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dp/158394544X About the Book: Diabetes has become a seemingly unstoppable national epidemic, affecting more than
twenty million Americans. Conventional wisdom calls it incurable, but renowned Dr.
Gabriel Cousens counters that claim with this breakthrough book. There Is a Cure for
Diabetes lays out a three-week plan for reversing the negative genetic expression of
diabetes to a physiology of health and well-being. Dr. Cousens’s method, widely tested
at his famous Tree of Life centers, is to reset the DNA through green juice fasting and a
100% organic, nutrient-dense, vegan, low-glycemic, low-insulin-scoring, and highmineral diet of living foods in the first twenty-one days.
Both practical and inspirational, the book explains how to abandon the widespread
“culture of death”–symbolized by addictive junk food–that fosters diabetes in favor of a
more natural, nurturing approach. The program renders insulin and related medicines
unnecessary within four days as the blood sugar drops to normal levels; and the diabetic
shifts into a non-diabetic physiology within two weeks. The third week focuses on livefood preparation, featuring 100 delicious raw recipes. Dr. Cousens emphasizes regular
consultations, monitoring blood chemistries, and emotional support, and includes a oneyear support program to help maintain a diabetes-free life!
From There is a Cure for Diabetes by Gabriel Cousens, published by North Atlantic Books
Copyright © 2013 by Gabriel Cousens. Reprinted by permission of publisher.
Dr. Cousens’s Diabetes Recovery Program—A Holistic Approach:
New Results from the Last 120 Diabetic Participants
By Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), DD
In reviewing the last 120 diabetics that have come to the Tree of Life
Rejuvenation Center to participate in Dr. Cousens’s Diabetes Recovery Program—A
Holistic Approach, I have found that 61 percent of cases of Type-2 non-insulindependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and 24 percent of cases of Type-2 insulindependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) were healed in three weeks. A collective
percentage of 39 percent of all Type-2 diabetics were healed in three weeks.
“Healed” is defined as fasting blood sugar (FBS) less than 100, with no need for any
diabetes related medications. Eighty-six percent of IDDM Type-2 diabetics and 97
percent of all Type-2 diabetics were medication-free after three weeks. Also, 21
percent of the Type-1 diabetics, properly diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes with a
positive GAD beta cell antibody test and a medical history of Type-1 diabetes, seem
to have healed (which was initially shocking until I developed a theoretical
explanation). Again, healing is defined as no insulin or oral hypoglycemic
medications and an FBS less than 100. Thirty-one-point-four percent of all Type-1
diabetics were off all forms of insulin in three weeks but did not fully drop to an FBS
of less than 100. There also seems to be a third category of these Type-1 diabetics,
who were able to come off their insulin over a period of a few months to a year and
slowly decrease their FBS to less than 100. They were more associated with the bulk
of the 31.4 percent who came off all insulin in three weeks but had an FBS greater
than 100 after three weeks. Additionally, the remaining 69 percent of the Type-1
diabetics, who remained on insulin, on average, had approximately a 70 percent
drop in their insulin requirements—all of which was maintained for most of the
people followed for one year after the 21-day cycle. Although I have no definitive
explanation for these extraordinary results, I will offer my own theoretical
explanations later in this chapter.
In an effort to explain these results for all levels of Type-2 diabetics, I am
offering an explanation that is, of course, also a guide for treatment. I have
formulated a basic theory of understanding diabetes. This theory creates a new
definition of the diabetes disease, which I call the chronic diabetes degenerative
syndrome (CDDS). In this context, diabetes is an accelerated chronic degenerative
aging process that is primarily a genetic and epigenetic toxic downgrade, resulting
in leptin, insulin, and other hormonal and metabolic dysregulations, including
protein, lipid, and carbohydrate imbalances. CDDS also involves a chronic
inflammatory, accelerated aging process. This degenerative process arises from a
diet primarily high in sugar (including both simple and complex carbohydrates),
trans-fatty acids, processed and junk foods, and cooked animal fat and protein. It is
made worse from a diet low in fiber combined with a lifestyle of stress; obesity; lack
of exercise; lack of sleep; and general toxic exposure including pesticides,
herbicides, heavy metals, and environmental toxins such as, and especially, Agent
Orange. It is a diet with vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies. The
degeneration syndrome is associated with insulin and sometimes leptin resistance.
The tendency for developing CDDS increases with age. It is driven by a toxic
degenerative epigenetic memory program associated with a change in histone and
histone methyl-transferences in addition to the toxic metabolic memory. This toxic
metabolic memory must be turned off to stop an ongoing cardiovascular and overall
degeneration and proinflammatory cytokine release. This inflammatory program
involves cytokine released from adipose tissues and other causes of inflammation,
including ingestion of trans-fatty acids; advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
from diets high in sugar (glucose and fructose); and AGEs from heated foods, burnt
foods, boiled foods, and even infant formula,i as well as from stress and
environmental toxins in the form of pesticides, herbicides, and radiation. Some
preliminary research suggests that high electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in
some cases may also be associated with temporary inflammation and diabetic
hyperglycemic patterns.
My full definition of CDDS includes two additional categories of blood sugar
dysregulation. The first is the prediabetes category, which is defined by an FBS of
100–125. According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), greater than one
third of the general US population is prediabetic, and 27 percent of Americans 65
and older have a diabetes diagnosis.ii The other category includes those with an FBS
of less than 100 but who have postprandial spikes of 125–140 mg of glucose in the
blood. Research shows these people with blood sugar regulation problems have a
significant increase in all the degenerative diseases associated with CDDS, although
they are not officially diabetic in traditional terms. CDDS includes increased rate of
cardiovascular disease,iii,iv,v,vi,vii,viii,ix,x,xi Alzheimer’s,xii diabetic
neuropathy,xiii,xiv pancreas dysfunction,xv kidney dysfunction,xvi,xvii and
cancer.xviii,xix,xx,xxi,xxii,xxiii,xxiv As expected, the risk of developing Type-2
diabetes increased sevenfold in individuals with an FBS of 105–109, as compared to
those with an FBS of 85 or less.xxv
Because of this highly relevant research, I am defining CDDS in the broader
context of not only all types of diabetes and prediabetes (FBS of 100–125), but also
those with FBS of less than 100 (previously considered normal) who have blood
sugar spikes of 125–140, or any postprandial spike of 20–40 points no matter what
the blood sugar. CDDS includes all forms of blood sugar dysregulation that results in
all levels of blood sugar imbalance, which activate and increase CDDS and its
associated chronic degenerative conditions.
A complete treatment and ultimate healing of the diabetic degenerative
syndrome requires addressing and reversing and turning off the full degenerative
syndrome on all these levels. It is my hypothesis that the significance, efficacy, and
power of the results in this clinical program, as previously discussed in the rest of
this book, comes directly from creating a program that does indeed treat all these
levels of CDDS and therefore turns off the toxic degenerative epigenetic and genetic
memory and programs, thus allowing for a return to the normal, healthy,
nondiabetic physiology.
As I look at the deeper causes of this toxic metabolic program, it would be
best to start with research on its genetic and epigenetic aspects. As is generally
known, 70–90 percent of Type-2 diabetics have a member in their immediate or
extended family with Type-2 diabetes, and 45–85 percent share the disease with an
immediate family member. This makes a strong case that there exists a genetic
tendency toward Type-2 diabetes. This does not mean that one will get diabetes if
there is a genetic tendency but that one may be predisposed to CDDS. A genetic
predisposition toward diabetes loads the gun, but the Culture of Death lifestyle, with
a diet high in sugar (simple and complex carbohydrate) trans-fatty acid, cooked
animal fat and protein, junk food, with processed foods, white sugar and white flour,
and genetically modified food (GMOs), in addition to inadequate exercise and
inadequate sleep, pulls the trigger. There are other additional causes for diabetes,
such as gestational diabetes, and now even electromagnetically caused diabetes,
which is a newer syndrome that seems to be evolving related to electromagnetic
fields. Electromagnetically caused diabetes results in an increased fasting glucose
while in the EMF field, which then disappears when one is removed from
electromagnetic fields. Chronic EMF hyperglycemia fulfills the conditions of CDDS.
These glucose dysregulations may be brought forth by exposure to a variety of
environmental toxins.
That being said, the research on the epigenetic causes of diabetes brings us
some very interesting information. One of the leaders in the epigenetics research is
the Baker Heart Institute in Melbourne, Australia. They essentially found that the
epigenetic program remembers an exposure to sugar for up to two weeks, which
results in prolonged poor eating habits and cravings for sugar after one single
helping of sugar.xxvi When extended, this epigenetic memory is capable of
semipermanently altering DNA.xxvii Research showed that on human heart tissue
and in mice, DNA responded to one sugar exposure for approximately two weeks by
switching off genetic controls designed to protect the body against diabetes and
heart disease.xxviii This is obviously significant in that once a person indulges in a
high concentration of sugar, the results go far beyond the actual meal itself and
literally alter the natural metabolic responses to our diet. Actually, it has the
potential to pass on this epigenetic information for up to three generations.xxix This
of course gives us an additional insight as to why diabetes tends to run in families.
The research shows that the embryo within the mother who has the sugar input
goes through the same epigenetic changes and begins craving sugar in utero. If it is a
female embryo, that program enters into its ovocyte cells as well, making an
extensive impact for three generations. This information is carried in the epigenetic
field, which means there is no significant change in DNA but rather in the
histoproteins, the epigenetic proteins associated with, and surrounding, the DNA
genetic material, described as histone code changes. This has a particularly
interesting effect on metabolic memory. Diabetic patients, despite what appears to
be having controlled blood sugar levels, continue to develop aggressive,
inflammatory complications, especially in terms of heart disease and other aspects
of the degenerative syndrome. They found that diabetics continued developing
ongoing organ injuries from previous periods of poor glycemic This
inflammation occurs in the realm of metabolic memory as a major determinant to
continuing vascular complications. In order to change this metabolic memory, all
aspects of the diabetic syndrome need to be addressed. The most important tool in
reversing these negative aspects (which I have also discovered in my research), is
maintaining a low-glycemic diet consisting of completely whole, natural, live-food,
plant-source-only, non-trans-fat, modest-calorie cuisine. This is not a “calorie
restricted” diet, because as previously described, a live-food diet is natural and,
without attending to restriction, contains about half the calories of a cooked-food
diet, while containing more than an equal amount of nutrients. It therefore naturally
turns on the antiaging and by association the antidiabetogenic genes.
Current research is unable to explain the mechanism for epigenetic memory
leading to chronic diabetic vascular complications. One such complication is that a
proinflammatory cytokine program from obesity will continue to express until
obesity is ameliorated. The significance of this single understanding of reversing the
vascular complications is that 75 percent of diabetics will die of heart disease if this
para-inflammatory pattern is not reversed. (A para-inflammatory pattern is defined
as a chronic metabolic inflammatory condition as opposed to an acute inflammatory
condition.) Of particular interest is that even transient high levels of glucose, as a
blood sugar of 140 after a meal, can actually activate persistent epigenetic changes
and maintain an altered genetic expression during subsequent normal glycemic
values. That is particularly significant and again speaks to the importance of how to
turn off this epigenetic program. It is my experience that 90 percent of the
nondiabetic people with hypertension I see during our spiritual fasting program at
the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center will have a permanent lowering of their blood
pressure and are able to go off all blood pressure medications after as short as a 7day fast (but sometimes requiring a 14-day fast). Over the years, I began to theorize
that indeed there is an epigenetic shift in this process that resets the blood pressure
genetics back to normal. A key insight into this was gained from my research
stimulated by the book Genetic Nutritioneering by Jeffrey Bland.xxxi
This principle, which has been known for at least 30 years, is that your diet
can actually shift the genetic program and the epigenetic program in either
direction. Because of this, I have added to the treatment protocol for all Type-2
diabetics to do a one-week 50 percent diluted green juice fast, which seems to create
a rapid shift of a decrease in the need for insulin and/or 100 percent discontinuance
of any oral hypoglycemics. And so I hypothesized by observation that a one-week
fast is a primary factor for rapidly upgrading the genetic and epigenetic program
back to normal, which then is further strengthened and enforced with my Phase 1.0
dietary protocol following this.
Observations are now showing that repeated hyperglycemia, as previously
explained, may actually cause persistent pathogenic effects, even when the blood
sugars return to normal. This leads to an explanation on a molecular level of the
variations and risks for diabetic complications. This gives us an ominous warning of
the importance for maintaining a stable blood sugar in our diets. Even binge eating
can have negative long-term effects. This new awareness of the importance of blood
sugar spikes is different than the A1C results, which are a marker for chronic high
blood sugar.xxxii
The complication of this is that hyperglycemia that has not become diabetes
has near the rates of chronic pathology as full diabetes. For example, one study
showed, in an analysis of 1,800 older individuals on the coronary artery disease rate
over a period of 10 years, that the rates of those considered prediabetic were nearly
identical to those with full blown diabetes.xxxiii A summary analysis found that in
33,230 men, glucose levels of 86 and greater (“normal range“) were associated with
a 38 percent increase in deaths from digestive track cancers.xxxiv Other research
showed that when the after-meal blood sugar was increased, even 21 percent in
people with a normal glucose between 86–99, there was a 58 percent increase in
heart attack risk,xxxv and in the same framework they found a 26 percent increase
in risk of cardiac failure and 27 percent increased risk of dying from stroke for every
18 mg greater than 83 mg of blood sugar. To give some perspective on this, if you
have an FBS of 119, you have a 54 percent risk of death by stroke compared with
someone with an FBS of 83.
Neuropathy damage in people who had “normal” blood sugar between 86
and 99 showed damage to their small nerve fibers. With any blood sugar range, the
higher the glucose, the greater the involvement of large nerve fiber
degeneration.xxxvi As previously mentioned, people with an FBS of 86–99 have a 40
percent higher rate of heart attacks.xxxvii In another study they found that when
postprandial spikes were diminished, heart attack rates dropped 91 percent.xxxviii
Another study showed that even with a heart attack, the amount of damage was
reduced when decreased postprandial surges.xxxix,xl,xli Another study showed the
incidence of coronary artery disease was twice as high in patients with postprandial
glucose levels between 157 and 189, as compared to those with surges below
144.xlii When postprandial glucose levels reached 225 or higher the incidence of
sudden death was doubled. The Whitehall Study showed that if one had a blood
glucose level two hours postprandial (after eating) of 96 or higher, they had a
twofold increase in mortality from heart disease.xliii Another study showed that
major coronary heart disease was 17 percent higher with people who had a
postprandial glucose level of 140–199, as compared to 9 percent when people had a
normal glucose tolerance.xliv An interesting study showed that for many
nondiabetics, when their glucose became 140 or higher after a glucose tolerance test
they suffered a significant increase in signs and symptoms of diabetic
neuropathy,xlv though in some cases this was transitory. Two studies showed that
56 percent of neuropathy patients who had glucose tolerance levels falling in the
prediabetic range suffered from damage to small nerve fibers.xlvi Anecdotes
suggested that foot pain in patients became worse when glucose levels were above
140 and diminished when levels dropped below.xlvii,xlviii Retinopathy was
discovered in people whose glucose rose above 200 and one large population study
showed that 1 out of 12 people who had signs of prediabetes showed signs of
retinopathy changes—these were individuals with an FBS of 100–125 as
prediabetics or two-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) ratings between 150 and 199.
What they found was that postprandial glucose spikes over 150 were associated
with tiny blood vessel changes leading to diabetic neuropathy.xlix As previously
mentioned, diabetics have a higher rate of cancer. In diabetics with abnormal
glucose regulation, when glucose was elevated the pancreas would secrete higher
levels of insulin. This excess insulin was associated with increased cancer cell
production, and in a study of 10,000 people over 10 years, they found that those
with an FBS over 110 or a two-hour postprandial level over 160 had a significant
increase in rates of cancer.l Other research showed, as I previously theorized, that
not only do glucose spikes damage the tissue but also alter gene expression in a way
that accelerates the aging,lii People with an FBS of 100 to 104 have a 283
percent increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.liii People with an FBS of 95–
105 have a 100 percent increased risk of developing stomach cancer.liv If the FBS is
above 88, you have a 247 percent increase of a first-time heart attack over people
with FBS of 85 and If one has an FBS above 95, there is a 73 percent increased
risk for need of coronary bypass or stent procedure.lvi
Excess high blood glucose seems to be related directly to destruction of beta
cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin. This of course creates a diabetic
situation. Beta cells are quite sensitive to slight increases in blood sugar and now
there is evidence that these cells move into dysfunction when glucose levels stay
over 100 mg per deciliter for more than few hours.lvii Research suggests that even
incremental increases of glucose over the course of two hours can result in
detectable beta cell failure. More beta cells will fail when a person’s blood sugar
rises above 86.lviii One study showed that beta cells start to die off when FBS is over
110.lix Frankly this means that eating too many carbohydrates at one time will
begin to kill off pancreatic beta cells and break down the pancreas and over time
with age; this is why 26.9 percent of people 65 and older have IDDM. The good news
is that studies in the lab have found that when the beta cells are removed from
solutions that have high sugar, they can recover if this is done before a certain
amount of time passes.lx,lxi
Research suggests that postprandial hyperglycemia results in the activation
of protein kinase-C in the endothelium, which increases the production of adhesion
molecules, bringing more leukocytes into the blood vessels, thus creating more
congestion and disrupting endothelial function.lxii Also, high blood sugar has been
found to increase platelet aggregation.lxiii All these mechanisms accelerate
atherosclerosis. Another effect of elevated postprandial glucose is increased
hypercoagulability, which comes from increased thrombin production and
decreased fibrogen breakdown. All this results in increased blood clotting or
hypercoagulability. Hypercoagulability facilitates atherosclerotic plaque. It appears
that the control of postprandial hyperglycemia has been associated with some
reversal of the hypercoagulable state. High glucose in the blood results in increased
glycosylation of vascular proteins and also lipids in the arteries and endothelium.
This results in glycated LDL particles, which are easily oxidized and taken up by the
macrophages. This, as I described, leads to higher foam cell production, which one
gets with higher insulin levels. With higher foam cell production, there is more
atherosclerotic plaque.lxiv The other mechanism by which glycation contributes to
atherosclerosis is that the AGEs form in the collagen of the vessel wall and
accelerate the atherosclerotic process.lxv
King Solomon once said that the wise person knows the consequences of
their actions. Knowing this information helps us to think more clearly about our
choices to eat a high carbohydrate diet versus a moderate-low carbohydrate diet.
It is my experience that a significant portion of the “normal” public indeed has blood
sugars above 110, and this creates glycemic conditions, which weaken or kill beta
cells. I have used the term “burn-out” for Type-2 IDDM; this is a second and welldocumented mechanism for the loss of beta cells and the consequential adult onset
diabetes progressing to Type-2 IDDM.
My advice to people in this context: It is best if blood sugar doesn’t rise above
120 two hours postprandially, although I previously mention that 125–140 is
marginal. This is best achieved on the Phase 1.0 or 1.5 diets. Practically speaking, it
is my feeling, with this limited information, that a blood sugar two hours postmeal
of 140 for most is sufficient to consider beginning treatments and a diet to suppress
these postprandial glucose spike levels. Without creating paranoia, it certainly
makes a point that one should organize their food (particularly those 50 and older)
in a pattern that minimizes carbohydrates and their glycemic spikes. As the data
suggests, a high-carb diet may be seen as a threat to overall health and longevity
when we remember that 80 percent of 46,000 in a previously mentioned study had
an FBS greater than 85.
CDDS doesn’t begin when one is diagnosed with diabetes, but rather
approximately when one’s FBS is greater than 85, and/or postprandial blood sugars
spike higher than as little as 18 points above one’s FBS. A spiking blood sugar above
125, in general, after two hours of a glucose tolerance test, or after eating a sweet
meal, should be considered as a postprandial (postmeal) glucose spiking. It is part of
an aging process where people who are taking in excess sugar undergo chronic
cellular damage associated with high blood sugar. A moderate-low glycemic diet is
the primary approach in minimizing this effect. The optimum range for an FBS is
70–85. As the new data points out, the postprandial (postmeal blood sugar spike at
two hours) becomes equally, if not more, important. These surges of blood sugar
seem to damage the blood vessels in the brain, heart, kidneys, and eyes and
accelerate the general aging process in all our cells. Some of the research suggests
that the postprandial spikes may be even more damaging than higher
With age, there is a tendency for our FBS and our postprandial spikes to go
higher. This comes from two sources—one is a process called glycogenolysis, which
is the breaking down of glycogen that is stored in the liver for making sugar. The
other source is gluconeogenesis, which is the new creation of glucose from protein
and fat. With age, the glycogenolysis tends to not be suppressed appropriately. And
the key enzyme for this glucose-6-phosphatase begins to express excessively with
age, thus creating the increased release of glycogen from the liver. Glucose-6phosphatase stimulates gluconeogenesis from protein and, to a lesser extent, from
fat. This includes creating glucose from the protein in one’s muscles while one
sleeps. So with age it appears that people begin to make too much glucose in their
bodies. These increases in internal (endogenous) sugar production is part of the
reason 26.9 percent of people 65 or older have developed Type-2 diabetes.
The key enzyme responsible for two problems, as I mentioned, is glucose-6phosphatase (g-6-p), the control of which becomes impaired with age. The normal
function of g-6-p is to increase the release of stored glucose from the liver, creating
new glucose from protein, but with age this enzyme gets more activated and moves
out of harmony with the body physiology and produces more endogenous glucose
than is healthy, which tends to raise the FBS, as well as the incidence of postprandial
spikes. It is my clinical experience that fasting tends to reset this activation. There
are also substances such as chlorogenic acid that can neutralize the dysregulation
and excess of g-6-p. Besides stroke, high FBS and postprandial spikes also increase
the risk of other cardiovascular emergencies.lxix,lxx,lxxi,lxxii,lxxiii In one study, they
found that the lower the glucose the lower the cardiovascular risk. As I pointed out
earlier, one study showed that there was a 40 percent increase in cardiovascular
risk if FBS was 86 or higher. Another study showed that coronary heart disease risk
was twice as high in patients with a postprandial blood sugar between 157 and 189,
as compared to those with a postprandial spike below 144.lxxiv The rising of blood
sugar is that for every 18 points beyond an FBS of 83, there is a 27 percent increase
in risk of dying from stroke.lxxv High blood sugars are also associated with an
increase in certain cancers. There was a study in the Oncologist, which included
almost half of Type-2 diabetics in Sweden,lxxvi that concluded that the risk of
cancer escalated in direct correlation with blood sugar levels, even among people
without diabetes. There were particular increases in the endometrial,lxxvii
pancreatic,lxxviii colon,lxxix,lxxx and colorectal tumors.lxxxi As pointed out earlier,
the increase in insulin is associated with an increased cancer cell production. When
blood sugar rises, insulin rises, and one is more likely to get cancer. Another area of
disease associated with high blood sugar is cognitive disruption. Research shows
that as blood sugar rises, either within normal or diabetic ranges, there is a higher
the risk for mild cognitive impairment and dementia.lxxxii,lxxxiii Surges in blood
sugar were also associated with a greater production of fibrous kidney disease, and
the surges seemed to be more significant than a higher blood sugar that was
constant.lxxxiv The research suggested that the fluctuations in glucose may be even
more of a problem than a high FBS. As pointed out previously, high glucose levels
also disorganize pancreatic function. High glucose levels also activated retinopathy
and were associated with diabetic retinopathy syndrome, even if people never had
diabetes. The same association is with neuropathy, where research is suggesting
that the higher the glucose, even in prediabetic ranges, the greater the amount of
damage on the large nerve fibers.lxxxv,lxxxvi
In summary, I am reporting a new perspective for looking at the blood sugar
question, which is examines not only the FBS but also the postprandial blood sugar
spikes. These spikes affect many people and activate and accelerate the
degenerative process even before the situation reaches diabetic proportions. This
appears to be associated with an increasing lack of regulation of glucose-6phosphatase with age. It is believed that the g-6-p enzyme regulation system creates
a more excessive production and/or loses its signaling mechanism accuracy with
age. This results in rising after-meal surges of blood sugar, especially if one is eating
too much sugar in the meal. The safest and optimal ranges for people who are not
diabetic are fasting glucose between 70 and 85 and postprandial glucose of less than
120–125. This is some of the more subtle rationale behind why I have chosen to
emphasis a live-food, plant-source-only, moderate-low carbohydrate diet for both
the treatment of diabetes and general well-being. I suggest Phase 1.0 for the
treatment of diabetes and the readjusting of our enzymatic processes, beginning
with 35–45 percent carbohydrates until one comes into a 70–85 FBS with
postprandial spikes of 120–125 or less. Then I suggest moving into 40–50 percent
carbohydrate intake in Phase 1.5, including some low glycemic fruit and a little grain
if one chooses.
Chronic para-inflammation is another powerful degenerative force in Type-2
diabetes. Para-inflammation seems to be triggered by a variety of external causes.
These include leptin and insulin resistance and para-inflammation from
glycosylation (as discussed previously), especially from fructose, which has an AGE
effect that is 10 times higher than glucose. Inflammation from obesity, trans-fatty
acids, smoking, pesticides, herbicides, radiation, EMFs, and dental infections are
some of the activating factors that are both endogenous and exogenous to the
process of para-inflammation.
It is useful to take an evolutionary perspective on this to get a deeper
understanding. There are two types of inflammation: one is acute inflammation and
the other is para-inflammation, according to Reumatologia.lxxxvii This parainflammation is most likely responsible for the chronic inflammatory conditions
associated with chronic degenerative diseases, including diabetes. These chronic
inflammatory states do not seem to be caused by classic causes of acute
inflammation, such as infection or injury, but seem more clearly associated with a
dysfunction in the tissue that is both the cause and result of a homeostatic
imbalance. This homeostatic imbalance is perhaps activated and mediated in a
variety of ways reported in the literature, including inflammatory mediators,
resident macrophages, and mass cells, and other mediators, including cytokines,
adipose tissues, chemokines, eicosanoids, and some by-products of proteolitic
cascades.lxxxviii,lxxxix,xc My focus in this discussion is more on the endogenous
type of para-inflammation, although all the exogenous causes do contribute to CDDS.
Primary forces are AGEs or glycosylation reactions that create free radicals and
para-inflammation. This para-inflammation is caused by the glycosylation of
proteins and lipids. It leads to gradual and increasing dysfunction of the proteins
and lipids as biologically active complexes. Some of this para-inflammation
pathology is connected to reactive oxygen species (free radicals). Reactive oxygen
species are produced by phagocytes. They have a role in converting high-density
and low-density lipoproteins into inflammatory signals by oxidizing their lipid and
protein components. For overview purposes, it helps to understand there are a
variety of inflammatory mediators in general that can be cross-divided into seven
groups according to their properties. In summary, there are meso-active amines,
meso-active peptides, fragments or compliment components, lipid mediator
cytokines, chemokines, and proteolytic enzymes. Another important group of
inflammatory components are lipid mediators, eicosanoids, and platelet activating
factors that come from phospholipids (which are in the inner layers of cell
membranes, particularly in the mitochondrial level). An additional inflammatory set
is the inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1,
and interleukin 6, particularly produced in adipose tissues by fat cells. These
multilevels of para-inflammatory mediators also have important impacts on
endocrine and metabolic function and on the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. My
point is that the para-inflammation process is a complex interrelated
biopathological degenerative inflammatory process that has many triggers, many of
which are set off by a dysfunctional diet and lifestyle.
The interface (how metabolic and inflammatory processes overlap) gives us
a potential insight for how obesity is linked with Type-2 diabetes and its
concomitant para-inflammation. The long-term consequences of chronic parainflammation, which, contrary to the healing effect of acute inflammation, has a
degenerative effect, seems to be an important part of the ongoing program of
degenerative disease, including CDDS. On some level, however, it helps to think
about the para-inflammatory response as an attempt to heal a situation, which is
ultimately to restore homeostasis to tissue. But in the case of chronic parainflammation associated with obesity and diabetes, instead of healing, it causes an
ongoing destructive pattern, which is particularly potent in its pathogenic interface
with the cardiovascular system. The research is also becoming increasingly clear
that this chronic para-inflammation creates an increase in insulin resistance.
From an acute point of view, insulin resistance increases during acute inflammation
as a healthy response because a flow of glucose is needed to be moved from the
general cellular function to the leukocytes to fight the cause of the acute situation
and to other cells that need this increased for energy for an immune response.
However, a sustained insulin resistance as part of the response to parainflammation can lead to Type-2 diabetes. Obesity is now an aberration when
viewed in light of early evolution in humans, when they did not have a continuous
availability of high-calorie nutrients, low levels of physical activity, exposure to toxic
compounds, or general inflammation, as is in the accelerated pathological process
called aging. In examining the pattern of these chronic para-inflammatory
conditions, including obesity, Type-2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, asthma, and a variety
of neurodegenerative diseases,xci increased sucrose intake is associated with an
increase in C-reactive proteins (an inflammatory marker). Consumption of transfatty acids is also related to biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial
destruction.xcii Ultimately, this para-inflammation leads to higher risk of
cardiovascular disease.
In formulating an evolutionary overview of the interplay between obesity
and diabetes, the World Health Organization reports that there are one billion
overweight adults and three-hundred million who are clinically obese. According to
the International Diabetes Association, there are (as of 2011) as many as 366
million diabetics worldwide.xciii It is not unreasonable to theorize an association
then between these metabolic and inflammatory responses and a high-caloric
dietary intake. Epidemic obesity is a recent phenomenon. In the past, human beings’
survival was dependent upon withstanding starvation cycles rather than enduring
overeating. To avoid starvation, our genetics select for energy accumulation and
storage of excess calories to be stored and accessed as food in lean times. Today,
throughout the world, even though many are starving to death, there is a very
different scenario because there is a continuous availability of calories for a majority
of the population. At one point fat storage was good for survival, but a year-round
excess creates adiposity and its concomitant chronic para-inflammatory diseases,
which may lead to CDDS with insulin resistance and/or Type-2 diabetes, fatty liver
disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and neuro-degeneration. It is pretty clear
from the literature that obesity leads to para-inflammation and is also implicated in
a variety of causes and effects with Type-2 diabetes. By constructing a theoretical
model to understand this, I have been able to create a plan to reverse the chronic
para-inflammatory process. This approach is ruled by a comprehension of the
interplay between the immune system, obesity, and the metabolic degenerative
process I call CDDS.
There are some potential benefits of para-inflammation, at least in stress
response, in blocking metabolic signaling pathways such as those of insulin and
insulin growth factors. From a survival perspective, blocking insulin signaling
diverts energy sources from building pathways into repair and management of the
chronic disease process. In this context, it is no accident that stress and parainflammatory signals, in preliminary research findings, are connected to disrupting
insulin receptor signaling.xciv For this reason, the activated stress immune
response pathways are associated with activating increased insulin resistance as a
coping mechanism. The stress immune inflammatory response, in this context, is in
essence a failed coping mechanism to a high caloric, continuous sugar and junk food
excess from the Culture of Death diet. Generally, chronic metabolic disturbance in
this inflammatory cascade are due to overnutrition. Most of the world population
lives in a worldwide Culture of Death lifestyle that both creates a metabolic overload
and is also associated with decreased physical activity and other toxic inflammatory
behaviors and exposure. As pointed out before, obesity, insulin resistance, and
Type-2 diabetes are closely associated with chronic para-inflammation. All these
processes are characterized by excessive cytokine production and activation of a
network of inflammatory signaling pathways.xcv There is, at this point in the
scientific literature, a causal link between para-inflammation and the development
of metabolic diseases and ultimately the complications of chronic degeneration
emerging from this.xcvi,xcvii,xcviii One of the key players in this process is tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), which is hyperexcreted in the adipose tissue and
is definitely a major inflammatory cytokine. TNF-alpha, the major proinflammatory
cytokine, activates signal transduction cascades that result in critical inhibitors of
insulin receptor site function. Inhibiting insulin receptor site function increases
insulin resistance. In survival mode, when there is an excess of nutrients, there is a
tendency to have excess insulin secretions to cope with the excess nutrients,
particularly if it is an excess of carbohydrates, which it often is. This creates a
situation where the tissues, particularly the liver, muscle, and then fat tissues,
become insulin resistant in a progressive manner. The associated parainflammation increases the insulin resistance, which is a failed mechanism of these
cellular functions to protect themselves from the destructive effects of excess insulin
on the cells. In other words, insulin resistance, although a maladaptive response, is a
cellular protection mechanism against insulin excess activated primarily by
carbohydrate excess. Rather than focus on the para-inflammatory protein in
specific, the focus is on the fact that there is an inflammatory process in which
cytokines are a major player as they are released from the adipose tissues. What
also seems to happen, which may be more of a secondary effect, is the infiltration of
the inflamed tissues by immune cells such as neutrophils, eosinophils, and
macrophages. This macrophage infiltration of adipose tissue has been described in
these para-inflammatory conditions in both mice and humans.xcix,c This
inflammation, from macrophage infiltration of adipose tissue, may have an endpoint
of not only increasing insulin resistance but also protecting cells from excess insulin.
In any case, we have inflammation (both as a result and a cause of obesity) and as a
prime player in diabetes. In the variety of synergies there are also the pathologies of
diabetes and inflammation as cross-interacting and associating as a causal factor of
The bottom line is that there are a variety of inflammatory signals, which
disrupt insulin action and result in insulin resistance. For example, the literature
finds that insulin uptake in IGF receptors is associated with a receptor tyrosine
kinase family, which is connected to a family of insulin receptor substrates (IRS)
proteins,cii Insulin initiates this process, creating phosphorylation of IRS
proteins, which end up mediating insulin action. This whole metabolic process is
beyond the scope of this particular chapter (and even this book), but it gives us a
biochemical mechanism for how this is happening. There are other inflammatory
kinases, besides IRS-126, which also disrupt insulin signaling.ciii,civ These are just
some of the complexities of the system, but one can generally distill the idea that
para-inflammation and concomitant insulin resistance is part of the body’s effort to
reduce the toxic effects of excess nutrition and consequently excessive insulin in
response to the excess nutrition.
One other additional mechanism of obesity in its causal relation to diabetes is
that obesity causes stress in the endoplasmic reticulum, a system of membranes
found in cells—particularly the mitochondria. This stress creates a dysfunctional
effect on insulin signaling, leading to insulin resistance. The endoplasmic reticulum
is a production site, particularly in mitochondria, for processing proteins and fats
and ultimately making new protein. Here additional blood fats are also processed. In
the pathology of overnutrition, the endoplasmic reticulum is stressed with too many
nutrients. The nutrients need to be processed, stored, and utilized, and so
production in the endoplasmic reticulum becomes overworked and sends stress
signals, effectively saying, “Hold on! We can’t take glucose coming in! You’re
overloading! So please decrease the power of insulin to bring glucose into this cell
(insulin resistance).” In this dynamic the cells become insulin-resistant. The
endoplasmic reticulum stress is associated with obesity and is also a signal to
trigger para-inflammation and insulin resistance.
The intracellularly occurring endoplasmic reticulum stress observed in
obesity and diabetes is a mechanism that gives an additional insight into how
overnutritional stress may activate para-inflammation and lead to CDDS and
eventually diabetes. This is based on recent research suggesting that endoplasmic
reticulum disruption activates the pathways of para-inflammation and consequent
insulin resistance and obesity in Type-2 diabetes. There seem to be several minor
inflammatory pathways that disrupt insulin function stemming from a stressed
endoplasmic reticulum. Without going into elaborate detail, it is possible to
postulate that the endoplasmic reticulum might be a location site within the
mitochondria that signals metabolic stress from overnutrition and the
transformation of that stress into inflammatory signaling. In this context, the
endoplasmic reticulum within the mitochondria of the cell might be considered an
interface site of integrating between the excess nutrient and general pathogen
responses, as it as at this level where there is an interface of glucose-energy
metabolism availability, lipids, and pathogen associated components. Recent work
suggesting that dietary and genetic obesity are associated with increased
endoplasmic reticulum stress in adipose tissue supports this The
bottom line of this discussion is that within cellular systems, at the level of
endoplasmic reticulum, when stress increases in the adipose tissues, it may lead to
para-inflammatory conditions and to insulin resistance. This is also an additional
mechanism for how obesity leads to diabetes by the mechanism of increased insulin
Within the context of metabolic disease, oxidative stress may also lead to
diabetic complications through its pathogenic effect on endothelial membrane
function. These interface and support recent evidence that shows oxidative stress
and mitochondrial dysfunction have important roles in diabetes.cvi,cvii In summary,
para-inflammatory mediators, as a response to excess calories from chronic
overnutrition (particularly from sugar), can trigger insulin resistance and metabolic
dysfunction. This may create a negative synergy, resulting in inflammation and
insulin resistance. This process is a probable precursor cocontributing to the
development of Type-2 diabetes.
Associated with the general para-inflammation in the tissues (from a variety
of endogenous and exogenous reasons, as just explained) are para-inflammation of
the arteries and endothelium of the arteries, which many leading cardiologists and
holistic physicians now consider the primary causes of cardiovascular disease,
rather than cholesterol. Cholesterol is then drawn to these inflamed areas, causing
the atherosclerotic plaques, as a secondary phenomenon to the para-inflammation.
In this context, as you will read later in the chapter, this para-inflammation
phenomenon gives a possible explanation for why there is no difference in
cardiovascular events in people over 50 years of age with cholesterols of 160 to
260cviii or difference in cardiovascular events between those who have a high- or
low-fat diet.cix The exception to this is trans fats, which are pathogenic in every
situation, as they specifically cause both a generalized para-inflammatory response
as well as a localized para-inflammatory response in the endothelium/intima
regions of the arteries. This inflammation and damage of the intima (inner lining of
the arteries) draws cholesterol deposits, which creates the plaques. The key to
understanding this is that both a low- and a high-cholesterol diet will create the
secondary component of the atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), but
the primary cause or variable in ASCVD incidence is the degree of parainflammation one creates in their life and body. For example, smoking, which
inflames the arteries, is associated with increased cardiovascular disease and is a
risk factor independent of cholesterol.
This para-inflammation that is part of CDDS, as well as cardio-vasospasm
from the action of excess insulin and leptin from carbohydrate excess, is primarily
responsible for the fact that 75 percent of diabetics die of cardiovascular disease. If
we cannot stop this toxic CDDS, the incendiary negative effect on cardiovascular
mortality moves relentlessly onward, resulting in a high incidence in cardiovascular
disease in diabetes. Unless we decrease or shut off the para-inflammatory process,
as well as the carbohydrate surges that express as pathogenic leptin and insulin
surges, we will be unable to turn off this toxic metabolic cardiovascular process.
Having now documented and clarified the significance of para-inflammation
and obesity in diabetes, the question arises, “How do we reverse this?” Studies have
shown that calorie-restricted diets have been shown to decrease inflammation.
Other research has supported this by showing that caloric restriction can decrease
inflammation markers such as C-reactive,cxi This completely supports my
research showing that when one decreases through fasting and through a lowcalorie, live-food diet, my 35–45 percent carbohydrate diet (often called “calorie
restriction”) helps decrease para-inflammation. It is important to again point out
that on a live-food diet people naturally eat 40–60 percent less calories without
losing nutritional value, as live-food has at least double the bioavailable nutritional
density. So in functional caloric restriction with live food, there is no actual
functional or experiential restriction, but there is a reduction of active oxygen
reactive species, resulting in a decreased oxidized LDL. In other words, calorie
restriction (naturally with live-foods) and fasting seem to be very powerful ways to
almost immediately decrease inflammation. In my clinical experience, the main
lifestyle methods by which to turn off the toxic metabolic genetic and epigenetic
inflammatory programs are live foods and fasting. In examining my results, which
are more effective compared to any other approaches to ameliorating diabetes,
there is a dramatic average 5.3 point drop in C-reactive protein in three weeks, as
compared to less than 1 point with other approaches to managing diabetes, even in
22 weeks. In other words, Dr. Cousens’s Diabetes Recovery Program—A Holistic
Approach has been shown to directly and powerfully decrease the parainflammatory response initially with green juice fasting and, on a long term basis,
with the Phase 1.0 and 1.5 live-food, moderate-low carbohydrate, plant-source-only,
organic diet.
Insulin metabolism doesn’t only affect many of the body’s tissues; in this
context, insulin and insulin resistance have significant effects on the global brain
glucose metabolism and function, which is mainly in the cerebral cortex, prefrontal
cortex, limbic system, and the dentate gyrus part of the hippocampal area in regard
to Alzheimer’s disease. The data shows that insulin can access the insulin receptors
of the brain. Research is also suggesting that in Alzheimer’s disease the key brain
structures (including the limbic system, hippocampal region, prefrontal cortex, and
cortex) begin to suffer from low energy and the consequent degeneration secondary
to insulin resistance. As a result, these insulin-resistant brain tissues are unable to
get glucose to energize themselves, which contributes to the degeneration of the
brain function and thus contributes to Alzheimer’s disease. A new approach that
seems to ameliorate this is the use of coconut oil, which is directly converted in the
liver to ketones. These ketones directly energize the brain tissues and also give
energy for brain tissue repair. It is fortunate that brain tissue does not depend solely
on glucose for its function but can use ketones, which have been found to supply up
to 75–90 percent of the energy necessary for brain function. The use of coconut oil
has been shown to dramatically improve Alzheimer’s in cases of insulin resistance of
the brain is a primary cause.
Insulin has many major effects on our physical functioning, beyond lowering
blood sugars. Some additional facts about insulin’s metabolic effects demonstrate its
significance: When the liver becomes resistant to insulin, T-4 conversion to T-3 is
blocked, so that when we decrease insulin resistance with a proper diet, one will
naturally have an increase in T-3 function and have better thyroid function. Insulin
also controls cholesterol production, as well as estrogen, progesterone, and
testosterone levels. Sex hormone binding globulin is also controlled by insulin.
When sex hormone binding globulin is high, it creates a higher estrodial to
testosterone ratio, because it increases the aromatase, which makes more estrodial.
In many cases, as previously discussed, giving testosterone to men with insulin
resistance has decreased their insulin resistance. Insulin resistance has also been
shown to decrease DHEA and increase osteoporosis. All anabolic hormones are
controlled by insulin, which is why insulin resistance is connected to certain specific
cancers such as already described as part of the side effects of a higher than 85 FBS
and chronic postprandial surges. Insulin resistance also pulls calcium out of the
bone, as it attempts to pull sugar from the bones when glucose is unavailable in
other tissues. Another reason the high insulin creates osteoporosis is because
insulin causes calcium to be excreted in the urine.
Summarily, a key to anti-aging and reversing CDDS is decreasing excess
insulin secretion, which is primarily caused by a high carbohydrate dietary intake.
This helps to decrease insulin resistance because excess insulin creates insulin
resistance. Paradoxically, insulin resistance creates a higher insulin secretion, thus
increasing the rate of aging, of which prediabetes and diabetes is a symptom.
Fundamental to understanding the ramification of this discussion is that a
high-carbohydrate diet creates excess insulin (no matter whether these are simple
or complex carbohydrates) and therefore activates CDDS with all its documented
pathological degenerative effects. This is explicitly why a 40–50 percent
carbohydrate intake is part of an optimal long-term Phase 1.5 dietary strategy to
prevent this accelerated aging process. High fructose or galactose also increases
insulin levels both indirectly and directly, especially with high-fructose corn syrup.
Recently, high-fructose corn syrup has been labeled as a main dietary culprit in
activating insulin resistance, and ultimately CDDS, since the 1980s when it was
massively introduced into the diet of the general population. The healthiest
carbohydrates, as I mentioned previously, are the nonstarchy, fibrous
carbohydrates in vegetables, leafy greens, sprouts, and sea vegetables. Insulin
resistance, which indirectly raises insulin in the blood as a result, prevents a
burning of fats for energy because the role of insulin is to store fat as energy. When I
talk about the idea of cutting down on carbohydrates, it helps to understand that,
physiologically, there is no absolute essential need for carbohydrates, but a 35–45
percent carbohydrate intake of nonstarchy vegetables, greens, sea vegetables, and
sprouts gives an optimal healthy carbohydrate input, therefore minimizing insulin
secretion and therefore decreasing insulin resistance. It also helps us shift to an
emphasis on fat metabolism instead of carbohydrate metabolism as our
fundamental energy source. Because all carbohydrates increase insulin secretion, a
high carbohydrate intake essentially accelerates insulin resistance, CDDS, and
consequently the rate of aging.
Additional nutrition that best increases insulin sensitivity (reverses insulin
resistance) is an intake of high levels of omega-3, because omega-3s increase
membrane flexibility and help build insulin receptors and the activity of those
receptors. Exercise also builds up receptors and activates them; this is particularly
true of resistance training. To decrease or reverse insulin resistance, the best
approach is to decrease carbohydrate intake, increase intake of long- and shortchain omega-3 fats, and exercise.
One of two key healthy longevity markers includes an optimal fasting insulin
between 4 and 6 but no higher than 10. My clinical experience is that most people
who are following my Phase 1.5 diet and are over the age of 50 have fasting insulins
between 4 and 6. A good leptin level is normally 2 to 7, and, in women, no higher
than 9.5. Other longevity markers are an FBS somewhere between 70 and 85, a
normal C-reactive protein, and an A1C of 5.0 or less. In essence, when one looks at
the total picture, it appears that insulin resistance is one of the key causes of all
chronic aging diseases, metabolic syndrome, and of course CDDS. It is a precursor to
many forms of chronic degeneration. A high blood sugar also indirectly decreases
immunity. Vitamin C competes with glucose in getting into the cell. When excess
sugar goes into system it decreases immune system function because it decreases
vitamin C cellular uptake through competitive inhibition. The concentration of
vitamin C is 50 times greater inside the cell than outside. When blood sugar goes up
to 120, it competes with vitamin C getting into the cell via insulin. Just a little less
vitamin C in the cell may decrease the phagocytic index by 75 percent. The
phagocytic index is a measure of phagocytic activity. In other words, our phagocyte
whole blood cells need vitamin C for optimal function. High insulin is also connected
to sodium retention and overstimulation of the sympathetic system and therefore
also relates to high insulin as a contributor to high blood pressure.
One little known piece of information is that, contrary to general public
understanding, as already hinted at earlier, the incidence of myocardial infarction is
approximately 2.5 times greater after a high carbohydrate meal than after a high fat
meal. Fat intake does not seem to have any postprandial impact on myocardial
infarction.cxii The reason carbohydrates do this (rather than fats) is that
carbohydrates stimulate insulin and leptin secretion, which both stimulate the
sympathetic system. The sympathetic system stimulation creates arterial spasm,
increases clotting, and increases blood pressure. Insulin has also been shown to
increase the small pathogenic dense LDLs, which are associated with increased
tendency for cardiovascular disease. The body is acting intelligently by becoming
insulin resistant because it is protecting itself from the pathogenic qualities of
insulin. One other additional fact in understanding the atheroscloteric or
atherogenic quality of insulin is that when we’re in insulin resistance (which means
that there is an increase in the amount of insulin in the blood and the rest of the
system), normally healthy macrophage cells become foam cells in arteries and add
to creating arterial plaque.
In the complex system of insulin resistance and diabetes, all carbohydrates
will stimulate insulin secretion and eventually increase the incidence of insulin
resistance and, potentially, further down the line, CDDS. As I share the science on
these studies, it becomes more obvious why my emphasis is on a 35–45 percent
carbohydrate intake as the best diet for reversing and healing diabetes. The high
complex/simple carbohydrate diet, as is currently commonly recommended by the
American Diabetes Association (ADA) and most of allopathic medicine, is the most
diabetogenic diet, if you understand the scientific information as presented. This
helps explain why the ADA, and allopathic medicine in general, believes that
diabetes is incurable and irreversible. An old Chinese saying is “When you are going
in the wrong direction you will end up in that direction.”
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