FEBRUARY 2012 VOICE - St. Christopher`s Episcopal Church


FEBRUARY 2012 VOICE - St. Christopher`s Episcopal Church
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church 1101 Vandora Springs Road; Post Office Box 505 Garner, North Carolina 27529 919-­‐772-­‐7125 www.St.Christophers-­‐Garner.org [email protected] Sunday Worship: 10:30 A.M. Rite II Christian Ed (all ages): 9:30 A.M. Welcome to St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church! We welcome visitors and newcomers from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. A culturally diverse community, our members come from all over the United States as well as Africa, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. St. Christopher’s is a community in transition. We are in the process of self-­‐discovery, renewal of energy and new growth. Please share a record of your visit by signing the guest book out front and joining us for refreshments after the service. In addition to the music listed in the bulletin and found in the insert, we use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer in worship (large print editions are available; please ask the greeter for a copy). In the Episcopal Church, all baptized persons of any age are welcome to receive Holy Communion. To receive the bread, place your hands, palms up, in front of you, and the priest will place a communion wafer in your hands. To receive the wine, please assist the chalice bearer in guiding the cup to your lips. Should you wish to receive a blessing, and not communion, simply place your arms in front of your chest. St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church 1101 Vandora Springs Road Post Office Box 505 Garner, North Carolina 27529 FEBRUARY 2012 VOICE
5 Cyaan Simmons 7 Vicki Jaynes
13 Alexandria Herrera
18 Ginny Rhoades & Bill Rhoades
21 Simone Rivera
24 LaWanda Simmons
25 Matthew Rhoades
3 The Walkers
We encourage every person to know God, through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to live an active life in his body, the Church, and, by the power of the Holy Spirit to take love and His Word joyfully into the world. FEBRUARY 2012
9:30 Christian
10:30 HEII
11:45 Coffee
8-1 Ofc Hrs
Vicki Jaynes
9:30 Christian
10:30 HEII
11:45 Coffee Hr.
8-1 Ofc Hrs
9:30 Christian
10:30 HEII
11:45 Coffee Hr.
8-1 Ofc Hrs
7pm Service
26 1st Lent
9:30 Ministry
10:30 HEII
11:45 Coffee
Of Our Lord
in the
The Apostle
Fellow Parishioners: I have been following these visionaries since the late
1980’s. I know that some people are skeptics about these apparitions. However, I am not a skeptic. I
thought I would give you a little history and share with you what has happening there. Over the next year, I
plan to share events happening there with you.
Medjugorje is located in present-day Bosnia-Hercegovina in a region inhabited mostly by Croatian Catholics.
When the apparitions began, the country was Yugoslavia, a Communist country with close ties to the USSR.
Our Lady has come to bring peace to our peaceless world. She said, "I have come to tell the world that
God exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God."
Her messages and miracles in Medjugorje may constitute the most profound instance of divine intervention
since the days of the New Testament. Our Lady first appeared in Medjugorje on June 24, 1981, however,
the six young people who are now called "the visionaries" did not talk to her until the following day, June 25,
1981. She has appeared every day since and continues to give messages to the world that serve as a
blueprint for conversion and spiritual growth. The six visionaries are Ivan, Jakov, Marija, Mirjana, Vicka, and
Ivanka. They are all now married and all of them have children. Together with their families, the visionaries
live their lives as beautiful examples of Our Lady's messages.
Marian apparitions are not new. Throughout history, the Blessed Mother has come to intercede for mankind
during some of humanity's most crucial times in history. Past apparitions such as Lourdes and Fatima have
become some of the world's most popular shrines. Our Lady has said that her apparitions in Medjugorje are
a continuation of Fatima. The six visionaries say that they cannot see anything or anyone around them when
the apparition is taking place. They only see Our Lady. Everything else, according to Mirjana, is "blue, like
the sky." Some of the world's top scientists have concluded that something profound and inexplicable
happens to the visionaries when they experience apparitions. (http://www.medjugorjelive.org/)
Saint Valentine receives a rosary from the
Virgin, by David Teniers III
birds; roses; bishop with a crippled or a child with
epilepsy at his feet; bishop with a rooster nearby;
Attributes bishop refusing to adore an idol; bishop being
beheaded; priest bearing a sword; priest holding a
sun; priest giving sight to a blind girl
Message to Mirjana - January 2, 2012
Today, January 2, 2012, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana Soldo and delivered the following message: "Dear
children; As with motherly concern I look in your hearts, in them I see pain and suffering; I see a wounded
past and an incessant search; I see my children who desire to be happy but do not know how. Open
yourselves to the Father. That is the way to happiness, the way by which I desire to lead you. God the
Father never leaves His children alone, especially not in pain and despair. When you comprehend and accept
this, you will be happy. Your search will end. You will love and you will not be afraid. Your life will be hope and
truth which is my Son. Thank you. I implore you, pray for those whom my Son has chosen. Do not judge
because you will all be judged."
Vestry Meeting Agenda
Annual Meeting - Draft
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Garner, NC
Sunday, January 8, 2012 12:00 p.m.
Attendees: Father Ralph Fogg, Vicar, Vestry and Members
Stephanie Williams, Alice Moll, Billy Puett, Steven Darroch, Mary Margaret Anderson – Vestry Members
Carolyn Puett, Kimberly Darroch, Noah Gichuru, Louise Brown, Dani Walker, Kenny’s Grandmother, Vicki
Jaynes, Bill Rhoades, Chris Keller, Mirrel Saunders,
o The Children (Walkers (2), Gichurus (2), Darrochs (3), and Kenny )
Opening Prayer: Father Fogg
Prior Meeting Minutes: Stephanie Williams
a. Review prior minutes – dispensed with by vote of attendees (unanimous)
b. Floor open amendments/updates – N/A
Treasurer’s Report: Steven Darroch
a. Treasurer’s Report as of 12/31/2011
b. Annual Pledge Reports to be sent by 1/31/2012
c. Every member canvas completed, excess over asking donated to Diocese, stable financial position (no
better/no worse in essence)
d. 2010 Year Audit completed
e. 2011 Draft Financials compiled – year end close in process
f. Pledges received, appx 22,000 – a small increase from prior year
Old Business: Father Fogg
a. Nets for Life updates (fundraising and activities update) $316.00 –
i. If church matches raised amount, goal achieved
b. Minutes: added five new families to the parish during calendar year;
c. Intent to remain under contract on ¼ time basis
Committee Updates: Committee Representatives Needed/Areas of Focus Required
a. Parish Life – Need Chair
b. Stewardship – Appx 50% families pledged, call for additional to get to 100% if possible
c. Ministry (ad hoc) – Stephanie to continue with music advisement
d. Christian Education – general consensus that Christian Ed should be area of focus
e. Altar guild – member needed
New Business:
a. Nominations/elections to vestry
i. Five nominations, all declined
ii. Floor nominations made for Noah Gichuru (declined), Bill Rhoades (declined), Danni Walker
iii. Agreement to proceed with vestry of five
iv. Danni Walker unanimously elected to Vestry
b. Annual Diocesan Convention upcoming at end of month
i. Steven Darroch, delegate
ii. Need additional delegate
iii. Any concerns to take to convention?
iv. Father Fogg not to attend
v. Informed members/attendees that convention materials available on web, including resolutions and
to provide input to Vestry on any resolutions of concern
c. Open floor for questions/concerns
i. Thanks to outgoing Vestry members Stephanie Williams and Mary Margaret Anderson
ii. Thanks to Vicki, Bill, Noah, Billy for new signage
d. Grounds/building – general agreement that improvements required
i. Need structure and lights to demonstrate to outside world that we’re a church (perhaps cross at bell
ii. New carpet in nave/sanctuary
Closing Prayer: Father Fogg
Wheeling and Dealing at the 196th Diocesan Convention
On January 20 and 21st, Alice Moll and Steven Darroch represented St. Christopher's as delegates to the
196th Annual Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Convention. The two 'wheeled and dealed' across the twocity block complex of Benton Convention Center in Downtown Winston-Salem and the adjacent two hotels.
Thanks be to God, Steven had only one near miss with inadvertent ejection of Alice from her wheeled
chariot. The fellowship and food were wonderful--the occasion auspicious. Most especially so because the
convention enjoyed the very special presence and inspiration of our Presiding Bishop and
Primate, Katherine Jefferts-Schori.
The convention opened on Friday and the central events were a rousing and passionate 'Welcome to Galilee'
themed address from our beloved Bishop Curry in which he invited us to go forth and baptize and make
disciples - to take it to the streets, if you will. Equally enlightening and inspiring was Jefferts-Schori's town
hall meeting in which Deacon David Crabtree facilitated a no-questions-off-limits session. Her frank and
considerate answers demonstrate the wisdom of our convention in having chosen her for her leadership.
Recognition and thankfulness for our creation and welcoming all into our changing church were key themes.
The day was capped by an evening celebration of Eucharist at historic and beautiful St. Paul's followed by a
reception which provided opportunities to get to know other delegates and learn about other missions and
small parishes. As well, our delegates were able to touch back with our regional Canon for Mission and
Ministry, Cathie Caimano, and take advantage of a very special photo opportunity with Bishop JeffertsSchori).
Saturday posed the opportunity to get down and dirty with Roberts Rules of Order - and a number of
elections and decisions on fascinating resolutions were made by the convention; not to mention the fact that
the parliamentary fireworks kept the entire convention at the edge of their seats. The true highlight was
the Presiding Bishop's keynote address in which she reminded participants of the five-fold approach
Anglicans take to mission work in the Kingdom of God (the original digital presentation, she quipped, as she
ticked off the five on her right hand) and laid out her vision for where we, as Episcopalians are headed.
Alice and Steven are thankful for the renewal and inspiration afforded to them by St. Christopher's
support in their delegation to the convention and look forward to sharing details at the Ministry Meeting
scheduled Sunday, January 29th at 9:30 a.m.
Submitted by Steven Darroch
Stewardship Update: Plan, execute, review, repeat; let’s all say it together…
According to Wikipedia, stewardship is an ethic that embodies responsible planning and
management of resources. The concept of stewardship has been applied in diverse realms,
including with respect to environment, economics, health, property, information, and
religion, and is linked to the concept of sustainability. Historically, stewardship was the
responsibility given to household servants to bring food and drinks to a castle dining hall.
The term was then expanded to indicate a household employee's responsibility for
managing household or domestic affairs. Stewardship later became the responsibility for
taking care of passengers' domestic needs on a ship, train and airplane, or managing the
service provided to diners in a restaurant. The term continues to be used in these specific
ways, but it is also used in a more general way to refer to a responsibility to take care of
something belonging to someone else. To be a steward, and or act in steward to
something, is known as stewardship.
I submit that the definition and concepts provided by Wikipedia are certainly relevant to us – most
especially with regard to sustainability, servant leadership, and responsibility to take care of passengers’
needs. I’m also glad that site’s back up and running. I didn’t realize how often I use it until they threatened
to take it down -and did so for a day.
First, let’s talk sustainability. In order to continue going, to sustain our mission and our work – and even
more importantly in order to embolden our mission and do our work even better, it is necessary to plan,
execute, review and repeat. Over the past year, you’ve seen the results of stewardship in terms of
sustainment. We not only kept open our doors and continued to enjoy Father Fogg’s beautiful message of
welcome and awareness of God’s Kingdom in our midst – but we dressed up the place a little bit. A new,
clear and bright sign. Some cleanup weekends. New shrubbery—which not only provide greenery and
borders in the winter, but also will be a symphony of color in the spring. Renewed fellowship at coffee
hours and parish life committee events like the Christmas Pageant. These are small steps, but steps indeed.
Your support and our careful stewardship will continue into 2012 and we’ll seek to grow our abilities to
serve (namely, I hope, children’s ministry, further beautification and churchification and taking the good
word and the body and blood out on the road).
Next, servant leadership. Last Sunday, Father Fogg asked for volunteers for Altar Guild, and Coffee Hour
cleanup. Some of our newest family members graciously exhibited willingness and generosity with respect
to serving in those ways. To them and those who already do so – we’re so thankful for what you do. I
always joke about our little mission as subbing in the “Enter, Work, Pray” model. And for most of us,
that’s true. But doesn’t that really come from a deep desire to serve? Not only service to each other in our
church family here, but others around us, and ultimately God by helping bring about His vision as taught
to us by Jesus. When we serve, we’re rolling up our sleeves and making God’s Kingdom a reality, here and
now. In order for us to continue to serve others – and in order for us to be effective and efficient in using
our resources (which clearly aren’t unlimited), we have to be careful stewards – to plan, execute, review and
Finally I firmly believe that it is our responsibility to take care of passengers’ needs. St. Christopher –
whomever and whenever he may have been –is often thought of as the patron saint of travelers. I recall as
a child flying back and forth each summer between North Carolina and Texas and receiving a gift of a St.
Christopher’s medal as a token and a blessing to keep me safe in my travels. We’ve seen a good bit of
traveling in our mission – from temporary guests and participants to longstanding members and supporters
who have traveled on to other realms –in some cases on to other parishes or churches. Aren’t we really all
passengers when it comes down to it? I believe that we are taught by Jesus to go out and baptize and make
disciples. You’ve certainly been whipping me into discipleship – and for it I’m grateful. Let’s once again
plan, execute, review and repeat in order to continue to make disciples of the passengers who share our
journey for a while at St. Christopher’s – and beyond.
So you’re detecting a pattern by now (and are likely anticipating what we call in my field ‘an ask’). Plan,
execute, review, repeat. It reminds one of those strange instructions on a shampoo bottle perhaps – rinse
and repeat. But as someone who manages projects for a living, I can tell you that those four steps are the
difference between success and failure. And I have faith – far larger than a mustard seed - that we are not
only determined but are also destined to succeed in our mission to do God’s work here at St.
Christopher’s. Toward that end, I’m happy to report that we have achieved stated pledges of just over
$22,000 for 2012 – which is fantastic news! Combined with rental income, we’re going to be in good shape
to sustain our ministry. What you might not know, is that of the over thirty families that actively participate
and support us both financially and spiritually, roughly 40% have pledged to do so in the future. I think –
and I pray—that we can come awfully close to all of our active participants pledging their support going
Now, for those of you who rolled your eyes or felt miffed by that goal, I understand and I’ve been there, I
promise. You’re what we call the ghost pledgers because we have to estimate your support. Given how
significant that support is, I think for now I might call you ‘holy ghost pledgers’ for the time being. But
seriously, let me help you out a little bit. The vestries aren’t concerned with how much you pledge; we are
far more concerned that you pledge. We’ve already said we can sustain. What we care about is that every
member of our body has the opportunity to participate by affirming that they support what we’re about –
where we’re headed in 2012 by submitting a pledge. It can be one dollar; it can be a million or any number
in between, but what it says is that you pledge to support our mission – to do God’s work at St.
Christopher’s - and in so doing will help to plan, execute, review and repeat for 2012 and beyond. No guilt.
No strings and no pledge police. It’s not about comparisons or dogging those who may not be able to
meet their pledge. Just the opposite, in fact – it’s about solidarity and faith that we’re all part of God’s
Kingdom and about making things a little better, brighter and more welcoming for our passengers by being
good stewards of the gifts given us by Him. It’s about being in communion with one another – and sharing
in being a part of the One. I urge you pray and consider my task.
God bless you and thank you for everything you do here to bring about the Kingdom.
Steven Darroch, Treasurer