Pdf PhotoShop CS3 L1
Pdf PhotoShop CS3 L1
Adobe Photoshop CS3 kmµviFI ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3 KWCakmµviFImYyEdlmankareBjniym bMputenAelIBiPBelakkñúgkarrcna rUbPaBRKb;Ebby:agdUcCa ÷ karEksMrlY BnøWkarbEnßmbnßyBN’elIrUbPaBsexµAeTACaBN_Fmµ Cati/ karrcnamUd: GkSr/ karbegáIt Cover (Ex: Book, Magazine, CD or VCD or DVD, Guide Book…) / karkat;t b¤Ekéqñrb U PaBbBa¢ÜneTAelIRbB½n§ Internet, TV, Karaoke tamTMrg;NamYy EdlGñkeBjcitþ.edaysarEtkmµviFIenHmanlkçN³TUlMTUlay Adobe Photoshop Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 1 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ehIygayRsYlsMrab;GñkeRbIR)as;kñúgkarEkéqñTMrg; rUbPaB b¤ GkSreTAtamtMrvU karrbs;xøÜn KYbpSMeTAnwgkar eBjniym kñúgeRbIR)as;enAtambNþaRkumh‘nu FM² nigeragBumÖeTotpg enaH Adobe Photoshop )anbegát I Version fµmI YyeTotKW Adobe Photoshop 10 EdlmanlkçN³xusEbøkBI Adobe Photoshop 10 eTAelIkareRbIR)as; Tools, Options and Interface mYycMnYn EdlmanlkçN³kan;EtgayRsYlsMrab;GñkeRbIR)as;. kñúgkareRbIR)as;sMrab; Version fµmI YyenH tMrvU eGayelak Gñkmanm:asInu EdlmankMlaMgmFümminTabeBkEdlnwgCMrujdl;ka rgar Design rbs;elakGñk RbRBwtþeTAedayPaBkk;ekþA nigrh½sbMput. sUmeFVIkarcab;epþImCamYyeyIg´ enAkñúgkmµviFI d¾ RbNitmYyenH¡ rebobdMeNIrkarkmµviFI ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 10 (CS3) edIm,IdMeNIrkarkmµviFI Adobe Photoshop 10 eyIgRtUv eFVI karGnuvtþn_tamviFsI a®sþdUcxageRkamenH 1. cucelI 2. eFIkV arrMkil Mouse eTArk Programs 3. cucelI Adobe Photoshop 10.0 Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 2 Adobe Photoshop CS3 elakGñkGacebIkkmµviFIenHtamviFImYyEdlmanRbsiT§PaBbMput KWcuc Start + Run rYcvayGkSr Photoshop . sUmemIlkarbgðajxageRkam ³ rebobbiTkmµviFI ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 10 (CS3) edIm,IcakecjBIkargar eRkayeBlEdlGñk)anbBa©b;kar Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 3 Adobe Photoshop CS3 rbs;GñkrYmral;ehIy GñkGaceFVkI arbiTkmµviFI rbs;GñkdUcteTAenH ÷ 1. cucelI File > Exit b¤cuc < Ctrl + Q > or < Alt + F4 > CakarRsac;. Design karENnaMeGaysÁal;BI]bkrN¾enAelI Toolboxes vamantYnaTIehA Layer edayeRbI mouse sþaM click eTAelI layer NamYyEdleyIgcg;)anehIycucykeQµaH EdlenAelIeK. eyIgGaceFVkI arpøas;bþÚrTItaMg ¬rMkli ¦. bBa¢ak;³ eyIgGacehA nigeFVkI arpøas;bþÚrTItaMgrbs; layer )an EtkñúgkrNIEdlrUbRtUv)aneKkat;ehIybegátI Ca layer rYc. Move tool : Ca]bkrN¾selectbYnRCug. eyIgGaceRbIvaGUseTAelIrbU PaBRtg;kEnøgNamYyEdleyIgcg;)an ehIyeRbI command Ctrl+C ¬kUBI¦ Ctrl+V (Paste)eTAelIpaÞ gM rUb PaBepSgeTot. Elliptical Marqueetool : Ca]bkrN¾selectmUlb¤BgRkeBI . xN³EdleyIgkMBugGUseTAelIpaÞ gM rUbPaBeyIgGaccuc Shift edIm,IeGay)anRTg; RTaymYymUl. Rectangular Marquee tool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 4 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Single Row Marquee tool : Ca]bkrN¾ Edl eyIgGac select begátI CataragCYrbnÞat;. Single Column Marquee : Ca]bkrN¾EdleyIgGac select begát I CataragxÞg;bnÞat;.eKeRbI]bkrN¾TaMgBIrenH edIm,IKYr begátI CataragTinñn½y. Lasso tool : Ca]bkrN¾ select eTAtamRTg;RTaygay². rebobeRbIKWeyIgRtUv clicke GayCab;eGayGUseTAtamragEdlcg; )an.kalNaeyIgElg click vanwgbegáIt select edaysVy½ Rbvtþi. Polygonal Lasso tool : Ca]bkrN¾selecttamcitþEdleyIg cg;)an.vamantYnaTIbegátI ExSrbnÞat;eFVCI a select . rebobeRbIKW eyIgGac click bnþbnÞab;eTAtamRTg;RTayénrUbPaBEdleyIgcg; )an.xN³EdlGñkcucxusTItaMgGñkGacdk;ExSrbnÞat;enaHecj)an edayeRbI Backspace or Delete . Magnetic Lasso tool : Ca]bkrN¾selecteTAtamRbePTBN_ Edlxusq¶ayBIBN_én background . rebobeRbIKWvanwgbegáItExSr bnÞab;qk;eTAtamBN_EdlEckdac;BéI pÞénrUbPaBEdlrUbenaHQrBI elI. Quick Select tool: Ca]bkrN_ select eTAtamtMbn;BN’ dUcKña . Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 5 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Ca]bkrN¾selecteTAtamRbePTBN_ Edl RsedogKña. viFeI RbI KWGñkGac click eTAelIBN_Nak¾eday EdlGñkcg;)anbnÞab;BeI naHvanwgcab;yk BN_Rtg;kEnøgepSg²eTot EdlRsedognigBN_EdlGñk)an click/EtRtg;cMnucenHfaetIvaRtUv ykBN_Edlxusticb¤eRcIn KWGaRs½yelI . srubmk³ ]bkrN¾EdleyIgeRbIedIm,Ibegát I Ca select KWman 3RkumEdlmankareRbIR)as;xus²Kña. b:Eu nþkg ñú enaHvak¾man Options mYycMnYnEdlmankareRbIR)as;dUcKñanwgbgðajeGayeyIg )aneXIj enAeBlEdlGñkyk]bkrN¾TaMgenaHmkeRbIeKehAvafa Options Bar. Magic Wand tool : sUmemIlkarerobrab;xageRkay³ Options of the Move tool and Selection tool: eyIgeRbIoptionenHedIm,IehA layer edaymincaM)ac;eRbI mouse sñaM. Show Bounding box : sMrab;bgðajcMnucBRgIk b¤bRgYmelI Layer NaEdleyIg)an ehAvamkeRbI. Align : KWCaEpñkmYyEdleyIgeRbIR)as;kúg ñ eKalbMNgtMrwm TisedA NamYy rbs; Layer eGaycMnucCak;lak;mYy ¬tMrwmcMkNþalxageFVg / xagsþaM/ xagelI / xageRkam>>> ¦. Auto Select Layer : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 6 Adobe Photoshop CS3 New selection : mantYnaTIbegátI select fµI nig pøas;bÁrÚþ TItaMg select mantYnaTIbEnßmselecteTAelIselect cas; Subtract from selection :mantYnaTIdkselectecjBI select Add to selection : cas; Intersect with selection : select Tuk Feather : select RBal Anti aliased : mantYnaTIkat;ykcMnucRbsBVén mantYnaTIeFVeI GayEKménrUbPaBEdleyIg)an mineGaymanPaBreqtrqUtenAelIépÞEKmén rUbEdl select GñkGac select )anedayesrI Fixed Aspect Radio : SelecteTAtamkarkMNt;GMBITMhM beNþay nigTTwg EdleGayb:nu Kña b¤xusKñab:nu µandg . Fixed Size :CatMélelxEdleyIg)ankMNt;BT I MhbM eNþay nigTTwgRsab; Width : kMlaMgqk;eTArkBN_ Tolerance :kMNt;tMélelxedIm,Icab;ykBN_EdlRsedog Kña Contiguous : qøg select eTArktMbn;EdlmanBN_dUcKña Normal : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 7 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Crop tool : Ca]bkrN¾selectkat;pþac;ykrUbPaBEdleyIg cg; )an. Ca]bkrN¾sMrab;BuHrUbPaBCabMENktUc². eFVEI bbenH vaCYydl;dMeNIrkarenAelIRbB½n§ Web-site (Internet) manel,ÓnkñúgkarbgðajrUbPaBeGayeyIg)aneXIjkan;Etqab;. Slice Select tool : Ca]bkrN¾selectykRbGb;slicenimYy² EdleyIg)anbegátI enAelIrUbPaB eday]bkrN¾ slicetool. Slice tool : Web page divided into slices: A. Image slice B. Layer-based slice C. No Image slice D. Slice that contains a rollover. Ca]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,IlubrUb EdlRbLak;eGayeTACarUbFmµtavij. Healing Brush tool :Ca]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,IbH: rUbPaBEdlman sñameRbHrEhkeGaymklkçN³edImvij . eyIgGaceRbI]bkrN¾ enHeTAtamrebobrbs;va edayRKan;Etcuc Alt + click EtmYymþg eTAelIcMnucmYyEdlGñkyl;fal¥ehIy click eTAelIcMnucEdl rEhk. Spot Healing Brush tool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 8 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Ca]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,IbH: rUbPaBEdlRbLak;sañ m edayeRbI select vij. viFeI RbIrbs;]bkrN¾enH KWeyIgGacKYs select eTAelItMbn;mYy EdleyIgcg;ykmkCMnYs rYccucTajvadak; s eTAelIkEnøgEdl mansñam . RedEye tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,IsMrab;dkEPñkRkhm EdlcaMgeday Flash Camara . Brush tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIKYsCa fill strokes . vaKYseTAtamBN_rbs; Foreground Color ¬BN_exµAxagelI¦.eyIgGacbegátI BN_edayxøÜnÉg )an edayRKan;EtcUlkñúgcMnuc Edit Menu > Define Brush Preset… . Pencil tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIKYsCa fill strokes Edr b:Eu nþmanlkçN³dit c,as;elIEKm strokes. vaKYseTAtamBN_rbs; Foreground Color¬BN_exµAxagelI¦ . Color Replacement tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,I pøas; bþÚr BN_EdleyIg)an select eGayeTACamYy nig BN_fmµI Yy eTot . Clone Stamp tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,IbH: nig bEnßmeTA elIrUbedIm. GñkGaceRbIvakñúgeKalbMNgb:HsñamGuc b¤rEhk b¤ Patch tool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 9 Adobe Photoshop CS3 bEnßmcMnucmYycMnYneTAelIrUbPaBedImk¾)an. viFeI RbIrbs; ]bkrN¾ enHKWGñkRtUvcuc Alt + Click eTAelIcMnucEdlGñkcg;)anCamunsin rYccaMcab;epþImKYsbEnßm eTAelIcMnucepSgeTot. Ca]bkrN¾EdlGac eGayeyIgKYs )anCaBN_KMrmY Yy. eyIgGaceRCIserIsykrUbKMrY (Pattern) mYyBI Pattern Libraries b¤k¾KMrEY dleyIg)anbegátI eday xønÜ Égk¾)an. GñkGac select Rtg;cMnucNa Edlcg;)anCaBN_KMrY rYccUlkñúg Edit Menu > Define Pattern... . Pattern Stamp tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsMrab;pat;rbU EdleyIg )anEkERb b¤bÚrþ BN_ eGaymkedImvij¬RtwmrUbEdleyIg)anebIk¦. Art History Brush tool :Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsMrab;pat;rUbEdl eyIg)anEkERb b¤brþÚ BN_ eGaymkedImvij ¬RtwmrUbEdleyIg)anebIk¦ b:Eu nþrUbmansPaBRbetkRbtakbnþic. Eraser tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsrM ab; lubrUbPaB. RbsinebI eyIglubelIBackground rUbPaB vaykBN_rbs; Background ColormkCMnYs EtebIlubelILayervalubpþac;BN_rbs;rUbPaBenaH. Background Eraser tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsMrab; lub Pixels ¬BN_¦ rbs; Layer eGayTACa Transparency edayGUs. HistoryBrushtool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 10 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ]bkrN¾enHlubEtenAelItMbn;EdlmanBN_Rsedog nwg cMnuc kNþalrbs; BrushEtb:eu NÑaHedayeyIgGac kMNt;PaKryeTAelI Tolerance . Magic Eraser tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsMrab; lubelIBN_rUb PaBEdlRsedogKña. enAeBlEdlGñk Click eTAelI Layer CamYy Magic Eraser ]bkrN¾enHvalubBN_Edl manlkçN³Rsedognwg cMnucEdl Gñk)an Click ehIyvalub BN_EdlRsedogenaH)antic b¤ eRcInGaRs½yeTAelI Tolerance . Gradient tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsrM ab; KYsBN_cMruH. Gñkcak;BN_eTAelItMbn;mYy)anedayeRbI Gradient tool cucGUs eTAelIrbU PaB. cMnuccab;epþImCakEnøgEdl)ancuc ehIycMnuccugeRkay CakEnøgEdlGñk)andk mouse ecj/ BN_ Gradient nigbgðajeTA tamkareRCIserIsRbePTBN_rbs;Gñk. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 11 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ecalBN_ecjCaExSRtg; Radial Gradient ecalBN_ecjCargVg;mUl Angle Gradient ecalBN_ecjRbRcasRTnicnaLikaredIr edaybgðajBN_Rtg;² Reflected Gradient: ecalBN_qøasRtLb;Bc I Mnuccab;epþIm Diamond Gradient : ecalBN_EdlmanRCugbYn Paint Bucket tool : Ca]bkrN¾cak;BN_ Foreground EdlRsedogeTAnwgBN_ EdlGñk)an Click . Blur tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsMrab; pat;eGayRsGab;/ RBil/ )at;sañ mRKab; Guc²elIrUbPaB. Linear Gradient Sharpen tool : Ca]bkrN¾eFVBI N_ eGayc,as; ¬bnSak;BN_¦. Ca]bkrN¾sMrab; TajBN_. ]bkrN¾enH cab;ykBN_ehIyTajeTAtamTwsedAEdl GñkGUs. Dodge tool : Ca]bkrN¾eGayBnøW b¤eFVIeGayseTAelIrb U PaB. Burn tool : Ca]bkrN¾eRbIsMrab; eFVB I N_eLIgRsKaM/ dwtc,as;Cagmunedayyk Mouse cucGUseTAelIrbU PaBenaH. Smudge tool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 12 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ]bkrN¾enHmantYnaTI pat;rbU PaBeLIg søkBN_ b¤ eFV[I eLIgBN_PøW² ¬Highlight¦ . RbsinebIGñkfitkñúg rUbPaB sexµA (Grayscale Mode) ]bkrN¾enHGactemøgI b¤bnßy Contrast)anedaykarpøas;bþÚr kMrt i BN_ Gray Level. Pen tool : GñkGacbegát I b¤ Ek sMrYlbnÞat;Rtg; ekag ehIy nwg KYrrUbPaBepSg² edayeRbI]bkrN¾ Pen . Pen tool GaceRbI edIm,IKYrCa Select Edlman lkçN³sµúksµajk¾)an. enAeBlEdl eyIg Click eyIg)an ExSbnÞat;Rtg;ehIyEKmRCug/ enAeBlEdl eyIgcucGUs eyIg)an ExSekagEKmmUl. Path KWCa line mYymaneTAedayExSbnÞat;ekagnigRtg; mYy b¤ eRcInCagenH. Anchor point bBa¢ak;eTAdl;cMnuccug bBa©b;én ExSbnÞat;. ebIenAelIExSrbnÞat;ekag/ selected anchor point nimYy² bgðaj[ eyIg)aneXIjnUv direction lines mYyb¤kB¾ Ir nig cMnuc direction point. TItaMgrbs; direction lines nig point kMNt;BTI MhnM igRTg;RTayénExSbnÞat;ekag. kalNaeyIgrMkli cMnuc TaMgGs;enH dUcCaeyIg)aneFVkI arpøas;bþrÚ RTg;RTayekagfµeI nAelI path enH. Sponge tool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 13 Adobe Photoshop CS3 A path A. Curved line segment B. Direction point C. Direction line D. Selected anchor point E. Unselected anchor point To draw straight segments ¦ Pointer Click : 1. ¬KYrExSRCugedayeRbI Pen Position the pen pointer where you want the straight segment to begin, and click to the first anchor point. 2. define Click again where you want the first segment of the straight line to end, or Shift-click to constrain the angle of the segment to a multiple of 45°. 3. Continue clicking to set anchor points for additional segments. The last anchor point is always a solid square, indicating it is selected. Previously defined anchor points become hollow squares as you add further anchor points. To draw a curve ¬KYrExSekagedayeRbI Pen Pointer Dragged GUs¦: You create curves by dragging the Pen tool in the direction you want the curve to go. Keep these guidelines in mind when drawing curves: Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 14 Adobe Photoshop CS3 - Always drag the first direction point in the direction of the bump of the curve, and drag the second direction point in the opposite direction to create a single curve. Dragging both direction points in the same direction creates an "S" curve. Drag in the opposite direction to create a smooth curve. Drag in the same direction to create an "S" curve. - When drawing a series of smooth curves, draw one curve at a time, placing anchor points at the beginning and end of each curve, not at the tip of the curve. - To decrease the file size and reduce the potential for printing errors, use as few anchor points as possible, and place them as far apart as possible. To draw a curve: 1. Position the pointer where you want the curve to begin, and hold down the mouse Write by Mr. VEASNA button. The first Page 15 Adobe Photoshop CS3 anchor point appears, and the pointer changes to an arrowhead. 2. Drag in the direction you want the curve segment to be drawn. As you drag, the pointer leads one of two direction points. Hold down the Shift key to constrain the tool to multiples of 45°, and release the mouse button once you have positioned the first direction point. The length and slope of the direction line determine the shape of the curve segment. You can adjust one or both sides of the direction line later. Drag in the direction of the curve to set the first anchor point. Drag in the opposite direction to complete the curve segment. 3. Position the pointer where you want the curve segment to end, and drag in the opposite direction to complete the segment. 4. Do one of the following: Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 16 Adobe Photoshop CS3 - To draw the next segment of a smooth curve, position the pointer where you want the next segment to end, and drag away from the curve. Drag away from the curve to create the next segment. - To change the direction of the curve sharply, release the mouse button, and then Alt- drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the direction point in the direction of the curve. Release Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and the mouse button, reposition the pointer where you want the segment to end, and drag in the opposite direction to complete the curve segment. - To break out the direction lines of an anchor point, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option- drag (Mac OS) the lines. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 17 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Alt-drag or Option-drag the direction point toward the curve. Release the key, and drag in the opposite direction. eyIgGacKYrCalkçN³ exµAéd edaycuc Mouse GUseTAtam TisedAEdlGñkcg;)an. m:üagvijeTot Magnetic Pen KWCa Optionrbs; Freeform Pen tool EdlGaceGayeyIgKYrCa ExSbnÞat;GUseTAtamEKmBN_én rUbPaB. Freeform Pen tool : mantYnaTIbEnßmcMnuc anchor eTAelIExSbnÞat; enAeBlEdlxVHxat. kalNaeyIgeFVI karpøas;brþÚ cMnuc anchor vanignaMExSeTACamYypgEdr. Add Anchor Point tool Write by Mr. VEASNA : Page 18 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Delete Anchor Point tool : mantYnaTIdkcMnuc anchor ecjBIExSbnÞat; EdleyIg)anKYrva Covert Point tool : mantYnaTIButelIRCug rbs; anchor point eGayRsYc)an ehIy GacTajRCugrbs; anchor point eGaymUlvij)an edaycuc ehIyGUseTAelI Corner point . Click and Drag direction point to break direction lines. Click to create a corner point. Drag to create a smooth point. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 19 Adobe Photoshop CS3 GñkGaceFVkI arpøas;brþÚ TItaMgrbs; Path )anedayeRbI]bkrN¾ Path Selection tool rYmTaMg Shape enAkñgú Shape Layer pgEdr. GñkGac select yk path ehIyGac Copy, Delete Paste, Removed b¤k¾paø s;bÚrþ RTg;RTayCafµ. I Custom Shape tool : enAeBlEdlGñkkMBugeRbI Custom Shape tool GñkGac eRCIserIsKMrYNamYyrbs; present shapes k¾)an ehIyGñk k¾GacSave shapes EdlGñk)anbegáIt TukenAkñgú present shapes EfmeTot. Save Custom Shapes : Gñk)anKUrUbmYyedayeRbI Pen tool ehIycucyk Edit > Define Custom Shapes . Path Selection tool : GñkGacvayCaGkSredk ¬BIeqVgeTAsþaM¦ b¤ GkSrbBaÄr¬BIelIeTAeRkam¦k¾)anvaGaRs½yeTA elIkareRCIserIs ]bkrN¾rbs;Gñk/Gñkk¾GacvayCaGkSr Point Type or Paragraph Type. Point Type mansar³sMxan;srM ab;vayCaGkSr Type tool : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 20 Adobe Photoshop CS3 mYyBaküb¤GkSrmYybnÞat;/ cMENkÉ Paragraph Type mansar³ sMxan;kgñú karerobcMGtßbTmYy b¤k¾eRcInCagenH. rebobvayGkSr Point Type : cucyk]bkrN¾ Horizontal Type tool b¤k¾ Vertical Type tool ehIycuceTAelIrbU PaB rYcvayGkSrtamEdl Gñkcg;)an. enAeBlEdlGñk)anbBa©b;karbBa©Úl nigEkGkSr GñkGaccuc Commit Button b¤cuc Ctrl + Enter. rebobvayGkSr Paragraph Type : cucyk]bkrN¾ Horizontal Type tool b¤k¾ Vertical Type tool ehIycucGUseTAelIrUbPaB edIm,IbegátI RbGb; sMrab;dak;GkSr. kñúgkarvayGkSrCa paragraph type Gac[ eyIgeFVkI arBRgIkbRgYm/ bgVli nigeFV[I eRTtTaMgRbGb;. Type mask tool : eRbIsMrab;begáItCaytYrGkS Select on Image enAeBlEdlGñkeRbI Horizontal Type Mask tool b¤ Vertical Type Mask tool / Gñk)anbegátI selectionmYyeTAtamRTg;RTay nigragrbs;GkSr/ Type Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 21 Adobe Photoshop CS3 )anbgðajenAelI Active layer ehIyGñkGac moved, copied, filled ehIydak; stroked dUc selection d¾éT²eTotEdr. Selections edIm,IbgðajBI Character Palette > cucyk Palette Button enAelI Option Bar - Font Family : taragbþrÚ tYGkSr - Font Style : eRCIserIsRbePTGkSrRkas(Bold), eRTt (Italic) - Font Size - Leading - Tracking - Horizontal TMhGM kSr : KnøatCYrGkSrnimYy² : KnøaténtYGkSrnimYy² or Vertical Scale : TMht M YGkSr : edk / bBaÄr - Baseline Shift Write by Mr. VEASNA : tRmwmTItaMgéntYGkSr Page 22 Adobe Photoshop CS3 5-point type with 6-point leading (left), and with 12-point leading (right) Default tracking (left), and tracking set to 350 (right) Default baseline shift (left), and baseline shift of 10 points (right) Example of type warped with Fish style To specify alignment: Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 23 Adobe Photoshop CS3 In the Paragraph palette or options bar, click an alignment option. The options for horizontal type are: Aligns type to the left, leaving the right edge of the paragraph ragged. Aligns type to the center, leaving both edges of the paragraph ragged. Aligns type to right, leaving the left edge of the paragraph ragged. The options for vertical type are: Aligns type to the top, leaving the bottom edge of the paragraph ragged. Aligns type to the center, leaving both the top and bottom edges of the paragraph ragged. Aligns type to bottom, leaving the top edge of the paragraph ragged. To specify justification for paragraph type: In the Paragraph palette, click a justification option. The options for horizontal type are: Justifies all lines except the last, which is left-aligned. Justifies all lines except the last, which is center-aligned. Justifies all lines except the last, which is right-aligned. Justifies all lines including the last, which is forcejustified. The options for vertical type are: Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 24 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Justifies all lines except the last, which is top-aligned. Justifies all lines except the last, which is center-aligned. Justifies all lines except the last, which is bottom-aligned. Justifies all lines including the last, which is forcejustified. eRbIsMrab;ftsMelgcMNaMenAelI Image ehIyk¾GaceRbIedIm,IvayCaGkSrcMNaMmYyenAelIrb U PaB. Eyedropper tool : eRbIsMrab;cMlgBN’enARtg; cMnucNamYy enAelI Image edaybgðajenA elI Foreground color . GñkGac emIlBt_manBN_d¾éTeTotenAelI Info > Windows>Info . Measure tool : C a]bkrN¾eRbIedIm,Ivas;maRtdæanrbs;rUb PaB. GñkGacdwgBI RbEvgbeNþay/ TTwg/ kMBs;/ Ggát;pit© / dWeRk (Degree). Count tool : Ca]bkrN_sMrab;cMnYn layer . Hand tool : eRbIedIm,Irk M ilrUbPaBemIl. xN³eBlEdl GñkkMBugeFVkI arenAelI]bkrN¾NamYyRbsinebIGñkcg;emIlrUbPaB enAkEnøgepSgeTot GñkcucelI Space Bar edIm,Iyk]bkrN¾ )atédmkeRbIbeNþaHGasnñ. Aannotation tools : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 25 Adobe Photoshop CS3 eRbIsMrab;BRgIkbRgÜm Screen rUbPaB (Zoom In or Zoom Out). GñkGaceRbI Command Ctrl (+) or Ctrl (-) edIm,IBRgIkbRgYm b¤GaceRbI Ctrl+Space Bar or Ctrl+Alt +Space Bar xN³EdlkMBugQrenAelI]bkrN¾epSg eTot. Zoom tool : rebobbegáIt BACKGROUND fµI 1. cucelI File menu bnÞab;mkyk New / Ctrl + N / Ctrl + Double Click 2. bnÞab;mkvanigbgðajtaragxageRkamenH Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 26 Adobe Photoshop CS3 3. rYckMNt;tamtMélelxtamrUbxagelIenH cuc OK rebobebIkrUbPaB 1. cuc File menu bnÞab;mkyk “Open” or < Ctrl + O> or < Double Click > 2. vanwgbgðajnUvtaragxageRkamenH eRCIserIsTItaMgEdleyIg)anrkSaÉksarenaHTuk ]TahrN_ ³ eyIgTukÉksarenaHenAkñgú Drive [D:] kñúg Folder [Samnang] dUecñHRtg; Look in RtUvyk D:\Samnag rYceFVIkareRCIserIsrUbPaBNamYyEdlGñkeBjcitþ bnÞab;mk Open 3. / Enter rebobbiTrUbPaB krNIEdlrUbPaBrbs;eyIgebIkEtmYy RbseyIgRtUv ³ Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 27 Adobe Photoshop CS3 cucelI File menu bnÞab;mkyk “Close”or < Ctrl +W>rUbeRcIn ehIycg;biTmþgTaMgGs; eyIgRtUv³ cucelI Windows menu Documents bnÞab;mkyk “Close All” or <Ctrl + Shift + W> rebobrkSarUbPaBTuk enAeBlEdlrUbPaBrbs;eyIgRtUv)aneFVIkarrcnarYcral;ehIy edIm,IrkSarUbPaBenaHTukeyIgRtUv ³ 1. cucelI File menu bnÞab;mkyk Save or < Ctrl + S > 2. bnÞab;mkeyIgnwgeXIjnUvtaragxageRkamenH ÷ 3. 4. vayeQµaHRtg; File name (Ex: Animal) bnÞab;mkeRCIserIs Folder EdleyIgRtUvTukrUbPaB Rtg; Save in (Ex: D:\Samnang\Animal) eFVkI arkMNt; Extension Rtg; Format (Ex: Photoshop (*.PDS, *.PDD) CaRbePT Extension rbs; Photoshop Edl pþl;GaTiPaB[eyIgeFVkI arEksMrlY )anenAeBleRkayeTot)an ). 6. cugbBa©b; eyIgcucelI “Save” b¤ “Enter” 5. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 28 Adobe Photoshop CS3 rebobrkSarUbPaBTuk edayEksMrYl eQµaH TItaMg nig Extension enAkñgú krNIEdlrUbPaBrbs;eyIgRtUv)an Design cb;sBVRKb;Gs; ehIyeyIgRtUvkarSavebBa©b;edayKµankarEksMrlY eTotb¤RtUvk¾yk rUbenaHbBa©Úlkñúg Diskette dUcenHeyIgRtUveFVIkarGnuvtþn_ dUcviFsI a®sþxageRkamenH ÷ 1. cucelI File Save As or < Shift + Ctrl + S > 2. bnÞab;mkeyIgnwgeXIjnUvtaragxageRkamenH ÷ 3. vayeQµaHRtg; File name bnÞab;mkeyIg Click elI Format yk JPEG or BMP ¬BMP manTMhMFMCag JPEG b:uEnþ rUbPaBc,as;l¥Cag ¦ . 5. eRCIserIs Folder EdlRtUvTukrUbPaB Rtg; Save in 4. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 29 Adobe Photoshop CS3 6. 7. cucelI Save or < Enter > bnÞab;mkvanwgbgðajtaragmYydUcxagenH eFVkI arkMNt; PaBc,as; nigTMhMrbs;rUbPaB Rtg; Quality edaykarEksMrYltMélelx 9. rYccuc OK b¤ < Enter > 8. rebobkat;rUbPaBmYyeTAdak;elIépÞ Background fµI sUmeFIkV arGnuvtþn_dUcxageRkam ³ 1. cucelI File Open or < Ctrl + O > or < Double Click Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 30 Adobe Photoshop CS3 2. eRCIserIsykrUbPaBNamYyEdlGñkeBjcitþ rUcebIkvaecj mk 3. sUmeFVkI arbegátI nUv Background fµmI Yy (File New or < Ctrl + N > ) eFVkI areRCIserIs]bkrN_ Custom Shape tool edIm,Ikat;CaragebHdUg elIrUbPaB 5. eFVkI arkMNt;tMélelxelI Feather edIm,I[CayCMvu ijén rUb PaBRBal 4. cucelI Move tool edIm,IelIkrUbPaB kñúgkrNIEdleyIgRtUvkarEksMrYlBRgIk b¤bRgYmrUbPaBeyIgRtUv ³ i. cucelI Edit Free Transform or < Ctrl + T > ii. vanwgbgðajrUbmYyenH 6. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 31 Adobe Photoshop CS3 iii. rYceFVIkarBRgIk b¤bRgYmrUbPaBenaH eTAtamtMrvU karrbs;Gñk kareRbIR)as; Transform ³ i. cucelI Edit Transform Scale : sMrab;BRgIk b¤bRgYmrUbPaBtamRCugnimYy² Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 32 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Rotation : sMrab;bgVilrUbPaB Skew : sMrab;TajrUbPaBtamRCugnimYy² tamTisRsb Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 33 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Distort : Perspective : Warp : sMrab;TajRCugénrUbPaBedayesrI sMrab;BRgIk b¤bRgYmrUbPaBtamTisRsbKña sMrab;TajrUbPaBeGaye)a:g Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 34 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Rotate 180° : sMrab;bgVilrUbPaBsßitkñúgmMu 180° Rotate 90° CW : sMrab;bgVilmMu 90° mksþaM Rotate 90° CCW : sMrab;bgVilmMu 90° mkeFVg Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 35 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Flip Horizontal : sMrab;RtLb;rUbPaBBIeFVgmksþaM Flip Vertical sMrab;RtLb;rUbPaBBIelIcuHeRkam : kareRbIR)as; Write by Mr. VEASNA Selection Page 36 Adobe Photoshop CS3 cuc Select Load Selection OK cuc Select Modify bMEbk Ca Select BIr Smooth : eFV[I RCugrbs; Select mUl Expend : BRgIk Select Contract : bRgÜm Select cuc Select Transform Selection eRbIsrM ab;eFVIkarBRgIk b¤bRgÜm Select Border : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 37 Adobe Photoshop CS3 rebobbMEbk Layer (Duplicate Layer) mann½ydUcKñanigBakü Copy Layer Edr b:Eu nþvamanlkçN³vayRsYlCag bnþci . CaTUeTA Duplicate Layer eRbIenAelI Layer Na EdleyIgkMBugeFVIkarelIva (Stand by) . rebobGnuvtþn_ ³ Duplicate Layer 1. Layer Duplicate Layer or < Alt + L + D > 2. vanwgbgðajnUvtaragxageRkamenH ÷ 3. kMNt;eQµaH[ Layer Rtg; As rYccuc OK Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 38 Adobe Photoshop CS3 reboblb; Layer 1. Layer Delete Layer Layer vanwgbgðajnUv Information mYyeTotedIm,IbBa¢ak;eyIgfa etIeyIgR)akdCalub b¤Gt; ? ebIgGñkR)akdCalubenaH RtUvcuc EtebIminR)akdeTRtUvcuc 2. rebobdak;s‘umelI Layer rbobènkardak;su‘m eKGacGnuvtþn_tamviFsI a®sþ 2 ya:gd¾samBaØ ³ 1- rbobdak;s‘um edayminGacEksMrYl)an ³ cucelI Edit Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 39 Adobe Photoshop CS3 eRCIserIsyk Stroke a. Width : b. Color : c. Inside : d. Center : e. Outside : Write by Mr. VEASNA kMNt;kMras;rbs;s‘um kMNt;BN’[s‘um s‘mu sßti enAxagkñúg Select s‘mu sßti enAkNþal Select s‘mu sßti enAxageRka Select Page 40 Adobe Photoshop CS3 eRCIserIsRbePTs‘mu g. Opacity : kMNt;PaBc,as; b¤RBal[s‘mu h. Preserve Transparency : bgðajs‘umedayman Select enABIelI Layer 2- rbobdak;s‘um edayGacEksMrYl)an ³ cucelI Layer yk Layer Style eRCIserIsyk Stroke f. Mode : vanwgbgðajnUvtaragdUcxageRkamenH ÷ Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 41 Adobe Photoshop CS3 eFVkI arkMNt;elI Option dUcxageRkam ³ Size : kMNt;kMras;rbs;s‘um Position : Outside : s‘mu CHecjeRkA Layer Inside : s‘mu CHecjcUlkñhú Layer Center : s‘m u CHecjBIkNþal Layer BlendMode:kMNt;RbePTBN’EdlRcbl;bBa©ÚlKñarbs;sm ‘u Opacity : kMNt;PaBRBal b¤ RsG½BÞrbs;sum‘ Fill Type : Color : Gradient Pattern New Style : BN’s‘mu mYyBN’ : BN’s‘mu manBN’cMruH : BN’s‘mu eRbIKMrUèpÞEdlmanRsab; kMNt;TMrg;èns‘mu bBa¢nÚ cUlkñgú Style rebobeRbIR)as;Rsemal RbePTRsemalenAkñgú Adobe Photoshop 10 RtUv)aneKkMNt;Ca 5 RbePT . rebobGnuvtþn_ ³ cuc Layer – Layer Style: Drop Shadow : RsemalFmµta Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 42 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Inner Shadow : Outer Glow : Inner Glow : Bevel and Emboss : 1. Drop Shadow - Blend Mode RsemalenAxagkñgú Layer RsemalCHecjeRkA Layer RsemalCHcUlkñúg Layer Rsemalpus m:UtRsemalFmµta Dissolve : m:UtRsemalFmµta Multiply : m:UtRsemaleRbIcMeBaHBN’EdlmanlkçN³cas; Screen : m:UtRsemaleRbIcMeBaHBN’EdlmanlkçN³Rsal Overlay : m:UtRsemalERbRbYleTAtamBN’èn Background Opacity : PaBPøWc,as; b¤RsG½BÞrbs;Rsemal Angle : sMrab;bgVilmMurbs;Rsemal Use Global Light : sMrab;P¢ab;Rsemalén LayerseRcInbBa©ÚlKña Distance : KMlatrvagRsemal nig Layer Spread : kMrasRsemal Normal : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 43 Adobe Photoshop CS3 kMriténRsemalCHRBal Contour : lkçxNÐbEnßmBiesssMrab;RbePTRsemal Noise : kMriténPaBEbbrbs;Rsemal 2. Inner Shadow manlkçN³dUcDropShadow Edr . Size : 3. Outer Glow - Technique Softer Precise Range kMNt;[RsemalCHecjBIépÞkNþalén Layer : kMNt;[RsemalCHeTAtamTMrg;én Layer : BnøéW nRsemalc,as; b¤minc,as; : Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 44 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Jitter Color : sMrab;eFVI[RsemalEbb ¬eRbIcMeBaH Gradient ¦ Detail of Layer Style dialog box for Drop Shadow effect: A. Click to display the Contour Editor dialog box B. Click to display the pop-up palette 4. Inner Glow - Source Center Edge RsemalCHBIkNþalecjeRkA : RsemalCHBIEKmcUlkñg ú : 5. Bevel and Emboss - Style Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 45 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Outer Emboss Inner Emboss Emboss Pillow Emboss Stroke Emboss - Technique Smooth pusCHRBal : pusCHRkas; : pusCHesþIg : Chisel Hard Chisel Soft - pusCHecjeRkA : pusCHcUlkñg ú : pusCHecjeRkApg - cUlkñúgpg : pusRTut : puss‘¿u (Stroke) : Direction pusCHecjeRkA Layer Down : pusCHelI Layer Highlight Mode : RsemalenAEpñkxagelI ¬RsemalTImYy¦ Shadow Mode : semalenAEpñkxageRkam ¬RsemalTIBrI ¦ Up : karsikSaeTAelIEpñkbEnßmrbs; Write by Mr. VEASNA Layer Style Page 46 Adobe Photoshop CS3 enAkñgú kareRbIR)as;nUv Layer Style manEpñkmYycMnYneTot EdlmanlkçN³xusEbøkBIRsemal EdlenAkñgú enaHrYmman ³ Satin Color Overlay Gradient Overlay and Stroke kareRbIR)as ; Satin: eRbIsMrab;dak;BN’m:dæ ehIyrelIbeTAelI Layer Normal Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 47 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Using Satin style kareRbIR)as; Color Overlay: eRbIsMrab;dak;BN’ mYyBN’eTAelI Layer eRbIsMrab;dak;BN’cMrHu eTAelI Layer kareRbIR)as; Gradient Overlay: kareRbIR)as; Pattern Overlay: eRbIsrM ab;dak;KMrUépÞ eTAelI Layer Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 48 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Illustration of a layer without a style Illustration of a layer with a style rebobpÁMú Layer bBa©ÚlKña eyIgmanviFsI a®sþénkarpÁúM bBa©ÚlKña 2 ya:gKW ³ viFIsa®sþTI 1 A. sresrGkSr B. yk Layer 1 mkdak;BIelItYGkS C. cuc Layer Group with Pervious or “Ctrl + G” D. eBlenaHeyIg nwgeXIj Layer cUl Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 49 Adobe Photoshop CS3 eTAkñgú tYGkSedaysV½yRbvtþi Clipping group with Layer 1 and lion layers rkSasiTie§ day mCÄmNÐlCMnajkMuBüÚT½r)ak;TUk i. ii. viFIsa®sþTI 2 sresrGkS bMEpøgtYrGkS[eTACa Layer ( Layer Resterize Type or Layer) iii. cuc Select Load Selection OK Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 50 Adobe Photoshop CS3 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. sUmeFVkI arebIkyknUvrUbPaBNamYyEdlGñkeBjcitþ cuc Select All or “Ctrl + A” cuc Edit Copy or “Ctrl + C” RtLb;mkkan;tYrGkSEdlelakGñk)an Load Selection rYm cuc Edit Past into or “Shift + Ctrl + V” ix. eRkayBI)aneFVkI arbBa©ÚlrUbPaBeTAkñúgtYrGkSrYc eyIgRtUveFVIkarpÁúM Layers TaMgBIr[cUl KñaeTot edayeyIgcuc Layer Merge Down or “Ctrl + E” . rebobdak;RBHGaTitüenAelI Write by Mr. VEASNA Layer Page 51 Adobe Photoshop CS3 1. 2. 3. 4. cucenAelI File Open or “Ctrl + O” eRCIsykrUbeTsPaB rYccuc Open cucyk Filter yk Render yk Lens flare bnÞab;mkeyIgeXIjnUvtaragdUcxageRkamenH eRbIsMrab;EksMrlY BnørW bs;RBHGaTitü 6. sBaØa + EdlenAcMkNþalénRBHGaTitü KWCaTItaMgEdlGac[eyIgbMlas;bÚrþ TIkEnøg)an 5. Brightness: 7. Lens Type: CakEnøgEdlpþl;GaTiPaB[eyIgeRCIserIsRbePTénRBHGaTitü 8. cucyk OK rkSasiTie§ day mCÄmNÐlCMnajkMuBüÚT½r)ak;TUk rebobdak;RBHc½neÞ nAelI Write by Mr. VEASNA Layer Page 52 Adobe Photoshop CS3 4. ucelI File Open or “Ctrl + O” erIsykrUbeTsPaB rYccuc Open cucelI Filter Render Lighting Effect ehIyeyIgnigeXIjnUvtaragdUcxageRkamenH 5. Style: 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. CakEnøgsMrab;eFVVkI areRCIserIsRbePTénBnøeW PøIg Light Type: RbePTénkaMBnøEW dleFVk I arCHRsemal bEnßm bnßy BnøW rYcehIycucRbGb;BN’ edIm,IbþÚrBN’RBHc½nÞ rYccuc OK 8. eBlenaHRBHc½nÞd¾Rss;sa¥ t)aneFVrI cY CasaßBr . rebobdak;xül;[rsat;RBal² nigdak;TwkKYc 1. 2. cucelI File Open or “Ctrl + O” ykrUbeTsPaBEdlmanTwk Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 53 Adobe Photoshop CS3 3. 4. cucelI Filter Stylize/ Wind eyIgnwgeXIjnUvtaragmYydUcbgðajCUnxageRkamenH RbGb; Method: - Wind KWrsat;eTAeqVgbnþci ¬Fmµta¦ - Blast KWrsat;eTAeqVglµm ¬mansPaBc,as;¦ - Stagger KWrsat;eTAeqVgxøaMg ¬RBal²dUcCaxül;bk;¦ RbGb; Direction: - From the left KWrsat;eTAeqVg - From the right KWrsat;eTAsþaM 5. rYccuc OK 6. ebIcg;eGayvarsat;kan;EtxøaMgeLIg² enaHKWeyIgRKan;Etcuc “Ctrl + F” edIm,Idak;TwkKYceyIgRtUvyk “Elliptical Toll” GUsenAkEnøgEdlmanTwk 8. cucelI Filter Distort Twirl 7. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 54 Adobe Photoshop CS3 9. rYceyIgnwgeXIjnUvtaragmYydUcbgðajCUnxagRkamenH ³ eFVIkarEksMrYlnUvrgVg;énTwk Twktic b¤xøagM GaRs½y eTAelItMélelx 11. rYccuc OK CakareRsc 12. eBlenaHeyIgnigeXIjrUbPaBrbs;eyIgmansPaBRBal² nigmanTwkKYcehIy . rkSasiTi§eday mCÄmNÐlCMnajkMuBüÚT½r)ak;TUk 10. Angle: rebobeFVI Layer or Background mansPaBe)a:g b¤ pt 2. cucelI File menu yk Open ykrUbPaBGVkI )¾ an rYccuc Open 3. Filter / Distort / Spherize 4. rYcvanwgbgðajnUvtaragmYydUcxageRkamenH 1. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 55 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ebIcg;eGayvae):agRtUvcucRbGb; Amount rYcvaytMélelx viC¢man EtebIcI g;eGayvasMEb:tRtUv RtUvV aytMélelxGviC¢man . 6. cuckñgú RbGb; Mode dak; Horizontal Only ebIcg;eGaysMEb:txøaMg b¤ exSayvayelxcUlkñúg RbGb; Amount 7. ebIcg;eGayvaetOcuckñúgRbGb; Mode dak; Veritical only ebIcg;eGayetOxøaMg b¤ exSayvay elxcUlRbGb; Amount 8. rYccuc OK ¬bBa©ak;ebIeyIgeFVeI lIGkSr KWdUcKñaTaMgGs; ¦ 9. eBlenaHrUbrbs;eyIgeFVcI b;CasßaBr . 5. rebobeFVIGkSrpustamépÞén Background 1. 2. 3. cucelI File menu yk Open ykrUbPaBGVkI )¾ an rYccuc Open cucelI Horizontal Type Mask tool Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 56 Adobe Photoshop CS3 4. 5. 6. rYcsresrGkSenAelIrbU PaBrbs;eyIg cucelIsBaØa edIm,Icakecj cuc Layer New Adjustment Layer Levels Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 57 Adobe Photoshop CS3 7. cuc OK cuc OK 9. enAeBlEdleyIgcuc OK rYcGkS Select rbs;eyIgRtUv)an)at; eday)ankøayxønÜ Ca Layer Level edaybgðajenAkñgú Layer Box 10. cuc Layer Layer Style Bevel and Emboss 8. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 58 Adobe Photoshop CS3 sUmeFVkI arEksMrYlRbePTRsemalpusedayxøÜnÉg rYc OK CakaeRsc . 11. rebobbegáItGkSr\dæ nig GkSrt,aj GkS\dæ 1. 2. begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) cucelI rYcsresr Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 59 Adobe Photoshop CS3 3. bnÞab;mkRtUvcuc Filter Texture Texturizer 4. cuc OK edIm,IbEM pøgtYGkS[eTACa Layer Texture : Scaling : Relief : sMrab;bþÚrm:Ut\dæ sMrab;bÚþrTMhMrbs;\dæ sMrab;eFVIm:tU rbs; Texture [kan;EtRkas; b¤esþIg Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 60 Adobe Photoshop CS3 TisedAénBnøeW TAelI Texture Invert : bþrÚ TisedAbRBa©as;KñaeTAelI Texture 5. cuc OK CakareRsc sMKal; ³ kñúgkrNIEdleyIgRtUvkarykrUbPaBmYyeTAdak;enAkñgú épÞrbs; Background ¬rUbPaBTaMgenaHRtUv Etman Extension PSD ¦ eyIgRtUv ³ A. begát I New Background mYy B. cuc Filter Texture Texturizer cucRtg;sBaØa eRCIserIsyk Load Texture Light Direction : C. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 61 Adobe Photoshop CS3 D. eFVkI areRCIserIsrUbPaBNaEdlman Extension PSD rYccuc Open E. vanwgbgðajTMrg;dUcxageRkam ³ F. cuc OK CakareRsc GkSrEdk Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 62 Adobe Photoshop CS3 1. 2. 3. begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) cucelI rYcsresr bnÞab;mkRtUvcuc Filter EyeCandy 4000 Chrome Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 63 Adobe Photoshop CS3 4. cuc OK edIm,IbEM pøgtYGkS[eTACa Layer Bevel Width (inches) : 5. TMhCM YredkGkSrEdk Bevel Height Scale (inches) : TMhC M YrQrGkSrEdk Smoothness : eFVeI Gaysac;GkSrEdkrlUnrWragmUl Ripple ThicknesseFVeI GayGkSrEdkGgáaj;²ragdUcTwkrlk Ripple Width (inches) : RbEvgGgáaj;²rbs;GkSrEdk bnÞab;BeI FVkI arEksMrlY rYcmk sUmcucelI OK CakareRsc rebobbegáItm:Ut Background edayeRbIR)as; KPT6 Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 64 Adobe Photoshop CS3 2. begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) cuc Filter KPT6 KPT SkyEffects 3. eFVkI arEksMrYlm:tU enARtg; rYceFVIkareRCIserIsm:tU bnþeTot 1. eFVkI areRCIserIsm:tU eTAtamtMrvU kar ¬sMrab;karbk Rsay Bisþar sUmeFVIkarsikSaeTAelI emeron Plug-ins bEnßm¦ rYccuc OK 4. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 65 Adobe Photoshop CS3 RbsinebIeyIgKitfam:tU mYyNasmrmüsMrab;eyIgehIyenaH RtUvcuc OK CaelIkcugeRkay 5. rebobbegáItm:Ut Background edayeRbIR)as; KPT Effect begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) 4. cuc Filter KPT effects KPT Gradient Lab 3. 5. eFVkI arEksMrYlm:tU enARtg; rYceFVIkareRCIserIsm:tU bnþeTot Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 66 Adobe Photoshop CS3 6. eRkayBIkareRCIserIsrYcral;ehIy RtUvcucelIsBaØa rYceFVIkarEksMrlY m:UtbnþeTot 7. RbsinebIeyIgKitfam:t U mYyNasmrmüsMrab;eyIgehIyenaH RtUvcucsBaØa CaelIkcugeRkay sMKal; ³ eyIgk¾GacbegátI Background )anmYyEbbeTotEdr KW ³ A. cucelI Filter KPT effects KPT Scatter Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 67 Adobe Photoshop CS3 B. eFVkI areRCIserIsm:tU enARtg; rYceFVIkareRCIserIsbnþ cucelI edIm,ITTYlyk nigcakecj cugeRkaybMputenaH RtUveFVkI arEksMrlY Rtg; Column Select rYccuc C. CakareRsc rebobdak;s‘umGKiÁsnI Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 68 Adobe Photoshop CS3 begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) 9. cucelI File menu yk Open or Ctrl + O 10. ykrUbPaBGVk I )¾ an rYccuc Open 11. Select Rtg;kEnøgNaEdlRtUvkardak; rYcTajmkdak;enAelI New Background 12. cucelI Filter Xenofex 1.1 Electrify 8. 13. eFVkI arkMNt; b¤eRCIserIsRbePTrbs;su‘meTAtamtMrvU karrbs;Gñk Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 69 Adobe Photoshop CS3 14. rYccucelIsBaØa yl;RBmnwgcakecj rebobdak;rnÞHenAelIépÞrUbPaB 1. 2. 3. cucelI File menu yk Open or Ctrl + O ykrUbPaBGVkI )¾ an rYccuc Open cucelI Filter Xenofex 1.1 Lightning Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 70 Adobe Photoshop CS3 bnÞab;mksUmGñkeFVkI arkMNt;TMrg; b¤eRCIserIsm:tU EdlmanRsab;enARtg; Setting 4. 5. rYccucelIsBaØa yl;RBmnwgcakecj rebobbegáItRKab;)al; b¤ RKab; 6. 7. Snooker begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) cucelI Elliptical Marquee Tool rYcKUsenAelI Background 8. begátI Layer fµI (Layer New Layer or “Shift + Ctrl + N”) Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 71 Adobe Photoshop CS3 cak;BN’NamYyEdlGñkeBjcitþ eTAelI Select 10. cuc Select Modify Expend edIm,IBRgIk Select [FMCagmunbnþci 9. 11. cuc Filter KPT 3.0 KPT Glass Lens 3.0 Write by Mr. VEASNA sMrab;EksMrYl Mode rbs;)al; sMrab;EksMrYl BN’bEnßmBIelI Mode Page 72 Adobe Photoshop CS3 sMrab;EksMrYlPaBc,as;rbs;rUbPaB (Opacity) cucsBaØaBN’ébtg EdltMNag[ OK ¬BN’RkhmtMNag[ Cancel ¦ 12. rebobdak;tYGkSr b¤ 1. 2. 3. 4. Background m:UteQI begátI Background fµmI Yy (File New or “Ctrl + N”) sresrGkSrNaEdlGñkRtUvkar cucelI Filter EyeCandy 4000 Wood cucelI Button OK edIm,IbEM pøgtYGkSr[eTACa Layer Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 73 Adobe Photoshop CS3 eFVkI arEksMrYlm:tU eTAtamtMrvU karrbs;Gñk (sMrab;karbkRsayBisþar sUmeFVk I arsikSaelI Plug-In bEnßm) 6. rYccuc OK CakareRsc 5. rebobeRbIR)as; File browser Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 74 Adobe Photoshop CS3 nigbgðajGñknUvTMrg;rbs;rUbPaB / erobcMrbU PaBtamlMdab; nig Image Files . File Browser rW Bridge )anpþl;[GñkpgEdr nUvkarbegát I Folders fµI / karbþrÚ eQµaH / karbMlas;TI nigkarlub rUbPaB ehIynigkarbgVli rUbPaB . File Browser A. The Look In Menu B. The Metadata Panel Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 75 Adobe Photoshop CS3 C. The Shortcuts Buttons D. The Content Area To start and quit Bridge, and to return to an application Do any of the following: To open Bridge from an application, choose File > Browse from your application. (Windows) To open Bridge directly, choose Adobe Bridge from the Start menu. (Mac OS) To open Bridge directly, double-click the Adobe Bridge icon . By default, this is located in the Applications/Adobe Bridge folder. To quit Bridge, choose File > Exit (Windows) or Bridge > Quit Bridge (Mac OS). To return to the last open application that started Bridge, choose File > Return To [Application]. To create and close Bridge windows Do one of the following: Choose File > New Window to create a full-size Bridge window. Choose File > Close Window. In Windows, this command quits Bridge as well. To view file and folder thumbnails in Bridge Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 76 Adobe Photoshop CS3 The content area of Bridge displays thumbnails of the files and folders of the selected folder, along with information about them (depending on your view). You can specify how you want files and folders are displayed in the content area; for instance, you can decide how big thumbnails should be, how they should appear, and whether file information should be displayed. Do any of the following: Drag the Thumbnail slider at the bottom of the Bridge window to adjust the size of thumbnails. You can also click the buttons at either side of the Thumbnail slider to minimize or maximize the thumbnails. Click the Thumbnail View button at the bottom of the Bridge window or choose View > As Thumbnails to display items in a grid. Click the Filmstrip View button or choose View > As Filmstrip to display thumbnails in a scrolling list along with an extra-large thumbnail of the currently selected item. Click the Back button or Forward button directly below the extra-large thumbnail to go to the previous or next thumbnail. Click the Switch Filmstrip Orientation button to change from a horizontal slide show to a vertical one. Note that you can page through a PDF preview in Filmstrip view. Click the Details View button or choose View > As Details to display a scrollable list of thumbnails along with information about the selected file, such as its creation date, file type, pixel size, and file size. For Version Cue files, there is additional information about the number of versions or alternates as well as enhanced status information along with the current version comment. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 77 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Click the Versions And Alternates View button or choose View > As Versions And Alternates to display a scrollable list of thumbnails along with thumbnails of any Version Cue alternates and versions for each item. (Only the current file appears unless you have created an alternates group containing the file or created previous versions of the file.) Click Alternates View or Versions View at the top right of the content area to display thumbnails of alternates or versions. In Alternates View, you can also create alternates groups containing files that are not in the current folder. Choose View > Show Thumbnail Only to view thumbnails without any text information listed. However, Version Cue tool tips still display Version Cue information when you position the pointer over the thumbnail. Choose View > Slideshow to view thumbnails as a slide show that takes over the entire screen. This is a quick and easy way to display and work with large versions of all the graphics files in a folder. Instructions on how to use the slide show are displayed on the screen when you choose this command. To navigate folders and files with Bridge Do any of the following: Select the Folders panel and click to select the folder you want. Click the plus sign (Windows) or triangle (Mac OS) next to a folder or double-click the folder to open subfolders within it. Select the Favorites panel and click to select the folder you want. Choose a folder from the Look In menu. You can click the Go Back button, Go Forward button, or Go Up button next Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 78 Adobe Photoshop CS3 to the menu to navigate within the current folder listed in the menu. To select files in Bridge Before you can work with a file, you need to select it. You can select more than one file at a time. Do one of the following in the current folder: Click the thumbnail of a file. To select contiguous files, Shift-click them. To select noncontiguous files, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) them. To select all the files, choose Edit > Select All. To select all labeled files, choose Edit > Select Labeled. To select all unlabeled files, choose Edit > Select Unlabeled. To select the opposite of the current selection, choose Edit > Invert Selection. To deselect all selected files, choose Edit > Deselect All. To open files in Bridge You can open files in Bridge, even files that were not made with Adobe Creative Suite applications. Select the file in the current folder. Do one of the following: Choose File > Open. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS). Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 79 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Double-click the file in the content area or Preview panel. Choose File > Open With, followed by the name of the application with which to open the file. Drag the file into the working area of an application, such as an open Illustrator document. Drag the file onto the application icon. Choose File > Open With Camera Raw to edit the Adobe camera raw settings for the file. To rotate images with Bridge You can rotate the view of JPEG, PSD, TIFF, and camera raw file images in Bridge. Rotating an image in Bridge may rotate it in the application in which it was created as well. Rotating does not affect the data in the image file. Select one or more images in the content area. Do one of the following: To rotate the images 90° clockwise, click the Rotate 90° Clockwise button or choose Edit > Rotate 90° Clockwise. To rotate the images 90° counterclockwise, click the Rotate 90° Counterclockwise button or choose Edit > Rotate 90° Counterclockwise. To rotate the image 180°, choose Edit > Rotate 180°. To work with the cache in Bridge The cache stores thumbnail, metadata, and file information to shorten loading times when you return to a previously Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 80 Adobe Photoshop CS3 viewed folder. However, storing the cache takes up disk space. Note: Purging the cache deletes the metadata cache and thumbnail cache. If the metadata can’t be written to a file, label and rating information is lost as well. Choose any of the following commands from the Tools > Cache submenu: Build Cache For Subfolders Builds, as a background process, a cache for the selected folder and all the folders within it (except aliases/shortcuts to other folders), shortening the time spent waiting for the cache to be displayed as you look in subfolders. Purge Cache For This Folder Clears the cache for the selected folder. This command is useful if you suspect that the cache for a folder is old and needs to be regenerated. Purge Central Cache Clears the entire centralized cache and any distributed cache in the currently viewed folder, freeing room on the hard drive. The command does not otherwise clear local caches. Export Cache Exports the cache, allowing you to burn a CD with the cache already generated. Because the folder cache is written into the folder, the thumbnail cache and metadata cache are available after you burn the CD. This option is active only if you chose Use A Centralized Cache File in the Preferences dialog box. karsikSaeTAelIRbePTrbs;BN’ RGB Color mode Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 81 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Photoshop’s RGB Color mode uses the RGB model, assigning an intensity value to each pixel. In 8bits-perchannel images, the intensity values range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each of the RGB (red, green, blue) components in a color image. For example, a bright red color might have an R value of 246, a G value of 20, and a B value of 50. When the values of all three components are equal, the result is a shade of neutral gray. When the values of all components are 255, the result is pure white; when the values are 0, pure black. RGB images use three colors, or channels, to reproduce colors on-screen. In 8bits-per-channel images, the three channels translate to 24 (8 bits x 3 channels) bits of color information per pixel. With 24bit images, up to 16.7 million colors can be reproduced. With 48bit (16bits-per-channel) and 96bit (32bits-per-channel) images, even more colors can be reproduced. In addition to being the default mode for new Photoshop images, the RGB model is used by computer monitors to display colors. This means that when working in color modes other than RGB, such as CMYK, Photoshop interpolates the CMYK image to RGB for display onscreen. Although RGB is a standard color model, the exact range of colors represented can vary, depending on the application or display device. Photoshop’s RGB Color mode varies according to the working space setting that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box. Note: ImageReady uses only the RGB mode to work with images. CMYK Color mode Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 82 Adobe Photoshop CS3 In the CMYK mode, each pixel is assigned a percentage value for each of the process inks. The lightest (highlight) colors are assigned small percentages of process ink colors; the darker (shadow) colors higher percentages. For example, a bright red might contain 2% cyan, 93% magenta, 90% yellow, and 0% black. In CMYK images, pure white is generated when all four components have values of 0%. Use the CMYK mode when preparing an image to be printed using process colors. Converting an RGB image into CMYK creates a color separation. If you start with an RGB image, it’s best to edit first in RGB and then convert to CMYK at the end of your process. In RGB mode, you can use the Proof Setup commands to simulate the effects of a CMYK conversion without changing the actual image data. You can also use CMYK mode to work directly with CMYK images scanned or imported from high-end systems. Although CMYK is a standard color model, the exact range of colors represented can vary, depending on the press and printing conditions. Photoshop’s CMYK Color mode varies according to the working space setting that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box . Lab Color mode The Lab Color mode has a lightness component (L) that can range from 0 to 100. In the Adobe Color Picker, the a component (green-red axis) and the b component (blueyellow axis) can range from +127 to –128. In the Color palette, the a component and the b component can range from +127 to –128. Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 83 Adobe Photoshop CS3 You can use Lab mode to work with Photo CD images, edit the luminance and the color values in an image independently, move images between systems, and print to PostScript Level 2 and Level 3 printers. To print Lab images to other color PostScript devices, convert to CMYK first. Lab images can be saved in Photoshop, Photoshop EPS, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop PDF, Photoshop Raw, TIFF, Photoshop DCS 1.0, or Photoshop DCS 2.0 formats. You can save 48‑ bit (16‑ bits-per-channel) Lab images in Photoshop, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop PDF, Photoshop Raw, or TIFF formats. Note: The DCS 1.0 and DCS 2.0 formats convert the file to CMYK when opened. Lab color is the intermediate color model Photoshop uses when converting from one color mode to another. Bitmap mode Bitmap mode uses one of two color values (black or white) to represent the pixels in an image. Images in Bitmap mode are called bitmapped 1‑ bit images because they have a bit depth of 1. Grayscale mode Grayscale mode uses different shades of gray in an image. In 8‑ bit images, there can be up to 256 shades of gray. Every pixel of a grayscale image has a brightness value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white). In 16 and 32‑ bit images, the number of shades in an image is much greater than in 8‑ bit images. Grayscale values can also be measured as percentages of black ink coverage (0% is equal Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 84 Adobe Photoshop CS3 to white, 100% to black). Images produced using black-andwhite or grayscale scanners typically are displayed in Grayscale mode. Although Grayscale is a standard color model, the exact range of grays represented can vary, depending on the printing conditions. In Photoshop, Grayscale mode uses the range defined by the working space setting that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box. These guidelines apply to converting images to and from Grayscale mode: You can convert both Bitmap mode and color images to grayscale. To convert a color image to a high-quality grayscale image, Photoshop discards all color information in the original image. The gray levels (shades) of the converted pixels represent the luminosity of the original pixels. You can mix information from the color channels to create a custom grayscale channel by using the Channel Mixer command. When converting from grayscale to RGB, the color values for a pixel are based on its previous gray value. A grayscale image can also be converted to a CMYK image (for creating process-color quadtones without converting to Duotone mode) or to a Lab color image Why colors sometimes don’t match No device in a publishing system is capable of reproducing the full range of colors viewable to the human eye. Each Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 85 Adobe Photoshop CS3 device operates within a specific color space which can produce a certain range, or gamut, of colors. A color model determines the relationship between values, and the color space defines the absolute meaning of those values as colors. Some color models have a fixed color space (such as Lab) because they relate directly to the way humans perceive color. These models are described as being device-independent. Other color models (RGB, HSL, HSB, CMYK, and so forth) can have many different color spaces. Because these models vary with each associated color space or device, they are described as being devicedependent.Because of these varying color spaces, colors can shift in appearance as you transfer documents between different devices. Color variations can result from differences in image sources (scanners and software produce art using different color spaces); brands of computer monitors; the way software applications define color; print media (newsprint paper reproduces a smaller gamut than magazine-quality paper); and other natural variations, such as manufacturing differences in monitors or monitor age. Color gamuts of various devices and documents A. Lab color space B. Documents (working space) C. Devices Write by Mr. VEASNA Page 86
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