The Character Trait for November is Citizenship


The Character Trait for November is Citizenship
The Character Trait for November is
Do your share to make your school and community better
Get involved in community affairs
Kira VanPelt
Stayed informed; vote
Rebecca Finney
Be a good neighbor
Obey laws and rules
Respect authority
Protect the environment
Lynnae Hamel
Kyler Burks
J.J. Pizzifred
Chase Smith
Tyler Harmon
Cole Jones
Jules Heiman
Persephone Kimball
Eliana Weber
Carson Cox
Ashlyn Knight
A Digital Citizen is someone who knows what is right and wrong, shows smart
technology behavior, and makes good choices when using technology. There
are many resources available online that talk about good digital citizenship
such as,; and
Help your children make safe and responsible decisions when using technology.
Hayley Burks
Nevaeh Huff
Hannah Burks
Zane Wagner
Danielle Espinoza
Before you post…...THINK!
T—Is it true?
H—Is it hurtful?
Kynan Cross
I—Is it illegal?
Shelly Chen
N—Is it necessary?
Haylei Jennings
K—Is it kind?
Hannah Draemel
Zane Morris
Eve Fuller
Marshall Green
Landon Budke
Addison Emmot
Please be very careful when picking up and
dropping off kids at school. Doing U turns into
parking spots can be very dangerous for children
and other drivers if they are not expecting a
vehicle to turn in front of them!
Fall Orchestra Concert
Beloit Junior Orchestra
(Orchestra students grades 5 through 8)
B.H.S. String Orchestra
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Beloit Jr.-Sr. High School Commons
Michael Harbaugh—teacher
The Beloit Elementary School and the Beloit Jr.-Sr. High School will present an
orchestra concert in the commons of the Beloit Jr.-Sr. High School at 7:00 PM on Tuesday,
November 19th, under the direction of Michael Harbaugh.
The 62 member Beloit Junior Orchestra will perform first on the program. The Junior
Orchestra consists of string instrument students from grades 5 through 8. The Orchestra will
perform “Concert Piece for Strings” by Elliot Del Borgo; “Galop!” by Brian Balmages; and
“Ludwig’s Tango” by Richard Meyer.
The 35 member Beloit Senior High String Orchestra will perform “Birch Bay Overture”
by Richard Meyer; “Legend” by David O’Fallon; “The Black Sea” by Gary Gackstatter; and
“Overture to Lucio Silla” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, arranged by Sandra Dackow.
No admission will be charged and everyone is encouraged to attend.
Orchestra members from grades
6 through 12 will travel to Great Bend
to participate in the Western Kansas
Orchestra Festival on Friday and
Saturday, November 22 and 23. The
WKOF is a “mass festival” where over
500 string players are divided into
four orchestras. The four orchestras
rehearse Friday afternoon and
evening, Saturday morning and
afternoon. The festival will conclude
with a free concert at the Great Bend
High School, 2027 Morton Street.
The concert will begin at 6:00 PM
this year.
Member schools of the
Western Kansas Orchestra Festival
Association are: Dodge City, Garden
City, Hays, Hutchinson, McPherson,
Salina South, Salina Central, Great
Bend, and Beloit. The festival is hosted
in a different location each year. Fort
Hays S tate Un ive r si ty pr o vi de s
management for the festival.
Scholastic Book Fair
A Cool Place to Discover Hot Books for Preschool through Adults
Scholastic Book Fair will be at Beloit Elementary from
Dec. 10th –18th, 2013
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Shop Online: Dec. 5th through 25th at:
Early Bird Sales: Dec. 11th at 7:30 am
Community Night: Dec. 12th, 6:15 to 8:30 pm. Use the front door.
Teachers Wish Lists & Gift Certificates
Spanish/Bilingual Titles
Children may purchase books any day the fair is open. Checks made payable to BES.
Please allow for 8.15% sales tax.
Volunteers needed! Return the bottom of the form to Roberta
Meier or sign up online at
Contact info: 738-3581 ext. 376 or email: [email protected].
Sign Up Below!
I would like to help out by:
Before fair (hang posters/decorations/flyers)
Fair Set Up, Dec. 9th, Noon-4:00 p.m.
Opening Day, December 10th at 7:45 a.m.
Bake doz. Cookies for:
Dec. 9th
Cashiering (training provided)
Dec. 12th
Picking up Fair, Dec. 19th, 8:00 a.m.-Noon
Help children fill out Wish List (See BES web page>Staff Directory>Special Staff>Roberta Meier>
Contact Info>
Library Schedule:
Any Day
Child’s class visit on
Organize/Supervise 6th Gr. Junior Crew, 2:45-4:00 p.m., Dec. 2nd-Dec. 19th
Choose day/days
To the following students who were selected
bes students of the month
Each month one boy and one girl are selected for positive behavior to receive a
lunch at the Banner Restaurant with Principal, Mr. Marshall.
August Winners:
McKenna Channell, KDG
Treyton Croisant, 6th Grade
Beloit Elementary School would also like to thank the Beloit Call &
Banner Restaurant for sponsoring this program.
To the following students who were selected
bes students of the month
Each month one boy and one girl are selected for positive behavior to receive a
lunch at the Banner Restaurant with Principal, Mr. Marshall.
September Winners:
Dylan Thompson, 2nd Grade
Sage Prochaska, 5th Grade
Beloit Elementary School would also like to thank the Beloit Call &
Banner Restaurant for sponsoring this program.
BES PTO would like to thank all of you for your help in EVERY Box
Tops competition we have, but especially the one we just completed!
It was another record year with over 11,178 Box Tops brought
in—which equates to over $1,100.00!!! The winners are the entire
school!!! Everyone gets to dress up as their favorite super hero on
Tuesday, November 26th!!
We are very proud of all of our classrooms and grateful for your
USD 273 Beloit Schools Receive Grant
from Delta Dental of Kansas Foundation!
Coming home with your students sometime this year:
Toothbrush Kits
USD 273 is proud to announce that the Beloit Schools have received a grant for
toothbrush kits that will be dispensed to students during their dental education
on dental screening day (April 4, 2014). The cost of the kits total to $738.72.
Toothbrush kits include:
Crest Toothbrush (adult, youth, or child size)
 Toothpaste
 Floss
Dental Dental of Kansas Foundation is committed to addressing the problems of
increased access to dental care for underserved populations, building the capacity
to provide dental care, increasing public awareness of oral health, and promoting
the prevention of oral disease!
Eating Healthy to Improve Your Immune System
We are quickly approaching the holiday season. Unfortunately, we are also getting into cold
and flu season. The good news is that you can help prepare yourself by eating healthy! You need to
be your strongest self to fight off the flu. So diet, exercise, and decreasing stress are all important to
improving your immune system.
The typical American diet is high in calories but low in vitamins in minerals, especially calcium,
iron, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Small nutrient deficiencies rarely show signs or symptoms, but can
impair immune health by suppressing T-cells (which regulate the immune system and attack foreign
cells), reducing antibody response, and increasing inflammation.
Many vitamins and minerals act as antioxidants in our bodies. Oxidants are toxic byproducts
of our body’s metabolism, and environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, pollution, sunlight, etc.
Antioxidants neutralize these compounds, which damage DNA and suppress the immune system.
Antioxidants are found in abundance in fruits and vegetables.
But instead of eating a bunch of the
next super-food, it is more
practical to eat at least 5 servings of
fruits and vegetables every
day, and eat a wide variety of
Vitamin C is the most wellhave shown that Vitamin C is more
and duration of a cold than actually
a cold. Vitamin C is an antioxidant,
broccoli, cauliflower, citrus fruits,
peppers, sweet potatoes, and
known cold fighter.
likely to reduce the
preventing you from
and is found in
melons, kale, kiwi,
Vitamin A is another antioxidant that also helps prevent germs from entering the body by
maintaining the integrity of skin and other physical barriers. Vitamin A is also known as beta
carotene and can be found mainly in red and orange fruits and vegetables such as apricots,
cantaloupe, carrots, red peppers, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, grapefruit, pumpkin, squash, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes, and watermelon.
Many people are tempted to take a multivitamin in place of healthy eating. But this is not a
proper replacement for fruits and vegetables. Supplements are missing other compounds found in
food called phytochemicals which also help the immune system. And multivitamins are missing the
fiber found in fruits and vegetables, which keeps your digestive system functioning properly. And
some vitamins, particularly Vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in your body and can be toxic if taken
in high doses.
Exercise is also important for immune health. Regular exercise has been shown to enhance
vaccination response, lower inflammation, and improve health of immune cells. Even just 20-30
minutes of brisk walking 5 days a week can help maintain a healthy immune system.
Your body is a fortress constantly under attack from germs. Eating healthy, exercising, getting
plenty of sleep, and lowering stress help you to strengthen your body and decrease your chances of
being struck down by the cold or flu. Make this winter the best it can be by making yourself the best
you can be!