
What Conisio Does
Everything we do
is about you.
. Conisio supports your entire company by
organising all your technical information,
maximising the benefit to you.
At GCS, our objective is
to help your organisation
do more, better and
earlier, giving substantial
strategic benefits for
your company in three
months, not three years it’s that simple.
Conisio creates more
quality time.
The result: enhanced
products to market
earlier, driving revenues
higher and, above all,
tangible competitive
. Conisio enables authorised personnel to access
the most current information, quickly, easily
and from anywhere.
. Conisio supports collaboration across the globe,
with the entire team working together in a
synchronised and productive way.
. Conisio enables your company to achieve tangible
business results from automating project and
design related processes.
. Conisio provides total control over who is able to view,
retrieve or make changes to your invaluable data...
. Conisio gives you the ability, based on real
data, to review, analyse and support continuous
improvement policies.
Categorize Access
. Collaborate . Automate . Control . Audit
Conisio will take you from chaos to
order, boost your personal productivity
and shorten your cycle times.
All your organisation’s 3D
model assemblies, BOM’s,
documents and drawings in
a way that works for you.
Your Technical Information, Quickly & Easily.
Conisio’s secure electronic vault, with the
documents and drawings, and in whichever office the users are based,
familiar Microsoft Explorer interface,
they can quickly find what they need.
provides an easy to use framework that
affords valuable discipline and integrity
for all your technical data.
Wherever your product team members are located, Conisio provides
all the product information, which is immediately accessible anywhere,
and at any time, for anyone with appropriate access rights. No matter
how your organisation categorises its data, irrespective of the volume of
Whether you browse to find the drawing, search by description of the
document or drawing, or on the basis of document content, Conisio
will instantly deliver what you require, to your desktop, wherever you
The most recent assemblies, drawings and
are located. Furthermore, you have the confidence that only the very
related documents are instantly accessible
latest revision is made available, eliminating the substantial costs that
across the enterprise and supply-chain.
arise from working with out-of-date information.
With Conisio, your entire design team and
organisation are working more efficiently,
with the most current information, just a few
mouse clicks away.
Conisio provides the tools for effective
management of all document types
The powerful management and workflow features are accessible
from within your familiar 3D Modelling, CAD or Microsoft Office
environment, accelerating user adoption and maximising productivity.
Conisio supports direct access from the Internet or your
company’s intranet.
throughout their lifecycle, right-out-of-thebox. Templates keep data consistent and can
be defined for single assemblies, drawings,
documents, or compound items. Meta-data is
handled by user-friendly data cards.
Categorize . Access . Collaborate . Automate . Control . Audit
Conisio supports global collaboration,
the entire team working together to
deliver tangible business results.
Create - Review - Change, Process Cycles.
The challenge facing many organisations is to harness, support and
Once initial design concepts are established, managing change
augment the skills, experience and management capabilities of the
involving review, approval and distribution processes becomes a key
internal teams in order to drive product development.
challenge, every day.
Conisio reflects the importance of the latest, up-to-date information
Conisio makes creation, review and approval cycles as simple as
within a department as well as in the different enterprise functional
groups. Throughout all the phases of product development,
Conisio supports structured collaboration through the Process and
Document workflow utility. Built-in messaging and notification
sending e-mail. Instead of distributing paper and forms left on a
manager’s desk, key changes are electronically routed to all decisionmakers for prompt resolution. At every step you can monitor progress
and alert contributors to approaching deadlines.
functions drive teamwork and eliminate communication barriers.
Process and routing definitions are easy to set up and configure,
Data is shared under predefined rules that are set up by access
ensuring fast implementation. Automated process nodes such as PDF
rights, both by object type and workflow state.
A publishing framework option assists in speeding up data
distribution throughout the enterprise and supply chain.
Documents and CAD files can be automatically converted by the
document creator prior to submission to the publishing server;
for example DXF, DWG or PDF files.
publishing or data exchange with ERP or MRP systems are also available.
Upon approval, key information about entire product development
projects or product enhancements can be electronically delivered in
seconds to everyone affected by the revised information, wherever
they are located.
Driving through changes, automating critical cycles, streamlining
operations from design to manufacture, not only increases overall
The Internet is both an extraordinary opportunity and a significant
effectiveness, but more significantly reduces time to market.
threat. Every organisation is subject to pressure from competitors
These benefits are enjoyed by Conisio clients across four continents.
old or new, wherever they are based in the world. The trend for
outsourcing and off-shoring is accelerating each day, so that the best
and most appropriate resources are deployed, either on a project by
project basis or as an integrated part of the business.
Conisio provides a scalable management platform for everyone,
everywhere, in order to facilitate effective collaboration.
Categorize . Access . Collaborate . Automate . Control . Audit
Conisio provides a full activity log
detailing who, what, why, when and
how each change was made.
And Manage Changes to
Improve Overall Efficiency
and Reduce Time to Market.
Your Activities –
Drive Quality Compliance.
As change orders arise, are reviewed and
Conisio tracks and records every event, each
implemented, Conisio provides the essential
workflow, and every version that impacts the data set.
support system to maintain control of the entire
The audit tools record who did what and when,
process. Unauthorised changes are eliminated
and how and why each change was made.
and access rights granted to individuals based
Accessible from most popular report-writing tools,
on their role in your team, delivered through
the audit features assist in the preparation of quality
a powerful yet flexible security model.
compliance reports, dictated by either the enterprise
Every single revision and minor change is
itself or those demanded by regulatory agencies,
tracked as a separate entity. All contributors’
ISO auditors, or project-specific performance criteria.
comments and redlines associated with each
Whilst demonstrating compliance becomes a breeze,
relevant 3D Model assembly, drawing or
the key benefit is that review of the audit trails can
document version can be instantly recalled
help identify potential problems and drive
and displayed to relate to the original version.
continual process improvement to increase your
Co-ordinating changes to critical technical
overall competitiveness.
Throughout the lifecycle of your technical data,
information becomes an easy yet robust
process, with control re-established the way it
should be. Now everyone can work productively
in an integrated, synchronised manner.
Categorize . Access . Collaborate . Automate . Control . Audit