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• ﹉ t ﹉ XCUSEME,” RArΛ ELNADAL ingin thecUrne工 UfthecasinUafterthe ⅣVimbledUn in2UI2,Nadal stayedUffthe the口 saYstUthedriverUfaⅣ IercedescUurtesycarinMUnte pUkeΥ game.“ ThatIwi11nUthavea1Ung cUurtfUrsevenInUnthSbecauseUftendl careeΥ n北 is inhis leftknee.HeInissedtheLUn一 CarlU,wherehCsintUWntU plaYtheannualclaYcUurt ag電 ness Fede ln菸 tennls tUurhalnentinIn1l 工2rnUreGrandSlanlvict° rieslater,and cUach,hisuncleTUni,thUughtheⅡ ight p WUn NadalkStⅡ lNU.Iin thewUdd.NUless neveoplaYagain. Fre」 Apri1.“ WearegUingtUthe :T:手1:weare,nearlyadecadeand Yes,thedrivera$ anauthUr北 ythanAndreAgassi recentlv eshim.Nadalhas加 st calledhim thegreatest pIayerUfalltilne. casinU?’ suΥ ’ becausemymUvementsaretUU dUnUlympics——NadalhadwUngUldin Bell1ng一 andtheU.S.Upen.EvenNada1’ s Nadal,hUweve〦 且nished2oI3w北 ha 75-7matchrecUΥ d,reclaimedthewUrlas finishedatwU-hUurpΥ actkeses益 UnandchangedfrUmh、 aqua AbvANTA● ERAFAgearhiUawh工 e毛hir一 enatUlI.Knee,fUUt,backandhamstring tUprankingfrUmNUvakDiUkovkand wUntWUmUreGrandSlams h6dghth prUblemshavehamperedhimUverthe rrenc● hair years.AfterlUsingin thesecUndrUundat an● -blue_ blazergetup,tUusledhi§ Whichi㎡ttUs叩 川 urieshavenUtta● Nadi eve┘ Upenandh拍 sdcUndU.S.U° en tl tIe.RetiredAmericanprUIustinamelstUb suInIneduptherun:‘ 玒t怎 UneUf twkeinaΠ lirIUrandmarched thegreatcUmebacksnUtin ten: n6㏑ stUrYbutspUrts∥ sk丌 y” tUwardthecarfUrtheshUrt idealUngtheMed北 erranean Υ tUtheCasinUdeⅣ IUnteCarlU. lUUB Sudden9Nadalwas” st UndawayfrUInPeteSaInpras’ WhereheisabUuttUgethis tal玗 ass kic1.ed. InpUker,that拍 .山 ewUrlas tUpIankedtennis plaYerwas settUfaceUffagainstVane母 sa UfI4GrandSlamutles Sdlbst,aYaleLawgraduate thehighes:earningfemale player ever. Selbst Wasted stan stillcapableUfgreatnessbut clearlYfading.Nadalturns28 ties1 inIune.Advantage,Rafa. tk刮 AⅡ ewGo︳ deⅡ Age intl Unte thneshaveyUuIoStinⅣ工 stUrylines UfinternatiUnal Carkp” sheasked.Iust twke, ’ NadaltUldher.叮 mhU● ing th拍 isNU.3′ shesaid.Selbst ΓUur一 D9UkUvic, Federer, NadalandBr加 ΛndyM㏑ rmI一 spUrtS.TenniS’ cU平 eagain?RafaeINadaLUneUfthe mUst mani水 allYintenseatⅡ etesUnthe planet,famUusfUrpUundinghiSbUdyUn everypUint,IacksaggressiUn?WeIl,ifanY UnecanlearnhUwtUrampthingsup ln 驟 .糮 驟 翠特比:器 苦蕊 一 ↑ 召盟 叟盟 器生苦卷芞玉 貼生 密幣器::甘 螢 ::蜜 盟 ︴ 驟:驟 ::::石 絮王 wUuld: :驟 花 ξ ︴ ξ I葀 呈 瑟 唧 黥 王 ℅ { tΓ i甘fξ毛 苦 th主 ∵ ξ 、 。 l::走 :吾fl6{ :吾 :::l「 :::三 .:aid.Ra血 34 〞a㎞ “ 咖 η 山Ka把 〞㏕ ε 而 π 〞aI●惢 6〞 又 九6‘ a〞 巧公 … r戶 ηv己五ησ 。 ㏑eθ “iIe6 9ai亡 Vε 九η ee屁d‘ Uηη a〞 竹 P● kerfaceA角 ‘ ︳UⅡ DEΠ StⅡ 田DtHE Υ.︳ tⅡ EEDS SP● RttH︳ S” Ⅱ 了EGΥ ,︳ 了∥EEDS ’ FER︳ Ⅲ G︳ SⅢ Γ SΥ n∥ ——RAFAELNADAL, UNCLAY-CUURTTENNIS 丘ne T dHd hasbecUmeUneUfthegreat cUntrUlledthechar北 ygamefrUm… enr戲 ’ hand.“ HeneedswUik,’ shesaidafterward. “ He怎 nUtaggress加 eenUugh′ leav( Nad NADAL’ SPURSUITUFFEDERER thetennis staL“ HUwmany gruI pt9m UfRUgerΓ ederer’ srecUrdUfI7. Γedererturns〕 3thisSumlneΥ tIetimetaIkingtrashtU l丘 ” γle andw丘 hin strikingdistance , whUhasInadeUverS,‘ mi1ⅡUnfrUmpUker,makingher Ufth 1ng6 areI neaI W出 InM Πna dreamyΓ ab tUui eveI kne‘ havealldeveIUpedtantalizingrivalries, hiIn cUuI whichhasbeengreatfUrfansandbetter was 盟 絲 密 脫 盟 點 盬 盟 驟 ratingslastyea弓 北s838Π i1liUnviewers The lepresenteda75U/Uspikesince2UU8.SpUnsUrship revenueisup2UUUZUsince2UU8, prUI plan andprizelnUneyhasgrownby72U/UUvei aha PR。 thepastdecade.Tenn七 七e的 U… nganew gUlR忍 t:手 sate 乳theInUst recUgnizedSpanish Nadi athleteinthewUrld,accUrdingtUPersUnal hyMe山 a,aSpa㎡ shmarketresearch丘 rm. Th敵 治duepanlYtU㏑ spenchantfUrgΥ inl 1生 月 扭 昱 豔銬技瑰古技 旨 留鑫 :ξ tablewins.‘ 玒neVeΥ 1ketheeasyInatches!” hesays.‘ ‘ 工thinkthatgUUdspUrtsmendU㎡ gU正 t hketheeasywins.” NadalrecallshiSepic ,h工 53m㎡ n.lUss tUDiUkUvkinthennalUf inM ries{ CUm I Pau{ Uld女 han( plan Bell1 TIME the2UI2AustraIhnUpenwihmUrefUnd- 鬠齯觳鐖鑱爩 裴躨幰騢 ness thanastralgh:setsannihiIatiUnUf Ⅱ 忸哎 舌 描 驟 錙 機生咖 妙 Ⅶ拑撒城 扯1鎩邁甘策 一黖 建 黖 :織 1黯 紫母 潀溜 驟 昆 ㎜ 驟驟 士理踹 驟 ::王 我坪驟 黹 謠盅城琛有:盅 黹:褞 程 器1密盂 摠按發f忠& #群 gruntingandsweatingasheattackseach VVelcometUthenewgo| denageofmen’ stennis‘ ThiSquartetofgreatp︳ ayerSisdrawihgmore s g| Uba︳ attention_ _ anddo∥ ars tUthegame :孓 RAΓ AEL ⅡADAL 韝單攡巍 ︴ 垚 抖確 R。 GER FEDERER AGE A° E 27 32 °HT 田E︳ °HT ﹉ | | 〡 生| 5。 瀰 W日 ︳°HT WE︳ °HT i| !:| 85較 彗 CAREER CΛ REE● 氅壟縝 :● .● VS.H︳ SR︳ VALS Πt1.eGame PRUATHLETESARENUTURIUUSGΛ MBLERS, :糕 扭 :} ::古 言 薈 :::t:l腔 l:::::謈 三 三 鑰 NADALWINS 蠽 PP。 N巨 N┬ WNS 。 Nadalwasln,uredahdisUlatedinhishUme I!| ::,∴ :;| CAREER 蘶龘 齾 鞿勯齾 m° 田EΥ ╙╙ 品 踹 ξ黖 驟 黜 i鸓驟 驟 攡赮鬧攕盡 ’ 且 驟 號北緊 濫孝茻芷璀 盞蹓號瀊 聚㎜ ; :黜 另 ‘ | 〡 | 〡 ︴ 〡 器{ 粣 者 鞋 ::扭 :f:全 :且 CAREER !︳ :| winneLLikehedUesin tennis.” 褲 幰 钃 钃 钃 钃 睛 齉 躞 幰 幰 幰 灪 鰳 鼳 鏜 幾 TheGameW● 了田EWI田 ⅢER: H° WRㄙ FAFARES . GRA田 DSLAmS 生9♁ c翻 WEIGHT 惡磯較 鑫 GRΛ 田DSLAmS PRIZE 媳 鰔 睛 钃 蠽 幰 鼰 钃 幰 蝴 睛 醼 錦 籬 was in2oU3.HewaS巧 9.)甘 2了 8Uk選 麠 躨觳 lUN 城螢 喜 瑋發球掛瑋啦 Ⅲ URRnΥ H日 ︳ °HT 全 88cm PR︳ ZE m° 田EΥ M陸 〣 U獺 AGE WE︳ °HT 臠 °RAⅡ DStAmS PRIZE Λ°E HEI° HT ﹉ 留5k邁 °RAⅢ DStΛ mS Ⅲ°ⅡEΥ nⅡ DΥ 27 生 $5cIll HE︳ Ⅱ●VnK DJ。 K。 Ψ︳ C 撥騸 鐖繼驗 齺鐖鹼 鑫 齺鐖 毊 鹼 磞罏黐 麤籬籦 14 惠 ‘ ‘ Ilat” _ hepauses,uncUmfUrtabIew丘 h thememU呼 ——“ishard.DUesiInakesense 發 誌 湍 毀 魻 牲 鎧 蓆 #:=:∫ 發 neededthebattle,ifnUtUnthecUurt,then atleastatthetabIe.“ PUker驆 vemethat rUrNadalthecardgameswerether士 peutic.ThesIUwtediuInUfrehabUften 糊 TIMEIune2,2oI4 器 驧 灕 tUu二 nament inAcapulcUandwent twice 懶 w丘 hh6famUuspupilatanearlYseasUn 錦 雖 灕 tUM句 Urcain thesummer,mrheieNadal fUUtba11tean、 ReaIⅣIadrid,beatBarcelUna dUubtabUut rnyselt” NadalsaYs.‘ 玒think grewupandstill livesw上 hhis parents in theCUpadelReY. thedUubtsaregUUdin life.Thepeople ⅣV北 htheΓ renchUpenlUUnihg,hUw ever,NadalsfUcus isUnhiscUurtgame. whUdU㎡ thavedUubtsIthinkUnlYtwU ahUughherecendybUughth6Uwn prUp ertYnearbY).TheyevendevUtedad砰 ●Nadal’ spUker翠 medur:nglastYeγ t rrenchUpen. 。 ThepracticehaspaidUfiInDecem- ber,NadalwUnacelebr北 ytUurnament in Pragueag缸 nsta丘 eldthatincludedDank1 Iㄅ n ThekneeremainsaprUblem.‘ ‘ ’ havingpainalUtUfdays,’ NadaIsaysinhis sUmetimesfracturedEnglish.“ TheUnj thingIw拍 h七 thatthep缸 n6Un圩 minl ingInewh「 hΓmcUmpeting.BecauseIre- Negreanu,whUInUnepUkerIankingse一 aⅡ yhketUe的 ㎡cejust namedplaYerUfthedecade.Nada1 life′ rare9raisedbetseaⅡ y“ Heca㏑ einve呼 cUnservative,whichwashisgameplan, untilafewpeUpIewereUut尸 things arrUganceUrnUtintelligence.● still UytherestUfthetimeUfmy ItherearepeoplewhUque斗 iUnNal al’ schanc.sUfcatchi,gΓ ede。 e′ sGrand Slamrec。 kLd。 untNadalamUngthem.‘ ‘ Iη leniwas “HeHasthePUwer” UNAPERFECTMUNDAYMURNING,HUNdredsUffansareperchedabUvethewaIls UftheMUnt.CaⅡ UCUunt呼 qub,trYingtU glimpseNadalpracticingUnUneUftheside cUurts.CaⅡ 止llaGallU,apersUnal trainer frUmΠ a9squatsunderagreentarpcU平 eringthecUurt’ sfence.MaYbeshe’ Ilsee Nada比 feet.“ ThepUwer,” saYS GallU,whenaskedwhysheb umetUpUuncd.HestartedtU UbsessingUverapraCticeses- getreallYaggress∥ siUn.“ MUrethantheUtherath- e,whkh wUrkedUutfUrhⅡ n.HegUt letes,hehasthepUwe工 ” “ i’ s ’ his passiUnfUrtennis’ that FUr NikU NUnaka, a1血 leluc1.Yagainst me,but that6partUfthegame.That6 whatmakes加 fun′ ’ brUughtherfrUmTUkyUtU cheerUnNadal inavA血 US TennisandpUkeI,北 tuons cUn缸 stentand Uut,arecUmPle㏑ entarY,each RAΓ Ahat.“ He怎 reinfUrcing mental habits neededtUsucceedintheUtheL hetveryhandsU】 ne.ThebUd男 seemshumble.AndUfcUurse, “ Γederer6tUU RafaUverRUgeP‘ ‘ perfect,” NUnakasays.“Rafa he治 加‘tmUrehuman.” The RUger-Rafa ΥivalΥ y U.K.-basedspUrts psychUlUg6t.“ Tenn七 七 an indk㎡ ual S° Why thence,everything′ Unebigthi,giscUncentr. tion,” saysRebeccaSymes,a Urt,WhkhmeansyUire the hasbeenagrippingstUryUf time,which6actuallYqu上 e cUntraStingstyles— —gracevs. tE平ngtUbeincUntrUlall slInⅡ arln pUke工 ”Thentherds theInatterUfcUpingw北 hdumbluck.In tennis北 InaYbeanumpire’ sbadcaIl,a freakgustUf〝 位nd;in p。 keryUucancal culateall theprUbabilitiesandmakethe r班牙 止deCiS㏑ n,butthecardsUftenmUve againstYUu.“ UneUfthebiggest things in pUkeris nUtIettings、 位ngsgettUvou,” says IamesBlake,aretiredAmertanten㎡ s P● wer pl可 Ⅳ a茲 工 6而 〃jη aη Er’ 〞乃a〞 〞乃外 加 V鈕 λ加 ωiη .T開 disagree.‘ siUn,’ ’ ‘ InpUker,always七 hereis ten_ 〞 ω〃 了 EPEUPLEWHUDUⅢ ’ “無ΨEDUUBtSIΥ Ⅲ:開 “ prUandpUkerenthusiastwhUbelievesthe cardgamehelped㏑ mremain戲eadYand fUcusedUnthecUurt.UncleTUnidUesit .Grnη 〞SI,〞 t竹跆s,力 “r∫ 幼 rt erRq〃 rEe鈕 r6〞 UⅢ LΥ tWUtⅢ IⅢ @$—— 民RRUG日 田GE♁ 戰Ⅲ@t hesays.“Itbthesamein spUrt.” Thesedays,awaYfrom thecUurt,Nadal cUuldⅡ UtseemlesSlikethefreneticblur pinballingacrUss thebase┴ ne.Thesnarl 心 gUne,andthev山 eisdec超 edlYlUw1.eY. ︳ ∥tELLIG巨 ⅢeE.’ ——RAFAELNADAL grit— — Uverthepastdecade.But 北bunlike玗 tUrem訌 ntenni『 tUpdrama. ExpectNadalandDiU1.Uvic,currentlYSe● Undin therankings,tUbethemaindraw fUrthenextfewseasUns,withllIuΥ rayge: tinghis shUtsa1UngthewaY.A11thebe: terfUrNadaltUdUwnpIayhis pursu北 Uf FedereI治 recUrd. Still,hefeels itsweight.FederercUuld yetaddtUhktUtal,andDiUkUvic,whUhas wUnfUur straightmatchesagainstNada1, lUUmsasafreaHshlYlimberrUadblUck tUh抬 tUrY. “ ’ Sure,Ihavepressure,’ Nadalsaysw北 h alaugh.“ llIYgUaliStUke「 pbeingabetter plaYeryearbyyoaL、 ⅥσllseewhereInnish mycareeLDUIhaveI3?UrmUrθ That治 AbignightfUrhhnin pUshMUnteCarIU: thespUrt.IfeelhappyabUutthethings thathavehappenedtUIne.AndIingUing st的 位nginhishUtel tUkeep丘 ghtingtUtrytUhavemUre.’ loUm〝 位thhisfatheΥ andsUmefriends,watchinghisfavUr扯 e RafaelNadalwt,itbefUIding. ’ ▅ ●