GolfEtail Case Study V8


GolfEtail Case Study V8
Case Study
GolfEtail Scores A Hole-in-One: Conversion Rate Nearly Triples
Segmentation and Targeting Powered by Windsor Circle Drive Results
IdenLfy and target le^-­‐handed ULlize Windsor Circle Intelligence Increase customer engagement and customers to increase engagement Engine to derive insights and power conversion up to 284%.
and conversion.
email markeLng by unlocking customer data in ecommerce ecosystem.
About GolfETail
For over a decade GolfEtail, a family-­‐owned online retailer based in Massachuse;s, has been offering its customers savings on golf equipment and accessories from the world’s best known and most trusted brands: Adams, Adidas, Ashworth, Callaway, Cobra, Greg Norman, Nike, and TaylorMade. Founded in 2001 to find and pass along discounts on golf equipment, GolfEtail has developed a loyal customer following who value the company’s commitment to quality, great prices, and customer service. Customers have rewarded GolfEtail’s focus on customer saLsfacLon with 99.7% posiLve feedback on eBay and a BizRate raLng of Outstanding. GolfEtail, however, never rests and is always looking for ways to innovate and serve its customers even be;er.
GolfEtail had a dilemma on their hands. InteracLve markeLng in terms of ROI was successful. Email markeLng was even more so with a typical ROI of over 50x. Yet, something gnawed at Marc Ducey, the CEO.
Connec&ng the ethe
Commerce Ecosystem
Marc knew that there was room for improvement in his email markeLng. He knew that highly targeted email represented an opportunity to be;er engage his customers and cement GolfEtail’s reputaLon for its commitment to customer saLsfacLon. Si[ng untapped and unused was a wealth of customer data. His ChannelAdvisor Webstore, the ecommerce pla]orm, collected and contained each customer’s enLre purchase history: the products bought, the order size, the transacLon date, how o^en the customer bought, and more. Yet, this data wasn’t easily available to his email markeLng system.
Ducey also knew that the customer inbox was a privilege, earned by GolfEtail and that delivering unwanted messages could harm GolfEtail’s reputaLon and long term success. Coupling this knowledge with email’s strategic importance, Marc and his team decided that sending personally relevant, engaging messages were key to ensuring long term customer loyalty.
For example, le^-­‐handed golf equipment had been a reoccurring issue for GolfEtail. Without the data to idenLfy the le^-­‐handers, their email system, WhatCounts, could not send a le^-­‐hander only campaign. They could market the equipment to their enLre list and end up clu;ering about 90% of their customers’ inboxes with an irrelevant offer. Ducey felt his hands were Led. He knew had the data in his ChannelAdvisor Webstore. He needed help unlocking it.
© Windsor Circle 2011 [email protected]
Case Study
Enter Windsor Circle, an email markeLng soluLons provider, with deep roots in powering email markeLng through ecommerce intelligence and analyLcs. Their Intelligence Engine, a SaaS soluLon, unlocks the customer intelligence assets stored within the ecommerce stack, moves the data across the ecosystem, and connects it to the email markeLng system where it can be put to use to target and engage customers. The Intelligence Engine analyzes the data on a nightly basis to calculate customers’ most recent purchases, how o^en they purchase, and how much they spend. This RFM analysis (recency, frequency, & monetary) enables marketers to idenLfy their best customers, their biggest spenders, potenLally lost customers, and more. By making this data is directly available within the email markeLng Best
pla]orm, the marketer can use the email pla]orm that he already knows to easily segment and develop highly Loyal
targeted campaigns.
Comprised of a set of producLzed plug-­‐ins, the Windsor Circle soluLon provides deep integraLon among the most popular email markeLng systems and ecommerce pla]orms. Extending beyond the point-­‐to-­‐point integraLons that simply share email address, the plugins enable access to purchase history, abandoned shopping carts, and other acLonable, ecommerce analyLcs. Lost
In GolfEtail’s case, Marc was able to pull into his email markeLng system, WhatCounts, the prices paid along with the types of clubs, accessories and brands purchased by each customer from his ChannelAdvisor Webstore. He and his team were then able to easily idenLfy the customers who were most likely to be interested in le^-­‐handed products.
Big Spenders
With two campaigns targeted specifically at le^-­‐handers under their belts, GolfEtail’s early results are promising: demonstraLng significant improvement in engagement and conversion. The first campaign was a special offer for le^ies who were automaLcally excluded from the regular daily email. The second was a Callaway driver offer that used idenLcal creaLve but subsLtuted a le^-­‐handed image of the driver and tailored the copy to the le^ies. The chart, which summarizes the results of the two le^-­‐handed campaigns, confirms Marc’s insight that the Windsor Circle soluLon helps the marketer score a hole-­‐in-­‐one.
* percent change over daily email offer
© Windsor Circle 2011 [email protected]