
Welcome to this week’s newsletter.
In this week’s newsletter you will find
U.O.I. , Math, Hindi , Language Arts ,
I.C.T and much more… .We have some
new columns and new views. Above all,
it’s all about us and by us!
This week in Unit of Inquiry we wrote our auto-biography and
the biography of the person we met at the Old Age Home. My
friend met a person named Mr. Mehta whose life was
like Milkha Singh. His family died during the partition of India
& Pakistan.In the formative assessment we had to choose a scenario. We were put in pairs. It was our choice if we wanted to
do a speech , a write up or a role-play and in the end of the
Inquiry we attempted our Summative Assessment and a reflection on our U.O.I.-1.We have started our new U.O.I . How Do
We Organize Ourselves. We did some fun activities based on it
in the class. We played musical chairs and wrote our understanding about key terms on placemats.
-Shreya Gupta
This week we started with the unit on
Assessment, we did a placemat activity
where we had to note down our understanding of perimeter and area.Then we
did an activity where we had to estimate
the perimeter and area of objects in the
class like the pencil box, notebook, whiteboard
etc. We did various activities
where we had to measure the length and
breadth of different objects in the class.
We even went to the badminton court to
measure the perimeter and area of rectangles there. We learnt to measure the
perimeter and area of triangles and also
did different tasks in the notebook.
We will be celebrating “Hindi Diwas”
on 17th September . We were rehersing for a play to be performed on
Hindi Diwas. We read a story titled
“Mera Bachpan” by Mr. Rabindra
Nath Tagore.We answered questions
based on it. Four children got a
chance to become announcers for the
Whole School Assembly.
BEGINNERS: For beginners’ Hindi
we made words with different letters
after that we coloured it and made it
-Louis and Rajlakshmi
We read Matilda and all of us loved reading
. We have almost finished the 3rd chapter.
There was this quiz led by the library on
Charlie and the chocolate factory and Matilda by Roald Dahl. We all loved the literary
week and read lots of
books and will keep
reading them. We
even made posters
on our favourite scene in Matilda. we also
wrote a paragraph in
hundred words about
our favourite author
and our favourite
Most of our physical education activities are integrated with
our UOI. This week we did swimming and played a game of water
polo. Children participating for the swimming competition concentrated on practicing their strokes and learning the basic rules and
regulations of participation. The teachers motivated and encouraged the children to do well.
As part of our” Literary week” celebration Justice Leila Seth came to our class
for a Book Read. She was the first women justice in India. She visited our
school to talk to us about her book “we
the children of India”. It is about the
preamble to the constitution of India.
She talked to us about the preamble and
said that it is like an introduction and is
a very long sentence .It tells us how the country should go forward. It was great to have her in our class.
We did lots of fun things this
week. This week started off as
the Literary Week. The first
thing we had was the book fair.
In the book fair all of us brought
three to four books. There were
lots of books for different age
groups like Diary of the Wimpy
Kid, The Graffito, Tin, Oath of
the Vayuputras, etc. We all had a
budget of Rs. 300 per head to
buy the books.
As a part of the Literary Week,
the famous Ms. Leila Seth, the
first woman judge of Delhi High
Court and the first Chief Justice
of India, came to our school. She
told us about the Constitution of
India. She also told us about the
important words in the Constitution and their meaning. Some of
us got her autograph too!
Then we all had reading time. In
that we all sat in a circle and
read the book Matilda aloud. We
all read till chapter four and all
the chapters were full of fun
and things were described in a
humourous and funny way.
Helping Miss Kriti around the
class. was a lot of fun because
we worked together and used our
creativity skills to put up the
displays in the class.
We had a quiz of Matilda and
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the library. We all loved it
and the winners all got a book.
We had a fun activity as we
stared our new UOI. In the activity we played musical chairs.
In the activity we went to each
table and wrote what the key
words of the UOI meant.
Message from the Primary School
President: Mitakshi Mathur
I request all the students of the primary school to bring the books from
home that they don’t need, for donation. Books can be in different languages and for different age groups.
These books will be a part of the Primary Book Club and shall not be returned. You can leave all the books
on the ground floor in the boxes kept
outside the Reading Den.
Don’t take too long… let’s donate!
The idea of the
ladder system was made by Ms. Kriti our
Form Tutor. I gave the idea that brought about the change in
the ladder system. If the same person misbehaves or is using inappropriate language he will start at the bottom step and would
climb up the ladder if he improved upon his behaviour. Ms. Kriti
told us that it was a wonderful
idea but she also said that whoever does bad will start the
road to the top of the ladder. If
someone from our class goes to
the top of the ladder will get a
star and as you know if you get
10 stars, you will get a certificate and go to Ms. Lamba, Primary school Principal. She said
that she also liked the idea of
Taha because it is the matter of
who is good and who is bad. It is
all about bringing about a positive change in ourselves.
Important reminders...
•The children need to wear Indian traditional dress for the Hindi Diwas assembly
on 17th September( Tuesday).
•The children also need to learn any one
Hindi poem for the Recitation which will
be held on 19th September (Thursday).
In Visual arts Class we had to divide the paper into four parts and
draw four of our favourite things.
We selected one object and drew
it repeatedly drew it on the paper.
The Literary Week began with the book fair and we all had a great time
buying the books. The student council has begun working!!! And we have
played our part in literary week. We created awareness in the school
for donation of books. We stuck posters all around the school promoting book drive in which one donates books for the school book club.
To celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday on the 13th of September, we had a
quiz on his most famous books i.e., ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’
and ‘Matilda’. The 4 winners from both the sections of Grade 5 got a
book as a prize. We are reading everyday in class and outside as we
have to write reflections on the buntings that would go up in the primary school amphitheater. On Saturday, Ms Prerna Kohli (Paarth’s mom)
came to read a Hindi story to us. It was a very funny story and we all
enjoyed it a lot. When everyone was asking for more stories, she then
also read out some portion from Matilda. It’s just been 6 days of the
literary week and we are having a great time reading and learning more.
Hoping for a more exciting week ahead!
From Ms. Kriti’s Desk……
This week was full of fun activities and were exhilarating!The whole week we were
busy bees:buzzing around happily especially the literary
week activities , quizzes and
Read Aloud activities. This
week also saw the culmination of UOI 1.Children are growing up and hopefully now they are more in tune with their
self and the changes the other people are experiencing in
different stages of their life.
We would really appreciate if you could take some time out
to give your views on the last unit. Kindly send us your reviews by email as it would help us in the documentation.
Students are getting more and more involved and are eagerly working hard to draft the newsletter. We expect
them to keep a note of each day’s happening so that it’s
easier for them to compile it in the end. We will be able to
help them refine their expressions and learn the finer nuances of writing better through one on one editing and collating week’s information.
This week’s reporting team
consists of –
Stuti Singhal ,Louis Ahmad, Mitakshi, Rajlakshmi,
Shreya, Siddhant,, Aryan,Taha.
Rishab has helped us with
the template for this newsletter.
We hope you enjoy reading
this publication. Please direct your suggestions and
feedback to our editor
Tanvi Amrit at [email protected] with a
copy to Ms Kriti Nigam at
[email protected].
Your suggestions will help us
improve further.
Thank you !