performance report performance report


performance report performance report
november/december 2007 • vol. 17.6
The recent onslaught of defective and lead-tainted Chi- loaded on our shores, the real hand wringing has begun.
nese products and the staggering number of product re- How could everyone have been so naive? Did no one ever
calls that resulted should surprise no one. This debacle did perceive, in a moment of reflection, that this whole scene
had been developing for
not spring up overnight.
years, and didn’t just happen
Its roots took hold when
overnight? After the discovthe first American business
ery and recalls started, did
owner discovered that he
anyone ever ask how long
could cut expenses, lay off
this had been going on? With
employees and increase
over 40% of our products, inprofits by farming out the
cluding 80% of our toys beactual manufacturing pro“We Lead The INDUSTRY
ing imported from China, the
cess to cut rate, “offshore”
companies. It didn’t take
potential for a massive number of illnesses and deaths as
long for other manufactura result of unknown defects
ers to make the same discovery and soon all of them
and improper coatings may
have been in place for a long
were stuffing more money
in their pockets, and in
Now, the time is at hand
those of their investors. The
some serious re-examiglow from all of that green
nation of the whole import
prevented any of them from
scene. It would be easy to
seeing the red.
accomplish if China were
What we are experiencthe only exporter involved,
ing right now is the down
but “American” products are
side of the old saying about
also imported from Mexico,
getting “something for
Matt Hauch ‘07
Brazil and countless Middle
nothing”. When the prodEastern countries. None can
ucts are flowing in at an
alarming rate and the profits are piling up, it’s tough to think always brag of high quality, or freedom from defects. It is
of a down side. Now that an amazing number of defective doubtful that there were any malicious intentions on the
and potentially poisonous products, from tires to Thomas part of the Chinese. The recent suicide of the CEO of a giant
the Train toys, and toothpaste to seafood, have been off- Chinese toy factory after it was discovered that lead-based
(Continued on page 2)
• Information and Viewpoints •
The China Sin-Drome ....................... 1, 2
• New Product Showcase •
DPI, MasterCraft, Powertank, Winters ..3, 4
• Allstar Performance •
New Products ...................................... 6
• Charlie Jobber •
What Would Be In Your Top Ten? ......... 5, 7
The Motor State Performance Report is compiled and published bi-monthly by the
Motor State Distributing Advertising Department Staff: John McLellan • John Berglund •
Matt Hauch • Jim Kaekel, Jr. • Michael Kalling • Robin Beachy • Chad Harris
• Industry Notes •
The Acquisition Game .......................... 4
• Internal Affairs •
SEMA and PRI Trade Show ............. 7, 8
paint had been applied to America-bound products, and
the executions of two former crooked drug administration
officials by the Chinese government would lead us to believe that the country as a whole takes safety and quality
very seriously.
The most likely problems here are fairly simple to figure
out. One is the Chinese labor force. Many laborers have no
choice but to work in near slave labor conditions, and have
been more or less forced to cut corners to meet production quotas and boost profits. Conditions in many Chinese
manufacturing facilities parallel those of the “sweat shops”
in the U.S. near the end of the nineteenth century. Thousands and thousands of poor and under educated nationals have no choice but to submit to this slave status in order
to survive.
Another aspect of this dilemma involves minimum standards for quality and safety. People in the U.S. are used to
expecting that rules and regulations that have been in place
for many years will protect them from major defects and
dangers. Just because these guidelines have been in place
in the U.S. for many years is no assurance that China and
other manufacturing nations even give them any consideration. For all we know, it may be perfectly OK for Chinese
children to ingest quantities of lead paint and other dangerous substances while they are playing with toys in their
Chinese apartments, insulated with asbestos, and eating
Chinese food made with pork from Chinese hogs that have
been force fed liquid human and animal waste. One thing is
for sure: the U.S. legislators must enact stiffer examination
(continued from page 1)
standards for imports, and they must do it soon.
What about companies we deal with in our industry
who routinely import Chinese components and then put
them in Made in U.S.A. packaging? It’s likely too late to
completely eliminate this practice and, besides, the same
scenario is played out in every American company doing
business with the Chinese, not just the speed equipment
makers. The chief concern for any company doing business
in China is the honesty and integrity of the manufacturers
being dealt with on a regular basis. Consider the suicide of
the Chinese toy CEO mentioned earlier. He allegedly killed
himself because of deep shame over being betrayed by a
close friend who also happened to be his paint supplier. (Of
course, the possibility exists that he may have been guilty
too, and just wanted to escape the prospect of being shot
by a firing squad anyway, but let’s give him the benefit of
the doubt.) His shame, as an honorable being, contrasted
sharply with his friend’s lack of integrity and presented a
50/50 proposition. Maybe that’s the way any business dealings with Chinese, or any foreign manufacturer, should
be approached - that is, expecting only a 50% chance of
the manufacturer being above board. It’s a certainty that
if every American company CEO who knowingly allowed
the sale of defective, dangerous or potentially poisonous
merchandise were to hang himself, there would be a severe
shortage of rope! The global economy we live in pretty
much dictates the course of business these days, and it’s
the ultimate responsibility of companies that import products from abroad to make the system work for everyone.
When I was a somewhat earnest college student, I
bought a classic ‘58 Chrysler New Yorker, complete
with a 392 Hemi, from an elderly couple who had
parked it in favor of a newer Imperial. What a car!
A great highway cruiser, it had all the comforts
I thought were only reserved for rich folks. It
had only one drawback. If the mean temperature dropped below 40 degrees and the humidity reached the upper ranges on the barometer
that old car would absolutely refuse to fire. New ignition wires,
starter wiring and countless tow bills were all for naught as I never
did manage to completely solve the problem. That was 1967. Now, forty years later, I have
acquired another ‘58 New Yorker and the first problem I plan to eliminate is the hard starting issue. Pertonix is
going to help. I am going to convert the old bus to an electronic ignition with the Ignitor II Conversion Kit. Several
antique auto restorer friends have sworn by this conversion, most saying that their antiques start better than their
late model, every day drivers. Good enough for me! Now, I wonder if the folks at Pertronix have ever worked on
the rust problem with old Mopars... ©MSR
DPI’s Platinum Track Differential
An exclusive item for circle track racing use, the DPI Platinum Track Differential has been completely redesigned with a preload system that can endure
the most severe racing conditions while permitting the wheels to turn freely
and the car to steer easily. The unit’s spiral gears sense which tire has the most
resistance, and then smoothly delivers power to that wheel in direct proportion
to the amount of traction available.
DPI offers Platinum Tracks for quick changes with 31-spline axles (tight set
up) and Ford 9" rear ends with 28- or 31-spline axles and tight or half-tight setups. Adjusting shim packs and preload adjusting kits are available separately.
MasterCraft Seats for
Truck and Off-Road Enthusiasts
MasterCraft offers many choices of seating and accessories for trophy trucks, trick trucks, unlimited and
dual-purpose cars and pre-runners. Originally developed for violent, high speed short course off-roading,
the seats have blossomed into the spotlight as the seats to have for any serious, rugged pursuit.
Among the offerings:
The 3G, with Euro-styling and a race proven suspension system designed for superior lateral support.
The Pro4, the standard for reliability and comfort in off-road vehicles for over a decade.
The Rubicon, offers rock crawlers a seat with the same craftsmanship and safety features as all-out race
seats, but with lower side and front edges for easier entry and exit.
The Baja RS, the first reclining suspension seat for off-roading with a heavy-duty, 9-position reclining
mechanism and the same mounting flexibility as the Rubicon.
The Sportsman, a low mount, suspension seat that adapts easily to early or late Broncos, Rangers, S-10’s
and Toyotas as well as full-size Dodge, Ford and GM pickups.
Call us for more detailed information on each of these MasterCraft seats.
Baja RS
(Continued on page 4)
(continued from page 3)
The latest and greatest accessory for serious rock crawlers and off-roaders,
Powertanks are handy, easy-to-use tire inflation systems for quickly airing up
tires or reseating blown tire beads when the vehicle is miles from civilization
as we know it. Instead of regular compressed air, the Powertank Systems use
pressurized liquid CO2, released as a vapor through a regulator that provides
high flow rates while resisting “freeze clogging” which is common with carbon
dioxide systems. CO2 is non-corrosive and non-toxic, making it the perfect medium for tires and wheels. Versatile, powerful and quick, the Powertank System
can be used anywhere.
Powertank offers many, many combinations, packages and mounting your sales associate for more information.
Winters 2-1/2" Grand National
Quick Change Kits
It’s all right here in the box! The Winters 2-1/2" Grand National Quick Change Kits
are comprised of 31-spline aluminum spool (WIN8115) with 4.86 ring and pinion
assembly, Posi-Lock Assembly (WIN8104), a ten-inch, 12-bolt rear section with magnesium center and 6-rib bells (WINK5063), steel 5x5 hubs (WIN2255C), solid axles
and a pair of 11.75" x .810" thick rotors. Give Motor State a call. ©MSR
Auto Meter Purchases Dedenbear Products, Inc.
Mr. Gasket Goes To New Owner...Once Again
There was very little delay involved and the reaction
times were in the ballpark as Auto Meter’s president,
Jeff King, announced recently that the company had
acquired Dedenbear Products, Inc. and will incorporate their line of delay boxes, throttle stops and starting
line controllers into the Auto Meter product line. King
added, “We are eager to combine Dedenbear’s technical achievements with our own to create unique new offerings for our customers...we are constantly looking for
integrated, intelligent products and controls.”
Auto Meter is itself owned by another acquisition company, Harbour Group, based in St. Louis, MO.
Prestolite, the longtime manufacturer of automotive
ignition products, has agreed to acquire all the assets of
Mr. Gasket, Inc. The deal was announced jointly by Dennis Rogers, Executive Vice President of Mr. Gasket and
Greg Ulewicz, President of Prestolite. “Mr. Gasket’s recognized high performance and racing brands will be a
tremendous asset to Prestolite’s aftermarket portfolio,”
said Ulewicz. Mr. Gasket expects to expand its line of automotive, marine and motorcycle products. ©MSR
It was a typi- “With a Winfield cam and that ol’ Gemsa, I had nearly
cal late Sun- triple the original horsepower. Now, that was a hot rod,
day afternoon boys!”
at the local
Curly, a retired engineer and Korean War vet, with
Irish pub, and nary a hair on his head, piped up with his two cents’
a bunch of us worth. “When Iskenderian ground racing camshafts and
were bench rac- Vic Edelbrock cast up finned, aluminum heads for the
ing ou
our way through a Ford flathead V8, there was nothing that could touch
rain delay of the day’s televised racing event. We were on an engine equipped with them,” he boasted. “I beat the
the day’s third rehash of the perennial argument about dickens out of some rich kid in his daddy’s Cadillac V8
what engine was the most significant in the history of hot with my Isky-cammed ’35 Ford coupe one night over on
rodding. And, for the third time, the argument was unre- Seal Avenue,” he chuckled. He added, “Isky Cams and
solved with equal votes for flathead Ford, Chrysler hemi Edelbrock finned heads have got to be on your list, for
and Chevy small block V8’s, and one each for the GMC sure!”
and Hudson sixes. All of the arguments had merit, for one
“I had one of the very first sets of Hedman Hedders on
reason or another. I was of the opinion that there was no the new ’55 Chevy I bought just after I graduated from
correct answer...and that we were beating a dead horse. high school.,” said Arnie, a recently retired policeman.
Then, I got
“That 265an idea for a
inch small
new group
block really
life. I was
My inspiunbeatration was
able.” He
went on,
email from
“I’d have
En g
i ne
a perforto
Pe r
Ch a or m an
mance aumy
for those
hey Stosh,
tions from
Matt Hauch ‘07
to creation
about the
of an all
M&H Racetime top
Staying Plugged Into Hot Rodding’s Future m a s t e r
ten list of
drag slicks,”
The Most
asked MurImportant Hot Rod Products Ever. Definitely an ambi- ray, a local mechanic and former dragster driver. “Those
tions undertaking! That email contained a list of 30 sug- slicks put drag racing into the big time.” Arthur, a former
gested items and invited input from those on the mail- super stock racer, adjusted his combover for the huning list. I thought maybe I could go a step further and dredth time before he agreed, “They sure beat those reinvite input from this group of rowdies. And that’s what capped wonders we raced on before. My 426 Dodge got
I did, too. I presented the proposal, and then sat back to a whole lot more consistent...and I won more, too!”
listen to everyone speak their piece. I stipulated up front
Jeff, a longtime sports car buff with a prominent set
that no auto manufacturers’ products would be allowed; of chins, chimed in, “From that same era, how about the
everything had to be from the aftermarket.
Cragar S/S wheel? I had a set on my 1965 fuel injected
First to respond was Stosh, the eighty-something year Corvette and they were absolutely the best looking
old gent who often filled in as bartender. “I think the wheel I’d ever seen.” He continued, “For that matter,
greatest hot rod innovation of all time was the overhead back then the American Racing Torque Thrust, E-T and
valve conversion for the Model T Ford” he said. “Heck, M/T Radir wheels were all “kick-butt”.
when I was a kid, I had a ’26 T with a Gemsa head. Betcha
From down at the other end of the bar, an investment
you never heard of a Gemsa! I got a speeding ticket one banker named Frankie shouted, “Don’t forget fiberglass
time for going nearly 75 miles per hour.” He continued, street rod bodies. I was blown away in the early 1970’s by
(Continued on page 7)
ABC Universal Front and Rear Bumper Kits
Fabrication of a bumper for a circle track car need not be an all day least that’s the philosophy that Allstar
Performance subscribed to when they came up with the ABC Universal Front Bumper Kit (ALL22372). The kit consists of a
1-3/4" diameter, .095" wall front tube, two adjustable 1-1/2" diameter, .095" extension arms and two sleeves, which weld
to the frame.
The rear bumper consists of a 1-3/4" x .095" wall main tube, two adjustable 1-1/2" x .095" wall corner pieces, two connector tubes and two sleeves to weld to the chassis. Buy both and save precious time for other, more urgent race car
management issues.
Tire Maintenance and Service Tools
Allstar now stocks a convenient, low-priced Valve Core Tool (ALL44030) that may be used to
remove and install tire valve stem cores. Made of stainless steel with a machined grip on the
handle, this compact, 3" long tool should be a standard feature of any racer’s toolbox.
Allstar’s new Tire Sipers, in 6-blade (ALL10265) and 14-blade (ALL10264) versions, are depth
adjustable to quickly and precisely sipe racing tires for more traction. Designed for heavy
duty usage, the tool uses standard utility knife blades.
Electric Helmet Breather (ALL13012)
Now Allstar has made available a self-contained, 12-volt fan that can supply an amazing
flow of air to a racer’s helmet. The fan has a reusable filter and an RF connector to facilitate
easy, quick helmet removal. A 14" wire is permanently attached to the fan and the end accepts a 24" pigtail - also included - with simple red (+) and black (-) hookups. Perhaps the
best feature of the new air system is that it is so compact that a racer may not even be aware
that it is there...everyone can do with one less distraction during the heat of a big race.
Ford 9" Rear End Housing Studs (ALL72040)
Any time a 9" rear end is rebuilt, new studs for retaining the center section should be
installed. Until now this was more easily said than done. Allstar Performance offers a new,
previously hard to find, stud kit for the 9" rear end that solves the problem of worn studs and
makes the rear end reconditioning project much easier. Ten to a pack, the 3/8"-24 studs are
easily pulled into place via a nut threaded on the end for a press fit.
Brake Hose Kit (ALL42027)
Anyone who has ever assembled a street rod or a race car from ground up has encountered
the problem of finding a brake hose that will connect the 3/16" steel brake lines plumbed into
the frame with the brake calipers. It often seems that the generic auto parts stores only stock hoses
that are “almost correct”, but not THE correct ones. Allstar now offers brake hose kits that fit our 3/16"
steel lines and also connect right up to the 7/16"-20 threads in our big GM brake calipers.
Power Steering Pump Pulley (ALL48251)
We’ve heard lots of good things about our steel power steering pump (ALL48250) and now
we’ve got a nifty pulley that finishes the installation.
Give us a call for more information on any of our new Allstar components.
(continued from page 5)
those ’32 and ’34 Ford roadster bodies...they looked just like the real steel ones.” He went on, “Soon they were
not only making roadsters, but coupes and even sedans...and offering fenders, hoods and running boards,
too! A guy could build an entire car out of glass.”
Then, the bar owner, Paul, interjected, “I always liked the “pro street” look and those huge Mickey Thompson tires. M/T put pro street and tubbing in the hot rodder dictionary as far as I’m concerned.”
As our discussion progressed, more outsiders began to gather around; some even offered their opinions
on our topic. One youngish guy, with a receding hairline and a considerable mullet, wanted the floor. He introduced himself as Bill and then said, “I think nitrous oxide systems were definitely an important addition to
the hot rod product line. In 1989, my 351 Cleveland Mustang ran in the elevens with a quick shot of NOS, and
could barely get into the thirteens without it.”
One more opinion came forth. A tattooed youngster with a pierced eyebrow, who couldn’t have been
more than nineteen, cleared his throat and spoke his piece. “High performance computer chips really wake
up the newer cars and trucks, especially the sport compacts...and diesel trucks,” he stated. “If it lets me tune
my car with a laptop computer, it has to be a really good hot rod product doesn’t it?”
I had sat silently by and listened to each one give his little spiel. I was impressed to say the least. Everyone
presented convincing arguments for their choices, and I could find no reason to disagree. What I did deduce
from this discussion was that we had at least one opinion from every generation, from the beginning of hot
rodding all the way to the present time. Predictably, each generation’s recommendation for a Top Ten collection was based upon their own hot rodding experiences. The vintage flathead speed equipment meant
every bit as much to the old timer as the modern, laptop tuned sport compact did to the youngster with the
We are, first and foremost, products of our formative years. This revelation made me wonder why that
magazine would even try to compile a Top Ten. What would be the point? It was interesting to note that their
initial proposed list of the 30 most revolutionary speed parts from the last seventy years or so made absolutely no mention of such vitally and historically important hot rod items as transmission adapters and exhaust
headers. Without transmission adapters, hot rodding would have never moved forward...literally. From the
beginning of time, the easiest means of improving a car’s performance has been the elimination of the stock
exhaust system. Several of the items on the list were there, I suspected, to be a politically correct nod toward
some of the big advertising supporters of the magazine. Why else would a product that’s only been on the
market for a few years already qualify as one of the top components of all time.
I think the magazine is missing the point here. The real revolution is not the parts; it’s the fact that hot rodding has been around long enough to have touched at least six generations. It’s scenes like an eighty-year old
grandfather helping his fifty-something son tune a new nostalgia style dragster while his twenty-one year
old granddaughter dons her firesuit in preparation for another six-second pass. Or a heavily tattooed young
man, with a “rooster comb” hairdo, tuning his grandmother’s new Firestorm GX-90 with his trusty laptop
computer while she repairs the upholstery in his ‘T’bucket. Scenes like this show me that hot rodding is alive
and well and gearing up for another century of speed and performance. Maybe this magazine would do well
to look for the Top Ten Signs That Hot Rodding Is Surviving. ©MSR
SEMA “Product Information - How It can Impact Your Company Image,
Sales and Profitability”...Friday Morning at PRI
The industry is quickly moving to standardized product information and the benefits are
clear: increased sales, fewer returns, improved product exposure and faster turnarounds.
The workshop will cover the very basics of Data Standards -AAIA Catalog Enhanced Standards (ACES) and Product Information Exchange Standards (PIES) - and discuss nineteen of
the most vital pieces of product information needed by performance and accessory distributors. Speakers will be LuAnne Brown of eTool Developers and Scott O’Toole of Motor
State Distributing. Make plans to attend now! The workshop will take place on Friday December 7 from 7:30am-9:00am in room S320C at the Orange County Convention Center.
(Continued on page 8)
(continued from page 7)
The Gateway to the World Racing Marketplace!
The 20th Annual Performance Racing Industry Trade Show will be held December 6-8, 2007, at the
Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Over 45,000 racing entrepreneurs from 40 countries are expected to attend for another record-breaking year! Visit all of us at Motor State by stopping at
peninsula booth number 4301! We’ll be there to show you what exciting things we have in store for the
2008 racing season. In addition, Allstar Performance will debut their new and exciting products for 2008.
To allow more new products to be seen, Allstar has its own booth again this year, located right next to
the Motor State booth in space #4309. Be sure to stop by to check out the new Allstar product packaging
design and merchandising displays. For all Price Guide Pro software users, the annual Friday Price Guide
Pro Workshop is back! Be sure to make plans to attend as we will unveil the next generation of Price Guide
Pro…Version 7. We’ll work closely with users to demonstrate the in-depth software features in Version 7.
We’ll also gather feedback about changes and enhancements you would like to see in production software. To pre-register and to obtain additional show information, visit
8300 Lane Drive • Watervliet, Michigan 49098 •
Toll Free 800.772.2678 • Phone 269.463.4113 • Fax 800.772.2618