October 2009-February 2010


October 2009-February 2010
October 2009 – February 2010
Issue No. 2
Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Vinzons, Camarines Norte, Philippines 4603
Website: http://philippines.adornofathers.org; Email: [email protected]
“New” Year; New
Renewal of Vows
Men in Black for
A Living Army of
Adorno Fathers and
Brothers Found Guilty
Novice’s Corner
“New” Year; New challenge
Rather, we must transcend the “ordinariness” and
“routinenes” of our everyday works. This is done by putting
effort in all we do and doing so with love as an offering to
God, for our sanctification, the benefit of our brothers and
sisters and the betterment of our society and our world.
This is the very challenge that we are going to face
as we travel along our journey. Let us make good resolutions
and renew our commitments and our strength to live up this
challenge, bearing in mind what Pope Leo the Great once
said: “Christians, remember your dignity, and now that you
share in God’s nature, do not return by sin to your former
base condition. Bear in mind who is your head and of whose
body are you a member. Do not forget that you have been
rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the
light of God’s kingdom.”
The reason why we sometimes become unfaithful to
God is that we forget our dignity as God’s children whom he
has saved from sin by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. As we
begin a new year, let us not forget this dignity of ours but
keep it in our minds and hearts as the psalms tell us “Do not
forget the good things God has done for you.”This year let us
not stop at the conceptualization of the teachings of Jesus but
live them out, (as what St. James once said “faith without
works is dead”) in order for us to truly be faithful and sincere
servants of God and one another, worthy of the name
“Christians”. In doing so, God will find favor on us for we
would have been victorious against the given challenge, and
we too will hear: “This is my beloved son/daughter, on
whom my favor rests…”
2009 is over! We are now past the threshold of a
new year. It is a time to start anew, with hope for new
experience, activities and plans and as well as renewed
strength for the new challenges on which lie ahead of us
in our life journey.
Every year, month, week, day, hour and minute
can present us with new challenges with regards to every
aspect of our lives. This is especially true with the aspect
of our spiritual life, in terms of our maturity and growth
in our faith and relationship with God. We Christians, as
followers and imitators of Christ are challenged with Happy New Year and God bless!
every beat of our heart to follow and live the spirit of
Jesus. The answer to this challenge is easier said than
done and thus many of us have fallen into the trap of
stopping at the “conceptualization” of Christ’s teachings,
Editor-in-Chief: Vinson T. Salvaloza
and not living them out to the fullest, or in other words
Associate Editor: Rufino C. Madridejos, Jr.
laziness. Therefore we remain Christian in “name” but a
Advisers: Rev. Fr. Jason S. Caganap, CRM
“pagan” in deed or lack of thereof. We become
Rev. Fr. Melvin I. Avilla, CRM
“hypocritical” in our faith and to God who gives us all
Editor & Lay-out Artist:
things and who knows us better than we know ourselves.
Louis M. De Jesus
We are depriving ourselves of the treasures and wealth
G. Gutierrez, Jr.
of our faith as we do lip service and remain in our comCartoonist: Erick S. Estrella
fort zones as we give in to laziness and fail to live up to
Photojournalist: Rafael H. Padron
the challenges of the Gospel.
News and Literary Writers:
As we continue on our journey, let us not fail to
Christopher L. Maigue, Mardy J.Aguilar,
keep in our consciousness our duty to grow and develop
Kevin C. Daborbor, Anthony B. Gallego,
in becoming true Christians and faithful disciples of
Arjay S. Cecilio, Eugene Aboga,
Christ, even in the most ordinary time of our lives. As St.
Proofreader: Br. Ryan Eric P. Dela Peña
Jose Maria Escriva said “doing an ordinary things in an
Mrs. Jennifer Abarientos
extra-ordinary way.” This does not mean that we must
Adorno Fathers Seminarians
become like superman and perform feats like flying.
October 2009-February 2010
Renewal of Vows
 Rafael Padron
Every year since the time of their Father Founders,
on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, every professed Cleric Regular Minor renews his vows and every
Dear Friends,
seminarian renews his intentions in a moving ceremony
As we start another year, I wish each one of us a good start, good reserved to the community. This year was no different with
health and blessings, especially spiritual blessings. Everyone seems the Adorno Community of Vinzons as they continued this
to be positive about 2010. We have survived 2009 with all the floods, revered tradition and gather in the chapel for the Second
Vespers of the Epiphtyphoons, and other disasters, perhaps some “personal disasters.” It
any and renewed their
seems that 2009 was a very challenging and yet Spirit filled year for
commitments before
all of us.
the Eucharistic Lord.
The celebration began
with a period EucharisI am very grateful to God for all the blessings we have received here
tic adoration which was
at our seminary over the past year. Last December, we were able to
followed by evening
do some caroling for our friends in Alabang, Bulacan and Cavite and
prayer. As part of the
I would like to personally thank all the people who helped us to make
tradition, the youngest
this project a success. The time, talent and treasure that you shared
member of the house is
with us are very much appreciated.
to preach a sermon.
Thus, after the proclaRenewal
This second issue of CALLE CASA will give you more details of all
mation of the Word of
the activities and events that happened in the seminary community of
his brothers with a rethe Adorno Fathers these past few months. The upcoming months
of the Magi with
will be very busy for the seminarians as they conclude their academic
the most senior
year with comprehensive exams and thesis defenses for the graduatmember
they knelt being class. I am proud to announce that three seminarians will be
the vows
graduating in March with a Bachelor of Arts in Classical Philosophy.
My congratulations to all these young men and I continue to pray for
their perseverance in their journey towards the priesthood and reliformula
gious life.
postulants made use of their writing skills and composed
I would like to conclude this message by thanking the members of the their own prayers, some of which did not fail in eliciting a
365 Club. Your generosity truly made a difference in the lives of few smiles and giggles from those in the pews. Neverthemany typhoon victims and children who benefitted from the support less, the time of prayer proved to be a source of grace and
we sent them using the funds of the 365 Club. You did not only sup- encouragement as each one was able to express and renew
port us in our rice consumption expenses but also the many people to the Lord his desire to follow him in the religious life.
who were in need. I would also like to extend an invitation to anyone The liturgy fittingly concluded with solemn benediction of
who is interested in becoming a part of the 365 Club. For more infor- the Blessed Sacrament as the Lord accepted and blessed
mation, you can contact me at +63 917-351-0261 or e-mail me at each one’s commitment.
After the ceremony of the renewal of vows, the
[email protected].
community gathered in the refectory to celebrate in fellowThank you very much my dear friends and please continue to pray for ship. As always on such occasions, there was no lack of
an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life , espe- laughter and boisterous camaraderie as they shared an evecially within the Order of the Clerics Regular Minor- Adorno Fathers. ning of fraternal merriment in celebration of the religious
life. (The karaoke machine was certainly put to good use
God bless you all and may you have a blessed and fruitful Lent!
that night!) The spirit of the evening is best summarized by
this prayer said introducing the rite of renewal:
Father, you have inspired us by the Holy Spirit to
Sincerely in His Eucharistic Love,
follow more closely the poor, chaste and humble Christ.
Enlightened by your word and strengthened by fraternal
charity, grant that we may be always living signs of your
eternal realities. We ask this though Christ our Lord.
Fr. Jason Caganap, CRM, JCL
Men in Black for Christmas
 Sem. Rufino C. Madridejos Jr.
This past Christmas the Adorno Fathers’ Community in
the Philippines formed a group of carolers that would touch the
hearts of their
benefactors and
friends. Sixteen
were blessed to
be part of this
was organized
by Rev. Fr. Jason S. Caganap,
CRM, the Rector/Superior of
the Adorno Fathers’ Formation
House in VinThe Adorno Seminarians in their Caroling at St. zons and with
John of the Cross Parish, Pembo, Makati City
the guidance and
Rev. Fr. Melvin I. Avilla, CRM, the music director.
The carolers were excited wearing their black cassock
as they began their caroling in Camarines Norte followed by a
trip to Manila, Alabang, Makati, Bulacan, and Cavite. The
group was blessed by God because of the hospitality and love
shown by George and Racquel Balagtas. A warm welcome was
also given to them as they sung in the Parish of St. John of the
Cross in Pembo, Makati City, and in the Parish of St. Mary
Magdalene in Kawit, Cavite.
The Adorno Community in Vinzons was blessed because of the generosity and kindness shown by the people they
met and they thank them for giving their time to make this project a success.
Last December, the Spiritual Committee of
the Adorno Fathers’ Community jumped with joy as
they won first place in the seminary’s first ever Christmas decoration contest. The competition began on the
first week of November and lasted until the 12th of
December. It ended with the awarding ceremony during the Community’s Christmas Party with friends,
relatives and neighbors in attendance.
This contest was intended not only to decorate
and beautify the seminary grounds for the Christmas
season but it also aimed to create camaraderie among
the seminarians as well. The seminary community
wants to remind all who pass by the true meaning and
importance of Christmas. The decorations were to express the theme: “Emmanuel- God is with us”.
There were five participating groups which
decorated five different areas of the seminary: the
Spiritual Committee, which came in first place, the
Community Committee which came in second, the
Academic Committee, which came in third place, the
Apostolate Committee, which came in fourth place
and the novices who received honorable mention.
The contest proved to be a success as all participants enjoyed its competitive nature as they made
use of their imagination and creative skills. Hundreds
of people came to enjoy the beauty of the decorations,
with some even making u-turns just to see the winter
wonderland. Many visitors commented that they felt
like they were in Disneyland or Enchanted Kingdom.
Indeed, after a visit to the Adorno Fathers’ Seminary
during the Christmas season, it was hard to forget that
God is truly with us.
 Sem. Emiliano G. Gutierrez Jr.
“God does not judge of the beauty of his work by the
charm of the eyes, and He does not form the same idea of
beauty that we do. What He esteems beautiful is that
which presents in its perfection all the fitness of art,
and that which tends to the usefulness of its end. He,
then, who proposed to himself a manifest design in his
works, approved each one of them, as fulfilling its end
in accordance with his creative purpose.” –Basil the Great
The Spiritual Committee and their nipa hut
October 2009-February 2010
Our seminary community began
exhibit to honor our Blessed Mother
in October, the month of the Rosary, a
through her many titles. This exhibit
new annual devotion to the Blessed
was one of the projects of the
Virgin Mary called “The Blue Army”
Spiritual Committee headed by Sem.
The devotion formally began with the
Arjay Louis De Jesus. The theme of
gathering of all the members of our
the exhibit was “The Blessed Virgin
community in the Sanctuary of Jesus
Mary a Model of Holiness.” The
the Risen Lord. From the chapel, we
images came from Parishes around
had a small procession with the statue
the Diocese and friends of the comof Our Lady of Fatima around the
munity. Through Sem. Arjay’s efforts
compound of the seminary to the
many images of the different titles
seminarians’ room where the statue was
of Mary were put
display, from
assigned to stay. During the procession
“Our Lady of
Hope ” to “Mary
we sang Marian hymns to honor our
Mediatrix of all Grace”. The exhibit
Blessed Mother.
was formally opened on October
The image of Our Lady vis13,2009. It successfully ended on
ited every dorm room in the seminary
November 13, 2009. Hundreds of
The statue of Our Lady of Fatima was
from the pre-collegian to the priests!
people came to the seminary to visit
blessed at the beginning of the Blue Army
Our Lady of Fatima stayed for two
and pray to Our Lady.
nights in every room. After the procession, the hosts inThe purpose of these activities was for us to bevited the attendees to share refreshments with the entire come “ a Living Army of Mary” by praying for the concommunity. The host seminarians were asked to say the version of sinners especially those in most need of God’s
rosary while the statue of the Blessed Mother was in their mercy through praying the rosary. It helped us to increase
room. The room’s residents prepared for Our Lady’s visita- our devotion and express our gratitude to Mary our mother,
tion by doing their best to decorate and make their rooms never forgetting that she ultimately leads us to Jesus her
beautiful and presentable.
During the same month the seminary held a Marian
Adorno Fathers Celebrate
 Kevin Daborbor
The Adorno Fathers’ community celebrated their
first-ever Christmas party with their families and other
people on December 12, 2009
at the Adorno
Father’s compound with a
t h e m e :
God is with us.”
A large
crowd attended
the said party
f r i en ds
an d
The kids having fun during the
benefactors of
parlor games.
some families of seminarians, neighbors from Sto. Domingo and some people from the nearby towns of Labo,
Vinzons, Talisay and Daet. It is estimated that almost 800
people were in attendance. “To share what we have received,” was the aim of the event. The Adorno community
was very happy on that unforgettable day and they were
sure that people enjoyed also that once in a life time experience. This is something to be proud of!
We were glad that we were able to share something with the people especially the children. We are
blessed indeed for having generous benefactors who are
very kind and supportive of us. We want to express our
deepest gratitude to all of them. It was indeed a memorable day not only for the Adorno Community but also for
the whole community of Barangay Sto. Domingo.
“If we thus have compassion, we are not stained
with the sins of others , but we gain the restoration of another to the increase of our own grace,
so that our integrity remains as it was. “
- anonymous
ter mind of the plan met with the CASA
leaders to assure and plan everything. Fr.
 Anthony Gallego
Jason kept on telling the CASA leaders to
prepare everything they we needed for this
Recently, the Adorno Fathers’ great plan. Fortunately, the plan was succommunity had a farewell outing for cessful.
“Last Time Gathering”
Rev. Fr. Teodoro Kalaw CRM. It was
held at the Pineapple Island Resort in
Daet, Camarines Norte last November
13 to 14, 2009. A communal prayer
formally opened the overnight party.
Then a sumptuous dinner was served.
While they were eating dinner, Fr.
Roger Orpiada, a Diocesan priest
came and brought some delicious
The seminarians
swimming and even formed a group
for a swimming competition. A cash
price was awarded to the winners.
Three hundred pesos for first placer,
two and one hundred pesos for the
second and third respectively.
This despedida party was held
in honor of Fr. Ted who served as a
prefect of discipline, Vocation director, and lastly as procurator in this
community for more than two fruitful
Some seminarians offered
songs, thanksgiving poems, prayer,
letter honoring his great job as a good
servant, preacher, formator, and as a
strict but kind disciplinarian.
The seminarians are very
grateful to Fr. Ted for his moral, spiritual guidance. You’ll be missed Fr.
Good luck!
The liberation. Finally, after almost
three hours of imprisonment, we were
liberated at around 7’oclock in the evening. One thing for sure, this is not the last
time that we will be imprisoned together
with the inmates, but there will be more
times that we will be coming back there
The Target and the Intention. After because we found ourselves guilty…on
a long preparation, we were able to com- loving the Lord through their presence!
plete all the things that we needed to make
the inmates happy. They prepared some
foods, clothes, toiletries and above all, the
Holy Mass. There was a man crying because of the communion song entitled
“Kaibigan mo Ako.” This made the in Mardy Aguilar
mates very silent. Fr. Jason, in his Homily
said that God truly loves them despite of
what they have done. The Lord gives
them a chance to change. This was the
Last year, on November 26,
Adorno community intention, to show 2009, to celebrate our Father Rector’s
them that God still loves and comforts birthday our community drove down
them. They wish that through thier presto M. Cacho Elementary School in
ence, the inmates may realize that God
San Jose Talisay and visited with the
never leaves and abandons them.
Being Blessings
The Cases. Murder, stealing and
unpaid debt are the common cases that we
heard from them. Some of them wanted to
stay inside the jail than to claim their freedom because they have already lost their
Adorno Fathers and
Brothers Found Guilty
Bro. C
On October 9, 2009, around 4’oclock
in the afternoon, the Adorno Fathers and
seminarians visited the 69 inmates of Labo
Regional Jail.
The Persons behind the Plan. It was
the Adorno Fathers and seminarians who
made the entire plan. A month before it
happened, Fr. Jason (our Rector), the mas-
Fr. Jason giving Communion
to the Inmates
family and their loved ones when they
committed such serious offense. This challenges us to persevere with our vocation
because they really need someone to talk
to and someone who would listen to their
cry. This case will never be solved until
we become Adorno priest someday, a
priest who will not hesitate to follow
Christ through the example of our Founders; St. Francis Caracciolo, Venerable
Augustine Adorno and Fr. Fabrizio Caracciolo.
younger students there. We were
warmly received by the students and
faculty who had strung up decorations
and greetings all over their classroom
welcoming us and honoring Fr. Jason
on his 33rd birthday. After introducing ourselves, we shared a feast consisting of spaghetti and chicken with
close to 100 students and teachers.
When asked about the event, Fr. Jason
commented, “We do such things not
for fame or recognition, but to be a
blessing for others as God has used
others to bless us.”
To add to the festivities and
entertainment, some seminarians serenaded and danced for the children
who were evidently full not only with
food but also joy and happiness. After
spending a whole morning preparing
food and snacks for them, it was truly
rewarding to see them giggle and
smile. One little girl was heard to say
that it was the first time she had ever
tasted fried chicken! We would like to
thank Tita Bella and the rest of the
faculty and students of M. Cacho Elementary School for blessing our community with such a fulfilling experience.
Trapped on an Island
 Eugene Aboga
On October 10-11, 2009, the seminary community of the Adorno Fathers held
their semestral-end retreat and outing at the island resort of Apuao Grandi in the municipality of Mercedes, Camarines Norte. Apuao was chosen to be the venue because of its surroundings conducive for prayer and relaxation. The priests and seminarians arrived in the
island around 10 o’clock in the morning after an hour of boat ride from Mercedes port. Each
seminarian brought their things to the cottage and started to settle down while enjoying the
white sand beach.
The priests and seminarians ate their lunch in one of the cottages with their bare
hands (Kamayan style) while enjoying the fresh sea food . At dusk, everyone gathered for
the Eucharist. Fr. Ted gave a beautiful talk in his homily.
At night, the community gathered around the bonfire by the beach to witness the
Seminarians having fun on the
presentation of every CASA committee. This event was indeed a memorable one for it
Island of Apuao
brought together the whole community.
On the next day, the community went to the village chapel to celebrate the Mass. The village people, young and old participated in the Mass with joyful hearts. After the Eucharist, the community left the island carrying with them an experience of a lifetime.
We ask our friends to support the House of Formation of the Adorno Fathers in the Philippines with
their prayers and if possible, even financially. Please
 Sponsoring the education of a seminarian at Holy Trin-
ity College Seminary ( $ 500 per year)
 Paying for room and board for a seminarian ( $ 550
per year/ $ 1.50 a day)
 A donation toward the poor of Camarines Norte
 Support the publication of CALLE CASA
Make checks payable to the Adorno Fathers-CRM and
mail to:
(In the USA) Adorno Fathers Philippines
c/o Rev. Nony Villaluz,CRM
St. Joseph Parish
40 Spring Street, Lodi, N.J. 07644 USA
 A donation toward the comprehensive support fund
for all seminarians (any amount)
 An offering to have Masses said by priest at the semi-
(In the Philippines)
Adorno Fathers Formation House, Brgy. Sto. Domingo,
Vinzons, Camarines Norte, 4603
nary (Specify Mass Intention)
May God continue to shower His blessings to You as we pray for your intentions.
Because of Your generosity, You have helped us a lot! Thank you and God Bless you
 Br. Ryan Eric P. Dela Peña
My Reflection on the Vows
Freedom is the goal of every human person. Everyone desires to be free from any and all restrictions. This is true in terms of
both spiritual and physical realties that may hinder our freedom. But
how is true freedom attained? Does knowing a juicy piece of gossip
which “frees” us of a certain ignorance and appeases our curiosity,
obtain freedom for us? Does being able to do all that we desire make
us truly free beings? Surely not, for only “The truth will set us free,”
and there are many “illusionary freedom(s) apart from truth itself” (Veritatis Splendor, 10) which distort and hinder true freedom.
I started the course I was teaching last semester on the philosophy of man at Holy Trinity College Seminary by telling my students that (borrowing the words of Cardinal Ratzinger’s conclave
homily) Jesus was the standard of true humanism. It is on him that
we should and must juxtapose and contrast all our thoughts, words
and actions, for the simple fact that he has revealed himself to be the
Way, the Truth and the Life: True God and True Man. Though this
was already theology, I related it to our class by pointing out that the
Truth, for which all trains of thought, ideologies and philosophies
search for, has been incarnated in Christ. It is on this same fact that I
wish now to base this present reflection on the religious vows.
“I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6), Jesus
responds to Thomas in directing him to the Father’s house. The Father’s house is the epitome of the freedom we all search and hunger
for, and Christ is all we need to follow in order to attain this desired
end. He has said “he who follows me will have the light of Life.”
He has given us the guide: his words, example and teachings - his
very own self- to attaining true freedom.
Every rational being has asked and continues to ask the
same question that the rich young man in St. Mathew’s Gospel asked
Jesus: “What must I do to inherit eternal life (-freedom)?” (Mt.
19:16). Jesus responds by telling the young man to keep the commandments. The keeping of the commandments was enough to obtain eternal life, but the young man wanted to do more and asked
Jesus for more to do. This “doing more” is the religious life. There
are many who obey the commandments and they will all surely inherit eternal life, but there are still those who desire to do more, to
live an even more chaste, a more obedient a simpler and humbler
life. They desire to follow, to know and live Jesus, the way, truth and
life in a radical way. This radical way of the religious life, the basis
of which are the religious vows, is their path to true freedom in the
Father’s house.
Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery. In the
same vein, the imitation of Christ is the surest way to heaven. What
better human to follow in our quest for freedom than the Son of
God? Many have traded “the truth about God for a lie” (Romans
1:25). Relativism and skepticism and many other false modes of
thinking have distorted the truth and thus have led us away from
freedom. In this stormy world where we are often “tossed to and fro
and carried about with every wind of false doctrine and are
at the mercy of people’s tricks…” (Ephesians 4:14) we
would do well to hold on to Christ and live by his truth
and love and thereby grow in Him and therefore in freedom (ibid).
Society, especially in more recent years, has often
countered and challenged the example of Christ. Sexuality
has been abused, the poor neglected, authority held in contempt and humility forgotten. These things have led to
false and fleeting freedom. However, vowed religious are
called to “a prophetic witness in the face of (these) great
challenges” (Vita Consecrata, 134). They are a prophetic
“sign of contradiction” in these confused times. They live
out and show forth the “primacy of God and of eternal life,
as evidenced in their following and imitation of the chaste,
poor… obedient (and humble) Christ, who was completely
consecrated to the glory of God and to the love of his
brothers and sisters” (ibid 136).
This following and imitation of Christ does not
entail ease and comfort. Religious must die to themselves
as Christ died to his own will and desired only to do the
Father’s will. Fr. Uriel Umali once told me that there are
three nails which nail a religious to his or her cross; these
he said are poverty, chastity and obedience. In the case of
the Clerics Regular Minor, there is a fourth nail: humility.
Though these nails, seen with simple human eyes, may
seem to nail and restrict one’s freedom making ones life a
via dolorosa, they in reality are freeing and are a via
amoris leading to the sharing in the glory of the Risen
How are these three vows freeing? The Constitutions of the Clerics Regular Minor state: “The religious
state more faithfully imitates and continuously represents
in the Church the form of life the Son of God embraced
when he came into the world to do the will of the Father.”
Doing the will of the Father leads to freedom. Christ was
chaste. In imitating the purity of Christ, religious free
themselves to loving one and all. The love of the religious
becomes inclusive rather than exclusive and restricted to
his/her spouse and children. “The sole motive of this
choice is the love of God. Chastity transforms the man in
his profound being, frees his heart and renders it capable
of loving, in an undivided way with all the richness of his
love, God and his neighbor. (Const. 16)
The vow of obedience, may seem to restrict one’s
will, but as the constitutions state: It “leads the religious in
a spirit of faith and of love to empty himself of his will in
order to do the will of God the Father.” God’s will is
manifested through the superiors. This is in imitation of
Christ who taught us to pray “Not my will but yours be
done” and “your will be done on earth as in heaven.” This
vow if seen with the eyes of humility and faith is truly
freeing since it conforms our flawed will with God’s perfect will.
The vow of poverty in turn leads us to truer freedom by detaching us from all that distracts and anchors us
to the material world. (turn to page 9)
October 2009-February2010
It teaches us to trust in the Providence of God and is a
radical following of Christ who debased himself from
his throne as God and took on human form. It helps us
to realize our nothingness and our dependence on our
The fourth vow of humility, as with the other
three vows, frees us for service. Often pride hinders our
ability to serve and blocks our full capacity to use and
develop our talents. This vow helps us to imitate Christ
again in a radical way. The Order, in the Rite of Solemn
Profession, has made use of the rich image of Christ
washing the feet of his friends. If God, the eternal creator and ruler of all that is, stooped so slow and humbled
himself to serve others to the point of washing one of
the dirtiest parts of their body, how much more are we
his creatures, imperfect and finite, called to do the same.
Jesus tells us that the essence of the law is love.
In the same regard, the essence of the religious life is
love. It was because of love that God created us. It was
because of love that God became human. It was because
of love that Christ died and rose from the dead and it is
because of love that he remains with us in the Eucharist.
If love is the reason for all of this, love must also be the
reason and essence for the religious life: Love of God,
Love of neighbor and love of self. Without love, life,
most especially the religious life, would be pointless. If
the essence of the law is love, and if following the law
leads to freedom, then love too is the essence of freedom. Christ is the new law of the new covenant; he is
the Father’s love incarnate, he is the way the truth and
the life, which leads to freedom.
 Arjay Cecilio
“They have mouths but they cannot speak,
They have eyes but they cannot see.”
Psalm 135:16
This psalm describes the idols of the pagans, however, it can be related to many persons in our world today. The
persons whom we ignore the deaf, the blind, the crippled or
the disabled. These persons may not able to see or speak because of a handicap, but there are also persons who are not able
to see or speak because they are restricted and confined. They
are behind bars in a prison. Last October, our seminary community went to the local prison for apostolate and visited and talked
with the inmates. We shared clothes and food with them. These
however were not their primary needs. What they truly needed
was to see their loved ones and to experience love. Though we
were not their real family, we were still able to share our love and
help them realize that they are not alone. As I looked in their
eyes, it seemed that they had already repented of their crimes.
In some of them, I saw sadness in their eyes for maybe they were
framed and were innocent. Some were victims of the injustices
that are unfortunately present in our country. They cannot talk
because the law shuts their mouths, and they cannot see for they
have been blindfolded by helplessness. The law should ensure
justice , but injustice makes them crippled, blind and deaf.
As I reflected upon this experience at the jail, I realized
that we too, as seminarians, are like prisoners here in the seminary. This is so, not because we live here with limitations and
rules to be followed, but because we are imprisoned by our guilt,
anger, sadness, emotions, our worldly desires and our selfishness,
Sometimes we allow ourselves to be conquered by these things.
These are the reasons why at times we fail to live up to our vocation; we feel that we do not fit here or that God does not hear us
because we cannot let go of our attachments and give them to the
Lord and entrust ourselves to His care. Let God be our warden
that will take care of us in the prison which is our heart. Let us
open our hearts to God so that He may be able to undo our
wrong deeds so that our hearts may be more Christ-like. Besides
this, we are also like prisoners because of other persons in our
community who imprison us, they imprison us by their harsh
judgments. Maybe these are because of misunderstandings;
which sometimes lead to division of community. These misunderstandings can be stopped if we learn to treat our neighbor the
way we treat ourselves. Let us learn to control our tongue, our
hands, our minds, our very selves so that we and others are not
confounded and imprisoned , by our expectations.
May God set us free from the prison of our selfishness!
“...We seminarians are like prisoners here in the seminary not because we live here with limitations and rules to
be followed but because we are imprisoned by our guilt,
anger, sadness, emotions, our worldly desires and even in
our selfishness…”
October 2009-February2010
Only You
Herodion Gapas
Only you who makes me happy
Only you who always understands me
Only you who always care for
Only you protect me.
When I am down, you raise me
When I am weak, you give me
When I am tired, you make me
When I am alone, you are my
You are my God, my Father
You are my Immanuel, who always with me
You are my Jesus, my Savior
You are my counselor, the
When I asked a little, you gave
me more
When I asked water, you gave
me your Blood
When I asked bread, you gave
me your Body
When I sinned, you gave me
your life.
“The sun is a work of God, which,
great though it may be, is but a spot
in comparison with the whole heaven;
first gaze steadfastly upon the sun,
and then curiously scan the Lord of
the sun.”
- Cyril of Jerusalem
“God is my way and my
 Jaycee S. Martinez
God is my light and my way
because he gave me the opportunity to
enter the seminary and
because of Him I can now see
myself walking along the path of
God is my light because based on my
own experiences when I am in the state of
trouble I can’t pray to him but during that
I used to stay in the chapel and pray
to him and while I was praying
I saw the light in my mind that I
have to forgive in order to be forgiven by
 Herodion Gapas
Hindi kita malilimutan, kaylan man
Pagkat ikaw lamang, ang laging nasa isip ko
Ito’y hindi magbabago, kaibigan ko
Dahil ikaw lamang, ang laman ng puso ko
Ang pagsasama natin ay kay saya
Bawat tawa’t luha ay mayroong halaga
Ngunit kaibigan, ika’y malayo na
Ngunit ikaw parin, ang laging nasa isip ko.
Magbago man ang ikot ng mundo
Hangad ko paring makapiling ka
Uliting muli ang kahapong nagdaan
At bigyan ito ng bagong kahulugan.
Mahirap limutin ang isang katulad mo
Kaibigang totoo at handang magsakrapisyo
Mahirap hanapin ang isang katulad mo
Kaibigang tunay at mayroong respeto.
Nagbabago Na
Roger Lanoy
Ang dating ako’y walang kilalang
Dati ang puso ko’y wala man lang
Di takot magkasala dahil manhid sa
Na minsa’y nagdadala sa’kin
patungo sa kasamaan.
Pero sa kabila ng aking kasamaan,
Ay nangangarap paring magbago.
Gustong iwan ang lahat ng kasamaan.
Ngunit hindi alam na kayhirap pala
kung walang pagmamahal.
Ang totoo’y gusto kong magkaroon
ng pagmamahal.
kahit kunti lamang upang maibahagi
ko para sa kabutihan.
At sana’y matupad ang hinihiling
ng aking puso.
Gusto kung masaksihan ng lahat
ang pangarap kong magbago.
Hindi nagtagal natupad ang aking
pangarap na magbago.
Dahil sa tulong ng panginoon.
Ang pagbabagong ito’y Nagbibigay
sa akin ng kasiyahan.
Iniwan ko na ang lahat ng kasamaan
dahil ako’y magbago na.
Ngayon, nakilala ko na ang Panginoon, na dati ay wala sa aking puso.
Hiling ko nama’y mamayani ka sa
puso ko dahil masaya na akong nagbago.
Kaya’t ayaw ko ng babalik sa dating
“I am nourished by Your will,
O Mighty One! Your will is
the goal of my existence”
- Faustina Kowalska
October 2009-February 2010
.Herodion Gapas
Augustine and Ascanio (St. Francis) traveled to
Rome from Naples partly by horseback and partly by
foot. Both men intentionally dressed themselves like
ordinary people in order not to attract attention from
others and also in true imitation of Jesus Christ who
humbled himself and became human.
I am glad that I know you father
I am blessed that I know your name
When I am lonely, you comfort me.
When I am happy, you share my
and have faith in our God
Thank you Father, for feeding us the
good news of salvation
You teach us how to be faithful.
To the Lord our God……
Source; (Nestor M. Abog Jr. , CRM, The Founders’
Vision of the Formation in the Clerics Regular Minor
(1588-1632) (New York: 2004), 92-93.
And you said, just pray to the
Db Bb
Father…Father…Forgive us
Ab7 Ab
You heal my soul Father.
You lead my life to you.
On their way to Rome, Augustine and Ascanio
(St. Francis) stopped at a Capuchin monastery and stood
with the poor people on line to get food. A Franciscan
friar recognized the two as religious and told them to
introduce themselves to the local superior so that they
could be treated differently. They refused the offer and
remained with the poor people on line. They were happy
to be with the poor who lined up by the door of the
monastery for some food.
We lean our lives on you Father.
For us to enter into your home
To be patient in life
For we are sinful
To share His cross
Many times I go to you.
For many questions that burden my
Source; (Nestor M. Abog Jr. , CRM, The Founders’
Vision of the Formation in the Clerics Regular Minor
(1588-1632) (New York: 2004), 92-93.
A Brother’s Prayer
By Anonymous
Keep me one, O God.
Make my intentions true
Unite my heart and mind
(Seminarista, taimtim na nag-eemote):
“Bakit ba ganito sila?! Hindi nila ako magawang mahalin…porke tamad na pasaway na maliga na tulugin
na maarte ako…wala na ba akong karapatan na mahalin?! It
hurts! It hurts! It hurts you know!
That I may love and know only You!
Keep us together, O God!
Make our relations true!
Help us to see You in one another
That our community may reflect You!
Keep us one with you, O God
Try us, conform us, strengthen us!
For how good it is when brothers live in
Help us, help me, to build community!
Seminarista A: Brother, ba’t mo naman isinumbong kina
fathers na may GF ako!?
Seminarista B: …ay sorry brother huh! Yaan mo pinagdarasal
ka nang buong community…galit ka?!
Seminarista A: Huh? Ba’t ako magagalit? Pinagkakalat mo na pala sa buong community…bla-bla ka! Mukha ba
akong galit huh?! Hindi! Hindi! Hindi ako galit sa’yo!
Hmmm…bla-bla ka talaga! Hindi talaga ako galit sa’yo…
lasunin kita jan eh…nakuha mo!
“…Wow! Tataas na intero baga ng mga Kubo sa Maynila
ayyy!” - Seminaristang first time sa Maynila.
Be an Adorno Father or Brother!
for more informations
write or call the Vocation Director
Rev. Fr. Melvin I. Avilla, CRM
CP# 09287108291
The Order of the Clerics Regular Minor
Adorno Fathers Formation House
Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Vinzons, Camarines Norte
Philippines 4603