Epiphany Catholic Church Epiphany Catholic Church


Epiphany Catholic Church Epiphany Catholic Church
Epiphany Catholic Church
1905 S.W. Epiphany Court ~ Lake City, FL 32025 • 386-752-4470
Sunday, Febr
uary 16th, 2014 “S
“Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time”
Domingo 16 de Febrero
Febrero de 2014 “Sex
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario”
Before us are life
and death; whichever
we choose shall be
given to us.
Sirach 15:17
© 2003 Liturgy Training Publications, art by Julie Lonneman.
Mass Times
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Michael Pendergraft, Pastor
Support Staff
Office Secretary: Patricia Bolaños
School Principal: Rita Klenk
Dir of Religious Education: Vivian Cuadras
RCIA: Lory Chancy
Music Director: David Hebert
Phone Numbers
Church Office
School (K-8)
Religious Education (DRE)
Office Fax
Saturday – 5:00pm
Sunday – 8:15am and 10:30am
Sunday 12:30pm – Spanish/English
Daily Mass
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am,
Friday 8:15am and Wednesday 7:00pm
Saturday: 4:15pm – 4:45pm
Sunday: 7:30am – 8:00am, 9:45am – 10:15am
And 12:00pm –12:15pm
Religious Education
Sunday 9:00am – 10:15am
Office Hours
Monday 12:00 - 4:00pm
Tuesday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.epiphanycatholiclc.com
Mission Statement
We are a community of disciples of Jesus
who are called to manifest the presence and
love of Christ to one another, to the
community, and to the world around us.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 7:00pm
Budget Goal: $13,746.00; Last Week’s Total: $10,655.00
DEFICIT for the Week: <$3,091.00
The Offering for Catholic Relief Services was: $1,511.00
February 15th & 16th Mortgage Fund Offering
February 22nd & 23rd Support for Catholic Education
2014 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal
A Time for Reflection
The Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal
is now underway. Many of you will soon
receive a mailing asking for your support.
Please make a pledge to the 2014
Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal
using the mailed response card or by
completing a Commitment Envelope at
Mass the weekend of March 1 - 2.
Again this year, the Appeal’s theme is,
"One Faith, One Family.”
Our contributions to our parish and
diocese serve as a sign of our gratitude
not only for God's answers to our prayers,
but also as a sign of our recognition that
all that we are, and all that we have, are
gifts given to us by God.
Your gift will support the ministries and
services that touch thousands of lives not
only in your parish but throughout our
Please respond to our request and make a
generous pledge. All pledges can be billed
in six monthly installments. We ask
everyone to pray for the success of the
Appeal. Thank you in advance for your
Sat February 15 5:00p Clara A. Turcotte
Simos Caces
Sun February 16 8:15a Joseph & Olga Walko
Sun February 16 10:30a Elizabeth Ruark
Sun February 16 12:30p For the People
Mon February 17 8:30a Charles & Elsie Sloan
Tue February 18 8:30a Sr. Mary,
Fred Brayman
Wed February 19 7:00p Joseph Gagliano,
Leticia Delmundo
Thu February 20 8:30a Msgr. John J. Lenihan,
Msgr. Frank Sprecace
Fri February 21 8:15a Julia Haley,
Patricia Santos
Readings for
Next Sunday
Leviticus 19:1—2, 17—18,
1 Corinthians 3:16—23,
Matthew 5:38—48.
Lecturas para el
Próximo Domingo
Levítico 19:1—2, 17—18,
1 Corintios 3:16—23,
Mateo 5:38—48.
Worship Notes
Processional: “Gathered As One” M#183
Offertory: “Eye Has Not Seen” M#226
Communion: “Gift of Finest Wheat” M#192
Recessional: “We Are the Light of the World” M#208
Notas Litúrgicas
Los Cantos del día de hoy son:
Entrada: “A Quien Iremos” F&C
Ofertorio: “Te Pedimos Perdón” F&C
Comunión: “Hoy Perdóname” F&C
Salida: “Gracias Señor” F&C
Our church members did an outstanding
job at saving lives last weekend!
WE HAD a total of 15 DONORS,
We exceeded our goal by 6!
Thanks to all our donors and all those
who tried, because of you up to
45 PATIENTS’ LIVES were saved!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the
Friendship Dance tickets & Knights of
Columbus 300 Club Ticket.
(They all have been notified)
A special thank you to the Hispanic
Community and the Knights of Columbus
for donating the tickets that were raffled.
Hispanic Community News!!!
Comenzando el viernes, 7 de febrero 2014 a las
7:00PM, las charlas con los Sacerdotes Hebert
Trujillo e Iván Carrillo tendrán un "Plan de
Formación", la cual durara por aproximadamente
un año. Esta será una Formación de Cristiandad
que nos va a enseñar la fundación de nuestra fe
católica. Los invitamos a que nos acompañen.
Para más información, por favor comuníquese
con Miriam Cartagena al 813-495-4005.
Beginning Feb 7th Fr. Hebert Trujillo and
Fr. Ivan Carrillo will be presenting a Study of
Christian Formation (in Spanish) for
approximately one year that will help us to better
understand our Catholic faith.
La Misa del 2 de Marzo será ofrecida por el
Padre Iván Carrillo o Padre Hebert.
"The Pink Angel Store will only be open
this Sunday after the 10:30am Mass"
Thank you, J. Maumy
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
If you would like to have a birthday or
anniversary published in our bulletin, call
the church office 752-4470
Russell Kraus ~ February 21st
Roman Schmidt ~ February 21st
Annual Epiphany Catholic Church
Lent Play
The lent play will be held on Friday, April 11,
2014 at 7:00 PM in the main church.
If you have the calling to be a religious
character in our play please contact
Miriam Cartagena at 813-495-4005
Drama Anual de Cuaresma de la
Iglesia Católica Epiphany
El drama se llevará a cabo el viernes, 11 de
abril de 2014 a las 7:00 PM en la iglesia.
Si usted tiene el llamado a ser uno de los
personajes religiosos en nuestro drama, por
favor comuníquese con
Miriam Cartagena al 813-495-4005
Prayers for Our Armed Forces
Please pray for our armed forces serving
overseas and in our own country,
especially those of our parish family:
John M. Davis (Bucky), Chris Riese,
Matthew Haase, David Johnson,
Bryson L. Johnson, Arthur M. LeDoux,
Billy Jack Barber, Andrew M. Sweeney,
Arelis Nieves-Huertas, Casey Crane,
Kevin Snow, William Ward, Juliet Hudson,
Robert Vitale, Ashlei Michelle Albury,
Joseph David Albury, Cody Young,
Evan Hadley, Andrew Pearson,
Jorge Miranda, Randy Paris,
Michael R. Tucker, Kody Jurczewsky,
Kody Williams, Nicholas Thorp,
Deena Vanderhye, Dave Parlotz,
Johnathan L. Williams, Michele Heroux,
Thomas Heroux, Thomas Wasson,
Nathaniel Violette, Vincent LaVigne,
Caitlin Dicks, Johnathan Henry,
Thomas L. Newnum, Pedro Angel Ovalle,
Kevin Ovalle, Serena Kirby, Anthony Cuesta,
Kelvin Manuel Rivera, Michael Hamilton,
Jedidiah Morgan, Juan Rafael Monteagudo,
Bryan Calzada, John S. Youngfleish,
Skyler Treverrow…
If you have a family member or know someone
in the armed forces and would like to add them
to our prayer list; please call us at 752-4470 or
email us at [email protected]
OnOn-Line Giving
More and more people pay bills
onon-line. We have been asked about
onon-line giving to our church. Go to our
website and
and answer a short survey.
Scouts Troop 91 – Pancake Breakfast
TODAY: Sunday, February 16th, after both
morning Masses in the Church’s Social Hall.
This is our primary fund raiser to fund our
campouts and supply the troop.
Our menu is Pancakes, sausages, eggs,
grits, coffee and orange juice, the cost is
$5.00 per person. For more information
contact John Kasak 365-7870
The Parish Council meeting
will be on Monday, February 24
at 6:00pm in the meeting room.
Ministries Reports
The Church’s Office will be closed on
Monday, February 17th
in observance of “Presidents’ Day”
◊ James & Esmerie S.
◊ Pamela & Max M.
(Parishioners who registered in the month of JANUARY)
Eucharistic Retreat for Catholic Young Adults:
April 4 through April 6, 2014.
Register for a 3-day Eucharistic-centered retreat and prepare yourself to
commit more fully to God’s call for faithfulness. Presentations and spiritual
direction facilitated by the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Renewal from
New York.
“Trust in the Lord”: Diocese of St Augustine Young Adult Retreat
Date: Friday, April 4 – Sunday, April 6, 2014
Location: Camp Kulaqua, High Spring Florida
Ages: 21 to 39 years old
Cost to attend is $115 which covers all meals, accommodation, and all
materials for the entire weekend (Discounted Rate of $95 for early
registration before March 7th). For more information or to obtain a
registration form, please e-mail: [email protected].

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