222inkkey graphic


222inkkey graphic
Illustration Materials & Techniques
Black and white media: ink techniques
• Linear/Graphic - Line Variety, Shapes
Line: Graphic
Line Variety, Shapes, Design
Max Beckman
Lynd Ward
Linear/Graphic/- Historical
Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898
Kate Greenaway, 1846-1901
Beatrix Potter, 1866-1943
Alphonse Mucha, 1860-1939
Ernst Kirchner, 1880- 1938
Line/Graphic - Contemporary
Yuko Shimizu
Installations can sometimes be impressive, but some involve the spectator in a full way. Japanese artist,Yosuke Goda, creates
immersive environment rooms, just using his talent and creative mind. He creates living, breathing rooms that swallow human
beings. Thank to the use of a black markers, Goda has no mercy for the surrounding white walls, floor, and ceiling.
He creates organisms with a body similar to the roots and vines of trees. This impressive monster appears to constantly grow,
with no self-control, like art, unstoppable.
Yuko Shimizu
Fernanda Cohen
Yuko Shimizu
Ben Tolman
Loren Kantor
Douglas Rugh
Cathie Bleck
Francis and Laurence Minoza
Aaron Horkey
Aaron Horkey
JeeShaun Wang
JeeShaun Wang
Aaron Hogg
Chris Brake
Scott Greewalt
Q. Cassetti
John Vogl
William Crosby
Kelsey Dake
Robert Meganck
Steven Noble
Cathie Bleck
Karen Davison
Melinda Bleck
Marumiyan, digital and ink
Kako Ueda, cut paper
Mark Todd
Student Examples
Cloie Thurman
Cloie Thurman
Reference for Line/Graphic
Student ink and brush portraits