Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - October


Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - October
San Fernando Cathedral
The Oldest Cathedral Sanctuary in the United States-Founded in 1731
Location-115 W. Main Plaza
Parish Office Mailing Address-231 W. Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78205
Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller, M.Sp.S Archbishop of San Antonio
San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church
Location - 205 Piazza Italia
Parish Office Mailing Address - P. O. Box 7783
San Antonio, TX 78207
OCTOBER 5, 2014
Pastoral Staff/Equipo Pastoral
Office Hours
Very Rev. Tony Vilano, J.C.L - Rector
Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Rev. Prasanna Mese-Parochial Vicar
Closed for lunch from 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Rev. Krikor Gregory Chahin, PhD- Parochial Vicar
Parish office:
(210) 227-1297
(210) 271-0149
Gift Shop:
(210) 357-5608
Deacon Julio Garcia III
Gift Shop Fax:
(210) 223-7854
Deacon Victor Cepero
Development office:
(210) 576-1365
Lupita Mandujano-Director of Religious Ed.
Ext. 133
(210) 576-1367
Rick Mc Laughlin-Director of Music Ministries
Ext. 154
Janie Vela-Cavazos-Admin. Assistant
Deacon Ismael Casanova
Deacon Doroteo Pedroza
Deacon Pete G. Nañez
Saturday/Sabado - 8:00a.m. (Sabatina Español) & 5:00p.m. (English)
Sunday/Domingo - 6:00 a.m (Español), 8:00 a.m. (Español/Televised),
Louis Sanchez - Administrator
Ext. 129
Ruben Alvarado - Receptionist/Baptism/Mass Intentions
Ext. 128
Veronica Alvarez - Wedding Coordinator
Ext. 131
Monday/Lunes - 12:05 p.m. (Bilingual)
Mary E. Garza - Bookkeeper
Ext. 130
Tues/Martes - Fri./Viernes - 6:15 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. (Bilingual)
Amelia Nieto - Office of Advancement
Ext. 126
Dora Ramos - Gift Shop Manager
Ext. 150
Mon/Lunes - Fri./Viernes - 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. &
10:00 a.m. (English), 12:00 p.m. (Español), 2:00 p.m. (English),
5:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
Mario Maldonado - Maintenance
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesíones
Sat./Sabado - 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Marta Figueroa - Sacristan
Adoration - Every 3rd Wednesday at 7pm
Amelia Nieto, CFRE - Executive Director
Ext. 126
Please contact the Parish Office /Favor de llamar a la Oficina
Parish Organizations
Meeting Day
Hijas de Maria
Knights of Columbus
Columbian Squires
Finance Council
ACTS Core Group
Prayer Group
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Monday
3rd Monday
Every Tuesday
11:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
La Sala
Choir Room
San Jose Room
Conference Room
Concepcion Room
Concepcion Room
Please pray for those who are sick and in need of healing graces…John A. Cavazos, Josie Castillo, Mallory Rayne Salazar, Leo Castillo,
Madelyn R. Salazar, Matthew J. Salazar, Elva M. Mc Knight, Santos Araujo, Lonnie Cantu, Carlos E. Alvarado, Yvette Alizadeh, Arnulfo Valencia, Antonio
Vargas Sr., Maria Regina Vidal, Lucy Rodriguez, Eduardo Gutierrez Castro, Tony Pecina, Sandra Villarreal, Dolores Moreno, San Mario Alberto Casarez,
Maria L. Gara, Sandra Urdiales, Roberto M. Martinez, Laura Curtis, Theresa Luna, Alicia Torres, David Olivares, Santos Garza Jr., Manuel Sosa, Juliet
Hernandez, Linda Alcorta, Connie Winters, Catarina Zendejas, Charles Francis Rufe, Juanito Valencia, Elsa Munoz, Ramona Bell, Martin Gutierrez Jr., Melissa
Rose Gutierrez, Crystal Rose Garcia, Kimberly Marie Gutierrez, Alfonso Cazares, James Hernandez, Maria Y. Torres, Josie Lopez, Guadalupe Sanchez, Olga
Medina, Susan De Luna, Gregory Riojas, Rosemary Aguillard, Alex Castro, Tony Alvarado Sr., Robert Muniz, Joseph Weich, Rebecca Grace Shauvn, Janie
Morin, Gloria Rodriguez, Christine Maldonado, Raymond Sandoval, Angelita Najera, Fred Ihsleib, Flora Cuellar, Teresa Mendez, Josh Reyes, Robert Reyes,
Robert Macias, Florinda Delgado, Lavern Gully, Blas Saenz, Christopher Michael Mireles, Hector Sanchez, Benita Rivas, Julian Vasquez, Mr. Reymundo
Rocha, Mrs. Eileen Aguirre, Antonia Martinez, Roberto A. Huesca, Michelle Vargas, Joshua Vargas, Olga Villaseñor, Robert Aguilar, Natalia Contreras, Victor
Cepero, Bea Cepero, Nena Mendez, Ray Hernandez Sr., Patricia Mathuren, Ruby Zamora, Levy Zamora, Alice Bolanos, Marivic A. Bonto-Kane, Rodolfo
Meyers, John J. Kane, Gloria A. Bonto, Peter Paul Vincent A. Bonto, Joe Gonzalez, Jeremy Perez , Maria Martinez, Francisco Gaytan, Ramon Gutierrez, Maria Dolores Salas, Carmen
Natal,Lydia Natal, Isabella Rodriguez, Eddie Ramirez, Julian Flores, Antonio Valadez, Bobby Rivera, Lisa Saenz, Elizabeth Garcia Rodriguez, Louis Martin Gutierrez Jr, Rosemary Aguilard,
Rafael Garcia, Rudy Aguilar, Daniel Gonzales, Ruben Corpus, Sulema Muniz, Andrea Fatima Asencio, Evelyn Rose Hernandez, Manuel Castillo Jr., Victor Mazac, Jayleen Solis, Ynes
Sandoval Trevino Jr., Marvin Elkin, Daniel Dominguez, Janie Aleman, Angel Aguilar, Olivia Ortiz, Sidra Vela, Francisco Avila, Yoelia Cepero, Fidel Rodriguez, Faith Rodriguez, Roger
Gonzalez, Steven Pripdel, Linda Wapp, Dianna Hernandez, G;loria A. Bonto, Shirley Acosta, Samuel Allen Ward, Olivia Sophia Rodriguez, Caleb Luke, Jake Lou, Carol Schunter, Teresa
Mendez, Maria Saucedo & Alfonso Cazares
If you would like a name to be put on the prayer list please call the parish office at 210-227-1297. Thank you!
OCTOBER 5, 2014
A Message from Fr. Tony/Un mensaje de parte de Padre Tony
As usual, today’s first and third scripture readings are obviously related, with the second conƟnuing one of
Paul’s LeƩers—these days, the LeƩer to the Philippians. The vineyard stories from Isaiah and MaƩhew
both talk about evildoers coming to a bad end.
In Isaiah, it’s the vineyard itself that produces “wild grapes” instead of the crop the owner dreamed of and
worked for. So it will be “trampled” and “overgrown with thorns.” In MaƩhew, those to whom the owner
leased the vineyard destroy the dream. So the owner “will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants” (MaƩhew 21:41).
Yes, if we reject divine love we come to a bad end. And with all this talk of the unfaithful being trampled and thrown out, it’s consoling to
hear Paul’s message to the Philippians, who were by no means perfect. “Have no anxiety at all,” Paul said. “Then the God of peace will be
with you” (Philippians 4:6, 9).
Como de costumbre, la primera y tercera lecturas de las Escrituras del día de hoy están evidentemente
relacionadas, mientras que la segunda lectura conƟnúa una de las cartas de Pablo, que en estos días
es la conocida carta a los filipenses. Las historias de la viña, de Isaías y Mateo, hablan de malhechores
que van a “acabar mal”.
En Isaías, es la propia viña la que produce “uvas amargas” en vez de la cosecha que el dueño soñaba
con tener y por la que trabajó. Por lo tanto, la viña será “pisoteada” y “cubierta con espinos”. En Mateo, son aquellos a los que el dueño arrendó la viña los que destruyeron el sueño. Por consiguiente el
dueño “hará morir sin compasión a esa gente tan mala y arrendará la viña a otros” (Mateo 21:41).
EfecƟvamente, si rechazamos el amor divino vamos a acabar mal. Además con todo este hablar sobre
los infieles que son pisoteados y expulsados, es un consuelo oír el mensaje de Pablo a los Filipenses quienes, bajo ningún concepto, eran
perfectos. “No se inquieten por nada”, dice Pablo (Filipenses 4:6). “Y el Dios de la paz estará con ustedes” (Filipenses 4:9).
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — The vineyard of the LÊٗ is the house of Israel
(Isaiah 5:1-7).
Primera lectura — El Señor busca una cosecha de jusƟcia (Isaías 5:17).
Psalm — The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel (Psalm 80).
Salmo — La viña del Señor es la casa de Israel (Salmo 80 [79]).
Second Reading — God’s peace will guard your hearts and minds
(Philippians 4:6-9).
Segunda lectura — Mora con pensamientos de pureza y jusƟcia y
sabrás lo que es la paz (Filipenses 4:6-9).
Gospel — The kingdom of God will be given to those who will produce its fruit (MaƩhew 21:33-43).
Evangelio — La piedra que rechazaron los constructores se ha converƟdo en la piedra angular (Mateo 21:33-43).
Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lk 10:2537
Gál 1:6-12; Sal 111 (110):1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lc 10:2537
Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15; Lk 10:38-42
Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Lk 11:1-4
Gál 1:13-24; Sal 139 (138):1b-3, 13-15; Lc 10:3842
Gál 2:1-2, 7-14; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Lc 11:1-4
Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11:5-13
Gál 3:1-5; Lc 1:69-75; Lc 11:5-13
Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1b-6; Lk 11:15-26
Gál 3:7-14; Sal 111 (110):1b-6; Lc 11:15-26
Gal 3:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28
Gál 3:22-29; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 11:27-28
Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20;
Mt 22:1-14[1-10]
Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Fil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt
22:1-14 [1-10]
Baptism Classes &
Baptism Dates
OCTOBER 5, 2014
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 5, 2014
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and
peƟƟon, with thanksgiving, make your requests known
to God.— Philippians 4:6
Baptism Classes
Oct 6th (English)
San Jose Room @
Group Baptisms
Saturday, Oct 11th (English)
@ 10:00am in Church
Parents & Godparents must
be in the church by 9:30am.
Please call Ruben Alvarado at the parish office at
210-227-1297 ext. 128 for requirements.
You may
register at 231 W. Commerce, Tuesday - Friday from
9:30am - 4:30pm.
K OF C Corner/Meetings & Events
Knights of Columbus invites everyone to the Tejanos for Christ Concert on
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014.
Concert will be held in the large hall of the Rectory
Building at 231 W. Commerce next to Penner’s Store. Pre-sale tickets are $15.00 per
person At the door tickets will be $20.00 per person. Hamburgers, hot Dogs, chips,
sodas and waters will be sold. To purchase tickets or for more information please
contact Ruben Alvarado at 210-227-1297 ext. 128. Please come and support our
Knights of Columbus with an evening of great music with wonderful musicians.
Extraordinary Ministers and Lectors needed for Sunday 5pm Mass
Faithful Catholics are invited to participate in the ministry of the Mass as Lectors in English or
Spanish and/or Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion at the 5pm Mass.
If interested please call the parish office at 210-227-1297 ext. 122 and leave your name and
number and the Mass Coordinator from the 5pm Mass will return your call.
OCTOBER 5, 2014
Red Mass 2014
The School of Law invites members of the legal community from all faiths to the
62nd Annual Red Mass at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014 at the San Fernando
The custom of a special Mass for the judicial community arose in France, England
and Italy in the early 13th century to mark the opening of the courts of law and to
ask guidance for all who seek jusƟce. It became known as Red Mass from the
color of the preiests' vestments and judges' robes.
This tradiƟon conƟnues today in San Antonio as a Ɵme for member of the legal community of all faiths to come
together for the cause of jusƟce.
For more informaƟon, contact Sister Grace Walle, F.M.I, D.Min, St. Mary's School of Law campus minister at 210-4363063 or [email protected].
Bake & Arts and Crafts Sale
The Hijas de Maria de San Fernando will be having a Bake & Arts
9:00am - 3:00pm.
Please stop by and show these wonderful
group of ladies your support.
"The Brother Barnabas Award recognizes the 25 best activities conducted by local
circles throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, the
Bahamas, the Virgin Islands and Guam. Our Columbian Squires Circle 4286 has earned
this award for their work selling raffle tickets and Fiesta medals to support the
Cathedral during Fiesta San Fernando last April.
Congratulations, Squires!"
OCTOBER 5, 2014
Women to Women - A Women’s Outreach Ministry:
Do you enjoy the fellowship of other women? Do you enjoy arts and crafts? Or maybe you enjoy learning new things?
If you answered yes to any or all these questions, then Women to Women has a place for you. Come meet other women from the community share interests, spend time away from home in a safe small group environment, make arts &
crafts, receive health information, learn from others and have fun!!! Each class is free.
You can start preparing for your holiday décor and develop your creative skills. Come join the fun! Remember classes
are free.
231 W. Commerce (San Fernando Community Centre)
Every Wednesday from 10 am - 12 noon
Eydie Johnson, RN Wesley Nurse at 210-227-1297 ext. 102
The sacrament of penance has a long and difficult history. The Church sometimes struggles with how best to
be faithful to the image of an all-forgiving God. Once a very public rite with publicly visible participation on
the part of the penitent, it became in time a very private matter. By the fourteenth century, when a prayer of
absolution and a laying on of hands was still required in sacramental confession, theologians were saying
that even that was too much liturgy. All that was required was confession itself, and the sacramental words
Ego te absolvo, or “I absolve you.”
In 1614 the Council of Florence tried to flesh out this bare skeleton, requiring that if possible the priest
should wear a stole, that the confession should be in church, and that there be questions about the person’s
state in life, occupation, and last confession. This is the first time the Church recommended that the penitent
and priest be separated by a grill, thereby eliminating the ritual laying on of hands once so central to the
sacrament, substituting the priest’s raised right hand in blessing. This is the rite that remained in force until
the sacrament became the subject of very stormy debates at the Second Vatican Council, leading to a major
reform in 1974 that is still only partially received.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Polish American Center located at 2611 Mission Rd will be hosting its Semi-Annual Sausagefest on
Thursday, October 9, 2014 from 11:00am - 7:00pm.
Polish Sausage plate consisting of new potatoes in
gravy, green beans & Kapusta (polish style sauerkraut). $8.00 per plate (dine-in or to go)
Refreshments and Desserts available. Don’t forget to buy some raffle tickets!!! For more information or to
pre-order large quantity of plates call Polish American Ctr. 210-922-6277 on the morning of the event. All
proceeds benefit PNA Lodge 2540 - a non-profit organization. Public Welcome!!!
6:00 a.m.
David Daniel Lucio - Happy Birthday - Juan
David & Melba S. Lucio
8:00 a.m.
Parish Community and Television Viewers
10:00 a.m.
Hijas de Maria, Deceased Members & their
†Justin Acap - Mother, Nancy Cross
Rosario Cano - Happy Birthday - Family
†Hortencia Vallarta - Family
†Rosario Munoz - Family
12:00 p.m.
Eric Chacon & Alexis Chacon - Sylvia Cavazos
Luisa & Transito Rodriguez, Isaac Chacon, &
Rick & Sylvia Chacon - Sylvia Chacon
2:00 p.m.
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
5:00 p.m.
Monica Leal Lucio - Happy Birthday - Juan
David & Melba Lucio
Pete Cantu - Juan David & Melba Lucio
Maria Saucedo - Health - Family
12:05 p.m.
San Fernando Cathedral now
provides Online
convenient and safe way to
make a one-time or recurring
donation. Getting started is
easy—just visit our website,
[, and click
our Online Giving link. When you participate, your
gift will be securely transferred directly into the parish bank account. And you won’t have to remember
to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays!
“Gift Shop News”
Looking for that perfect souvenir gift or do you want to give a
gift that is lasting and memorable? Well, stop by our Gift Shop
where you will find a great selection of beautiful and unique
†Alfred Braun - Kenneth & Doris Taggart
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
Monday thru Friday:
9:00am - 5:00pm
(lunch 1:00pm - 2:00pm)
6:15 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
For All Missing Children & their families
Carmen Morales Moreno - Happy Birthday Maria Elena Correa
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
6:15 a.m.
12:05 a.m.
St. Dymphna - Thanksgiving - Margarita S.
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
†Richard Thomas Cook - Wife, Julie Cook
6:15 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
12:05 p.m.
9:00am - 5:30pm
(lunch 1:00pm - 2:00pm)
8:30am - 5:00pm
Gift Shop now selling Children’s (English), Youth (English) &
Adult (English & Spanish) Bibles
Just a friendly reminder, please do not bring candles from your home
or outside stores to light inside the church. The chemicals in the candles destroy the fibers in tapestry and paint in the paintings and statues.
Candles may be purchased in our Gift Shop.
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
†Loretto Galindo Morales & †Oscar y Anita
Garza - Familia Garza y Mora
6:15 a.m.
OCTOBER 5, 2014
For the Elderly
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
8:00 a.m.
For the Parish Community
5:00 p.m.
†Socorro John Valdez Jr. - Wife, Cecilia Valdez
†Bishop Bernard F. Popp - Jo Ann Norlin
Parish Registration/Forma de Registración
Codigo Postal
Telephone Number:______________________________________________
Número de telefono
If you are not receiving envelopes from San Fernando, you are not
registered as a parish member.
There will be a two month process
before receiving envelopes. Please fill out the above form and return it
to the Gift Shop to become an official parishioner.
San Francesco Di Paola
San Antonio, TX
SEPTEMBER 28, 2014
San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church
Location - 205 Piazza Italia/Parish Office Mailing Address - P. O. Box 7783, San Antonio, TX 78207
Office: (210) 227-0548
Fax: (210) 226-5086
Lay Ministry
Barbara Bertani
Liturgy Committee
Jo Ann Scrivano
Sick Ministry
Rose Marie Pagonis
Altar and Rosary Society
Cathy Ruffo Aguirre
San Francescani Society
Jay Pantusa
Mass Schedule:
5:30pm (English)
10:00am (English)
1:30pm (Español)
11:00am - 1:00pm
Baptism Classes and required documents are needed please contact Ruben Alvarado at
210-227-1297 ext. 128 for more information and dates.
Marriage/Matrimonios & Quinceañera’s - Must be scheduled at least 6 months prior to the wedding or quinceañera date upon
availability of the Parish. Paperwork, documents, and requirements must be met before marriage or quinceañera’s are celebrated.
Please contact Veronica Alvarez at 210-227-1297 ext. 131
For Hall rentals visit:; phone #223-8284.
Funerals - Contact Ruben Alvarado at 210-227-1297 ext. 128.
Mass Intentions/Names for Prayer of the Sick- can be made at parish during the weekend mass with the envelopes provided or
you may contact Ruben Alvarado at 210-227-1297 ext. 128. Mass Intentions should be made at least three weeks in advance if the
intentions are to be put into the bulletin.
Sanctuary Lamp for
Please pray for those who are sick
and in need of healing graces/
October will shine for:
Por favor oren por los enfermos y
†Domingo Aguirre
necesitados de sanación gracias...
From: Cathy Aguirre
Finley De Fossett, Charles Ruffo, Angelina & Ivan Hinojosa,
Christopher Jackson Bordano, Luke Bordano, Vencie Bordano,
Josephine Garza, Jeff Mc Coy, Fernando Gutierrez, Alexis Kimberly
Garcia, Mariah Chanel Torres, Ralph B. Torres, Leonard & Regina
Lee, Loretta Gutierrez, Jorge Faria VanDune, Mariana Gaspar, John
Tia, Virginia Pantuso, Sher H. Gonzalez Menchaca, Dolores Pantusa,
“Important News on Parking for Church Parking Lot”
As of July 1, 2014 the parking lot will be available for paid parking by visitors to
the Downtown area Monday through Friday. However, please note that parking
is ALWAYS FREE to the Parishioners of San Francesco Di Paola attending Mass
Rosalee Rizzo, Tamara Lee Young, Joseph Roberto Moreno, M. del
during the weekends. When attending Adoration on Wednesdays, please park
Carmen Sanchez, Mike Casanova & Kathy Greco
in the reserved spots.
San Francesco di Paola
Building Fund Contributions
Devozione Tredici Venerdi
in Memory of †Rosie Granieri
August 29, 2014 - November 21, 2014
Liturgy: Confession (when priest available) and Mass 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Fridays Devotion following the Mass at
San Francesco di Paola Church - ALL ARE WELCOME!
Annie & Julie Pantusa,
Ian & Cathy Cox
Rudy & Vickie Terrazas
Vencie Bordano
Carl & Rita Ponzio
Albert & Mary Delgado
Edward & Mary Ann Camero
Serene Family
Paul & Maria Scrivano
Agnes (Tootsie) Guido
Frances Ponzio
Michael & Joyce Dobrowolski
Rosemary Paletta
Ofelia Gallegos
San Francesco Di Paola
San Antonio, TX
SEPTEMBER 28, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
5:30 p.m.
†Rosie Granieri - Agnes Guido
Sunday, October 12, 2014
10:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
†Betty Jean Scrivano - Vee Dobrowelski
†Rosie Granieri - Rose M. Hannasch
Para la comunidad de la Parroquia de San Francesco di Paola
San Francisco Di Paola Catholic Church
Calendar of Events for October - December 2014
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Every Thursday from 11am - 12pm with Mass at 12pm
October is the Month of the Rosary –The Rosary will be recited before each weekend Mass by the Altar & Rosary Society. All are welcome.
Oct. 9, 2014 - Special Scriptural Rosary at 11:15am. Mass at 12pm in honor of the Blessed Mother
Oct. 19, 2014 - Altar & Rosary Society monthly meeting with Appreciation brunch honoring members after the 10am Mass
Oct. 25, 2014 - San Francescani Campfire Summit and Planning Retreat - 9am—12pm
Nov. 1, 2014 - All Saints Day Vigil Mass - 5:30pm
Nov. 2, 2014 - All Souls Day Mass - 10:00am
Nov. 9, 2014 - Veterans Day Mass - 10:00am
Nov. 16, 2014 - Altar & Rosary Society and San Francescani monthly meetings after the 10am Mass
Nov. 27, 2014 - Thanksgiving Day - No Mass at San Francesco di Paola
Nov. 30, 2014 - Advent Reflection after the 10am Mass.
Dec. 6, 2014 - Altar & Rosary Society Christmas Market and Luncheon - Omni Hotel (Colonnade). All parishioners and non-parishioners are
invited. Event and ticket information will be in the Bulletin. Vendor are welcome - Fee required.
Dec. 8, 2014 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation) -Services at San Fernando Cathedral only.
Dec. 11, 2014 - Special Scriptural Rosary at 11:15am and Mass at 12:00pm honoring the Feasts of Our Lady of Guadalupe & the Immaculate
Dec. 14, 2014 - Altar & Rosary Society and San Francescani monthly meetings after the 10am Mass.
Dec. 24, 2014 - Christmas Eve Pageant & Vigil Mass at 4:00pm
Dec. 25, 2014 - Christmas Day Mass at 10:00am
Jan. 1, 2015 - New Year’s Day - Feast of Mary Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) -Mass at 10:00am
The Altar and Rosary Society welcomes all ladies of San Francesco di Paola Church to become members of their organization. The primary
functions of the organization is to:
Maintain the Altar, vestments, candles and the general upkeep of the interior of the Church, and
Devote themselves to praying the rosary and paying homage to the Blessed Mother.
The Altar and Rosary Society meets every 3rd Sunday after the 10:00am Mass. For more information, please contact the President, Cathy Ruffo Aguirre at (210) 269-6815
The San Francescani Society welcomes all adult and young men of San Francesco di Paola Church to become members of the organization.
The primary functions of the organizations are to:
Offer prayers to our patron San Francesco di Paola for his intercession and assistance for the sick of our parish and to remember the deceased
members of the organization and our Church.
Imitate the values of our patron saint by performing acts of charity, humility, and service to the parish and those in need.
The San Francescani Society meets every 3rd Sunday after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. For more information, please contact the President, Jay Pantusa at
(210) 473-4771.