Mischievous Baby Krishna Eats Mud


Mischievous Baby Krishna Eats Mud
Mischievous Baby Krishna Eats Mud
©Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014. All rights reserved.
Mischievous Baby Krishna Eats Mud
Author: Simon Maddock
Illustrations and Book Design: Eva Angelova
Narrated By: Rebecca Simpson
Music and Sound Engineer: Ishan Isaacs
Produced By: Emma Horton
This book is copyright © Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014
Illustrations are copyright © Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014
Voice recording is copyright © Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014
Music is copyright © Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
without the permission of the publisher.
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
©Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014. All rights reserved.
The Blesséd Lord Shri Krishna, grew up in the village of Vrindavan, with his father
Nanda, and his mother Yashoda, and his older brother Balarama.
The village was in a beautiful valley. Shady trees cooled the villagers on hot days, and
the breeze from the surrounding hills whispered gently through the leaves. The village
folk lived in simple houses. Next to each house was a cow stall.
The villagers spent their days farming and herding their cows to the fields. The cows
gave rich, tasty milk. The villagers turned the milk into curd and cheese, which they
stored in large clay jars.
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The village children helped with all this work. But, they also had plenty of time to play,
and get up to mischief!
One day, Balarama and the older boys and girls of the village were chasing each
other around and around. The children ran through the village, calling out to each
other, trying to trip each other up. The men of the village, washing out the cow stalls,
and the women, grinding corn and churning the milk into curd, laughed to see the
children at play.
The girls and boys ran here and there around the village, hiding from each other
behind the huts and the cow stalls. Balarama clambered up one of the shady trees,
and laughed loudly as he threw fruit down at them. They laughed in turn and
squealed as they dodged away from Balarama’s fruity missiles. They jumped up to
catch hold of the tree-dweller’s legs, to pull him back down to the ground.
Shri Krishna, still a young baby, heard the laughter and walked on his chubby little
legs out into the village street to see what was happening. He saw the older village
children and his brother Balarama, and immediately wanted to play with them.
By now, Balarama had been pulled down from his perch and, dusting himself off saw
all the luscious fruit lying around on the ground.
“This sweet juicy fruit mustn’t go to waste,” he said to the other boys and girls, “let’s
have a feast fit for great heroes and heroines like us!”
His playmates agreed at once, and fell to picking up, dusting off and eating as much
fruit as they could. The juice dribbled down their chins and arms, as they gobbled up
these fruity delights, which were so refreshing after their hot game.
Krishna liked the look of this game, and he walked over to the girls and boys.
“Let me play too,” Krishna said, holding out his hand for fruit.
But the older children didn’t want to play with such a small boy. He would slow down
their game, and besides, hadn’t they done all the hard work to harvest the
fruit? Why did this baby boy deserve fruit he hadn’t earned?
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They didn’t know he was the Lord of All, Narayana Himself!
Even Balarama, Krishna’s own brother, told him to go away. But Krishna
decided he would join their game anyway. The boys and girls were seated on
the grass eating fruit, so baby Krishna sat down as well. But what could he
eat? He had no fruit, and the children were not going to share any fruit with
So Krishna, reached out to a nearby puddle and took a handful of mud, and
put it in his mouth and began to eat.
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One of the boys noticed this strange spectacle and called out to Balarama. He
pointed at Krishna and exclaimed, “Look Balarama! Your baby brother is eating
The girls and boys laughed and laughed, but Balarama became angry. He jumped up
and, followed by his companions, raced to his Mother Yashoda, who was sitting with
the other women of the village grinding corn into flour.
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“Mother, Mother!” Balarama shouted.
“Mother Yashoda,” the other children cried.
“Krishna is eating mud!” they all chorused. “Over there, under that tree he is sitting in
the dust, near a puddle, and eating handfuls of mud.” They all spoke and pointed at
“Dear me,” said Mother Yashoda, who rose from her seat, smoothed down her
beautiful sari, and adjusted the colourful cloth covering her lovely dark hair. Her eyes
twinkled with delight, because any mention of her darling son Krishna, even if he was
being mischievous, filled her with joy.
She walked quickly to Krishna, who was still sitting under the tree munching on a
mouthful of mud.
“Oh, naughty boy!” said Mother Yashoda, “Have you been eating mud?”
Krishna, his mouth full, couldn’t speak. So he shook his head, as if to say No, Mother,
I haven’t been eating mud.
Mother Yashoda looked at his mouth, which was streaked with mud. “Naughty boy! I
see you have! Now tell the truth!”
Again, Krishna shook his head.
Mother Yashoda looked at the little fistful of mud Krishna was holding halfway to his
“Naughty Krishna, for the last time, tell the truth. Have you been eating mud?”
Again Krishna, round-eyed with innocence, shook his head, No.
Krishna, who was in truth, the Lord of All, born on earth as a baby to save the world
from evil, was playing a mischievous game with his Mother Yashoda.
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He had something very special to show her.
“Open your mouth, little man,” said Mother Yashoda with a twinkle in her eye, “I
believe we should check, to see if you are telling the truth.”
So, baby Krishna in obedience to his mother, opened his mouth…
And then, a miracle happened!
Mother Yashoda looked into baby Krishna’s mouth, and what do you think she saw?
©Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014. All rights reserved.
©Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014. All rights reserved.
She saw the Sun, the Moon and all the Planets! She saw the galaxies streaming past,
and around the shining stars she saw planets orbiting in majestic order. Spinning
around the Sun, she saw a beautiful planet with sparkling blue oceans and tall
mountains, and green jungles. She saw mighty rivers, and she could even see towns
and villages.
She saw one such village nestled in a beautiful valley. The village had lovely houses
with cow stalls next to each one, and shady trees swaying in the breeze. Mother
Yashoda was transfixed, as she saw in one of the dusty streets of that village, a young
mother bending over her baby boy looking into his mouth!
Mother Yashoda looked closer into the mouth of that tiny baby boy, so like her own
dear Krishna! And what did she see?
She saw another Sun, another Moon and other Planets! She saw more galaxies
streaming past, and around the shining stars she again saw planets orbiting in
majestic order. Spinning around the Sun, she saw another beautiful planet, also with
sparkling blue oceans and tall mountains, and green jungles. She saw mighty rivers,
and she could even see towns and villages on this planet as well.
She saw another village nestled in a beautiful valley. That village also had lovely
houses with cow stalls next to each one, and shady trees swaying in the breeze.
Mother Yashoda was again transfixed, as she saw in one of the dusty streets of that
village another young mother bending over her baby boy looking into his mouth!
Mother Yashoda now looked into the mouth of that even tinier baby boy, who was
also just like her own darling Krishna! And what did she see?
©Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014. All rights reserved.
©Gilsar Pty Limited, 2014. All rights reserved.
She saw yet another Sun, another Moon and even more Planets! Again, she saw
galaxies streaming past and more shining stars with planets orbiting in majestic
order. She saw another beautiful planet, with sparkling blue oceans and tall
mountains, and green jungles, with mighty rivers and towns and villages.
Again she saw one such village, nestled in a beautiful valley, with houses and cow
stalls and dusty streets, with another young mother bending over her baby boy
looking into his mouth.
Mother Yashoda became dizzy and bewildered!
“What is happening here?” thought Mother Yashoda, “I can see the whole Universe
in the mouth of my son. Surely this is no ordinary baby, this is the Lord Himself,
Narayana, the Supreme God”.
Then, Mother Yashoda became frightened. “What has happened to my little baby
Krishna?” she thought. “Where has he gone?”
At that moment, the Lord Shri Krishna, out of boundless love for his earthly mother,
covered her mind and heart with his Divine Magic, and hid his greatness from her
Mother Yashoda immediately forgot the vision of the Universe and saw only her
darling boy.
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“Oh Krishna,” she said, “you are a naughty boy. But I can never be angry with you!”
She cleaned his little face, and gathered him into her loving arms and hugged him to
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