LexiCom and TrustedLink AS/400 Integration Guide


LexiCom and TrustedLink AS/400 Integration Guide
LexiCom Translator Integration
For TrustedLink AS/400
Document Version 2.3 February, 2005
Copyright 1998-2005 Cleo Communications
LexiCom and TrustedLink AS/400 Integration
This guide describes the procedures to install and configure LexiCom with AS/400
TrustedLink to exchange EDI files with a trading partner. To get started immediately,
read the next section, “Process Map”. This guide assumes that you have already
installed and configured TrustedLink and have set up a trading partner relationship.
Process Map
The following is a checklist of tasks for you to perform to successfully exchange
messages with your trading partner using LexiCom and TrustedLink. Following this
checklist are the detailed steps required to accomplish each of the tasks below.
… Install and Configure LexiCom on the AS/400. Follow this procedure,
which is described in detail in the LexiCom User’s Guide, Appendix E,
AS/400 Setup and Installation.
… Create TrustedLink Communication Files. This section describes the
necessary files for sending and receiving messages in TrustedLink and the
CL commands used to create them.
… Configure LexiCom for AS/400 File Access. Use the procedure in this
section to configure LexiCom for sending and receiving of files in the
AS/400 file system.
… Define the Default Local Directories In LexiCom. This section shows
you how to link the communication files created for TrustedLink with
… Define a Default File Member (AS2-Only). Follow the description in this
section only if you are using AS2. It describes the configuration needed to
rename files to be compliant with AS/400 file system naming conventions.
… Transmit EDI Files To Your Trading Partner. This section gives a stepby-step description for sending files created by TrustedLink to your trading
… Receive EDI Files From Your Trading Partner. This section gives a
step-by-step description of the process used to import EDI files received
from your trading partner into TrustedLink.
Install and Configure LexiCom on the AS/400
The procedure for installing and configuring LexiCom on the AS/400 is described
in detail in the AS/400 Setup and Installation Guide. Additional information for
configuring your installation can be found in the LexiCom User’s Guide.
Create TrustedLink Communication Files
Before you can successfully use LexiCom to send and receive EDI files, the
AS/400 native files must be created. These files may be created in either an
existing library or in a new library created specifically for encapsulating the
TrustedLink communication files. (For the following example, a new LEXICOM
library was created.)
For transferring files in and out of TrustedLink, an inbound and outbound file needs
to be created. For illustration purposes, these files are named INBOUND and
OUTBOUND however, you are free to establish your own naming convention.
Create the files as follows:
Additionally, LexiCom provides a mechanism for storing a copy of the file that was
sent in a user-specified directory. If you choose to implement this feature and
want the files stored in the AS/400 file system, a file must be created prior to the
first data transfer. In this example, the file SENTMSG is being created:
Configure LexiCom for AS/400 File Access
LexiCom provides a means for reading and writing from the AS/400 file system,
which allows for seamless conversion of the data between EBCDIC and ASCII
On the LexiCom menu bar, select Configure → AS/400.
The following display panel will appear:
If, LexiCom is installed and running on a Windows or Unix environment and the
sent and received files are being remotely accessed from the AS/400, fill in the top
portion of the panel as shown:
Select the Enable AS/400 network access option
Enter the IP Address of the AS/400 which will be accessed for
reading and writing files
Enter the User ID and Password of an active account on the AS/400.
This account must own the files the TrustedLink Communication files
created in the previous step described above.
If, however, LexiCom is installed and running on the AS/400, there is no need to
enable AS/400 network access, so the top portion of the panel may be left blank.
Now click the New button on this panel, as shown:
A display similar to the following will appear. Update the form exactly as shown
In the AS/400 Directory Path field, enter /QSYS.LIB. This entry allows LexiCom
to correctly do the EDCDIC / ASCII format conversion for any file that begins with
the /QSYS.LIB path specifier.
Select the Native File System option.
The Coded Character Set ID field is only used when accessing the Integrated File
System and is not-accessible for the Native File System.
Define the Default Local Directories In LexiCom
The next step is to link the INBOUND and OUTBOUND (and optionally the
SENTBOX) files that were created in the Create TrustedLink Communication
Files into LexiCom.
On the General panel at the Host level, enter the “Inbox”, “Outbox” and optionally
“Sentbox” entries as shown below:
Define a Default Member (AS2 only)
If you are using AS2, in most cases you will need to define a default file name
where the received entries will be stored.
An AS/400 file must be in the form
/QSYS.LIB/LIBRARY.LIB/OBJECT.FILE/FILE.MBR. To accommodate this format
requirement, on the Host → AS2 panel, add a file name with a .mbr extension, as
illustrated below:
Transmit EDI Files To Your Trading Partner
All records that you wish to transmit your trading partner must first be in the RDY
(ready) status:
Now you will write these records to the file that has been linked to the OUTBOUND
LexiCom directory by clicking on the TrustedLink Communications File
Interface menu option:
Next, click on the Send Documents to File menu option:
Then fill in the fields as follows:
Network for File Transfer
Use any established outbound network identifier
Record Length
Enter 132
This is the OUTBOUND file you created in the
Create TrustedLink Communication Files section.
This is the library under which the above File was
This is the name of the file member that will be created.
Choose a name that identifies the member appropriately.
Replace or Add Records
Select the Replace option
Session Environment
Choose Interactive option to write the file immediately or
the Batch option to write the file in batch mode.
If the member does not exist, a warning message signaling that the member will
first need to be created and asking for your confirmation similar to the following will
After several seconds, the member will be written to the designated file.
If the scheduler has been enabled (described in detail in the AS/400 SetUp and
Installation section of the LexiCom User’s Guide), once the file appears in the
OUTBOUND directory you have linked to LexiCom, the file will be sent to your
trading partner.
Use the log viewer to validate that the file is successfully sent:
Receive EDI Files From Your Trading Partner
When your trading partner has sent you a file, it will be stored in your INBOUND
file. You can verify you have received files using AS/400 Green Screens,
Operations Navigator, or Windows Explorer (using a mapped drive).
The following illustration uses Windows Explorer which is accessing a drive
To “import” your received EDI files into TrustedLink, by clicking on the
TrustedLink Communications File Interface menu option:
Next select the Receive Documents from File menu option:
Then fill in the fields as follows:
Network for File Transfer
Use any established outbound network identifier
Record Length
Enter 132
This is the INBOUND file you created in the
Create TrustedLink Communication Files section
This is the library under which the above File was
This is the name of the file member that you are
receiving into TrustedLink.
Session Environment
Choose Interactive option to write the file immediately or
the Batch option to write the file in batch mode.
When the file is successfully received, you should see the following status
message appear: