DEC 2015 - St. Timothy Lutheran Church


DEC 2015 - St. Timothy Lutheran Church
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
Worship with us
Christmas Eve
Thursday, Dec. 24
Family Worship and
Children’s Service
4:30 p.m.
Candlelight Worship
Advent Taize Service with Labyrinth
Peace is an elusive experience for most of us. It is hard to know
what it is, let alone how to find it.
During the busy season of Advent, when we all need to slow
down and find some peace, we invite you on Tuesday, December 1
to a special Taize service at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We
will be using the traditional service from Taize, France along with
an opportunity to walk our labyrinth.
Taize worship can best be described as a meditative prayer service where we sing uncomplicated, repetitive songs allowing the
mystery of God to become tangible through the beauty of simplicity. They express a basic reality of faith that can be quickly grasped
and penetrates the soul.
A labyrinth is a meditation tool that consists of a walkable single line path and can be a source of solace and comfort. It can be
used as a creative or spiritual tool. At its most basic level the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the center of your deepest
self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding
of who you are and how God is with you. The labyrinth has helped
many to discover spiritual meaning or find inspiration.
We hope the evening leads you on the pathway to peace as you
journey with Christ this Advent season and beyond. No matter
what else you are preparing for this busy time of year, prepare a
way to come home and find some peace.
7:30 & 10:00 p.m.
(Childcare is available at
4:30 and 7:30 services)
Christmas Day
Friday, Dec. 25
Worship – 9:30 a.m.
Saturday, Dec. 26
No service
Sunday, Dec. 27
Worship – 9:30a.m.
Lessons and Carols
(Note: only one service AND
NO Sunday school)
Holy Communion will be
celebrated at all services
December 2015
Page 2 ___________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Will there be room?
Pr. Daniel Morris
Swimming in darkness,
A beating heart,
Unsteady hoof beats,
There is no room.
Emperor Augustus,
Royal decree,
“Go to your home town.”
There is no room.
Out on a journey,
Homeland behind,
God goes before them,
There is no room.
Travel worn strangers,
Tired in soul,
Loadbearing donkey,
There is no room.
Many the travelers,
Few are the inns,
Rest for the stranger,
There is no room.
Feet that are aching,
Backs that are sore,
Baby is kicking,
There is no room.
Centuries later,
Syria burns,
People are fleeing,
Will there be room?
A stable will do,
Refuge at last,
Water is breaking,
There is no room.
Lawmakers quarrel,
Out goes the cry,
“Protect your homeland!”
Will there be room?
Hours of labor,
No end in sight,
Exhaustion sets in,
There is no room.
Soldiers are marching,
Borders are closed,
Hope is departing,
There is no room.
The head is crowning,
Out comes the rest,
Breathing the stable,
There is no room.
Across the ocean,
Liberty calls,
“Give me your masses!”
Will there be room?
Herod is threatened,
Kill all the boys,
Strangers are fleeing,
There is no room.
Governors rejecting,
No Muslims, please,
Wait, no refugees,
Is there no room?
Egyptians welcome,
Christ Child is safe,
Grows into manhood,
Room at the last.
Christ in the stranger,
They are his friends,
We welcome Jesus,
Will there be room?
Page 3 ____________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Worship and Music
Longest Night Service
The Advent and Christmas seasons are billed as joyous times when
we celebrate the coming of the Christ
child with family and friends, giving
gifts and partaking in meaningful
holiday traditions.
But for many in our midst, the
holidays are not always joyful. For
many the holidays are reminders of
brokenness and grief. In this season,
we are acutely aware of the pain of
losing friends or family, of the hurt
we feel in our broken relationships
and of the uncertainty we feel due to
the loss of health or employment.
The Longest Night service is a
special service of hope and healing
for all those experiencing pain in this
holiday season. The service gives us
the opportunity to face the darkness,
lament for our pains and the pains of
the world and explore the hope that
the light of Christ offers us even in
the midst of our brokenness and
St. Timothy’s Longest Night service will be Saturday, Dec. 19 at
the 5 p.m. worship service. All are
welcome to attend this quiet evening
of song, prayer, scripture and communion. We encourage you to invite
those people in your lives who might
need a word of gentle hope and healing in this season.
Help Decorate the
Church for Christmas
Christmas Music
Our choirs are busy preparing
to share the news of Christ’s birth.
There’s always room for more
voices, so please come join us if
you are interested in singing!
Soul Assembly will provide
leadership at the 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service, and the Chancel
Choir will be lead the 10:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve service.
Contact Katie Andrade (630-355
-1330) if you are interested in singing with the choirs during the
Christmas season.
The sign-up sheet for poinsettias
is in the narthex. The cost is $15
each. Fifteen plants have been ordered, so there are a limited number
available. They may be taken home
after the 10:00 p.m. service on
Christmas Eve.
Altar flower signup
The new chart to signup for 2016
altar flowers is on the back wall of
the narthex. Have flowers placed on
the altar to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, in memory of loved ones,
or any special occasion!
Arrangements are $35 and yours to
take home after the 10:30 service.
Here We Come a
Soul Assembly and friends will
be caroling at NAMI again this
year. To join the fun contact Kate
Andrade (630-355-1330; [email protected]).
The more the merrier!
Page 4 ____________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Faith Development
Save the date– Women’s retreat,
Feb. 20, 2016
Imagine what your life would be like without worry. It's not too good
to be true! Join us for a day of encouragement and practical help for overcoming the anxiety that accompanies your worries about your children,
friends, spouse, work, life. Using the book Calm My A nxious Heart by
Linda Dillow as our guide, we will discover what the Bible says about
contentment and ways to apply it to our daily lives. Fellowship, faith,
food, quiet … you're already feeling a little less stressed just thinking
about a day away, aren't you? We look forward to seeing you in February!
Watch for details in the coming months. To help the planning committee,
please contact Abbey Henderson at [email protected]
The Wednesday
Women's Bible
study will meet December 2, 9
and 16, room 108 at 9:00 a.m. We
will discuss Handel's use of Isaiah
texts in The Messiah focusing on the
Christmas section. Music will definitely be part of our discussion!
Join us for any one, or all three
sessions. No childcare is available
for this class. Questions? Call Vicki
Oftedal at 630-362-2087.
St. Tim’s Bridge Communities
family update
Dear Friends,
Thanks to all who supported Sleep Out Saturday with contributions for
Bridge Communities. As you know, St. Timothy is sponsoring a young woman and her three year old son through the Bridge program. With our prayers,
our financial contributions, and our mentorship team, St. Timothy is helping
them to avoid homelessness by becoming self-sufficient.
Holiday gifts for the family will be greatly appreciated. The little boys’
Christmas wishes are part of the Giving Tree. His mother would very much
like gift cards to any of the following: Marshall’s, Ross, Burlington Coat Factory, Footlocker, Victoria’s Secret, Target, and Walmart. With your Christmas
help, her budget will go farther for months to come.
Thank you all for helping Bridge Communities in its efforts to combat
homelessness. We can never repeat often enough that our efforts can positively affect a family for generations.
Have a blessed and merry Christmas!
Your Bridge Communities mentor team.
Brita DiTola
Dave Katschke
Scott Merrihew
Barbara Schneider
Page 5 ____________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Social Ministry
Thoughts for Alternative Giving
Our challenge as people of faith is to make meaningful choices about where we
spend our time, energy and money in a world that becomes more commercial with
each passing holiday season. Our faith asks us to appreciate the season’s emphasis
on giving, but to make different choices about how we and how much we give. We
have several alternative giving opportunities at St. Timothy this year. Give in more
meaningful ways and honor the gift of Christ who is given for the sake of the world.
Giving Tree gifts for LSSI: The Giving Tr ee table is up and in full swing. This
is where the congregation agrees to shop for 150 foster children connected with Lutheran Social Services of Ilinois. There are specific instructions on the table next to the names. Please pick up names of
one or more children to shop for. Some are older and just ask for a gift card. The gifts should all be returned to church by
Sunday, December 14. This is a valuable ministry we provide to these children. It is important that no child is left out.
To help with this ministry or ask questions, please call Julie Loos at (630-778-0641).
Bridge Communities rent donations: Donate r ent money to suppor t homeless families thr ough Br idge Communities. Your donations help St. Timothy to continue our partnership with this important ministry, which costs St. Timothy
about $880 per month. Christmas Giving Tree rent donations will be accepted until Dec. 24.
Sleep out Saturday
On Saturday, November 7, 13 of our members (photo below) slept in freezing temperatures to raise money for Bridge Communities. We began the night
with dinner and a presentation by Barb Schneider and Scott Merrihew, two of
our Bridge mentors, who work with the family sponsored by St. Timothy. We
made a banner, played a survival game which challenged us to think about
how we can share our resources, had campfire devotions and watched a movie
about homelessness. With your support, we raised over $1,800. Donations are
still coming in! Half of this money will go to the larger Bridge Communities
organization and half will help the family
our congregation sponsors.
Thank you for your ongoing financial
support of this ministry. Your generosity
makes a difference. A special thank you to
our mentors (Brita DiTola, Dave Katschke,
Scott Merrihew, Barb Schneider) whose
ongoing work benefits the family we sponsor, our food team who provided snacks
and two delicious meals and our sleeper
team who spent the night in the cold.
Page 6 ___________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Around St. Timothy
Young at Heart
join us for
our monthly
Young at
Heart luncheon on
December 17
as we celebrate the holiday season. Following
lunch at noon, we will gather together to celebrate the season with music
from Kate Andrade, and Pr. Daniel
Please notify the church office by
Monday, Dec. 14 (630-355-1330) if
you plan to attend.
This is a wonderful way to get
into the Christmas spirit, and we
look forward to seeing you there.
Join Dinners for Eight
It's that time of year again, time for Dinners for Eight! Many of you may
already be in a Dinners for Eight group, others of you may have belonged to
one in the past that no longer meets, and still others have probably heard about
it and have thought it would be fun to join. Whatever the case, now is your
chance to be a part of it! Here's what it's all about:
•We match you up in groups of eight.
•Couples and singles are encouraged to join.
•Your group decides the dates and how often you meet.
•Your group decides whether you'll have dinner at restaurants or in homes
where the host home rotates, or a little of both!
We will have a kickoff potluck dinner in late January or early February in
the Fellowship Hall where you'll meet your group and have a chance to get to
know each other and plan your first Dinners for Eight date and location. Those
who have done it in the past will tell you that many lasting friendships and
memories have formed from getting to know others over these fun evenings at
A sign up sheet and more information will be in the Narthex starting in
January. We hope that many of you will join us in 2016 for this fun fellowship
Children’s sermon series for Advent
Everyone has a birthday, including Jesus! Join us as we plan Jesus' birthday
during the children's sermon every Sunday morning in Advent at the 10:30
a.m. worship service.
Each week we will plan one part of Jesus' birthday, and the children will
receive a party favor to help them remember what they did that week. The big
celebration will take place on Christmas Eve at 4:30 p.m.
Page 7 ____________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Around St. Timothy
Can you help with Mill Street Cares?
Mill Street Cares is a wonderful program that offers food assistance to
families in need at Mill Street Elementary, our neighbor across the street.
The St. Timothy family generously donated food and money for Mill Street
Cares this year for use during spring break, led by confirmation student
Luke Boelke.
This Christmas season, St. Timothy is again partnering with Mill Street
Elementary to help families in need during the upcoming break from
school, Dec. 23—Jan. 6.
With donations from members of our congregation, we hope to be able
to help 25 families in need feed their children breakfast and lunch, the meals
that the children normally receive at school when it is in session. Donations
can be dropped off at St. Timothy in the "Mill Street Cares" bins no later
than Sunday, December 13. The Sunday School and High School kids at St.
Timothy will organize and package the food on Sunday, 12/20, during Sunday School to be shared with Mill Street Elementary on 12/21, in time for
winter break.
Some suggested items for donation:
Canned/cups of fruit
Peanut butter
Canned vegetables
Jelly (plastic bottles)
Canned tuna or chicken
Macaroni & Cheese
Pasta and pasta sauce
Snacks (crackers, pretzels, nuts, cookies,
Cereal/breakfast bars
Monetary donations (checks should be written to Mill Street Elementary
school) and gift cards for Jewel, or Fresh Thyme Farmers Market will also
be accepted. These will be used to purchase bread and small amounts of
fresh produce to purchase the day the backpacks go home.
Thrivent Action Team
Thank you to Scott and Susie Merrihew, who are forming a Thrivent
Action Team which will help offset costs and provide seed money for Mill
Street Cares. Thrivent Financial Action Teams provide financial support to
help offset the costs of social ministry and educational programs. Thank
you also to Fresh Thyme Farmers Market which donated grocery bags.
If each of us contributes a little, we can help a LOT! Please donate food
for our neighbors in need. Thank you!
Look in the Adult Fiction section
of our library for the Zion Chronicles series by Bodie and Brock Thoene. The books in this series are recognized by the American Library
Association and Zionist libraries
around the world as classic historical
novels and have been used to teach
history in college classrooms.
There is plenty of drama in the
series, which covers the events surrounding Israel's statehood in 1948.
Each book in the WWII setting is
filled with characters that are rich
and believable. The pages are filled
with tragedy and laughter, pain and
joy, the dramatic and the ordinary.
The novels vividly portray the intense struggle of the Jewish people
in the aftermath of the Holocaust and
the forces, within and without,
which engulf the Middle East in conflict and controversy even today.
Will there ever be peace in Zion?
The Jewish people wonder as they
stream into the British Mandate of
Palestine after the devastation of
World War II: What has happened to
God's promises to their nation?
These classics are suitable for individual use and group discussion.
Page 8 ____________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Youth Ministry
Sunday School Going Strong!
We’ve had a great fall season of Sunday School! So many kids learning a
lot about God and His love for us. Thank you to all of our wonderful teachers
and shepherds for starting off our Sunday School year so smoothly.
On Sunday, December 6, we will begin our winter season of
Sunday School. During Advent, we will learn about the angels visiting, Jesus’
birth and the wise men. A very exciting time!
Page 9 ____________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Youth Ministry
More LOGOS fun ahead in December
We have got some fun ahead this month! There is also plenty of room for
more third—fifth graders to join us. All children are welcome to join and try
out the LOGOS experience any Thursday night! An RSVP is requested so we
can welcome them and plan for extra people in all our activities.
Please contact Cindy Mohns (630- 355-1330) for more information on visiting or joining LOGOS. Share the fun with others!
The exciting nights ahead for December, beginning at 6:30—8:00 p.m.
December 3………………...Backwards Night (Dinner)
December 10 ………………Music Night
December 17……………….Happy Birthday, Jesus! Service project
December 24……………….NO LOGOS, Christmas Break
December 31……………….NO LOGOS, Christmas Break
January 7…………………...FMSC service project—off-site
Upcoming Confirmation Nights
Our Thursday nights this fall have
provided good opportunities to learn,
grow, play and get closer to God all at
once! December will offer more exciting Confirmation nights ahead! Mark
your calendars for these Thursday
nights, beginning at 6:30—8:00 p.m.
December 3
Dinner & Worship
December 10 Large Group/Small
December 17 Christmas Special
Servant Event
December 24 No Confirmation –
Christmas eve
December 31 No Confirmation –
New Year’s eve
January 7
LOGOS costume party night, Oct. 29.
FMSC service project
Page 10 ___________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Youth Ministry
High school group for December
GIVING TREE (Sunday, Dec. 6, 6:30 p.m.)
Give three children the joy of opening Christmas presents on Christmas morning! Although you
may not spend it all, please bring $20.00 to shop with. We will do our shopping at Target and wrap
the gifts back at church.
CHRISTMAS CAROLING/PARTY (Sunday, Dec. 12, 6:30 p.m.)
Christmas is coming! Celebrate by caroling for members of our congregation.
Then come back to church and celebrate with food and a White Elephant gift
exchange. Spend up to $10.00 on your gift for the exchange.
STUDY BREAK NIGHT (Sunday, Dec. 20, 6:30 p.m.)
Come, you who carry final exam stress! Whether finals are finished or whether
they are coming, check your stress at the door as you
enjoy a shortened night of
games and relaxation.
Everyone ate well at High school group’s Thanksgiving feast, Nov. 22.
Page 11 ___________________________________________________________________ December 2015
December Calendar
Tuesday, December 1
9:30am AA
10:30am Tuesday AM study group
7:00pm ACOA
7:00pm Advent Taize service
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday, December 2
9:00am Women's Bible study
7:30pm Chancel choir
Thursday, December 3
6:30pm Confirmation-DINNER
7:00pm AA
7:00pm Learning is Fun board meeting
7:00pm NO Volleyball
Friday, December 4
9:00am Moms' Bible study
8:00pm Timothy Korean
Saturday, December 5
6:00am Korean Church
8:00am Men's group discussion
9:00am Christmas decorating
9:00am Rasos Lithuanian school
5:00pm Worship
Sunday, December 6
9:00am Worship & Sunday School
10:30am Worship
1:00pm Timothy Korean worship
3:00pm De Iorio recital
4:00pm Advent Family event
6:30pm HS group
7:00pm NA meeting
Monday, December 7
6:00pm Peals of Praise handbells
7:00pm Soul Assembly
Tuesday, December 8
9:30am AA
10:30am Tuesday AM study group
7:00pm ACOA
7:00pm Acts Bible study
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday, December 9
9:00am Women's Bible study
2:30pm Girl scout
7:30pm Chancel choir
Thursday, December 10
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm LOGOS
7:00pm AA
7:00pm Volleyball
Friday, December 11
9:00am Moms' Bible study
5:00pm Boy Scout holiday dinner and lock-in
8:00pm Timothy Korean
Saturday, December 12
6:00am Korean Church
8:00am Men's group discussion
9:00am Rasos Lithuanian school
5:00pm Worship
Sunday, December 13
Food for Mill St. Cares due
Gifts for Giving Tree due
9:00am Worship & Sunday School
10:30am Worship
1:00pm Timothy Korean worship
6:30pm HS group
7:00pm NA meeting
Monday, December 14
6:00pm Peals of Praise handbells
7:00pm Boy scout committee meeting
7:00pm Soul Assembly
Tuesday, December 15
9:30am AA
10:30am Tuesday AM study group
7:00pm Church Council meeting
7:00pm ACOA
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday, December 16
9:00am Women's Bible study
2:30pm Girl scout party
7:30pm Chancel choir
Thursday, December 17
12:00pm Young at Heart
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm LOGOS
6:30pm Guard rehearsal
7:00pm AA
7:00pm Volleyball
Friday, December 18
9:00am Moms' Bible study
2:30pm Girl Scout meeting
8:00pm Timothy Korean
Saturday, December 19
6:00am Korean Church
8:00am Men's group discussion
9:00am Rasos Lithuanian school
3:00pm Guard renewal of vows
5:00pm Worship- Longest night
Sunday, December 20
9:00am Worship & Sunday School
10:30am Worship-Pope baptism
1:00pm Timothy Korean worship
6:30pm HS group
7:00pm NA meeting
Monday, December 21 Holiday program- LIF
6:00pm Peals of Praise handbells
7:00pm Soul Assembly
Tuesday, December 22 Holiday program- LIF
9:30am AA
10:30am Tuesday AM study group
7:00pm ACOA
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday, December 23
9:00am Women's Bible study
7:30pm Chancel choir
Thursday, December 24
4:30pm Family service
7:00pm AA
7:30pm Candlelight service
10:00pm Candlelight service
Friday, December 25
9:30am Christmas day service
8:00pm Timothy Korean
Saturday, December 26
6:00am Korean Church
8:00am Men's group discussion
4:00pm Beallis family party
5:00pm NO worship
Sunday, December 27
9:30am Unity Worship
1:00pm Timothy Korean worship
6:00pm Timothy Korean concert
6:30pm NO HS group
7:00pm NA meeting
Monday, December 28
Tuesday, December 29
9:30am AA
10:30am Tuesday AM study group
4:30pm Stocking music lessons
7:00pm ACOA
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday, December 30
9:00am Women's Bible study
7:30pm Chancel choir
Thursday, December 31
7:00pm AA
Friday, January 1, 2016
8:00pm Timothy Korean
Saturday, January 2, 2016
6:00am Korean Church
8:00am Men's group discussion
3:30pm Lund wedding
5:00pm Worship
Sunday, January 3, 2016
9:00am Worship & Sunday School
10:30am Worship
1:00pm Timothy Korean worship
6:30pm HS group
7:00pm NA meeting
Page 12 ___________________________________________________________________ December 2015
December worship volunteers
DEC 5 & 6
Saturday 5:00
Paige Vetter
Dick Reiderer
George Harker
Prayer Minister
Worship Assistant
DEC. 12 & 13
Ken Folisi
Prayer Minister
Worship assist
DEC. 19 & 20
Luke Freedlund
Prayer Minister
Worship Assistant
DEC. 27
Audrey Lovick
Prayer Minister
Worship Assistant
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Morgan Beallis
Barb Schneider
Mary Beth Tennant
Eric Storm
Karen Smith
Vaughn Beallis
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Matthew Smith
Sue Chemler
Michael Smith
Al Turnipseed
Sandy Turnipseed
Jana Tindall
Kim Huebner
Carol Folisi
Saturday 5:00
Adomas osowski
Miho Yasukawa
Paige Vetter
Miho Yasukawa
Saturday 5:00
Josh Lovick
Cindy DeLuca
Shaun Lovick
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Reece Maffit
Diane Kroeger
Janet Ohaver
Donna Lund
Bruce Everhart
Diane Kroeger
Audrey Lovick
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Charles Harper
Dave Katschke
Cathy Pakenham
Dixie Miller
Scott Merrihew
Dave Katschke
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Zachary Mullins
Maria Wilson
Bill Wilson
Bud Angell
Shelley Angell
Britton Beallis
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Laura Doguim
Janet Heep
Derek Howell
Andrea Harker
Lynn Harker
George Harker
Logan Merrihew
Janet Ohaver
Cindy DeLuca
No service
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Abby McKenna
Colleen Mielke
Dan Mielke
Colleen Mielke
Don Johnson
Arline Johnson
Unity Sunday
Kim Huebner
Cindy DeLuca
Shelley Angell Vicki Oftedal Nancy Storm
Page 13 __________________________________________________________________ December 2015
Prayer Concerns
Remembering those in need of
healing, strength, comfort or care
Heidi Boelke, Bill Benton, John Black, Al Brons,
Darlene Brown, Ella Casten, Larry & Toni Hansler, Ron
Hiltz, Carole Mickelson, Belinda Mullins, Christine
Niersbach, Diane Pedersen, Ruth Perkins, Sharon Reed,
Ginny Schloss, and Shirley Pennington
Harper Rose Thomure
Granddaughter of Sue And Russ Tripp
Nora Grace Kocka
Daughter of Amy Rodebaugh & Chris Kocka
Those who mourn
Family and friends of Dale Worst
Janet Heep’s cousin
Family and friends of Joan O’Connor
Kathy Lukavsky’s mother
Family and friends of Bill Zimmerman
Friend of Belinda Mullins
Family and friends of Emily Harnish
Daughter of Diana Stump's cousin
Family and friends of the Tomkova family
at the death of their premature son, Aiden
Friends of Ruth LaCroix’s daughter
Family and friends of Pat Smith
Karen Brockman’s mother
Local missions
Hesed House, Loaves and Fishes Food
Pantry and LSSI
Missionary Support
The Lutheran Church in Liberia and
Phebe Hospital
Transitional housing ministry
Sponsored Bridge Communities family and the
St. Timothy team
Praying for our church family
We invite you to lift up members of our congregation
in prayer. Each week, a number of families will be listed
in Tidbits and prayed for during worship.
The following are on the prayer list for December:
Johne & Janet Waller
Andy & Gail Walton
Bill & Janell Warren
Bill & Maria Wilson
Pat Wlazlo
Nickie & Rick Wohlfahrt
Alexander, Annabelle and
Ron & Marilyn Weglowski
Megan Weiss
Steve Wilhelm
Mark & Carla Willy
Ray & Jody Wood
Seth and Kelly
Jeff & Laura York
Bob & Pat Young
Ron & Stacie Zapfel
Janet & Jeff Zavoral
Sarah and Eric
George Zima
Mark & Anne Zimmerman
Keith & Monica Zust
Page 14 ___________________________________________________________________ December 2015
From all of us to all of you…
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
1313 N. Mill Street
Naperville 60563
Phone: 630-355-1330
Email: [email protected]
President, Bruce Everhart ................................................ 630-717-9276 (H)
Vice President, Mark Anderson ....................................... 815-577-0561 (H)
Secretary, Jim Stump ....................................................... 630-631-5016 (H)
Treasurer, Bill Wilson ..................................................... 630-961-1611 (H)
Financial Secretary, Sheri Stutesman .............................. 630-420-1997 (H)
David L. Miller, Sr. Pastor.............................................. 630-355-1330 (W)
Daniel Morris, Assoc. Pastor…………………...……….630-355-1330 (W)
Katie Andrade ....................... Director of Worship Planning/Soul Assembly
Debbie Cargo ............................................................ Organist/Accompanist
Ross Berkley ...........................................................Chancel Choir Director
Lindsay Casten ........................................ Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Shari Helms ................................................................. Office Administrator
Gwen Holst………………………………..……….Organist /A ccompanist
Kirsten Holzhauer………………………………………….….Keyboardist
Donna Lund ........................................................... Financial Administrator
Amado Martinez ............................................................................Custodian
Trudy Merriam ............................................................ Child Care Director
Cindy Mohns .............................................Director of Christian Education
Kim Runge… … … … … … … … … … … … … ...........Faith Community Nurse