels and large restaurants were buying her ideas. It was
not until the 1950s, that dishwashers
caught on with the general public. Josephine Cochran’s machine
was a hand-operated mechanical dishwasher. She
founded a company to
manufacture these dish
washers, which eventually became KitchenAid.
In the mid-1940s,
Alfred Free and Helen
Murray were both chemists working together in the biochemistry research group at Miles Laboratories,
Inc. Married in 1947, they continued
their collaboration, becoming two of
the world’s leading experts on urinalysis the highlight of which was Helen
Free’s invention of the home diabetes
Beulah Henry made about 110
inventions and holds 49 patents. Her
inventions include a bobbin-free sewing machine and a vacuum ice cream
In 1978, Barbara Askins patented
a method of enhancing the pictures using radioactive materials. The process
was so successful that its uses were
expanded beyond NASA research to
improvements in X-ray technology
and in the restoration of old pictures.
Patricia Bath’s passionate dedication to the treatment and prevention of blindness led her to develop
the Cataract Laserphaco Probe. The
probe patented in 1988, was designed
to use the power of a laser to quickly
and painlessly vaporize cataracts from
patients’ eyes, replacing the more
common method of using a grinding,
drill-like device to remove
the afflictions. With another invention, Bath
was able to restore sight
to people who had been
blind for over 30 years.
Blodgett was the first
woman to be awarded a
Ph.D. in physics
from the University of Cambridge
in 1926. After receiving her master’s degree, she
was hired by General Electric, where she
invented low-reflectance “invisible”
Actar 911, the CPR mannequin
was invented by Dianne Croteau and
partners, Richard Brault and Jonathan
Vinden in 1989. Actar 911 is a mannequin used to teach CPR or Cardio
Pulmonary Resuscitation. CPR is
used to save people suffering from
cardiac arrest.
Mary Anderson (1866–1953) was
an American real estate developer,
rancher, viticulturist and inventor of the
windshield wiper blade. In November
1903 Anderson was granted her first
patent for an automatic car window
cleaning device controlled inside the
car, called the windshield wiper.
In a visit to New York City in the
winter of 1903, in a trolley car on a
frosty day, she observed that the motorman drove with the front window
open because of difficulty keeping
the windshield clear of falling sleet.
When she returned to Alabama she
hired a designer for a hand-operated
device to keep a windshield clear and
had a local company produce a working model. She applied for, and in
1903 was granted, a 17 year patent for
a windshield wiper. Her device con12
sisted of a lever inside the vehicle that
controlled a rubber blade on the outside of the windshield. The lever could
be operated to cause the spring-loaded
arm to move back and forth across the
windshield. A counterweight was used
to ensure contact between the wiper
and the window. Similar devices had
been made earlier, but Anderson’s was
the first to be effective.
In 1905 she tried to sell the rights
through a noted Canadian firm, but
they rejected her application, saying
“we do not consider it to be of such
commercial value as would warrant
our undertaking its sale.” After the
patent expired in 1920 and the automobile manufacturing business grew
exponentially, windshield wipers using Anderson’s basic design became
standard equipment. In 1922, Cadillac
became the first car manufacturer to
adopt them as standard equipment.
Mary Phelps Jacob was the first to
patent an undergarment named ‘Brassiere’ derived from the old French
word for ‘upper arm’. Her patent was
for a device that was lightweight, soft
and separated the breasts naturally.
The first modern brassiere to receive a patent was the one invented in
1913 by a New York socialite named
Mary Phelps Jacob. Mary Phelps
Jacob had just purchased a sheer
evening gown for one of her social
events. At that time, the only acceptable undergarment was a corset stiffened with whaleback bones. Mary
found that the whalebones poked out
visible around the plunging neckline
and under the sheer fabric. Two silk
handkerchiefs and some pink ribbon
later, Mary had designed an alternative to the corset.
Bessie Blount was a physical therapist who worked with soldiers injured in WWII. Bessie Blount’s war
service inspired her to patent a device, in 1951, that allowed amputees
to feed themselves.
Stephanie Louise Kwolek is an
American chemist who invented polyparaphenylene terephtalamide—better known as Kevlar. While working
for DuPont, Kwolek invented Kevlar.
In 1964, in anticipation of a gasoline
shortage, her group began searching
for a lightweight
yet strong fiber to
be used in tires.
The polymers
she had been
with at the
time, polyp-Phenylene-terephthalate
formed liquid
crystal while
in solution
that at the
time had to
be melt spun
at over 200
degrees Celsius which
weaker and
less stiff fibers.
Something unique to her new projects and melt condensation polymerization process was to reduce those
temperatures to between 0-40 degrees
Celsius. The solution was “cloudy,
opalescent upon being stirred, and
of low viscosity” and usually was
thrown away. However, Kwolek persuaded technician Charles Smullen,
who ran the spinneret, to test her solution. She was amazed to find that
the new fiber would not break when
nylon typically would. Not only was
it stronger than nylon, Kevlar was
ounce for ounce five times stronger
than steel. By 1971, modern Kevlar
was introduced. However, Kwolek
was not very involved in developing
the applications of Kevlar.
So what are you waiting for ladies? Get out there and start inventing
things. We all know we can do it. u
2day’s teen feature
Beauty and the Bass
Zanelle Britz is not only a highly talented musician and a member of the
Cape Philharmonic Orchestra, there’s a lot more to her than that, as
MATT TENNYSON discovers.
et me be up front with you. I’ve
been a journalist for a long time.
In that time I’ve done thousands
of interviews. If I remember my first
interview was with Joshua shortly after
he fought the battle of Jericho.
All jokes aside, I’ve interviewed so
many people that it has become routine and somewhat boring. It’s become
a case of ‘been there, done that, got
the tee-shirt, read the book, seen the
movie’. (He’s being modest. With him
it’s more a case of ‘been there, done
that, stole the tee-shirt, wrote the book,
filmed the movie - editor).
Yet I must admit that there are rare
times when I’ve done an interview that
the person has really made an impression on me. They have this aura about
them that makes you sit up and think,
“there’s something different about this
person.” One such person is Zanelle
Who, you may well ask, is Zanelle
Britz. Well first of all since June this
year she is a tutti double bass player
with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra.
Now I just know that your second question is going to be “what’s a tutti dou14
ble bass player?” Well it means that the
instrument she plays in the orchestra is
the double bass. The word tutti means
that she is not the principal player. And
don’t worry, I also had no idea of what
it was. I had to look the word up.
I met up with Zanelle on one of those
typical cold, wet Cape Town winter
mornings. I was interviewing her for
an article about the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra for Hipe Magazine. Yet
I sensed that there was another story
here, and as our interview progressed I
realised that I was right.
Zanelle was born in Windhoek, Namibia. Her parents moved to Bloemfontein when she was six. She says
that you only cry twice in Bloemfontein - the day you arrive, and the day
you leave. Having spent a few years in
Bloemfontein I knew exactly what she
was talking about.
Her love of music started at an early
age with the piano and the recorder.
At the age of 10 she had her first lesson with Tilla Henkins and it wasn’t
long before she was playing in a junior
string orchestra. She says that she knew
even then that it was what she wanted
to do with her life.
She also took flute lessons and double
bass with Peter Guy, the principal double bass player of the Free State Symphony Orchestra. He holds a Bachelor
of Music Education and a Masters in
Music Performance both from the University of Illinois. In 1997 he started the
Mangaung String Programme, which
targeted historically disadvantaged
communities in the greater Bloemfontein area. The progamme began at the
Bochabela Primary School with 15 pupils and has grown to over 400 pupils.
Zanelle participated in several SA
National Youth Orchestra courses as
well as the Stellenbosch International
Chamber festival as both cellist and
double bassist.
When she finished school and began
her tertiary studies it was a BA in Media Studies from the University of the
Free State. In 2010 she enrolled in a
Post Graduate Certificate in Education
at the University of Pretoria.
She played in the University of Pretoria Symphony Orchestra and as a
frequent ad hoc double bass player
with the Johannesburg Philharmonic
Orchestra. She has also played with
the Pretoria Symphony Orchestra, the
Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra and
the Pretoria Bach Choir.
In 2012, she was invited to the Swakopmunder Musikwoche in Namibia,
an annual orchestral course for amateur, as double bass lecturer and has
returned there each year. It was at the
course that she met Alex Fokkens who
suggested she study with him at the
University of Cape Town. In 2014,
she enrolled in a post graduate diploma in double bass performance at the
South African College of Music, which
she completed last year. Alex Fokkens works as a freelance conductor
and double bass player based in Cape
Town, South Africa, where he is also
the music director of the Symphony
Choir of Cape Town and resident conductor of the Cape Philharmonic Youth
Yet what made her play the double
bass as a career. After she could have
had a career in the media or as a teacher. As far as music goes she could have
played the piano, recorder, flute or cello. So why the double bass?
She says that cello was always her
first love. She thought it was the best
instrument to play in an orchestra because the parts written for the instrument have such a wonderful balance
of melody, harmony and bass lines.
When she moved to Pretoria in 2010
she found that there was an abundance
of cellists and a shortage of good bass
She offered to play double bass in
the University of Pretoria Symphony
Orchestra and soon after many opportunities started presenting itself to me
as a bassist - opportunities she never
would have had as a cellist.
Her talent as a musician alone makes
Zanelle shine. Yet there are other quali15
ties that make her shine even brighter.
She is passionate about what she does
and she is one of the most genuine people that I have met in a long time.
The day Zanelle played her first concert with the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra she was diagnosed
with leukemia. She was 24 years old.
She couldn’t do the last concert because she was admitted to hospital.
For the next year she received weekly treatments of chemotherapy. It left
her very weak and sick and she was
unable to do a full time job. She says
that some weeks would be better than
others and so playing as an extra for
the orchestra or doing others gigs was
perfect, because the hours weren’t too
long and it was just a couple of days at
a time and then she could take a week
or two off again.
In 2011 she received a bone marrow
transplant and, as she recovered, she
continued to play with orchestras and
teach music. She says that it was during
that time - when you are literally faced
with life and death and you start thinking about what you have accomplished
and what you value the most - that she
knew she wanted to be a musician.
When asked about her hobbies and
interests she said that she enjoyed tutoring school subjects, reading, running
and jogging. I later discovered, quite
by accident, that not only had Zanelle
represented South Africa at the World
Transplant Games, she had won a gold
medal. So you can add modesty to her
2day’s teen feature
Go, Pokémon Go
We show you how to download and play the game in South Africa.
Zanelle Britz
list of qualities.
Currently she has an opportunity to
do a Master’s Degree in Double Bass
Performance at the West Texas A&M
University in Amarillo, Texas and I am
trying to obtain the necessary funding
to go.
She is passionate about developing
other people, so if she does go to Texas
she wants to come back to Cape Town
and sow back into the community what
she have learnt and inspire young musicians to play the double bass and pursue it professionally.
Its been a long time since I enjoyed
interviewing anyone as much as I did
Zanelle. I later learned something else
about her that I personally would rate
as a top quality - she loves cats.
An in closing, listen to Zanelle perform Adolf Misek Sonata 1 by clicking
on this link.
f by this stage you don’t know
what Pokémon Go is, you’ve
probably been living on a different
planet to the rest of us.
Pokémon Go is a free-to-play location-based, augmented reality game
developed and published by Niantic
for iOS and Android devices. In the
game, players use a mobile device’s
GPS capability to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called
Pokémon, who appear on the screen
as if they were in the same real-world
location as the player.
After establishing a game account,
the player creates an avatar by selecting a hair, skin, and eye color; style;
and outfit. Once created, the avatar
is displayed at the on a map using
the player’s current geographical location. Features on the map include
PokéStops and Pokémon gyms. PokéStops provide players with items, such
as eggs, Poké Balls, and potions and
can be equipped with items called
lures, which attract wild Pokémon.
Gyms serve as battle locations for
team-based king of the hill matches.
These are typically located at places
of interest.
As players move within their real
world surroundings, their avatar
moves within the game’s map. Different Pokémon species reside in different areas of the world; for example,
water-type Pokémon are generally
found near water.When a player encounters a Pokémon, they may view it
either in augmented reality (AR) mode
or with a live rendered, generic background. AR mode uses the camera and
gyroscope on the player’s mobile device to display an image of a Pokémon
as though it were in the real world.
Unlike other installments in the
Pokémon series, players in Pokémon
Go do not battle wild Pokémon to capture them. During an encounter with a
wild Pokémon, the player may throw
a Poké Ball at it by flicking it from
the bottom of the screen up toward
the Pokémon. If the Pokémon is successfully caught, it will come under
the ownership of the player. Factors in
the success rate of capture include the
right force, the right time and the type
of Poké Ball used.
The ultimate goal of the game is to
complete the entries in the Pokédex, a
comprehensive Pokémon encyclopedia, by capturing and evolving to obtain the original 151 Pokémon.
All Pokémon are displayed with a
combat power. A Pokémon’s combat power is a rough measure of how
powerful that Pokémon is in battle.
Not all Pokémon of the same species
will have the same CP. Generally, as a
player levels up they will catch Pokémon with higher CP.
Players earn experience points for
various in-game activities. Players
rise in level as they earn experience
points. At level five, the player is able
to battle at a Pokémon gym and join
one of three teams (red for Team Valor, which uses Moltres as their mascot; blue for Team Mystic, which uses
Articuno as their mascot; or yellow for
Team Instinct, which uses Zapdos as
their mascot), which act as larger factions within the Pokémon Go world.
If players enter a Pokémon gym that is
controlled by a player that is not part
of their team, they can challenge the
leader to lower the gym’s “prestige”.
Once the prestige of a gym is lowered to zero, the player will take control of the gym and is able to deposit
one Pokémon to defend it. Similarly,
a team can upgrade the prestige of a
gym under their control by battling the
gym leader. Each time a gym’s level is
raised, another player from the same
team can deposit one of their Pokémon.
Only problem is, is that the game
is not available in South Africa yet.
No problem. We’ll show you how to
download the game for both iOS and
1. The first thing you have to do is
get an extra e-mail address. If you
are having a hard time finding one,
you can go on over to Google’s
Gmail or Microsoft’s Outlook, and
create a new one with no strings
attached (I recommend Google, as
2. Once you have your new email address, simply open the App Store
on your iOS device. Once the
main page has loaded, scroll down
all the way to the bottom. Tap on
your Apple ID and tap ‘Sign Out’.
3. After you have signed out, simply
go on over to any free app, and
attempt to download it. It should
now ask you to either ‘Use an
Existing Apple ID’, or to ‘Create
New Apple ID’. Here, you need
to create a brand new Apple ID
in one of the countries where the
game is currently available.
4. During the creation process, be
sure to select “none” on the Billing screen. Then scroll down and
add a public address situated in
the country you chose earlier. The
best solution here is to use an address for a hotel which is publicly
available and can be found using
5. After you have done this, the App
Store should switch over to the
country that you chose during the
creation process. Simply search
for Pokemon Go, and you are set.
6. Remember to sign out with this
GOT YOU: There are
already many locations
in South Africa where
you can find Pokemon. And there are
also gyms available.
Just remember to be
careful and respectful when playing the
Search will give you the link to
the Pokemon Go 0.29.0 APK (I
have used APKpure in the past).
This is the file that will install the
app onto your device once it is
downloaded. As with any thirdparty downloads, only click on the
download button, do not click on
Android (4.4 Kitkat or above)
anything else, as this may pose a
1. First, you will have to give your
risk to your device.
Android device the ability to install and run third-party, and un- 4. Click on “OK” and allow the
download to finish up. Once that
signed applications from websites
is done, select the file from your
outside of the Google Play Store.
Notifications Menu and allow it to
You will have to be cautious when
install on your device.
enabling this, as you will now be
able to install unsafe and unre- 5. When this is done, you can safely
turn the “Unknown Sources” setliable apps which can put your
ting back off, launch the game
phone and information at risk.
using your Google mail address,
Proceed with caution.
and strive to be the best there ever
2. To do this, head on over to the Sewas… by catching them all!
curity page in your device’s settings app, scroll down and turn on
Remember to be careful when playUnknown Sources.
3. Now, you will have to download ing the game. Next month we’ll bring
the Pokemon Go APK from a rep- you some safety tips as well as tips to
utable website. A quick Google play the game. u
new account and sign in again
with your real Apple ID after you
have downloaded Pokemon Go,
in order to ensure that your Apple
App store switches back to South
Jumping out of a plane straight into a fire. Handling devices designed
to explode and kill you. Sounds like fun? We take a look at the
world’s most dangerous jobs.
spiring opening to an article dedicated
to crazy people, but these crazy people live in the same world as everyone
else, where reality is a pain in the butt,
so yes I’m the hypocrite who tells you
to think before you leap out of a lowflying plane into a raging inferno to
combat forest fires.
any of 2day’s Teen readers
are in the final few months
of school. And the rest of
you will also finish school within a
few years.
One of the questions never far from
the surface is “What am I going to do
once I finish school?” Some will go on
to study further at a tertiary institute.
Other will take a gap year (also known
as ‘avoiding reality for at least another
year). Most, however, will look for
a job. Now we strongly recommend
that you don’t consider any of the jobs
listed below.
For most people, going to work
is an ordinary part of everyday life.
We wake up, go to work and generally consider the most dangerous part
of our day the road to work, not the
actual work itself. This is especially
relevant in crime-infested urban areas
such as those scattered across Sunny
South Africa.
Crime, however, is not considered a
“justifiable” career choice, so I don’t
believe high jacking, theft and the like
qualifies as a legitimate profession, at
least not for the victims.
Still, if we ignore the perilous jour-
Smoke Jumpers
Smoke Jumpers are fire fighters
who must be in the air within 10 minutes. They are parachuted into remote
areas, to fight fires, from small planes
as low as 1 500 feet, only to fight their
way back for many potential sleepless
nights until they can be airlifted out
On landing they instantly start to
chop and back burn areas to head off
forest fires before they can become
too big. The work is all-physical, and
requires strength, endurance, and the
ability to work around the clock.
Most smoke jumpers aren’t attracted to this insane profession by
the money, considering that starting
salaries, according to Fielding’s dangerfinder, start at around US$9 (about
R135) an hour, with additional pay
during fires and overtime.
It’s the danger and the partying that
follow the aforementioned dangerous
encounters that inspire courageous
gentlemen and woman to perform this
much-needed task. U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management
supervisors are responsible for sending out jumpers across the western
2day’s teen feature
Vacancies Available
ney, most of us spend our day doing pretty boring stuff, doing things
we don’t really care about. It is only
a lucky few who are able, or brave
enough, to do what they want. And
you’d better love what you’re doing if
you ever attempt some of the things I
have come across.
Before we start off on a brief tour
of some of the world’s most dangerous jobs, I feel the need to define the
parameters of what “the world’s most
dangerous jobs” entail. In this article I
am only considering professions that
are “willingly” chosen, not an occupation into which circumstance forced
the unfortunate individual.
If this were the case my list would
be filled with figures of deaths attributed to AIV/Aids associated with prostitution, or the thousands of Chinese
coal mine workers who die every year.
According to Passport, a blog by the
editors of Foreign Policy, 4 746 miners were killed in 2006 alone. Poverty,
in my opinion, is a major contributing
factor to both occupations, and will
thus, along with similar professions,
be excluded from this list.
Unfortunately this is not a very in-
jumpers know the saying “out of the frying pan and into the fire.” It’s dangerous
and doesn’t pay well.
United States. They react quickly and
can send as few as two jumpers, depending on the size of the fire.
Once on the ground, additional
equipment is parachuted down, which
is then carried to the appropriate site.
Smoke jumping is a hard, fast, dangerous job, which requires diverse training and good physical attributes. This
is definitely not for the faint of heart.
Blow-out Control
Next we make the transition from
fighting fire, to fighting fire with fire.
Blow-out Control personnel are responsible for containing oil blowouts.
The general idea is that when oil wells
catch fire, or blowout, a well-control
company is called in to extinguish the
well fire and/or cap the well.
The work requires a drilling background. It is tough, hard and dirty
work. You also can’t pick your customers, since blowouts happen anywhere, anytime. So why would anyone want this crummy job? Probably
because the money’s not bad, the
scenery changes, and every now and
then, they let you blow stuff up.
attractive uniform or a big gun. Even
if you have a permit to carry a gun,
you won’t always be allowed to use it.
You need a license to operate in Indiana and Nevada but in other states,
you are essentially making a citizen’s
arrest. If you end up with broken
bones or holes in you, it’s your problem. Bounty hunting in the United
States is illegal in Illinois, Kentucky
and Oregon, for example, but that
doesn’t stop the approximately 2 000
bounty hunters (50-100 are active) in
the U.S. who return about 20 000 fugitives each year.
It is estimated that about 35 000 folk
jump bail (don’t appear in court) and
bounty hunters bring about 87% back.
Most of these hunters don’t make
much money. The lower the bail, the
less serious the crime, the less money
they make, the easier the errant crooks
or fugitives are to find.
There is a market for high-end
bounty hunters. There are many fugitive terrorists with very big prices
on their heads. But you will need a
working command of Arabic, Persian, French and some tribal dialects.
You will need to be fully conversant
with local customs in places such as
Afghanistan and Pakistan. If you’re
caught, you will be lucky if you are
Bounty Hunting
From exploding oil and drill parts
we follow Fielding’s dangerfinder to
the equally dirty business of bounty
hunting. For those of you who can’t
hold a day job, you might consider
bounty hunting.
The romantic notion of men being
brought in dead or alive for a price on
their head is almost gone, so you’ll
probably end up working for bail
In America they will pay you a finder’s fee so they don’t have to cough up
the entire amount of the court imposed
bail when their client doesn’t show.
The job does not require much training or even much of anything except a
pair of handcuffs and a little skip tracing education. And probably the ability to read a map.
What you get for bringing in bad
people is between 10 and 30% of the
fugitives’ bail from the grateful bonds- Mine Clearance
men. Their clients won’t be happy to
From bounty hunting back to explosee you and will probably do their best sions I’m afraid. One of the senseless
to avoid you. You also won’t have an results of modern warfare is the some22
FEELING A BIT BLUE: A UN Peacekeeper from Sri Lanka on assignment in Sierra
Leone. UN Peacekeeper often come under attack from all sides in a conflict and they
are seldom allowed to fight back.
what obsessive distribution of land
mines, which kill or maim thousands
each year. There is a big demand for
former explosives and munitions experts to clean up these killer devices.
Mine clearance personnel are
paid upwards of US$90 000 (about
R1 350 000) a year. There are approximately 20 companies that specialise
in the detection and removal of land
Kuwait spent about US$1 billion to
clean up the seven million land mines
sewn during the five-month occupation of Kuwait by Iraq. More than 80
mine clearance experts were killed
just in Kuwait, so it’s definitively an
occupation which can leave you without a leg to stand on.
U.N. Peacekeeper
I personally have always thought
that being a U.N. peacekeeper was a
pretty decent job, but according to our
friend Fielding, not many soldiers ask
to be U.N. peacekeepers. They usually find the idea of talking to a highly
trained killer and making him Gandhi
for a day rather retarded.
It’s tough enough trying to figure
out why someone is trying to kill his
closest neighbour, or in most cases,
why they send pimply kids thousands
of miles to kick the crap out of Third
World revolutionaries.
Being a U.N. peacekeeper means
wearing silly blue berets and driving around in white trucks. You can
be shot at, but you can’t shoot back.
You can be insulted, but you can’t insult back. In fact, you may find yourself actually helping people kill their
enemy as you protect war criminals,
maintain archaic political boundaries and provide security for execution
You will come under shellfire and
gunfire and have to keep up with deadly bureaucratic paperwork. In Bosnia,
Canadians were told to return mines
they dug up to the armies that planted
them. Some scratched their initials on
the casings and dug up the same mines
weeks later.
They must use bio-degradable sandbags, and the rules of engagement are
so Byzantine that it requires hours,
days or sometimes even weeks to get
official clearances to shoot back when
they come under fire. Well, lucky I
don’t like blue that much. It doesn’t
suit the colour of my eyes.
Explosives Expert
Please excuse my boyish fascination with explosions but this next selection has to be my favourite: Explosives Expert. This section has a couple
of sub-divisions one should keep in
One option in this diverse field is
the skill of imploding existing skyscrapers, apartment buildings and
large factories which has inspired an
industry that focus primarily on taking
down buildings in a few seconds flat.
Controlled Demolition Group holds
the world record for blowing up build24
If buildings aren’t your thing, explosive experts are required in a huge
range of credible career possibilities:
Explosive experts are required in the
mining, construction, and most excitingly, the Bomb Squad units around
the world. Granted the idea of working with a device capable of levelling
a city block is intimidating. Still, you
get to blow stuff up legally. Just as
long as said stuff is not your own body
or limbs.
Search and Rescue
Coast Guard Search & Rescue consists of a group of inspirational individuals who risk life and limb for
strangers. Few men and women put
their lives on the line day in and day
out like the Coast Guard. Even less do
so for such unselfish purposes.
Coast Guard personnel are highly
trained. They go out in often-horrific,
extreme weather conditions and many
don’t return.
Although it is not considered one of
the world’s most dangerous jobs if one
look the mortality rate,
Professional Fighters
I believe that most will agree that
professional fighters of any kind are
probably some of the most courageous
people alive. Here I am not referring
to the ordinary policeman who risks
his life every single day, or the professional soldier who faces death on
the battlefield, but to those men and
RUN FOR IT: Defusing IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) is dangerous, and
often fatal.
woman who have made fighting their
Boxers, Mixed Martial Artists, cage
fighting and wrestlers (most of them
anyway) are just a few warriors who
risk their health continuously to entertain the ever-growing fanatical fanbase.
Professional fighting has become a
billion dollar industry; one only has
to point out the tremendous success of
corporations such as the WWE, UFC
and others to realise this.
Whatever the financial gain of professional fighting may be, getting in
the ring with someone who wants to
crack your skull open, takes a very
specific personality. Most fighters
spend hours training, perfecting their
Unfortunately reaching the height
where one generates enough income
from of this profession to successfully
sustain a family is extremely difficult.
Dangerous jobs may be exciting,
but they are dangerous. One should
never attempt any of the activities associated with any dangerous profession without the necessary training,
equipment and supervision.
Always remember, safety first, or
as they often say on television: “Don’t
try this at home.”
British SAS
And if you thought that was bad...
There are more than enough dangerous jobs in peace time. So imagine
how dangerous it can be during a war?
You could say that any war is dangerous. After all, people get killed in
these affairs. And let’s be honest here,
if nobody died in a war, it wouldn’t really be called a war. Would it?
Having said that, there are some
jobs during a war that are even more
dangerous than others. Let’s look at
some of them.
Kamikaze Pilots
This was one of those jobs were
your chances of survival were rated at
zero percent. Not exactly a great recruitment slogan, is it.
Towards the end of World War II,
things were not going well for the
Japanese. The Americans were closing in and were about to launch an invasion of Okinawa, one of the homeland islands.
In desperation, the Japanese Imperial Army came up with a solution - Kamikaze (Divine
Wind) attacks.
What this meant
was that a pilot would
climb into his plane,
fly out over the
American fleet, put
his plane into a steep
dive, and deliberately
crash it into a ship.
The planes were often
loaded with explosives
to make them more effective.
While these attacks were not always that successful (pilots would
often miss the ships due to a lack of
flight training) they did shock the
Americans. In fact the Americans
gave them the nickname of “Baka
Bombs”. Baka is the Japanese term
for idiot.
World War I Pilot
During the 1914-18 ‘Great War’,
the life expectancy of a pilot was 11
days. At the Battle of the Somme the
life expectancy was 20 minutes.
Pilots would often be sent into
combat with little flying experience.
Because the planes were made from
wood and canvas, one of the greatest
dangers a pilot faced was his aircraft
catching fire after being hit.
While parachutes were available,
these were not issued to pilots because
it was feared that they would become
cowards and jump out of their planes
at the first hint of danger. If his plane
caught fire, a pilot had three choices.
Stay with the plane and burn to death.
Jump out and fall to his death. Or, as
most pilots would carry a pistol, shoot
himself in the head. Many opted for
the last choice.
SOE/OSS Operative
Early during World War II the British established the Special Operations
Executive (SOE). These men and
women were given training and then
sent into Germany or occupied Europe.
Their tasks could include anything
from spying on the enemy to recruiting
and training local resistance groups, to
carrying out acts of sabotage.
Unfortunately, most of them were
captured rather quickly by the ruthless
but highly efficient German Gestapo.
They were tortured in the most horrific ways, interrogated, and usually
put to death.
When the Americans entered the
war, they formed the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and worked closely with the SOE. The SOE would later
go on to become Britain’s MI6 and
the OSS would eventually become the
CIA. Both of which still exist to this
Tail Gunner
During the later part of World War
II the British and Americans began
to launch daily bomber raids against
Germany. These bombers would often have to fly great distances to reach
their targets.
Not only did they have to deal with
constant antiaircraft fire, but also
the threat of Luftwaffe (German Air
Force) fighter planes. Because of their
size and speed, bombers were easy
targets for fighters and being a pilot or
crew member on a bomber was dangerous.
Yet the most dangerous position on
a bomber was usually the tail gunner,
or ‘tail-end Charlie’.
The tail gunner was positioned right
at the back of the bomber and armed
with two or four machine guns. His
job was to defend the bomber against
attack from behind.
German pilots adopted the tactic of
attacking from the rear and killing the
tail gunner first. This would then leave
the plane virtually defenceless against
attack from behind.
There are many other really dangerous jobs during war. These include
mine detection and clearance, snipers,
and many of the tasks carried out by
members of the various Special Forces units such as the British SAS (Special Air Service), US Navy Seals, US
Army Green Berets, American Delta
Force, Russian Spetznatz and similar
units. u
Klipsch KG-200 Pro Gaming Headset
2day’s teen entertainment
Goodies & Gadgets
A look at the goodies and gadgets that we just ‘have’ to own.
Some are useful, some are essential, and some are just gimmicks
that are really cool.
When you’re gaming you want to hear every little sound. Is there someone or something
creeping up on you in the dark? Was that the
sound of a weapon just being cocked?
The Klipsch KG-200 headset has been custom voiced with four gaming EQs so you hear
every crucial sound with critical detail.
RRP: R1,899
Cheerson CX-Stars Nano
Quad Drone
The CX-Stars from Inguity® is
without a doubt the smallest drone
ever manufactured. It measures in
at an astounding 3.5cm x 2.2cm
but includes all the electronics of
the bigger models. It balances with
gyroscopes and accelerometers
maintaining unbelievable stability
despite its miniature size. Slip the
CX-Stars Drone into the remote and slide both into your pocket, anywhere
is a perfect spot to fly with this nano drone. Available in 4 different colours
making it perfect for gifts. With its 2.4GHz transmitter up to 4 units can be
paired and flown simultaneously.
RRP: R525
FLY Wear Bluetooth Snapback
Look trendy, listen to your favourite tunes, and answer calls - all with the
same device. The Bluetooth Snapback Cap allows you to always stay connected on the move, providing you with up to 60 hours standby time and 6 hours
play time on a single charge, ensuring you hours of enjoyment
whether watching movies, gaming or simply hanging out.
The easy to use control panel
allow you to increase/decrease
the volume, skip through tunes
or answer your calls.
RRP: R319.
Mighty Wallet - BF Newspaper
The Dynomighty Tyvek Billfold is engineered to be thinner, lighter, and stronger as the other traditional wallets. Each
wallet comes with our signature silver
Tyvek interior destined to be a new design
• 2 large pockets for cash and receipts
• 2 credit card pockets that expand to
hold lots of cards.
• 2 quick access business card pockets.
• open - 20.32cm (w) x 8.5cm (h) x
.31mm (d)
RRP: R279
Keycraft LED Finger Torches
Attach a bright LED torch to any finger to
make it shine and move wherever you point.
Attach all four LED to create a multi-coloured
light show! The set includes 1 x red, 1 x blue, 1
x green and 1 x white torch with elastic finger
straps. Replaceable batteries included.
RRP: R79
2day’s teen feature
Not everyone is who they
say they are. And this is
especially true when it comes
to celebrities and famous
people. Let’s look at the real
names of some of them.
et’s be realistic here for a moment. It’s not hard to see why
some celebrities would want to
change their name.
After all, Marion Michael Morrison doesn’t sound like the name of a
tough cowboy and would you really
want to see a movie starring Demetria
And let’s not even talk about musicians. Ever listened to Farok Bulsara,
Tramar Dillard, or Shaffer Smith? You
probably have, but you know them by
a different name.
So let’s look at a few real names of
my name is
Famous People
Pope John Paul II - Carol Wojtila.
Billy the Kid - William H. Bonney.
Pele - Edson Arantes do Nascimento.
Malcolm X - Malcolm Little.
Muhammad Ali -Cassius Marcellus Clay.
• Mother Teresa - Anjezë Gonxhe
• Woody Allen - Allen Stewart Konigsberg.
• Jennifer Aniston - Jennifer Anistonapoulos.
• Drew Barrymore - Andrew Barrymore.
• Tom Berenger - Thomas Michael
• Nicolas Cage - Nicolas Coppola.
• Jackie Chan - Chan Kong-Sang.
• Tom Cruise - Thomas Cruise Mapother, IV.
• Bruce Lee - Lee Jun Fan.
• Demi Moore - Demetria Guynes.
• Chuck Norris - Carlos Ray Norris.
• Charlie Sheen - Carlos Irwin Estevez.
• Jean-Claude Van Damme - JeanClaude Van Varenberg.
• John Wayne - Marion Michael
• Whoopi Goldberg - Caryn Johnson.
• Michael Caine - Maurice Joseph
• Sir Ben Kingsley - Krishna Bhanji.
• Slash - Saul Hudson.
• Sting - Gordon Matthew Sumner.
Katy Perry
• Stevie Wonder - Steveland Morris
• Neil Diamond - Noah Kaminsky.
• The Edge - Dave Evans (U2).
• Madonna - Madonna Louise Ciccone.
• Will.I.Am - William Adams.
• Drake - Aubrey Graham.
• Flo Rida - Tramar Dillard.
• Ja Rule - Jeffrey Atkins.
• Ludacris - Christopher Bridges.
• Ne Yo - Shaffer Smith.
• Timbaland - Tim Mosley.
• Adele - Adele Laurie Blue Adkins.
• 50 Cent - Curtis Jackson.
• Akon - Aliaune Damala Akon ThiMusicians
• Dido - Florian Cloud de Bounevi• Jon Bon Jovi - John Bongiovi.
alle Armstrong.
• Bono - Paul Hewson.
• David Bowie - David Robert Hay- • Bruno Mars - Peter Gene Hernandez.
ward Stenton Jones.
• Katy Perry - Katy Hudson.
• Eric Clapton - Eric Patrick Clap.
• John Denver - Henry John • Cher - Cherilyn Sarksian.
• Lady Gaga - Stefani Joanne AngeDeutschendorf, Jr.
lina Germanotta
• Snoop Doggy Dogg - Calvin
WWE Wrestlers
• Bob Dylan - Robert Allen Zim•
- Paul Wight, Jr.
• Enya - Eithne Ni Bhraonain [aka • Chris Jericho - Christopher Irvine.
• The Great Khali - Dalip Rana.
Eithne Brennan].
• Rey Mysterio - Oscar Gutierrez.
• Vanilla Ice - Robert Van Winkle.
• Elton John - Reginald Kenneth • Sheamus - Stephen Farrelly.
• Triple H - Paul Levesque.
• Undertaker - Mark Calaway.
• Meat Loaf - Marvin Lee Aday.
• Freddie Mercury - Farok Pluto • Shawn Michaels - Michael HickBulsara.
• Axl Rose - William Rose Bailey.
• Hulk Hogan - Terry Bollea. u
2day’s teen the beat box
The Divas
When you’ve sold more than 50 million albums you know that you’ve
made your mark and earned the right to be called a superstar
his is a man’s world is the opening line of a James Brown classic. And let’s face it, men have
dominated the music industry. In a list
of the world’s top selling musicians of
all time, 70% of them are male.
Yet look at the second line of James
Brown’s song - But it would be nothing, nothing without a women or a
And while the music industry could
be thought of as a “man’s world” there
are some women that have gone on to
become superstars. Here are some of
With sales of more than 300 million
records, Madonna is by far the most
successful female singer. The 54 year
old has had #1 hits in every decade
since the 1980s. Listen to one of her
early hits, Into The Groove.
Canadian singer Celine Dion won
the 1988 Eurovision Song Contest
where she represented Switzerland of
all places. She has sold over 200 million records. She also sang the theme
song to the popular movie Titanic.
Listen to another movie theme song,
Beauty And The Beast, which she
did along with Peabo Bryson.
Another artists that has sold more
than 200 million records is Mariah
Carey. She has won numerous awards.
Listen to Hero, one of her #1 hits.
Anna Mae Bullock has sold more
than 180 million records. She is bet-
ter known by her stage name of Tina
Turner. She had a number of hits
with her ex-husband Ike Turner but
established herself as a solo artist.
Here is her 1984 #1 hit, What’s Love
Got To Do With It.
Whitney Houston, who died in
2012 at the age of 48, was another
who sold more than 180 million records. She had numerous #1 hits, including the theme to the movie The
Bodyguard, I Will Always Love You.
Barbara Streisand is still singing at
the age of 71. She has sold more than
140 million records and
is one of the few entertainers who have won an
Oscar, Emmy, Grammy,
and Tony Award. Listen to
Guilty, her duet with Barry
Gibb of the Bee Gees.
Welsh singer Dame Shirley
Bassey shot to fame for recording
theme songs for three James Bond
films Goldfinger, Diamonds Are
Forever and Moonraker. She has sold
more than 138 million records and at
the age of 74 she is still performing.
Diana Ross first shot to fame with
The Supremes before going solo and
racking up more than 100 million
sales. Listen to her 1980 #1 hit Upside Down.
Janet Jackson may not have
achieved the success of her late brother Michael Jackson, but she did sell
more than 100 million records. Listen
to Together Again.
Known as the ‘Queen of Latin
pop’ Gloria Estefan has sold over
100 million records. She has also
achieved great succes with Miami
Sound Machine. Listen to You’ll Be
Mine (Party Time).
Britney Spears has never been far
from controversy. Yet she has also
sold more than 100 million records.
Here is her first hit, Baby One More
Cherilyn Sarkisian is better known
as Cher. She started off as a duet with
her late husband Sonny Bono, then
went on to achieve solo success, selling more than 100 million records.
She had hits for six decades. Here is
her 2000 #1 hit, Believe.
Shania Twain is sometimes referred to as ‘The Queen of Country
Pop’. The Canadian has sold more
than 80 million records and her
hits include You’re Still The One.
Irish singer Enya (Eithne Ní
Bhraonáin) has sold more than 70
million records including the haunting Orinoco Flow.
And let’s not forget artists with
more than 60 million sales. Artists
such as Kylie Minogue (I Should
Be So Lucky), Kate Bush (Wuthering Heights), Tracy Chapman (Fast
Car) and Alanis Morissette (It’s All
Your Fault).
Way to go ladies. u
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
2day’s teen ten of the best
Four best girlfriends hatch a plan to stay connected
with one another as their lives start off in different
directions: they pass around a pair of second-hand
jeans that fits each of their bodies perfectly.
It stars Amber Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel, and
America Ferrera.
It’s Women’s Month, so what would be more appropriate than what
we regard as our Ten of the Best Chick Flicks.
Lots of romance mixed with some comedy and even a bit of action
to keep the guys entertained. JANINE CASSIDY brings us her choice.
Click on the box covers to see the movie trailer.
Competition between the maid of honor and a
bridesmaid, over who is the bride’s best friend,
threatens to upend the life of an out-of-work pastry
It stars Kristen Wiig, Terry Crews, and Maya
The Notebook
A poor and passionate young man falls in love with
a rich young woman and gives her a sense of freedom. They soon are separated by their social differences.
Stars Gena Rowlands, James Garner, and Ryan
The Devil wears Prada
A naive young woman comes to New York and
scores a job as the assistant to one of the city’s biggest magazine editors, the ruthless and cynical Miranda Priestly.
The movie stars Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway,
and Emily Blunt.
Mean Girls
Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list
girl clique at her new school, until she makes the
mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.
Stars Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, and
Tina Fey.
Love Actually
Follows the lives of eight very different couples in
dealing with their love lives in various loosely and interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before
Christmas in London, England.
A movie even the guys will enjoy. It stars Liam
Neeson, Hugh Grant, Martine McCutcheon, and
Rowan Atkinson.
2day’s teen gaming
10 Things I hate about you
A new kid must find a guy to date the meanest girl
in school, the older sister of the girl he has a crush
on, who cannot date until her older sister does.
A take on William Shakespeare’s play “The Taming of the Shrew, it stars Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the late Heath Ledger.
Bridget Jones’s Diary
A British woman is determined to improve herself
while she looks for love in a year in which she keeps
a personal diary.
Thrown into the mix are Bridget’s band of
slightly eccentric friends and a rather disagreeable
acquaintance who Bridget cannot seem to stop
running into or help finding quietly attractive.
The Sims 4
PATRICIA DLAMINI tells us about her
favourite game.
y boyfriend is really into his
gaming. Most of the games he
plays bore me. Yet there is one
game that I really enjoy.
And that game is the Sims. I started
playing Sims 3 and was over the moon
Thelma and Louise
One day Thelma and Louise decide to break out
of their normal life and jump in the car and hit the
road. Their journey turns into a flight when Louise
kills a man who threatens to rape Thelma. They
decide to go to Mexico, but soon they are hunted
by American police. Stars Susan Sarandon and
Geena Davis.
When Harry met Sally
Harry and Sally meet when she gives him a ride
to New York after they both graduate from the
University of Chicago.
They become friends, but then they are confronted with the problem: “Can a man and a
woman be friends, without sex getting in the
way?” Stars Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.
when they released Sims 4. If you’ve
never heard of the game you must live on
the moon.
Basically you create your own person
(Sim) and then live their life for them.
Find a job, earn money, buy a house, furnish your house, meet people, get married, have kids, get old, and then eventually die.
It can get addictive and things don’t
always go according to plan with your
buying a house
you can build
one of your own.
And this is a part
of the game I find
the most fun.
There are a
number of expansion packs
available and each adds more clothing,
hair styles, furniture and items for you to
If you’ve never played the Sims, give
it a go. u
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Simulation
Platforms: PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One
RRP: R499
Use a gentle shampoo
2day’s teen health
Does your hair feel like straw? Does it look as if you’ve spend the
last 10 years wandering around the desert? Samantha Willis gives
some tips on how to tame dry hair.
f you’ve ever asked yourself the
question “Why was I born with
such dry hair” the answer will
probably shock you. Those dry locks
are most likely your own fault.
Exposing your hair to harsh chemicals, shampooing too often and using
styling tools such as hot combs, hot
rollers and blow dryers can dry out
your hair.
Here’s a few tips on how to treat
your hair with TLC and make it more
Don’t overdo the shampoo: You
don’t have to shampoo your hair with
harsh shampoos every day. All it does is
strip away the natural oils. You should
shampoo at least every three days.
Be kind to your hair
Learn to shampoo your hair gently.
When lathering, avoid scrubbing with
your fingernails, use your fingertips
Be an egghead
Something with a pH of between
Beat an egg in a cup and, with tep4.5 and 6.7 is ideal for dry hair.
id water (not hot - you don’t want to
cook the egg) lather the egg into the
Don’t be shy with the conditioner hair and then rinse with tepid water afFind a conditioner that has as little terwards. The egg not only cleans the
alcohol as possible. Alcohol will dry hair, it gives it a lovely shine.
out the hair even more. For really dry
Pace those treatments
hair try and overnight conditioner.
If you perm your hair on Tuesday,
Pour the hot oil: Hot oil treatments
are excellent for restoring dry hair. dye it on Thursday, and put it in hot
Wash it out afterwards with a gentle rollers on Saturday you can bet that
you’re going to have dry and damaged
Spread the mayo
You don’t have to abandon things
This is not a joke. Mayonnaise is such as dyes, perms or hair straightenanother excellent moisturising treat- ing, but it’s important to space those
ment for dry hair. Use old fashioned treatments out.
mayo, not the diet or low-cal type.
First shampoo your hair then apply Hold the heat
Using hot combs, hot rollers and
about a tablespoon of mayo. Wrap the
hair in a plastic bag for 20 to 30 min- blow dryers on dry hair is asking for
utes. Then shampoo and rinse thor- trouble.
Hot rollers are the worst because
they stretch the hair while the heat
Forget the 100 strokes
shrinks it. Hot combs also tend to
Because dry hair is fragile, too stretch the hair and expose it to heat
much brushing can actually fracture for long periods of time.
hair, causing hair fall. Brush the hair
If you must use artificial heat on
gently and never brush it when it is your hair then a blow dryer on a low
setting is probably the way to go.
Avoid pulling or stretching the hair
Give yourself a scalp massage while drying.
One way to stimulate the oil glands
on the scalp is to gently massage the
There you have it - nine tips on how
scalp during shampoos. Use the tips of to tame those locks of yours and deyour fingers to gently massage all over feat dryness. u
your scalp.
2day’s teen sport
Top of their Game
CATHERINE RANDALL reflects on women that have achieved the
pinnacle of their particular sports.
This is the first time I’ve ever written
an article and I think I could have been
given an easier assignment.
“Just pick a few different types of
sports and then tell us who you think
was the best woman ever in those
sports. As simple as that.”
Simple? It was anything but simple.
It did get me thinking though and in
the process of investigating I learnt
quite a bit.
So these are the sports I’ve chosen.
What I’ve done is select five women
in each and then give you my choice
as to who I thought was the best ever.
See if you agree with me.
The person I’ve gone with is Svetlana Khorkina. She was born on 19
January 1979, and has achieved a total of seven Olympic medals in 1996
Summer Olympics, the 2000 Summer Olympics and the 2004 Summer
She also won twenty World Championship medals besides her Olympic
appearances. She was the first gymnast
My top five were:
Larisa Latynina Russia.
Nadia Comăneci Romania.
Věra Čáslavská Czechoslovakia.
Svetlana Khorkina
- Russia.
and is still the only female gymnast to
win three all-around titles at the World
Khorkina was named vice-president
of the Russian Artistic Gymnastics
Federation in December 2005, after
her retirement from professional gymnastic.
She became the ambassador for the
2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games
and is a member of the political party Russian State Duma from 2007 to
of United Russia since 2003. Khorki- 2011.
na served her duty as a deputy for the
My top five were:
Jenny Thompson - USA
Karen Muir – South Africa
Dara Torres – USA
Kristin Otto – Germany
Dawn Fraser - Australia
By no means an easy choice. Any of
them would have done justice to the
title of Top Female Swimmer.
Our own Karen Muir was only 12
years old when she broke a world record and from the age of 12 to 17 she
broke a total of 15 world records.
Australia’s Dawn Fraser was another legend. Among her many accomplishments was that she became
the first female swimmer to cover 100
metres freestyle under a minute in October 1962.
I’ve picked Jenny Thompson. Former American competition swimmer
Jennifer Beth Thompson was born on
February 26, 1973, and is regarded as
one of the most decorated Olympians
in history. She won twelve medals
which include eight gold medals. She
first won the 50 metre freestyle at the
Pan American Games in 1987 when
he was just 14 years old. Thompson
achieved her first world championship
in 1991. Besides her international appearances, she also swam for the Stanford Cardinal swimming and diving
team in National Collegiate Athletic
Association. Thompson received the
Honda Sports Award in 1995 as the
outstanding college female swimmer
of the year. She was named as the Female World Swimmer of the Year in
1998 by Swimming World Magazine
and also became the Female American
Swimmer of the Year thrice in her career.
Kristin Otto was the first
woman to achieve six gold
medals at a single Olympic
Games which she did at the
1988 Seoul Olympic Games.
There was no ways I could pick only
five women tennis players. I managed
to narrow my list down to Serena Williams, Steffi Graf, Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert, Maria Sharapova,
Margret Court, Monica Seles and
Martina Hingis.
It wasn’t easy to choose between
them and in the end I narrowed it
down to Martina Navratilove and my
eventual choice, Steffi Graf.
She was born on June 14, 1969 in
Mannheim, Germany. She won 22
Grand Slams, 107 titles and earned the
sum of $21,895,277.
Although Margaret Court won more
majors, Graf is the only player (male
or female) to win every Grand Slam
event at least four times in singles. Her
incomparable forehand, her extraordinary coordination and an unmatched
zest for competition lifted Graf to her
preeminent level.
Graf broke quite a few records
many of which are still unbeaten to
this day, including the record for the
highest number of weeks with a number one ranking (an incredible 377
I considered Emma Snowsill, Paula
Newby-Fraser. Michellie Jones. Loretta
Harrop for the accolade. But it was Christine Wellington that I went with.
Born on born 18 February 1977,
Christine Ann Wellington OBE is an
English former professional triathlete
weeks), at one stage staying at the top
spot for 186 consecutive weeks. greatest player of all time by numerous
publications and polls. it is her ability
to triumph on all surfaces.
Whereas other players had their favorite surfaces, for example Margaret
Court was a hard court specialist and
Martina Navratilova always excelled
on grass court , Steffi Graf was a true
all-rounder of all time, regardless of
and four-time Ironman Triathlon World
Champion. She holds, or held, all three
world and championship records relating to ironman-distance triathlon races:
firstly, the overall world record, secondly, the Ironman World Championship
course record (from 2009 until Mirinda
Carfrae lowered it in 2013), and thirdly,
the official world record for all Ironman-
branded triathlon races over the full
Ironman distance. She won the World
Championship in three consecutive years
(2007–2009), but could not start the 2010
World Championship race because of ill-
ness, then - while suffering from injuries
so severe that her former coach Brett Sutton said she should “not even be on the
start line” - regained the title in 2011.
As far as I was concerned there was only one
person to consider - Jackie Joyner-Kersee.
Jacqueline “Jackie” Joyner-Kersee (born
March 3, 1962) is an American retired track and
field athlete, ranked among the all-time greatest
athletes in the women’s heptathlon as well as in
the women’s long jump.
She won three gold, one silver, and two bronze
Olympic medals, in those two events at four different Olympic Games. Sports Illustrated for
Women magazine voted Joyner-Kersee the Greatest Female Athlete of the 20th century.
After retiring as a competitive athlete, JoynerKersee has been involved with many philanthropic efforts and has joined the Board of Directors for
USA Track & Field (USATF), the national governing body of the sport. u
2day’s teen sport
wonder women
My dream is to first get my provincial colours, then my national colours
and eventually to swim for South Africa at the Olympics. I know they are
big dreams but I believe that you have
to aim high.
I swim every day of the week and it
has become my passion. I’ve learnt as
much about the sport as possible and
I‘ve been inspired by the stories of
five South African women.
Natalie du Toit
Learning to swim is not that difficult.
Learning to become a competitive
swimmer is another story. SANDRA
NAIKER talks about five women that
have inspired her.
lthough my father and two
brothers are avid fishermen,
neither of them can swim. Nor
can my mother. In fact I’m the only
member of the Naiker household that
can actually swim.
We live on the coast so our family
would often go down to the beach over
weekends. We were not allowed to go
into the water deeper than our knees.
If we did my mom used to have a fit.
When I started high school three
After losing a leg in an accident at
the age of 14, Natalie was back in the
pool three months later. Even before
she started walking.
She has won numerous gold medals at the Paralympic Games and the
Commonwealth Games and became
the first amputee ever to qualify for
the Olympics, where she placed 16th
in the 10K, “Marathon”, swim.
She is an inspiration and role model
for people all over the world.
Penny Heyns
years ago I was horrified to discover
that part of our PT class during summer involved swimming. I told my PT
teacher that I couldn’t swim and she
just smiled and told me not to worry.
She would teach me. And she did.
I soon learnt to love the pool and in
my second year at high school I came
third in freestyle and second in breaststroke at our school gala. Not only
that but I made our school swimming
She is the only woman in the history
of the Olympic Games to have won
both the 100 m and 200 m breaststroke
events at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic
In 1999, she set a spate of eleven
world records in three months, swimming at events on three different continents. This made her the simultaneous holder of five out of the possible
six breaststroke world records, a feat
that had never been achieved before in
the history of swimming.
Karen Muir
I once asked my swimming coach
who he thought was South Africa’s
best swimmer ever. He said that he
thought that Karen Muir was not only
South Africa’s best, but one of the best
swimmers in the world.
I had never even heard of her. When
I did a bit of research I was blown out
of the water (if you’ll excuse the pun).
In 1965, at the age of just 12, she
became the youngest person to break
a sporting world record in any discipline when broke the 110 yards backstroke record.
During the next five years she
would go on to set fifteen world records in the backstroke at 100 metres, 200 metres, 110 yards, and 220
yards. She also won 22 South African
Championships and three US National
Due to apartheid she never got to
compete in an Olympics. Imagine if
she had.
Melissa Corfe
She has held 14 age group records
and six open women’s records.
Her achievements include a gold
medal at the 2007 All Africa Games
and six gold medals at the 2004 Commonwealth Youth Games.
Carina Bruwer
Carina Bruwer is an open-water
Take a different look at a career...
She holds the female record for
the fastest Gibraltar Straits crossing, the overall record for the fastest swim around Robben Island,
and the female record for the Cape
Point swim. To date, she is the only
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swimmer to have rounded both the
southern-most and the northern-most
tips of Africa, and the only person
to successfully swim around Danger
Not only that, she is also a a highly
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forms exclusively with the instrumental group Sterling EQ.
If I can ever be a tenth as good as
any of these amazing water wonder
women I would be proud of myself. u
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