Shamrock News - St. Patrick Parish


Shamrock News - St. Patrick Parish
Shamrock News
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit
Matthew 28:19
Summer 2016 Edition
Celebrating our Parish Family in Christ
Celebrating Successes! In this issue of Shamrock
News, we are excited to be able to celebrate a few of
the many successes of our wonderful parish family. As
a parish of growing disciples who desire to grow other
disciples, you are living out in creative and vibrant
ways the mission of our parish. Our parish is blessed
with 45 different ministries. St Thomas Aquinas
always stated that when we use our natural gifts, the
result is happiness. The power of the Holy Spirit is
Fr. Jim Angert, T.O.R. released through the use of our gifts, whether these
gifts are spiritual gifts or natural gifts. St. Paul states
in 1 Cor 12:4-7: “ There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same
spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are
different worships but the same God who produces all of them in
everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for
some benefit.” In celebrating our successes, we are celebrating every
person in our parish as all of you are gifted and you are using your gifts
as disciples of the Lord to serve others and build God’s kingdom here on
earth. All of you have seeds of greatness inside yourself and I am
delighted that those seeds of greatness are producing abundant fruit.
The one celebration that celebrated our greatness of unity with great
diversity was on the Feast of Pentecost. Our parish is composed of
families from 42 different nations and as the 11am Mass on Pentecost
began, I was so proud to see individuals from those 42 nations carrying
the flag of their nation into our church. After Mass, parishioners from
those 42 nations graciously prepared food typical of their country so that
the rest of us could enjoy delicious food and friendship. This was a
celebration of great dignity of every person in our parish family along
with the greatness of our country of origin. In celebrating successes we
also celebrate your greatness as disciples of the Lord.
4518 S Manhattan Ave. Tampa, Florida 33611 Phone: 813-839-5337, Fax: 813-831-2778,
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Shamrock News
Filled with the Holy Spirit
Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of The Lord, one of the
most important celebrations of our Church and the Liturgical
Year. The celebration is a good reminder for all of us that there
is more to come. The Lord died and was buried and on the
third day he rose again then what? The followers of Jesus were
disappointed, sad, fearful and hiding; then he appears and some
believed but not all. For forty days the Lord made appearances
to many others but his apostles were still disappointed, sad,
fearful and hiding and then came the Promise – an Advocate, a
Counselor, a Protector will come and they will be changed and
will fear no more. They will speak with conviction and valor
about The Good News of Salvation and of Jesus to all within
hearing distance.
On the feast day of Pentecost, when they were all in one
place together, suddenly there came a noise like a strong
driving wind and it filled the house where they were hiding.
“Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted
and came to rest on each one of them. And they were filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as
the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” (Acts 2: 3). There were
many people from many countries who had come to Jerusalem
yet they all heard them proclaim the glory of The Lord. A
diversity of people hearing one message.
On PENTECOST SUNDAY, May 15, 2016, we the
members of the Catholic Community of St. Patrick came to
mass to celebrate the birthday of the Church but before
entering our place of worship, we saw 42 different flags
waiving in the wind, representing our own diversity. We were
coming to hear the one message of salvation and to be with
Emmanuel – God among us in the Holy Eucharist. We, who
come from various ethnic backgrounds, came together as one
united in our diversity. First we celebrated our Thanksgiving
Feast in the Holy Mass and then we came together as one body
in our Social Hall, to share socially as one family by sharing
various foods, artifacts, dresses and music from our ancestral
homes. Our Pentecost Celebration has been and remains one of
the best attended events in our church simply because we
become one while maintaining our diversity. We come
together as The Body of Christ in an attitude of thanksgiving
and praise to our God for all his blessings poured upon our
parish family.
St. Patrick Pentecost Celebration
Summer 2016 Edition
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Thank you to all of our wonderful photographers and our smiling parish community,
especially Willie Reyes. Thank you for sharing your time and talent so wonderfully.
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Shamrock News
Celebrating Our Year in Faith Formation
Written by: Deacon Ben Hooks
This is the Year of Mercy for us as disciples and our Faith
Formation activities as families focus on providing mercy to
others. We discover in others unforeseen goodness and worth, and
both they and we are transformed by this self-giving way of
relating to each other. Our discipleship leads us to desire to be
touched by our relationship with Jesus, to draw near to him, to stay
with him so that we can be healed in body and spirit.
In addition to our service projects, we had record numbers of
children baptized into the faith and of participants in our feeding
others at Pinellas Hope this year. We also had a new level of
participation of young Catholics who came to be fed at the Table
of Eucharist by receiving their First Communion. It is always a
Year of Mercy for God who shows his mercy and love for us every
day of every year.
Please enjoy the photos of our projects and programs as we
grow in faith by reaching out beyond ourselves. Note the joy in
the faces of the parents with their children. God through the Holy
Spirit always gives us extra grace and joy when we step forward to
love our neighbor as ourselves. This is the true reward of being
disciples of Christ, sharing God’s mercy.
For questions about Faith Formation, please contact Deacon
Ben Hooks in the Church Office, [email protected].
Summer 2016 Edition
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St. Patrick Catholic Parish Family Celebrating the Sacraments
2016 First Communion Class
The Sacrament of First Holy Communion
The children who received their First Communion
this year are: Izel Barragan, Vanessa Luise Brauning,
Franco Bettoli, Isla Blue Chambers, Gabrielle Colon,
Grace Cook, Samantha Haro, Ava Hyde, Alex Knight,
Mallory Knight, Isaac Thomas Loboda, Ava Gabrielle
Lodato, Zoe Indira Martin, Mia Ester Mazanowski,
Zymunt Jacob Mazanowski V, John Mitchell, Ilen
Paredes, Isabela S. Ramirez, Lucas Sampalo Ramirez, Devon
Richardson, David Joseph Seaton, Gabrielle Vega-Alamo, Cody
Michael Whiteside, and Hannah Elizabeth Whiteside.
The Sacrament of Baptism
Since May of 2015, 46 infants and young children received the
Sacrament of Baptism here at St. Patrick Catholic Church. Baptism is
the single most important religious moment in the life of a person.
“Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life
in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.
Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God;
we become members of Christ and are incorporated in the Church and
made sharers in her mission.” (CCC, #1213)
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Shamrock News
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Written by: Fr. Stan Holland, T.O.R.
We were blessed to receive into our parish family through the
RCIA process Flor Barker, Morgan Deak, George Moore, Kerry
Meyers, and Jessica Thomas. John Williams has been an absolute
rock and anchor for our RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults) these past ten years in which nearly ninety adults
received the sacraments of initiation. John Williams explains what
RCIA is all about: “R.C.I.A. is about conversion to Jesus Christ;
entering into a deeper living relationship with Him. R.C.I.A. is
about becoming a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ; going out
and preaching the Good News with their lives. R.C.I.A is about
forming others to be Jesus Christ; with full knowledge in order to
be the Light in a world of darkness. The RCIA describes a never
ending journey in which those called by Christ to enter into a deeper
relationship with Him guided and cared for as they awaken in faith
and are introduced to the Sacramental life of the Body of Christ, the
Church.” Last year John retired due to health reasons and we miss
him terribly and pray for him often. God graced us with the gifts
and talents of Dr. Joseph Brown, PhD to take John’s place. Joe
Brown brings a vast knowledge of the faith along with his wisdom
and experience as a middle school principal. Along with the change
in leadership the RCIA program has begun to utilize the video series
explaining the Catholic Faith called Symbolon. Our RCIA Team has
taken a Symbolon topic and lead the Monday evening’s program of
prayer, teaching, discussion, and fellowship. Judy Taiclet, Cynthia
Fernandez, Carlos Flores have been team members for the past ten
years with John Williams. Along with the Monday evening
meetings we would sponsor two different days of recollection and a
Sunday morning of prayer and seeking the Holy Spirit. Please join
us Saturday June 25 at the 5:00pm mass when we bring three more
adults into the fullness of the Catholic Faith and welcome Alyssa,
Alex, and Kevin into our parish family.
Summer 2016 Edition
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High School Youth Ministry
Life Teen has teens representing nine high schools in Tampa
who come here to grow in their faith, so whatever school you go
to, this is the place for you! Life Teen meets every Sunday
night beginning with 6pm Mass, followed by the Life Night.
The Sunday Life Night’s have different themes and subjects
every week, and you and your friends are always welcome!
We have gone on Medieval Quests, sang karaoke, discovered
how to live a more courageous life in Christ, played games, fed
the homeless, rallied for the unborn, and served at Metropolitan
Ministries, Pinellas Hope and the Ronald McDonald House! All
while making friends and having some great food.
Coming up this summer we will assist in helping and leading
our Parish Vacation Bible School and we will be attending the
Steubenville Summer Youth Conference in Orlando!
If you would like to serve the youth as a Core Team
Member, or if you are a parent who would like to help, I would
love to hear from you. Please contact Monica Bonfe Erickson
[email protected] or call 813-368-3866 for more
information about Life Teen!
Follow us on
Instagram: @stpatricktpalifeteen
Facebook: StPatricktpaLifeTeen
Teens, it is never too late to come be a part of this!
Middle School Youth Ministry
Our middle school youth in grades
6th - 8th have an opportunity to
learn the Catholic faith in a fun
and active way. They also tackle
fresh catechetical themes which
are delivered each semester with
creative and experiential approach
that engages youth to understand
Catholic teaching and form their
own Catholic identity. EDGE
Nights occur Friday Nights, twice
a month during the school year.
We also have fun activities and
service opportunities that create a
greater sense of community among
our middle school youth.
In Memory of Fr. Angelus Migliore, T.O.R.
Fr. Angelus went home to the Lord Easter Monday
morning at 9:32am after a battle with lung cancer. We
celebrated his life and fifty years of priesthood as a Franciscan
in a memorial service Thursday afternoon, March 31, 2016.
Besides Fr. Jim and Fr. Stan there were twenty-five priests
concelebrating assisted by four deacons besides our own
Deacon Ben. There was standing room only in the church. A fine catered banquet
followed in our beautiful social hall. Fr. Ange served our parish for twenty-one
years: ten years as parochial vicar, eight years as our pastor, three years as pastor
emeritus. Fr Ange served twenty-one years at Franciscan University of
Steubenville, eight years as a missionary in the Amazon in Brazil. Fr. Stan
Holland, T.O.R. and Fr. Jim Angert, T.O.R. both lived with Fr. Ange at Franciscan
University in the 1970’s and ‘80’s and ‘90’s. He was a dear friend and brother to
us. Fr. Ange was Fr. Stan’s spiritual director who helped Fr. Stan discern his
vocation to the priesthood. Fr. Stan owes his Franciscan priesthood to Fr. Angelus.
Fr. Ange started life with great difficulty. He had polio as a child, spent some time
in an iron lung, had three major heart attacks, had prostate cancer, diabetes, and
eventually lung cancer. He said “If you want to live a long life, start out sick
because you will learn to take care of your health in later life. Fr. Ange celebrated
thousands of masses in three different languages, baptized thousands of babies,
married hundreds and hundreds of couples and, in effect, touched the hearts of us
all. He truly saw his role as spiritual father. May God grant him eternal rest, and
may perpetual light shine upon him.
As all of us are aware, Fr. Ange was an inspirational Franciscan Friar who was
a man of deep prayer. Everything he did began and ended in prayer. Jesus, Our
Glorious Lord, touched us thru him and his ministry. Fr. Ange would say often:
“I want to know Christ and experience the power that flows from His
Resurrection.” He now knows and experiences fully the Risen Lord. So long,
Fr. Ange. We will surely miss you. Until we meet again. God bless you.