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here - Cross of Life Lutheran Church
A Cross of Life Monthly Newsletter
Crossroads ...
Where Information and Inspiration Meet
August 2014
Minister’s Minute
In the June newsletter, I wrote
about taking pictures this
summer of places you have felt
close to God – pictures of places
you’ve travelled to or simply
with family or friends in the
backyard. I haven’t received any,
but hopefully that’s because you’re
still experiencing them.
Let me share a few of mine that
happened the week of July 6-12.
It was the week of our Sr. High
Servant Trip to Rockaway, N.Y.
to help with the rebuilding after
Super Storm Sandy hit this thin
peninsula in October 2012.
The first image is below right
and is of the church where we
stayed: First Presbyterian Church
in Jamaica, Queens. (Not to be
confused with all the other First
Presbyterian churches out there!)
The congregation was 350 years
old and still deeply in touch
with its mission. It could have
even been the one we used for
our trip: “Through Love, Serve
One Another.” We saw examples
of this love in so many ways
throughout our week, in the
simplest of ways through the
hospitality extended to us. It was
especially shown through the two
women named Dora who were
our hosts, always greeting us with
smiles on their faces, asking us
how we were.
The church reminded me of
COL in a few ways. People were
genuinely warm and welcoming,
making us feel as if we were
extensions of their family. The
gymnasium we slept in couldn’t
have provided a better space
for community and connection
to happen. And when our last
day came, we cleaned up our
stuff for the Yoga class that was
meeting there at 8:30 a.m. A
Health and Wellness Center in
the flesh, utilized by members,
neighborhood folks, partners and
even distant travelers.
The other image I’d like to share is
one that doesn’t even fit into one
shot, so I’ll have to paint a picture
for you. On Wednesday after our
community meal, our group of
48 made its way to a park down
the street. It was a warm summer
night, filled with all kinds of
people – families, teens playing,
and adults jogging. This was also
the night we decided to wear our
trip t-shirts that had our theme
and were, yes, NEON YELLOW!
(See photo on p. 3)
It was a picture of being engaged
with one another and with the
people around them. In addition
to all the ways they showed
Christ’s love through the hard
work they did during the week,
here was one way they shared that
love through being with others.
One last thing. In worship on
Tuesday night, the person leading
service prayed for our group,
saying, “Let them see love in
us. Let them see Christ in us as
we see God in them.” May that
become our prayer for the people
of First Presbyterian and all those
living in Jamaica, Queens and in
Rockaway and for each other as
well … so that God’s presence
becomes something so visible in
our midst, it’s as if we were seeing
~ Sherrie
By the end of the night, there was
a big group of our youth who had
invited little kids to join them
as they played Frisbee. Another
group joined the game on the
soccer field and five of our guys
played basketball with a group
from the neighborhood.
summer weekend worship: saturdays at 5:00 p.m.
sundays at 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. ~ through august 31
Cross of Life Lutheran Church
20700 W. North Avenue | Brookfield, WI 53045
Phone: 262-785-9420
Above: First Presbyterian Church in
Jamaica, Queens, where our group
stayed on its Sr. High Servant Trip.
Read Minister’s Minute to learn
about their experience.
Page 2
Sunday School
ABC Summer Sunday
School Wraps Up
Calling All New
COL Needs YOU as a
Sunday School Teacher! Preschoolers & Parents!
We’ve had a blast discovering Animals
in the Bible, remembering our Baptisms,
celebrating God’s Creation ... and we
will wrap up this summer program on
Sunday, August 24. Thanks to all the
families who have taken their turn at
leading a class this summer!
Rally Weekend is Coming:
September 6-7
Summer is wrapping up and it won’t
be long before Cross of Life is buzzing
with kids in Sunday School ... gathering
in circles on the floor talking about the
weekly Bible story, up in the Art Room
creating awesome take-home treasures,
down in the Lower Level getting their
wiggles out, in front of the Smart Board
figuring out a challenge, and in the
Kitchen mixing up something to munch
on. Sunday School action happens in
every corner of COL and we have saved a
spot for your kids! Make being a part of a
Sunday School community a top priority
this year! Your family will be blessed
beyond measure. The school year kicks
off on Rally Weekend, September 6-7.
The blessings of being a part of a Sunday
School class are waiting for the grownups at Cross of Life. Volunteer to be a
Sunday School teacher! Teaching teams
of three share the role of leading a class.
(Over the course of a school year, that
is about 11 times each.) The teaching
materials are all online, easy to use, and
designed for parents to be the leaders
... and COL kids are the best! To learn
more about teaching opportunities (or
if you ever have questions or concerns
about Sunday School) contact Jo Ann
Tomm. Email: [email protected] /
church: 785-9420 / cell: 262-510-9593.
SS Teachers: Orientation
& Dinner on August 25
Starting Sunday School can be a little
scary when you are new. All threeyear-old Sunday School students
and their parents are invited to Getto-Know-You Night on Thursday,
September 4, from 6:30-7:15 p.m.
We will play, meet new friends, hear
a story, and eat ice cream sundaes!
(Don’t forget to go to the ONLINE
FORMS page on the COL website and
enroll your kids for Sunday School!)
BELOW: At our Kids VBS, 5 WEIRD
ANIMALS helped us learn that
God made each of us one-of-a-kind
creations and that Jesus always
loves us ... no matter what! But we
were also joined by some REAL
animals in the form of therapy dogs!
All Sunday School teachers are invited
to join us for Orientation & Salad
Dinner on Monday, August 25, from
6:00-8:00 p.m. to start the year off
together! This is the perfect opportunity
to meet your teaching partners, eat a
delicious salad dinner and get the scoop
on all-things-Sunday-School. Childcare
is provided. Join us on this special night!
Sign Up NOW for Sunday School!
Each year we ask families to choose
a time zone that works best and
register for a Sunday School class.
Simply go to the COL website and
click on ONLINE FORMS. You can
always switch around as conflicts
come up; choose the hour that works
best most of the time. Now is a
great time to INVITE a friend or
neighbor to join you in worship and a
Sunday School class!
Thursday, July 31
5:30-8:00 pm
Family VBS: Night 1
Fri. Aug. 1-Sat. Aug. 2
5:30 pm-11:00 am
Family VBS: Night 2, Camping
Monday, Aug. 25
6:00-8:00 pm
SS Staff Orient./Salad Dinner
Thursday, Sept. 4
6:30-7:15 pm
Preschool Get to Know You
Saturday, Sept. 6
4:00 & 5:00 pm
Rally Weekend: SS Resumes
Sunday, Sept. 7
8:30, 9:30, 10:45 am Rally Weekend: SS Resumes
Sunday, Sept. 7
3:30-7:00 pm
Confirm. 9th Grade Wrap-Up
Sat, Sept 13-Sun, Sept 14 All Services
Confirmation Weekend
Wednesday, Sept. 17
Confirmation Orientation
6:00-7:30 pm
EPIC Student Ministries
Page 3
We thank Kelsey Peterson, Director of Youth Ministry, for her two years of service to Cross of Life and Christ the King.
Kelsey is moving to Los Angeles to begin a new chapter in her life; her last day with us was July 31. We celebrated Kelsey’s
ministry during services the weekend of July 26-27 and at a picnic on July 29 at CTK. Please read her letter below.
To my Cross of Life Family,
Two years ago I was sitting in a tree
when I got a call from Pastor Sherrie
about a Youth Director job in Brookfield,
Wis. that I had applied for. A month
after that, I was packing up my car and
moving over 3,000 miles to accept the
job. When I got to Cross of Life I was a
little nervous about being in a completely
new place, but when I walked through
those doors it was like walking into a
family. The awesome thing was that even
though I had just became a part of this
family, it was like I had been a part of it
all along. Everyone welcomed me with
open arms. I can’t express how grateful
I am for all of you allowing me to be a
part of this church.
By the time most of you read this I will
be making another cross-country trek to
Los Angeles, Calif.
I am excited about this new journey
and step in my life but will miss you
all dearly. When I came here I never
thought I would be leaving two years
later, but of course, life and love happens.
It has been such a joy to get to know all
of you and you will all be in my thoughts
and prayers as I start this new part of
my life.
One last thought that I will leave you
with. A while ago I gave some advice to
one of my kids and just the other day
she reminded me of what I said and I
wanted to tell all of you what it was. “I’ve
learned that goodbyes are sometimes
necessary but not always is it goodbye
forever. Pictures will remind you of what
an amazing time you had and will speak
a thousand words. Memories, good or
To all of my kids, I can’t tell you enough
bad, will forever be in your heart and
how much you have impacted my life. I
bring smiles to your face. And words
went into youth ministry because of how
can replace any doubt in your mind and
one of my pastors impacted my life. I saw
make you feel wonderful.”
how much he loved working with youth
and I wanted to impact the lives of youth
For now, goodbye, but
like he did mine. I am so thankful that I
remember it won’t be a
went into youth ministry but I honestly
forever goodbye. I love
didn’t realize the effect you guys would
and will miss you all.
have on me. I love you all so much and
I will never forget you. You guys are the
In Christ,
ones I will miss the most.
Our Sr. High Summer
Servant Trip to New York
took place July 6-12.
At left: Kelsey Peterson
(back center) poses with her
group. At right: our travelers
proudly display their E.P.I.C.
T-shirts. Below: This group
photo actually appeared
in the July 11 issue of
Rockaway Beach, New York’s
local newspaper, “The Wave.”
Page 4
Worship & Music
Position Available:
Music Leadership
Position Available:
Shared Youth Director
Choirs Resume in
September; Join Us!
To continue, enhance and expand the
musical opportunities at Cross of Life,
we are looking for one or more people
to take on the following roles.
As we continue to give thanks for
the ministry of Kelsey Peterson, our
Director of Youth Ministries that we’ve
shared with Christ the King these past
two years, we now turn our attention
to who might next bring their gifts
to this position. Said by one of our
recent college graduates, “we’ve had
the chance to get to know some really
great Youth Directors!” We’ve had
Carole Syse, Molly Miller, Josh Young
and now we add Kelsey to that list.
It’s time to start singing and ringing
again ... and everyone is welcome!
There is a group for you and there
are no auditions! Share your talents
as we praise the Lord with music.
Director of Adult Vocal Ensembles:
Responsibilities include recruiting
members for, selecting music for,
rehearsing, and directing in worship
our Senior Choir and other vocal
Praise Team Leader: Responsibilities
include recruiting personnel for,
selecting and preparing music for,
rehearsing, and leading a praise team
in worship on a regular basis.
Urban/Suburban Partnership Music
Coordinator: COL is in partnership
with two urban congregations in the
city of Milwaukee (Cross Lutheran
Church and Florist Avenue Lutheran
Church) and one suburban partner
(Christ the King Lutheran Church)
in Brookfield. One area that has not
yet been explored is the active sharing
of the universal language of music
between our congregations.
Each of the above areas will probably
represent a time commitment similar
to that of our Adult Bell Choir
Director: approximately 1/8 of a
full-time position. For more details
on each position, visit the Job
Descriptions posted on our website.
We will seek to be creative in working
with people who have a passion
and aptitude for these ministries. It
may be one person or three, so we
encourage anyone with an interest
in one or more of these areas to
contact Christine Standley at chris@ or one of the pastors.
Transitions of any kind can be difficult
but the people we’ve been blessed to
know always leave with us the impact
they have made on our lives … as we
leave ours on theirs. We trust that to
be so for Kelsey as she begins a new
chapter with Tony in California.
We also trust there is a faith-filled,
energetic and enthusiastic person out
there who will be able to share their
love for God as they work alongside
our youth and adults. If you or
someone you know might be interested
in this full-time position, please see
the Job Description on our website or
contact one of our pastors or Youth
Chairperson Eric Gravenkamp at
[email protected] for info.
Begin Monday, September 8,
and are directed by Christine
Standley. There are groups for all
students from age 3 through high
school. In other words, if your child
is in Sunday School, your child can
be part of our Choir program! Youth
Choirs meet weekly on Mondays;
see Schedule below.
Gloria Dei Handbell
Choir is directed by
Christine Bjorklund. Rehearsals
begin September 2 and are every
Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 p.m. New
members are always welcome! The
ability to read music is required.
If you are interested in ringing or
have questions, contact Christine
Bjorklund at [email protected] or
Chris Standley: [email protected]
Senior Choir: Please stay tuned for
more info on rehearsals as our hiring
process is still in progress. There will
be opportunities for middle school
students, high school students and
adults to sing! We’ll keep you posted
as hiring nears completion.
YOUTH CHOIRS: Monday Evenings:
A Joyful Noise 5:00-5:30 p.m. PreK-Kndgtn
Celebration Choir 5:30-6:15 p.m. Grades 1-2
Sonshine Choir 6:15-7:00 p.m. Grades 3-5
Alleluia Handbells 7:00-7:45 p.m. Grades 6-8
Hosanna Handbells * 7:45-8:30 p.m. Grades 9-12
*New Group! For High School Students with previous handbell experience or
who would like to try ringing. Only requirement: some ability to read music.
Gloria Dei Handbell Choir
Senior Choir
Tuesday Evenings: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
TBD when hiring is complete
Adult Ed & Involvement
Painting Project Done
Thanks to Your Help!
Service Project for
Meta House: Aug. 2
The exterior of our building needed
to be re-painted, and to reduce costs,
we relied on volunteers from COL
and our partners at Genesis House.
We began this project on July 6, and
thanks to your efforts, we are done!
Here is a message from Property
Chair Kevin Anderson: “Your hard
work, enthusiasm and fellowship
have brought this very large project
to a conclusion with two weeks
to spare before the next wedding!
Thank you all for your time, talent,
and positive attitudes; you made the
project happen!” Special thanks to
Kevin and his dedicated wife, Jean
Qualmann-Anderson, who both
spent hundreds of hours on the
project themselves and were amazing
to work with from start to finish!
Do you enjoy smashing, tearing,
hacking and generally wreaking
havoc? If so, do we have the service
project for you! Meta House, a
residential treatment facility in
Milwaukee for women recovering
from addictions and their children,
wants to put in a new playground
… but first they need the old
playground torn out! (See photo
below.) That is where you come in!
Come help COL Men’s Thursday
Night Book Group on Saturday,
August 2, from 9:00 a.m. until
noon; lunch is provided. Meet at
COL at 9 a.m. to drive over. For
more info, contact Barry Von Hoff
at [email protected].
A grateful Kevin Anderson stands in
front of our building, which is freshly
painted thanks to your help!
Page 5
Service Opportunities
Check below for ways to serve this
month! For info on these or other
volunteer opportunities, contact
Muriel Otto at [email protected].
Meta House: Playground Demolition
Saturday, August 2 ~ 9 a.m. to noon
Agape Lasagna Meal
Thursday, August 7 ~ 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Waukesha Food Pantry
Saturday, August 23 ~ 9 a.m. to noon
Christ the King
Help sell Fish Fry or Raffle Tickets for
CTK’s Rally Festival, held Sept. 5-7.
Donations Are Needed
Please help others by donating the
items below. Questions? Contact
Muriel Otto at [email protected].
• Used Laptops for our partner
church in El Salvador
• Backpacks & School Supplies for
Florist Avenue Lutheran Church
• Diapers and Personal Toiletries for
Waukesha Food Pantry
Interested in learning more about
Meta House and their ministry?
They’re holding an informal info
session for COL-ers on Tuesday,
August 19, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
at Muriel Otto’s house: 1512 N.
Marshall Street in Milwaukee.
Our Adult Education hour has been
on summer hiatus but will resume
with our regular program year
schedules in September.
Plan now to join us in Fall for our
Adult Forums & Bible Studies!
Stats from our painting project:
48 Volunteers from COL & Genesis House
70 Feet of cedar siding installed
72 Feet of poplar trim installed
28 Feet of cedar trim installed
54 Tubes of caulk applied
21 Gallons of latex paint/stain applied
11 Gallons of oil primer paint applied
15 Pounds of nails to refasten siding, trim
5 Sheets of 4’x8’ plywood installed
1 Diesel-powered lift with 60’ boom
Countless Hours dedicated to project
Priceless Having members and
partners come together to perform this
much-needed and very large task
Thanks to all who “applied” yourselves!
Thanks to ALL of our amazing CREW LEADERS who made WEIRD ANIMALS VBS
such a wonderful (and wacky!) experience for so many kids this year! (Check out
more VBS pictures and other summer trip photos on page 8.)
Page 6
Servanthood & Small Groups
Keep El Salvador
Travelers in Prayers
Can You Help CTK
With Rally Festival?
Food Pantry Benefits
From Young Member
Please pray for COL-ers traveling to
El Salvador from Saturday, August 9,
to Saturday, August 16: Nelson
Brownell, Eric Gravenkamp, Spencer
Gravenkamp, Nicole Heling, David
Horner-Ibler, John Horner-Ibler,
Muriel Otto, Nicole Riederer and
Mike Tostrud. They will spend the
week visiting with the Cordero de
Dios church family, our sister church
in Soyopango, and all our friends in
Rutilio Grande, a rural community
outside the city.
Christ the King is holding its Third
Annual Rally Weekend Festival
from September 5-7 and they could
use your help! First, they’re looking
for people to help sell tickets for
their Fish Fry and Raffle prior to the
event. The Raffle is for a 60” TV or an
iPad Air; tickets are 1 for $5 or 6 for
$25. To obtain a stack of tickets, call
Nancy Kostanski in the CTK Office
at 262-781-7600. CTK is also looking
for volunteers to help at the event. To
be included for working the day(s)
of the festival, please contact Beth
Yohnk at [email protected] to
let her know your availability. Thanks
for helping to make this a success!
When COL Member Katie Rader
held her 11th Birthday Party in July,
she made it clear to guests she didn’t
want any birthday presents – at least
not for herself. Instead, Katie asked
her guests to bring donations to the
Waukesha Food Pantry’s Birthday
Program, which provides birthday
cake supplies to clients under 12.
Donations of cake mix, frosting, and
candles, like those collected by Katie
and her friends, give parents a way to
celebrate their child’s special day, even
during difficult financial times.
Along with your prayers, the group
will gratefully accept any donations
of used laptops to bring to Cordero
de Dios. Also, if you would like to
write the group a letter to be read
aloud together during the trip, please
contact Muriel for more info on this
sweet way to support your travelers!
Please keep our El Salvador travelers in
your prayers and let Muriel Otto know if
you have a used laptop you can donate
for the trip, which is August 9-16.
Florist Ave. In Need
of School Supplies
Now through Monday, August 18,
we are collecting backpacks and
school supplies for kids in need at
Florist Avenue Lutheran Church. Our
goal is to collect 30 new backpacks
(no wheels, please) and fill each one
with these supplies:
When asked how she got the idea,
Katie said, “I have so much stuff
already, I don’t need more presents.
A couple friends had already done a
donation party, so I wanted to try it.”
And she says it was a good decision.
“I’m glad I did it; it was so fun seeing
the pile of donations at the end. People
brought way more stuff than I thought
they would!” Katie collected 25 boxes
of cake mix, 26 cans of frosting, and
someone even brought a piñata! She
hopes the idea catches on and that
more and more kids do it. Katie wants
to tell all 10-turning-11-year-olds out
there, “If you’re thinking about doing
this for your birthday you definitely
should. It’s a lot of fun and you feel
great afterwards!”
• Paper: loose leaf for 3-ring binders
• Notebooks (spiral)
• Pens / Pencils / Crayons
• Paste / Glue
• Scissors / Rulers
Please place items in the bin outside
of Muriel Otto’s office. Thank you!
Lunch Bunch
Second Wednesdays: 11:30 am at Perkins
Aug. 13
Marlene Jernberg: 797-6771
Men’s Tuesday Breakfast Group
First Tuesdays: 6:30-7:30 am at Perkins
Aug. 5
Tom Hochuli: 549-9887
Quilting Group
Every Monday: 9:30 am to noon in Room 206
Aug. 4-25
Holly Rusk: 646-4373
Messages & More
Page 7
Money Matters
Council Corner
As we have now passed the mid-point of both the calendar year and COL’s
fiscal year, I wanted to update the congregation on COL’s financial condition.
From a financial perspective, we have continued the positive momentum
noted in the first quarter of the year. As shown in the table below, year-to-date
congregational giving has increased significantly from last year, and represents
approximately 45% of total budgeted giving for 2014. Overall expenses have also
increased, but have been in line with budgeted expectations. This is especially
noteworthy given that year-to-date property-related expenses have significantly
exceeded budgeted expectations due to the unusually harsh winter and
miscellaneous unexpected projects.
As we continue to build our
relationship with Christ the King
(CTK), I wanted to reflect a little
on the importance of music in
worship. To complement the overall
enjoyment of the worship experience,
it is essential to have the element of
music. Back in late February and
early March, the Gloria Dei Handbell
Choir from COL joined with the
handbell choir from CTK to play
a wonderful song together during
worship at both churches. This was
an amazing experience for me to
be a part of this group of dedicated
musicians from two congregations
making beautiful music together. It
was a unique and very visible way
to start our collaborative union with
Christ the King.
Deficit YTD 2014
YTD 2013
$ 6,129
While COL is currently in a year-to-date deficit position, as is often the case
during this time of year, the positive trends referenced above have helped to
narrow the deficit that existed as of this time last year. With this said, COL
will need a strong finish to the year to return to a surplus, from the $21,625
deficit experienced last year, while also providing the level of support we have
committed to our myriad of programs and partner ministries.
~ Nick Hahn, Treasurer
Confirmation Information
To 9th Grade Students being
Confirmed: You have a Wrap-Up
gathering Sunday, September 7, from
3:30-7:00 p.m. You will plan for your
Confirmation service, hear about Sr.
High opportunities, get your robe and
have your class picture taken. Dinner
will be served.
Confirmation Weekend will be
celebrated at all services the weekend
of September 13-14. A Note to
the New Year One and Year Two
kids and parents: There will be a
Student/Parent Fall Orientation on
Wednesday, September 17, from
6:00-7:30 p.m. Please be sure to attend!
Cross of Life has a long history
of excellence in both member
participation in music ministry as
well as our music ministry leaders.
Currently, we are actively seeking
to expand this music ministry by
adding one or more staff music
positions. The three specific areas
include Director of Adult Vocal
Ensembles, Praise Team Leader and
Urban/Suburban Partnership Music
Coordinator. Whether we find one
person for these positions or three,
our overall goal is to further enhance
our worship experience with a
diverse and meaningful repertoire of
ensemble music.
It was the apostle Paul who
encouraged the Ephesians as well
as the Colossians to use hymns,
psalms and spiritual songs as a way
to express the gratitude within their
hearts. With a dimension of its
own, the music we listen to and sing
during worship can serve to nurture
the moods and feelings within our
The East Coast Road Trip (ECRT) is a great adventure for students who have
completed Confirmation Year Two, and this year was no exception! Thanks to all
who attended, and be sure to check out the Confirmation info above.
~ Greg O’Connell,
Music & Worship Cmte. Chair
Page 8
It’s Already A Summer To Remember!
gettin’ wild & wacky with weird animals at kids vbs: june 23-27
servin’ at our senior high summer servant trip in ny: july 6-12
road trippin’ on the east coast of wisconsin: july 15-18
lovin’ life at lutherdale: july 20-25
watch our next issue for pics from family vbs & our el salvador trip
All Things Christ the King
Page 9
Attend “SpiriTed” at
CTK August 9 & 10
CTK’s Annual Rally Weekend Festival on
September 5-7 Has Something for Everyone!
Our friends at Christ the King invite
you to a very special event! “SpiriTed”
with Jonathan Cring & Janet Clazzy
will be held at CTK on Saturday,
August 9, at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday,
August 10, at 9:30 a.m. These will be
two different presentations, so plan to
attend both! Saturday will be “567:
Go Tell it on the Mount” and Sunday
will be “The Gospel According to
Common Sense.”
Christ the King will hold its Third
Annual Rally Weekend Festival
and it’s an event your whole family
will want to attend! It will be held
Friday, Sept. 5 from 4:00-11:00 p.m.,
Saturday, Sept. 6 from 3:00-11:00
p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 7 from 9:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Admission is free,
so invite your friends and neighbors
to join you for a weekend packed with
great music and family fun. Plus, all
proceeds benefit outreach programs
in the community!
Cring and Clazzy have toured America
for 17 years, entertaining through
music and humor with inspiring
common sense for all ages and walks
of life. Invite your family, friends, and
neighbors. You won’t want to miss this!
Jonathan Cring has authored 11
books and 13 screenplays, and has
been dubbed “The Mark Twain of Our
Generation” because of his whimsical
and topical daily column, “Jonathots.”
His voice is typically compared to a
blending of John Denver and John
Mayer. Jonathan has appeared on the
stage of the Grand Ole Opry and in
Broadway musicals.
Janet Clazzy is a consummate musician
(an oboist formerly with the Chicago
Symphony) who has been dubbed by
many “The Female Kenny G,” and “the
lady of the WX5 Wind Machine” –
a horn with 250 different sounds.
She guarantees you’ll hear at least 20
instruments in each presentation.
Throughout all of this, enjoy brats,
burgers, hot dogs, beer and soda, plus
two bouncy houses for the kids. It will
truly be a remarkable weekend, so
mark September 5-7 on your calendar
and support our friends at Christ the
King while having a great time!
For more details, including a
complete schedule of events, check
out CTK’s Rally Festival Flyer, which
is posted on the COL website on our
“Christ the King” web page.
On Friday, enjoy a delicious Friday
Fish Fry from 5:00-7:00 p.m., but
reserve your spot today so you don’t
miss out on the “finest, French-fried
freshest fish” in town! (Gotta love
Dr. Seuss!) Purchase tickets in
advance by calling the CTK Office at
262-781-7600. Also on Friday, cruise
by the collection of classic cars from
4:00-8:00 p.m., and enjoy the sounds
of “Cold Sweat and the Brew City
Horns” from 7:00-11:00 p.m.
On Saturday, listen to “Twisted” from
3:00-5:30 p.m. and “Mount Olive”
from 7:00-11:00 p.m., and don’t miss
out on their awesome RAFFLE for
a 60” TV or an iPad Air! Tickets
are 1 for $5 or 6 for $25 and can be
purchased in advance by calling the
CTK Office. The Raffle drawing is on
Saturday at 9:30 p.m. but you need
not be present to win.
Then on Sunday, there really is
something for everyone, including
your favorite furry friend! Bring Fido
for an Outdoor Worship Service
and Blessing of Pets at 9:30 a.m.
Stay for the CTK Praise Band from
10:45-11:15 a.m., then sit back for
a real treat from 11:30-12:30 p.m.
as you listen to Nora Collins, CTK
Member and 2014 WAMI Winner!
Accompany of Kids, a song and
dance troupe, wraps up the weekend’s
entertainment from 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Don’t miss Christ the King’s Annual
Rally Weekend Festival September 5-7,
where you’ll enjoy great music and
food, including a delicious Friday Fish
Fry. Also featured: a Classic Car Show,
Bouncy Houses for the kids, Outdoor
Worship with a Blessing of Pets and a
Raffle for a 60” TV or an iPad Air! (Photos
above are from last year’s Rally Festival.)
Page 10
The “Bulletin” Board
Online Photo Directory Getting Closer Thanks
to Countless Hours of Volunteerism!
Next Blood Drives:
Oct. 4 & Dec. 6
As we keep everyone updated on
the progress of our Online Photo
Directory, it’s important to share some
heartfelt thanks to people who have
contributed so much to this project.
John Ehlers photographed 200+
households over numerous Saturdays
and Sundays along with help from Ed
Dominski and Brad Wilkins. Any
touch-ups that needed to be done were
done for free, and Debbie Riederer
emailed everyone their picture to
enjoy and have printed. Then Ann
Hill, Deborah Nustad, and Muriel
Otto worked countless hours to update
our church database with changes to
emails, addresses, etc.
But don’t worry, you’ll still be able
to print off a copy of the Directory
to keep on the coffee table to show
everyone pictures of your church
family! And you’ll never have to say,
“I wish I would have remembered to
bring the Directory with me,” because
it will be right at your fingertips.
It’s never too early to start thinking
about giving the gift of life. Please
mark your calendar and plan to
donate at our next COL Blood
Drives: Saturday, October 4, and
Saturday, December 6, both from
7:00 a.m. to noon. Thank you!
Thanks again to everyone who has
made this project possible and we’ll be
sure to let you know the moment this
great new resource is available for use!
Alphabet Soup of Summer!
Now, we’re in the last stretch of the
process! Duane Maas is working to
create an online version of the Photo
Directory, which will be housed on
our website in a password-protected
format. We hope to finish that up
soon so it will be ready for you in
September. Then you’ll be able to email
the person you’ve been meaning to,
contact the person who sits behind you
in worship to tell them how sweet their
children are, or call that Small Group
leader to let them know you plan on
coming to the next event. And, you’ll
be able to do those things whenever
you remember to do them! Access to
members’ contact info will be quick
and convenient, via your computer.
From ABC Summer Sunday School ...
To VBS and cooling off in a pool ...
The pressure’s off! Thanks to our team
of volunteers, we hope to release our
Online Photo Directory in September.
New Member Classes:
Oct 19 & 26, Nov 2 & 9
Know anyone interested in joining
Cross of Life? Please let them know
our Fall New Member Classes will
be held four consecutive Sundays:
October 19 & 26 and November 2 & 9
from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the Ed Wing.
More info will come closer to the time.
To ECRT where fun foods rule ...
cross of life staff
John Horner-Ibler
Sherrie Lorbeck
Jo Ann Tomm
Muriel Otto
Christine Standley
Lynn Key
Debbie Riederer
Holly Sorenson
Christine Bjorklund
Mike Johnson
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dir. Christian Ed
[email protected]
Dir. Adult Ministries [email protected]
Dir. Music Ministry [email protected]
[email protected]
Admin. & Programs [email protected]
Admin. & Bookkeeper [email protected]
Dir. Handbell Choir [email protected]
Council President
[email protected]
COL summers are pretty cool!
cross of life lutheran church
20700 w. north avenue
brookfield, wi 53045
office: 262-785-9420
fax: 262-785-9190
Calendar & Special Events: August
Through August 31
Friday, August 1
5:30 pm: Family VBS at Christ the King &
Camping Overnight (Optional)
Summer Sunday Schedule
Saturday, August 2
9:00 am: Meta House Playground
Demolition: Meeet at COL
11:00 am: Family VBS at CTK Wraps Up
5:00 pm: WORSHIP
Summer Saturday Schedule
Monday, August 4
9:30 am: Quilting Group
ABC Sunday School: Pre K-Gr 2
ABC Sunday School: Pre K-Gr 2
Sundays in August
August 3
8:30 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
10:00 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
August 10
El Salvador Trip
8:30 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
9:30 am: “SpiriTed” at CTK
10:00 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
August 17
8:30 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
10:00 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
August 24
8:30 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
10:00 am: WORSHIP & ABC Sunday School
August 31
8:30 am: WORSHIP (NO ABC SS)
10:00 am: WORSHIP (NO ABC SS)
Tuesday, August 5
6:30 am: Men’s Tuesday
Breakfast: Perkins
Thursday, August 7
4:00 pm: Agape Meal
Saturday, August 9
El Salvador Travelers Depart
5:00 pm: WORSHIP (NO ABC)
6:00 pm: “SpiriTed” at CTK
Monday, August 11
El Salvador Trip
9:30 am: Quilting Group
Tuesday, August 12
El Salvador Trip
7:00 pm: Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 13
El Salvador Trip
11:30 am: Lunch Bunch
Thursday, August 14
El Salvador Trip
Friday, August 15
El Salvador Trip
Saturday, August 16
El Salvador Travelers Return
5:00 pm: WORSHIP
Page 11
Rally Weekend at Cross of Life is
September 6-7, which means we
return to the regular program year
schedules below.
• Sunday Worship returns to
8:30 & 10:45 a.m.
• Sunday School classes resume
at their regular times
• Sr. High Cafe & Youth Group
events resume (schedule TBA)
• Adult Forums & Bible Studies
resume (schedules TBA)
• Youth & Adult Choirs resume:
See schedule on page 4
• Small Groups resume: watch for
updated Small Groups Table in
September Newsletter
Christ the King’s Rally Weekend
Festival is September 5-7. Don’t
miss this fun event for the whole
family! Check out their flyer on
the COL website for more info
and a Schedule of Events!
Monday, August 18
9:30 am: Quilting Group
When someone says “on the rocks,” what
do you think of? At COL we think of our
kids on the East Coast Road Trip!
summer worship times
saturdays: 5:00 p.m. &
sundays: 8:30 & 10:00 am
through august 31
Tuesday, August 19
4:30 pm: Meta House Info:
Muriel Otto’s Home
Saturday, August 23
9:00 am: Food Pantry: Adults Volunteer
5:00 pm: WORSHIP
Monday, August 25
9:30 am: Quilting Group
6:00 pm: Sunday School Staff
Orientation & Salad Dinner
Saturday, August 30
5:00 pm: WORSHIP
“A perfect summer day is when the
sun is shining, the breeze is blowing,
the birds are singing, and the lawn
mower is broken.” ~ James Dent
Birthdays at Cross of Life
1. Barb Schmidt
4. T.J. Adams, Jr.
Michael Gorgen
Rob Perry
Sam Ranney
Dick Stark
5. Hanna Muche
Ben Otto
Tammy Zarling
6. Alexander Hahn
Isabelle Klick
Donna LeClaire
Jonathan Oberst
7. Matt Brayer
Lauren Filipek
Violet Herington
Dan Shannon
8. Christine Meyer
Samantha Meyer
Benjamin Weitmann
9. Anne Collins
Charles Houterman
Molly Maas
Sara Roemaat
Aaron Rooney
Kelli Trester
10. Peter Drescher
Andrew Nemcek
Katie Shannon
Bethany Tostrud
11. Scott Berg
12. Alexandra Harmelink
Ray Meyer
John Polczynski
13. David Boyd
Kelley Gravenkamp
Paul Knowles
Casimir Laska
14. Nicole Krause
Lynn Shannon
15. Owen Bond
Derek Fjellman
Natalie Krogwold
Connie Pfeifer
Vanessa Vaughan
16. Justin Blatnik
17. Ben Krogwold
Mary Ozolins
Alexis Runyon
Kaleb Vraney
18. Aimee Anderson
Greg Buck
David Feller
Claire Ho
Henry Kania
Leigh Rainer
Catherine Scholz
Mallori Trester
19. John Brendel
Duane Maas
Annika Nellis
20. Peyton Nodolf
21. Linda Dick
Leighton Estacio
Melissa Kading
Rose Larson
Vicki Mueller
Jamie Ronco
22. Keith Janke
Emily Kading
Damon Klick
Marina O’Brien
24. Brian Brown
Nora Bussen
Emily Siderits
Gary Swart
Jeff Wozniak
25. Harrison Groneck
Trent Reay
Bethany Von Hoff
26. Joyce Bielefeld
John Kelley
Duane Maas, Sr.
Debora Olson
27. Kieran Dolan
Klaus Ebenhoch
Brian Kammers
Lynda Krellwitz
Emily Oberst
Marcia Ridley
28. Katrina Bierce
Carlynn Cech
Laurie Shannon
Melanie Varin
Paul Whitaker
29. Erik Nesler
Roger Schrieber
30. Mary Hartwig
Sue Hastings
Kira Kesler
Matthew Shannon
31. Ted Matchulat
Cathy Whitaker
“Age is something that doesn’t matter,
unless you are a cheese.” ~ Billie Burke