THE CHIZETAGRAM - Chi Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha


THE CHIZETAGRAM - Chi Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha
University of Illinois Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha
Vol. XX
Initiation Held Feb. 28
For Ten Top-Notch Men;
Add Four New Pledges
Spring Calendar
This spring semester is becom
ing a tornado of activities and
events here at Illinois. As can be
One of the headline events at seen in the articles the fellows of
Chi Zeta so far this semester was Chi Zeta have their hands quite
Gelting Set
To Extend Welcome
For Conclave April 2-4
By Jack Holt
Chi Zeta, as you already know,
the formal initiation, on February well involved. Here is a few of the will act as host for the 1954 Mid
28th, of ten pledges. Our newest past and coming events.
west Conclave, which is slated for
Lambda Chi brothers are:
the week-end of April 2-4.
Charles Swinford, Casey
26—Interfraternity Ball and En
Thirty-eight chapters from eight
Bryce DeVoss, Hinsdale
gineering Open House.
states have been extended invita
Ralph Spanier, Hinsdale
31—Dessert Exchange with Gamma tions, and indications are that there
John Erickson, Champaign
Phi Beta.
will be a large turnout of Lambda
Ron Wilson, Harrisburg
Chi's for that week-end. Grand
Tom Zimmer, Dupo
2-4—LAMBDA CHI ALPHA MID High Alpha Houston L. Karnes is
William Peters, Riverside
planning to attend and will give
Tom Wagner, Clarendon Hills
1-—^Dessert Exchange with carnival the major address at the banquet
Tom Reynolds, Scarsdale, N. Y.
partners, Sigma Kappa.
Saturday night. Judge Lloyd D.
Nick C. Pamel, Chicago
10—Plowboy Prom.
Claycombe, past Grand High Al
Alumni guests at the initiation 13—Barbershoppers FEATURING pha, will serve as toastmaster.
ceremonies were Mr. Wagner, of
Fred Turner, Dean of Students
Alpha Theta Zeta '23, and Bob 15-21—Spring Vacation.
at Illinois, will also be preseht to
Corley and James Miller, Chi Zeta 24—Spring Carnival.
'51, and John Clayton, Chi Zeta '53. 27—Exchange with Delta Gamma. say a few words. The banquet will
In addition to our members, our 30—Mother's Day week-end starts be followed by a semiformal dance
at Bevier Hall and then a mass ser
pledge roster has been increased
—Shi Ai Sing.
with the recent addition
enade of a few sororities will end
of four
Walter Swanson, Elmhurst
Robert Frink, Belleville
Raymond Wood, Effingham
Russell Sohn, Elgin.
the evening's activities. A pro
1-2—Mother's Day week-end.
gram is also being planned for
9—Sachem Sing.
Friday night at the chapter house.
12—Dessert Exchange with Alpha The entertainment will be furnish
14—Senior Ball.
Lambda Chi Founders
Honored By Banquet
By Paul Kuhn
Chi Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha
reinstituted the Founder's Day
Banquet this year, and it was held
30—"The Race."
ed by Chi Zeta with the help of
some Alpha Phi's and Alpha Chi's.
Discussion sessions and other
i conclave business will be adminis
31_Day Off.
tered Saturday morning and after
Intramural Cage Team
Doing O.K. This Year
this are being used.
noon. Rooms in the Illini Union for
at the Chapter house on Sunday,
Spasyk and Jordan will be in at
tendance along with G.H.A. Karnes
to help out. Other speakers as
By Russ Phipps
mentioned last time will be Dean
The addition of two outstanding of Foreign Students George Bargh
A special feature of the occasion freshmen, Brice DeVos and Rolf
and Dean of Fraternities Howard
was group Church attendance by Spaner, both from Hinsdale, and
the Chapter and alumni concur
Culver-Stockton tx-ansfer student
rently with the Interfraternity
Arlie Tempel has given Chi Zeta a
Emmett W. Burdsall *37 of 415
Council's Mai'ch to Church in March
potent basketball squad this year. N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111., notes
campaign. The group attended the
Combined with such talented hold with a lump in his throat, "I am
worship service at the McKinley
overs from last year's team as thoroughly ashamed for not having
Memorial Presbyterian Church.
Bill Albert, Chuck Gauen, Brice remitted my dues before this. Par
The program following the ban
Barnett, and Jack Holt, the basket- ticularly, after reading in the Zetaquet included an address by Dave
teers won their first three league gram that Art Simpson '38 had
Hill, chapter president, and an out
games hands down. When Bill already sent you a check.
line of the chapter's activities for
Albert and Chuck Gauen were in
"I would have been doubly
the year. On the lighter side, mu
jured, Chi dropped a game to Zeta
ashamed had I also read that Pat
sical entertainment was provided
Psi, consequently we now hold a
March 21.
by our piano virtuoso. Jack Holt,
and that unbeatable banjo team of
Chuck Swinford and Wally Swan-
3-1 record.
' Wagner, my ole buddy, had sent his
!in before I did. If you print this
Having beaten such perennially (we did) please extend my kindest
{Continued on page 2)
regards to them."
Page Two
The Chi Zetagram
Published regularly by the Alum
ni Association of Chi Zeta of Lam
bda Chi Alpha Fraternity at the
University of Illinois for the bene
fit of its alumni and friends.
Robert C. Eberhart
Send news, changes of address to
the Chi Zetagram publication office.
Box 713, Station A Champaign, 111.
Chapter House, 209 E. Armory ave
nue, Champaign, Illinois.
LXA Moving Day
Since the January, 1954, issue of
THE CHI ZETAGRAM, new alumni
addresses, as indicated below, have
been reported:
Otto C. Haier '30, 121 W. Bridge
St., Berea, Ohio.
Howard W. Hunter '27, 5320 N.
Washtenaw, Chicago 25, 111.
Carl H. Schacht '49, 209 Kellog,
Kewanee, 111..
Harlow B. Staley '48, 925 16th
St., West Des Moines, Iowa.
George T. Dupre '49, 21 Harrison
St., Oak Park, 111.
Richard F. Dupre '51, 309 S. Oak
Park Ave., Oak Park, 111.
James 0. Eadie '25, 210 Dobbin
Rd., Webster Groves 19, Mo.
A Message On Rushing
March, 1954
Alumni Notes . . . Latest Additions To Dues-Payer Ranks
Richai-d Smykal '22, special dep
uty to Chicago's building commis
sioner left March 19 on an air trip
to Thailand where he will serve as
an adviser to the construction and
Yes, we're happy to say "thank you" to the alumni listed
below because these brothers have become participants in our
Alumni Association Dues Program since publication of the
January, 1954, issue.
finance syndicates of the Thailand
government for the development of Russell D. Barnes
plans for building defense roads. Harold A. Mann
He will return to Chicago about
March 29. Smykal, a retired lieu A. B. Christopher
tenant general, directed logistical
plans and operations for the Burma R. E. Vaughan
campaign of Gen. Joseph (Vinegar Carleton M. Tower
Joe) Stilwell in World War II.
Floyd C. Doughei-ty
A new address is reported for John H. Forslew
Robert W. DeWitt '48, now at 14031 Dr. A. L. Karabin
Eastbrook in Bellflower, Calif.
John R. Fouser
of 1801 Hank Reynolds
St., Highland, 111., reports,
"George Fittge '23, listed among
the 'lost' in the last Chi Zetagram,
died about a year ago. He was
found dead in a St. Louis motel.
Louis, is in charge of personnel,
district office of A. & P. Co., in
St. Louis."
John W. Hanawalt '30 of 2747
Lawndale Ave., Evanston, 111.,
notes, "I was transferred from the
James 0. Eadie
Bob Friedlander
Leser H. Goda
Thos. T. Arden
David C. Maddy
Sidney E. Tarbox
Vernon Ittner
Robt. L. Koehler
Bruce McKinstry
Larry Gagin
Roy Hammar
0. Milton Kristy Jr.
E. A. Blackford
A. R. Parrish
Audley P. Blake Jr.
Johnny Hanawalt
E. F. McManus
K. M. (Doc) Gyger
Fred W. Siebert
Capt. R. P. Ariagno
Earle P. Martin
Paul J. Warrick
Wm. G. Dahlquist
H. A. Kellerman
Bob Metcalf
Paul R. Klein
Jos. J. Drabek
R. P. Siegfried
Lowell Capoot
Marcel Podeschi
E. W. Burdsall
Paul C. Jones
Glenn Reynolds Jx\
Jas. S. O'Connor
Carl R. Wahlen
R. L. Livermore
Robt. 0. Rawson
Don F. Memler
Otto R. Novy
Robt. E. Lumsden
We hope you are heeding our pleas, which we re-iterate at
time, to pay your 1953-1954 dues promptly. It is the plan
the parent department (comptroll
er's office) last March and now of the Alumni Association to eventually restrict CHI ZETA
spend most of my time on the ac GRAM circulation to current dues-payers, so get that Duescounting problems of our Latin Paying habit NOW and keep THE CHI ZETAGRAM coming
American stores (Sears, Roebuck
& Co.).
your way!
"Currently, we ai*e operating Golfview Lane, Meadowdale, Carretail stores in Brazil,. Columbia, pentersville. 111.
Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico and
"In June 1953 we adopted our
have recently acquired a site in second child, Anne Helen, who will
Lima, Peru, where we expect to be two years old April 7. I saw
open a store sometime in 1955."
Lowell Capoot in Fort Wayne in
the late summer and we made ten
Eugene F. McManns '46 of 27714 tative plans to attend Homecoming
E. California Drive., Birmingham, but more pressing matters made
Mich., pens, "I don't remember attendance impossible for me. How
when I last sent news or what I ever, I hope to make it this year
reported. I was made comptroller and hope many others from '34 also
of this company, Detroit Creamery plan to attend."
Co., in March, 1953, and a member
of the board of directors in April,
Word has been received by the
chapter of the death of Burrill
"Little Greg McManus was born Ennis '24 last July 17. He is sur
vived by his wife, Louise, and
on March 12, 1953."
daughter, Jane.
"The new Chi Zetagram which
Ensign Don Memler '53 whose
was recently sent me was interest
ing reading and the new form was address is USS Bremerton (CAa decided improvement. Here's my 130) Ci/o Fleet Post Office, San
$3 for my current dues which I Francisco, Calif., pens, "Since ar
hope will keep the news coming as riving in Long Beach from the Ori
well as put me in good standing ent in the latter part of November-,
once again with the association," I have visited with Brother Richard
says Howard A. Kellermann '34 of Loewe who is woi'king as an elec
trical engineer with the Howard
Hughes Aircraft organization in
Los Angeles. I have also seen Bro
ther Roger Verley and his wife.
Rog is working for the Calfran
Furniture Company in Gardena,
Calif., and is busy manufacturing
rattan and wrought iron furniture.
Although I did not get to see him,
i Brother John Lynch, a classmate of
imine, passed through Los Angeles
Iwhile being transferred from his
base in Texas to Seattle, Wash.
"While in Japan I met Brother
Glenn Ekman who is serving aboard
the USS Helena, now operating
there. I have been corresponding
with Brother Dick Reynolds serving
aboai-d the DDE Taylor', also in the
Far East. The paths of many of
us who were in school together
seem to cross quite often. It is a
real pleasure to run into friends
throughout the country.
"I am looking forward to the
next issue of the CHI ZETAGRAM
and trust that my dues payment
March, 1954
News and No^es of Alumni From Here, There, and Everywhere
notes. "Very sorry to hear about drumming and glisten with his
'Tubby' Van Doren. He was a smile.
great guy."
"I had a letter from Robert E.
Blackburn '13, an old Delta Omega
"Since Arthur (B. Christopher who is a turkey grower in Madelia,
'18) is away much of the time and Minn.
mail piles up, the notice for pay
"Will you please tell Perry Brement for the Chi Zetagram got count with his 14 gi-andchildren—
overlooked," writes his wife, Cor on hand and en route—that my
'bragging' wasn't on quantity but
quality. My one grandson and one
"We were sorry to read of the
granddaughter are tops! However,
Time marches on, but there is left
a sadness in our hearts."
I'll move
along with me, if he doesn't bray
too loud.
"Have just been transferred to
"P. S.: For the information of
A.T.&T. in New York City. When
you young 'fellers' who are not
I get settled I'll give you my adyet eligible , I'll elucidate. S.O.G.
dx-ess," notes Roy A. Hammar '42.
stands for 'Silly Old Grandads'."
His business address is 195 Broad
way in the big city.
1954 Grid Schedule
Joseph J. Drabek '48 of 171 S.
Washington, Park Ridge, HI., notes,
"Most happy to receive January
Chi Zetagram not alone please with
Illinois, defending co-champions better grade of paper but with
of the Big Ten conference, will be editing of same!
out to defend their 1953 crown with
thi'ee home conference games and Products Corp., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
two home non-conference contests.
Noy.' flexible packing division of
Continental Can Co. Base of oper
And if you would like to see the
ations is Chicago and sales terri
mini play in Memorial Stadium in
tory in and about the same."
1954, start thinking about saving
these week-ends.
Here's the home schedule:
Sept. 25—Penn State
Emil j. Klingenfus '53 of 607-A
Poplar Drive, Falls Church, Va.,
remarks, "John A. Lambright lives
Oct. 9—Ohio State
in mini Village somewhere, I be
Oct. 23—Syracuse
lieve. (It's 1002 College Ct., Urbana.) He is attending law school.
Nov. 13—Wisconsin
Nov. 20—Northwestern
I have his address which was cor
The BIG GAME of the season rect at Christmas. It is around
will be on November 13 when the somewhere
but I guess by now
mini tangle with the Wisconsin you've gotten it from someone else.
"I hope to see Brother Lt. Col.
Badgers. This game has been set
aside as the Homecoming classic Fred Seibert soon as I am now asand we hope you'll mark the date Isigned to the Pentagon."
off on your calendar and plan to
Second Lt. John K. Lynch '53 of
come back to "209."
Battery C, 20th AAA Gun Bn., Fort
Lawton, Wash., writes, "I am pres
"I notice that you have Jack ently stationed with a 9mm. gun
'38 listed as a missing battery just outside Seattle, Wash.
Jack was killed during There ai-e quite a few Illinois gradthe invasion of Px-ance while land I uates of the 1953 class up here too.
ing on Normandy Beach in 1944.
"I went skiing with Brother Dick
Thought you would be interested in Loewe '50 while in Los Angeles and
correcting your records," writes also I visited Brother Roger Verley
Arthur P. Simpson '38 of 104 Court- while I was there.
"I am playing guard on our bat
land Ave., Stamford, Conn.
tery basketball team which is un
Leon A. Triggs '14 of 5814 Mc- defeated and is. going to Oregon
Gee St., Kansas City 2, Mo., re next month for the brigade play
ports, "I read the January Chi off. It should be a good trip. I
Zetagram with interest. Was griev just missed seeing Brother Memler
ed to learn of the death of 'Tubby' '53 as his ship, the USS Bremerton,
Van Doren. He used to make the docked in L. A. the night we left
fraternity house vibrate with his for San Francisco."