Why Revelly?


Why Revelly?
Introducing Revelly
A complete line of eyewear for customers with low nose bridges.
For years, people with a low nose bridge have had to choose between a limited number
of “Asian fit” glasses, use cumbersome stick-on nose pads or simply put up with glasses
constantly sliding down their faces.
No more! Revelly offers a complete line of fashionable, functional designed eyeware
specifically for low nose bridges. Now your customers and patients don’t have to settle
for unfashionable Asian fit glasses or really attractive glasses that don’t quite fit.
Revelly glasses come from the top designers and manufacturers of eyewear in the world,
bringing leading edge fashion and quality to those with a low nose bridge. Each pair
features a custom Spinel, a bit of bling to give each customer a flash of style all their own.
Revel (rev-uhl):
verb, to take great
pleasure or delight
The Revelly Story
Tired of having to choose between unfashionable Asian fit glasses and attractive glasses
that were uncomfortable and would slide off of her face, Tu Rash, started Revelly in 2015.
Tu had her epiphany moment while doing archery with friends. The fatal combination
of heat and sweat left Tu with only her stick-on nose pads clinging to her nose, while
her glasses slipped down her face. Tu recognized a market opportunity, and Revelly was
Soon after Tu’s day of archery, she started working with the top designers and
manufacturers of eyewear in the world, bringing leading edge fashion and quality for
the so-called Asian fit market.
Most eyewear assumes a pronounced nose bridge where the frame can rest. These frames
fall off the faces of people with low nose bridges. Aside from falling off, traditional glasses
on people with low nose bridges sit too close to the face and eyes, hits the eyelashes,
causes the lens to fog, and hits the cheekbones.
Some manufacturers have called this the “Asian fit.” It is not unique to Asians, but has
become a convenient category for retailers to use. Still, the problem is common enough
to Asian people and others that some eyewear manufacturers, primarily makers of
sunglasses, have designed for this audience. The options available, though, are few.
Tu’s wish is for everyone to revel in their own identity and style. Revelly was born out
of that passion.
Tu Rash Founder
Why Revelly?
The Revelly product line gives you the opportunity to reach a new market and to win
happy, loyal customers with products designed just for them - without sacrificing style
or quality.
Revelly is offering 64 color and style combinations of prescription glasses and sunglasses
for men, women and teens. Prices start at $145 for prescription glasses, and sunglasses
start at $175. Wholesale discounts of up to 60 percent are available to help you grow
your business.
Giving Back
Revelly is committed to paying it forward. A portion of the proceeds from each purchase
is donated to All Hands, an organization that addresses the immediate and long-term
needs of communities impacted by natural disasters by engaging volunteers, partner
organizations and local communities.
For more information visit hands.org.
Let the
Revelly begin...