Vol. 1 No 7 - Pi Mu Epsilon


Vol. 1 No 7 - Pi Mu Epsilon
So You Want to Be a Graduate Student?
.C. C . MacDuffee 258
Report of the National Meeting of the P i Mu EQmihm
Fraternity, Eaat Lansing, Michigan 3. Sutfiffirland Frame 266
Area in Which a Narrow Rod Can Be Reversed
in Direction
Rober*: 33. Greenwood 270
.......... ..
Problem Department. . . . . . . . . . . .
Problems for Solution . . . . . . . . . .
Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reports of the Chapters . . . . . . . . . .
Medals, Prizes and Scholarships. . . . . ,
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initiates, Academic Year 1951-1952 . . . .
Addendum to Mr. Greenwood's Paper
. R. J. Walker
. .....
. ......
. ......
. . ....
. ......
J. S. FRAME, Michigan State College, E a s t Lansing, Michigan
H. T. KARNES, L. S. U., Baton Rouge 3, Louisiana
N. H. McCOY, Smith College, Northampton. M a s s a c h u s e t t s
L E O MOSER, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
R. J. WALKER, Cornell University. Ithaca, New York
HOWARD C. BENNETT, B u s i n e s s Manager
D i r e c t o r General: C. C. MacDuffee, University of Wisconsin
Vice- Director General: W. M. Whyburn, University of N. C.
S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r General: J. S. F r a m e , Michigan State College
Councillors General:
S. S. C a i r n s , University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Tomlinson F o r t , University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Sophie McDonald, University of California, B e r k e l e y , Calif.
Ruth W. Stokes, S y r a c u s e University, S y r a c u s e , New York
Ex-officio Member of the Council: Howard C. Bennett
CHAPTER REPORTS, NEWS ITEMS, etc., should b e a d d r e s s e d
t o the E d i t o r , Ruth W. Stokes, 15 Smith College, S y r a c u s e University, S y r a c u s e 10, New York.
S y r a c u s e University.
semi- annually a t
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: T o Individual M e m b e r s , $1.50 f o r Z
y e a r s ; t o Non-Members a n d L i b r a r i e s , $2.00 f o r 2 years. Subs c r i p t i o n s , o r d e r s f o r back n u m b e r s and correspondence concerning subscriptions and advertising should be a d d r e s s e d t o
Howard C. Bennett, 15 Smith College, S y r a c u s e University,
S y r a c u s e 10, New York.
So You Want to Be a Graduate Student?
.C. C. MacDuffee
Report of the National Meeting of the P i Mu Epsilon
Fraternity, East Lansing, Michigan . J. Sutherland Frame 266
Area in Which a Narrow Rod Can Be Reversed
in Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert E. Greenwood 270
Addendum to Mr. Greenwood's Paper . . . . .R. 3. Walker 275
Problem Department. .
Problems for Solution
Solutions . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
N o t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Reports of the Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Medals, P r i z e s and Scholarships.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Initiates, Academic Year 1951-1952
Copyright 1952 by P i Mu Epsilon Fraternity, Inc.
Dynamic Beauty of Geometrical Forms
By Herrnann Baravalle
C. C. MacDuffee, University of Wisconsin
A graduate student has been defined a s a moron wandering around the campus who doesn't know the show is over.
He is miles apart from the undergraduate. His social
position in an institution such a s Harvard o r Princeton
is absolutely nil. The genuine alumni who have c a r r i e d
the football team to victory with their raucous voices
become mildly indignant with a person who claims to be an
alumnus merely on the basis of a n advanced degree.
The graduate student r a r e l y has any money. Both graduate and undergraduate d r e s s like Raggedy Andy, the
undergraduate because it is the style, the graduate because
he has nothing better. As a rule the graduate student does
not belong t o a fraternity, o r if he does he conceals his
membership to save money and to avoid having to chaperone
dances. He cannot afford the Roman festivals in the
stadium o r the more expensive musicales in the university
theatre. He lives a Spartan existence with his books, o r
like the little Chinaman the school boys in New York sing
sittin' on a fence
Tryin' t o make a quarter out of fifteen cents.
The graduatestudent is apt to be married. Probably his
wife works and supports them both. (This, by the way, is a
suggestion to you men who can't think of a way to finance
yourself through Graduate School.) O r else they have three
above design is o
*An a d d r e s s p r e s e n t e d before t h e Pi Mu E p s i l o n F r a t e r n i t y
a t t h e beginning of the scientific s e s s i o n , Monday morning,
S e p t e m b e r 1 , during t h e National Meeting held a t Michigan
S t a t e College, E a s t Lansing, Michigan, August 31 and Sept e m b e r 1 , 1952.
children and live in a trailer or temporary housing unit
surrounded by clothes lines, baby pens and pandemonium.
To the undergraduate these graduate students a r e a
phenomenon to accept but not to understand. They a r e
strange people who actually like to study. They a r e going
to be teachers, for the most part, and that of course marks
them for what they are. Teachers never make any money.
Only screw-balls become teachers, instead of respectable
stock brokers or realtors who make money and play golf
and use personality instead of brains.
In fact, when you think about it, it is a wonder that anyone becomes a graduate student. And yet there a r e thousands of new ones every year. They go into every field of
human endeavor. There a r e even a few hundred who go into
that most impossible of all subjects, mathematics. Even
graduate students in the socially significant subjects think
the mathematicians a r e queer. They think they spend all
their time learning to add up columns of figures very
rapidly. uand, my dear, they have machines now-a-days
that can do it ever s o much more quickly."
These people can never understand the appeal that mathematics has for a few selected individuals. If they do not
feel it9 it i s useless to try to explain it to them, s o let's
not waste our time. If you do have this feeling toward
mathematics, it i s a waste of my time to tell you what your
feelings are. If you a r e a genuine devotee you will pursue
mathematics regardless of the trials and tribulations
through which your pursuit will lead you. A l l my attempts
to dissuade you from becominga graduate student will be of
no avail.
My only serious word of warning, however, is that you
should be s u r e that you a r e a genuine devotee before you
become immersed. Don't think of entering graduate school
without a good background of undergraduate mathematics.
This should include a year of elementary calculus and all the
work preparatory to the calculus, and five or six semesters
beyond the calculus. These courses should be diversified to
include a liffle analysis, a liffle algebra and probably a little
geometry o r applied mathematics. A course o r two in physics is desirable, and of course no other information that you
may happen to pick up will do you any serious injury.
Among the subjects most commonly presented as part of
the undergraduate major a r e a year of advanced calculus, a
semester each of differential equations, theory of equations,
solid analytic geometry, college geometry, vector analysis
and statistics. A large number of other courses a r e readily
acceptable such a s complex variable, determinants and
matrices, theory of numbers, projective geometry, analytic
mechanics, probability, etc. But at this stage the student
would do well to get a broad foundation, and not try to take
graduate courses before he is ready for them.
Beware of courses in the teaching of mathematics. You
will probably be shocked to find that these courses will not
be accepted by the Graduate School a s counting among the
post calculus courses required for entrance. Of course the
situation may be different i f your graduate work is to be in
Education. I am considering only those who wish a degree
in pure or applied mathematics.
Probably every graduate school receives many applications for admission from enthusiastic young mathematicians
who have had little beyond the calculus. Regardless of their
abilities, these students a r e at adisadvantage in competition
for scholarships or other aid, and in fact do not yet know if
they really like mathematics or can do it. Thework for the
master's degree is prolonged to three semesters or two
years. It would seem to be more economical for the student
to get all the mathematics he can while still an undergraduate. Even if he comes from a school s o small that five
mathematics courses beyond the calculus a r e not given, he
can usually arrange to do honors reading in his senior year.
Do not forget that mathematics is an international subject. Particularly if you expect to go beyond the master's
degree, you must know your foreign languages. The most
important of these a r e French and German, and some universities such a s Wisconsin expressly stipulate these two
foreign languages. Some universities give a limited choice.
But the popular easy language of our high schools, namely
Spanish, is generally not acceptable for the simple reason
that Spanish-speaking nations have not been important in
the development of mathematics and there is no large
Spanish mathematical literature. I cannot impress upon you
too strongly the advisability of taking two years, or if this
is impossible at least one year, of each of the two languages
French and German while you a r e still an undergraduate.
In spite of your enthusiasm, you will probably not make a
successful graduate student unless you have had high grades
a s an undergraduate. Your grades in mathematics beyond
the calculus should be at least half A's, and your general
over-all averageas an undergraduate should be B or above.
Some graduate schools will admit you with a slightly lower
average, but the competition will make you unhappy. We
sometimes have applicants whose records contain only A's
for four years straight and, the Sunday newspapers and popular misconceptions to the contrary notwithstanding, these
persons invariably a r e highly successful in later life.
Let us suppose, then, that you have an overpowering
enthusiasm for mathematics, have majored in it a s an
undergraduate, and have been at the top of your class in this
subject and close to the top in all subjects. The chances
a r e favorable that you will be accepted by some good
graduate school and that in a year o r s o more you will
achieve the coveted M. A. or M. S. degree.
Almost every application for admission that we receive
begins in the same way: "1 want to take graduate work in
mathematics but I have no money and will not be able to
come unless I am given a scholarship or a teaching assistantship." One boy last year calmly stated that it would cost
us a cool $3000, if we wished to be graced with his presence. I suppose there a r e graduate students with a little
money, just a s there a r e wealthy undergraduates, but we
don't seem to get many of them at Wisconsin. I suspect
that in many cases parents think the show should be over
and refuse to cooperate further.
Fortunately all of the graduate schools do have funds
available for the subsidization of graduate students. These
vary from a simple remission of tuition to half-time teaching positions. Some require service on the part of the
recipient, some do not. A student with no entrance deficiencies and a very high undergraduate record can usually
do quite well by himself. Renewal of scholarships depends
of course upon success in the graduate school.
1952 SO
If y m wish to enter a graduate school next September,
y w should begin operations the moment your grades for the
first semester a r e in. Consult your favorite mathematics
professor and ask his advice regarding graduate schools.
Select three o r four that appeal to you and write to the dean
of the graduate school for information and instructions. Or
you may make your first contact by writing to the chairman
of the department of mathematics.
agreement among the universities, your apBy
plication fc~ra scholarship, together with a transcript of
your grades to date and supporting letters from three or
four of your professors should be filed by the middle of
February. On the first of April or thereabouts you will be
notified of your awards. You will make your choice (not
entirely, it is to be hoped, on a monetary basis) and notify
each university of your decision.
Appointments to teaching assistantships a r e usually
made by department chairmenand can be made at any time,
even up to the middle of September if vacancies occur.
A student is sometimes confronted with the dilemma
whether he should accept a scholarship which does not pay
much but requires no services, or a teaching assistantship
which pays a little more but l i m i k him to two-thirds residence credit. The answer depends upon other considerations. If you expect to be in graduate school more than one
year, probably you should take the scholarship the first
year. However, unless you a r e already an experienced
teacher you should arrange to do a little teaching sometime
before you leave if you wish to be recommended for a
teaching position.
When you enter graduate school you a r e no longer an
amateur mathematician, you have turned professional. Your
classmates will have come from every section of the United
States and perhaps from foreign countries a s well. Each
one was the joy and pride of some college. Many will have
had more experience than you have had, and everybody will
be as competitive a s a race horse. Probably you will have
to relinquish your habit of being at the top of your class and
it will take your best efforts just to keep up. You will have
todo more than just the daily assignments. You will have to
diagnose your own weaknesses and spend much time in the
library stopping them up. But you will learn mathematics a t
a rate that you have never learned it before.
You will find your fellow students a really wonderful lot.
For the first time in your career you will associate almost
exclusively with your mental equals, people who think a s you
do and who will understand what you a r e trying to express.
They will have the same ideas and ideals a s yourself, and
although you will have furious arguments with them, these
will be genuine debates in which fact will be met with fact.
You will make friends with people who will afterwards become famous, and you will have acquaintances in almost
every state of the Union. The graduate students of today
a r e the persons who will c a r r y the torch of civilization in
the years to come.
T o what does all this effort lead? It rarely leads to
riches. But it usually leads to a comfortable and highly
respectable living, and in these days that is not to be
scorned. A master's degree in mathematics opens the door
' t o a teaching position in a small college whether o r not you
have had Education with the big E. If you a r e a qualified
high school teacher and have the master's degree in addition, you a r e in a position to be a departmental head in a
large city high school. In New York City many departmental
heads have the doctorate in the subject that they teach, but
I do not think that many cities have such high standards.
American industry is rapidly becoming mathematically
conscious. In the last few years we have placed a s many
graduates, both masters and doctors, in industry or Government service a s in teaching positions. Such positions a r e s o
diversified that I will make no attempt to describe them. It
is not necessary that you be a specialist in applied mathematics to qualify for an industrial position. Pure mathematicians a r e in great demand, for it i s the insight which
they bring to a problem that is important; and regardless of
what psychologists say at the moment, there is a transfer of
training. Today it is hard to say which branches of mathematics a r e pure and which a r c appli
pure mathematician often has a fresh viewpoint
roblem. Some of
the finest work in applied math
connection with
the last war was done by pure mathematicians without previous applied experience.
The giant computing machines have opened up a new era
in mathematics by making it possible to attack problems
which were formerly impossibly tedious. But the machines
have their own limitations which differ from those of the
human mind s o that many mathematics courses must be
entirelyrewritten for the calculator. The machine operator
is not a garage mechanic, he must be a highly skilled and
specialized mathematician. The demand for competent operators of electronic computing machines is now greater
than the supply s o that at the moment such a person is able
to command an excellent salary.
I have refrained from giving any advice regarding subjects to be studied in graduate school for this would be trespassing on private ground. But perhaps I may speak in generalities. Until a student is sure of his own abilities in
graduate competition, he had best not take too many subjects
nor too advanced ones. I have seen graduate students ruined
by their desire to jump too quickly into advanced subjects.
I have seen some of these same demoralized students transfer to another university, start over, and become excellent
mathematicians. But the experience is not good for one's
soul and it should be avoided.
The master's degree conventionally stands for a broad
unspecialized training in the principal fields of mathematics,
analysis, algebra and geometry o r topology. The doctorate
represents research ability, a high order of scholarship,
and specialized training in some narrow field.
I have not said much about the doctor's degree. Ideally
one should wait until after one has the master's degree before even thinking about the doctorate. But humans a r e not
like this, and almost every graduate student cherishes an
outspoken or secret intention to become a doctor. Some
succeed and some find that the God-given fire of originality
was not vouchsafed to them. But regardless of whether one
is completely or partially successful, a year in a graduate
school is an experience of deep significance, after which
one can scarcely be immature or superficial in his thinking
no matter what paths he may tread in later life.
New York Gamma (Brooklyn College)
A. J. Goldman**
New York Eta (University of Buffalo) - Edith Schneckenberger
North Carolina Beta (Universityof North Carolina) W. M.
Ohio Gamma (University of Toledo) Grace Cutler, Violet
Oklahoma Alpha (University of Oklahoma) R. V. Andree,
R. B. Deal, Jr., John E. Hoffman.** C. E. Soringer
Oklahoma Beta (Oklahoma A. and M.)
Gene Mars& * J.
H. Zant
Pennsylvania Beta (Bucknell University) William L. Wolfe *
Pennsylvania Gamma (Lehigh University) - G. E. Raynor
Pennsylvania Delta (Penn. State College)
H. L. Black
Wisconsin Alpha (Marquette University) H. P. Pettit
Wisconsin Beta (University of Wisconsin) C. C. MacDuffee
East Lansing, Michigan
A national program meeting of the PI MU EPSILON
fraternity was held in the Physics-Mathematics Building at
Michigan State College, East Lansing, on Monday, September 1, 1952, preceded by an informal discussion meeting
for delegates and a meeting of the National Council on Sunday evening, August 31.
Twenty-two of the fifty-one active chapters were represented by the following members either at the Sunday evening meeting o r the Monday morning business meeting, o r
Alabama Alpha (university of Alabama)- Betty Ellis*
California Beta (University of California) - R. M. Lakness,
K. 0. May (now at Carleton College)
Delaware Alpha (University of Delaware)
Verna Lair **
Georgia Alpha (University of Georgia) Bevan K. Youse, **
L. A. Nix, Jr.
Illinois Beta (Northwestern University)
F. P. Peterson*
Iowa Alpha (Iowa State College) C. Gouwens
Kentucky Alpha (University of Kentucky) W. M. Zaring**
Michigan Alpha (Michigan State College) - 3. S. Frame, W.
G. Franzen, G. W. Hess, Mary Ann Hutchinson, Robert
Jones, L. M. Kelly, H. S. Leonard, Jr., ** C. D. Parker,**
Mary H. Payne, W. A. Rei
Missouri Gamma (St. Louis University) W. J. Huebner*
Ruth King, * Ruth
New York Alpha (Sy
r t Bushey, Jewel1
New York Beta ( ~ u n t e
H. Bushey
*Student delegate who
sportation expense.
Discussion at the Sunday evening meeting (attended by
28 members) centered around the problems and interests
of local chapters. Refreshments were served by members
of Michigan Alpha, and delegates had a chance to become
acquainted with each other.
The National Officers (MacDuffee, Whyburn, Frame, and
Stokes) and Professors R. M. Lakness and Edith Schneckenberger (who substituted for other members of the National Council) left the discussion about 9:30 p.m. to attend
a business meeting of the National Council which lasted
until midnight. Actions taken by the council included the
1. The petition of the Mathematics Club of the Alabama
Polytechnic Institute for a charter for a chapter of Pi Mu
Epsilon was discussed, approved, and referred to the chapters.
2. It was decided that a 50 cent fee should be charged in
the future for issuing a duplicate certificate to correct a
mistake in spelling on the order blank.
3. The Secretary General reported that Pi Mu ~ p s i l o n
had initiated 20,775 members to date, including 1918 since
April 1, 1951.
4. The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $5368.81
ie national treasury a s of June 30, 1952. from
which an estimated $500 will be disbursed to pay travel allowances for delegates and other expenses of the national
5. It was suggested that the next national meeting be
held in December 1953.
Sunday, August 31, 1952
Room 221, Physics- Mathematics Building
Informal discussion meeting about programs for local chapter
meetings to s e r v e a s a basis f o r the round table discussion
Monday morning.
Following the Monday luncheon in the Phillips Hall
Lower Dining Room there was a business meeting at which
Director General MacDuffee presided. Actions of the National Council (described above) were reported to the delegates. Dr. Ruth Stokes, Editor of the PI MU EPSILON
JOURNAL, reported on problems and plans for the journal.
She urged the six student speakers at this meeting to submit their papers to her for publication.
These six student papers. supplemented by an address
by Director General MacDuffee and a round table discussion on club programs. were the unusual feature of this national meeting, and were of much higher caliber than one
might have expected from relatively inexperienced speakers. They were attended by 40 to 50 persons, many of
whom stayed on later for the programs of the Mathematical
Association of America, and the American Mathematical
Society that were scheduled from September 1-5.
The formal program appears on the following page.
Room 206, Physics- Mathematics Building
National Council Meeting: C. C. MacDuffee, W. M. Whyburn, J.
S. F r a m e , (S. S. C a i r n s ) , (Tomlinson Fort), (Sophie MacDonald),
Ruth W. Stokes. (H. C. Bennett). R. M. Lakness, Edith Schneckenberger.
Monday, September 1, 1952
Room 118, Physics- Mathematics Building
So You Want to Be a Graduate Student
Modification of Infinite Series.
BEVAN K. YOUSE, Georgia Alpha.
Rapid Square Roots.
CHARLES D. PARKER, Michigan Alpha.
Almost Periodic Functions.
JOHN E; HOFFMAN, Oklahoma Alpha.
Round Table discussion on programs and activities of local
Lower Dining Room, Phillips Hall
Lunch and Business Meeting.
J. Sutherland Frame
Secretary - Treasurer General
Room 11 8, Physics- Mathematics Building
Sessions of the Mathematical Association of America.
Room 118, Physics- Mathematics Building
Matrix Inversion.
Metric Extension.
The G. C. D. Algorithm.
VERNA LAIR, Delaware Alpha.
ALAN J. GOLDMAN, New York Gamma.
WILSON M. ZARING, Kentucky Alpha.
Room 221, Physics- Mathematics Building
Coffee Hour.
Robert E. Greenwood,
The University of Texas
How much area is needed for a ship to turn itself around
in? Let us replace the ship with bow A and stern B by a
thin rod of length k with midpoint C. Then the interior of a
circle of diameter k with C a s center is a possible area in
which the aship'' may be turned around in. See Figure 1.
The area is ~fl^/4.
Are there smaller areas? If we a r e not interested in
the final position in the plane in which our reversed ship is
located, we may consider the area between two concentric
circles of radii r and R, r < R, where R is s o chosen that
when the midpoint C of the ship is tangent to the small
circle, the two ends A and B will fall on the large circle.
An immediate consequence is that R' r2 = @/4. Furthermore, from Figure 2, the area of the ring may be readily
computed, area of annular ring = TT(R'- r2)= ¥nk2/4 If the
ship be moved from position ACB through A'C'B' to position A"B"Co, we see that the area ACCnB" (in the upper
part of Figure 2) is not used at all in the reversing process.
Intuitively, we feel that a s r gets larger and larger the area
ACCNB" approaches half the area of the annular ring, and
hence we feel that we need only half the area of the ring to
reverse the ship. Notice, however, that a s r gets larger,
the distance CC" also gets larger, so that the reversed
ship gets farther and farther away from its original position. We conclude that the limiting area required for reversal is area = ~k?/8.
By considering an equilateral triangle of altitude k (and
hence side 2k//3), we may effect quite a saving in the area
a s compared to the circular case of Figure 1. See Figure
1//3 = 0.577,
3. Since the area inside the triangle is l?//^,
?f/4 = 0.785, there is a saving in area.
Another area somewhat triangular in appearance is
given by the interior of the deltoid, o r three-cusped hypocycloid, a curve first studied by Euler in 1745. The equation of the deltoid is more neatly expressed in parametric
If you have mentally performed the reversal process
described for the triangular a r e a of Figure 3, you may have
recognized that there is too much free uplays in the position of the ship. A more efficient utilization would require some conditions like those in Figures 1 and 2, i.e., it
must not be possible to place the rod AB in the area unless
both ends A and B a r e on the boundary of the area. Such a
condition is not satisfied for Figure 3.
(2 cos t t cos 2t),
= k4(2 sin t - sin 2t),
than in (x,y) notation with the parameter t eliminated:
(2+ ?)*
18k2 (2t f ) = 27k
- 2k X" t 6toty' t -j^.
See Figure 4. The area inside the deltoid is sufficient to
turn the ship around in. The area is "efficiently" used, for
a tangent to any of three a r c s at any position along that a r c
has length k inside the deltoid area. Since the area is
n W 8 , this is just the limit of the half ring area of Figure
2, except that the final position of the ship is the same (except for reversal) a s the original position.
For an interesting description of the deltoid and a discussion of its properties see Robert C. Yates, CURVES AND
THEIR PROPERTIES, 1947, AM Arbor, Michigan, pages
Since we have reduced the area to half the area of the
circle of diameter k, the question a s to whether o r not we
can go still further becomes important. The Japanese
mathematician, Kakeya, conjectured in 1917 that the deltoid
area represented a least area. However, Besicovitch in
1928 showed that there was no least area. A reference to
Besicovitch's paper may be found in Professor Yates' book
the argument showing that smaller and smaller areas
may be found in which it is possible to turn the ship around
in, is outside the scope of this note.
AREA =.30k1
R. J. Walker, Cornell University
Once one knows that the deltoid is not the smallest area
within which one can reverse a "ship n one naturally asks
for a sample of a smaller area. The Besicovitch proof,
which makes use of a shuttling of the ship over long distances but with relatively small amounts of turning, suggests how this can be done, and Figure 5 shows an "efficient" a r e a obtained by this process.
The figure is based on a regular five-pointed star. The
a r c AB is more o r less arbitrary (as long a s the curvature
is small enough); in this figure it is an a r c of a circle
tangent to a side and to a bisector of an angle of the star.
The length k of the ship is then determined a s BE. As the
ship moves, staying tangent to a r c FG and keeping one end
on a r c AB, the other end describes a r c ED. By symmetry
we get a r c GH for the point of tangency to move along.
Evidently a continuation of this process enables u s to construct the entire figure.
The area of this figure comes out to be about ,30k2,
considerably less than the .392k2 given by the deltoid.
trip turning the key of every nth cell. Those prisoners
whose cells eventually remained open were allowed to go
free. Who were the lucky ones?
47. Proposed by the problem editor
Given a finite number of points in a plane such that any
three of them may be simultaneously covered by a circle of
unit radius. Show that they all may be simultaneously covered by a circle of unit radius.
Edited by
Leo Moser, University of Alberta
48. Proposed by Victor Thkbault, Tennie, Sarthe, France
This department welcomes problems believed to be new
and, as a rule, demanding no greater ability in problem
solving than that of the average member of the Fraternity,
but occasionally we shall publish problems that should
challenge the ability of the advanced undergraduate and/or
candidate for the Master's degree. Solutions of these problems should be submitted on separate, signed sheets within
five months after publication. Address all communications
concerning problems to Leo Moser, Mathematics Department, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Find bases B and B' such that the number 11, 111, 111,
I l l consisting of eleven digits in base B is equal to the
number 111 consisting of three digits in base B'.
49. Proposed by C. S. Venkataraman, Trichur, India
If s = (a+btc+d)/2 and S = a-b-c-d, prove that
(s-b-c)' t ( s - ~ - d ) ~( ~ - a ) (~~ - b ) (s-c)~
( ~ - d=) 12s.
50. Proposed by Pedro Piza, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Prove that the integer 2n t 1 is a prime i f , and only if,
for every value of r = 1, 2, 3, . , [/n/2] the binomial co-
45. Proposed by Me1 Stover, Winnipeg, Manitoba
At a faculty meeting attended by six professors, each
one left with someone else's hat. The hat taken by Aitkins
belonged to the man who took Daily's hat. The man whose
hat was taken by Caldwell, took the hat of the man who took
Dunlop's hat. Finally, the man who took Easton's hat was
not the one whose hat was taken by Fort. Who took Aitkin's
46. Proposed by J. Lambek, McGill University
A partial amnesty having been declared, the jailor unlocked every cell in the prison row. Next he locked every
second cell. Then he turned the key in every third cell,
locking those cells which were open and opening those
which were locked. He continued in this way, on the nth
efficient (n+r) is divj.zSble by 2r t 1.
51. Proposed by C. W. Trigg, Los Angeles City College
Suppose D is the foot of the altitude from C, the vertex
of the right angle in the triangle ABC. Show that the area
of the traingle determined by the incenters of triangles
ABC, ADC, BDC i s (atb-c)'/8c.
6. Proposed by C. W. Trigg, Los Angeles City College
Starting with a straight edge, closed compasses, and two
straight line segments, a and b, construct the harmonic
mean of a and b in the least number of operations. Changing the opening of the compasses, drawing a circle o r the
a r c of a circle, and drawing a straight line a r e each considered an operation.
7. With J a s center and radius b, describe an arc cutting circle C(b) in K.
8. Draw HF.
9. Draw JK extended, cutting HF in L. LJ is the harmonic mean of a and b.
Proof: Draw FE. then / FEA = 60' = /_ LJA. In similar
triangles HLJ and HFE, LJ/FE = HJ/HE, or LJ/a = 2b/(a+b).
So L J = 2ab/(a -A>).
No claim i s made that this construction involves the
least number of operations possible.
28. (Corrected) Proposed by N. S. Mendelsohn, University of Manitoba
Figure for No. 6 , by Bankoff
Solution by Leon Bankoff, Los Angeles, California
The construction described below involves only nine
1. Draw a straight line AB, conveniently extended.
2. Open compasses to a radius a.
3. On AB choose an arbitrary point C a s center and
describe a circle of radius a, cutting AB in D and E.
4. With E a s center and radius a, describe an a r c cutting AB and the circumference of a circle in F.
5. Change compass opening to radius b.
6. With C a s center describe circle of radius b, cutting
AB in H and J.
The isle of Pythagora, while very sparsely populated, is
capable of supporting a population of thirty million. On the
sixth day of the twenty-eighth anniversary of his accession
to the throne, the king of the island called a meeting of his
496 advisers to divide the real jewels among the people of
the land. All the people, including the king and the advise r s , were lined up in a single file, and the jewels were distributed a s follows.
Starting with the second in line, each person was given
one jewel. Starting with the fourth in line, each second
person was given two jewels. Starting with the sixth in
line, each third person was given three jewels. Starting
with the eighth in line, each fourth person was given four
jewels, and so on.
The man at the extreme end of the line noticed that the
number of jewels he received corresponded to his position
in the line.
How many people were there in Pythagora?
Where was the person who got the most jewels standing?
Solution by Francis L. Miksa, Aurora, Illinois
An examination of the conditions reveals that the number of jewels received by each person i s the sum of the
divisors of his position number n, with n itself excluded, o r
in standard notation o(n)-n. Hence for a man to receive a
number of jewels equal to his position number, his position
number must be a "perfect" number, i.e. one of the series
Solution by R. W. Hippe, Saint Louis University
6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336. Since there a r e more than 496
and fewer than 30,000,000 people in Pythagora, the only solution is that there a r e 8128 people there.
To find what number receives the most jewels we must
find what number 8129 maximizes 6(n)-n. Using Glaisher 's
table of number divisors, we find the maximum is attained
at n = 7560 and the number of jewels received by the lucky
person is 0(7560) 7560 = 21240.
35. Proposed by N. S. Mendelsohn, University of Manitoba
A point moves in a straight line starting from r e s t and
finishing at rest, and covers unit distance in unit time.
Prove that at some point its acceleration has a magnitude
of a t least 4 units.
Let CM extended meet AB in N. Construct from A' a
line parallel to NC intersecting AB in D. Now BA' =A'C
implies BD = DN. Further, the line MN, being parallel to
the base of the triangle AA'D, cuts the sides AA' and AD
proportionally, hence
which completes the proof.
Also solved by Leon Bankoff, D. W. Barnum, R. Chaffee,
J . E. Faulkner, and the proposer.
39. Proposed by Pedro Piza, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Find digits m, a, b, c, d, e, f such that
Solution by C. W. Trigg, Los Angeles City College
It is assumed that v and a a r e continuous functions of t.
If we plot v against t, the area under the curve must be the
same (1square unit) a s that of an isosceles triangle having
the same base and an altitude of 2. The slopes of the sides
a r e i 4 . Part of the v, t curve must fall outside the triangle o r coincide with its sides. Thus, at some point the
slope a of the curve is numerically 2 4.
Solution by W. Moser, University of Toronto
By the symmetry of the conditions with respect to initial and final point, we may assume without loss of generality that if S = S(t) then s(:)
If we further assume
a(t) < 4, then by integration v(t) < 4t and S(t) < 2t2. Hence
~ ( <i )2, a contradiction which proves the required result.
Also solved by the proposer.
38. Proposed by C. W. Trigg, Los Angeles City College
In the triangle ABC, AA' is a median. Prove that if
Solution by F. L. Miksa, Aurora, Illinois
There a r e nine solutions:
9 x 109890 = 10 x 098901
18 x 208791 = 19 x 197802
27 x 307692 = 28 x 296703
36 x 406593 = 37 x 395604
45 x 505494 = 46 x 494505
54 x 604395 = 55 x 593406
63 x 703296 = 64 x 692307
72 x 802197 = 73 x 791208
81 x 901098 = 82 x 890109
Also solved by the proposer.
42. Proposed by Me1 Stover, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Prove that the volume of a tetrahedron determined by
two line segments lying on two skew lines is unaltered by
sliding the segments along their lines (but leaving their
lengths unaltered).
Solution by Leon Bankoff, Los Angeles, California
then CM extended divides A B in the ratio
Let one segment remain stationary while the other is
permitted to vary its position. The area of the triangle
formed by the sliding segment a s base and an extremity of
the stationary segment a s vertex is constant in area.
Moreover, the distance of the other extremity of the fixed
segment to the plane of the variable triangles is also constant. Since the determining factors (base and altitude) remain constant, the volume of the tetrahedron is unaltered.
Also solved by C. W. Trigg and the proposer.
Of t h t two hundred and seventeen doctorates,* with
mathematics, mathematical physics, or statistics a s a
major subject, conferred during the year 1951 by the universities in the United States and Canada, sixty-nine of
these a r e known to have gone to persons who had been previously initiated into P i Mu Epsilon at universities within
the United States. The list given below was checked against
chapter records and cannot be complete because many of
our members, after being initiated into the Fraternity,
transferred to other universities to work on their doctorates, in some cases to a university where there was no
chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, and in such cases there was no
way for the editor to check membership in the Fraternity.
When the list was being prepared, the Secretary-General
kindly made available his lists (by chapters) of initiates
who had received certificates of membership. Had time
permitted no doubt the names of many others, whose names
properly belong in the list we a r e publishing, might have
been found. It is our intention to publish annually the list of
names of our members who take their doctorates, in that
year, whenever such information is made available (The
corresponding secretaries of the chapters can help us with
this.); also, we should like to be able to inform our readers
where these new doctors of philosophy a r e presently employed.
43. Proposed by Paul W. Gilbert, Syracuse University
Four solid spheres lie on top of a table. Each sphere is
tangent to the other three. If three of the spheres have the
same radius R, what is the radius of the fourth sphere?
Solution by Leon Bankoff, Los Angeles, California
The small sphere, radius r, touches the table at a point
equidistant from the contacts of each of the large spheres
with the table. Hence i t lies on the circumcenter of an
equilateral triangle the side of which is 2R. Then (R t r)
is the hypotenuse of a right triangle the altitude of which is
(R r) and the base of which is 2R /3/3. So (Rtr)' = (R-r)*
+ 4R2/3, and r = R/3.
Also solved by E. Faulkner and C. W. Trigg.
44. Proposed by Paul W. Gilbert, Syracuse University
Assuming that c is a positive constant, solve the following equation for x:
Solution by Leon Bankoff, Los Angeles, California
We use the relation (loga b) (log^ a) =1, and let logcx = y.
Then we have:
University of California, Los Angeles:
W. G. BADE (1947), June, "An operational calculus for
operators with spectrum confined to a strip."
MILTON DRANDELL (1947). June, "Generalized convex
s e t s in the plane."
*Bull. Am. Math. Soc., vol. 5 8 , M a y 1952, pp. 424- 435.
Also solved by C. W. Trigg and Earl Faulkner.
I. L. GLICKSBERG (1945), June, "Cesaro summation in
harmonic analysis in groups."
E. R. IMMEL (1949), June, "Problems of estimation and
of hypothesis testing connected with birth-and-death Markov processes."
M. L. STEIN (1947), January, "On methods for obtaining
solutions of fixed end point problems in the calculus of
B. E. HOWARD (1946), June, minor in electrical engineering, "Hydrodynamic properties of an electron gas."
W. R. ORTON, Jr., June, "Representation of functions of
a complex variable and related integral equations."
L. L. SCOTT (I%?), October, "Finite metabelian groups
and planes of
L. J. SNELL (lM4), October, minor in physics, "Applications of martingale system theorems.'
University of California, Berkeley:
Northwestern University:
0. R. AINSWORTH (1946), September, "Theory of waves
from a point source in one of two semi-infinite contiguous
elastic media."
E. A. DAVIS (1939), June, "A dynamic economic theory."
J. M. G. FELL (1947), January, "On L-spaces."
A. R. LOVAGLIA (1948), September, "Locally uniformly
convex Banach spaces
W. K. SAUNDERS (1948), July, "Existence of the solution
of the exterior problem of the electromagnetic field."
MAURICE SION (IN?), June, "On the existence of functions having given partial derivatives on Whitney's curve."
W. F. TAYLOR (1942), January, "On tests of hypotheses
and best asymptotically normal estimates related t o certain
biological tests."
G. M. BLOOM (1949), June, "On the total variation of
solutions of the bounded variation moment problem."
University of Georgia:
Iowa State College:
R. J. LAMBERT (1948), July, minor in physics, "Extension of normal theory to general m a t r i ~ e s . ~
R. F. REEVES (1949), June, minor in physics, "Force
fields in which centers of gravity can be defined."
A. M. WEDEL (1948), July, minor in physics, "Volterra
transforms of some hypergeometric series."
University of Kansas:
W. K. MOORE (1948). June, minor in physics, "The
characterizations of a class of transformations and of
differentiable functions."
W. D. PEEPLES, Jr. (1948), June, "Elliptic curves and
rational distance sets."
G. 0. PETERS (1948), August, "Bernoulli polynomials of
the second kind of higher order. Eider polynomials of the
second kind of first and higher orders. Boole polynomials
of the first and second kinds of higher order. Bernoulli,
Euler, and Boole series and functions of negative degree."
ELSIE T. CHURCH (1943). June, Inversion with respect
to a cubic of the syzygetic pencil."
A. E. FOSTER (1947), August, "A generalized harmonic
conjugate for commutative algebras."
University of Illinois:
Louisiana State University:
P. F. CONRAD (1948), June, minor in philosophy, "Imbedding theorems for Abelian groups with valuations."
R. L. BROUSSARD (IS'?), August, "A necessary and
sufficient condition that a set be homeomorphic to a plane
University of Kentucky:
region bounded by a finite number of nonintersecting
hydrodynamics: Solutions which a r e analytic functions of
the time."
University of Missouri:
Duke University:
J. W. GADDUM (1948), August, "Metric methods in integral and differential geometry."
J. W. SAWYER (1948), August, "A study of metric torsion."
R. T. HERBST (1949), June, minor in physics, "Reduction of passive orthonormic differential systems to passive
systems of the first order."
S. M. SPENCER, Jr. (1949), June, minor in philosophy,
"Transcendental numbers over certain
Washington University:
RUTH L. POTTER, May, "Oscillation and boundedness
of solutions of a second-order linear differential equation."
Syracuse University:
H. H. CHANG (1948). January, "Approximately analytic
functions of bounded type and boundary behavior of solutions of elliptic partial differential equations."
ROBERT FINN (l947), June, "On some properties of the
solutions of a class of non-linear partial differential equations."
F. P. PU (1948), January, "Some inequalities in certain
non- orientable Riemannian manifolds."
DANIEL RESCH (1947), January, "Some Baecklund
transformations of partial differential equations of second
JAMES SANDERS (1949), June, "Some classes of partial
differential equations of the fourth order."
University of North Carolina:
L. P. BURTON, June, "Minimax solutions of ordinary
differential systems."
W. S. CONNOR (1949). August, "The structure of balanced incomplete block designs and the impossibility of
certain unsymmetrical cases."
T. L. REYNOLDS (1947), June, "On the impossibility of
an odd perfect number not divisible by five with six different prime divisors."
J. H. WAHAB (1949). June, "Some new cases of irreducibility for Legendre polynomials."
Ohio State University:
NORMAN LEVINE (1948), August, aAbsolutely continuous product transformations in the plane."
University of Oklahoma:
New York University:
J. R. KNUDSON, May, "A study of effects of viscosity
and heat conductivity on the transmission of sound waves in
a compressible fluid."
J. R. LURYE, May, "Electromagnetic reflection and
transmission matrices of a continuously stratified anisotropic medium by variational technique."
F. V. POHLE, January, "The Lagrangian equations of
E. V. GREER (1950), June, minor in physics, "A theorem on planar transformations."
E. J. PIPES (1950), August, minor in physics, "Properties of s e t s and functions relative to exc
University of Oregon:
L. P. H. CHEO (1950), June, "The density of the sum of
s e t s of Gaussian integers."
J. E. MAXFIELD (1948), June, "Normal numbers in k
MARGARET W. MAXFIELD, June, "Format's theorem
for matrices over a modular ring."
F. H. YOUNG (1938). June, "A matrix transformation of
Fourier coefficients. "
University of Pennsylvania:
G. H. BUTCHER (1943). February, "An extension of the
sum theorem of dimension theory."
LELIA A. DRAGONETTE (1948). June, "Asymptotic formulae for the mock theta s e r i e s of Ramanujan."
PHILIP RABINOWITZ (1945). June, "Normal coverings
and uniform spaces/
ALBERT SCHILD (1948), February, "On a problem in
conformal mapping of schlicht functions."
Lehigh University:
J. 0. CHELLEVOLD (1949), June, "Singular quadratic
functions for n dependent variables."
Carnegie Institute of Technology:
R. L. ELY (1948), June, "Forced vibrations of continuous beams under pulsating, moving loads."
T. R. GREENE (1950), June, W a t e r waves in channels
of infinite depth."
E. P. KING (1947), June, "The operating characteristic
of the control chart for sample means when process standards a r e unspecified."
K. H. KRAMER (1948), June, "The distribution of range
in compositions of normal universes."
RAYMOND SEDNEY (l948), June, "On the hydrodynamical theory of lubrication. I. The Reynolds lubrication
equation with smooth outflow. II. The finite length journal
bearing with high eccentricity."
H. C. VOLKIN (l947), June, "Rotating and accelerated
reference systems."
H. J. WEISS (1947), June, "Structural stability of thinwalled open sections."
University of Wisconsin:
W. F. DONOGHUE, Jr. (1949), August, minor in physics,
"The bounded closure of locally convex spaces."
W. H. FLEMING (1950), August,
and related
notions for generalized parametric
D. R. FULKERSON (194 8). January, ¥Quasi-Hermit
forms of row-finite matrices."
MELVIN HENRDQSEN (1950), August, "On the ideal
structure of the ring of entire functions and other function
K. T. SMITH (1949), August, "The L-B topology in locally convex spaces."
Many will recall the article enti
of continuous functions" written
Brooklyn College, which appeared in
this Journal. The article was writte
undergraduate. In June, 1951, he was
Philosophy Degree by Princeto
doctorial thesis being "Diric
ized boundary values." We un
member of the mathematics
Congratulations, Melvin! Yo
tinction to both your Alma Mater
Professor Albert Einstein once gave what he considered
the best formula for success in life. He said, "If a is success in life, I should say the formula is a e q u a l s x plus y
plus z, x being WORK and y being play."
"And what is z?", inquired the intorviewer.
"That,?he answered, "is keeping yocr mouth shut."
- A wastebasket with drawers.
(Send reports to Ruth W. Stokes, 15 Smith College, Syracuse University, Syracuse 10, New York.)
EDITOR'S NOTE. According to Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution: "The Secretary shall keep account of all meetings and
transactions of the chapter and, before the close of the academic
year, shall send to the Secretary-General and to the DirectorGeneral, an annual report of the chapter activities including programs of meetings, results of elections, etc." The SecretaryGeneral now suggests that an additional copy of the annual report
of each chapter be sent to theeditor of the P i Mu Epsilon Journal.
Besides the information listed above we a r e especially interested
in learning what the chapters a r e doing by way of competitive examinations, medals, prizes and scholarships. These annual r e ports will be published in the chronological order in which they
a r e received.
Beta of North Carolina, University of North Carolina
The following papers were presented a t meetings of the North
Carolina Beta chapter during the academic year 1951-1952:
'The Educational System of England a s related to the development of prospective mathematics students n by Dr. Doris Lee,
University of London, London, England
"Characteristic roots of matrices" by Gene Medlin
'Relation of the Euler-Fermat Theorem to matrices n by Alex
'Time series' by Sudhish Ghurye (Dept. of Math. Statistics)
"Flat Lands" by Bill Chapman, Duke University
"Theory of some simple games" by Dr. A. Brauer.
The first and last meetings of this academic year were business meetings.
A picnic in honor of Dr. Thomas Felix Hickerson was sponsored by the chapter on May 17, 1952.
The chapter established a P i Mu Epsilon library consisting of
under g raduate texts and periodicals.
During the present academic year there has been an Increase
of about 285% in membership.
Officers for 1951-1952 were:Director, Tolio J. Pignani;ViceDirector, Mrs. Mary Nunn Morrow; Secretary, John Jones, Jr.;
Treasurer, Mrs. Margaret Butler Seelbinder.
Officers elected for 1952-1953: Director, Edward E. Grace;
Vice-Director, Paul S. Herwitz; Secretary, C. V. Williams Jr.;
Treasurer, Richard J. Painter;Chairman at Awards and Scholarship Committee, Hasell T. La Borde.
Alpha of Michigan, Michigan State College
The Michigan Alpha Chapter held twelve meetings during the
year 1951-1952, Including business meetings, program meetings,
initiations, the annual winter banquet and the spring picnic. Topics at program meetings were as follows:
"The theory of measurement" by Dr. H. S. Leonard
"The rate of interest in installment b u m * by Dr. H. E. Stelson
"Mathematics in its application t o the movement of underground waters" by Mr. John G. F e r r i s
"Four biographical sketches of mathematicians (Cauchy, Galois, Leibnitz and Gauss) by student speakers (John Long, Henry
Leonard, Hugo Myers and W. G. Franzen)
"Summing s e r i e s by means of indeterminate coefficients" by
James Monsma
"Fake coin problem" by Charles P a r k e r
A talk on visual aids by Russell Schneider
"Pascal's Triangle w by Dale Mesmer
"Rotation of spheres" by Mrs. Mary H. Payne
"Some uses of mathematics in genetics* by Dr. H. R. Hunt.
Officers for the year 1952-1953 are: President, George Hazelworth; Vice-president, Walter Reid; Secretary, Mary Hutchinson;
Treasurer, George Hess; Permanent Secretary, J a m e s Powell;
Faculty Advisors, Dr. L. M. Kelly and Dr. J. E. Powell.
Alpha of the District of Columbia, Howard University
The District of Columbia Alpha chapter held eight meetings
during the academic year 1951-1952. The following talks were
presented at program meetings:
"Some visits t o physics and mathematics departments of
several European Universities n (illustrated with Kodachrome
slides) by Dr. Herman Branson
uConstruction of normal orthogonal systems and applications"
by Dr. George Butcher
"A property of sequences n by Dr. David Blackwell
"Toeplitz matrices n by Dr. George Butcher
uKeplarls laws of planetary motion a s derived from Newton's
laws of motion and law of universal gravitation" by Dr. Allen
'The principle of fair division" by Dr. David Blackwell.
The initiation meeting was held in May. Three new members
joined the chapter.
In the Spring Quarter David Franks was elected to the presidency left vacant by the resignation of Lt.Robert N. Smith,USAF.
Officers for 1951-1952 were: Director, Dr. George Butcher;
President, Lt. Robert N. Smith (Sept. - March) and David A.
Franks (March - June) ;Secretary, Mrs. Andretta Yeldell; Treasurer, Young Lee.
Alpha of Louisiana, Louisiana State University
The first meeting of the Louisiana Alpha chapter for the 19511952 session was held October 11, and the following officers were
elected for the year: Director, Ezra J . Westbrook;Vice-Director,
Gleb Mamantov; Secretary, Lynden Howell; Treasurer, Carlton
Strickland; Corresponding Secretary, Professor Houston T .
The following papers were presented before the chapter during
the academic year:
"Monte Carlo methods in probability" by Dr. Ernest S. Elyash
'(Another way of doing it n by Dr. Paul K. Rees
"Giant brains n by Dr. F r e d H. Fenn.
The annual Pi Mu Epsilon lectures this year were given by Dr.
W. M. Whyburn,Vice -Director General of P i Mu Epsilon and head
of the department of mathematics at the University of North Carolina. For the afternoon lecture, his topic was "Linear differential equations n, and his evening lecture was on "Mathematics for
the muddled".
The annual initiation and banquet were held on May 1, 1952.
Twenty-five new members were initiated.
Gamma of Kansas, University of Wichita
The Kansas Gamma chapter held five meetings during the
academic year 1951-1952. These included three business meet ings and two for initiation, one of which was the annual dinner
At theDecember meeting two new members were initiated, and
a paper, "Fitting of polynomial equations t o empirical data", was
presented by William Parks.
More new members were elected a t the March and April meetings, bringing the total for the year t o ten new members. Included
in the business transacted by the chapter at the March meeting
was the decision to provide sufficient funds to take care of the
expenses of any undergraduate or graduate student who wished to
attend the meeting of the Kansas Section of the Mathematical
Association of America.
Besides the initiation ceremony a t the annual dinner meeting,
there was a talk by Professor Arnold Wedel, member of P i Mu
Epsilon and head of the department a t Bethel College. His topic
was "Volterra's theory of composition."
Gamma of Missouri, St. Louis University
The first 1951-1952 meeting of P i Mu Epsilon,Missouri Gamma chapter, was held November 3, 1951, at Fontbonne College.
Forty-nine members and guests were present. William Golomski
was elected Vice-Director to succeed Richard Kern, and Bernard
Jansen was elected Secretary-Treasurer to succeed Virginia
Herre. Rev. Lester Heider, S. J., spoke on "Boolean Algebra."
Refreshments were served after the meeting.
The second meeting was held December 12, 1951, a t St. Louis
University. Thirty members and guests were present. Dr. John
J. Andrews of the St. Louis University Staff, lectured on "Probability."
The third meeting was held March 15, 1952 a t Maryville College. Forty members and guests were present. Mother Marie
Kernaghan, R.S.C.J., Associate Professor of Physics, Maryville
College, spoke on "The Life and Works of George David Birkhoff
The meeting was followed by a social hour in the Student Lounge.
The fourth and final meeting of the academic year was held
May 1, 1952, a t St. Louis University, Commerce and Finance
School. One hundred and thirty-five members and guests were
present. Eighty-two new members were inducted into the chapter,
bringing the total membership since the chapter was granted to
six hundred and thirty-five and total active membership to two
hundred and ninety. William Golomski was elected Director for
the academic year 1952-53 to succeed Eugene Bold. (Election of
Vice-Director and Secretary-Treasurer will be held at the first
meeting in the fall of 1952.) After the business meeting Professor
W. L. Ayres, Dean of the Science School, Purdue University, gave
a lecture on "A one-dimensional world". Following the lecture a
reception was held to honor Professor Ayres and the new initiates. Then followed the fifteenth annual banquet held in Des
Peres Hall, at which Director Bold was toastmaster. One hundred and twenty members and guests were present. Among the
honored guests were Rev. Robert J . Henle, S. J., Dean of the
Graduate School, St. Louis University, and Professor Ayres.
Dr. Francis Regan has again accepted the post of Faculty Adviser and Permanent Secretary-Treasurer of the chapter.
or Banesh Hoff"Relativity without mathematics"
man of the Mathematics Department o
"Geometry of crystals" by Professor Brody of the Physics
Department of Brooklyn College.
Papers given before the Mathematics Society by student members of P i Mu Epsilon were:
"Metric spaces* and "The bilinear transform" by Alan J.
"Stirling's formula and probability8 and "Fourier series" by
Paul Cohen
"Lattice theory" by Joseph Sucher.
Gamma of New York, Brooklyn College
The New York Gamma chapter elects officers twice a year.
During the academic year 1951-1952 the chapter elected the following officers:
Fall, 1951
Director Professor M. Richardson
President Joseph Sucher
Vice-Pres. Alan Goldman
Secretary Martin Milgram
Treasurer Ruth Beller
Spring, 1952
Professor M. Richardson
Alan J. Goldman
Joel Lebowitz,
Trying Katz
Laura Chiarulli
Audrey Riemer
The chapter initiated into membership thirty students and two
faculty members. The latter, called "honarary inductees", were
Professor Martin E. Lean (of the philosophy department) and Professor Melba Phillips (of the physics department).
The chapter does not use students as speakers. However, at
the meetings of the Brooklyn College Mathematics Society, both
students and faculty lecture and present papers. Lectures given
before the chapter last year were:
"Mathematical curves on the oscilloscopen by Professor Green
of the Physics Department of Brooklyn College
"Topology and the foundations of geometry* by Professor
Zippin of the Mathematics Department of Queens College
*Alan J . Goldman gave one of the student papers at the East Lansing, Michigan, meeting. See "Program" printed elsewhere in
this journal.
EDITOR'S NOTE. Each chapter undoubtedly will be interested in
learning what other chapters a r e doing along the line of prize
competitions. So the editor makes the request that chapters offering prizes, scholarships, or other awards, write up their plans
for such contests and submit them for publication in this journal.
In the 1951- 1952 academic year, the North Carolina Beta chapter established an award to be made annually to each of the two
persons achieving the highest scores in a statewide high school
mathematics contest.
The Missouri Alpha's report on prize winners in the annual
calculus competition May 13, 1952, is a s follows: F i r s t prize of
$15.00, to James Fithian; second prize, $10.00, Delmar Van
Meter; third prize, $5.00, Donald Meyer.
The Michigan Alpha chapter annually makes the L. C. Plant
awards. These a r e given to the students who have in the past year
contributed the most to mathematics through scholarship, interest
in mathematics and help to the mathematics department. At the
winter banquet for the year 1951-1952, the awards were presented
to Mary Hutchinson, Henry Leonard and Harry Achziger by Dr. 3.
S. Frame, head of the mathematics department.
The Louisiana Alpha chapter made the following awards a t
their annual banquet, May 1, 1952: Senior award to Jasper A.
Welch, Jr., of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; freshman award to Robert
E. Cavanaugh, of Leesville, Louisiana.
Three prizes were awarded by the Missouri Gamma chapter
during the year 1951-1952. The sixth annual Prize Essay Contest
was conducted by Professor Alois Lorenz. The prize for the
senior undergraduate division was won by Ying-nien Yu, a student
at Park College. The title of his paper was "Daniel Bernoulli's
hydrodynamical equation." His prize was D. E. Smith's "Source
Book of Mathematics." Roland Nokes, also of Park College, won
the junior prize for his essay, "Daniel Bernoulli." He received a
copy of E. T. Bell's "Men of Mathematics." Dr. Francis Regan,
director of the department of mathematics, awarded The Garneau
Mathematics Award of twenty-five dollars to Louise Renard for
being the highest ranking senior majoring in mathematics.
At the October 17,1951, meeting of the KansasGamma chapter
there was made the annual award of the P i Mu Epsilon Mathematical Scholarship, the recipient being Ann Klein.
General Officers
Director General: Professor C. C. MaeDuETee, 202 North Hall,
University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin
Vice-Director General: Professor W. M.
of Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina
Secretary-Treasurer General: Professor J. S. Frame, 207 Physics-Mathematics Bldg., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan
Councilors General:
Professor S. S. Cairns, Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Professor Tomlinson Fort, Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Professor Sophia McDonald, Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Berkeley, California
matics, SyraProfessor Ruth W. Stokes, Dep
cuse University, Syracuse 10,
Mr. Howard C. Bennett (ex officio), Department of Mathematics, Syracuse University, Syracuse 10, Hew York
Corresponding Secretaries 1
( 5) Alabama Alpha, 1922, University of Alabama, University, Ala.;
Dr. H. S. Thurston, Department of Mathematics
(40) Arizona Alpha, 1941, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona;
Dr. R. F. Graesser, Department of Mathematics
(22) Arkansas Alpha, 1931, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
Mary John Skillern, 208 N. Church Street
(12) California Alpha, 1925, University of California, Los Angeles
24, California;
Faculty Adviser: Prof. W. T. Puckett, Department
of Mathematics
(19) California Beta, 1930, University of California, Berkeley 4,
Mrs. Sophia L. MacDonald, Dept. of Mathematics
(33) Colorado Alpha, 1936, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.;
Mr. Edmund H. Brown, 2500 Goss B.
(50) Colorado Beta, 1950, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado;
Miss Katherine C. Garland, Department of Mathematics
(41) Delaware Alpha, 1941, University of Delaware, Newark, Del.;
Professor Russell Remage, Jr., Dept. of Mathematics
(52) District of Columbia Alpha, 1951, Howard University, Washington 1, D. C.;
Mrs. Andretta A. Yeldell, 3778 Hayes St. N. E., Apt. 1
(51) Florida Alpha, 1951, University of Miami,Coral Gables 46,
Mr. Robert Fitzgerald, 10907 ML E. 8 Ave., Miami,
(29) Georgia Alpha, 1934, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia;
Professor W. S. Beckwith, 731 C o t e
( 7) Illinois Alpha, 1924, University of Minate, Urbana, Illinois;
Mr. J. H. Abbott, Box 64, University Station
(42) Illinois Beta, 1944, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.;
Mr. Daniel Wilson, 6134 N. Francisco, Chicago, Illinois
( 6) Iowa Alpha, 1923, Iowa State College
Professor Ralph M. Robinson, 1
(16) Kansas Alpha, 1928, University of
Prof. Wealthy Babcock, 209
(31) Kansas Beta, 1935, Kansas State College
Prof. W. T. Stratton, Department of
,hwxence, Kansas;
Hall, Department of
(49) Kansas Gamma, 1950, University of Wlchlta,Wchlta 14, Kan.;
Professor C. B. Read, Department of
(13) Kentucky Alpha, 1927, University of Kentucky,Lexington, Ky.;
Dr. H. H. Downing, Department of
(38) Louisiana Alpha, 1939, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge 3, Louisiana;
Professor H. T. Karnes, Departroeai.of Mathematics
(39) Michigan Alpha, 1940, Michigan State College, East Lansing,
Prof. Fritz Herzog, DeputmoA of Mathematics
( 4) Missouri Alpha, 1922, University of Missouri,Columbia, Mo.;
Professor Mary Cummings, 212 Engineering Building
(11) Missouri Beta, 1925, Washington University, St. Louis 5, Mo.;
Professor Jessica Young Stephens, Dept. of Mathematics
he name and a d d r e s s of the Permanent S e c r e t a r y , o r Corresponding S e c r e t a r y , i s given f o r each chapter which replied t o
the May 1952 questionnaire sent out by the S e c r e t a r y general;
otherwise, that of the Faculty Adviser o r Department Chairman.
* ~ u r n b e r appearing before chapter designation indicates
chronological o r d e r in which c h a r t e r was granted.
(43) Missouri Gamma, 1945, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.;
Professor Francis Regan,
of Mathematics
( 9) Montana Alpha, 1925, Montana State University, Missoula,
Prof. George Marsaglia, Montana State University
(15) Nebraska Alpha, 1928, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.;
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Edwin Halfar, Department of Mathematics, 213 Burnett Hall, University of Nebraska
(45) New Hampshire Alpha, 1948, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, N. H.;
Mr. Donald Childs, Director IIME, University of
New Hampshire
( 1) New York Alpha, 1914, Syracuse University, Syracuse 10,
New York;
Professor Nancy Cole, Department of Mathematics
(10) New York Beta, 1925, Hunter College, 695 Park Ave., New
York 21, N. Y.;
Prof. Jewel Bushy and Miss Leila Singh, Department
of Mathematics
(32) Ohio Gamma, 1936, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio;
Dr. Wayne Dancer, Department of
(48) Ohio Delta, 1949, Miami University,
Dr. H. S. Pollard, Upham Hall
(18) Oklahoma Alpha, University of Oklahoma,Norman, Oklahoma;
of Mathematics
Professor Dora McFarland, De
(35) Oklahoma Beta, Oklahoma A. and M. College, Stillwater, Okla.;
of Mathematics
Professor James H. Zant, De
Eugene, Oregon;
(21) Oregon Alpha, 1931, University of
Dr. K. S. Ghent, Department ofs(36) Oregon Beta, 1938, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon;
of Mathematics
Professor George A. Williams,
(26) New York Gamma, 1933, Brooklyn College, Bedford Ave. and
Ave. H., Brooklyn 10, N. Y.;
Prof. J. Singer, Department of Mathematics
( 3) Pennsylvania Alpha, 1921, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania;
Dr. R. D. Shafer, Department of
(28) New York Delta, 1933, N. Y. University, 100 Washington Sq.
East, New York 3, N. Y.;
Mr. William G. Zoellner, 93 Eaton Place, E. Orange,
New Jersey
(30) New York Epsilon, 1935, St. Lawrence University, Canton,
New York;
Mr. John Taylor, 27 State Street
( 8) Pennsylvania Beta, 1925, Bucknell Uniwrsity, Lewisberg, Pa.;
(53) New York Eta, 1951, University of Buffalo, Buffalo 14, N. Y.;
Mr. Howard W. Baeumler, Department of Mathematics
(44) Pennsylvania Epsilon, 1947, Carnegie lost. of Tech., Pittsburgh 12, Pennsylvania,
Mr. Richard C. Di Prima, DeOL. of Mathematics
(24) North Carolina Alpha, 1932, Duke University, Durham, N. C.;
Prof. F. G. Dressel, 309 Frances Street
(46) North Carolina Beta, 1948, University of N. C., Chapel Hill,
North Carolina;
Dr. John W. Lasley, Jr., 523 E. Rosemary St.
( 2) Ohio Alpha, 1919, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio;
Mr. Pat H. Sterbenz, Brand Road, Worthington, Ohio
(13) Ohio Beta, 1927, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio;
Prof. Sidney A. Rowland, 45 Oak Hill Ave.
Mr. D. OM, Director TIME, Bu
(17) Pennsylvania Gamma, 1929,
Professor R. R. Stoll,
em, Pa.;
State College, State
(20) Pennsylvania Delta, 1930, Pennsy
College, Pennsylvania;
Prof. Orrin Frink, Departmertt of Mathematics
(47) Virginia Alpha, 1948, University of l t k h m d , Richmond, Va.;
Professor E. S. Grable, Box 45, nnfarerstty of Richmond
(25) Washington Beta, 1932, University of Washington, Seattle 5,
Prof. Lee H. MacFarlan, D e w e n t of Mathematics
(27) Wisconsin Alpha, 1933, Marquette Untwrsity, Milwaukee 3,
Dr. H. P. Pefflt, D
ea?f Mathematics
(37) Wisconsin Beta, 1939, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6,
Mr. Marshall F. Ruchte, 803 StÈt St., Madison 5, Wis.
COLOFUDO ALPHA, University of Qdorado
(Date of initiation not even)
Robert Alfred Baird
Edmund H. Brown
ALABAMA ALPHA, University of Alabama
(Fall, 1951)
Margaret Ann Alison
Ed. Barker, Jr.
Arthur C. Bentley
Romae J. Cormier
S. Ashby Foote
Alfred Goode
Sarah Jensen
Scott Spaulding
Roger Wicks
Alfred W. Yonda
(Spring, 1952)
Gunnar Anderson
Rex L. Callaway
Gary W. Crain
Frances Gaynor
John S. Henderson
B. Pauline Lowman
Abbas N. Al-Khafaji
David C. AUais
Donald A. Anhorn
Kenneth A. Fowler
Sue L. Gin
Max R. Grundvig
Leland Harris
Richard C. Heyser
Martin Hochdorf
Gale HoUaday
Raymond J. Jimonez
Paul E. Koenig
Gary Lotto
John 0. Maloy
Ernest G. McCray
Stanley D. Spray
Harold E. Sweeney
Charles D. Vail
Janis J. Zalmans
CALIFORNIA ALPHA, University of California, Los Angeles
(Spring, 1952)
Miriam Ann Caldwell
Jan Drent
Steve Gaspar
Richard Carl Gilbert
Tomo-aki Hayata
Raymond Paul Kachelmeyer
Luther Clark Lay
Stanley Robert Lenihan
Edgar Reich
Marjory Irene Thorn
Edward Oakley Thorp
CALIFORNIA BETA, University of California, Berkeley
(May 17, 1952)
Fariborz Amini
Alexander B. Cecil
Walter L. Dieckmann
Robert Donati
Randolph Eidemiller
Lee 0. Heflinger
Robert Holten
William Keating
Milton Lees
Joseph Rosenbaum
Rex Shudde
Margaret Swanson
Paul B. Yale
Morton David Davis
Leburne Walter F a r r
David Page Larsen
Bernard Mozer
Betty May Sherba
COLORADO BETA, University of Dover
(March 12, 1952)
Donald L. Beaumont
Forrest W. Brinkley
Frank Cenkovich
James F. DeSanto
Arthur J. Donegan
Shirley McCallum
David L. McElroy
Mary Jo Wiggins
ARIZONA ALPHA, University of Arizona
(May 8, 1952)
~ o b e rW
t . Harris
Alan Henrlkson
Irwin J. Hoffman
George Kinoshita
Bai L
M ~ Y
Amelia Miller
mumas E. Mullha
Leo M. Ptecha
Stuart L. Rieben
FLORIDA ALPHA, University of lUuni
(Date of initiation not Kiveo)
Edward Burger
Robert Fitzgerald
Seymour Ginsburg
Walter Roop
R a n c i s S. Shay
Frank J. Shea XI
Helene D. Smith
GEORGIA ALPHA, University of Georgia
(January 23, 1952)
Rubin Gotesky
Charles W. Huff
Vivian Karanangeli
Garnett R. McMillan
Jeannette Newton
Lawrence A. Nix, Jr.
(May 21, 1952)
Eloise Eavenson
Lois Sue Hale
Benjamin B. McLeroy
Roy B. Tucker
Charles Emory Willett
James Bercos
ILLINOIS BETA, Northwestern Oatrerstty
(May 29, 1952)
Barry Alper
Norman Bartelt
David Beckman
Mathew Betz
George Blomgren
Robert Brand
Vito Brugliera
Robert Chen
John Durant
Willis Else
Dean Eshleman
Donald Fleming
Robert Fultyn
Robert Gamble
James Geppert
Jerome Green
Ronald Hegji
Richard Herman
Jerome Hershman
Richard Hoglund
Patricia Hufcheson
Kathryn Jones
James Klafta
Miles Klein
William Kuby
Donald Matschke
Ronald Moeller
Neil Morton
Thomas Olsen
James Owens
Robert Rieger
h Stanfield
Tony Strecok
Richard Tessmer
Hal Walte
Robert Wheeler
R a n k Witt
Edith Wu
(Date of initiation not given)
Jane T. Beasley
Alan J. Bockstahler
Albert Claus
Marilyn Dixler
James F. Fegen
Donald E. Freeland
Paul Goldberg
William M. Grounds
Robert S. Hathaway
Sheldon Kahn
Eugene King
Arthur A. Krawetz
Richard Leach
Harold Leiendecker
Robert Leigh
Donald Malm
Ann Morrison
MICHIGAN ALPHA, Michigan State College
(November 13, 1951)
Boris Musulin
Carl F. Samuelson
Donald Shult
Alan C. Skinrood
Walter W. Stone
Harvey E. Wahls
C. Charles Welch
Daniel Wilson
John Zimmerman
Homer R. Arthurs
Herbert S. Eleuterio
Harrison C. Fisch
Russell Harry Fay
Robert E. Garner
Halbert Frederick Gates
George William HeSS
Winston H. Heneveld
Bernard Jacobson
KANSAS ALPHA, The University of Kansas
(May 6, 1952)
Norman Baumann
Melville Evans
0. John Gerriets
William D. McGlinn
Isaac Namioka
Prom Panitchpakdi
S. S. Shrikhande
Kjersti Swanson
Jerry Wackerli
Roy G. Woodle, Jr.
KANSAS BETA, Kansas State College
(Date of initiation not given)
Joseph A. Bukowski
Ervin R. Deal
Donald H. Fir1
Vahe Keshishian
Herald W. Kruse
Thomas B. Jones
Rodney H. Lubben
John Hubert Muller
James Edwin Monsma
Walter A. Reid
(May 6, 1952)
Sara Ruth Eaton
George W. Ficken
John H. Forsten
Walter L, Gessert
Patricia A. Hauser
Mary Ann Hutchinson
Adolph Loeber
Richard D. Pruett
Karl Riggs
Harry N. Achziger
Mary Jo Boehm
Michael Chernjawski
Frank M. d a r k
Gene R. Cudney
Lyle C. Davis
Charles Diaz
Donald W. Earle
Gerald M. Smith
Henry Unruh, Jr.
Thomas IS. Witt
CUo F. Sanborn
Paul E. Schleusener
Kenneth W. Sidwell
Dorothy Stryker
Vance V. Vanness
Donald Van Ostenburg
Kvan S. Williams
Marilyn Y. Zweng
MISSOURI ALPHA, University of Missouri
(December, 1951)
James Edward Cain
Clarence Edward Henson
David A. Kibler
Aubra Clinton Mathers
Kenneth R. Reichert, Jr.
John Porter Reid
KANSAS GAMMA, University of Wichita
(December 5, 1951)
(May 13, 1952)
Gynith Giffin
Dale S. Krasser
(April 25, 1952)
Lloyd L. Brown
Don H. Byers
Glen E. Conklin
John Dahler
Richard G. Holmes
Clyde E. Miller
Walter W. Strohm
DavU L. Underhill
LOUISIANA ALPHA, Louisiana State University
(May 1, 1952)
Lloyd Aquillard
Lewis E. Batson
John Coon
Benjamin Craft
Frances Dutsch
Kay Davis
Robert Griffin
Jack R. Hall
Mary Jane Hanford
Tildon Hebert
C. R. Hibberts
Jack Jackson, Jr.
Alien Kelly
Carl M. Koreen
Frederick G. Landry
Carlyle Kuke Le Bas
William W. Lee
James Oliver
Donald A. Preston
Roy R. Runck, Jr.
Lloyd P. Savoie
Jacques L. Savoy
Jimmie D. Sippel
Roy St. P i e r r e
Grover J. Trammell, Jr.
Van C. Vives
Barker Thomas A u g ~ s t Jr,
Carl Marvin Bruns
Robert Paul Bruns, Jr.
Arthur McHarg Breipohl
Stanley H. Bueg
Robert Joe Carter
Dale Lindsay Cole
Patricia Ann Covert
Egon Lorenz Doering
Jerry James Edwards
Bill Jerome Gangwisch
James Horace Gillian
Ronald Gene Graham
Harvey Wendel Greene
Donald George Harris
Harold Alexander Heckart
Phyllis Ann Heyssel
William T e r r i l Higdon
Carl William Johnson
Robert James McCloud
Lawrence Donald Meyer.
Tom M. Noel
Harriet M. Phillips
John William Reed
George Alien Saum
Stanley Reed Scruby
Elmer El-win Strehly
Howard Keith Stumpff
Robert G. Veltrop
Howard Wayne Wicklein
MISSOURI GAMMA, St. Louis University
(Spring, 1952)
Robert Allison
Francis J. Babka
William J. Best
John D. Blanton, S. J.
Sr. Francis E. Bolk
Robert W. Boll
Herman H. Bowers
Robert J. Breen
Thomas V. Bruns
Eugene Brys
Betty Ann Ganss
Maryanna Gerber
Francis N. Glover, S. JRobert H. Hamilton
John W. Hartfield
Glenn B. Hoidale
Anthony C. Hummel
Robert Isom
Paul Koichi Ito
Richard Jaeger
Howard G. Minor
Charles W. Moehle
p m M. Moellenberg
Kenneth Moore
Vincent 8. Murlno
St. X. Marguerita C. Neumann
Lammert B. Otten
Rev. Zachary O'Friel
Louis Perrin
John H. Pfluke
Maureen M. Burke
William F. Cantwell
William F. Carrozza
Donald R. Casper
Patricia Ann Cowie
Thomas A. Dailey
Robert M. Delaney
Edward A. Desloge, S. J.
Sr. Ambrose Devereux
Rev. Norbert J. Dietz
Robert C. Distler
Robert C. Doerner
Donald L. Ekstedt
Paul G. Fischer
Gerald A. Fleischer
Major James H. Fox
Ann Gallagher
Edward J. Jaskula
Joseph A. Kelemen
Helen Mary Kelly
Lynn Kerber
Tlieordore 1. Klingen
Sr. M. Beata Knoedler
Michael I. Koehler
Charles P. Kraus
James 1. Krebs
Charles A. Kribs
i;irolyn Leadlove
lames T. Lence
Francis A. Liuima, S. 1.
Donald Lundergan
Robert L. Mandeville
Kenneth J. Martin
Hiramie T. McAdams
MON 1 .T
(May 13, 1952)
'.NA ALPHA, Montana State University
(April, 1952)
Arthur E. Davis
Norman C. Davis
Robert S. DeZur
Larry C. Hunter
Rachel A. Kinney
Benjamin M. Kramer
Frank R. Marshall
John W. Marvin
Robert E. P o ~ e g a
Donald J. Schdf
Maynard B. Stevenson
Paul G. Tschache
-4SKA ALPHA, University ol Nebraska
(January, 1952)
Charles B. Ackerman
Arnis R. Aumalis
John H. Blazek
Dean T. Buckingham
Emerson Jones
John J. Lliteras
John A. Marks
Herbert A. Meyer
Thomas A. Reed
Marvin B. Rhodes
William L. Sawrey
Robert C. Tefft
John T. Warren
Dale R. Winder
James C. WoUord
David P. Sheetz
(May, 1952)
Alfred W. Blessing
William H. Doole
Ernest E. Haight
Gerald Heuer
NEW H A r ,
C. Webster Boodev
Stanley Bufcata
Frederick Cllnnlngham,,
Robert B. Davis
Roscoe Lodwig
Coleman Logan
lean Loudon
Margaret McCoy
Duncan B. McGregor
David Moomaw
Maurice Mullen
Rita L. Stout
Joe B. Warner
William Andrews
Richard C. Austin
Cornelia L. Cahill
Harold J. Clark
Carl Johnson
Alfred E. Landry
William D. Peterson
Arthur Petrou
Harrison E. Radford
Rn&nan S. Schools
Olof C. Trulson
Alan A. Bloom
Werner J. Beyen
Frank E. Butler
Donald M. Casper
Sergei Chernijowsky
Kebbeth Clum
Ernest 0. Codier
Naomi Cohn
Kenneth S. Dewire
William F. Doehner
Robert Ellas Ehrlich
Joan Farber
Robert E. Fishlock
Marcel P. Fraser
Kenneth E. Gabel
Edward Glazier
Elaine Goldberg
Wallace Graves
Nis Hansen, Jr.
John Hower, Jr.
Stanley Kapuscienski
Virginia Keledjian
John Klein
Ruth King
Leo A. Magnanti
Alaa Meltzer
Edward Perry
Frederick Picut
Lawrence Port
Lewis SimonoU
John Slayton
Spencer A. Weller
Charles R. Wfflis
Benjamin Wu
Howard Zimmerman
NEW YORK BETA, Hunter College
(Fall, 1951)
Ethel Censor
Marie Chiarito
Marilyn Factor
Rosalie Fasulo
Eleanor Marsico
Dorothy Meleski
Antoinette Moreno
Arlene Moskowitz
Jean Moskowitz
Marilyn O'Connor
Hilda Torresola
Clemmy Zagni
Marcia Zimet
NEW YORK GAMMA, Brooklyn College
(Fall, 1951)
Laura Somma ChiaruUi
Naomi Cohen
Kenneth Geller
Joseph Gruenbaum
William J. Judge
Erving Katz
Martin E. Lean (Prof.)
Jeremy Lifsey
Ruth Miller
Rosaline Pekarowitz
Edward Porto
Audrey Riemer
Walter Rubin
Max Sissman
Ann Ugelow
Jack Yahia
Frank Zaretsky
Israel Zuckerman
(Spring, 1952)
-CHIRE ALPHA, University of New Hampshire
(December 12, 1951)
Herbert Dickson
Stewart B. Hobbs
Robert Hux
John Oberti, Jr.
John Haner Perry
Gordon Rice
Walter Stapleford
Bernard Alonik
Victor Bach
loan Becker
Selma Braverman
Jacob Enoch
Benjamin Gross
Norma Gross'
Louis Libel0
Alien Morton
Samuel Oelbaum
Melba Phillips (Prof.)
Donald Solitar
Vivian Stark
Claire Wasserman
NEW YORK EPSILON, St. Lawrence University
(Fall, 1951)
Stuart Collins, Jr.
Donald Hastings
Margaret Hoose
Anthony Lucca
Hugh O'Neil
Bernard Silkowitz
John Taylor
George Van Wyck
(November 15, 1951)
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
Bruce Mylrea
OKLAHOMA BETA, Oklahoma A. and U. College
(D4e of Initiation not given)
Edward M. Barnes, Jr.
Frank F. Dyer
Glenn R. Elliott
Tom P. Gilmer, Jr.
Ronald G. Henry
OHIO BETA, Ohio Wesleyan University
(November 16, 1951)
Robert H. Schwinn
John F. Shuster
George Stankievich
Elliot L. Swanson
Shizuo Takata
Younis Abbood Al-D00ri
Charles Edmond Aull
Dennis Warren Barnum
Melvin Leroy Elevens
Richard Arthur Bray
Shirley Aim B u r r
Gunning Butler, J r
Craig Jennlngs Canfield
Lois Crew
Carol Garn
Carolyn J e r r e r i s
Geraldine Lytle
Helm B. Roberts
John Sinai
Frederick G. Werner
OKLAHOMA ALPHA, University of Oklahoma
(April 18, 1952)
J. c. Albright
A. C. Atkins
Charlotte A. Carpenter
B. G. Casteel
M. L. Chatkoff
T. R. Coleman
J. 0. Danley
W. R. Davis
J. T. Day
M. E. Drummond, Jr.
R. A. Elms
L. 0. Erwin
R. A. Gibson
B. T. Goldbeck
J. H. Hill
B. G. Hodges
H. E. Hoffman
W. R. Holden
P. D. Kenan
Jack Kline
Whit Marks
R. G. M c h t y r e
Mary H. Miller
D. L. Patten
Richard Chalfee
F o r r e s t Garland Easton
John Frederick Endicott
Edward Roy Gammon
William Sidney H a r r i s
Carl Frederick Jensen
Darrel Glen Littlefield
Granville E. McCormick
William James Mikkelsen
Wayne Milton Parpala
William John Reeves, Jr.
William Leroy Roach, Jr.
Norman Kent Sowards
Junes Philip Wade
Christopher Williams
Richard Clyde Zimmerman
Richard Bredemeier
Harold Johnson
Adrian Wenner
PENNSYLVANIA ALPHA, University of Pennsylvania
(Spring, 1952)
OHIO DELTA, Miami University
(November, 1951)
William Herrmannsfeldt
Richard Hopper
Helm0 Raag
Richard John Robinson
Virginia Smith
AJmn H. Stahl
Roger W. Williams
OREGON BETA, Oregon State College
(Fall, 1951)
OHIO GAMMA, University of Toledo
(Spring, 1952)
Frank C. Sherburne, Jr.
Paul Langford
Samuel E. Loy in
Frand W. Manley
Gene W. Marshall
Normal L. Martin
OREGON ALPHA, University of
(May, 1952)
Donald H. Rutter
Frederick Sarles, Jr.
Gilbert Sward
John N. Cole
Jack E. Cornett
S. K. Penny
R. M. Rhodes
W. W. Rogers
J. L. Terneus
J. D. Thomas
J. E. Urban
Jane A. Varga
R. E. Vesley
G, R. Vick
E. G. Watkins
J. K. Whithaus
A. H. Woollett
Louis Reed Baker
Walter Byck
Robert Charles Gebhardt
Joan Goldman
Geneva Grosz
Joseph J. Higglns
Barbara Bender
Allan Gellert
Samuel Hoffman
Doris Holzman
David Kaufman
Arthur Kraiman
Yale Jay Lubkin
Bernard Margolis
Norman Indictor
Lewis Nosanow
Joseph C. Mayer
Albert MUdvan
Anthony Monaco
Violet Simmons
Malcolm Sitkoff
Rank Shallcross
Yonynah Schub
PENNSYLVANIA BETA, Bucknell University
(Date of initiation not given)
Charles Ackmar
Leonard H. Ahlfeld
Fred Beers
Isabel B e e r s
Marjorie Boote
Betsy Conklin
Norman Fretag
Joseph A. Gobbo
Richard W. Greiner
Richard H. Klemm
Robert D. Larrabec
James J. Loughney
W. N. Lowry, Jr.
John P. Jackson
W. W. McClaren, Jr.
James A. Smith
John L. Storch
Bernard T o s h n ~ s k i
john W a l t e r
james R-Willson
William L. WoUe
VIRGINIA ALPHA, University of Richmond
(Date of initiation not given)
Janet R. Johnston
Marine Lindsay
Thomas J. Little
Catherine Bell
Jane Cather
Bertha Cosby
Frank A. Lowman
J. C. Mills
J. S. Phillips
WASHINGTON BETA, University of Washington
(Fall, 1951)
E. C. Ash, Jr.
John E. Barger
John W. Benoit
Robert L. Bivine
James H. Brown
William J. B N C ~
Lingurn H. Burkhead
Anthony V. Domandich
Samuel S. Ellis
Verna L. Engstrom
Jay A. Erickson
D. Jackson Farmer
Frederick H. Fisher
Clyde Hudson
John L. Jaech
William Johnson, Jr.
R. B. Kieburtz
William T. King
Dan W. Kingery
Stuart E. Levell
Earle H. MacCannell
Clarice MacDonald
T. J. Matsui
Leston W. Miller
E. Wayne Rawlings
Richard R. Reeves
Olney R. P e r r y
Marcus H. Petersen
Wesley A. Robinson
Burnett H. Sams
D. Andrew Schew
Lyle S. Stokes
Jack B, Stutesman
Winston G. Walker
Edward T. Weng
David H. White
Kathleen White
A. Lewis Wilson
Sylvia Vopni
John W. Zevenbergen
Yutaka Izumi
Albert C. Jones
Walter D. Jones
Glen H. Keitel
Henry C. Kreide
Tamami Kusuda
James C. Li
Victor A. Madsen
Leo J. St. Jean
Donald R. Truax
Leo Helser
L OY, Inc.
1350 North Main Street
(May 8, 1952)
Lester B. Aldridge
Harold F. Anderson
George H. Allen
Charles Ballantine
Stanley N. Barker
Sing-Tsze Bow
Charles H. Brockaway
Sat Pal Chhabra
Mark P. Freeman
James R. Grover
Typewriter and Letterpress Cmqmsition
Donald R. Lockner
Robert M. Kalbach
Roger A. Vail
Malcolm D. Woodard
Hugh Noland
Charlotte Jackson
John R. Penning, Jr.
Alvin P. Hjorten
Robert L. Cooper
Eugene H, Lehman, Jr.
Aim Arbor, Michigan
WISCONSIN ALPHA, Marquette University
(November 26, 1951)
John Beamish
Dominic Blagloli
Luther W. Graef
Joseph T. Hanley
Bernard F. Heinrich
Robert J. Herzberg
John Kischefsky
Robert 0. Nimtz
Wayne A. Robins
Alfred Rynnlng
Eugene Schmit
Addison D. Smart
Donald V. Starich
William J. Weiss
David D. Zak
(May 17, 1952)
Jospeh E. Lema
John J. Poklar
Robert C. Acheson
Charles W. Jahncke
Mary Ann Steep
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