Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom


Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Project #1
A Cactus
Wren Nest
These activities give your class the opportunity to create desert inspired art
projects that compliment the grade’s theme. Initiate class discussions with
students regarding their choices and experiences before and after creating
the piece. Included is a suggested bulletin board idea for your class to
participate in as a group.
Cactus wreen
fallen Desert material, i.e., dried grasses, pliable branches, dried leaves
lint from clothes dryer
pieces of yarn
1 fallen piece of branch shaped in a “Y” for base of nest/student
(Have a sample of “Y” branch for students to see) Can be 6” – 12” in width
1.Discuss and research with students the lifecycle and habitat of a cactus
wren. Explain to students that cactus wrens build their homes in cholla
cactus for protection. Show pictures of how the nest looks in the arms of
cholla cactus stems. Have students determine what materials the cactus
wren uses for the nest.
2.Have students take a nature walk at home or in class to collect desert
material. Look for a fallen branch from a tree shaped like a “Y”. That will
be used as the base for the cactus wren nest.
In the Classroom
1.Have students make a fist with their hands, wrap bendable materials
e.g. grasses, around their fist to start, it should look like a small ball.
Intertwine other desert materials (yarn, feathers) into the nest as you
shape the nest into an oval.
Then rest the nest in the middle of the “Y” branch to hold it securely.
2.Make an entrance/exit hole on either side of nest.
3.To complete the nest, fill it with dryer lint, pieces of yarn, or any
little pieces of paper.
Group Activity or Bulletin Board Idea:
Having discussed the lifecycle and habitat of the cactus wren. Have students
write a few short sentences describing what materials they used and why.
Have student present their cactus wren’s nest. Hang nest or display nests on
bulletin board with short stories.
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Project #2
These activities give your class the opportunity to create desert inspired art
projects that compliment the grade’s theme. Initiate class discussions with
students regarding their choices and experiences before and after creating
the piece. Included is a suggested bulletin board idea for your class to
participate in as a group.
saguaro lifecycle templates
tissue paper (different colors)
poppy seeds
large white pieces of construction paper cut in half lengthwise
Saguaro cactus
1.Have teacher download the templates of saguaro stages.
Templates are attached to end of project paper for use.
2.Have teacher cut white construction paper in
half, lengthwise, one for each student.
3.Fold construction paper in half, then in half again, then
in half again, until you have six sections. Fold the paper
accordion way, like a fold out book would look.
4.Have students trace each stage of saguaro cactus on
each of 6 sections of the construction paper.
5.R ip tissue paper into small pieces to use for later.
In the Classroom
1.Place glue inside of the saguaro.
2.Put tissue paper on top of glue making sure to overlap pieces and blend
colors, keeping inside the shape of the saguaro as much as possible.
3.Continue to work with glue and tissue paper
for all the stages of the saguaros.
4.Use a poppy seed to represent saguaro seed, glue that on the first page.
5.Students can label the fold out book “Lifecycle of Saguaro.”
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Project #3
These activities give your class the opportunity to create desert inspired art
projects that compliment the grade’s theme. Initiate class discussions with
students regarding their choices and experiences before and after creating
the piece. Included is a suggested bulletin board idea for your class to
participate in as a group.
1 stocking knee high/student
bag of rye grass seed
bag of potting soil
pair of wobbly eyes/student
paper cups or terra cotta pots/student
Have students take a knee high and stretch it out by placing your hand in it.
In the Classroom
1.Put a handful of grass seed in toe of stocking,
which will be the top of the “head”.
2.Place soil over the grass seed and fill the stocking, tie a
knot at the bottom to keep seed and soil in place.
3.Place your “Stocking person” in a paper cup or terra
cotta pot, knot side down to anchor it.
4.Mist with a water spray bottle on the head of your “person”.
5.In a couple of weeks the seeds should start to germinate and you
should see “hair” start growing on the top of your “stocking person”.
6.Glue on a pair of wobbly eyes.
7.Don’t forget to give your “new hairy friend”
an occasional haircut and water.
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Group Activity or Bulletin Board Idea:
The Lifecycle of the Sonoran Desert
Example: Agaves: use butcher paper, show pups, stalk with seeds and bulbils,
then how it would decompose at the end of its lifecycle.
Discuss the lifecycles of plants in the Sonoran desert habitats. Decide as a
class what Sonoran desert habitat you would like to use as a backdrop to a
bulletin board. The teacher will pick out certain Sonoran desert plants to
have individual students research and design. Assign the students a plant.
Have the students make their assigned plant from the beginning of its
lifecycle, then show what it would look like at the end of its lifecycle. Display
lifecycles of plants on the bulletin board designed like the Sonoran desert.
Arizona State Standards
Art Standards
Beginning Visual Arts
S1C1:PO 101. Contribute to a discussion about ideas for his or her own artwork
S1C1: PO 102. Make and explain revisions in his or her own artwork
S1C2:PO 101. Identify and experiment with materials,
tools, and techniques in his/her own artwork
S1C2:PO 102. Use materials, tools, and techniques
appropriately in his or her own artwork
Life Science
S4C2: PO 2 Describe the life cycles of various mammals
S4C2: PO 3 Compare the life cycles of various organisms
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom
Teacher’s Guide for second grade
Desert Inspired Art Projects for Your Classroom