
Dragi čitatelji!
DAL’CASA d.o.o.
Put Brodarice 6
21000 Split
tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726
fax:+385(0)21 380 852
[email protected]
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
Vanesa Bilbija
Izvršni urednik/Executive editor:
Leo Nikolić
[email protected]
Grafički urednik/Graphic editor:
Vojan Koceić
[email protected]
Marketing i prodaja oglasa/
Marketing and advertising:
Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec.
[email protected]
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
[email protected]
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973
Prijevod na engleski/English translation:
Zoran Abaza
Darija Adžaga, Jelena Badovinac, Nataša
Bodrožić, Ana Bralić, Lovorka Buterin,
Nikola Čelan,Jadran Lazić, Lupino, Hajdi
Mihanović, Romina Peritz, Domagoj Tomić,
Aleksandar Vrtarić
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna
Dalmacija, Glas Istre
Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo:
Jadran Lazić
Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset
Prije nešto više od pet godina, na samim počecima ovog časopisa, pisala sam ovu rubriku s istim entuzijazmom kao i danas, i obraćam se Vama,
vjernim čitateljima, koji ste nam omogućili da postanemo i ostanemo
prvi hrvatski časopis za nekretnine, arhitekturu i dizajn.
Prvo bih iskoristila prigodu ispričati se u ime uredništva i svoje osobno ime,
zbog stanke u mjesecu ožujku, do koje je došlo zbog promjene uredništva i redizajna časopisa.
S obzirom da smo novo “mlado” uredništvo, zbog odluke da osvježimo
časopis novim rubrikama, intervjuima, novostima, zanimljivostima i grafičkim redizajnom, ovaj i idući broj izići će kao dvomjesečnik, a u kolovozu
se vraćamo u mjesečni ritam.Uz pomoć i suradnju velikih imena hrvatske
fotografske, novinarske i umjetničke scene, nadamo se da ćemo opravdati vaše povjerenje te vam pružiti radost otkrivanja ljepota i nepoznanica iz svijeta nekretnina, arhitekture i dizajna. Novom rubrikom “Intervju”
željeli smo personalizirati časopis iznoseći priče iz profesionalnog života
poznatih osoba. Uz intervjue, kroz rubriku “Novosti” dajemo i pregled nekih kulturnih događanja, novih knjiga iz sfere interijera i arhitekture koje su
aktualne u tekućemu mjesecu.
Za ljubitelje baštine i zaboravljenih kulturnih i ambijentalnih dragocjenosti
našeg podneblja, svakog mjeseca u rubrici “Baština” objaviti ćemo zanimljive teme.Novost je i suradnja s Tana imobilian. Čitatelji će moći svaki
mjesec u rubrici “DC pitanja i odgovori” dobiti odgovore na sva stručna
pitanja vezana uz pravnu problematiku. U sklopu rubrike “Nekretnine”,
u svakom će se broju prezentirati i stručno obraditi aktualna tema iz tog
područja. Nadamo se da ćemo s ovim promjenama zajedno napraviti
korak dalje, k boljem informiranju i još kvalitetnijem časopisu, na obostrano zadovoljstvo.
Dear readers!
A little over five years ago when this magazine first got started, I wrote
this column with the same enthusiasm as today and I speak to you, our
faithful readers, who have made it possible for us to become and remain
the premiere Croatian magazine for real estate, architecture and design.
First off, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize in my own name
and the name of the entire staff for the break that occured in March, due
to the changes in the editorial staff and the redesign of the entire magazine. Considering the fact that the new “young” editorial staff decided to
freshen up the magazine with new sections, interviews, news, tidbits and
graphic redesign, this issue and the following issue will arrive in the form
of a two-month issue, and we will return to our monthly rhythm in August.
With the help and cooperation from important names from Croatian photographic, journalist and artistic scenes, we hope to justify your trust and
provide you with the joy of discovering new and beautiful things from the
world of real estate, architecture and design.
Our new section Interviews aims to personalize the magazine by revealing
stories from the professional lives of famous people. In addition to that, our
News section delivers the overview of certain cultural events and new current books from the sphere of interior and architecture.
For all lovers of the heritage and slightly forgotten cultural and ambiental
values from our area, our monthly section Heritage is sure to deliver the
most interesting news and topics. Another new element is our cooperation with Tanta Immobilian. Our monthly section DC Letters will provide
our readers with answers to all professional questions regarding the legal
issues in the field of real estate. Our Real Estate section will expertly investigate and present a current topic from that field of work. We sincerely
hope that these changes will provide a step forward to delivering better
information and a magazine of higher quality to everyone’s satisfaction.
Vanesa Bilbija
Željan sam
dobrih uloga
Tarikom Filipovićem
sam razgovarala u
zagrebačkom restoranu Klub književnika
i prva stvar koja me
se silno dojmila jest da soli svako jelo
bez da ga uopće proba. Taj hrvatski glumac bosanskih korijena je jedan iznimno šarmantan muškarac,
gospodskih manira, koji će na svako
pitanje odgovoriti bez ustručavanja. Jedna je od rijetkih osoba na
hrvatskoj javnoj sceni koja pažljivo
sluša svojega sugovornika, a prigodom intervjua svaka mu je riječ na
mjestu. Njegov smisao za humor prisutan je na jedan diskretan način u
svakoj rečenici pa stoga ne čudi što
nosi titulu jednog od naših najvećih
glumaca komičara. U svojoj je karijeri odradio više od tisuću predstava, na kazališnoj je sceni utjelovio
brojne velike dramske likove, no isto
tako u posljednjih deset godina jedan je najtraženijih filmskih glumaca
u produkcijama na području bivše
Jugoslavije. Taj 37-godišnji glumac
uskoro će ponovno voditi popularni
kviz „Milijunaš“. I dodajmo još jedan
detalj, Tarik Filipović je raritet u glumačkom svijetu – došao je na intervju točno u minutu.
DC: Film „Storm“, zbog kojeg ste nedavno bili na Berlinskom festivalu,
nije dobio neku od važnijih nagrada
iako su to mnogi očekivali. Osim nagrade Amnesty Internationala, film
nije osvojio nijednu drugu. Jeste li
razočarani zbog toga?
Ne mogu biti razočaran kad ništa
nisam ni očekivao. Nagradu očekuješ uglavnom ako si redatelj ili glavni
glumac, a ja to ovdje nisam bio. Ber
Problem naše kinematografije je manjak dobrih scenarija. S druge strane, redatelji idu na provjerene glumce
pa je puno dobrih glumaca koji nikada nisu zaigrali na
filmu. Ono što je možda srž te problematike jest da se
tek nedavno skinuo teret s tih filmova na način da su
prestali biti opterećeni prošlošću
Piše: Jelena Badovinac
Foto: Jadran Lazić
lin je u svakom slučaju bio odličan
doživljaj. Nikada nisam nešto snimao
ili igrao samo zato jer sam računao
da bi to moglo dobiti nagradu.
DC: Znače li vam nešto uopće nagrade?
Pa značila mi je kad sam bio mlađi,
od one rektorove na dalje, no danas mi to stvarno više ništa ne znači.
Prema nagradi se odnosim isto kao
i prema kritici. Prije sam ujutro trčao
na kiosk samo da bih pročitao što su
napisali za predstavu ili film, a danas
me ni odlične kritike više ne diraju, a
kamoli one druge. Nagrade su vrlo
diskutabilna stvar. Na primjer, tri čovjeka odlučuju o Nagradi hrvatskoga glumišta. Ne znam bolji model
za predložiti, ali s ovim se definitivno
ne slažem. Ako te jednom zakinu,
na kraju ćeš negdje drugdje dobiti
nagradu, ali opet, mene su zakidali i
Imam tremu kad nemam sve
konce u svojim rukama, a to
se rijetko događa. Izgubila se
ona vrsta treme koju sam znao
osjetiti kao mlađi. Danas mi trema dođe uglavnom ako je nešto
uživo, vođenje nekog programa,
primjerice, kad netko drugi zezne i onda ja moram izvlačiti.
kad nisu trebali.
DC: S obzirom da se radi o njemačkoj produkciji, što biste izdvojili kao
osnovnu razliku između snimanja filmova u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu?
Redatelj je trebao glumce s naših
prostora i održana je audicija u Zagrebu, Sarajevu i Beogradu, na koju
sam bio i ja pozvan. Ispalo je da sam
i ja među tih odabranih šest glumaca, što mi je, naravno, bilo jako drago. Dakle, sama priprema za film je
ista kao i kod nas. No, ono što bih
naveo kao najveću razliku jest da
se tijekom snimanja netko brine za
tebe. Između kadrova imaš gdje
sjesti, odmoriti se, popiti sok, kavu.
Kod nas se znalo događati da snimiš
kadar i onda okolo glavinjaš, pušiš
jednu za drugom jer nemaš gdje pošteno sjesti.
Nedostaje nam
dobrih scenarija
DC: Mnogi tvrde da hrvatska kinematografija producira relativno
malo dobrih filmova. Što mislite o
Ne bih se složio s tim. Recimo filmovi poput „Što je muškarac bez brkova“, „Dva igrača s klupe“ ili „Ta
divna splitska noć“ su odlični filmovi.
Mislim da je veći problem manjak
dobrih scenarija. S druge strane, re-
datelji idu na provjerene glumce pa
je puno dobrih glumaca koji nikada
nisu zaigrali na filmu. Ono što je možda srž problematike hrvatske kinematografije jest da se tek nedavno
skinuo teret s tih filmova na način da
su prestali biti opterećeni prošlošću.
Naši scenariji su se uglavnom temeljili na teškoj socijalnoj tematici.
DC: Do sada ste odigrali brojne velike i filmske i dramske uloge. Kakve
vas uloge danas privlače? Jeste li
poželjeli režirati nešto?
Svejedno mi je što glumim, bitno mi
je da se dobro osjećam u ulozi koju
igram. Mnogi moji kolege se zalijeću u redateljske vode ili pišu monodrame. Kad jednom, recimo, vidite
monodramu Vilija Matule ili Zijaha
Sokolovića, nećete se upustiti u takvu avanturu dok ne osjetite da možete odigrati na sličnoj razini kao njih
dvojica. Dakle, ne živim u iluzijama
da se trenutačno bavim nekim sferama izvan samih uloga. I dalje želim
dobre uloge i dobre komade, a ako
budem osjetio da sam gladan režije ili pisanja, posvetit ću se tome. Za
sada još uvijek uživam u režiji svojih
DC: Raširili ste se u puno sfera, od
snimanja filmova, preko kazališta
Za predstavu se spremam
već od jutra
I am preparing myself for play
from the morning
do snimanja reklama i televizijskih
projekata. Stignete li uopće na sve
Za početak o televiziji nisam nikada
razmišljao, to je stvar koja se naprosto dogodila. Ne znam zašto svi misle
da ja toliko puno radim, radim onako, taman, nije to ništa previše. Čak
i kad mi je gužva u rasporedu, uživam u tom jednom profesionalnom
odnosu prema poslu. Recimo, najradije bih da na predstavu u kazalištu
mogu stići pet minuta prije početka.
Ako tog dana igram, pripremam se
već od jutra, cijeli dan mi je predstava u glavi. Imam, hvala Bogu, dobru
memoriju pa nemam problema s
učenjem teksta. Jedna moja kolegica u „Kerempuhu“ cijeli dan iščitava
svoju rolu. S obzirom da sam, dakle,
vrlo koncentriran na rad, nije mi teško ako u jednom danu imam više
stvari za obaviti.
Televizija me
jako iscrpljuje
DC: Imate li i danas tremu kad iziđete pred publiku?
Imam tremu kad nemam sve kon-
ce u svojim rukama, a to se rijetko
događa. Izgubila se ona vrsta treme
koju sam znao osjetiti kao mlađi. Danas mi trema dođe uglavnom ako je
nešto uživo, vođenje nekog programa, primjerice, kad netko drugi zezne, i onda ja moram izvlačiti.
DC: Uskoro počinjete opet voditi kviz
„Milijunaš“. To je vrsta showa u kojemu morate biti prilično koncentrirani. Sputava li vas to pri vođenju?
Toliko sam „unutra“ kad to radim
da, ako u jednom danu snimim dvije
emisije, kad dođem navečer kući,
uopće ne mogu razgovarati. Ne
mogu vam opisati koliko me iscrpljuje ta emisija, a ni sam sebi ne mogu
objasniti zašto je to tako. Ljudi su zavoljeli „Milijunaša“ jer je ušao u kuće
kao obiteljski kviz, kviz „Jedan protiv
sto“ mi je na trenutke čak i draži jer
je dinamičniji. Stvari se brže događaju, a u „Milijunašu“ je više krupnih
kadrova, primjerice, natjecatelja
koji gleda u ekran i šuti. Naravno, ja
sam taj koji mora misliti kako animirati publiku da ne prebaci na drugi
DC: Imate li neostvarenih želja?
Već sam ostvario neke svoje želje u
profesionalnom smislu, tako da što
se toga tiče nemam nekih želja. Pogotovo otkada sam se oženio i dobio dijete, nemam nekih velikih želja.
No, to ne znači da nemam ambicija, pogotovo sad kad su mi svi zubi
niknuli i kad više nisam samo mladi
talent. Dapače, imam ih nekoliko.
DC: Sad kad su vam zubi niknuli, jeste li se malo „probahatili“? Dijelite
li, primjerice, savjete mlađim kolegama na setu?
Nikada se u životu nisam tako postavio. To je bila jedna od stvari koju
sam zamjerao svojim starijim kolegama kad su bili bezobrazni prema
mlađima. Kad bih vam rekao tko
su ta imena, ljudi bi se šokirali jer se
radi sve odreda o slavnim glumcima. Uglavnom oni najnetalentiraniji
glumci vole dijeliti savjete. Oni baš
uvijek imaju nešto za reći.
DC: Ipak ste vi glumac, jeste li tašti?
Više nisam nego jesam. Mislim da
se jako dobro nosim s konstruktivnim
kritikama. Mene jedino boli zloća.
Kad sam, primjerice, počeo raditi
„Milijunaša“, kritika se doslovno preko noći okrenula protiv mene u kazalištu. Odjednom su svi koji su pisali
hvalospjeve to prestali raditi. A to su,
recimo, jedini članci koje imam kući,
baš te kritike. Slažem se s onom: „Kritičari su kao eunusi. Znaju kako se to
radi, radili bi, ali ne mogu.“
DC: Jeste li se svih ovih godina na-
Minimalist sam i ne volim kičeraj. Polažem pažnju na sitnice
i ne volim one traume iz socijalizma, velike regale prepune
tanjurića iz kojih se nikada ne
viknuli na reakcije medija i na to da
vam se svatko ima pravo petljati u
Odavno sam se naviknuo na to.
Olakotna okolnost je što me većina
ljudi gleda pozitivno pa mi je tako
lakše. Znao sam reagirati na napise u medijima. Nije to stvar taštine.
Ako netko misli da sam loše odglumio ulogu, u redu je, i to poštujem.
Ali kad pišu laži, i to takve laži koje
nemaju veze ni sa čim, poludim. Da
je barem deset posto od toga istina,
u redu, ali stvarno znaju pisati popune izmišljotine. Zapravo, ne mislim
da sam ikada pristao na petljanje
medija u moj život. Svjestan sam da
sam eksponiran i da su mediji nešto
što prati moj posao, no i dalje sam
ostao Bosanac koji je potpuno isti i
na Berlinskom festivalu i kod „Trovača“ na ćevapima. Nikada nisam
došao doma i gledao se u zrcalo i
Nikad nisam pristao na
petljanje medija u moju privatnost
I never allowed the media
to invade my privacy
divio se svojoj veličini. A daleko od
toga da sam glup i da ne znam što
mi se događalo.
DC: Nedavno ste postali otac sina
Armana. Sve do braka s vašom suprugom Lejlom živjeli ste sami. Koliko vam danas nedostaje samoća?
Prilagodio sam se. Prije Lejle nisam
ni sa kim živio i onome tko nije tolike
godine živio sam, teško je objasniti
što znači ta vrsta slobode. No, s druge strane, kad upoznaš tu ljepotu
braka, naprosto zaboraviš na onaj
život prije. Ne smeta ti što je svako
malo galama po kući ili što ne možeš spavati do dvanaest. Naprosto si
prisiljen postati tolerantniji.
DC: Na ekranu djelujete kao veliki estet, koliko ste to i u svoja četiri
Veliki sam estet oduvijek, no u posljednje vrijeme se više prilagođavam djeci. Teško je u vlastitu domu
biti estet ako su oko vas svuda razbacane igračke. Dok sam bio podstanar, stalno sam razmišljao kako
bih mogao preurediti te stanove, no
zapravo mi je to postalo važno tek
kad sam kupio svoj prvi stan. Minimalist sam i ne volim kičeraj. Polažem pažnju na sitnice i ne volim one
traume iz socijalizma, velike regale
prepune tanjurića iz kojih se nikada
ne jede
I have a craving
for good roles
The problem with our cinematography is the lack of good
scripts. On the other hand, directors are only choosing
established actors, which means that there are plenty of
good actors who never made it to the big screen. The essence of the problem might be the fact that our movies
have just recently shaken off the burden of our past
Written by: Jelena Badovinac
spoke to Tarik Filipović
in a Zagreb restaurant Literature Club,
and the first thing that
impressed me was
the fact that he puts
salt on every meal before he even
tastes it. This actor is an extremely
charming man with gallant manners,
and he answered to all my questions
without any hesitation. He is one of
the rare members of the Croatian
public scene that carefully listens to
the person he speaks to, and every
word he uttered during the interview
made perfect sense. His sense of humour is discretely present in every
sentence, so his reputation of one of
our leading comedic actors is hardly
surprising. He starred in over a thou12
Photo: Jadran Lazić
sand plays throughout his career,
interpreted numerous legendary
characters on stage, but he has also
been one of the most sought-after
film actors in the countries of former
Yugoslavia throughout the last decade. This 37-year-old actor will also
soon be back on our TV sets as the
host of the popular “Who Wants
to Be a Millionaire?” And let’s just
mention another detail, as it truly is
a rarity in the world of actors – Tarik
Filipović showed up for this interview
right on time.
DC: The movie “Storm”, which recently took you to the Berlin Film
Festival, failed to win any of the
major awards despite everyone’s
expectations. The Amnesty Interna-
tional Award was the only award the
movie won. Did you find that disappointing?
I can’t be disappointed about it
when I really had no expectations.
You‘re expecting an award if you’re
the director or the leading actor,
and I was in neither of those roles.
Anyway, Berlin was certainly a magnificent thing to experience. I never
accepted to be a part of some film
just because I thought it could win
an award.
DC: Do awards mean anything to
They used to back when I was
younger, from the Rector Award and
so on, but they really mean nothing
to me these days. I have the same
feelings towards awards as I do towards reviews. I used to run to get
the newspaper in the morning just so
I could read what someone wrote
about my movie or play, but I am
now indifferent even to excellent
reviews, let alone those other ones.
Awards are a very relative thing.
For example, the Croatian Acting
Award is being decided upon by
three people. I’m not really sure
about a better model, but I definitely
don’t agree with this one. If you get
short-changed at one end, you will
probably win the award somewhere
else, but then again, I’ve been shortchanged more times than I care to
I am a minimalist and I don’t
like kitsch. I pay great attention
to details and I’m not a fan of
those traumas from socialism.
For example, large cupboards
filled with plates that nobody
ever eats from
DC: Considering the fact that this
movie was a German production,
what would you point out as the primary difference between shooting
movies in Croatia and abroad?
The director needed actors from our
region and he organized castings in
Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade, to
which I was also invited. As it turned
out, I made the group of six chosen actors, and I was obviously very
pleased to hear that. Therefore, the
preparation process is really exactly
the same everywhere. However, I
feel that the biggest difference is
the fact that someone takes care
for you in foreign productions. Between shooting scenes, you can
find places to sit, relax, drink juice or
coffee. When shooting our movies,
it often happened that you shoot a
scene and then just wander around
smoking one cigarette after the other because you had nowhere to sit
and relax.
so far, what types of roles are you
attracted to nowadays? Have you
ever felt the urge to direct?
I don’t care who I’m playing, as long
as I feel good inside that role. Many
of my colleagues are rapidly moving
into directing or writing monodramas. Once you see a monodrama
by Vili Matula or Zijah Sokolović, you
will never even attempt to write a
monologue unless you feel you can
do it as well as they have. Therefore,
I don’t have any illusions about stepping into spheres outside of the roles
themselves. I still have a craving for
good roles and good plays, and if I
feel the urge to direct or write, then
I’ll focus on that too. I am still here to
enjoy the directing work of my colleagues.
We Are Lacking
Good Scripts
DC: Many people say that Croatian
cinematography is producing a
relatively small number of good
movies. How do you feel about
I don’t necessarily agree with that.
Movies like “What Is a Man without
a Moustache”, “Two Players from
the Bench” and “A Wonderful
Night in Split” are excellent films.
I think the bigger problem is the
lack of good scripts. On the other
hand, directors are only choosing
established actors, which means
that there are plenty of good actors who never made it to the big
screen. The essence of the problem might be the fact that our
movies have just recently shaken
off the burden of our past, as our
scripts were mostly based on the
difficult social issues.
DC: You have interpreted numerous major movie and theatre roles
DC: You’ve branched out to many
different spheres, from shooting
movies, playing in theatre, shooting
commercials and TV projects. How
do you find the time?
For starters, I’ve never really considered working on television, but
that just kind of happened. I don’t
know why everyone assumes I work
so much, when in fact I’m working
exactly as much as I want too. It is
certainly not overbearing, and even
if I get into a position where my
workload is too heavy, I am able to
enjoy that professional approach to
work. For example, there is nothing
I would want more than to arrive to
the theatre five minutes before the
start of the play. If I’m on stage that
day, I am practically preparing myself from the morning, and the play is
present inside my head throughout
the day. Thank God, my memory is
excellent and I have no problems
with remembering my lines. For example, I have a female colleague
in Kerempuh that has to go through
her lines the entire day. Considering
the fact that I’m very focused on my
work, I don’t find it difficult to perform more things in one day.
Television Is
very exhausting
DC: Do you still feel stage fright when
you face the audience?
I have stage fright when I don’t have
everything under control, which is
quite rare. The type of stage fright
I used to feel when I was younger
is not there anymore. These days,
I mostly get nervous during a live
show or a programme I’m hosting,
especially when someone messes
up and I have to make a save.
DC: You’re about to start hosting
the quiz “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” again. That is the type of
show that requires a high level
of concentration. Do you find
that inhibiting while you’re hosting the show?
I am “inside” that show to such
extent that when I’m hosting two episodes in one day, I
am incapable of conversation
when I get home in the evening.
I can’t even begin to describe
how exhausting that show really is. I can’t really explain it to
myself, but I am virtually useless
after those shows. People have
grown to love “The Millionaire”
because it entered their homes
as a family quiz, but sometimes
I actually like “1 vs. 100” better
because it is more dynamic.
Things are happening at a faster
pace, and there are a lot more
close-ups in “The Millionaire” be13
cause the contestants often stare at
the screen and don’t say anything.
Naturally, I am the one who has to
keep the audience entertained and
keep them from flipping onto another channel.
for me. I used to react to different
media headlines, and it wasn’t really
about my vanity. If someone feels
that I’ve done a bad job on a certain
part, they can write that, and I will respect that. But when they start writing
blatant lies that have nothing to do
with anything, it just flips my mind. If at
least ten percent of that were true,
I would understand, but sometimes
they tend to write absolute nonsense. Actually, I don’t feel I’ve ever
allowed the media to invade my
privacy. I am aware of the fact that
I’m a public person and the media
are a part of what I do, but I am still
that same Bosnian person who acts
exactly the same at the Berlin Festival
and having grilled meat at “Trovač”.
I never came home to stare at myself
in a mirror and admire my grandeur.
And I’m not exactly stupid; I know
what I’m going through.
DC: Do you have any unfulfilled
I already achieved some of my professional wishes, so not really. And
especially since I got married and
had a child, I don’t feel like I have
any gigantic mountains to climb.
However, that doesn’t mean that I
don’t have any ambitions, especially
now that I’ve matured and evolved
from a young talented actor. In fact,
I have several different ambitions.
DC: And now that you’ve matured,
did you also get a little arrogant? Do
you have a tendency to give advice
to younger actors on the set?
That was never my attitude in life.
That was actually one of the things
for which I resented my older colleagues, because they used to really be mean towards younger actors. If I was to reveal those names to
you, people would be shocked because those are very famous actors.
In general, people with no talent like
to offer advice, as they always have
something to say.
DC: Being that you are an actor, do
you find yourself vain?
I am usually not vain. I think I cope
with constructive criticism pretty
well. The only thing that can hurt me
is when someone is simply malicious.
For example, when I first started
working on “The Millionaire”, all the
theatre critics literally turned against
me overnight. All of a sudden, all
these people that have been writing
rave reviews about my performances have stopped doing that. And
those are the only articles I keep
in my house, those exact reviews. I
tend to agree with those who say
that critics are like eunuchs – they
know how it’s done, they want to do
it, but they can’t.
DC: During all these years, have you
found a way to get used to media
reactions and how they tend to interfere in your life?
I got used to that a long time ago.
The fact that most people see me in
a positive way makes it a lot easier
DC: You recently became a father
with the birth of your son Armin. Until you got married to your wife Lejla,
you always lived on your own. Do
you miss that solitude nowadays?
I’ve learned to adjust to it. Before
Lejla came along, I never lived with
anyone, and it is hard to explain to
someone who hasn’t spent years and
years living alone the kind of freedom
that really is. But on the other hand,
once you get to know the beauty
of marriage, you instantly forget all
about your previous life. You’re OK
with all the noise in the house or the
fact that you can’t sleep until noon.
You’re simply forced to become
more tolerable.
Jedino što me može povrijediti
je namjerna zloća
The only thing that can hurt me is when
someone is simply malicious
I have stage fright when I don’t
have everything under control,
which is quite rare. The type
of stage fright I used to feel
when I was younger is not there
anymore. These days, I mostly
get nervous during a live show
or a programme I’m hosting, especially when someone messes
up and I have to make a save
DC: You leave the impression of a
very aesthetical person onscreen,
would you call yourself aesthetical in
your private life?
I have always been very aesthetical,
but I have lately learned to adapt to
children. It is hard to be aesthetical
in your home when you can find toys
all over the house. While I was renting
different apartments, I always used to
think about redecorating them, but
that only became important to me
when I bought my first apartment. I
am a minimalist and I don’t like kitsch.
I pay great attention to details and
I’m not a fan of those traumas from
socialism. For example, large cupboards filled with plates that nobody
ever eats from
U šestom po redu izdanju čuvene
Taschenove publikacije „Architecture
Now!“ čiji je autor Philip Jodidio, koje
se upravo pojavilo i na hrvatskom
tržištu, među samu kremu svijetskih
arhitekata uvršten je i arhitektonski
studio 3LHD. Ostvarenja grupe hrvatskih arhitekata, poznatih po realizaciji
splitske rive, ali i drugih važnih projekata uglavnom u domovini, našla
su se u društvu onih čiji su autori tzv.
archistars poput Normana Fostera,
Zahe Hadid, Renza Piana, Massimiliana Fuksasa, među ostalim. Izdanje
koje je tijekom godina steklo kultni
status unutar struke, ali i puno šire,
donosi uvid u sve ono što se trenutno događa u području arhitekture,
bilo da se radi o djelima inspiriranim
tradicijom ili pak krajnje suvremenim,
inovativnim rješenjima. Pokušava se
kroz pregled recentnih građevina koje
potpisuju najbolji svjetski arhitekti današnjice dočarati čitateljima koji je duh vremena i kako arhitektura odražava kreativnost u
prvom desetljeću 21. stoljeća. Vrlo pregledno koncipirana prema
abecednom redu, knjiga sadržava nove i recentne projekte odabranih arhitekata, njihove biografije, kontakte i web adrese.
Kada je nakit umjetničko djelo
Do 3. svibnja u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt u Zagrebu otvorena
je retrospektiva poznatog
dizajnera nakita Nenada Robana pod nazivom
„Nepoznato mjesto“. Nakit Nenada Robana danas
već ima kultni status, a da
se radi o pravim malim
umjetničkim djelima pokazuje upravo ova izložba
koja prati njegov dosadašnji rad. Robanov nakit odlikuje kombiniranje anorganskog i organskog
hladnog i toplog u smislu
povezivanja maslinova drva, zlata i dijamanata, inoksa i koralja
ili bisera i drva. Nenad Roban diplomirao je oblikovanje nakita na Odjelu za nakit Kraljevske akademije lijepih umjetnosti u
Antwerpenu. U drugoj polovici sedamdesetih godina počinje s
eksperimentiranjem materijalom i oblicima pod utjecajem povijesnih avangardi poput kubizma, nadrealizma i konstruktivizma
te dizajna De Stijla, Bauhausa, Maxa Billa i Gerrita Rietwelda.Tijekom svog dugogodišnjeg rada eksperimentirao je i nasljeđem
punka i post-punka te se koristio neobičnim materijalima kao
što su kosti i guma.
Croatian Architects
Joining the Elite
The sixth annual edition of the renowned
Taschen publication “Architecture Now!”
by author Philip Jodidio, which has just
appeared on the Croatian market, has
chosen the architectonic studio 3LHD to
be a part of the world architecture elite.
The accomplishments of this Croatian
group of architects, famous for their Split
Riva project and numerous other creations in our country, have been placed
alongside authors, or the so-called archistars, like Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid,
Renzo Piano, Massimiliano Fuksas, and
many others. Over the years, this edition has gained cult status within its
profession and beyond, and it delivers
insight into all current events in the field
of architecture, whether they’re inspired
by tradition or come off as extremely
modern, innovative solutions. It brings
an overview of recently created buildings by the finest architects in the world
today, thus displaying the spirit of our time to the readers and revealing the efforts to maintain creativity in architecture of the first
decade of the 21st century. Very conveniently arranged in alphabetical order, this book contains new and recent projects by chosen architects, as well as their biographies, contacts and websites.
Jewellery as a Work of Art
Up until May 3rd, you can visit a retrospective exhibit by famous jewellery designer Nenad Roban at the Museum for
Arts and Crafts in Zagreb. The exhibit’s name is “The Place
Roban’s jewellery has
already gained cult
status, and this exhibit, which presents
all phases of his work,
clearly proves that
he created true little
pieces of art. Roban’s
jewellery is characterized by combinations
of inorganic and organic materials, as well as confrontations between warm
and cold elements, such as olive wood, gold and diamonds,
non-corrosive steel and corals, as well as pearls and wood.
Nenad Roban graduated jewellery production at the Jewellery
Department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. During the late seventies, he began experimenting with materials
and shapes under the influence of historical avant-gardes like
cubism, surrealism and constructivism, as well as designs by De
Stijl, Bauhaus, Max Bill and Gerrit Rietweld. During his long career, he also experimented with the heritage of punk and postpunk by using unusual materials like bones and rubber.
Pripremila / Edited by: Romina Peritz
Hrvatski arhitekti
među elitom
Burna Splitska
romansa s operom
Mirela Ivičević: Za tri lipe, režija: Nora Krstulović
premijera: svibanj, 2009., HNK, Split
Za tri lipe izazov je kakav se rijetko pruža, jer je istodobno i dekonstrukcija i glorifikacija opere kao forme, poslastica za njezine
ljubitelje i vatreno krštenje za one koji će to tek postati. U libretu
i glazbi mlade splitske skladateljice
Mirele Ivičević susreću se, naime,
istodobno tri velike operne heroine
- Floria Tosca, Mimi i Carmen, tradicija i inovacija, predrasude operne
publike i dvojbe suvremenih opernih autora, ali i Split i njegova burna romansa s operom kao žanrom.
Nakon praizvedbe na zagrebačkom
Muzičkom biennaleu , Za tri lipe
se na Splitskom ljetu predstavlja u
potpuno novoj produkciji i ruhu, i
to s trima dobitnicama Nagrade hrvatskog glumišta za najbolje mlade
umjetnice u drami, odnosno operi
- Lanom Barić, Hanom Hegedušić i
Marijom Kuhar.
Victor & Rolf
i Chalayan na
43. Zagrebačkom salonu
Hrvatsko udruženje likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti ULUPUH ove je godine organiziralo 43. zagrebački salon, izložbenu
manifestaciju posvećenu prezentaciji suvremenog nacionalnog stvaralaštva na području primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna.
Zagrebački salon jedna je od najdugovječnijih
hrvatskih izložbenih smotri s kontinuitetom
održavanja od 1965. godine, a na kojoj se u
trijenalnom ritmu izmjenjuju različite likovne
discipline. Središnja izložba postavljena je u
prostorima Javne garaže Kvaternikov trg u Zagrebu. Koncepciju Salona, pod nazivom „Antidizajn/Trajne alternative“ potpisuje kustosica
i selektorica Silva Kalčić. Salon je usmjeren ka
preispitivanju društvene odgovornosti autora/umjetnika koji kroz bavljenje odnosom
oblika i sadržaja (forme i funkcije) radikalno
preispituju društveni kontekst i trenutak u kojemu stvaraju. Na Salonu je izloženo recentno
stvaralaštvo više od osamdeset radova hrvatskih umjetnika uz gostovanje nekoliko svjetski poznatih imena poput Victora & Rolfa i
Husseina Chalayana. Njihovi radovi predstavljaju jednu moguću alternativu mainstreamu
baveći se umjetnošću kao provokacijom i
kritikom dominantnog tržišno-potrošačkog
modela društva.
The Intense
Romance Between
Split and the Opera
Mirela Ivičević: Za Tri Lipe, directed by Nora Krstulović
Premiere: May 2009, HNK Split
Za Tri Lipe is a rare type of challenge, as it simultaneously represents a deconstruction and glorification of opera as a form, and
guarantees a real treat for all opera lovers
and a rapturous introduction for those that
are about to become fans of the genre. The
libretto and music of young Split composer Mirela Ivičević brings together three
legendary opera heroines – Floria Tosca,
Mimi and Carmen, as well as tradition and
innovation, prejudices of the opera audience and uncertainties of modern opera
authors, but also Split and its intense romance with opera as a genre. After the
premiere at the Music Biennale in Zagreb,
Za Tri Lipe will present itself at the Split
Summer in a completely new production
and imagery with three winners of Croatian Theatre Awards for best young artists in
drama and opera – Lana Barić, Hana Hegedušić and Marija Kuhar.
Victor & Rolf
and Chalayan at the
43rd Zagreb Salon
ULUPUH (Croatian Association of Artists in Applied Arts) has organized this year’s 43rd annual Zagreb Salon, which is an exhibit
manifestation that presents contemporary national pieces of
work in the field of applied arts and design. The Zagreb Salon is
one of the most durable Croatian exhibit events that has been
held since 1965, and which rotates different artistic disciplines in triennial rhythm.
The central exhibit is located in a public
garage at Kvaternik Square in Zagreb.
The Salon’s concept, titled “Anti-Design /
Permanent Alternatives”, is created by curator and selector Silva Kalčić. The Salon
aims to question the social responsibility
of authors/artists, who tend to radically
analyze the social context and the era in
which they create through the relations
between shapes and contents (forms and
functions). The Salon features more than
eighty recent works from Croatian artists with the addition of several world-famous guests like Victor & Rolf and Hussein
Chalayan. Their works present a possible
alternative to the mainstream with their
approach to art as a provocation that offers criticism to the dominant market-consumer model of society.
„Slavonija, Baranja, Srijem“
Izložba sezone
Zagrebačka Galerija Klovićevi dvori nastavlja svoj ambiciozni
projekt predstavljanja hrvatskih regija u suradnji s Ministarstvom kulture izložbom posvećenoj Slavoniji, Baranji i Srijemu.
Koncept izložbe, koja je najavljena kao izložba sezone, potpisuje čitav tim stručnjaka: arheologa, povjesničara, povjesničara
umjetnosti, etnologa, povjesničara glazbe, književnosti i arhitekture. Oni će na jednome mjestu objediniti svoje istraživačke
dosege i predstaviti javnosti velik dio kulturne baštine tog dijela
Hrvatske još od razdoblja paleolitika i prvih civilizacija pa sve
do modernih vremena kroz prikaze segmenata života i kulture.
Izložba predstavlja, među ostalim, tamošnje poznate plemićke
obitelji (Pejačević, Janković-Daruvarski, Eltz) i njihova velebna
zdanja – barokne dvorce i perivoje. Posebno je bogato barokno
doba s dvorcima kao žarištima kulture, a izložba će to pokazati kroz
arhitekturu, slikarstvo,
skulpturu, primjenjene umjetnosti,glazbu,
kazalište i književnost.
Izložba prati i događanja iz 20. stoljeća poput Prvog i Drugog te
posebno Domovinskog
rata u kontekstu stradanja baštine i njezine
obnove. Izložba o Slavoniji, Baranji i Srijemu,
otvorena od 27. travnja,
trajat će puna tri mjeseca.
Najljepše kuće
na obali od
Islanda do Čilea
Gotovo da se može osjetiti miris
mora kada se prelistava knjiga „New
seaside interiors“ koja donosi izbor
najljepših domova smještenih na
obalama pet kontinenata. Među
odabranim interijerima su primjerice kuća u Marta’s Vineyardu, stan u
Knokkeu kojeg je dizajnirao čuveni
arhitekt Vincent van Duysen, dom
Fione Swarovski na Capriju i kuća u
Iporangi, Brazil, arhitekta Isay Weinfelda. Od minimalističkih rješenja
preko interijera etno ili pak modernističke inspiracije, sve domove povezuje fascinacija morem. Knjigu je
uredila Angelika Taschen dok tekst
potpisuje Ian Phillips.
“Slavonia, Baranja, Srijem”
– The Exhibit of the Season
Gallery Klovićevi Dvori in Zagreb continues its ambitious project
of presenting Croatian regions in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture by organizing an exhibit dedicated to Slavonia,
Baranja and Srijem. The concept of the exhibit, which is hyped
as the exhibit of the season, is created by a whole team of experts: archaeologists, historians, art historians, ethnologists, and
historians of music, literature and architecture. They will unite
their research potentials and achievements to present the public with a large part of cultural heritage of that part of Croatia
from Palaeolithic times and first civilizations all the way to modern times, and they will achieve that by displaying segments
from life and culture. Among other things, the exhibit presents
famous local aristocratic families (Pejačević, Janković-Daruvarski, Eltz) and their luxurious homes
– baroque castles and gardens.
The baroque era with its castles as
cultural centres is particularly fascinating, and the exhibit will demonstrate that through architecture,
painting, sculpturing, applied arts,
music, theatre and literature. The
exhibit also includes events from
the 20th century, such as the First
and Second World Wars, and the
Croatian War of Independence in
particular, as a large part of that
heritage was destroyed and subsequently restored. The exhibit on
Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem will be
open for full three months.
The Most Beautiful
Beach Houses from
Iceland to Chile
You can almost sense the aroma of the
sea as you go through the book called
“New Seaside Interiors”, which presents
a list of the most beautiful beach homes
all across the five continents. The chosen interiors include a house at Martha’s
Vineyard, an apartment in Knokke designed by famous architect Vincent van
Duysen, the home of Fiona Swarovski
in Capri and a house in Iporanga, Brazil
by architect Isay Weinfeld. From minimalist solutions to ethno interiors and
modernist inspirations, all these homes
are connected with their fascination towards sea. The book was put together
by Angelika Taschen, while Ian Philips is
the author of the words.
Meðu zvijezdama
Hollywoodskog neba
Scena se mijenja sa početkom zalaska sunca kada
ova vila postaje gospodarica noći i taj osjećaj visine i
prostranstva daje neopisivi osjećaj moći i smirenosti
na krovu grada anđela
Piše: Vanesa Bilbija
Foto: Jadran Lazić
Čitava etaža vile obuhvaća dnevnu
zonu sa kuhinjom i blagovaonom koje
su kroz ostakljene plohe stopljene sa
bazenom u jedinstvenu cijelinu.
The entire floor of the villa features the
living room with kitchen and dining
room, which feature glass surfaces that
blend together with the swimming
pool into a unique unit
ad svjetlima Los Angelesa, na obroncima West Hollywood
Hilla, smješten je
jedini “community
gate” sa šest arhitektonski identično
projektiranih i osmišljenih vila.
Inoks, beton, staklo i drvo osnovni su
materijali vila, rad arhitekta Rogera
Davisa, koje su zbog nagiba terena
jedna od rijetkih armiranobetonskih
zdanja u ovim krajevima.
Vilama smještenima na zapadnoj
padini Hollywood Hilla otvara se
predivan pogled na Beverlly Hills te
na Los Angeles i šire sve do Pacifika.
Visoko na brdu, među zvijezdama
Hollywooda, ova vila uživa u potpunoj privatnosti i apsolutnoj tišini.
Težnja arhitekta pri projektiranju
ovih vila, površine oko 600 četvornih
Sjevero-istočno pročelje s natkrivenim
ulazom u kuću i garažama
The north-eastern facade with the
covered entrance and garages
metara, bila je zadržati osnove komunikacije i obiteljskog zajedništva
unutar doma.
Dvokatnica, kojoj su u gornjoj etaži
smještene tri spavaonice s pripadajućim kupaonicama i garderobnim
sobama, spiralnim konzolnim betonskim stubama povezana je s donjom etažom.
Jedinstvenost ovog stubišta jesu čelične sajle koje su u službi ograde, a
istodobno im daju transparentnost
te izgled harfe koja sugerira osjećaj
muzikalnosti i harmonije u interijeru.
Kombinacija vanjskih materijala primijenjena je i u unutrašnjem dijelu.
Iako je interijer u prilično tamnim
tonovima – prema kojima su mno-
gi rezervirani i nedovoljno smjeli – u
ovoj hollywoodskoj vili, u kojoj je površina ostakljenog prostora veća od
zidane površine, ta “tamna crta”
postaje vrlo personalna i dizajnerski
vrlo dobro osmišljena, te naglašava
ekskluzivni karakter objekta.
Prizemni dio sastoji se od jedinstvenog prostora koji obuhvaća prostor
dnevnog boravka okupanog kalifornijskim suncem, kuhinju i blagavaonicu, te otvorenu komunikaciju
s kaskadnim bazenom i staklenom
ogradom koja na terasi briše granice i daje širinu do samog pacifičkog oceana.
Scena se mijenja s početkom sunseta, tj. zalaska sunca, kada ova
vila postaje gospodarica noći i taj
osjećaj visine i prostranstva daje
neopisivi osjećaj moći i smirenosti,
takoreći na krovu Hollywooda.
U podrumu, tzv. basementu, smješteni su kinodvorana, prostor za
zabavu i rekreaciju i ostali sadržaji prijeko potrebni za puni komfor i
udobnost koji se podrazumijevaju u
ovakvom objektu.
Hollywood… mjesto gdje snovi postaju realnost.
Dnevni prostor opremljen
je udobnom klubskom garniturom,
barom i barskim foteljama.
The living room is furnished with
comfortable club ensembles,
a bar and bar stools
Jugozapadno pročelje koje se
uzdiže nad gradom osmišljeno je
kao vidikovac bez vizualnih barijera
The south-western facade that rises
above the city is designed as an area
with no visual barriers
Among the stars
of the Hollywood sky
The scene changes during
sunset when this villa becomes the master of the
night, as the feeling of
height and spaciousness
provides an indescribable
feeling of power and calmness on the roof of the city
of angels
Written by: Vanesa Bilbija
Photo: Jadran Lazić
n the slopes of
Hollywood Hills above
the Los Angeles
lights, we find the only community
gate with six identically projected
and designed villas.
Non-corrosive steel, glass and wood
are the villas’ primary materials. They
were designed by architect Roger
Davis, and due to the steepness of
the slope, these buildings are among
rare armoured-concrete facilities in
this area.
Stepenište se provlači kao
dominantni dekorativni element
kroz sve tri etaže vile
The staircase is the dominant
decorative elemnt through
all three storeys of the villa
The villas, which are located on the
western slope of Hollywood Hills, provide a magnificent view over Beverly Hills, the L.A. panorama and the
Pacific Ocean.
Up high on the hill, among the stars
of Hollywood, the villa relishes its
complete privacy and absolute silence.
While projecting this 600-m2 villa,
the architects wanted to retain the
basics of communication and family
unity within the home.
This two-storey house, which features three bedrooms with accompanying bathrooms and wardrobes on
the upper floor, is connected to the
ground floor with an oval spiral console staircase made of concrete.
This staircase is unique due to the
steel cables that serve as a fence,
while simultaneously providing transparency through a harp-like appe-
Kino sala u suterenu vile
opremljena je najsuvremenijim
souround sistemom, projektorima,
ambijentalnim rasvijetnim tjelima
te udobnim koznim naslonjačima
što se podrazumjeva
u hoolywoodskoj vili
The cinema in the villa
basement features top-modern
surround system, projectors,
ambiental lighting objects and
comfortable leather armchairs,
which is only natural
in a Hollywood villa
Kupaonica je opremljena velikom
hidromasažnom kadom, ali ipak
akcent je dat na tuš-kabinu
koja je ujedno i turska kupelj
The master bathroom features a large
hydro-massage bathtub, but is
highlighted by a shower cabin
with the role of a Turkish bath
Jedna od triju spavacih soba iz kojih se
kroz staklene pregrade pruza veličanstven pogled na svjetla grada.
One of the three bedrooms with glass
surfaces that provide a magnificent
view over the city lights
arance that suggests musical harmony in the interior.
The same combination of materials
is applied outdoors and in the interior.
Although the interior is dominated
by pretty dark tones that make a
lot of other colours appear reserved
and uncourageous by comparison,
this Hollywood villa, which possesses
more glass than concrete surfaces,
still manages to retain a very personal and well-designed “dark line”,
which underlines the object’s exclusive character.
The ground floor consists of a unique
space that includes Californiasunbathed living room, kitchen and
dining room, as well as an open communication with a cascade swimming pool and a glass fence that
erases all boundaries on the terrace
and provides a view wide enough
to reach the Pacific Ocean.
The scene changes during sunset
when this villa becomes the master
of the night, as the feeling of height and spaciousness provides an
indescribable feeling of power and
calmness on the roof of the city of
The basement reveals a cinema, recreational room and other premises
that are required in a house that implies a very high level of comfort.
Hollywood...a place where dreams
become reality.
ako je suvremeni
način života postao
iznimno ubrzan i
zahtjevan, pojavio
se trend povratka prirodi u što više
životnih segmenata. To se očituje
i kroz uvođenje novina u građevinarstvu, gdje se posebna pažnja
posvećuje podrijetlu i odabiru materijala u gradnji. Danas se često kao
najbolja rješenja navode ekološke,
zelene i štedljive kuće. Cilj ulaganja
u ekološke kuće i naselja jest ostvariti
obostrano korisne odnose čovjeka i
okoline. Pažljivo se odabiru sredstva
građenja, a kuća kao proizvod treba
minimalizirati štetne utjecaje okoline,
primijenjenih materijala i spojeva.
Ekološka gradnja podrazumijeva nisku potrošnju fosilnih goriva i neobnovljivih izvora energije (plin, ulje),
što je povezano s troškovima grijanja
i emisijom ugljikova dioksida, koji ima
poguban utjecaj na klimu. Važna je
i zaštita od elektromehaničkog zračenja (dalekovodi, mobilni i radiouređaji), čiji utjecaj na čovjeka još nije
u potpunosti razjašnjen. Neki materijali su ekološki prihvatljiviji od ostalih,
te su postali osnova takozvane zdrave gradnje. To su svakako najčišće
drvo, opeka kao tradicionalan građevinski materijal, aluminij, beton i
U mnogim ekoprojektima koristi se
i zeleni krov. Specifičan je po tome
što smanjuje raspon krovnih temperatura, štiti od UV zraka i elektromagnetskih valova, prirodni je klimatizator, te je iskoristiv kao vrtna površina.
Kada spominjemo moderne, ekološke projekte u građevinarstvu, ne možemo zaobići pojam samoodrživosti.
Pojam održivog razvoja potječe iz
šumarstva, a temelji se na tome da
se ne smije narušavati prirodna ravnoteža, ni iscrpiti osnovne supstancije. Ovakav ekološki princip danas se
Globalni trend ekološke gradnje
rezultirao je mnogim zanimljivim
projektima, čiji su autori ponajprije okrenuti minimaliziranju
zagađenja i povećanoj upotrebi obnovljivih izvora energije.
Među ostalima, to su Calatravov
The Chicago Spire, Frasers Broadway studija Foster&Partneri i
Jean Nouvel Ateliersa, te Fisherov Dinamični toranj.
Odranska zavrtnica, prvo
niskoenergetsko naselje u Hrvatskoj
Odranska zavrtnica, the first
low-energy settlement in Croatia
koristi na sve više polja. Većina teži
tome da se zadovolje potrebe današnje generacije, ali ne nauštrb budućih. Jezgru održivog razvoja čini
zaštita životne sredine.
U Hrvatskoj se trenutačno nastoje realizirati različiti ekoprojekti, od ekokuća pa sve do cijelih ekosela i naselja. Odranska zavrtnica tako je prvo
niskoenergetsko naselje u Hrvatskoj,
a glavna osobina mu je štednja bez
smanjenja udobnosti života. Veliki
prozori omogućavaju bolju iskoristivost prirodnog svjetla, dok iznimno
kvalitetna izolacija smanjuje potrebu za grijanjem i hlađenjem prostora. Naselje se prostire na 39.030
četvornih metara, te je opremljeno
svim potrebnim sadržajima.
Pažnju svakako privlači i prvo ekološko turističko naselje istarskih vila u
Istri, smješteno u laguni Stella Maris.
To naselje pruža vrhunsku kvalitetu,
ali uz zaštitu i racionalizaciju trošenja
prirodnih resursa, energije i prostora.
Gradnja u skladu
s prirodom
Cilj ulaganja u ekološke kuće i naselja jest ostvariti
obostrano korisne odnose čovjeka i okoline. Pažljivo
se odabiru sredstva građenja, a kuća kao proizvod
treba minimalizirati štetne utjecaje okoline, primijenjenih materijala i spojeva
Piše: Ana Bralić
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
Zeleni vrtovi protežu se na 8,3 hektara, u kojima je smješteno 70 vila
vrhunske izolacije, s ekocertificiranim
namještajem i ekološkom rasvjetom.
Svakako je zanimljiv i projekt tvrtke
Tehnix, koja je izradila prototip mobilne ekološke kuće MEK, koja je
potpuno energetski neovisna. Nije
joj potreban nikakav priključak na
električnu mrežu, ima sustave sakupljanja kišnice i pročišćavanja otpadne vode.
Očuvanje prirodnih resursa
Pojam „zelenog“ počeo se široko
koristiti početkom 90-ih prošlog stoljeća, te podrazumijeva brigu i napore za očuvanjem prirodnih resursa, zdravije životne sredine i planeta.
Važno je razviti svijest i odgovornost
prema prirodi koja nas okružuje, te
dobiti podršku mjerodavnih institucija. Dva su najistaknutija područja
djelovanja zelenog pokreta, a to su
energetika i samo građenje. Ener-
getika obuhvaća obnovljive izvore
energije i energetsku efikasnost, a
građenje materijale, sustave i tehnologije. Zeleno građenje je puno
više od pukog praćenja preporuka, to je pažljivo proračunavanje u
kolikoj će mjeri materijali i proizvodi
utjecati na čitav objekt i okoliš. Da bi
neki projekt bio označen kao zeleni,
mora zadovoljiti čitav niz preduvjeta vezanih uz prozvodnju, sirovinu i
transport. U građevinarstvu su se u
The Chicago Spire, energetski
potpuno neovisan objekt, po
projektu Santiaga Calatrave
The Chicago Spire,
a completely energy-wise
independent object,
projected by Santiago Calatrava
Prvo naselje ekoloških
turističkih vila u Istri
The first settlement of
ecological tourism villas in Istria
tom smislu počele događati velike
promjene. Sam zeleni pokret je reakcija na zastarjele tehnologije i energetske sustave, minimalno korištenje
obnovljivih izvora energije, zanemareno recikliranje, te ignoriranje održivog razvoja. Zeleni projekti su oni
koji su projektirani i izgrađeni tako da
maksimalno koriste i štede energiju iz
okoliša, te sadrže materijale pogodne za svaku pojedinu mikrolokaciju.
Takve gradnje dosad su bile skuplje
oko trideset posto od klasične gradnje, no to se promijenilo zahvaljujući
novim, jeftinijim
Principi zelene
gradnje odnose
se i na poslovne
zgrade, a „zeleni“ jamče da
boravak u zelenim građevinama povećava
produktivnost i
zadovoljstvo. To
pripisuju pozitivnom djelovanju
prirodnog svjetla
i čistog zraka, te, naravno, manjim
mjesečnim računima. Ovaj pokret
sa sobom nosi i specifičnu kulturu života i stanovanja, usklađenu s održivim razvojem.
Štedljive kuće – zahtjevan,
no isplativ koncept
Tri su vrste štedljivih kuća: pasivna,
niskoenergetska i nulta. Prva pasivna kuća je izgrađena 1991. godine
u Njemačkoj. Pasivnom kućom se
smatra svaka koja po metru četvornom stambene površine ne utroši
više od 1,5 litara loživa ulja. Pasivna
kuća se razlikuje od niskoenergetske
jer je kod potonje postignut standard
za gradnju i troši maksimalno sedam
litara loživa ulja. Pasivna kuća posti30
že ugodnu temperaturu i ljeti i zimi
bez aktivnog sustava grijanja. Važno
je da su svi vanjski elementi zgrade, osim staklenih površina, iznimno
dobro izolirani. Sam koncept kuće,
izolacije i njihovi proračuni moraju
zadovoljavati visokim standardima i
potrebno je dobiti gotovo hermetički zatvoren prostor unutar kuće, jer bi
u protivnom toplina izišla kroz fuge,
spojeve i razne otvore. Također,
mora biti spriječena nekontrolirana
izmjena vanjskog i unutarnjeg zraka.
Pasivnu kuću ne možemo napraviti
tako da pregradimo
preoblikujemo klasičnu,
jer ona nema
poseban su-
stav prozračivanja ni specifičan raspored prostorija. Za opskrbu svježim
zrakom brine se sustav kontrolirane
ventilacije, kod kojeg se izmjenjuje
izlazni, potrošeni zrak s ulaznim. Da
bi toplina ostala u kući, potrebni su
prostori s trostrukim ostakljenjem i izolacija od 25 do 40 cm.
Niskoenergetska kuća za zagrijavanje koristi 40 kWh/m² godišnje, što
se može izraziti ekvivalentom od 2,7
litara loživa ulja, pa se naziva i trolitarskom kućom. Niskoenergetske
kuće se uklapaju u koncept održive
gradnje. Energetski su učinkovite i
potpuno samodostatne. Proizvode
dovoljnu količinu energije, u najvećoj mjeri izravnim zahvatom sunčeva zračenja, tako da se ne mora
priključiti na mrežu električne struje.
Niskoenergetska potrošnja energije
može se postići i u obnovi već postojeće gradnje. Takav tip kuće traži
i neka dodatna ulaganja, no to je
zanemarivo s obzirom na veliku uštedu energije koju omogućava. Nulta
kuća još se naziva energanom. Ona
postiže dovoljno energije za vlastite
Danas, suočeni s energetskom
krizom i sve većim onečišćenjem
okoliša, mnogi od nas nastoje živjeti zdravije, ali i štedljivije. To je
ključan razlog zašto je korištenje
tradicionalnih materijala i prirodnih resursa uzelo maha. Arhitektonsko rješenje i dizajn više ne
zadovoljavaju ekološki osviještenog kupca i vode se polemike
o izboru adekvatnih materijala i
tehnologija. Natura studio u svojim projektima nastoji koristiti što
je više moguće prirodne, neškodljive materijale, poput drva,
celuloze, izolacijske ovčje vune i
slame. Kod fasadnih rješenja hit je
blato, a kao termička masa glina.
Ovaj studio također ima ambiciozne planove za ekološki prihvat-
ljivu gradnju.
Već u ovoj godini trebala bi početi gradnja pravih, niskoenergetskih
stanova i kuća u Puli i Zaprešiću,
te 11 pasivnih kuća. To je tek dio
ekoloških projekata Natura studija,
ali i hrabar iskorak k zadovoljenju
potreba suvremenog čovjeka. Informacije o ovakvom načinu gradnje, nažalost, nisu dostupne u cijeloj
Hrvatskoj. Natura studio je dosad
održavao barem jedno predavanje mjesečno o ekološkoj i pasivnoj gradnji i te aktivnosti namjeravaju intenzivirati. Edukacija je ipak
početak svih promjena i napretka,
tako da su ovakve inicijative itekako dobrodošle. U svom izložbenom
prostoru Natura studio upravo uređuje oglednu pasivnu kuću površine
24 četvorna metra, koja će poslužiti
u promotivne i edukativne svrhe.
potrebe, a može i premašiti postavljene zahtjeve. U tom smislu arhitektura uistinu postaje energana.
Prilagoditi okolinu
vlastitu životnom stilu
Danas je na tržištu dostupna takozvana inteligentna kuća, koja predstavlja spoj tehnologije i stila življenja.
Takav tip kuće sadrži više integriranih sustava koji se kontroliraju preko
centralnog procesorskog sustava.
Neki od sustava su i grijanje, hlađenje, protuprovalni sustav, rasvjeta
itd. Navedeni centralni sustav povećava sigurnost i udobnost doma,
te utječe na ekonomično trošenje
energije. S obzirom na činjenicu da
tehnologija bilježi ekstreman napredak iz dana u dan, nema granica pri
opremanju ovakvog tipa kuće.
Danas je dom puno više od krova nad glavom, to je oaza i mjesto
opuštanja od stresne svakodnevice.
U konačnici, udobnost našega životnog prostora utječe na naše zdravlje, stoga pri odabiru treba pažljivo
razmisliti. Treba se posvetiti tome da
se okolina prilagodi našem životnom
stilu, a mi njezinim zakonitostima i
Razvijena svijest
U posljednjih je nekoliko godina svijest o zelenoj gradnji i zanimanje za
nju itekako poraslo. Samo od lipnja
2008. je u 12 zemalja diljem svijeta
osnovan Savjet za zelenu gradnju,
a u šest je prepoznato njegovo nastajanje. I u Hrvatskoj je pokrenuta
inicijativa osnivanja spomenutog
Savjeta (Green Building Council
– GBC Croatia), koji bi trebao djelovati kao neprofitna organizacija
koja će služiti kao nacionalna platKuća kocka energiju
crpi iz termoplastičnog kišobrana
Dice House draws energy
from a thermo-plastic umbrella
forma za promociju prakse održive
gradnje. Colliers International d.o.o.,
vodeći međunarodni konzultant na
području nekretnina u Jugoistočnoj
Europi, pokrenuo je regionalnu inicijativu za očuvanje i zaštitu okoliša
te održivi razvoj (RISE – Regional initiative for sustainability and enviroment). Takva nastojanja ne čude jer
je sve veći broj ljudi zabrinut zbog
klimatskih promjena i njezinih posljedica na globalnoj razini. Vodeći
stručnjaci u Colliersu smatraju da
će u bližoj budućnosti na tržištu opstati samo pametno planirani projekti, koji će uključivati investicijske
studije, razvojne strategije, analize
trendova, ugrađene elemente zelene gradnje, te saznanja o održivosti
projekta. Projekti koji ne budu imali
razrađen plan komercijalizacije i sve
prethodno navedeno, uopće neće
biti u mogućnosti ući u fazu realizacije. Tomislav Perović, direktor Colliersa u Hrvatskoj, istaknuo je kako
će zelena gradnja i briga za okoliš
donijeti mnoge ekološke prednosti
svim stanovnicima zemlje, te da će
bitno utjecati i na ekonomski aspekt
daljnjeg razvoja tržišta, što je u ovom
tržišnom trenutku vrlo važno.
Dinamični toranj u Dubaiju
Dynamic tower in Dubai
Trenutačno je na globalnoj sceni
najpoznatiji ekoprojekt arhitekta Davida Fishera, tzv. Dinamični toranj.
Gradi se u Dubaiju, a bit će završen
2010. godine. Riječ je o zgradi koja
se cijelo vrijeme okreće, a u sklopu
koje se nalazi toranj visok 420 m, s
80 katova. Toranj će koristiti zračna
strujanja, karakteristično prisutna na
tolikim visinama, za samonapajanje.
Među ambicioznijim projektima je
svakako i The Chicago Spire, španjolskog arhitekta Santiaga Calatrava. Taj potpuno energetski neovisan
projekt bit će jedna od najviših stambenih zgrada na svijetu, sa svojim
tornjem od 610 m visine.
Svjetski primjeri
Dobitnik prestižne nagrade za
arhitekturu Pritzker prize, studio
Foster&Partneri, u suradnji s Jeanom
Nouvelom, stvorio je projekt najsamostalnijeg australskog naselja pod
imenom Frasers Broadway. To niskoenergetsko naselje zauzima 250.000
četvornih metara u Sydneyu, te će
imati zelene krovove, kao i mnogo
zelenih površina unutar samih katova, čime će se omogućiti prirodno
Ekogradnja ne odnosi se nužno na
projekte velikih dimenzija poput navedenih. Takav tip gradnje može se
realizirati i kroz manji objekt ili niz istih.
Britanska arhitektonska tvrtka Sybarite osmislila je jednostavnu kuću
kocku (Dice house), čija je površina
samo 81 četvorni metar. Ta kuća
energiju crpi iz velikog termoplastičnog kišobrana koji je natkriva, te
ima funkciju kolektora. Inovativnim
rješenjem pokazao se i projekt arhitektonskog studija Grimshaw pod
nazivom Teatro del Aqua -kazalište
na vodi. Projekt će biti realiziran na
Kanarskom otočju, te će u potpunosti počivati na obnovljivoj energiji.
Opskrbljivat će se vodom zahvaljujući procesu desalinizacije.
Trend ekološke gradnje posebno je
uočljiv u zemljama Europske unije,
te se u nekima već nametnuo kao
standard pri gradnji. U Hrvatskoj je
vidljiv uglavnom kroz pojedinačne
slučajeve, te u naseljima koja se sastoje od najviše deset objekata
Štednjom energije u naselju Odranska
zavrtnica, ne gubi se na komforu
Energy preservation in Odranska zavrtnica doesn’t
affect the comfort level
Building in Harmony
with Nature
he modern way of life
has become extremely
accelerated and demanding, so it is no wonder that we’re witnessing
a trend of returning to nature in as
many life segments as possible. This
is clearly demonstrated by numerous new introductions in the construction business, where special attention is now given to the choice and
background of construction materials. These days, many people feel
that ecological, green and economical houses are the best way
to go. The goal of investments into
ecological houses and settlements
is to achieve a mutually beneficial
relationship between humans and
The goal of investments in ecological houses and settlements is to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship
between humans and their environment. Construction
materials are carefully chosen, and the house as a final
product should minimize the damaging effects of the
surrounding, applied materials and compounds
Written: Ana Bralić
Photo: DalCasa Archive
their environment. Construction materials are carefully chosen, and the
house as a final product should minimize the damaging effects of the
surrounding, applied materials and
Ecological building implies low consumption of fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources (gas, oil),
which is connected to the heating
expenses and the emission of carbon-dioxide with its harmful effects
on the climate. It is also important
to secure protection from electromechanical radiation (power lines,
mobile and radio devices), as their
effect on people has not been completely clarified. Some materials are
ecologically more acceptable than
others, and have now become the
basis of the so-called healthy construction. Those materials primarily
include wood, brick as traditional
construction material, aluminium,
concrete and others.
Numerous eco-projects also use
green roofs, which are specific for reducing the span between different
roof temperatures. They also protect
from UV radiation and electromagnetic waves, as well as serving as
natural air conditioners. Green roofs
can also be used as garden surfaces.
As we started talking about modern
and ecological projects in the construction business, we also must talk
about self-sufficiency. This term originates from forestry, and it promotes
the idea that natural balance should never be disturbed, and primary
substances should never be completely exhausted. This ecological
principle is now used in more fields
of life. It strives to find ways to satisfy
the needs of the present generation, but not at the expense of future
generations. The essence of self-sufficient development is to protect the
life environment.
Several different eco-projects are
currently in negotiations in Croatia,
from eco-houses to entire eco-villages and settlements. Odranska
Zavrtnica is the first low-energy settlement in Croatia, and its main characteristic is saving energy without
reducing the level of comfort. Large
windows ensure better usage of natural light, while extremely high-quality isolation reduces the need for
heating and cooling. The settlement
spreads across 39.030 square metres, and is equipped with all neces-
The global trend of ecological
building has resulted in numerous interesting projects, with
authors that are primarily oriented towards minimizing pollution
and increasing the usage of renewable energy sources. These projects include Calatravo’s
The Chicago Spire, Frasers Broadway Studio by Foster & Partners and Jean Nouvel Ateliers,
and Fisher’s Dynamic Tower.
sary features.
We must also mention the first ecological tourism settlement of Istrian
villas in Istria, which is located at
the Stella Maris Lagoon. This settlement provides supreme quality,
but with preservation and rationalization of natural resources, energy
and space. Green gardens spread
across 8,3 hectares, and we find 70
villas with superb isolation, eco-certificated furniture and ecological
lighting. A project from company
Tehnix is also very interesting, as they
built a prototype for the ecological
and mobile MEK House, which is
completely independent in terms of
energy. It doesn’t require any electricity attachments, and it possesses
systems for collecting rainwater and
Eko naselje
Odranska zavrtnica
Odranska zavrtnica
purifying wastewater.
Preserving Natural Resources
The term “green” started being broadly used in the early 1990s, and it
assumes care and efforts to preserve natural resources, healthier life
environment and the planet. It is important to develop the awareness
and responsibility towards the surrounding nature, as well as to receive
the support from the relevant institutions. There are two issues at the
forefront of the green movement’s
agenda: the study of energy and
construction itself. The study of energy includes renewable sources of
energy and energetic efficiency,
while construction includes dealing
with materials, systems and technologies. Green construction deals
with a lot more than merely keeping
up with recommendations, as the
relevant experts carefully calculate to which extent certain materials and products will influence the
entire object and the environment.
In order for a project to qualify as
“green”, it must meet a whole line
of conditions regarding production, raw materials and transport. The
construction business is starting to
witness some pretty big changes in
this aspect. The green movement is
a reaction to outdated technologies and energy systems, as well as to
minimal usage of renewable energy
sources, neglected recycling and
ignored energetic self-sufficiency.
Green projects have been projected and constructed in a way that
achieves maximum usage and preservation of the energy around us,
and which contain favourable materials for every single micro-location. These types of buildings used to
be about 30% more expensive than
classic buildings, but that has now
changed thanks to new cheaper
technologies. The green-construction principles also relate to business
buildings, and the “green” representatives guarantee that spending
time in green buildings increases the
level of productivity and satisfaction. They contribute those factors
to the positive effect of natural light
and clean air, as well as to smaller
monthly bills. This movement also
assumes a specific culture of life and
residence, which is in harmony with
self-sufficient development.
Economical Houses
Demanding, but
Profitable Concept
There are three types of economical houses: passive, low-energy and
zero-energy. The first passive house
was built in 1991 in Germany. A passive house is every house that spends less than 1,5 litres of fuel oil per
one square metre of residential surface. A passive house differs from a
low-energy house, which possesses
an official construction standard
and is allowed to spend up to seven litres of fuel oil. A passive house
achieves pleasant temperatures in
both summer and winter without an
active heating system. It is important
to have the building’s outdoor elements, outside of glass surfaces, to
have extremely good isolation. The
house concept, isolation and the
accompanying calculations must
meet very high standards, and it is
important to create a hermetically
enclosed space within the house,
which will prevent the heat to exit
through joints, connections and different openings. It is also important
to prevent an uncontrolled exchange between outdoor and indoor air.
A passive house cannot be created
by simply readjusting or renovating
a classic house, because the latter
doesn’t have a special ventilation
system or a specific room arrangement. Fresh air is produced by a
Vile u Istri u naselju Stella Maris
su vrhunski izolirane i koristi
se ekološka rasvjeta
Villas in Istrian settlement
Stella Maris are supremely
isolated and use
ecological lighting
controlled ventilation system, which
exchanges the consumed exiting
air with incoming air. In order for the
heat to remain in the house, all the
rooms must possess triple glass and
25-40 cm of isolation.
A low-energy house uses 40kWh/m2
a year for heating purposes, which is
equivalent to around 2,7 litres of fuel
oil, and that is why it is sometimes
called a three-litre house. Low-energy houses satisfy all the conditions of
the concept of maintainable construction. They are energetically efficient and completely self-sufficient.
They produce an adequate amount
of energy, primarily by directly absorbing the sunlight, which prevents the
need for any electrical connections.
A low level of energy consumption
can also be achieved by renovating an existing building. That type of
house will demand certain additional investments, but that is irrelevant
considering how much energy you
are going to save. A zero-energy house is also called an energy power
plant. It produces enough energy
for its own needs, and it has the potential to also surpass those needs. In
that sense, a building truly becomes
an energy power plant.
Adjusting the
to Your own Style
Today’s market offers the so-called
intelligent houses, which represent
a combination of technology and
lifestyle. This type of house possesses
several integrated systems that are
controlled through a central processing system. Some of the systems
control heating, cooling, anti-burglary system, lighting etc. The aforementioned central system increases
the level of safety and comfort in a
home, and it also affects the economical usage of energy. Considering
the fact that technology is taking
massive steps forward on everyday
basis, this type of house will provide
absolutely no limitations.
These days, a home is a lot more than
a mere roof over our head, as it also
represents an oasis and a place to
relax from the stressful everyday life.
The comfort level of our living space also has a serious effect on our
health, so we advise you to carefully
consider all options before making
your choice. Focus on adjusting the
environment to your own personal
Dinamični toranj arhitekta
Davida Fishera će za energiu
koristiti visinska zračna strujanja
Dynamic Tower by architect
David Fisher will draw energy
from air currents at large heights
tional consultant for real estates in
South-Eastern Europe, has started
an initiative called RISE – Regional
Initiative for Sustainability and Environment. These types of efforts are
hardly surprising when an increasing
number of people are concerned
about the climate changes and
their consequences at the global level. Leading experts at Colliers feel
that the market will only have room
for intelligently planned projects in
the near future. These projects will
include investment studies, development strategies, trend analysis,
installed green-building elements,
Natura Studio
Education Is the First Step
lifestyle, and make sure you respect
all of its needs and natural laws.
Developed Awareness
Over the last several years, the awareness and interest regarding green
building has rapidly increased. Since June 2008, 12 countries all over
the world have founded the Green
Building Council, and six more countries have acknowledged its existence. An initiative was also started in
Croatia to found this Council (GBC
Croatia), which should function as a
non-profitable organization that serves as a national platform to promote self-sufficient construction. Colliers
International d.o.o., leading interna36
These days, as we’re
facing an energy crisis and the increasing
environment pollution,
many of us are trying
to engage ourselves in
a healthier and more
economical way of
life. That is the crucial
reason why the usage
of traditional materials
and natural resources has picked
up a great deal. Architectonic solutions and design are no longer
enough to please an ecologically
conscious client, which leads to
numerous discussions regarding
the choice of adequate materials
and technologies. The experts at
Natura Studio try to use as many
natural and safe materials in their projects as possible, including
wood, cellulose, isolation sheep
wool and straw. Mud is the big hit
when it comes to facades, while clay is often used as thermal
mass. This studio also has some
ambitious plans in the field of ecologically acceptable construction.
They are planning to start building
genuine low-energy houses and
apartments in Pula and Zaprešić
as early as this year, as well as 11
passive houses. That is just a small
part of Natura Studio ecological
projects, but it also stands as a brave attempt towards pleasing the
needs of a modern person. Unfortunately, information about this type
of construction is not available in all
parts of Croatia. Natura Studio has
so far given at least one lecture a
month regarding the topic of eco
and passive construction, and they
are planning to increase the level
of their activities. After all, education is the start of all changes and
forms of progress, so these types of
initiatives are more than welcome.
The Natura Studio exhibit premises
are about to host a prototype-passive house with 24 m2 of surface,
which will serve for promotional
and educational purposes.
and information regarding the project sustainability. The projects that
will not possess a well-developed
commercialization plan and all these elements will not even be allowed
to reach the final stages. Tomislav
Perović, Colliers Manager for Croatia, pointed out that green building
and caring for the environment will
deliver numerous ecological advantages to everyone in the country, and that will have an important
effect on the economic aspect of
market development, which is very
important in the present situation on
the market.
World Examples
At this moment, the most famous
eco-project in the world is Dynamic
Tower by architect David Fisher. It
is being built in Dubai, and will be
completed in 2010. This building will
constantly be revolving, and it will
include a 420-metre tower with 80
floors. The tower will use air currents,
which are characteristic at such heights, for the purpose of charging itself with energy.
One of the more ambitious projects
is certainly The Chicago Spire, designed by Spanish architect Santiago
Calatravo. This completely energetically self-sufficient project will be
one of the highest residential buildings in the world, as it will possess a
610-metre tower.
Kuća kocka se može
spajati u nizu od više jedinica
Dice House can be assembled
from multiple units
Planirana visina
Chicago Spearsa je
vrtoglavih 610 metara
The Chicago Spire is
planned to have an
astounding height of 610 metres
The winner of the prestigious Pritzker
Prize in architecture, Foster & Partners Studio, collaborated with Jean
Nouvel to create a project for the
most self-sufficient Australian settlement – Frasers Broadway. This lowenergy settlement takes up 250.000
square metres in Sydney, and will feature green roofs and lots of green
surfaces within the facility, which will
enable natural cooling.
Eco-building isn’t exclusively applied for grand-sized projects like the
ones we just mentioned. This type
of construction can also be applied
for one or more smaller objects. British architectonic company Sybarite came up with a simple concept
called Dice House, with only 81 square metres of surface. This house
draws energy from a large thermoplastic umbrella that hovers over it,
and has the function of an energy
collector. Another innovative solution comes within a project from architectonic studio Grimshaw, and it is
called Teatro del Aqua – Theatre on
Water. The project will be built in the
Canary Islands, and will completely
rely on usage of renewable energy.
It will receive water from the process
of desalinization.
The trend of ecological construction is particularly noticeable in the
countries of the European Union, as
some countries have already established it as a construction standard.
As far as Croatia goes, it is still only
visible through individual examples,
as well as in settlements that consist
of up to ten objects
Modni dizajn
je moja poruka
plitski dizajner Teo
Perić posljednje dvije
godine kreira odjeću
za modnu kuću MAK,
a sudeći po kritikama, radi to zaista na svjetskoj razini. Prepoznatljiv je po svojemu retro
stilu, koji su, čini se, žene u Hrvatskoj
prihvatile objeručke. Taj Splićanin s
povremenom adresom u Zagrebu je
35-godišnjak osebujna stila i izgleda,
s vrlo naglašenom intuitivnošću prema dizajnu. On je kao slijepac koji
osjeti miris žene i taktilnim osjetilima
nanjuši ono najbolje na njoj. Njegova je mašta zarobljena u nekim prošlim vremenima iz kojih crpi inspiraciju
za svoje kolekcije, baš kao što će to
biti i ova za proljeće-ljeto 2009.
DC: U mjesecu smo nadolazećeg
Cro-a-portera, prema mnogima
jednog od najvažnijih modnih događaja u Hrvatskoj. Ponekad je modu
vrlo teško opisati samo riječima, no
biste li nam otkrili kako će izgledati
Lako je napraviti nešto što već nije viđeno, ali je vrlo
teško napraviti kolekciju koja će ujedno biti i nosiva i
drukčija od svega prije viđenog
Piše: Jelena Badovinac
Foto: Lupino
kolekcija koju pripremate za sezonu
proljeće-ljeto 2009.?
Ponekad mi se čini da se mi dizajneri
najbolje izražavamo djelima, a puno
teže riječima. Mnogi od nas rade kolekciju, uvjetno rečeno, u posljednji
tren, ne zato što nemamo vremena,
nego zato što se za stvaranje kolekcije mora „dogoditi vrijeme“. Kad
radim na modelima, radim samo
to i vrlo mi je teško baviti se nečim
drugim usporedo. Tih mjesec dana
prije samog događanja, sav sam u
Neda-Makjanić Kunić, vlasnica
MAK-a i modni dizajner Teo Perić
Neda-Makjanić Kunić, owner of MAK
and fashion designer Teo Perić
tom poslu. Kolekcija za nadolazeću
sezonu bi za početak trebala biti vrlo
razigrana. Temeljit će se na živim i
jarkim bojama, narančastoj, ljubičastoj i tirkiznoplavoj. Knjiga „Odgoj
djevojaka u Češkoj“ bila je inspiracija za kolekciju. Mladalački, razigrano, senzualno, pomalo romantično.
U svakom slučaju nosivo, ovisno o
ženi, prilagodljivo i na dnevnoj kavi
u centru grada i romantičnoj večeri.
DC: Koliko je teško napraviti kolekciju, odnosno koliko je teško napraviti nešto što već nije viđeno?
Lako je napraviti nešto što već nije
viđeno, ali je vrlo teško napraviti kolekciju koja će ujedno biti i nosiva
i drukčija od svega prije viđenog.
Većina dizajnera je dosljedna sebi u
svojem stilu i izradi te svatko od nas
vodi borbu sam sa sobom tijekom
izrade kolekcije. Model se mora svidjeti i meni kao tvorcu i osobi kojoj je
to namijenjeno. Za razliku od stranih
dizajnera, gotovo nitko u Hrvatskoj
sebi ne može dopustiti da radi samo
kolekcije za revije u smislu „hot couture“ modela, koji se vani izrađuju
uglavnom za velike ekskluzivne revije.
Novac je
važan faktor
DC: U svijetu je uvriježeno pravilo da
se na revijama prezentiraju kolekcije za sljedeću godinu, dok se kod
nas revije rade pred nadolazeću sezonu. Zbog čega?
Naša modna i tekstilna industrija je
na prilično niskim granama u smislu
da je relativno slabo plaćena. Dakle, mi ćemo vrlo teško raditi kolekcije za sljedeću godinu zbog toga što
gotovo nitko nema dovoljno veliki
budžet da napravi kolekciju za, recimo, 2010. godinu, a da tijekom tekuće godine šivamo po narudžbi većinu modela koju će klijenti naručiti
iz te kolekcije. Prije svega, malo je
tržište, platežna moć je slabija i nitko
ne želi riskirati samo s klijentima koji
će unaprijed naručivati jer ih nema
u tolikom broju da bi se to isplatilo.
U Hrvatskoj se rade pret-a-porter kolekcije, dakle kolekcije koje su nosive
i namijenjene su nadolazećoj sezoni.
Vjerujte, svi bismo se vrlo rado igrali
velikih dizajnera, no, međutim, to je
kod nas nemoguće.
Za sada da, oboje smo vrlo zadovoljni.
DC: Trenutačno ste uz Dalibora Betija, koji kreira za „Heruc“, jedini dizajner koji kreira za jednu modnu
kuću, u vašem slučaju MAK. Vani je
posve normalno da svaka modna
kuća ima svojega glavnog dizajnera, uglavnom su to već etablirana
imena, no kod nas je to još uvijek
DC: Zašto ste za svoje zanimanje
odabrali baš dizajn odjeće? Jeste li
nekada razmišljali da bi se unosnije bilo baviti nekim drugim zanimanjem?
S MAK-om sam počeo surađivati na poziv vlasnice MAK-a Nede
Makjanić-Kunić, koja je željela na
neki način s dizajnerskim imenom
oplemeniti svoje kolekcije na Croa-porteru. MAK je danas jedna
od najjačih privatnih manufaktura i suradnja s njima je bila dogovorena na međusobno zadovoljstvo. Meni kao dizajneru je puno
lakše raditi kad na raspolaganju
imam mašineriju kao što je ima
MAK, a s druge strane i Nedi Makjanić-Kunić je lakše raditi s nekim,
nego samoj. MAK već ima svoju
stalnu klijentelu, prepoznatljiv je,
a pret-a-porter kolekcijama smo
ovoj modnoj kući dodali, kako bi
u Zagrebu rekli, „hoch glanz“ iliti
finu glazuru.
DC: Suradnja traje već dvije godine, kritike vas hvale, hoće li se
i nastaviti?
Perićeva skica
za novu kolekciju
Sketch by Perić
for new collection
DC: Svojedobno ste imali vlastiti dućan u središtu Zagreba u kojem ste
osim odjeće kreirali i cipele. Jeste li
razmišljali o ponovnom dizajniranju
Dizajn cipela je moja velika ljubav.
Svojedobno sam kreirao za Borovo
i čak sam jedno vrijeme razmišljao
da se maksimalno tome posvetim.
Nadam se da ću doći u priliku opet
raditi takvo što. Nudi mi se jedna
suradnja s razvikanom talijanskom
tvrtkom, no za sada smo još samo u
Veće tržište
Pa u današnjim uvjetima bi to sigurno bilo bolje, no svatko od nas ima
neku ljubav koja ponekad nema
i ekvivalent u financijskom smislu.
Upravo tako je i s dizajniranjem odjeće. Praktički, rodio sam se okružen
balama materijala, iglama, koncima i krojevima. Otac je svojedobno
bio vrlo ugledan krojač u Sarajevu i
kad se nakon nekoliko godina preselio u Split, shvatio je da je pogriješio. Naime, ti stari majstori tada su
izrađivali najviše odijela, sakoe, haljine i kapute, a to je za klimatske uvjete u Splitu bilo nepotrebno, te mu je
posao jako pao. Moja majka je također radila s njim u radionici pa je
onda nekako bilo logično i da se ja
počnem baviti ovim poslom. Završio
sam dizajn odjeće ne Tekstilno-tehnološkom studiju u Zagrebu i krenuo
od početka.
DC: Početak sigurno nije bio lagan.
Danas se naši dizajneri vrlo teško
probijaju u Hrvatskoj, a o stranom
tržištu da i ne govorimo. No, unatoč
tome ima li Hrvatska ipak dizajnere
koji bi, da je situacija drukčija, bili
konkurentni na stranom tržištu?
Apsolutno. U Hrvatskoj postoji nekoliko dizajnera, izdvojio bih primjerice
Amarie, Boudoiar, Roberta
Severa ili Hippy Garden, koji
mogu konkurirati i u svijetu.
No, da netko od njih, primjerice, živi i radi u Parizu, ne bi
mu bilo lakše. Veće tržište
je i veća konkurencija. Kod
nas je problem što nakon fakulteta izlaze, uz talentirane,
i dizajneri koji baš i nisu toliko
talentirani, a k tome još ne
mogu naći ni posao. Vani
postoje škole gdje studentu
na trećoj godini fakulteta
kažu da nije za to i ne daju ti
dalje da studiraš. Njihova je
prednost u tome što će talentiranog dizajnera prepoznati još na studiju i nakon
toga će ga odmah neka
velika modna kuća angažirati u svom stručnom timu.
To je bio, primjerice, slučaj
s Marijom Pirić koja je radila godinama za Armanija,
a danas u Splitu dizajnira u
sklopu svojeg studija Arileo.
Dakle, Hrvatska ima itekako
kvalitetne dizajnere, ali, na
žalost, sustav ih uvelike koči
u radu
eo Perić, designer
from Split, has been
working as a guest
associate for fashion
house MAK for the
last two years. He has been designing their performances at Cro-aPorter, and judging by the reviews,
he has been doing a world-class
job. He is recognizable for his retro
style that has seemingly been embraced by Croatian women. This
39-year-old Split designer, who currently resides in Zagreb, has a specific style and look, and his intuition
towards design is very evident. He is
like a blind man who feels the scent
of a woman, as he is able to use his
tactile senses to draw the very best
from that woman. His imagination
is captured in times long gone, but
he still finds inspiration for his collections in those times, just as he is
about to do for the upcoming 2009
spring-summer collection.
DC: This month will feature the upcoming Cro-a-Porter, which is described by many as one of the most
Fashion design
is my message
It is extremely hard to create something that hasn’t been
seen before. There are very few designers in the world that
move boundaries and introduce completely new elements
Written by: Jelena Badovinac
important fashion events in Croatia.
It can be hard to describe fashion in
words, but would you try describing
us your upcoming 2009 spring-summer collection?
I sometimes feel that it is best for
us designers to express ourselves
with our actions, rather than words.
Many of us are practically finishing
Photo: Lupino
our collections as we go along, not
because we don’t enough time,
but because creating a collection
requires “proper timing”. When I’m
working on models, that’s all I do
and it is very hard to do something
else at the same time. My focus is
entirely on that for about a month
before the show. I’m coming up
with a very playful collection based
on bright and strong colours like orange, purple and turquoise blue.
The book “Bringing up Girls in Bohemia” served as inspiration for the
collection. Youthful, playful, sensual and slightly romantic. Certainly
something that is very wearable
and adjustable, depending on the
woman: for a cup of coffee uptown
or a romantic dinner.
DC: How hard is it to create a collection, and how hard is it to come
up with something that hasn’t been
seen before?
It is extremely hard to create something that hasn’t been seen before.
There are very few designers in the
world that move boundaries and
introduce completely new elements. Over the last several years,
fabric manufacturers have been
greatly “helping” us by introducing
new methods of fabric processing,
colouring and other special effects
that seemingly do a part of our work
and provide a new sense of innovation to the model.
Money is
important factor
DC: It is common practice in the
world to use fashion shows as a way
of presenting collections for the following year, while we use shows to
promote clothes for this upcoming
season. Why is that?
The biggest Croatian fashion houses follow that world practice and
prepare collections a year ahead
of schedule, and they present them
six months prior to the season. Unfortunately, most of the smaller
fashion houses and designers can-
Rodio sam se okružen
balama materijala,
iglama, koncima i krojevima.
I was born surrounded with
piles of materials, needles,
threads and fashion cuts.
not afford that. They cannot afford
that entire process, from coming to
fairs, producing prototypes to finalizing the collection. Croatia is dominated by smaller fashion studios
and ateliers that produce unique or
semi-unique clothes. They are manufactured, presented and sold during the season. Money is the important factor, as it is crucial for smaller
ateliers to get quick refunds for new
fashion ventures.
DC: It is also quite normal abroad
for every fashion house to have
their own head designer, mostly an
established name like you for MAK
or Dalibor Betti for Estare Culto.
I started working with MAK on the invitation from owner Neda MakjanićKunić, who wanted to use a designer name to ennoble her collections
at Cro-a-Porter. This fashion house
now stands as one of the strongest
private manufacturing companies,
and our collaboration delivered
mutual satisfaction. It is much easier
for me as a designer to work when
Dizajn cipela je također
moja velika ljubav
Shoe designa is also
my great love
I’m supported by the machinery
that MAK possesses. On the other
hand, it is easier for Neda MakjanićKunić to collaborate with someone
than work on her own. MAK has its
loyal clientele and is quite recognizable, and we embellished our prêta-porter collections with, as Zagreb
folks would say, “hoch glanz” or icing on the cake.
DC: This collaboration has been
going on for two years, you’re getting raving reviews, will it be continued?
Yes, for the foreseeable future. Both
Neda Makjanić-Kunić and I are
quite happy. The one thing I like
about designing for MAK is complete freedom. That type of trust
flatters me, and I’m trying to pay
them back with quality collections.
Working with Neda is a challenge I
thoroughly enjoy as a designer and
an associate, and I’m looking forward to every new piece of clothing, every new season that comes
to life after the catwalk in one of
MAK stores, and then in people’s
DC: You used to own a store in the
centre of Zagreb that offered clothes
and your own brand of shoes. Have
you considered going back to designing shoes?
Shoe design is my great love. I used
to even design shoes for Borovo as a
guest associate, and I have seriously
considered focusing exclusively on
this field in the past. I certainly hope
that I will get an opportunity to do
something similar in the future. I am
being offered collaboration with a
high-profile Italian firm, but we are
still negotiating. That deal would
give me an opportunity to design
shoes again in a more professional
way, but that is all I am going to re-
DC: What made you choose clothing design as your profession? Have
you ever considered that it would
be more profitable to have a different profession?
Larger markets
bigger competition
There are certainly more profitable
more profitable lines of work in this
day and age. However, we all have
something we love that doesn’t always have a financial advantage.
Designing clothes is a typical example. However, I never really had an
alternative option to fashion. I was
born surrounded with piles of materials, needles, threads and fashion
cuts. I grew up with my father who
was a tailor, and my mother also
worked with him in his shop. In my
case, fashion is a family tradition
that I merely inherited.
DC: It must have been pretty hard.
These days, it is hard enough for our
designers to find work in our country, let alone in foreign countries.
Does Croatia still have designers
that would, if the situation were different, be competitive in foreign
Absolutely. There are several designers in Croatia, such as Amarie,
Boudoiar, Robert Sever and Hippy
Garden, that can be competitive
abroad. However, if some of them
lived and worked in Paris, they
wouldn’t have had it any easier.
A larger market assumes a larger
group of competitors. Our problem lies in the fact that too many
students make it from college. If
we take a group of thirty students,
maybe three to six of them are extremely talented. All these young
people have to work as interns, and
enough room for that, not to mention actual jobs, simply doesn’t exist. Foreign schools simply tell some
third-year students that they’re not
cut out for this line of work and they
don’t allow them to continue studying in their programmes. Their advantage is that they will recognize
a talented designer during college,
and then a large fashion house will
hire him for their professional teams.
That was the case with Marija Pirić
who worked for Armani for years,
and now she has her own design
studio Arileo in Split. Therefore,
Croatia truly has quality designers, but the system is unfortunately
working against them.
S otoka se pruža
prekrasan pogled
na kaotični Manhattan
From this island you can enjoy in beautiful
view on chaotic Manhattan
Pogled iz zraka
Aeral view
Governors Island
ekoprojekt buduænosti
overnors Island
je smješten između Manhattana,
Brooklyna i Kipa slobode. Potrebno
je tek sedam minuta vožnje trajektom da bi se stiglo do toga otoka,
čija je povijest duga oko tri stotine
godina. Prošlog ga je ljeta posjetilo
oko 55 tisuća ljudi, koji su došli uživati
Kada se govori o New Yorku, najčešće se spominju njegovi najpoznatiji otoci Manhattan i State Island. Takvih
otoka je ukupno osam, no zbog visokih troškova održavanja nisu stekli prestižan status poput navedenih. Jedan od njih, kojeg čeka svijetla budućnost, jest Governors Island, čija je površina 70 hektara
Piše: Ana Bralić
Foto: Perkins+Will, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, West 8
Cilj je otok pretvoriti u
nacionalni park
An intention is to transform
this island into a national park
u prirodi, besplatnim programima,
koncertima i sportskim aktivnostima. Mnogo godina je bio zapušten
i zatvoren, no 2001. godine su dva
objekta na njemu proglašena spomenicima kulture, što je dovelo do
mnogih diskusija o prenamjeni otoka. U vlasništvu države New York je
od 2003., a od prošle je godine u ljetnim mjesecima vikendom otvoren
za javnost. Zanimanje za prenamjenom otoka ne čudi budući da obiluje bujnim zelenilom i velikim brojem
ekološko-turistički projekt
Čitav niz arhitektonskih ureda je dao
svoja viđenja unaprjeđenja toga terena. Najviše su se pritom istaknuli
West8, Diller Scofidio+Renfro i Rogers
Marvel Architects, koji Governors
Island zamišljaju kao ekopark, koji bi
se trebao otvoriti 2012. godine. Diljem otoka izgradit će se botanički
vrtovi i različite podvodne konstrukcije koje će služiti za istraživanje. Pri
izgradnji će se koristiti prirodni materijali koji su već prisutni na otoku. Povijesne otočne građevine neće se
rušiti, nego će se samo restaurirati.
Južni dio otoka bit će pretvoren u
posve novi, umjetni krajolik, bogat
brežuljcima, napravljen od recikliranih materijala. Izgradit će se i amfiteatar s 10.000 sjedećih mjesta, kao i
umjetne špilje za speleologe. Za lakši
obilazak, realizirat će se i projekt žičare i manje željeznice, a duž cijelog otoka provest će se i uređena
ruta za pješačenje. Najdomljiviji će
biti pogled na sam New York i okolna područja. Zapadni dio otoka bit
će prekriven zelenilom te obogaćen
posebnim biljnim vrstama. Namjeravaju se izgraditi i posebne obalne
strukture, nalik na vodene mjehuriće, koje će se pomicati zajedno s
morem i prilagođavati različitim morskim razinama. Gouvernors Island će
postati umjetno stvoreni nacionalni
park, na koji će posjetitelji odlaziti
pješice ili biciklom, kako bi se smanjilo zagađivanje zraka. Glavni cilj
arhitekata koji rade na ovom projektu jest izgraditi nacionalni park sa
“stavom“ i bogatim popratnim sadržajima, u kojem se neće primijetiti
intervencija ljudske ruke.
Nova turistička meka
Governors Island bi nakon potpunog preuređenja trebao postati
novo turističko odredište, u kojem
bi se pristigli turisti mogli rekreirati
u zdravoj i nezagađenoj prirodi, u
potpunom miru, nasuprot urbanog
kaosa Manhattana. Park će biti intrigantan spoj prirodnog i umjetnog
krajolika. U planu su i avanturističke
vožnje biciklima prema umjetnim
planinama, vožnja kajaka, te mnogih drugih rekreativnih i edukativnih
Biciklistička staza za one koji
vole aktivan odmor
Bicycle path for those
who like active relaxation
U planu je izgradnja brežuljaka i
špilja za speleologe
A plan is to built hills and
caves for cavers
sadržaja. Veliki gurmani također će
moći pronaći kutak za sebe. Riblji
restoran Oyster trebao bi biti smješten unutar sfere, te plutati u blizini Kipa slobode. Bit će usidren na
umjetnom grebenu kamenica. Cilj
je usmjeriti se na biološku raznolikost
i bogatstvo okoliša zaljeva Hudson,
točnije njegovati lokalnu ekološku
osviještenost. Danas je posvećenost
ekološkim projektima veća nego
ikad prije, te nema sumnje da će
ovaj zeleni otok privući brojne znatiželjnike.
Governors Island
The Eco-Project of the Future
When we talk about New York, we usually talk about its
most famous islands, Manhattan and Staten Island. There
are eight islands in the New York area, but due to the high
maintenance expenses, they haven’t been able to earn the
prestigious reputation of the two islands we mentioned.
One of the islands, however, is facing a very bright future,
and that is Governors Island with 70 hectares of surface
Written by: Ana Bralić
who came to enjoy the nature, free
programmes, concerts and sports
activities. The island has been neglected and closed for many years,
but two of its objects were declared
cultural monuments in 2001, which
led to numerous discussions regarding the island’s reinvention. It has
Photo: Perkins+Will, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, West 8
overnors Island
is located between Manhattan, Brooklyn and
the Statue of Liberty. All you have to
do is take a seven-minute ferryboat
ride to get to this island, which has
over three hundred years of history.
Over the course of last summer, it
was visited by 55 thousand people
Duž cijelog otoka uredit
će se ruta za pješačenje
There will be a hiking path
among whole island
Obalne strukture tzv. “vodeni mjehurići“ pomicat će se zajedno
s morem i prilagođavati vodenim razinama
Waterside structures called aqua bubbles, will be
moving with sea and adjusting all aqua levels
Otok će predstavljati spoj
umjetnog i prirodnog
An island will represent junction
of natural and artificial
been owned by the State of New
York since 2003, and it was opened
for public during last summer. The
great interest for the island’s reinvention is hardly surprising because
of numerous green surfaces and
public parks.
Otok je smješten između
i Kipa Slobode
An island is located
between Brooklyn,
and Statue of Liberty
A First-Class
Ecological Project
Numerous architectonic offices provided their suggestions on how to improve this area. The most interesting
suggestions came from West8, Diller
Scofidio + Renfro and Rogers Marvel
Architects, as they see Governors Island as an eco-park that should be
opened in 2012. The entire island will
feature botanical gardens and various underground constructions that
will serve for research purposes. Only
natural materials that are already
present on the island will be used
during the construction process. The
island’s historical buildings will not be
demolished, but merely restored.
The island’s southern area will be
transformed into a brand-new, artificial landscape filled with slopes
and made of recycled materials.
It will also feature an amphitheatre
with 10.000 seats, as well as artificial
caves for speleologists. The visitors
will be able to move around the island more easily thanks to a cable-
way project and a smaller railroad,
and the entire island will be connected with a well-maintained walking path.
The island’s most impressive feature
will be the view of New York itself
and the surrounding areas. The island’s western section will be covered in green surfaces that will be
embellished by special botanical
species. There are also plans for special coastal structures that resemble water bubbles, which will move
along with the sea and adjust to
various sea levels. Governors Island
will become an artificially created
national park, where the visitors will
arrive by walking or riding a bicycle
in order to reduce air pollution. The
main goal of the architects that are
assigned to this project is to build a
national park with “an attitude” and
all kinds of accompanying features,
which will do a great job of hiding
any type of human intervention.
The New Mecca for Tourists
After the reinvention process is completed, Governors Island is planned
to become a new destination for
tourists, in which they’re supposed to
have plenty of exercise in the complete peace of quiet and unpolluted nature, away from Manhattan’s
urban chaos. The park will become
an intriguing combination of natural
and artificial landscapes. There are
plans for adventurous bicycle rides
towards artificial mountains, as well
as for kayak rides and numerous
other recreational and educational activities. Tourists with gourmet
tendencies will also find something
to please their interests. Fish restaurant Oyster is planned to be located within the sphere, as it will float
near the Statue of Liberty and be
anchored on an artificial oyster reef.
The architects’ goal is to emphasize
the biological diversity and natural
richness of Hudson Bay, as well as
to nurture its ecological awareness.
In times like today when ecological
projects are more in the spotlight
than ever before, there is no doubt
that this green island will attract a
great number of curious tourists.
Kuhanje je više od
U zagrebačkom restoranu Marcellino sve teži savršenstvu, pa o njemu
pišu i inozemni specijalizirani časopisi, a kada se rade ljestvice top-restorana, stoji čvrsto na prvome mjestu, gotovo bez konkurencije
Mario Čerhar
Piše: Romina Peritz
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
tkako je otvoren 2001. godine,
zagrebački restoran
Marcellino ne
silazi s liste najboljih hrvatskih restorana. Štoviše, o
tom restoranu pišu i inozemni specijalizirani časopisi, a kada se rade
ljestvice top-restorana, stoji čvrsto na prvome mjestu, gotovo bez
konkurencije. U svijetu tzv. gourmet
restorana i visoke kuhinje kakvu u
Hrvatskoj možemo kušati na samo
nekoliko mjesta, Marcellino je zauzeo svoje mjesto pod suncem. Sve
je to zasluga jednog čovjeka, Marija Čerhaka, osebujnog Sarajlije koji
je početkom devedesetih napustio
domovinu i na novoj adresi, onoj
berlinskoj, započeo ozbiljno baviti
se svojom skrivenom strašću – kuhanjem. Po vokaciji glazbenik, bio
je naime bubnjar u više sarajevskih
bendova, kaže kako je već s trideset godina shvatio da se sve najljepše što se događa, vrti oko stola.
Iako se svojim hobijem namjeravao
baviti u mirovini, sudbina je htjela
da se to ipak ranije dogodi. Još je u
Berlinu počeo raditi u jednom restoranu, upisao je zatim školu Otis Koch
Schule i otvorio talijanski restoran
“Da Gianni e Mario” s jednim Talijanom. Kada se preselio u Zagreb,
otvara sa suprugom Koviljkom restoran pod nazivom Marcellino, koji
se prvo nalazio u Frankopanskoj
ulici, dok je danas u sasvim novom
ruhu i s promijenjenim konceptom u
Interijer restorana Hugo
Interior of the
Hugo restaurant
Janjeći kare
restorana Marcellino
Lamb care
special food
from Marcellino
Ništa se ne propušta slučaju
Marija Čerhaka nikada nije zanimala prosječna, komercijalna kuhinja.
Od samih početaka u Marcellinu je
težio savršenstvu. A kako svako savršenstvo i kvaliteta košta, Marcellinu
su jedina zamjerka bile visoke cijene. S vremenom se i to promijenilo,
jer ako usporedimo cijene jelovnika
u vrhunskim francuskim ili talijanskim
restoranima koje se vrte od tristotinjak eura pa i više po osobi one u
Marcellinu od tri stotine, četiri stostotine kuna, stoga i nisu bombastične
s obzirom na ono što se nudi.
Čerhak, koji je ujedno i vlasnik i
glavni kuhar, perfekcionist je koji ništa ne prepušta slučaju. Svako jelo
njegova je osobna kreacija, a u restoran je utkao svoju osobnu životnu filozofiju. Možemo slobodno reći
da se radi o restoranu sa stavom i
filozofijom koja odražava osobnost
i afinitete vlasnika, ali tu se prate i
trendovi u svjetskoj gastronomskoj
sceni. Jasno je i laiku da tako dobar
restoran može voditi samo netko
kojemu je to istinska strast. Čerhak je
jedan od onih zaljubljenika u vlastiti
posao kojemu nije teško doslovno
od jutra do mraka raditi u restoranu
te sudjelovati u svim segmentima
ponude, od kuhanja do pristupa
gostima. S posla rijetko izbiva i to
samo onda kada je to opet – zbog
posla. Zna i po cijelu noć voziti ne bi
li otišao na ručak ili večeru u neki od
najboljih europskih restorana kako
bi bio u toku s inozemnom konkurencijom, ali i uživao u vrhunskim
specijalitetima svojih kolega. Kako
svoje goste nikako ne želi razočarati, jelovnik u Marcellinu podijeljen je
u dva dijela – na klasike i novitete.
U klasike spadaju ona jela koja gosti
kontinuirano traže i dobro su prihvaćena, na primjer to su pasta mista,
dimljeni losos, file brancina u umaku
od maslinova ulja Meneghetti ili goveđi file i gusja jetra te od deserata
topla krema od sira i Mak & Mak.
Noviteti u Marcellinu su nova jela iz
Čerhakova “laboratorija” i mijenjaju se ovisno o njegovoj trenutačnoj
inspiraciji, točnije raspoloženju. Posljednji novitet u Marcellinu je hobotnica u avokado kremi. Inspiraciju
Čerhak, kaže, crpi iz svog emotivnog stanja, namirnica, knjiga, nekih
rečenica, dana, atmosfere. Najbitnija je, tvrdi, za dobro jelo harmonija namirnica i nije važno hoće li to
biti pod nekom etiketom talijanske
ili neke druge kuhinje. Ipak, svjestan
situacije, da se u teškim vremenima
recesije i potrošačkog društva ne
može živjeti samo od elitizma vrhunske kuhinje, Čerhak je nedavno
proširio svoju ponudu otvorivši unutar prostora izvornog Marcellina još
jedan restoran koji je nazvao Hugo.
Riječ je kaže Čerhak o demokratizaciji kuhinje. To se događa i drugdje u svijetu gourmet restorana, no
u Hrvatskoj je to nešto novo. Kako
su se u Marcellinu nudila jela koja
možda i nisu bila toliko dobra, ali su
se sviđala posjetiteljima, ponudio je
alternativu da više ne mora razmišljati hoće li se određeno jelo gostu
svidjeti ili ne.
Dalmatinska baklava
U Hugu se nude jela koja su njegove interpretacije popularnih klasika
međunarodne kuhinje, talijanske,
kineske, japanske, francuske, među
ostalim i cijene su pristupačnije. Ideja mu je bila da ponudi najbolje od
tzv. popularnih jela koja gosti uvijek
traže, a ovdje ih mogu naći na jednom mjestu. Tako na jelovniku Huga
rame uz rame stoje wan tan juha,
beef tartar, pizza i tempura. Iako sa
skepskom gleda na pokušaje da se
definira tzv. hrvatska kuhinja, Čerhak
je svoj doprinos u tom smislu dao s
jelima poput juhe od srdela i “dalmatinske baklave”, uz opasku da se
radi o fikciji, da ne bi bilo zabune.
Kad smo kod opaski, njima obiluje
jelovnik Huga i u funkciji su edukacije publike. Za svako jelo, Čerhak je
napisao par misli, natuknica, opisa
priprema, svojevrsnih objašnjenja.
Za wan tan juhu, primjerice, u jelovniku piše kako se da “bez problema
površno pripremiti, no isto tako bez
problema može se pripremiti savjesno”. Uz beef tartar stoji pak opaska
da je elementarno da se meso ne
melje. „Nožem rezano i strugano,
ne mljeveno meso sačuvati će svoju mesnu notu i svježinu“.
Restoran Marcellino
Zanimljiv je i uvodnik u jelovnik Huga
– to je svojevrsni kuharski manifest
glavnog šefa: “Kuhati s ambicijama znači biti u trajnom konfliktu, 24
sata konflikta ideja, sjećanja, želja,
mogućnosti... Ta konstantna napetost konflikata stvara poseban univerzum u kojem lebde različiti momenti, skice, maksime, sentence.
Kuhanje u Hugu nam omogućuje
ugodniji i podnošljiviji boravak kao
i dinamičnije kretanje u tom našem
gourmet univerzumu.”
Za svoj posao Čerhak će reći da
je ekstremno kreativan i da je kuhanje više od umjetnosti. Svaki mu
je dan, objašnjava, kontinuirana
borba s temperaturom, vremenom
i ponavljanjem okusa. Njegova autorska, kreativna kuhinja stekla je s
vremenom fanove koji vole gotovo hedonistički uživati u hrani i vinu
koji se nude u Marcellinu i Hugu.
Elegantni ambijent uređen s puno
ukusa i pažnjom za detalje dakako
pridonosi cjelokupnom iskustvu uživanja u tamošnjim specijalitetima.
I da, uređenje interijera je također
autorsko djelo vlasnika, od neobaroknih lustera, žarko crvene mašine
za rezanje pršuta postavljene na
crnom šanku za zlatnim bordurama
do crnog tepiha i stropa u istoj boji
u dijelu gdje je Hugo pa sve do elegancije bijelih stolnjaka i stolaca u
Marcellinu s impresivnim pogledoma kroz staklenu stijenu na stabla
Dubravkina puta.
Restaurant Marcellino
Rene Bakalović i Mario Čerhar
ver since its grand
opening in 2001, Zagreb restaurant Marcellino has remained
present on all lists of
finest Croatian restaurants. In fact, the restaurant has even been covered in
specialized foreign magazines, and
when it comes to restaurant ranking lists, it sits firmly at the top, almost
without any competition. In the world
of the so-called gourmet restaurants
and high-class cuisine that only exists in several locations in Croatia,
Marcellino has found its place under
the sun. All the credit goes to one
man – Mario Čerhak, peculiar man
from Sarajevo who left his country in
the early nineties and left for Berlin
to pursue a career in what was his
hidden passion – cooking.
A professional musician, as he used
to be a drummer for several Sarajevo
bands, Čerhak says that when he
was thirty years old, he realized that
the most beautiful things in life take
place around the dining table. Although the original plan was to pursue his hobby after he retired, fate
decided differently and it happened
much sooner. He started working in
a restaurant back in Berlin, and then
he started studying cooking at the
Otis Koch Schule and opened an
Italian restaurant called “Da Gianni
e Mario” with an Italian colleague.
When he moved to Zagreb, he and
his wife Koviljka opened Marcellino,
which was first located at Frankopan
Street and can now be found at Jurjevska Street, with a brand-new appearance and a different concept.
Cooking Is
More than Art
Written by: Romina Peritz
Photo: Archive DalCasa
Everything strives to perfection at restaurant Marcellino in
Zagreb, which even resulted in articles in specialized foreign magazines. And when it comes to restaurant ranking
lists, this restaurant sits firmly at the top, almost without
any competition
or 400 kunas for a meal at Marcellino aren’t so bombastic considering
what is offered.
Čerhak, who is both the restaurant
owner and main chef, is a perfectionist who leaves nothing to coincidence. Every meal is his own personal creation, and the restaurant
clearly expresses his own philosophy
of life. We can safely say this is one
restaurant with an attitude and philosophy that perfectly captures the
owner, but it also follows the current trends on the world gastronomy
scene. It is clear to everyone that
such a good restaurant must be
managed by someone who feels
passionately about his work. Čerhak
is one of those workaholics who are
glad to be in the restaurant around
the clock to participate in all segments of the offering – from cooking
to serving the customers. He rarely
ever misses a day of work, and even
then it is work-related. He is known
for driving all night in order to have
lunch or dinner in one of Europe’s
finest restaurants, just so he can
keep in touch with foreign competition and enjoy a top-class meal from
some of his colleagues. He certainly
doesn’t want to disappoint his customers at Marcellino, so he divided
the menu in two sections – classics
and novelties. The list of classics includes those meals that are continually demanded by the guests and
are fairly established, such as pasta
mista, smoked salmon, bass fillet
in Meneghetti olive-oil sauce, and
beef fillet and goose liver, while the
deserts include warm cheese cream
and Mak & Mak.
Novelties at Marcellino are some
Morska torta
Sea cake
Nothing Is a Coincidence
Mario Čerhak was never interested
in average, commercial cuisine.
Ever since his beginnings at Marcellino, he has always strived for perfection. And because perfection
and quality cost money, Marcellino used to be quite renowned for
its high prices. That perception has
disappeared over time, because if
we compare pricelists in top-class
French or Italian restaurants where
a meal will cost you around 300 Euros a person or more, then those 300
new meals created in Čerhak’s
“laboratory”, which are varied depending on his current inspiration
and mood. His last invention was an
octopus in avocado cream. Čerhak
says that he draws inspiration from
his emotional state, groceries, books,
some sentences, the day, or the
atmosphere. He feels that a good
meal requires a harmony of groceries, and it is completely irrelevant
whether it falls into the category of
Italian or some other cuisine. However, he is aware that it is impossible to
live off the elitism of top-class cuisine
in such difficult times of recession, so
he recently expanded his offering by
opening another restaurant in the
location of the original Marcellino,
and he called it Hugo. Čerhak says
that he did it in order to improve the
democratization of cuisine. While
these types of things regularly occur
in the world of gourmet restaurants,
they are relatively new in Croatia.
Because some meals that the visitors liked at Marcellino might not
have been up to standard, Čerhak
has now offered them an alternative and he doesn’t have to worry
whether some of his meals are liked
or not.
Dalmatian Baklava
Hugo offers various meals that are
the chef’s interpretations of popular
international classics, including Ital58
Restoran Marcellino
Restaurant Marcellino
ian, Chinese, Japanese and French,
and the prices are also somewhat
more accessible. His idea was to offer the finest of the so-called popular meals that are always demanded, and are now available all in
one place. The Hugo menu includes
meals like wan-tan soup, beef tartar, pizza and tempura. Although
he is sceptic about attempts to define the so-called Croatian cuisine,
Čerhak contributed to that initiative
with meals like anchovy soup and
“Dalmatian baklava”, with making it clear that we are dealing with
fiction. The Hugo menu is filled with
various notes that have the function
of educating the visitors. Every meal
features several Čerhak’s thoughts,
hints, cooking descriptions and explanations. For example, the wantan soup section of the menu says
that “it is effortless to prepare this
meal superficially, but it can also be
effortless to prepare it the right way”.
As far as beef tartar goes, it says that
it is crucial not to mince the meat.
“Cut and scraped with a knife, but
not minced, this meat will preserve
its essence and freshness”.
The introductory word to the Hugo
menu is also interesting, as it vaguely
reveals the main chef’s cooking
manifest: “Cooking with ambition
means being in the constant state of
conflict, spending 24 hours a day in
a conflict of ideas, memories, wishes, options... This constant tension
of conflicts creates a separate universe filled with moments, sketches,
maxims and sentences. Cooking at
Hugo ensures a more pleasant and
tolerable way of spending time, as
well as a more dynamic movement
in our gourmet universe”.
Čerhak describes his work as extremely creative, and he often says
that cooking is more than art. His
every day is one continued struggle
with temperature, time and flavour
repetition. This author’s creative cuisine has eventually earned him a
fan base that almost hedonistically
enjoys food and wine at Marcellino
and Hugo. The elegant ambience
with lots of good taste and attention
to detail naturally contributes to the
overall experience of enjoying these
specialties. And yes, the owner himself decorated this interior, from neobaroque chandeliers and a brightred machine for cutting prosciutto
positioned on a black bar with golden elements, all the way to the black
carpet and ceiling at Hugo. As far as
Marcellino is concerned, some standout details include the elegance
of white tablecloths and chairs, as
well as an impressive view through
the glass surface over the trees of
Dubravka Road
tok Lastovo se nalazi 13 km južno
od otoka Korčule.
S površinom od
oko 50 četvornih kilometara, pripada skupini manjih nastanjenih otoka na Jadranu, a prema zadnjem
popisu stanovništva iz 2001., tamo
živi tek 835 stanovnika. Što se tiče
prometne povezanosti, Lastovo je
poprilično izolirano, brodsku vezu
ostvaruje samo sa Splitom, i to jednim katamaranom i trajektom dnevno. Vožnja trajektom traje oko četiri
sata, a katamaranom nešto manje
od tri. Sve to ne treba nužno gledati
kao nedostatak, jer se tu vjerojatno
krije razlog što ovaj otok nije pogođen urbanističkim devastacijama i
što je sačuvana izvorna, mediteranska planska gradnja. Lastovo i Ubli su
dva najveća naselja na otoku, s tim
što je Ubli ujedno i glavna luka otoka, a Lastovo je smješteno na padini
brda prema unutrašnjosti.
Otok je to bogate prošlosti. Postoje
mnogi arheološki nalazi u uvali Ubli
iz starorimskog razdoblja te ranog
srednjeg vijeka, a tijekom grčke kolonizacije, otok je nosio ime Ladesta.
Lastovom su upravljali mnogi, među
ostalima i Mleci, Habsburgovci,
Francuzi i Englezi, ali najduže je bio
Organski urbanizam grada
Lastova prati prirodni
položaj terena
Organic urbanism of town
Lastovo follows the natural
position of the land
dio Dubrovačke Republike, sve do
pada pod vlast Napoleona početkom devetnaestog stoljeća. Italija
je, između dva rata preuzela otok
Rapallskim ugovorima, a poslije je
postao dijelom SFRJ. Unatoč spomenutim vlastima i utjecajima, Lastovo
je uspjelo očuvati hrvatski duh. Turizam se na otoku počeo razvijati tek
nakon proglašenja neovisnosti Re-
carski otok
Lastovo predstavlja danas rijedak spoj čistog mora i netaknute prirode, autentične arhitekture i bogatog podmorja. Stoga ne čudi što su ga u prošlosti Rimljani proglasili carskim otokom
Fumar karakterističan
za otok Lastovo
A chimney characteristic
of the island of Lastovo
Piše: Ana Bralić
Foto: Leo Nikolić
publike Hrvatske 1991. godine, budući da je do tada, baš kao i Vis, bio
nedostupan stranim turistima.
Otok u znaku broja 46
Na Lastovu je mnogo toga u znaku
broja 46. Lastovo krasi 46 nenaseljenih otočića, 46 brežuljaka, 46 polja
s vinogradima, te isto toliko crkvica,
odnosno kapelica. Najstariji arhitektonski spomenik svakako je ruševna
romanička crkvica sv. Ivana. Crkva
sv. Vlaha iz 12. stoljeća nalazi se
na samom ulazu u mjesto, a crkve
sv. Damjana i Kuzme datiraju iz 14.
stoljeća. Urbanizam i arhitektura samog grada Lastova je iznimno zanimljiva. Riječ je o tipičnoj otočnoj,
mediteranskoj arhitekturi, pri čemu
se najviše koristio prirodni bijeli kamen. Kuće su gusto građene s dvorištima, raspoređene u polukrug i sve
ih krase nadaleko poznati dimnjaci.
Dimnjaci, tzv. fumari, stari su i do 400
godina, a nekoć su bili statusni simbol. Veći i neobičniji dimnjak značio
je i veće bogatstvo, pa je tako na
otoku gotovo nemoguće pronaći
dva ista fumara. Inače, samo mjesto Lastovo je jedno od najljepših na
Jadranu. Cijelo naselje je zaštićeni
kulturni spomenik zbog svoje jedinstvene renesansne arhitekture i amfiteatarskog načina gradnje.
Lučica, najbliže naselje mjestu Lastovu ujedno je i njegova najstarija luka
i posebno je omiljena među nautičarima. U razdoblju između dva
svjetska rata, kada je Lastovo bilo
pod okupacijom Italije, ta uvala je
bila baza za lokalne švercere sa su61
Pogled s vrha otoka na
okolni arhipelag
A view over the
surrounding archipelago
from the top of the island
sjednih otoka. Nekoliko napuštenih
kuća još podsjećaju na ta vremena.
To je također povijesno zaštićeni lokalitet, samo kilometar udaljen od
glavnog mjesta. Posebnost je put
do tamo koji vodi kroz gustu šumu,
tako da se na trenutak osjetite kao
na kontinentu, a zapravo ste daleko
na pučini nasred Jadrana. Lastovo
je općenito, uz Mljet, možda najzeleniji naš otok. U Lučici je zabranjena
svaka nova gradnja, dopuštene su
tek adaptacije postojećih objekata.
Riva je očekivano kamena, te okrenuta prema Korčuli.
Jedna od najljepših uvala je Skrivena
luka, a od udara juga štite je litice
svjetionika Struga, izgrađenog davne 1839. godine, i to na visini od 104
metra. Na njemu je moguće boraviti i zimi. Lastovsko otočje je postalo
parkom prirode 2006. godine. S obzirom da je oko 70% otoka prekriveno
zelenilom, to i ne čudi. Ova zelena
oaza okružena je velikim brojem otočića, od kojih se najviše ističu Priježba, Mrčara, Kopište i Sušac. Otočić
Saplun se ističe pješčanim uvalama,
dok je Sušac najveći.
Vizuelno najatraktivnije i najdramatičnije naselje je Zaklopatica, uokvireno strmim padinama i otokom koji
gotovo potpuno zatvara i štiti uvalu
smještena na sjevernoj strani otoka.
More je tu kristalno bistro i čisto, a
mogu se posjetiti tri odlična restorana. Osim u hrani, može se uživati u
suncu i moru, ronjenju i jedrenju.
Lastovo je poznato i po brizi za očuvanje starih, tradicionalnih običaja.
Najpoznatije su lastovske poklade,
lokalni karneval koji domaći ljudi
drže zapavo vrlo ozbiljnom stvari. Zanimljiv je običaj spuštanja pokladne
lutke s brijega u centar mjesta na
konopcu dugom 300 metara. Također, sačuvana je i karakteristična
narodna nošnja. Stanovnici se dominantno bave vinogradarstvom,
maslinarstvom, uzgojem rogača, te
ribarstvom i turizmom.
Nezaboravni trenuci
uz glazbu i
gastronomske delicije
Lastovo nudi mogućnost uživanja u
netaknutoj prirodi, ali i ljepoti podmorja bogatog liticama i špiljama.
Zaljubljenici u prirodu, jedrenje, ribolov i ronjenje ovdje će sigurno
pronaći kutak za sebe. Ovaj otok
atraktivna je nautička meka zbog
Na otoku raste tipična
mediteranska vegetacija
The island features typical
Mediterranean vegetation
Uspješan ulov u Lučici
A successful catch in Lučica
prirodnih ljepota te mnogih skrovitih
uvala. Može se razgledati s mora i
s kopna. Boravak je iznimno dinamičan u ljetnim mjesecima, točnije
u kolovozu, kada se tamo održava
glazbeni festival „Lastovo – otok
glazbe“. Na njemu nastupaju mnogi
domaći i strani glazbenici različitog
glazbenih izričaja, najviše etno-glazbenici. Ovo ljeto 2009. najavljen je
deseti, jubilarni festival i organizatori
najavljuju atraktivan program i korak
dalje u kvaliteti.
Ovaj otok poznat je po iznimnoj
ponudi kvalitetne domaće hrane i
vina. Naravno, najtraženiji su jastozi,
koji su dio ponude nekoliko autentičnih konoba
Natkrivena loggia, mjesto susreta i druženja
A covered loggia, a place to meet and hang out
The imperial island
sland Lastovo is located 13 kilometres south from the island
of Korčula. Covering about 50
square kilometres of surface,
the island is one of the smaller inhabited surfaces in the Adriatic Sea, and
according to the last population list
from 2001, it is home to merely 835
people. As far as traffic connections
are concerned, Lastovo is fairly isolated, as it is only connected to Split
with one catamaran and ferry boat
per day. A ferry boat will get you to
Lastovo presents what is
now a rare combination of
crystal-clear sea and untouched nature, as well as
authentic architecture and
rich underwater life. Therefore, it is not surprising to
know that ancient Romans
have often referred to it as
an imperial island
Written by: Ana Bralić
Photo: Leo Nikolić
Lastovo in around four hours, while
a catamaran takes less than three
hours. All these things are not necessarily a downside, as they probably
reveal a reason for the lack of construction devastations on this island,
which proudly features authentic
Mediterranean physical planning.
Lastovo and Ubli are the two largest
towns on the island; Ubli is also the
island’s main port, while Lastovo is
located on a hill slope closer to the
This island has a very rich history.
There are numerous archaeological
findings in Ubli Gulf from the ancient
Morski tjesnac Pasadur
Straits of Pasadur
Roman period and the early Middle
Ages, and during the Greek colonization, the island carried the name
Ladesta. Lastovo was controlled by
various systems, including Venetians,
Habsburgs, French and English, but it
was an integral part of the Dubrovnik Republic for the longest period of
time, all the way until Napoleon took
over in the early nineteenth century. In the period between the two
world wars, Italy took over thanks to
Rapalla Contracts, after which the
island became a part of Yugoslavia.
Despite all these governments and
influences, Lastovo has managed
to preserve its Croatian spirit. Tourism
on this island started to develop after
Croatia declared its independence
in 1991 – up until then, the island was
inaccessible to foreign tourists, just
like the island of Vis.
The Island’s Connection
with the Number 46
Numerous things on Lastovo are
connected to the number 46. Lastovo features 46 uninhabited little
islands, as well as 46 slopes, 46 fields
with vineyards, and just as many little churches and chapels. The oldest
architectonic monument is certainly
the ruinous little St. John Church from
the Romanic period. St. Vlaho Church from the 12th century is located at
the town entrance, and St. Damjan
and St. Kuzma churches date back
to the 14th century. The town of Lastovo also has a very interesting urbanism and architecture. It is a type of
architecture typical of a MediterraThe northern
slopes of
the island
of Lastovo
nean island, with predominant usage of natural white stone. The houses
with courtyards are built very closely
to one another in the shape of a semicircle, and they usually feature the
famous and renowned chimneys.
These chimneys (the so-called “fumari”) can be up to 400 years old,
and they used to have the role of
status symbols. The house that had
a larger and more peculiar chimney
was also considered more prosperous, so it is virtually impossible to find
two identical chimneys on this island.
Town Lastovo is one of the most beautiful towns in the Adriatic. The entire
town is officially a cultural monument
Pogled na zimsku izmaglicu
mističnog otoka
A view of the mystical
island’s winter mist
due to its unique renaissance architecture and amphitheatric manner
of construction.
Lučica, the neighbouring town to Lastovo, is the island’s oldest port that is
particularly beloved amongst sailors.
In the period between the two world
wars when Lastovo was still under
Italian occupation, that gulf served
as basis for local peddlers from the
nearby islands. Several abandoned
houses still stand as a testimony of
those times. This town is also a historically protected environment, just
about a kilometre away from the
biggest town on the island. The road
to that town is interesting because it leads through a thick forest, so
you’re likely to feel as if you’re on the
continent instead of in the middle of
the Adriatic Sea. Generally, Lastovo
is the island with the largest amount
of green surfaces in our sea, along
with the island of Mljet. Any type of
new construction is strictly forbidden
in Lučica, as you can only adapt the
existing objects. As expected, Riva is
completely covered in stone, and it is
oriented towards Korčula.
One of the island’s most beautiful beaches is Hidden Port, which is protected from strong southern winds by the
cliffs of lighthouse Struga, which was
built way back in 1839 at a 104-metre height. It is also possible to spend
time there during winter. The Lastovo
archipelago became a natural park
in 2006, which is hardly surprising considering the fact that over 70% of the
island is covered in green surfaces.
This green oasis is surrounded by a
large number of small islands, including Priježba, Mrčara, Kopište and
Sušac. A little island called Saplun
stands out with its sand beaches, but
Sušac is the biggest of them all.
The visually most attractive and dramatic little town is Zaklopatica, which
is surrounded by steep hills and nearly completely enclosed by the neighbouring island, which also protects
the gulf on the island’s northern side.
The sea on this location is crystal-clear, and there are also three fabulous restaurants. Besides the food, you
can also enjoy the sun, the sea, scuba diving and sailing.
Lastovo is also renowned for preservation of old, traditional customs. The
Lastovo masked carnival is certainly
the most famous, and locals feel very
seriously about this ritual. It is fascinating to witness the lowering of the
carnival dummy from the hill into the
town centre on a 300-metre rope.
Characteristic traditional clothes
are also still worn. The people on this
island primarily grow wine, olives and
carob, and they also work in fishing
and tourism.
Unforgettable Moments
with Music and
Gastronomic Specialties
Lastovo offers you the option of
enjoying the untouched nature, as
well as the beauty of the underwater rich with rocks and caves. Lovers
of nature, sailing, fishing and diving
are guaranteed to find what they’re
looking for. This island is an attractive
nautical “mecca” due to its natural
beauties and numerous hidden beaches. The view can be enjoyed from
the land and from the middle of the
sea. Staying here during the summer
can be quite dynamic, especially
during August when you can enjoy
the musical festival “Lastovo – The
Island of Music”. It features numerous local and foreign musicians with
various musical styles, predominantly
of ethno orientation. The summer of
2009 will host the tenth annual edition of the festival, and organizers are
promising an attractive programme
that will further improve the level of
quality. This island is also well-known
for the rich offering of quality local
food and wine. Lobsters are naturally
at the forefront, and they are served
in several authentic taverns
Dizajnerski komad iz
razdoblja hladnog rata
„Garden egg chair“ skulpturalni je komad namještaja na rasklapanje. Zatvorena, ta
stolica ovalnih oblika nalik je školjki ili pudrijeri koja skriva meku unutrašnjost
Piše: Nataša Bodrožić
Foto: www.iittala.com
Peter Ghyczy, dizajner
garden egg fotelje
Peter Ghyczy, designer off
garden egg chair
hitekture u Aachenu, koji završava
nekoliko godina poslije. Njegov prvi
profesionalni interes vezuje se uz
istraživanje i mogućnosti primjene
tada novih i obećavajućih sintetskih
materijala te uskoro postaje jedan
od glavnih dizajnera tvrtke „Elastogran/Reuter“ u Lemfordeu. Zahvaljujući arhitektonskom profesionalnom
zaleđu, njegovi su interesi usmjereni
eksperimentalnom dizajnu, posebice u opremi kućanstva. Krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih,
eksperiment postaje obilježje svih
sfera života, od socijalnih i političkih,
do kulturnih i umjetničkih.
Plastična euforija
Jedan od posljednjih Ghyczyjevih
interesa, još tijekom studija u Aachenu, bio je projekt dječjeg vrtića
za koji je dizajnirao i namještaj. To
je vrijeme obilježeno svojevrsnom
tolica „Garden egg“,
nesvakidašnji upliv mašte u svakodnevne životne prostore, u okružje vrta ili terase, kultni je predmet
pomalo misterioznog podrijetla, o
čijem se nastanku, baš kao i njezinu
autoru Peteru Ghyczyju, malo zna.
Ovaj dizajner rođen je 1940. godine u Budimpešti, koju napušta već
sa šesnaest godina, kada se cijela
njegova obitelj seli u tadašnju zapadnu Njemačku zbog revolucije
u Mađarskoj 1956. godine. Pobuna
protiv sovjetske prevlasti i borba za
liberalizaciju društva trajala je osamnaest dana i bila ugušena ulaskom sovjetskih tenkova u mađarsku
Godine 1961. Ghyczy upisuje düsseldorfsku
odsjek kiparstva, a zatim studij ar69
euforijom koju je izazvala primjena
plastike u dizajnu. Fluidni oblici, eksplozija boja i nevjerojatna lakoća
izrade, koja se svodila na ubrizgavanje materijala u kalup nakon čega
je izlazio gotov, sjajan objekt, fascinirali su novu generaciju dizajnera,
koji su počeli stvarati nesvakidašnje
forme koje su obojile i ispunile zapadni svijet.
Negdje u to vrijeme Peter Ghyczy
započinje i svoj rad na stolici „Garden egg“, skulpturalnom komadu
namještaja na rasklapanje. Zatvorena, ta stolica ovalnih oblika nalik
je školjki ili pudrijeri koja skriva meku
unutrašnjost. Originalni materijal bio
je lakirani poliuretan, a tijekom vremena transformirao se u moderniju
i ugodniju varijantu lakirane plastike.
Tijelo stolice je čvrsto i otporno na
različite vremenske uvjete što je čini
pogodnom za vanjsku upotrebu. Sasvim je nepropusna za kišu ili snijeg
jer joj je gornji dio savijen i čini zatvorenu ovalnu formu. S druge strane, njezina unutrašnjost se svodi na
udobni, mekani jastuk, presvučen
tekstilom dostupnim u nekoliko boja.
U isto vrijeme, jastučnica se lako skida i jednostavno održava. Formalni
kontrast tvrde plastike koja skriva
udobni naslonjač, pridonosi dojmu
robusnosti modernih materijala i
udobnosti klasičnih vrijednosti koji
se harmonično nadopunjuju. Kada
je otvorena i pogodna za sjedenje,
stolica je približno visoka jedan metar, dok zatvaranjem postaje upola
manja, a ujedno i dekorativni predmet, koji se može lako uklopiti u različita vanjska i unutarnja uređenja.
Stolica „Garden egg“ se u početku
proizvodila u malim serijama za tvrtku „Reuter“, i isprva je bila ekskluzivan dar za poslovne partnere. Iako
joj je proizvodnja i dalje bila ograničena, početkom sedamdesetih se
mogla nabaviti u prodavaonicama
u zapadnoj Europi. Međutim, nešto
je drugo odredilo položaj ove sjedalice u povijesti dizajna, a to je prodaja prava za njezinu proizvodnju jednoj tvrtki u tadašnjem DDR-u, nakon
čega se „Garden egg“ počinje masovno proizvoditi u istočnoj Njemačkoj te time postaje dio socijalističkog
Od kovčega do stolice
Krajem devedesetih godina „Garden egg“ doživljava svoj veliki povratak. Odjednom se javlja veliko
zanimanje za nju sa svih strana, za
nju se zanimaju studenti dizajna, kao
i poznati svjetski muzeji. Današnja
izmijenjena i unaprijeđena verzija
od reciklažne plastike proizvodi se
u Ghyczyjevoj tvrtki „Ghyczy Selection BV“ u Nizozemskoj, zemlji koja je
ujedno i današnji dom dizajnera.
Ideja za dizajniranje „Egg garden“
bila je čisto funkcionalistička. Autor
je želio napraviti kovčeg koji bi mogao uzeti u ruku i iznijeti ga u vrt ili
na ulicu te na njega udobno sjesti. U
početku je stolica imala upravo formu kovčega, ali su postupno njezini
rubovi postajali suptilnji, zaobljeniji,
što je, malo po malo, rezultiralo njezinim današnjim izgledom. Postalo
je i jasno da se neće više moći nositi
pod rukom i s njom putovati.
Vjerojatno su bit Ghyczyjeva rada i
ono što ga ponajviše određuje kao
dizajnera upravo suptilne mješavine,
kombinacije koje uspijeva dobiti iz
naoko kontradiktornih koncepata.
Elementi klasičnog modernizma u
njegovu dizajnu koegzistiraju s onima art decoa koji sa svoje strane
donose zaigranost i lakoću.
Zanimljiv je detalj da je originalni
prototip ove stolice iz šezdesetih činio dio postava izložbe pod nazivom
„Cold War Modern“ u londonskome
muzeju „Victoria & Albert“. Kako je
već rečeno, tvrtka „Reuters“, u okviru koje je Peter Ghyczy razvio svoj
model, u jednom je trenutku prodala licenciju BASF-u, istočnonjemačkoj
tvrtki za proizvodnju namještaja. Ona
je počela njezinu serijsku proizvodnju
te je stolica time postala jedna od
rijetkih dizajnerskih proizvoda prisutnih u komunističkom okružju. Tako se
„Egg chair“ u očima javnosti doživljava kao dizajnerski komad DDR-a iz
razdoblja hladnog rata.
Danas je „Garden egg chair“ uzbudljiva kombinacija povijesnih slučajnosti, zaigranosti boja i formi te
dizajnerskog majstorstva. Nalazimo
je u muzejskim kolekcijama diljem
A Designer Piece from
the Cold War Period
Garden Egg Chair is a sculptural piece of folding furniture. Featuring a closed structure, this oval chair
resembles a shell or puff box that hides something soft on the inside
Written by: Nataša Bodrožić
arden Egg Chair,
an extraordinary
burst of imagination into everyday
premises like a
garden or terrace, is a cult object
of slightly mysterious background,
Photo: www.iittala.com
as not much is known about its descent or its author Peter Ghyczy. This
designer was born in Budapest in
1940, but he left his native city at
sixteen years old when his entire family moved to West Germany because of the Hungarian revolution of
1956. The rebellion against Soviet
domination and the struggle for society liberalization lasted for eighteen days, but was then smothered
as Soviet tanks made their way into
the Hungarian capital.
In 1961, Ghyczy started studying
the early stages of applying plastic in design. Fluid
shapes, the explosion of
colours and the incredible
manufacturing simplicity,
which boiled down to interjecting the material into
a mould that produced a
shiny new object, fascinated the entire generation
of designers who began
creating unusual forms that
coloured and illuminated
the entire western world.
Around that period of time,
Peter Ghyczy started his
Garden egg fotelj je
postala veoma popularna
Garden egg chair
became very popular
sculpturing at the Academy of
Arts in Dusseldorf, which was followed by architecture studies in
Aachen, where he graduated several years later. His first professional
source of interest had him exploring
the usage possibilities of then-new
and promising synthetic materials,
which promoted him into one of
the head designers for company “Elastogran/Reuter” in Lemforde. Due to his architectonic
professional background, his interests were focused towards experimental design, especially in the field of household equipment. During
the late sixties and early seventies,
however, experimenting became
a benchmark in all fields of life, including social issues, politics, culture and art.
Plastic euphoria
One of Ghyczy’s final interests, which he explored during
his studying days in Aachen,
was a kindergarten project for
which he also designed furniture. That period had a strong sense
of euphoria, which was caused by
work on the Garden Egg Chair, a
sculptural piece of folding furniture. Featuring a closed structure, this
oval chair resembles a shell or puff
box that hides something soft on the
inside. It was originally made of varnished polyurethane, but has eventually transformed into a more modern and pleasant type of varnished
plastic. The chair’s body is firm and
resistant to various weather conditions, which makes it very convenient
for outdoor usage. It is completely
impervious to rain or snow because its top section is bended, which
creates an enclosed oval shape.
On the other hand, the inside part
comes down to a soft and comfortable cushion, which is covered in
textile that comes in several different colours. At the same time, the
cushion cover is easily removed and
effortlessly maintained. The formal
contrast of hard plastic that reveals
a comfortable chair further increases the impression of robust modern
materials, which are harmoniously
complemented by the comfort of
classical values. When the chair is
open and placed in the seating position, it is about a metre high, while
the closing takes away about a half
of its height, but it also turns the chair
into a decorative object that effortlessly fits into all styles of outdoor
and interior decoration.
Garden Egg Chair was originally
manufactured in small product lines for company
Reuters, and primarily served as an exclusive present for
business partners. Although
its production was still fairly limited, the chair was
available in stores all
over Western Europe
in the early seventies.
else determined the
position of this chair in
the history of design,
and that is the selling
of its production licence to a company in the
then-East Germany, after
which Garden Egg started
being massively produced in
that country and became a
part of the socialist habitat.
In the late nineties, Garden Egg
experienced a huge revival. It suddenly drew an enormous amount
of interest from all over the world,
including from design students and
famous world museums. Today’s
upgraded and advanced version,
which is made of recycled plastic,
is produced in Ghyczy’s “Ghyczy
Selection BV” company in Holland,
where the designer now resides.
From suitcase
to the chair
The idea for Egg Garden was originally purely functional. The author
wanted to make a suitcase to carry
in his arm, bring out to the garden
or street, and then comfortably sit
in it. The early versions of the chair
looked like a suitcase, but its corners
gradually became curvier and subtler, which slowly evolved into what
the chair looks like today. It also
became abundantly clear that this
Garden egg fotelja, hit ‘60-tih
Garden egg chhair, hit of the ‘60
was not the object for carrying around and travelling.
It is quite possible that the essence
of Ghyczy’s work that primarily defines him as a designer is contained in
those subtle mixtures and combinations, which are created from seemingly contradictory concepts. His
designs feature elements of classic
modernism, which are complemented by the effortless playfulness of
art deco.
It is also interesting to note that the
original prototype of this chair from
the sixties was put on display within
the “Cold War Modern” exhibit at
Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Like we previously mentioned,
company Reuters, for which Peter
Ghyczy designed his model, once
sold the chair’s production licence
to BASF, an East-German company
for furniture production. That company started to massively manufacture the item, which transformed
the chair into one of the rare designer products within the communist
environment. That is why Egg Chair
is publicly perceived as a designer
piece from the cold war period of
East Germany.
These days, Garden Egg Chair stands
as an exciting combination of historical coincidences, designer mastery
and playful interactions of colours
and forms. It is put on display in museum collections all over the world
Dizajn je na selu
ajkovita seoska kuća
The Filzerhof nalazi
se u Kitzbuehelu, poznatome tirolskom skijalištu, u Austriji. Okrenuta je prema jugu, s pogledom na prekrasnu dolinu Spertental
i najveću planinu na tom području
Grosser Rettenstein. Sa sjeverne
strane pogled se proteže sve do
gradića Woergla, udaljenog četrSklad prirodnih materijala:
drvo i životinjska krzna
Consonance of
natural materials:
wood and fur
The Filzerhof je seoska kuća na vrhu brda iznad
Kitzbuehela, odakle se pruža prekrasan pogled na
pašnjake i snijegom prekrivene obronke. Spoj prirode i luksuza u svakom segmentu, idealan je za
bijeg od stresne svakodnevice
Piše: Ana Bralić
Foto: Andreas Obernauer
desetak kilometara. The Filzerhof je
izvana tipična, seoska kuća, karakteristična za područje na kojem se
Primjer klasične
tirolske seoske kuće
Eksterijer kuće zaštićena je narodna
baština, te je pri njezinu preuređivanju bilo zabranjeno mijenjati vanjski
izgled. Konzervatorski ured je
izdao precizne naputke kojih
se trebalo strogo pridržavati.
Tipičnom tirolskom kućom
smatra se model “one house“,
koji podrazumijeva da se odaje farmera, radnika i prostorije
za stoku nalaze unutar jednog
kompleksa, tj. pod istim krovom. Takav oblik kuće koristi se
Primjer luksuzne tirolske kuće /
An example of Tyrolean luxury
Idila na vrhu planine
već 600 godina, budući da je zbog
alpskih vremenskih uvjeta tako
praktičnije. The Filzerhof ima i omanji toranj sa zvoncem na vrhu krova,
koji se nekoć koristio kao alarm u
slučaju požara ili neprilike. Danas se
uglavnom koristi kako bi se farmere
pozvalo na objed. Farmer u čijem
je posjedu bila ova kuća odlučio ju
je 2006. rekonstruirati i obnoviti. Pažljivo su se obnavljali i čistili dijelovi
kuće. Podrumske prostorije premještene su od originalne lokacije za
500 metara, te se tamo sada nalaze
kućni spa, garaža i vinski podrum.
Svakako je zanimljiv tirolski farmerski
zakon, koji kaže da netko tko nije
pravi farmer ne može kupiti farmu.
Takav zakon ima smisla i iznimno je
strog jer mu je cilj spriječiti bogate
strance da farme pretvaraju u be-
Idyl on the top
of the mountain
skorisne objekte.
Posebna je pozornost posvećena očuvanju autentičnih stilova
gradnje, koji se razlikuju čak i od
jedne do druge doline. Glavna
smjernica u gradnji odnosi se na
to da novoizgrađene i obnovljene kuće trebaju izgledati onako
kako bi izgledale da su izgrađene davno prije. Kod procesa
renoviranja The Filzerhofa, cilj je
bio ostvariti jednostavnost, čistoću linija, eleganciju, i to na način
koji bi i u prošlosti bio primjeren.
detalji interijera
Važno mjesto u ovakvome modelu kuće zauzima blagovaoni75
ca, na čijoj sredini se nalazi masivni
stol za 16 osoba. Prvoklasno drvo i
detalji daju toplinu prostoru, a upečatljiva lampa Kevina Reillyja daje
prostoru dašak suvremenosti. Sve je
prilagođeno tradicionalnom duhu
kuće. Spoj minulih i modernih vremena vidljiv je i kroz konfiguraciju
namještaja. S jedne strane, tu su
moderne svjetiljke, sofa, sauna, a s
druge, životinjska krzna, neobrađeno drvo... Krzna, pogotovo ovčje,
odličan su materijal za izolaciju i
stvaranje toplog ugođaja.
Kuća je opremljena svim tehnološkim dostignućima 21. stoljeća, podnim grijanjem, kontrolnim sustavom,
alarmom itd. Važno je napomenuti da su svi prekidači i slični detalji
zamaskirani i neuočljivi na prvi pogled.
Dječja soba prepuna je
šarmantnih detalja
Kinder room is full of
charming details
Jedna od soba
One of the rooms
Ono što nužno dominira tirolskom
kućom jest drvenarija. Pri obnovi se
koristilo hrapavo, neobrađeno drvo
kako bi djelovalo što prirodnije. Većina zidova je prekrivena prvoklasnim drvom, tek je poneki obojen ili
obložen kamenom.
U interijeru je gotovo opipljiv utjecaj
Kevina Reillyja, koji je osmislio cjelokupni interijer. Odlike njegova rada
su jednostavnost i nenadmašna elegancija. Lampa Altar iznad stola u
blagovaonici, kompozicija zidne rasvjete i svjetiljke Timmeren u savršenoj su harmoniji s prirodnim drvom.
Svaka kupaonica je opremljena
keramikom Crema Marfil i sanitarijama Dornbracht Tara. Umivaonik je
obložen kamenom i drvom. Na prvi
pogled izgledaju asketski luksuzno,
gotovo prejednostavno. Posebno
se ističu prostorije kućnog spa, čiji
su zidovi presvučeni specifičnim tirolskim kamenom Rauriser. Toplini
prostora pridonosi zidni kamin iznad
kojeg stoji preparirana glava jelena,
a na zidovima prevladavaju crnobijele fotografije. Kuhinja je opremljena svim modernim uređajima,
presvučenim svijetlim drvom. Zahvaljujući povećem broju prozora,
prostorije su pune prirodnog svjetla
te je moguće uživati u pogledu na
krajolik iz topline doma.
Odanost tradiciji
koristan imperativ
Boravak u planinama i na snijegu za
mnoge je tek trend. Niknula su mnogobrojna skijališta i vikendice, no
većina ih, nažalost, djeluje pomodno i po ničem se ne izdvajaju. Upravo se po tome izdvaja Kitzbuehel.
Prekrasan pogled sa vrha planine
Wonderfull view from the top of the
Svaki detalj interijera je
Every detail is
Mjesto u kojem je naglasak na autentičnosti i kvaliteti, za cilj ima
očuvanje izvorne ljepote i funkcionalnosti.
Potpuno su opravdani
strogi zakoni vezani uz
promet nekretninama
na tom području, jer
je to jedini način da
ih se ne učini neupečatljivim i serijskim. The
Filzerhof je najbolji primjer kako poštovanje
tradicije može biti kreativno i estetski dominantno
The Filzerhof
Design in the
he fairytale countryside house The Filzerhof
is located in Kitzbuehel, the famous ski
resort in Tyrol, Austria.
It is oriented towards the south, and
overlooks the wonderful Spertental Valley and Grosser Rettenstein,
which is the biggest mountain in the
area. The view from the northern end
reaches a little town called Woergl,
which is about forty kilometres away.
From the outside, The Filzerhof is a typical countryside house that is characteristic of this area. The house’s
exterior is protected as national heritage, and it was strictly forbidden
to change its outside appearance
during the renovation process. The
curator’s office came out with some
precise pointers that were not to be
The Filzerhof is a countryside house on the top of
the hill above Kitzbuehel, which provides a glorious view over the local pastures and snow-covered slopes. The combination of nature and luxury, which we can notice in every segment, is ideal
for an escape from the stressful everyday life
Written by: Ana Bralić
Photo: Andreas Obernauer
An Example of a Classic
Countryside House in Tyrol
A typical Tyrol house appears in the
form of a “one house” model, which
implies that the farmer, workers and
the cattle all reside within the same
complex and under the same roof.
This type of house has been used
for 600 years, as the Alpine weather
conditions made it a lot more practical. The Filzerhof also has a smaller
tower with a bell on the top of the
roof, which was previously used as
an alarm in the case of fire or some
other hazard. These days, however,
it is mostly used to notify the farmers
that it is time to eat. The farmer who
owned this house decided to reconstruct and renovate it in 2006, and
all sections of the house were carefully cleaned and renewed. The
basement premises were relocated
about 500 metres from the original
location, and they now host the house spa, garage and wine cellar. The
farmer law in Tyrol is quite interesting,
as it states that only true farmers can
buy local farms. This type of law makes a lot of sense and is extremely
strict, and its goal is to prevent rich
foreigners from turning local farms
into useless objects.
Special attention was given to the
preservation of authentic construction styles, which even differ from one
valley to the other. The main guiding
thought in any local construction
process is to make new or renovated
houses look identical to how they
used to look when they were
built all those years ago. During The Filzerhof’s renovation
process, the main goal was
to achieve simplicity, purity
of lines and elegance in a
way that would have been
appropriate in past times.
The Interior’s
Enchanting Details
An important role in this type
of a house goes to the dining
room, which features a massive table for 16 people right
in the centre of the room.
First-class wood and vario-
Klasičan dnevni
boravak osvježen
je svjetiljkom
Kevina Reillyja
Classic daily room
is renewed with
Kevin Reilly’s lamp
us details create a warm
feeling in the room, while a
breath of modern times is
provided by Kevin Reilly’s distinctive lamp. Everything is
adjusted to the house’s traditional spirit. The combination of previous and modern
times is also visible in furniture configuration. One side of
the story is represented by
modern lamps, the sofa and
the sauna, while the other
side appears in the form of
animal fur and unprocessed
wood. Fur, especially sheep
fur, is an excellent isolation
material that creates a very
warm ambience.
The house is equipped with
all 21st-century technological achievements, such
as floor heating, control systems, alarm etc. It is important to point out that all switches and similar details are
well-masked and cannot
be noticed without careful
The one thing that dominates every Tyrol house is the
woodwork. The renovation
process used rough and
unprocessed wood that creates a very natural impression. The majority of walls are
covered in top-notch wood,
as only the occasional wall
is painted or covered in stone.
You can almost tangibly feel
Kevin Reilly’s influence in the
interior, as he came up with
the entire concept. His work
is characterized by simplicity
and impeccable elegance.
The Altar lamp above the
dining-room table, composition of wall lighting and
Timmeren lamps perfectly
Drvenarija je najvažniji
dio interijera
tirolske kuće
Woodwork is most important
interior part of
Tyrolean house
complement natural wood. Every
bathroom is furnished with Crema
Marfil ceramics and Dornbracht
Tara sanitary facilities. The washbasin is covered in stone and
wood. At first glance, everything
looks ascetically luxurious and almost too simplistic. The one thing
that stands out is the house spa,
with walls covered in specific Tyrol
stone Rauriser. The warmth of the
house is provided by a wall fireplace that is embellished by a stuffed
deer head right above it, while
the walls are covered with lots of
black-white photos. The kitchen
possesses all pieces of modern
equipment that are covered in
bright wood. Thanks to the great
number of windows, all the rooms
are filled with natural light, and it
Krzno na jastucima
Fur on the cousins
is possible to enjoy the view
of the entire area from the
warmth of home.
Loyalty to Tradition – A Useful
Many people feel that spending time in the mountains
and on the snow is quite trendy. We are witnessing the
appearance of numerous
ski resorts and vacation houses, but unfortunately, most
of them try too hard to be
fashionable and have absolutely no distinctive power.
That is exactly where Kitzbuehel arrives to the scene. This
location puts a great deal
of emphasis on authenticity
and quality, with the goal of
preserving natural beauty
and functionality. Strict laws
in the real estate field are
very justified, as they present
the only way to keep Kitzbuehel from becoming bland
and serial. The Filzerhof is the
best example of how honouring tradition can be creative
and aesthetically dominant
Hotelski dragulji
prepušteni propasti
adnjih godina arhitektima i struci se
često diže kosa na
glavi kada vide odnos investitora prema
našoj hotelskoj baštini s potpisom
njihovih poznatih kolega iz dvadesetog stoljeća. Poznato je, naime,
da mnogi hoteli duž hrvatske obale
koji su u prošlosti živjeli punim plućima i bili čak mjesta elitnog turizma,
danas zjape prazni i u vrlo su lošem
stanju. Kada se pak obnavljaju, nerijetko se ruše do temelja ili se obnavljaju na krajnje neadekvatan način,
bez suglasnosti stručnjaka, konzervatora. Sudbina nekad vrlo poznatih
hotela, poput Haludova na otoku
Krku ili hotela Grand na Lopudu, tijekom posljednjih godina gotovo
da se pretvorila u pravu trakavicu.
Nerazjašnjeni imovinski odnosi, novi
vlasnici, nepostojanje koncepta za
Sudbina nekad vrlo poznatih hotela, poput Haludova na
otoku Krku ili hotela Grand na Lopudu, tijekom posljednjih godina gotovo da se pretvorila u pravu trakavicu.
Nerazjašnjeni imovinski odnosi, novi vlasnici, nepostojanje koncepta za obnovu, ali i namjenu, nisu išli u prilog tim zdanjima s potpisom velikih imena arhitekture
Piše: Romina Peritz Foto: Arhiva DalCase
podsjetimo da se u prošlosti
više držalo do mišljenja struke
nego što je to danas. Iako se
o ukusima ne raspravlja, šteta je da smo tijekom obnove
nekih hotela ostali zauvijek
zakinuti za umjetnička djela
uglednih hrvatskih umjetnika
i pionira dizajna na ovim prostorima.
Libertas srušen
do temelja
Bernardo Bernardi: Interijer hotela
Marko Polo, Korčula, 1971
Bernardo Bernardi: The interior of hotel
Marko Polo, Korčula, 1971
Bernardo Bernardi:
Hotel Marko Polo, Korčula, 1971
obnovu, ali i namjenu, čekanje građevinskih dozvola i druge okolnosti u
koje nećemo ulaziti, nisu išli u prilog
tim zdanjima s potpisom velikih imena arhitekture, koja su godinama
bila izložena propadanju. Navodno
se situacija u posljednje vrijeme mijenja, i hotel Grand, djelo arhitekta
Nikole Dobrovića, čeka obnovu
prema projektu arhitektice Lucijane
Peko, a isto se najavljuje i za Haludovo prema projektu akademika
Borisa Magaša koji je bio projektant i
prvog kompleksa.
Dok čekamo kako će se obnoviti ti dragulji naše hotelske baštine,
Prigodom obnove, dubrovački hotel Libertas, životno
djelo arhitekta Andrije Čičin
Šaina, nakon što ga je kupila
turska korporacija Rixos, srušen je gotovo do temelja, a s
tim činom nestalo je i ono malo što je
ostalo od dekora s potpisom velikog
umjetnika, kipara, dizajnera i slikara Raoula Goldonija. Kada je 2008.
godine u zagrebačkome Muzeju za
umjetnost i obrt održana retrospektiva njegova dizajna, mnogi su ostali
iznenađeni vidjevši kako je nekad
izgledala, prema Goldonijevoj zamisli, unutrašnjost hotela koji je u Čičin
Šainovoj izvedbi postao antologijsko
djelo hotelske arhitekture i uzorom
mnogim arhitektima u svijetu. Hotel
je izgrađen 1968. godine i izgledom
je pratio prirodni pad obale i zakrivljenost uvale, a poseban naglasak
njegovoj vanjštini dale su mu Goldonijeve zidne stijene reljefno obrađene s geometrijskim motivima koje su
bile u funkciji balkonskih pregrada.
Osim tih pregrada, Goldoni je, pak, u
Raoul Goldoni: hotel „Libertas“, Dubrovnik
Hotel “Šipan“ primjer
koji treba slijediti
Da duž hrvatske obale ipak ima primjera dobre obnove starih hotelskih
zdanja svjedoči hotel „Šipan“ smješten na istoimenom otoku u samom
središtu mjesta Šipanska Luka. Upravo je taj hotel ovih dana dobio prestižnu nagradu „Zlatna palma“ koju
dodjeljuje specijalizirani časopis za
putovanja „Geo Saison“. Žiri kojeg
čine eksperti za turizam i novinari
koji prate turizam dodijelili su tom
šarmantnom i nedavno obnovljenom hotelu prvu nagradu, „Zlatnu
palmu“, u kategoriji najboljeg putovanja s djecom.
Prema riječima Dubravka Ranilovića iz tvrtke „Petral Projekti“ u čijem
je vlasništvu hotel, ta se nagrada
ne dobiva ako se nude samo sunce i more, ona se dobiva za izniman
trud. Nekadašnja tvornica maslino-
va ulja 1979. godine pretvorena je u
hotel koji je 2007. godine kompletno
obnovljen prema projektu arhitekta
Tonija Pokovića i tvrtke „AP Projekt“
iz Dubrovnika. Prilikom adaptacije
poštivao se prvotni oblik zdanja koje
je u potpunosti ostalo u postojećim
gabaritima. Obnova je prvenstveno
bila usmjerena na poboljšanje funkcionalnosti i unutrašnje uređenje.
Hotel, sa svojim smještajem u zaljevu i pogledom na Elafitske otoke,
pored ugodnog i ukusno uređenog
interijera s potpisom dizajnerice Tine
Vrdoljak Ranilović privlači nizom dodatnih sadržaja od gastro do kulturne ponude. Sve sobe imaju pogled
na more ili na slikovito renesansno
mjesto Šipansku Luku. U sastavu hotela, uz glavnu zgradu koja je smještena na rivi, je i jedna stara vila.
opremanju interijera ostvario ideju total dizajna – osmislio je svaki
detalj, od rasvjetnih tijela i posuđa do podnih i stropnih oplata.
Hotel Libertas je u svojoj prvoj fazi
bio primjer vrhunskog spoja primijenjene umjetnosti i arhitekture,
što je danas prava rijetkost.
„Za razliku od razdoblja 60-ih, 70ih godina, pa čak i 80-ih, kada se
jako pazilo da oni koji opremaju
interijer hotela budu umjetnički
potkovani i da rade kvalitetno,
kao i projektant, danas je situacija takva da su u većini novoobnovljenih hotela iz tog razdoblja
za opremanje zaduženi trećerazredni umjetnici, pa čak i lokalni amateri“, tvrdi povjesničarka
umjetnosti Iva Körbler s Instituta
za povijest umjetnosti.
„Čak i kada investitor razumije
da mora napraviti dobar interijer,
sav se novac potroši na skupi dizajnerski brendirani namještaj i rasvjetna tijela, gotovo da ne osta83
Raoul Goldoni:
Zidna stijena u hotelu „Libertas“
Raoul Goldoni:
A wall surface in hotel Libertas
je prostora za kvalitetna umjetnička
djela. A da ne govorimo da često
na zidovima tih hotela možemo vidjeti serigrafije i bezvrijedne slike“,
zaključuje Iva Körbler.
Poštovati izvorni projekt
Hotel Grand, koji je kupila Atlantska plovidba 2004. godine, čini se
da ipak neće biti obnovljen tijekom
ove godine, kako je najavljeno, jer
se još uvijek čeka građevinska dozvola. Dosad je očišćen i uklonjena
je, prema nalogu konzervatora, dogradnja s početka sedamdesetih
godina. Grand je inače zaštićeni
spomenik kulture, izgrađen je 1936.
godine i nekad je bio pojam turizma na Lopudu, no već je godinama
zbog vrlo lošeg stanja izvan upotrebe. Prema riječima autora novog
idejnog rješenja iz dubrovačkog
studija „Arhitekt novi“, poštovat će
se izvorni Dobrovićev projekt. Također, vodit će se računa o tome da
se hotel prilagodi današnjim potrebama. Iako je Dobrović bio arhitekt
ispred svoga vremena, hotel je ipak
izgrađen 30-ih godina kada nisu
postojale mogućnosti koje imamo
danas. Novi projekt obnove predviđa i teniske terene na krovu, što
je bila i Dobrovićeva zamisao koja,
međutim, nikada nije realizirana. Da
je taj arhitekt bio itekako napredan
za ono vrijeme, dokazuje i to da je
predvidio korištenje najsuvremenijih i najboljih materijala (tikovina na
krovnoj terasi) i uređaja za hlađenje,
grijanje, ventilaciju. Novi vlasnik prošle je godine najavio da će se prigodom obnove na neki način „vratiti u
prošlost“, u doba Dobrovića. Sobe
Nikola Dobrović:
Hotel „Grand“, Lopud, 1936.
bi trebale biti uređene u stilu brodskih kabina i cijeli bi hotel trebao odisati morskim štihom. Dobrović je svoj
hotel zamislio kompletno u betonu,
čak su i kreveti bili betonski (hotel se
često nazivao „spomenikom betonske arhitekture“), no odavno su uklonjeni, a u novoj izvedbi za sad nema
govora o ponovnom uvođenju toga
ne baš udobnog rješenja.
Još jedan primjer nepoštovanja
naše arhitektonske baštine i njezine
devastacije jest hotel Marko Polo na
Korčuli, koji je 1961. godine izgrađen
prema projektu klasika hrvatskog dizajna i arhitekture Bernarda Bernardija. Nažalost, ništa nije preostalo od
Bernardijeva total dizajna u interijeru
i danas je hotel opremljen prosječnim, serijskim namještajem.
Kompleks Haludovo u Malinskoj na
otoku Krku sedamdesetih je godina
bio na glasu kao okupljalište elite,
gdje su se služili jastozi i šampanjac
u neograničenim količinama. No
zlatno doba Haludova Borisa Magaša daleko je iza nas i danas je to još
jedan od primjera devastacije naše
vrijedne hotelske baštine. Magaš je
napravio novi projekt prilagodivši
ga današnjem trenutku, no vrlo je
uzak krug onih koji vjeruju da će se
vlasnik toga hotelskog kompleksa,
jedan armenski biznismen, doista
odlučiti na gradnju luksuznih hotela
prema zamisli poznatog arhitekta.
Na tom dijelu Jadrana još je jedan
primjer hotela koji su postali dijelom
baštine, Uvala Scott kod Kraljevice s
potpisom Igora Emilija iz 1969. godine. To je hotelsko naselje začudo u
dobrom stanju i u funkciji, za razliku
od mnogih drugih primjera.
Hotel jewels
awaiting their ruin
ver the last
several years,
architects and
other members
of the profession have often been horrified by
the way the investors handled our
hotel heritage, which has been created by some of their famous colleagues from the twentieth century.
It is common knowledge that numerous hotels on the Adriatic coast,
which have previously done incredible business and even served as
locations for elite tourism, are now
completely empty and are in very
bad condition. When they do get
renovated, they are often completely demolished or are restored
completely inadequately, without
any input from experts and curators. The fate of these previously
very renowned hotels, such as Haludovo on island Krk or Grand Hotel at Lopud, has transformed into
a story with no apparent end over
the last several years. Unclear ownership issues, new owners, non-existent renovation concepts and lack
of any type of function, as well as
issues with construction certificates
and other circumstances that will
remain unmentioned, have not
been favourable towards these
facilities created by some of the
household names in architecture,
which meant that these facilities
have been left for ruin. It seems that
situation is finally going to change
for Grand Hotel, created by architect Nikola Dobrović, which is on
the verge of renovation according to project by architect Lucijana
Peko. The same story could be valid
for Haludovo, which will be renovated by Boris Magaš, designer of
the original complex.
While we are waiting for renovation
of these jewels of our hotel heritage, let us be reminded that profes-
The fate of these previously very renowned hotels, such
as Haludovo on island Krk or Grand Hotel at Lopud, has
transformed into a story with no apparent end over
the last several years. Unclear ownership issues, new
owners, non-existent renovation concepts and lack of
any type of function have not been favourable towards
these facilities, which were created by some of the household names in architecture
Written by: Romina Peritz
Igor Emili: Hotelski kompleks Uvala Scott
nedaleko od Kraljevica, 1969
Igor Emili: Hotel complex
Uvala Scott near Kraljevica, 1969
sional opinions were held in much
higher regard in the past than they
are today. Although personal preferences should not be the subject
of discussions, it is an awful shame
that some renovation processes on
these hotels have forever deprived
us of works of art by some of the
most renowned Croatian artists and
regional design pioneers.
Photo: DalCasa Archive
Libertas Completely
During the renovation process, hotel Libertas in Dubrovnik, the life
project of architect Andrija Čičin
Šain, was completely and utterly
demolished after being bought by
Turkish corporation “Rixos”, and
that killed off the last pieces of decor that was originally designed by
great artist, sculptor, designer and
painter Raoul Goldoni. During the
2008 retrospective exhibit at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb,
stands that a good interior is required, all the money usually goes to
expensive designer-brand furniture
and lighting objects, which leaves
almost no room for quality works
of art. Not to mention the fact that
these hotel walls are often embellished with serigraphy and worthless
paintings”, says Iva Korbler.
Respecting the
Original Project
many people were surprised to
see Goldoni’s original design for
the interior of this hotel, which
became a legendary piece of
hotel architecture and a role
model to architects from all over
the world thanks to the performance by Čičin Šain. The hotel was
built in 1968 and its appearance
followed the coast’s natural fall
and curves, but the highlight was
featured in Goldoni’s relief wall
surfaces that featured geometry
motifs and served as balcony
partitions. In addition to those
partitions, Goldoni used his “total
design” concept when working
on the interior – he came up with
every single detail from lighting
objects and dishes to floor and
ceiling elements. During its first
phase, hotel Libertas served as
a supreme combination of applied art and architecture, which
is actually very rare these days.
“Unlike the 60s and 70s, and even
the 80s when it was imperative for
people in charge of hotel interiors and the designers to have the
artistic skills and a certain level of
quality, today’s situation dictates
that most of the renovated hotels
from this era have third-rate artists and local amateurs in charge
of their interiors”, says art historian
Iva Korbler from the Institute of Art
“Even when the investor under86
Raoul Goldoni:
Interijer hotela Libertas
Raoul Goldoni:
The interior of hotel Libertas
Hotel Grand, which was purchased
by Atlantska Plovidba in 2004, will
apparently not be renovated during the course of this year because
of ongoing issues with the construction license. The facility has been
cleaned and, according to the
curator’s orders, an annex from the
early seventies has been removed.
Grand has the status of a cultural
monument, as it has been built in
1936 and used to be referred to
as the flagship of tourism in Lopud,
but has been out of commission for
many years now due to the horrible state it’s in. According to the
new design author from Dubrovnik
studio “Arhitekt Novi”, the original
project from Dobrović will be honoured. It will also be important to
make sure that the hotel adjusts
Hotel Šipan
Leading by Example
Across the Croatian coast, there are
plenty examples of old hotels’ quality renovations, and a typical example is hotel “Šipan”, located in the
very centre of Šipanska Luka on the
island of Šipan. This hotel has just received the prestigious Golden Palm
Award, which is awarded by specialized travel magazine Geo Saison.
The evaluation jury consists of tourism experts and journalists from this
field of work, and they awarded the
Golden Palm in the category of best
destination for children to this charming and recently renovated hotel.
According to Dubravko Ranilović
from hotel owners “Petral Projects”,
this award isn’t received for simply offering sunshine and seawater,
but rather for a lot of hard work and
effort. The previous olive-oil factory
was transformed into a hotel in 1979,
and that hotel was completely reno-
vated in 2007 according to a project
by architect Toni Poković and “AP
Project” from Dubrovnik. The entire
process of adaptation respected the
original shape of the building, which
has remained entirely in its previous
dimensions. The renovation process
was primarily focused on the improvement of functionality and the style
of interior decoration. The hotel, with
its position in the bay and overlooking the Elafit Islands, lures its guests
with an eye-pleasing and tastefully
decorated interior by designer Tina
Vrdoljak-Ranilović, as well as with
plenty of additional features from
the fields of gastronomy and culture.
Every room features a view over the
sea or the picturesque renaissance
town Šipanska Luka. Along with the
main building that is located on the
promenade, the hotel also includes
an old villa.
Haludovo već dugo
čeka obnovu
Haludovo in decay
as it waits for renovation
to the needs of this era. Although
Dobrović was an architect well beyond his time, the hotel was built
back in the 1930s when there were
far less options than today. The new
renovation project plans for tennis
courts up on the roof, which was
actually a part of Dobrović’s original idea that never came about. To
further prove the fact that Dobrović
was a visionary architect, let’s mention that he planned usage of the
most contemporary and best materials (teakwood on the roof terrace)
and objects for cooling, heating
and ventilation.
The new owner announced sometime last year that the object will be
returned “back in time” to a period
when Dobrović was still around. The
rooms are planned to be decorat-
Hotel Grand u trenutnom stanju
Hotel Grand in current condition
ed like boat cabins, and the entire
hotel should be characterized by
marine ambience. Dobrović originally planned for his entire hotel to
be made of concrete (the hotel
was often referred to as “a monument of concrete architecture”),
and even the beds were made of
concrete, but they have been removed quite some time ago and
will not be reintroduced due to the
lack of comfort.
Another classic example of the lack
of respect for our architectonic
heritage is the devastation of hotel
Marko Polo in Korčula, which was
built in 1961 by Bernard Bernardi,
another classical figure of Croatian
design and architecture. Unfortunately, everything about Bernardi’s
total design has been eliminated
and the hotel is now furnished in average serial furniture. The Haludovo
complex in Malinska at the island
of Krk has had the reputation of an
elite gathering with plenty of champagne and lobsters back in the seventies. However, the golden era of
Stjepan Magaš’s Haludovo is now
long gone, and the hotel is now yet
another example of the devastation of our precious hotel heritage.
Magaš actually created a whole
new design project by introducing
some welcome adjustments to the
present time, but very few people
believe that the current owner of
the complex, an Armenian businessman, will invest in the construction
of a new luxurious hotel according
to the famous architect’s design.
That part of the Adriatic features
another hotel that became a part
of the heritage, Uvala Scott near
Kraljevica designed by Igor Emili in
1969. Surprisingly enough, that hotel
settlement is in good condition and
currently in business, unlike numerous other examples
dostupan svima
otel Citizen M
nalazi se u blizini zračne luke
Schiphol u Amsterdamu, te od samog otvaranja
privlači pozornost znatiželjnika. Sam
naziv hotela potječe od sintagme
“Citizen mobile“, što aludira na sve
one nemirna duha, koji su stalno u
pokretu. Citizen M propagira aktivan načina života, bez ustupaka na
Hotel Citizen M svojom ponudom u potpunosti zadovoljava potrebe suvremenog putnika, što podrazumijeva
visoku kvalitetu, jedinstveni dizajn i razumnu cijenu
Piše: Ana Bralić
Foto: www.designhotels.com
području udobnosti i usluge. Također, posebna pažnja je posvećena
održanju pristupačnosti boravka i
usluga u hotelu. Hotel je opremljen
najsuvremenijom tehnologijom, kvalitetnim proizvodima, vrhunskim dizajnom i posteljinom, što nije zanemarivo. Za luksuzno uređenje nevelikih
soba, zaslužan je dizajner Conerete.
Iste su veličine, od 14 četvornih metara, no imaju mjesta za posteljinu i
krevet kraljevskih mjera, skupocjene,
dizajnerske stolce Vernera Pantona,
kao i za najmodernije televizore. Pri
uređenju se koristio inovativan koncept IFD (Industrial Flexible Demountable), što znači da su sve prostorije
zamišljene i montirane izvan gradilišta, točnije u tvornici Citizen M-a.
Samo su temelji i prizemlje napravljeni na tradicionalan način. Na taj
način, znatno se ubrzava sam
šank u
crvenoj boji
tap-room in
red colour
velikih dimenzija, pokriveni su najfinijim jastucima i posteljinom, za potpuni užitak, te je eliminirana potreba
za drugim stalnim namještajem. Zidove krase zrcala, kao i komoda za
šminkanje s jakim svjetlom, kakva se
inače koristi u kazališnoj garderobi.
U sobama se mogu gledati najnoviji filmovi na LCD televizorima, kao i
surfati internetom. Gosti mogu sami
odabrati način i jačinu osvjetljenja,
temperaturu i glazbu preko ekrana
osjetljivog na dodir.
U predvorju Citizen M-a
Ono što je posebno privlačno u interijeru ovog hotela jest iznimna razina
Važna je
igra svjetlosti
i prozračnost
Playing with light
and translucence
is very important
Prvoklasni namještaj
napravljen je uglavnom
od glatkih materijala,
stakla i čelika
First class furniture
is mostly made
from smooth materials,
glass and steel
proces gradnje i reduciraju troškovi,
a u gradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji
Koncept interijera
po uzoru na luksuzne jahte
Sobe hotela su uređene po uzoru na
smještaj u vrhunskim jahtama. Važna
je igra svjetlosti, te dojam prozračnosti prostora. Korištene su svijetle boje,
glatki materijali te staklo i čelik. Pod
je prekriven tamnim zebrano drvom,
te namještajem Vitra u boji crvene
naranče kako bi se stvorila ugodna
atmosfera. Dugački prozori omogućavaju sobama da budu ispunjene
prirodnim svjetlom. Kreveti, iznimno
jednostavnosti i prilagođenosti potrebama klijenata. Dovoljno je samo
zakoračiti u predvorje hotela da bi
se osjetio odmak od užurbanosti grada. U predvorje, koje je zamišljeno
kao tri različita tematska područja,
ulazi se kroz crvenu staklenu kutiju.
Zanimljiv je i sustav pomoću kojeg je
gostima omogućeno da se sami prijave u hotel nakon dolaska. Dnevni
boravak je posebno dizajniran kako
bi zadovoljio potrebe i ukus pripadnika poslovne klase, kao i boemske
putnike. Okruženje je puno svjetla,
udobnih sofa i stolića za kavu.
Hotel ekskluzivno surađuje s proizvođačem namještaja Vitra, te je njihov
svojevrsni izložbeni salon. Naravno,
izložena su vrhunska ostvarenja najnovijih kolekcija i klasika. Igra bojama i materijalima čini ovaj prostor
središnjim za kontakte gostiju.
Relaksirajuća kantina hotela
Citizen M ima ambiciozne planove u
ugostiteljstvu, te je u planu otvaranje
još dvadesetak hotela diljem svijeta.
Canteen M je namijenjena relaksaciji i prikupljanju snage kroz svježa i
zdrava jela. Kantina je otvorena dan
i noć, koriste se prvoklasne namirnice, a uživati se može i u šampanjcu
i koktelima. Šank je dugačak i širok
više no što je uobičajeno, obojen u
dopadljivu crvenu boju.
Eksterijer i filozofija
suvremenog putnika
Zgrada hotela ima šest katova, a
zamišljena je kao sjajna metalna
kutija. Dominiraju stakleni prozori
koji su istureni pod različitim kutevima i udaljenostima. Zgrada je rezultat umjetničke suradnje domaćih i
stranih talenata. Filozofija hotela je
okrenuta prije svega budućnosti,
te potpuno posvećena potrebama
današnjeg čovjeka u pokretu. Cilj je
zadovoljstvo i ugoda, ostvarena u
lijepom ambijentu i uz odličnu teh-
Citizen M
u potpunosti
zadovoljava potrebe
suvremenog putnika
Citizen M
completely satisfy
all needs of
contemporary tourist
ničku opremljenost. Ključno je ponudu stalno prilagođavati potrebama
potrošača, te ponuditi više ukusa
za manje novca. Citizen M vodi se
činjenicama da je suvremeni putnik
pronicljiv, u potrazi za kombinacijom modernog luksuza te održivosti
i ekološke svijesti. Brz životni ritam
utjecao je na potrebe ljudi. Na cijeni
su jednostavnost, spoj suvremenog i
prirodnog. Tko se odluči za boravak
u hotelu Citizen M, može očekivati
puni europski ugođaj te, naravno,
jaku nizozemsku kavu
for everyone
Hotel Citizen M offers everything that a modern traveller needs, which implies high level of quality, unique
design and reasonable price
Written by: Ana Bralić
Photo: www.designhotels.com
otel Citizen M
is located near
Schiphol Airport
in Amsterdam,
and has drawn
plenty of attention from everyone
since the day it opened. The hotel
name originates from the term “Citizen Mobile”, which brings to mind all
those people with restless spirits that
are constantly moving around. Citizen M promotes an active lifestyle,
with no compromises when it comes
to comfort and service. Special attention is also given to maintaining
accessibility to the accommodation
and the level of service in this hotel. Citizen M is equipped with latest
technology, quality products, topnotch design and linen, which is not
to be taken for granted. The credit
for the luxurious decoration style of
the hotel’s moderate-sized rooms
goes to designer Conerete. All the
rooms take up 14 square metres,
but they still have plenty of room for
royal-sized beds and linen, Vernen
Panton’s expensive designer chairs
and top-modern television sets. The
decoration process featured the innovative IFD (Industrial Flexible Demountable) concept, which means
that all rooms were designed and
assembled in the Citizen M factory,
rather than at the construction site.
This concept speeds up the construction process and reduces all
the expenses, and it must be said
that only top-quality materials were
used during construction.
Interior Concept Following
the Pattern of Luxurious Yachts
The hotel rooms’ decoration style
followed the pattern of accommodation in luxurious yachts. A lot of
emphasis was put on playing with
light, as well as on the impression of
etherealness. The designer chose to
use plenty of bright colours, smooth
materials, glass and steel. The floor is
covered in dark Zebrano wood, and
is surrounded by pieces of Vitra furniture in the colour of red oranges,
which creates a lovely atmosphere.
Long windows conveniently fill up
the rooms with plenty of natural light.
Royal-sized beds are covered with
finest pillows and linen, which guarantee total pleasure and eliminate
any need for other permanent furniture. The walls are embellished by
mirrors, and we also find a makeup
dresser with strong light, which is usually used in theatre dressing rooms.
The rooms are equipped with LCD
television sets that offer the latest
movies, as well as with Internet connections. The guests can choose the
type of light, temperature and music
by themselves by using the touchscreen.
In the Citizen M Lobby
The one thing that is particularly attractive about this hotel’s interior is
the exceptional level of simplicity
and adjustability to the clients’
needs. All you have to do is take
one step inside the hotel lobby to
feel the drastic difference from the
busy city streets. The lobby, which
was designed through three different theme areas, is entered through
a red glass box. The system that enables the guests to check into the
hotel by themselves is also rather
interesting. The living room is carefully designed in order to please the
needs and preferences of business
types and bohemian travellers, as it
is filled with light, comfortable sofas
and coffee tables.
The hotel has an exclusive deal with
furniture manufacturer Vitra, and
serves as their exhibit room of sorts.
Naturally, plenty of supreme latest
and classic collections are on display in this hotel. The interaction of
colours and materials ensure that
this is the central room for all the
contacts between guests.
The Relaxing Hotel Canteen
Citizen M has very ambitious plans
when it comes to the accommodation business, as about twenty more
hotels are planned to be opened
throughout the world. Canteen M
has the purpose of relaxing and
revitalizing the customers by using
fresh and healthy food. The canJedna od soba
Citizen M
One of the rooms
in hotel
Citizen M
Hotel Citizen M,
pogled izvana
Citizen M,
view from
teen is opened around the clock
and uses first-class groceries, and
you can also enjoy champagne
and cocktails as well. The bar is
somewhat longer and wider than
you might expect, and it stands out
with its very charming red colour.
Exterior and Philosophy
of a Modern Traveller
The hotel building has six floors, and
it is designed to resemble a glossy
metal box. It is dominated by glass
windows that are installed in various angles and mutual distances.
The building is the result of collaboration between foreign and local
talents. The hotel philosophy is pri-
Hotel je opremljen
svim suvremenim
Hotel is equipped
with all modern
Jačinu svjetla,glazbe i temperaturu gosti mogu namjestiti
touch screena
Music volume,
light sharpness and
temperature guests
can adjust over
touch screen
marily oriented towards the future,
as it is completely dedicated to the
needs of today’s people in constant
movement. The main goal is to provide pleasure and comfort within a
lovely ambience and plenty of latest technology. The crucial thing is to
constantly adjust your programme
to the clients’ needs, as well as to
offer as much good taste for as little
money as possible. Citizen M counts
on the fact that modern travellers
are quite insightful, as they search
for a combination of modern luxury, maintenance and ecological
awareness. The rapidly fast lifestyle
has affected the people’s needs.
They are now looking for simplicity
and a combination of modern and
natural. Anyone who decides to
spend some time in hotel Citizen M
can expect true European atmosphere and, it goes without saying,
some strong Dutch coffee
Austrijanci reprezentiraju Kinu
Austrijski arhitektonski koncern Coop Himmelb(l)au poduzima dva velika projekta u Kini, naglašavajući time širenje
njezina globalnog značenja. Prvi od njih je “Gradski monolit”
u gradu Shenzenu, nedaleko od Hong Konga, na milijun kubičnih metara, koji će ujediniti muzejsku i izložbenu funkciju.
Drugi projekt je višenamjenski međunarodni konferencijski
centar u Dalianu, koji će, prema predviđenim kapacitetima
(2500 mjesta samo u dvorani za sastanke), biti pravi mali
grad unutar samo jedne zgrade.
Austrians Representing China
Austrian architectonic brand Coop Himmelb(l)au is about
to start work on two big projects in China, in an effort to
emphasize the country’s growing global significance. The
first project is called “City Monolith” in a city called Shenzen,
not far from Hong Kong. It will spread across a million cubic
metres and will have two different functions – a museum
and an exhibition location. The second project is a multifunctional international conference centre in Dalian, and its
rumoured capacity (2500 seats in just one conference hall)
implies an actual little town within a single building.
Samsung izlazi
na sunce
Samsung je proizveo potpuno funkcionalan ekološki mobitel. Osim što je
izrađen od reciklirane plastike i posjeduje svu silu atraktivnih funkcija, prvi
je takav uređaj koji se napaja – solarnom energijom. “Blue earth” će
biti predstavljen na sajmu Mobile
World Congress u Barceloni u veljači ove godine.
“Trojedno” čudo
u službi školstva
U slučaju tornja Mode-Gakuen u Nagoyi zapravo se radi o trima tornjevima “omotanima” oko središnje, spiralne konstrukcijske osovine. Svaki od
tornjeva u toj elegantnoj,
dinamičnoj građevini,
koja se sužava prema
vrhu, predstavlja po jednu od školskih namjena
zbog koje postoji: modni dizajn, kompjutorsko
programiranje i medicinsku brigu. Tornjevi
su, naravno, opremljeni
posebnim sustavom koji
odolijeva i najjačim potresima.
The “Triple”
Miracle for
The Mode-Gakuen Tower in Nagoya actually consists of three
towers that are “wrapped” around the central, spiral construction axis. Each of the towers in this elegant and dynamic
building, which is getting narrower as we approach the top,
stands for one of the predetermined educational purposes:
fashion design, computer programming and medical care.
Naturally, the towers are equipped with a special system that
is prepared for the strongest of earthquakes.
Samsung Getting
some Sun
Samsung came up with a completely functional ecological cell
phone. Besides the fact that it is
made of recycled plastic and includes all kinds of attractive functions, it is the first mobile device
that is charged with – solar energy. “Blue Earth” will be presented
at this year’s Mobile World Congress Fair in Barcelona, in February of this year.
Lesnina sva u 60
Tvrtka Lesnina, jedna od deset najprofitabilnijih slovenskih
poslovnih grupacija, ove godine slavi svoj 60. rođendan. U
povodu toga, u prodajnim centrima Lesnine će se tijekom
čitave godine organizirati akcijska prodaja, s prigodnim 60postotnim sniženjima nekih proizvoda. Osim toga, u Lesnini su najavili i skoru izgradnju novih prodajnih kapaciteta,
poput onoga na 40.000 četvornih metara na zagrebačkom
Indijka u čeliku betonu
Najveća zgrada u Mumbaiju, djelo iskusnog indijskog arhitekta Reze Kabula, 301 metar visoki toranj Shreepati Skies,
imat će simboličan, stilizirani oblik djevojke koja
pleše s vodenim vrčem. Po
projektu, toranj će na svom
81 katu imati 126 individualno dizajniranih stanova,
uz još sedam katova nosive
platforme, predviđenih za
parkiranje do 300 vozila. Izgradnja toga izrazito uskog
nebodera trebala bi trajati
oko pet godina.
An Indian Girl
in Steel and
Lesnina and the Number 60
Company Lesnina, one of the ten most profitable Slovenian
business groups, is celebrating its sixtieth birthday. The occasion will be celebrated with all-year discount sales in Lesnina
shopping centres, with the appropriate 60-percent discounts
on certain items. In addition to that, people at Lesnina have
announced the construction of brand-new outlet capacities,
such as the one spreading across 40 000 m2 at Jankomir in
Kenda na internetu
Trgovac namještajem Kenda objavio je pokretanje virtualnog izloga
vlastite ponude proizvoda, uz mogućnost online kupnje. Kendina
web trgovina nalazi se na adresi
www.kenda-namjestaj.com, a osim
preuzimanja kupljene robe u Outlet trgovini u Zaprešiću, namještaj
je predviđen za dostavu na kućnu
adresu. Plaćanje se obavlja kreditnim karticama i platnim nalozima.
The 301-metre-high Shreepati Skies, the largest
building in Mumbai designed by seasoned Indian
architect Reza Kabul, will
receive a symbolic, stylized shape of a girl dancing with a jug of water. The detailed project of this 81-floor
tower contains 126 individually designed apartments, as
well as seven floors of a bearing platform that is planned to
host 300 parking spaces. The construction of this extremely
narrow skyscraper should last about five years.
Kenda Online
Furniture store Kenda has announced the launch of the virtual browsing section of its sale
assortment, with the option of
purchasing their items online.
The Kenda web–store can be
found at www.kenda-namjestaj.
com, and besides the option of
picking up the purchased goods
at their outlet store in Zaprešić,
the furniture can also be delivered to your home address. The
payment methods include credit
cards and payment orders.
Stipić Interart, top-tvrtka
na hrvatskom tržištu opremanja interijera, krajem
ožujka izlazi u javnost s
novom oglasnom kampanjom. Središnju ulogu
u imidžu kampanje ima
marketinški materijal realiziran u suradnji s timom
kojeg predvodi poznati
hrvatski fotograf Dorijan
Kljun, uz doprinos stilista
Romana Deckera i frizera
Mije Majhena. Cilj kampanje je potvrditi visoku
reputaciju tvrtke Stipić Interart na domaćem tržištu namještaja i opreme za unutrašnje uređenje. Kao i
dosadašnje kampanje, ova najnovija u sebi sadrži niz emocionalnih, estetskih
i umjetničkih pojedinosti. Glavnu ulogu u interakciji između čovjeka i vrhunskog namještaja koji ga okružuje, imaju dva osnovna prirodna spoja – voda i
zrak. Kampanja će biti plasirana u svim značajnim hrvatskim elektroničkim i
tiskanim medijima. Njome će se predstaviti i nedavno proširenje ponude interijera u Hrvatskoj, te najaviti skorašnje otvorenje novog prodajnog centra
Stipić Interarta u središtu Zagreba, u Tkalčićevoj ulici.
Obojite dom
Tvrtka Deceuninck izdvaja se ponudom proizvoda za uređenje interijera. Među ostalim, posebno
se izdvaja koncept Bee-bo, koji omogućava savršeno prekrivanje zidova, neovisno o njihovim
oblicima i površinama. Taj je koncept potpuno čist
i kreativan, ekološki održiv, te sadrži više od 80%
recikliranog materijala. Trenutno su dostupne tri
strukture Bee-bo profila: pravocrtna, kvadratna
i „vafl“. Profili boja Bee-bo mogu se međusobno kombinirati, što omogućava stilski raznoliko
kreiranje, neovisno o tome je li riječ o javnom ili
privatnom prostoru. Proizvode spomenute tvrtke prvoklasnima čini, među ostalim, nezahtjevno
održavanje, lakoća primjene i ekološka održivost.
Uz ovakve proizvode,inspiracija je neograničena,
kao i transformacije najrazličitijih prostora.
Stipić Interart, the premiere Croatian company in the field of interior decoration, is coming out with a new advertising campaign by the end of March. The
campaign image highlights the marketing material created in cooperation with
a team of famous Croatian photographer Dorijan Kljun, stylist Roman Decker
and hairdresser Mijo Majhen. The campaign’s goal is to confirm Stipić Intarart’s
high reputation on the Croatian furniture scene and the market for interiordecoration equipment. Much like their previous campaigns, this latest effort
contains a long line of emotional, aesthetical and artistic details. The interaction between a man and the surrounding furniture is highlighted by two of
nature’s primary elements – water and air. The campaign will be featured in all
important Croatian
outlets. It will also
present the recent
expansions in the
interior offerings in
Croatia, as well as
announce the impending opening
of the new Stipić
Interart store in the
centre of Zagreb,
in Tkalčić Street.
Your Home
Company Deceuninck stands out with its catalogue of products for interior decoration. Among
other things, they especially pride themselves in
the Bee_bo concept, which enables perfect covering of the walls of all shapes and surface types.
This concept is completely pure, creative and
ecologically sustainable, as it contains over 80%
of recycled materials. Bee_bo paint profiles can
be mutually combined, which enables stylistically diverse creations, regardless of whether we’re
talking about public or private premises.
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Čelan
The New Campaign
by Stipić Interart
Tvrtka A.B.S.
otvorila nove poslovnice
Renomirana hrvatska tvrtka
za proizvodnju aluminijske i
PVC stolarije otvorila je četiri
nova izložbena salona, i to u
Puli, Poreču, Solinu i Makarskoj. Time tvrtka odgovara na
sve veću potražnju za njihovim proizvodima. A.B.S.-ova
paleta proizvoda obuhvaća
aluminijske i PVC prozore,
vrata, garažna vrata, rolete,
grilje i klizne stijenke. Kvalitetu proizvoda tvrtke A.B.S. potvrđuju brojni certifikati koje
posjeduje. Tvrtka iz Pićana
u Istri tako nastavlja širiti ponudu svojih proizvoda, koje
krasi vrhunska izrada, lako
održavanje, odlična zvučna i
toplinska izolacija te odmjerena cijena. Čitava proizvodnja se realizira na visokosofisticiranim CNC strojevima koji omogućuju izradu
stolarije za kompleksne arhitektonske zamisli. Tvrtka zadovoljava i
sve kriterije za izvoz na zahtjevno tržište EU-a.
Company A.B.S.
Opening New Offices
This renowned Croatian company
that produces aluminium and PVC
joinery recently opened four new
showrooms in Pula, Poreč, Solin
and Makarska. This is the company’s response to the increasing
level of demand for their products. The A.B.S. palette of products includes aluminium and PVC
windows, doors, garage doors,
blinds, shutters and sliding doors.
The quality of the A.B.S. products
is confirmed by numerous certificates. This company from Pićan,
Istria continues to expand the offering of their products, which are
characterized by excellent handwork, effortless maintenance,
excellent sound and heat isolation
and moderate prices. Their entire manufacturing process is based
on highly sophisticated CNC machinery that enables joinery for
complex architectonic ideas. The company also fulfils every condition regarding the export to the demanding EU market.
Požgaj u Dalmaciji
“Parketi Požgaj” d.o.o., jedna od vodećih hrvatskih tvrtki
u svom sektoru, u poslovnim prostorijama “Top interijera”
u Dugopolju predstavili su svoja dosadašnja postignuća
i planove za buduće poslovanje na području Splita i Dalmacije. Tvrtka iz Velikog Bukovca zastupnik je svjetski poznatih brandova parketa “Morello” i “Pavone”, a posebno
zalaganje i proboj na lokalno i nacionalno tržište planira
upravo u proizvodnji parketa za sportske dvorane, inače
sve unosnijoj hrvatskoj gospodarskoj djelatnosti.
Požgaj in Dalmatia
“Požgaj d.o.o. Parquets”, one of the leading Croatian
firms in this line of business, has presented its previous accomplishments and future business plans for
Split and Dalmatia in the “Top Interior” headquarters
in Dugopolje. This company from Veliki Bukovac is a
representative of world-famous parquet brands like
“Morello” and “Pavone”, and it must be said that this
Croatian manufacturer is planning special efforts on
the local and national market in the field of parquets
in sports arenas – which is becoming an increasingly
profitable economic branch in Croatia.
Muzej Džamonja
s pet zvjezdica
Piše: Romina Peritz
Foto: Fedor Džamonja
Dušan Džamonja
“U svakom slučaju nastavljam borbu svog oca. Trenutno, s obzirom na krizu ne očekujem da će se to dogoditi
preko noći”, kaže Fedor Džamonja, sin slavnog kipara
dlaskom Dušana Džamonje
hrvatska umjetnost izgubila je jedno od najvećih
imena, a reakcije koje su došle iz
svjetskih metropola pokazale su koliko je veliki kipar bio cijenjen. Ostala
je međutim nerealizirana najveća
želja Dušana Džamonje, muzej, u
kojem bi se mogao vidjeti cjelokupni opus umjetnika koji je ne samo
stekao svjetsku slavu, nego ostavio i
dubokih tragova u modernoj umjetnosti.
“Ili neće biti ništa od mog muzeja, ili
će se konačno ostvariti, jer vremena
više nema!”. Bio je prije tri godine
godine rezolutan Dušan Džamonja u
jednom razgovoru za novine. Prošlo
je vrijeme, ali se nažalost ništa nije
dogodilo, osim što je Džamonja, taj
stari gospodin prepoznatliv po velikom obodu crnog šešira, otišao. Želio je Zagrebu, gradu u kojem je proveo život, iako u njemu nije rođen,
ostaviti donaciju od preko tristotine
remek djela koja još uvijek čekaju prostor u kojemu će prikladno i
prema svjetskim muzejskim standar-
Skulptura iz kipareve donacije
The sculpture from artist’s donation
Crtež iz kipareve donacije
A drawing from the sculptor’s donation
dima biti smještena. Pred teškim je
razdobljem, u svakom slučaju, Fedor
Džamonja, kiparev sin koji ne odustaje od očeve želje da se sagradi
muzej koji će nositi to danas svjetski
poznato ime.
Iako se konkretno ništa nije dogodilo od siječnja kada mu je preminuo
otac, Fedor Džamonja vjeruje da će
se njegov san ostvariti.
“U svakom slučaju nastavljam borbu
svog oca. Trenutno, s obzirom na krizu ne očekujem da će se to dogoditi preko noći,” tvrdi Fedor Džamonja,
te dodaje kako je pozitivan pomak
da je donacija ušla u desetogodišnji
kulturni program Zagreba.
Prvo muzej na papiru
Dušan Džamonja za života je sanjao svoj muzej u kojem će posjetitelji moći na jednome mjestu vidjeti
njegov prebogati opus koji uključuje
skulpture, crteže, spomeničke i arhitektonske projekte. Napravio je više
različitih projekata, a njegov je dijalog s Gradom Zagrebom trajao čak
četrdeset godina.
Posljednje Džamonjino rješenje za
vlastiti muzej bilo je namijenjeno parceli koja se nalazi nedaleko njegova
stana i ateliera između Vlaške i Jurkovićeve ulice na mjestu gdje je danas
nekoliko privremenih objekata u kojima su nekad bili smješteni izbjeglice.
Džamonjino idejno rješenje kao i sva
njegova arhitektonska ostvarenja
odražava njegov umjetnički rukopis.
Već na prvi poglead jasno je da je
takvu zgradu mogao smisliti samo
veliki umjetnik, jer njegova je arhitektura zapravo predimenzionirana
skulptura. Zanimljivo je da je vlastiti
muzej zamislio bez suviše detalja i bez
ijednog prozora, jer bi danje svjetlo
zbog svoje promjenjivosti utjecalo
na izgled izloženih skulptura. A svoje
je skulpture radio dok nije postigao
savršenstvo i sklad oblika. Čekao je
Džamonja razne dozvole, odgovore
zagrebačkog gradonačelnika Milana Bandića i njegova gradskog ministra kulture Duška Ljuštine, no i kad
bi se dogodilo obećanje, konačni
početak realizacije ostao bi negdje u zraku. Mnogi se nakon umjetnikove smrti s pravom pitaju hoće li
pitanje smještaja Džamonjinih djela
pasti u zaborav. Ipak, riječi Fedora
Džamonje ohrabruju. On najavljuje
kao prvi korak osnivanje ustanove
odnosno Muzeja Džamonja na papiru. Taj je muzej, kako objašnjava,
zamišljen kao kulturni centar s raznim
Atelier u Jurkovićevoj ulici u Zagrebu
Atelier in Jurković street in Zagreb
Skulptura „Portal X – CCH“, 2008.
Sculpture “Portal X – CCH”, 2008
sadržajima. Za početak sjedište bi se
nalazilo u sadašnjem Atelieru Džamonja u zagrebačkoj Jurkovićevoj
ulici kojeg je kipar dobio na korištenje od Grada prije nekoliko godina
i gdje je stvarao do kraja života.
Upravo na tome mjestu danas stoje
i posljednji Džamonjini projekti, onaj
za Zračnu luku Zagreb i maketa spomenika poginulim vatrogascima na
Koncerti u Bazilici
“Moram inzistirati na očevim željama da njegova donacija bude u
zgradi koju je on projektirao jer čitava priča gubi smisao ako se napravi
neki novi projekt. Uvijet je da Muzaj
Džamonja funkcionira kao samostalna jedinica, da postoje kustosi jer je
riječ o zbirci koja doista nije mala i
već sad broji oko tristosedamdeset
djela, a ako sve krene prema planu
donirat ćemo još dvjestotinjak djela.
Samo je trećina te donacije, naime,
bila predstavljena na retrospektivi u
listopadu prošle godine u Muzeju za
umjetnost i obrt. Ostalo je još dosta
crteža i odljeva koji su vrlo zanimljivi
i trebaju postati dio zbirke. Ne smije
se dogoditi da propadnu u nekom
Fedor Džamonja u budućem muzeju
namjerava ugostiti inozemne izložbe
kako bi i ljudi koji nisu u mogućnosti
otići u inozemstvo dobili priliku vidjeti
djela svjetski poznatih umjetnika dok
će se stalni postav s Džamonjinim radovima stalno mijenjati.
U sklopu budućeg Muzeja Džamo102
nja trebao bi biti i Park skulptura u
Vrsaru koji je trenutno pod upravom
Muzeja grada Poreča i u iščekivanju
dobivanja statusa muzeja.
Pored donacije Zagrebu, vrsarski
opus još je jedno bogatsvo koje
ostaje za Džamonjom. Naime, upravo je u Vrsaru još šezdesetih godina
Dušan Džamonja stvorio impresivno
zdanje s parkom u koji je smjestio
svoje prepoznatljive, monumentalne skulpture od željeza. Kada je na
poziv svog prijatelja kipara Nenada
Krivića razgledavo napuštene kuće,
a njih je u to poslijeratno doba u Istri
bilo dosta, Džamonja je ugledavši
ruševinu stare istarske stancije i pejzaž koji je okružuje upravo na tom
mjestu zamislio svoje skulpture. Tako
je sredinom šezdesetih godina otkupio staru kuću i počeo gotovo iz temelja s njezinim preuređenjem i nadogradnjama. Džamonjina vrsarska
rezidencija do početka sedamdese-
Sve je usklađeno do perfekcije
Everything is coordinated
to the point of perfection
tih godina dobila je glavne konture,
a tu je kipar smjestio i svoj atelje uz
rezidencijalni dio koji nije velik s obzirom na ostatak kompleksa. Kroz
Džamonjino vrsarsko utočište prošli
su mnogi uglednici iz svijeta umjetnosti, politike, glazbe, filma no i mnogi obični ljudi koji i danas prošetaju
do te kamene kuće kako bi zavirili
u Džamonjin svijet. Tu je kuću sagradio prema vlastitim idejama i ona je
odraz njegove estetike, ukusa, načina života. Sve je usklađeno do perfekcije - kamen, skulpture, detalji od
željeza kao što su ograde i vrata. I u
Vrsaru Fedor Džamonja namjerava
osmisliti niz sadržaja koji bi omogućili
da to istarko turističko mjesto zaživi i
izvan sezone. Ideja mu je stvoriti međunarodni umjetnički centar sa radionicama za keramiku i staklu. Poseban pečat cijelome projektu dala
bi glazbena događanja, koncerti bi
se odvijali u dijelu kojeg je Džamonja
nazvao Bazilika.
“U Bazilici bi se preko ljeta mogli održavati koncerti i to bi zasigurno podiglo nivo ponude tog čitavog kraja. Volio bi na tom mjestu napraviti
nešto što izgleda kao jazz klub samo
što bi se slušala klasična glazba.
Ljude koji dolaze u Vrsar ne zanima
masovni turizam i siguran sam da
bi im jedno takvo mjesto s bogatim
kulturnim sadržajima bilo privlačno”.
zaključuje Fedor Džamonja.
Unutar Parka skulptura veliki kipar
zamišljao je i restoran. Vrhunski, naravno. S pet zvjezdica, kao što je to
bila i njegova umjetnost i kao što će
to biti zasigurno jednog dana njegov muzej.
The five-star
Džamonja museum
„One way or the other, I am continuing my father’s fight. Given
the current crisis, I am not really expecting things to happen
overnight, but if the City of Zagreb does back down from this
project, I will have no other choice but to open a private museum”, says Fedor Džamonja, the famous sculptor’s son
he departure of Dušan
the Croatian art scene
with the loss of one of
its biggest names, and
the reactions from various world
capitals proved just how admired
this sculptor was. However, Dušan
Džamonja’s greatest wish has remained unfulfilled – a museum that
would feature the artist’s entire collection and not only demonstrate
his worldwide fame, but also witness
the deep influence he has had on
the modern art scene.
“My museum either will or will not
happen, because the time is running
out!” Those were Dušan Džamonja’s
emphatic words in a newspaper interview three years ago. Plenty of
time has passed since then, but nothing has unfortunately happened,
besides the fact that Džamonja, this
old gentleman with a recognizable
large hat, left us behind. He left Zagreb, a city that he spent his life in
despite being born elsewhere, with
a donation of over three hundred
masterpieces that are still awaiting a
facility in which they will be accommodated accordingly, like in any
other world-class museum. There is
no doubt that Fedor Džamonja, the
sculptor’s son, is facing a difficult period as he persistently fights for his father’s wish to receive a museum with
that household name.
Although nothing specific has happened since his father’s passing in
January, Fedor Džamonja believes
that his dream will come true.
“One way or the other, I am continuing my father’s fight. Given the cur-
Written by: Romina Peritz
Dušan Džamonja
Photo: Fedor Džamonja
rent crisis, I am not really expecting
things to happen overnight, but if
the City of Zagreb does back down
from this project, I will have no other
choice but to open a private museum”, says Fedor Džamonja, but
he notices something positive in
the fact that the donation qualified
for Zagreb’s ten-year cultural programme.
Skulptura iz kipareve donacije
The sculpture from artist’s donation
Zapadna terasa
Džamonjine vrsarske rezidencije
The western terrace
of Džamonja’s Vrsar residence
Džamonja’s design, much like all
of his architectonic achievements,
reflects his artistic style. Just one
glance at the building proves what
a brilliant artist he was, because
the facility actually comes off as an
overly sized sculpture. It is interesting
to note that he designed his own
museum without too many details
and with no windows whatsoever,
as the variations of daylight would
affect the appearance of displayed
sculptures. Džamonja worked on his
sculptures until he achieved perfection and complete harmony of
shapes. He waited for all kinds of
certificates and answers from Zagreb mayor Milan Bandić and the
city minister of culture Duško Ljuština,
but even when certain promises occurred, they never resulted in the
beginning of anything concrete.
After the artist died, many people rightfully wondered whether
the issue of finding a location for
Džamonja’s work will fall by the wayside. However, the words of Fedor
Džamonja are encouraging. As the
first step, he announced starting an
institution or the Džamonja Museum
on paper. He explained that the
museum would be a cultural centre
with different features. For starters, it
would be located at the present Atelier Džamonja in Jurković Street in
Zagreb, which the sculptor received
from the city several years ago and
where he worked at the final stages
The Museum First
Appearing on Paper
During his lifetime, Dušan Džamonja
used to dream about his own museum where visitors would be able
to see his entire sumptuous collection, which includes sculptures,
drawings, monuments and architectonic projects, united in one single
place. He created several different
projects, and his dialogue with the
City of Zagreb lasted for over forty
Džamonja’s final design for his own
museum was targeted towards a
parcel near his apartment and the
atelier between Vlaška and Jurković
Street, where we can now find several temporary objects that used
to provide shelters for refugees. This
of his life. That is still the location of
some of Džamonja’s final projects,
such as the one for the Zagreb Airport and the draft for a monument
of the deceased firemen from Kornati.
Concerts in Basilica
“I must insist on my father’s wishes
for his donation to be located in a
building he projected, because the
entire story loses its meaning if it results in a new project. It is imperative
for Džamonja Museum to function
as an independent unit with curators because this collection is rather large and features around 370
pieces of art, and if everything goes
according to plan, we are planning to donate around two hundred
more pieces. Only about one third
from that donation was actually introduced at a retrospective exhibit
in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in
October of last year. Plenty of other interesting drawings and moulds
have been left behind, and they
are just waiting to become the part
of the collection. The worst thing to
happen would be to allow them to
crumble in some basement”.
Fedor Džamonja is planning to use
this future museum to organize foreign exhibits, so that the people
that don’t have a chance to travel abroad can witness the work of
world-famous artists, while the per106
Blagovaonica i salon u Vrsaru
Dinning room and saloon in Vrsar
Džamonja sa sinom Fedorom i
unukom Tijom
Džamonja with son Fedor
and grandson Tio
manent display of Džamonja’s work
would be constantly updated. This
future Džamonja Museum should
be accompanied by the Park of
Sculptures in Vrsar, which is currently part of the Poreč City Museum
and is waiting to receive the status
of a museum. Along with his donation to Zagreb, the Vrsar collection
is another priceless element that
Džamonja has left behind. Back in
the 1960s in Vrsar, Dušan Džamonja
created an impressive facility with a
park where he placed his trademark
monumental steel sculptures. When
he received an invitation by his
sculptor friend Nenad Krivić to take
a look at some abandoned houses,
which were very common in postwar Istria, Džamonja noticed the
ruins of an old Istrian house and the
surrounding scenery and instantly
envisioned his sculptures at this precise location. In the mid-1960s, he
bought the old house and started
redecorating and upgrading from
scratch. Džamonja’s Vrsar residency
received its definitive shape by the
early seventies, and the sculptor also
made sure to place his atelier right
next to the residential section, which
was fairly small when compared
to the remainder of the complex.
Džamonja’s Vrsar sanctuary hosted
numerous accomplished people
from the worlds of art, politics, music
Bazilika, scena za koncerte
klasične glazbe
Basilica, stage for the concerts
of the clasicall music
Jedna od skulptura iz
kipareve donacije
One of the the sculpture from
artist’s donation
and film, as well as numerous regular
people who still tend to take a walk
to the stone house in order to experience Džamonja’s world. This house
was built according to his exclusive
ideas and it reflects his aesthetics,
taste ad lifestyle. Everything is coordinated to the point of perfection
– stone, sculptures, steel details like
doors and fences. Fedor Džamonja
also has plans to come up with a list
of events for the Vrsar facility, which
would enable this Istrian town to experience new life outside the confines of the tourist season. His idea
includes creating an international
artistic centre with workshops for ceramics and glass. All these elements
would be emphasized by musical
events, as the concerts would take
place in a section Džamonja used to
call Basilica.
“Basilica would host concerts during
the summer and that would definitely raise the level of the offering for
the entire area. I would like to create something that resembles a jazz
club in this location, only it would be
filled by the sounds of classical music. People who come to Vrsar aren’t
interested in mass tourism, and I’m
sure that they would be attracted to
a location with a rich cultural offering”, Fedor Džamonja concludes.
The great sculptor also envisioned a
restaurant within the Park of Sculptures. It goes without saying that it
would be a top-class five-star restaurant, which would complement
the level of art at this museum that is
bound to happen someday.
Moja ujna darovala bi mi svoj stan.
Nakon što napravimo ugovor o darovanju da li sam dužan platiti porez?
Promet nekretnina oporezuje se prema Zakonu o porezu na promet nekretnina (NN 69/97, 26/00, 127/00 i
Nekretninama se, u smislu navedenog
zakona, smatraju zemljišta (poljoprivredna, građevinska i druga zemljišta)
i građevine (stambene, poslovne i sve
druge zgrade, te njihovi dijelovi), pa
tako i predmetni stan.
Predmet oporezivanja porezom na
promet nekretnina je promet nekretnina, odnosno svako stjecanje vlasništva nekretnine u RH bez obzira na to
stječu li se nekretnine uz naplatu ili bez
naplate. Prema tome, stjecanjem nekretnina smatra se darovanje nekretnina.
Obveznik poreza na promet nekretnina je stjecatelj nekretnine dakle osoba koja stječe nekretninu na temelju
ugovora o darovanju kao nenaplatnog pravnog posla.
Zakonska odredba o osobi poreznog
obveznika prinudne je naravi i ne
može se mijenjati ugovorom stranaka.
Osnovica poreza na promet nekretnina je tržišna vrijednost nekretnine u
trenutku stjecanja. To je cijena nekretnine koja se postiže ili se može postići
na tržištu u trenutku njezina stjecanja,
a utvrđuje se, u pravilu, na temelju
isprava o stjecanju.
Porezna uprava provjerava tržišnu
vrijednost nekretnine u ispravi o stjecanju, pa ako utvrdi da ona nije realno prikazana (u skladu s kriterijima
na tržištu), utvrđuje poreznu osnovicu
procjenom nekretnine i pritom može
koristiti dokazna sredstva kao što je
naprimjer vještačenje i drugo.
Stoga, porez na promet svih vrsta nekretnina (zemljišta, građevina i njihovih dijelova) plaća se po jedinstvenoj
poreznoj stopi od 5%
Porezni obveznik nastanak porezne
obveze na posebnom obrascu koji
može dobiti u Poreznoj upravi mora
prijaviti ispostavi Porezne uprave na
području koje se nalazi nekretnina, u
roku od 30 dana od dana nastanka
porezne obveze, tj. dana sklapanja
Porezni obveznik uz prijavu o nastanku
porezne obveze treba priložiti ugovor,
a ako se prijenos nekretnine obavlja
drugim pravnim poslom, odlukom tijela državne uprave ili suda, porezni
obveznik treba priložiti ispravu o tomu
pravnom poslu, odnosno odluku tijela
državne uprave ili suda.
Kupujem prvi stan. Zanima me da li
sam oslobođen plaćanja poreza na
promet nekretnina i što trebam napraviti da bi dobio to oslobođenje?
Uvjeti za ostvarivanje prava na oslobođenje od plaćanja poreza na promet nekretnina ovise o vrsti nekretnine
koja se kupuje. Uvjeti su različiti ovisno
radi li se o oslobođenju:
- pri kupnji stana/kuće,
- pri kupnji zemljišta radi izgradnje
- pri kupnji novosagrađene nekretnine.
Građanin koji na temelju ugovora o
kupoprodaji kupuje prvu nekretninu
obveznik je plaćanja poreza na promet nekretnina, ali će biti oslobođen
te porezne obveze ako kupnjom te
nekretnine rješava vlastito stambeno
pitanje, pod uvjetom da kumulativno
ispunjava sljedeće pretpostavke:
1. Da ima hrvatsko državljanstvo,
2. Da prijavljuje prebivalište u mjestu i
na adresi gdje se nekretnina (koju kupuju) nalazi,
3. Da veličina nekretnine (stan ili kuća)
koju kupuje građanin, ovisno o broju
članova njegove uže obitelji, ne prelazi površinu kako slijedi:
za 1 osobu do 50 m2 stambenog prostora
za 2 osobe do 65 m2 stambenog prostora
za 3 osobe do 80 m2 stambenog prostora
za 4 osobe do 90 m2 stambenog prostora
za 5 osoba do 100 m2 stambenog prostora
za 6 osoba do 110 m2 stambenog prostora
za 7 i više osoba do 120 m2 stambenog prostora
4. Da građanin te članovi njegove
uže obitelji nemaju u vlasništvu drugu
nekretninu (stan ili kuću) koja zadovoljava njihove stambene potrebe.
5. Da građanin te članovi njegove
uže obitelji nemaju u vlasništvu stan,
odnosno kuću za odmor te druge nekretnine znatnije vrijednosti.
Pravo na oslobođenje od plaćanja
poreza na promet nekretnina može se
ostvariti i kod kupnje zemljišta, površine do 600 m2, za gradnju kuće kojom
će građanin riješiti vlastito stambeno
pitanje. U navedenom slučaju građanin mora unaprijed zadovoljava svim
opisanim pretpostavkama, osim one
pod toč. 2. i 3.
Pravo na oslobođenje od plaćanja
poreza na promet nekretnina može
se ostvariti i kod kupnje novosagrađene nekretnine kojom se rješava vlastito stambeno pitanje. I kod kupnje
prve nekretnine kao novosagrađene
nekretnine moraju se kumulativno zadovoljiti sve pretpostavke kao i kod
kupnje stana ili kuće. Razlika je samo u
tome što će građanin – porezni obveznik koji kupuje prvu nekretninu kojom
rješava vlastito stambeno pitanje kao
novosagrađenu nekretninu, a kumulativno zadovoljava pretpostavkama
iz Zakona, ostvariti pravo na oslobođenje od plaćanja poreza na promet
nekretnina, ali samo na vrijednost ze-
mljišta i svotu naknade za komunalno
uređenje zemljišta prema odluci mjerodavnih tijela, jer se na ostatak građevinske vrijednosti novosagrađene
nekretnine plaća porez na dodanu
Državljanin Republike Njemačke, članice Europske unije želi kupiti nekretninu u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Zakonom o izmjenama i dopunama
zakona o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim
pravima od 12. prosinca 2008. godine, člankom 358. a., pravne osobe i
državljani iz država članica Europske
unije imaju pravo stjecanja prava
vlasništva nekretnina pod pretpostavkama koje vrijede za stjecanje prava
vlasništva za državljane Republike Hrvatske i pravne osobe sa sjedištem u
Republici Hrvatskoj (načelo reciprociteta)
Izmjenama i dopunama zakona o
vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim pravima,
pravima od 12. prosinca 2008. godine, propisano je da postupci koji su
pokrenuti radi dobivanja suglasnosti za stjecanje prava vlasništva po
odredbama članka 356. i 357. Zakona
o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim pravima
(»Narodne novine«, br. 91/96., 68/98.,
137/99., 22/00., 73/00., 114/01., 79/06.
i 141/06.), u korist državljana i pravnih
osoba iz država članica Europske unije, a koji još nisu pravomoćno okončani do stupanja na snagu ovoga
Zakona, obustavit će se po službenoj
dužnosti, a pravni posao kojem je cilj
stjecanje prava vlasništva nekretnina
u Republici Hrvatskoj koji je kao stjecatelj sklopio državljanin ili pravna osoba
iz država članica Europske unije do
stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona,
konvalidirat će ako je ispunjen i ako su
ispunjene opće pretpostavke za valjanost toga pravnog posla, pod uvjetom da se ne radi o poljoprivrednog
pravne osobe i državljani iz država
članica Europske unije ne mogu stjecati pravo vlasništva poljoprivrednog
zemljišta i zaštićene dijelove prirode
koji su regulirani posebnim zakonima.
Dakle, pravne osobe i državljani iz
država članica Europske unije imaju
pravo stjecanja prava vlasništva svih
nekretnina osim poljoprivrednog zemljišta i zaštićenih dijelova prirode, što
znači da mogu steći i pravo vlasništva
građevinskog zemljišta.
zemljišta i zaštićene dijelove prirode.
2003. godine sam kupio kuću na
moru. Da li se mogu uknjižiti kao vlasnik obzirom da mi ministarstvo nije
izdalo suglasnost za stjecanje prava
Zakonom o izmjenama i dopunama
zakona o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim
Anton H. – Prije 6. godina sam kupio
stan u Zagrebu. Zanima me kako
dokazujem trećima da sam vlasnik
predmetne nekretnine? Što mi je sve
potrebno da bih ishodio vlasnički list?
Zakonom o zemljišnim knjigama (NN
91/96, 68/98, 137/99, 114/01, 100/04,
108/07, 152/08) određeno je da se
stvarna prava nad nekretninama upisuju u zemljišne knjige kod nadležnog
zemljišnoknjižnog suda, te se presumira da je ono što je upisano u zemljišne
knjige istinito.
Sukladno tome, kao materijalni dokaz
prava vlasništva nad nekretninom služi
zemljišnoknjižni izvadak – tzv. „vlasnički list“ u kojem ste upisani kao vlasnik
određene zemljišnoknjižne čestice,
odnosno na njoj sagrađene i u izvatku
opisane nekretnine.
Kako bi upisali svoje pravo vlasništva
potrebno je podnijeti prijedlog za
uknjižbu prava vlasništva koji prijedlog
treba sadržavati oznaku zemljišnoknjižnoga suda kojem se prijedlog podnosi
te ime i adresu podnositelja.
Prijedlogu za upis se prilažu isprave na
hrvatskom jeziku kojima se dokazuje
pravni temelj stjecanja nekretnine (u
Vašem slučaju kupoprodajni ugovor)
u izvorniku, odnosno u ovjerenom prijepisu.
Kupoprodajni ugovor mora sadržavati točnu oznaku zemljišta glede
kojega se uknjižba zahtijeva te izričitu
izjavu onoga čije se pravo prenosi na
drugoga (na Vas kao stjecatelja) da
pristaje na uknjižbu (tzv. tabularna izjava). Tabularna se izjava može dati i u
posebnoj ispravi koji nije integrirana u
kupoprodajni Ugovora.
Ukoliko pravni posao (kupoprodajni ugovor) nije sklopljen sa zemljišnim
vlasnikom nekretnine (stana) koji je
predmet Ugovora, biti će potrebno
dokazati povijesni slijed prijenosa prava vlasništva do prvog uknjiženog zemljišno knjižnog vlasnika.
Prilikom podnošenja prijedloga za upis
potrebno je uz gore navedeno priložiti
uplatnicu o plaćenoj pristojbi za uknjižbu na račun državnog proračuna u
odnosu od 250,00 kuna te dokaz o
državljanstvu (ovjerena preslika osobne iskaznice ili izvornik domovnice ne
starije od 6 mjeseci)
Prijedlog za uknjižbu se može podnijeti
osobno ili putem punomoćnika, u kojem slučaju je punomoćnik dužan priložiti punomoć za zastupanje.
Neuredan prijedlog i prijedlog kojem
nisu priloženi svi prilozi nužni za donošenje odluke o osnovanosti prijedloga
sud će odbaciti.
Upis u zemljišne knjige se provodi na
temelju Rješenja o upisu nadležnog
zemljišnoknjižnoga suda koji će dopustiti upis ako iz zemljišne knjige nije
vidljivo da bi glede predmeta upisa
postojala zapreka tom upisu odnosno
ukoliko utemeljenost prijedloga proizlazi iz sadržaja podnesenih isprava
koje imaju potrebni oblik.
Direktorica Tana Imobilia d.o.o.
Lara Hraste
My aunt is about to donate her apartment to me. After we draw up the donation agreement, am I obligated to
pay taxes?
Real estate transactions are taxed
according to the Law on Taxes for
Real Estate Transactions (NN 69/97,
26/00, 127/00 and 153/02.
This law defines real estates as parcels
(agricultural, construction and other
parcels) and buildings (residential,
office buildings and any other types
of buildings with all their accompanying sections), and that includes the
apartment in question.
The object of taxation in real estate
transactions is the real estate transaction itself, which implies every acquisition of ownership over a real estate
in Republic of Croatia, regardless of
whether that real estate is acquired
with a financial compensation or
without it. Subsequently, donating a
real estate is considered an acquisition of that real estate.
The tax payer in this case is the person that acquires the real estate
based on the donation agreement
that concludes this non-compensating legal transaction.
The law stipulation regarding the tax
payer is mandatory and cannot be
changed by the parties’ agreement.
The basis of taxes for real estate
transactions is the real estate’s market value in the moment of acquisition. That is the price that is or can be
achieved on the market for that real
estate in the moment of acquisition,
and is primarily determined on the
basis of acquisition certificates.
The Tax Department verifies the real
estate’s market value in the acquisition certificate, and if they establish
that the price is not realistic (accord-
ing to the market criteria), they establish the tax basis with an evaluation
of that real estate by using sources of
evidence like expert opinions etc.
Therefore, the tax on transactions
of all types of real estates (parcels,
buildings and their sections) is paid
after a unique tax rate of 5%.
The tax payer must report his tax obligation on an according certificate,
which can be obtained in the Tax
Department, to the regional Tax Department office within thirty days of
the agreement conclusion, which
creates the tax obligation.
Along with the tax-obligation certificate, the tax payer must also apply
the agreement, and if the real esate
transaction is performed with a different legal activity such as the ruling
of a government body or a court of
law, the tax payer must also apply
a certificate that confirms that legal
activity, or the ruling of a government
body or a court of law.
I am purchasing my first apartment.
I am interested to know whether I’m
cleared of tax payments for that real
estate transaction and what do I have
to do to receive that clearance?
The conditions of achieving the right
for clearance of paying the tax for
real estate transactions depends on
the type of real estate that is purchased. The conditions are different
depending on whether the clearance relates to:
- purchasing an apartment/house
- purchasing a parcel for construction of a house
- purchasing a newly-built real estate
The citizen who is purchasing his first
real estate based on the purchasing
agreement is obligated to pay the
tax for real estate transactions, but will be cleared of
that obligation the purchase
of said real estate solves his
housing issue, under the following conditions:
1. Having the Croatian citizenship
2. Reporting his place of
residence in the town and
on the address of the purchased real estate
3. The size of the real estate
(apartment or house) that
the citizen is purchasing, depending on the number of
members of his immediate
family, mustn’t exceed the following:
For 1 person – up to 50m2 of residential surface
For 2 people – up to 65m2 of residential surface
For 3 people – up to 80m2 of residential surface
For 4 people – up to 90 m2 of residential surface
For 5 people – up to 100 m2 of residential surface
For 6 people – up to 110 m2 of residential surface
For 7 and more people – up to 120
m2 of residential surface
4. The citizen or the members of his
immediate family mustn’t own another real estate (apartment or
house) that is adequate to their residential needs.
5. The citizen or the members of his
immediate family mustn’t own an
apartment or house for vacation
purposes, as well as any other real
estate of significant value
The right for clearance of taxes for
real estate transactions can also be
obtained when buying a parcel with
up to 600 m2 of surface, which will be
used for construction of a house that
will solve the citizen’s housing issue. In
that case, the citizen is obligated to
automatically fulfil all the stated conditions, with the exception of points
2 and 3.
The right for clearance of taxes for
real estate transactions can also be
obtained when buying a newly-built
real estate that solves the citizen’s
housing issue. Just like when buying
a first real estate, a citizen that purchases a newly-built real estate must
fulfil all the conditions that exist with
purchases of an apartment or house.
The difference lies in the fact that the
citizen/tax payer who is buying his
first real estate that solves his housing issue as a newly-built real estate,
and cumulatively fulfils all the stated
conditions, will obtain clearance for
taxes for real estate transactions only
for the value of the parcel and compensation for the parcel’s communal
services according to the ruling of
authorized institutions, because the
remainder of the real estate’s construction value is subject to VAT.
A citizen of Republic of Germany,
member of the European Union,
wants to buy a real estate in the Republic of Croatia.
The Amendments on the Law on
Ownership and Other Real Properties
from December 12th 2008 (par. 358)
state that legal entities and citizens
from the countries of the European
Union have the right to obtain ownership of real estates under the same
conditions as citizens of the Republic
of Croatia and all legal entities with
their headquarters in the Republic of
Croatia (the reciprocity principle).
The amandments of this law state
that legal entities and citizens from
the countries of the European Union
cannot obtain ownership of agricultural parcels and protected parts of
nature that are regulated with separated laws.
Therefore, legal entities and citizens
from the countries of the European
Union have the right to obtain ownership of all real estates except agricultural parcels and protected parts of
nature, which means that they can
also purchase construction parcels.
I bought a house on the coast in
2003. Can I register myself as the
owner considering that the Ministry
hasn’t issued the consent for the right
of ownership?
The Amendments on the Law on
Ownership and Other Real Properties from December 12th 2008 state
that any procedure that has been
started with the purpose of obtaining consent for the right of ownership
according to paragraphs 356 and
357 of the Law on Ownership and
Other Real Properties (“Narodne Novine”, no. 91/96, 68/98, 137/99, 22/00,
73/00, 114/01, 79/06 and 141/06) for
the benefit of citizens and legal entities from the countries of the European Union, and which have not been
officially concluded by the time this
law became valid, will be officially
adjourned. The legal action that has
the purpose of obtaining the ownership right for a real estate in the Republic of Croatia, which the citizen
or the legal entity from the countries
of the European Union concluded
before this law became valid, will
be convalidated assuming all the
general conditions for this type of
transaction have been fulfilled, and
assuming that the property in question is not an agricultural parcel or a
protected part of nature.
Anton H. – I bought an apartment in
Zagreb six years ago. I would like to
know how I can prove to third parties
that I am the owner of the disputed
real estate. What do I need to obtain
an ownership certificate?
The Law on Land Register (NN 91/96,
68/98, 137/99, 114/01, 100/04, 108/07,
152/08) states that real properties
over real estates are entered into
land registers with the authorized
land registry office, and it is presumed
that all statements in the land register
are true.
With that in mind, the material evidence of the ownership right over
a real estate in an extract from the
land register – the so-called “ownership certificate”, which registers the
citizen as the owner of a land-register unit in question, as well as the real
estate that is built on it and is properly
described in the extract.
In order to enlist your ownership right,
you must apply a proposition for registration of the ownership right, which
must contain the code of the land
registry office that received the proposition, as well as the name and the
address of proposition applicant.
The registration proposition must be
accompanied by all the certificates
in Croatian language that prove the
legal basis of the real estate acquisition (in this case, the purchasing
contract) in its original, or a certified
The purchasing contract must obtain
the exact code of the property that
is the object of registration, as well
as an explicit statement of the person that transfers his rights to yourself
(as the purchaser) in which he fully
agrees to the transaction (the socalled tabular statement). This tabular statement can also be submitted
in a special certificate that isn’t connected to the purchasing contract.
If the legal transaction (the purchasing contract) isn’t concluded directly with the owner of the real estate
(apartment) that is the subject of the
contract, then it will be necessary
to prove the historical chronology
of the ownership transfers that lead
back to the originally registered real
estate owner.
When applying the registration proposition, you also need to apply a payment certificate for a registration fee
to the government budget for 250,00
KN, as well as a citizenship certificate
(a certified copy of the identity card
or the original citizenship certificate
that isn’t over six months old).
The registration proposition can be
applied in person or by your attorney, who then also has to apply your
power of attorney.
An inadequate proposition, as well
as the proposition that doesn’t feature all the required elements for this
ruling will be rejected by the land
registry office.
Registration into the land register is
based on the Registration Ruling by
the authorized land registry office,
which will only allow the registration if
the land register doesn’t feature any
objective obstacles for that registration, and if all the properly submitted
certificates undoubtedly prove the
validity of the proposition.
Director of Tana Imobilia d.o.o.
Lara Hraste
Stranci bez ograničnja
do hrvatskih nekretnina
Građani Europske unije mogu bez ikakvih prepreka, po istim uvjetima kao hrvatski građani, kupovati nekretnine u Hrvatskoj, dok posebne dozvole ostaju za one koji nisu u Uniji
U procesu pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji jedna od
važnih odluka koju je Zagreb donio bila je potpuna liberalizacija prometa nekretnina i izjednačavanje uvjeta
kupnje za hrvatske građane i građane Europske unije.
Do nedavno je postojala procedura koja je uključivala dobivanje potrebnih dozvola, a u proceduru je bilo
uključeno Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova. Sada cijele te
procedure više nema i stranci bez ikakvih ograničenja
mogu kupovati nekretnine u Hrvatskoj. Liberalizacija vrijedi za građane čije su zemlje u Europskoj uniji, dok za
ostale strance ostaje procedura kao do sada.
Time je Hrvatska ostvarila obećanje koje je dato Bruxellesu još 2001. U to vrijeme se u Hrvatskoj oko te odluke
vodila žestoka polemika, ali se u godinama koje su slijedile pokazalo da nema straha od rasprodaje hrvatskih
nekretnina ili, recimo cijelog Jadrana. Ionako, dosadašnju proceduru koja je bila na određeni način komplicirana kao svaka administrativna prepreka stranci su i
zaobilazili, osnivanjem tvrtki u Hrvatskoj ili kupnjom na
ime hrvatskih građana. Pokazalo se da je liberalizacija
ipak najbolje rješenje.
Danas više nema dileme niti političkih prijepora oko liberalizacije. Svjetska kriza svakako će pomalo zaustaviti veći val interesa, a svi oni koji će htjeli doći do nekretnine u Hrvatskoj imat će lagan put, bez birokratskih
Državljani i pravne osobe iz Europske unije kao stjecatelji
prava vlasništva na nekretninama u Republici Hrvatskoj
prema izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim pravima
U članku 60. stavku 2. Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju između Republike Hrvatske i Europske unije Republika
Hrvatska se obvezala u roku od četiri godine od dana
njegova stupanja na snagu dopustiti državljanima država članica Europske unije stjecanje prava vlasništva na
nekretninama u Republici Hrvatskoj, na jednak način kao
i domaćim državljanima, osim poljoprivrednog zemljišta i
zaštićenih dijelova prirode (Dodatak VII Sporazuma).
Slijedom navedene obveze, pristupilo se izradi Zakona
o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o vlasništvu i drugim
stvarnim pravima, koje su stupile na snagu 1. veljače 2009.
Novelom ZV su državljani i pravne osobe iz Europske unije izjednačeni s domaćim osobama u pogledu stjecanja
prava vlasništva na nekretninama. U odnosu na pokretnine kao i na stjecanje ograničenih stvarnih prava nije ni
bio propisan različit režim za domaće i strane osobe.
I nakon stupanja na snagu Novele ZV, su u odnosu na
druge strane osobe, koje nisu državljani ni pravne osobe
iz Europske unije, Zakonom o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim
pravima (članci 354. – 358.) propisane posebne pretpostavke za stjecanja prava vlasništva na nekretninama u
Republici Hrvatskoj.
Stjecanje na temelju pravnog posla
Od 1. veljače 2009. državljani i pravne osobe iz Europske
unije mogu stjecati nekretnine na području Republike Hrvatske pravnim poslom, pod istim pretpostavkama kao i
domaće osobe. Za to nije više potrebno ispuniti posebne
pretpostavke za stjecanje prava vlasništva na nekretninama, propisane u članku 356. stavku 2. ZV. Fizičke i pravne
osobe iz Europske unije su, prema odredbama iz članka
358.a ZV, sada izjednačene s domaćim osobama, osim u
pogledu stjecanja vlasništva na poljoprivrednom zemljištu i zaštićenim dijelovima prirode. Za razliku od toga su,
u odnosu na strane osobe koje nisu iz Europske unije, za
stjecanje vlasništva na nekretninama na temelju pravnog
posla i dalje propisane dvije dodatne posebne pretpostavke. Prema članku 356. stavku 2. ZV, to su uzajamnost i
suglasnost ministra nadležnog za poslove pravosuđa. Ako
suglasnost nije pribavljena, pravni posao je ništetan.
Nadalje, u članku 6. Novele ZV propisano je posebno
pravilo o konvalidaciji ugovora o stjecanju nekretnina na
području Republike Hrvatske u korist državljana ili pravnih
osoba iz Europske unije koji su sklopljeni prije stupanja na
snagu Novele ZV, ako su ispunjeni i valjani prema općim
pravilima o valjanosti ugovora. Radi se o ugovorima koji
su prije stupanja na snagu Novele ZV bili ništetni jer za
stjecanje nekretnina na temelju pravnog posla nije bila
pribavljena suglasnost ministra nadležnog za poslove pravosuđa. Pravilo o konvalidaciji ima povratno djelovanje,
te se na temelju njega odnosni ugovori osnažuju s učinkom ex tunc.
Postupci za stjecanje suglasnosti ministra pravosuđa za
stjecanje nekretnina u korist državljana ili pravnih osoba
iz Europske unije, koji u vrijeme stupanja na snagu Novele
ZV nisu pravomoćno okončani, obustavljaju se po službenoj dužnosti (članak 5. Novele ZV).
U odnosu na stjecanje vlasništva nasljeđivanjem, za strane osobe je pored općih, propisana i dodatna posebna
pretpostavka postojanja uzajamnosti (članak 356. stavak
1. ZV). Ona se predmnijeva dok se suprotno ne utvrdi na
zahtjev osobe koja u tome ima pravni interes (članak 2.
stavak 2. Zakona o nasljeđivanju ).
Odredbom iz članka 358.a ZV je ta posebna pretpostavka uklonjena u odnosu prema državljanima i pravnim osobama iz Europske unije. Ove su osobe u pogledu nasljeđivanja nekretnina koje se nalaze na području Republike
Hrvatske, od 1. veljače 2009. izjednačene s državljanima
Republike Hrvatske, osim u pogledu poljoprivrednog zemljišta i zaštićenih dijelova prirode.
Stjecanje na temelju odluke vlasti ili zakona
Prevladava stav da se odredba iz članka 356. stavka 2.
ZV, prema kojoj stranci za stjecanje nekretnina na području Republike Hrvatske moraju ispuniti posebne pretpostavke, primjenjuje i u slučajevima kada je pravni temelj stjecanja vlasništva na nekretnini odluka nekog tijela
javne vlasti (sudske, upravne), ili neposredno zakon. Iako,
ima i suprotnih mišljenja. No, u svakom slučaju su prema
Noveli ZV, i u pogledu stjecanja na temelju odluke javne
vlasti i zakona, osobe iz Europske unije nedvojbeno izjednačene s domaćim osobama. Naime, na njih se od 1.
veljače 2009. odredba iz članka 356. stavka 2. ZV više ne
odnosi (članak 358.a ZV).
Nekretnine na isključenom području
I u odnosu na tzv. isključena područja su nakon stupanja
na snagu Novele ZV osobe iz Europske u nije izjednačene
s domaćim državljanima.
Inače, strana osoba ne može biti vlasnikom nekretnine
koja leži na području koje je radi zaštite interesa i sigurnosti
Republike Hrvatske zakonom proglašeno područjem na
kojem strane osobe ne mogu imati pravo vlasništva, osim
ako zakonom nije drukčije određeno. Radi se o tzv. isključenim područjima za koje je uopće isključena mogućnost
da stranci na njima stječu pravo vlasništva po bilo kojoj
osnovi (članak 358. ZV). Međutim, od 1. veljače 2009. državljani i pravne osobe iz Europske unije nisu ograničeni u
pogledu stjecanja prava vlasništva na nekretninama u tzv.
isključenim područjima. Oni mogu slobodno stjecati takve
nekretnine, sukladno članku 358.a ZV, osim ako se radi o
poljoprivrednom zemljištu ili zaštićenom dijelu prirode.
Izuzeta područja (poljoprivredno zemljište i zaštićeni dijelovi prirode)
Kao što je već naglašeno, odredbe o izjednačavanju
državljana i pravnih osoba iz Europske unije s domaćim
državljanima u Republici Hrvatskoj ne odnose se na poljoprivredna zemljišta i zaštićene dijelove prirode. To je propisano u članku 358.a stavku 2. ZV, u članku 2. stavku 2. Zakona o poljoprivrednom zemljištu, u članku 113. stavku 2.
Zakona o zaštiti prirode. Mogućnost da se za strane osobe
iz Europske unije i domaće osobe i dalje zadrži različit režim
u pogledu stjecanja prava vlasništva na poljoprivrednom
zemljištu i zaštićenim dijelovima prirode u Republici Hrvatskoj propisana je u Dodatku VII Sporazuma o
stabilizaciji i pridruživanju.
Stručni suradnik Tana Patents d.o.o.
Romana Matanovac Vučković
No Limitations for Foreigners
Purchasing Croatian Real Estates
Citizens of the European Union can purchase real estates in Croatia without any obstacles, after the exact same conditions as Croatian citizens, while special certificates remain
obligatory for those outside of the Union
One of the more important decisions Croatia made in
the process of approaching the European Union was
the complete liberalization of real estate transactions
and providing the exact same purchasing conditions
for Croatian citizens and citizens of the European Union.
Until recently, buyers had to go through a procedure
that included the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to obtain the
necessary certificates. That procedure has now been
dissolved and foreigners can purchase Croatian real
estates without any hesitation. Liberalization is valid
for citizens of the European Union, while other foreign
citizens must go through the exact same procedure
This step fulfils the promise Croatia gave to Brussels back
in 2001. At the time, there were many fierce discussions
regarding that decision in Croatia, but it has eventually
been proved that there is no fear from excessive selling
of Croatian real estate or even the entire Adriatic. Anyway, the previous complicated procedure has been
avoided by foreigners, just like any other administrative
obstacle, by starting a company in Croatia or formally
purchasing for a Croatian citizen. As it turned out, liberalization is the best solution.
These days, all the discussions and tensions regarding
liberalization are gone. The worldwide crisis is bound to
slow down the strong wave of interest, but everyone interested in purchasing a real estate in Croatia will have
a clear path, without any administrative obstacles.
Citizens and legal entities from the European Union as receivers of ownership rights of real estates in the Republic Of
Croatia according to Amendments to the Law on Ownership
and Other Real Properties
In Paragraph 60 Item 2 of the Stabilization and Association
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, the Republic of Croatia has committed to,
within the course of four years since it became valid, allow
the citizens of countries of the European Union to receive
ownership rights over real estates in the Republic of Croatia
under the exact same conditions as domestic citizens, with
the exception of agricultural land and protected parts of
nature (Annex VII of the Agreement).
Due to this commitment, the Amendments to the Law on
Ownership and Other Real Properties were created, and
they became valid on February 1st 2009. Novella ZV equals
citizens and legal entities from the European Union to domestic citizens regarding ownership rights over real estates.
As far as movable properties are concerned, as well as the
receiving of limited real properties, there were never any different conditions for domestic and foreign citizens.
Even after the Novella ZF became valid, other foreign entities, which are not citizens or legal entities from the European Union, still have to follow special conditions for receiving
ownership rights over real estates in the Republic of Croatia,
and those conditions are determined in the Law on Ownership and Other Real Properties (paragraphs 354-358).
Obtaining Based on Legal Activities
Since February 1st 2009, citizens and legal entities from the
European Union can purchase real estates in the Republic
of Croatia with legal activities, under the same conditions as
domestic citizens. They no longer have to fulfil special conditions that were determined by Paragraph 36 Item 2 of ZV.
Physical and legal entities from the European Union have,
according to Paragraph 358 of ZV, now been put in equal position with domestic citizens, except when it comes to
ownership over agricultural properties and protected parts
of nature. However, as far as foreign entities from countries
outside the European Union, they still have to fulfil two special conditions to obtain ownership over real estates based
on legal activities. According to Paragraph 356 Item 2 of ZV,
those conditions are reciprocity and consent from the minister of justice. If that consent doesn’t exist, the legal activity
is not valid.
Furthermore, Paragraph 6 of Novella ZV states that there is a
special rule regarding the convalidation of agreements on
purchasing real estates in the Republic of Croatia for citizens
and legal entities from the European Union that were concluded before Novella ZV became valid, under the condition that they were concluded in agreement with primary
rules of agreement validity. These agreements were not
valid prior to the conclusion of Novella ZV because there
was no necessary consent from the minister of justice for the
purchasing of real estates based on legal activities. The rule
of convalidation also has the reverse effect, as it strengthens
the respective contracts with the ex tunc effect.
Any procedures that had the purpose of obtaining the consent from the ministry of justice for citizens or legal entities
from the European Union, which were not finalized by the
time Novella ZV became valid, will be officially withdrawn
(Paragraph 5 of Novella ZV).
When it comes to obtaining the ownership by means of inheritance, foreign citizens must, in addition to regular conditions, also fulfil an additional condition of reciprocity (Paragraph 356 Item 1 of ZV). That condition is enforced until
a demand from a person with legal interest in the matter
proves otherwise (Paragraph 2 Item 2 of the Law on Inheritance).
A regulation from Paragraph 358 of ZV removes that condition when it comes to citizen and legal entities from the
European Union. Since February 1st 2009, these entities have
been put in equal position to citizens of the Republic of Croatia when it comes to inheriting real estates in the Republic of Croatia, except for agricultural lands and protected
parts of nature.
Obtaining Based on Government Ruling or Law
It is generally considered that the regulation from Paragraph
356 Item 2 of ZV, which determines that entities have to fulfil special conditions when it comes to obtaining ownership
over real estates in the Republic of Croatia, is also applied in
cases when the legal foundation of the ownership transaction is a ruling from a government body (court of law, administrative office), or from the law itself. Although, it must be
said that there are also different interpretations. However,
according to Novella ZV, entities from the European Union
have certainly been put in equal position to domestic entities when it comes to obtaining ownership based on a government ruling or law. The regulation from Paragraph 356 Item
2 of ZV no longer relates to them since February 1st 2009
(Paragraph 358 of ZV).
Real Estates in Excluded Areas
When it comes to the so-called excluded areas, entities from
the European Union have also been put in equal position to
domestic citizens since Novella ZV came to power.
A foreign entity cannot own a real estate in the area that
has been marked as a location of special interest for the
safety of the Republic of Croatia, unless the law states otherwise. These so-called excluded areas don’t even allow
the option of foreigners obtaining ownership under any reasons (Paragraph 358 of ZV). However, since February 1st
2009, citizens and legal entities from the European Union are
allowed to obtain ownership rights over real estates in the
so-called excluded areas. They are free to purchase such
real estates under Paragraph 358 of ZV, unless we’re dealing with agricultural land or protected parts of nature.
Separated Areas (Agricultural Land and Protected Parts of
As we have pointed out before, all these regulations regarding the equal rights between citizens and legal entities from
the European Union and domestic citizens in the Republic of
Croatia are not valid when it comes to agricultural land properties and protected parts of nature. That has been determined by Paragraph 358 Item 2 of ZV, Paragraph 2 Item 2 of
the Law on Agricultural Land, and Paragraph 113 Item 2 of
the Law on Nature Preservation. The option of retaining different regimes regarding citizens from the European Union
and domestic citizens when it comes to obtaining ownership over agricultural land and protected parts
of nature in the Republic of Croatia has been
regulated in Annex 7 of the Stabilization and
Association Agreement.
Professional associate Tana Patents d.o.o.
Romana Matanovac Vučković
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Prodaje se vila udaljena pet kilometara od Cavtata i jedan kilometar od zračne luke, na mirnoj lokaciji. Kuća je renovirana prije godinu dana; pruža savršen pogled na more i mogućnost uživanja u prvoklasnom bazenu. Ima parkirališni
prostor za četiri vozila te ljetnu kuhinju. Vila je površine 380 m², s okućnicom od 480 m².
A villa located 5 km from Cavtat and one kilometre from the airport has been put up for sale, and it stands on a very
peaceful location. The house was renovated about a year ago, and it provides a glorious view over the sea and a firstclass swimming pool for your enjoyment. The parking area can receive up to four cars, and there is also a summer kitchen.
The villa has 380 m2 of surface, while the courtyard takes up 480 m2.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 311 344, +385 (0)91 5219 077
Prodaje se kuća okružena zelenilom, s prekrasnim pogledom na Grožnjan. Udaljena je samo 20 km od Umaga i
Poreča. Površina kuće je 200 m², a nalazi se na zemljištu površine 3000 m².
A house surrounded by green surfaces, which boasts a wonderful view over Grožnjan, has been put up for sale. It is
located only 20 kilometres away from Umag and Poreč. The house takes up 200 m2, and it was built on a 3000-m2
Cijena / Price:490.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 91 555 3533
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 78226
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se šest apartmana površine od 108 m2 do 113 m2 u sklopu kompleksa Luxuria, u kojem se još nalaze dva bazena, a infrastruktura je kompletno riješena. Svaki apartman ima uključeno parking mjesto u cijenu te je opremljen prvoklasnom drvenarijom, podnim grijanjem i klimom. Unutrašnji zidovi još nisu postavljeni, tako da kupci mogu odabrati
raspored soba koji im odgovara. Korišteni su najkvalitetniji materijali.
Six apartments with surfaces from 108 m2 to 113 m2 are on sale within this Luxuria complex, which also features two more
swimming pools and completely resolved infrastructural issues. The price of each apartment also includes one parking
space, and all apartments possess top-class woodwork, floor heating and air conditioning. The inside walls are yet to be
constructed, so the buyers can choose the room arrangements they most prefer. Only top-quality materials were used in
the construction process.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 541 000
Prodaje se novoizgrađena,luksuzna kamena kuća površine 119 m2,na parceli veličine 592 m2. Raspored prostorija je
praktičan,a okućnica uređena. Terasa površine 40 m2 sastoji se od natkrivenog i otvorenog dijela. Keramika i sanitarije su
prvoklasne. Imanje je ograđeno kamenim zidom.
A luxurious, newly built stone house with 119 m2 of surface has been put up for sale. It stands on a 592 m2 parcel, the room
arrangement is practical, and the courtyard is well-maintained. A 40 m2 terrace consists of a covered and open section.
Ceramics and sanitary facilities are first-class, and the entire estate is enclosed with a stone wall.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5474 709
Prodaje se novoizgrađena, luksuzna kamena kuća na otoku Krku. Površine je 110 m², s okućnicom od 509 m². Raspored prostorija je praktičan, a dobro je iskoristiva i natkrivena terasa. Okućnica je prekrasna, te uključuje bazen, grill, dva
mjesta za parkiranje i mnogo zelenila. Posjed je ograđen kamenim zidom. Pri izgradnji su korišteni vrhunski materijali, a
isto vrijedi za keramiku i sanitarije. Kuća je klimatizirana te ima i podno električno grijanje.
A luxurious newly-built stone house has been put up for sale on the island of Krk. It has 110 m2 of surface, and stands on
a 509 m2 courtyard. The room arrangement is practical, and the covered terrace is also very usable. The lovely courtyard
includes a swimming pool, grill, two parking spaces and plenty of green surfaces. The estate is enclosed by a stone wall.
Only top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the same applies for ceramics and sanitary
facilities. The house possesses air conditioning, as well as floor electrical heating.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5474 709
Prodaje se kuća na brdu iznad Kumrovca, s lijepim pogledom na Sloveniju i zapadnu Hrvatsku. Kuća, površine 40 m²,
ima i zelenilom bogatu okućnicu, površine 1,5 hektara. U neposrednoj blizini su ljekovite termalne vode i stari dvorci.
Idealna je za seoski način života, ali i seoski turizam. Oko 5000 m² je u građevnoj zoni
A house on the hill above Kumrovec has been put up for sale, and it provides a lovely view over Slovenia and western
Croatia. The house takes up 40 m2, and it also features 1,5 hectares of green-filled courtyard. It is located very near
some healing thermal waters and ancient castles. It is ideal for a village-type way of life, as well as countryside tourism.
Around 5000 m² is in building zone.
Cijena / Price: 150.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 376 8854, +385 (0)1 539 3500, +385 (0)1 3768 859
Prodaje se luksuzna vila iznad zaljeva Maslinica na otoku Šolti. Cijeli prostor posjeduje tri turističke zvjezdice, a na posjedu se nalazi i bazen. Moguć je i dugoročan najam. Zapadna strana otoka gdje je vila smještena obiluje prirodnim
ljepotama, uključujući i arhipelag sa sedam otočića.
A luxurious villa has been put up for sale above Maslinica Gulf on the island of Šolta. The entire facility has a three-star
status, and it also includes a swimming pool. Long-term leasing is also an option. The western side of the island, which is
where the villa is located, is filled with various natural beauties, including an archipelago with seven tiny islands.
Cijena / Price: 470.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 5522 524
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 78077
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se dvojna kuća sa dva stana na samoj plaži. Površine je 270 m2. Svaki stan je dvosoban ,te ima svoj zaseban ulaz
i garažu. S balkona i terase pruža se prekrasan pogled na more. Dvojnik koji se prodaje ima dva dvosobna stana ukupne
površine 130 m2. Površina na kojoj se dvojnik nalazi iznosi 270 m2.
A semi-detached beach house with two apartments is up for sale. It covers 270 m2 of surface and both two-room apartments
have a separate entrance and garage. The balcony and the terace provide a marvellous view over the sea. The counterpart
which is also up to sale has two two-room apartments. They cover 130 m2. The surface that counterpart covers is 270 m2.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 711 499
www.realestatecroatia.com ID: 82867
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se kuća stambene površine 300 m², s okućnicom površine 5000 m². Okružena je zelenilom, vinogradima, te
ima garažu i konobu. Nalazi se uz cestu Labin-Pazin, te je odlično prometno povezana s okolnim mjestima. Idealna
je za mirne obiteljske trenutke, ali i za turističko-ugostiteljsku djelatnost.
A house with 300 m2 of residential surface and a 5000 m2 courtyard has been put up for sale. It is surrounded by green
surfaces and vineyards, and it possesses a garage and a pantry. It is located alongside the Labin-Pazin road, and has
excellent traffic connections to surrounding towns. It is ideal for peaceful family moments, as well as for tourism and
the restaurant business.
Cijena / Price: 1.197.200 Kn / 164.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385 (0)91 784 1879
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 72979
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se dvojna kuća površine 120 m², s okućnicom od 350 m². Kuća je uređena u mediteranskom stilu, s prekrasnim
detaljima od punog drva i kamena. Izgrađena je od vrhunskih materijala. Okućnica je uređena prema hortikulturnom planu, a sadrži i jacuzzi. Klima se nalazi u svakoj prostoriji.
A 120 m2 semi-detached house has been put up for sale, and it stands on a 350 m2 courtyard. The house is decorated in
Mediterranean fashion, with wonderful details made of full wood and stone. Only top-quality materials were used in the
construction process. The courtyard has been decorated in horticultural manner, and it also features a Jacuzzi. The air conditioner can be found in every room.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 422 860, +385 (0)91 4228 600, +385 (0)91 5325 988
www.realestatecroatia.com ID: 82912
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se dvojna vila na mirnoj lokaciji u blizini Poreča. Okružuje je novoposađeni maslinik s ugrađenim sustavom za
umjetno navodnjavanje. Kuća je opremljena sunčalištem i bazenom. Ispred vile nalazi se asfaltirani parkirni prostor, dok
balkon pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Ova vila mediteranskog tipa idealna je za trenutke opuštanja, ali i za svakodnevni
A semi-detached villa has been put up for sale at a peaceful location near Poreč. It is surrounded by a just-planted olive
grove with a built-in system for artificial flooding. The house features a sunbathing area and a swimming pool. The asphalted
parking area is located in front of the villa, while the balcony provides a glorious view over the sea. This Mediterranean villa
is ideal for relaxation periods, as well as for everyday life.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 441 383, +385 (0)91 5676 583
www.realestatecroatia.com ID: 80037
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se samostojeća kuća sa velikom okućnicom,u blizini Primoštena.Površina kuće iznosi 167m2,dok je površina parcele 1050m2.Također,kuća ima i terasu veličine 25m2 s pogledom na more,grill,te vinski podrum.Objekt se prodaje potpuno
namješten,a smješten na uzvisini omogućava uživanje u prekrasnom pogledu na otvoreno more.
A detached house with a large courtyard has been put up for sale near Primošten. The house’s surface is 167 m2, while the
parcel covers 1050 m2. The house also possesses a 25 m2 terrace overlooking the sea, as well as a grill and a wine cellar.
The object is sold completely furnished, and it is located on a slope that provides a glorious view over the open sea.
Cijena / Price: 430 000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 222 0976
U malom mjestu smještenom nedaleko od Rovinja, na zemljištu površine 1390 m2, podignuta je obiteljska kućapovršine
413 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže podijeljene na tri etažirana stana različitih površina. U prizemlju se nalazi stan od
232,90 m2 koji se sastoji od dviju natkrivenih terasa, ulaza s pretprostorom, hodnika, dviju spavaćih soba(jedna je s garderobom), dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagavaonicom, dviju kupaonica, toaleta, dva spremišta i konobe. Do gornjeg
kata, koji se sastoji od dva stana površina 90 m2, vode dva odvojena stubišta. Jedan stan sastoji se od dviju spavaćih soba,
dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagavaonicom, kupaonice s pretprostorom, hodnika, lođe i natkrivene terase. Cijeli posjed
je kultiviran i ograđen kamenim zidom, te ima dva ulaza. Na posjedu se nalazi bazen, vrt (s vanjskim navodnjavanjem iz
cisterne), maslinik i dvorište s osam parkirališnih mjesta.
In small settlement situated close to Rovinj on the land surface of 1,390 m2 there is family house of 413 m2 living area.House
comprises two floors divided on tree storey apartments with different surfaces. In ground floor there is apartment of 232,90
m2 comprises two covered terraces, entrance with lobby, hallway, two bedrooms( one with wardrobe), lounge with kitchen
and dining room, two bathrooms, toilet, two storage rooms and a cellar. Two separated stairways leads to the upper floor
which is comprise two apartments of 90 m2. One apartment consists of two bedrooms, living room, kitchen with dining room,
hall, storage room, bathroom and covered terrace, while second apartment compises two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen
and dining room, bathroom with hallway,hall,balcony and covered terrace. Whole estate is cultivated, fenced with stone wall
and it has two entrances. On the property there are pool, small garden( with outdoor watering from tank), olive trees and
courtyard with eight parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: :+385 (0)91 517 1932
Prodaje se šest stanova koji će se graditi na križanju Gundulićeve i Slavićeve ulice u Splitu. Početak gradnje predviđen je za
jesen 2009. S obzirom na lokaciju, prostori su iznimna prilika za poslovnu namjenu. Objekt će se sastojati od pet nadzemnih etaža te dviju podzemnih na kojima će biti osigurano parkiranje. Stanovi su veličine od 60 do 150 m².
Six apartments, which will be built at the crossroads of Gundulić and Slavić Street, have been put up for sale. The construction
process is planned to begin in autumn of 2009. Considering the location, these premises present an outstanding opportunity
for office spaces. The object will consist of five aboveground storeys, as well as two underground levels with plenty of parking
spaces. The apartments’ sizes range from 60 to 150 m2.
Cijena / Price: 3600 €/m²
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 541 000
Prodaje se novosagrađena OBITELJSKA VILA na Mejama stambene povrsine 280 m2 . Vila ima 4 spavace sobe , terasu od
160 m2 , vrt od 500 m2 i dvije garaze. Useljenje je predviđeno za 1.7.2009.
A newly-built family villa has been put up for sale in Meje. It has 280 m2 of residential surface, including 4 bedrooms, a 160
m2 terrace, a 500 m2 garden and two garages. The moving-in process is planned to commence on July 1st 2009.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 326 178
Stubičke toplice
Prodaju se stanovi na mirnoj lokaciji u Stubičkim Toplicama. Stanovi su površine od 34 m2 do 67 m2, s tim da su veći dvoetažni. Dobra je prometna povezanost,te blizina ugostiteljskih i rekeacijskih sadržaja. Objekt bi trebao biti useljiv u travnju
Apartments are on sale on a peaceful location in Stubičke Toplice. Their surfaces range from 34 to 67 m2, and the larger
ones have two storeys. The traffic connections are excellent, and all the catering and recreational facilities are located
nearby. The object should be ready for the moving-in process in April 2009.
Cijena / Price: 1.400 €/m² / 10.080,00 kn/m²
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385(0)49 264 344;+385(0)91 750 46 32
Sveti Lovreč
Prodaje se vila udaljena tri kilometra od središta Sv. Lovreča. Riječ je o novoj, kamenoj kući površine 169 m², na zemljištu
od 770 m². Ima tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, wc. U prostranom i uređenom vrtu nalazi se i bazen.
Three kilometres from the centre of Sveti Lovreč, we find a villa that has been put up for sale. This is a new stone house with
169 square metres of surface, and it stands on a 770 m2 courtyard. It possesses three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a toilet.
The spacious and well-maintained garden also includes a swimming pool.
Cijena / Price: 3.139.000 kn / 430.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaju se atraktivni apartmani u Vodicama, s pogledom na more. Arhitektonski radovi obavljeni su na visokoj razini. Jednosobni i dvosobni apartmani s balkonima odmah su useljivi. Klimatizirani su i opremljeni prvoklasnom keramikom. Svaki
apartman ima pripadajuće mjesto za parkiranje. Površine su od 35 m² do 51,35 m².
Attractive apartments are up for sale in Vodice, and they provide a lovely view over the sea. The architectonic work has been
performed at a very high level. Single-room and two-room apartments with balconies can be moved into immediately. They
have air conditioning and first-class ceramics. Every apartment receives an accompanying parking space. Their sizes range
from 35 m2 to 51,35 m2.
Cijena / Price: 100.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +44 (0)20 3393 7745
www.immopoint24.com ID 100502
Prodaje se kompletno renovirana samostojeća kamena kuća, s prekrasnim panoramskim pogledom. Od mora i Vrsara udaljena je oko osam kilometara. Stambena površina joj je 140 m², dok je površina okućnice 460 m².
A completely renovated detached family house has been put up for sale, and it offers a magnificent panoramic view.
The sea and a town called Vrsar are just eight kilometres away. The house’s residential surface is 140 m2, while the
courtyard it was built on covers 460 m2 of surface.
Cijena / Price: 2.962.153 Kn / 400.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 446 060, +385 (0)98 968 5986
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 60993
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se novoizgrađena obiteljska kuća u Zaboku, u Hrvatskom zagorju. Kuća je površine 120 m², te ima okućnicu
od 468 m². Pri izgradnji su se koristili najkvalitetniji materijali, uključujući i termofasadu. Voćnjak je zasađen na 200
m². Kuća se nalazi na mirnoj lokaciji, i odmah je useljiva.
A newly built family house is on sale in Zabok, a town in Hrvatsko Zagorje. The house has 120 m2 of surface, and is
built on a 468 m2 courtyard. Top-quality materials were used during the construction process, including the thermofacade. There is an orchard that takes up 200 square metres. The house is located in a peaceful location, and it can
be moved into immediately.
Cijena / Price: 84.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: + 385 (0)98 251 701
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 71398
Unesite broj u RealEstateCroatia ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in RealEstateCroatia ID search engine and find out more
Prodaju se stanovi na Stenjevcu u zapadnom dijelu Zagreba.Ovaj predio grada bogat je zelenilom,te dobro povezan s
ostalim dijelovima grada. Stanovi su izgrađeni prema najvišim standardima i izuzetno komforni. Opremljeni su centralnim,
etažnim grijanjem.
Apartments have been put up for sale in Stenjevac, which is located in the western part of Oro. This part of the city is filled
with green surfaces, and has excellent connections with the rest of the city. The apartments are built according to highest
standards and are extremely comfortable. They also possess central storey heating.
Cijena / Price: 1880 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)49 264 344; +385(0)91 750 46 32
Prodaje se kuća na Bukovcu, na mirnoj i slabo naseljenoj lokaciji. Ima odličan raspored, impresivan dnevni prostor, čak pet
spavaćih soba, vrt… Kuća ima prelijepi bazen, popločan atraktivnim mozaikom, sa saunom i izlazom u vrt, veliku garažu
te parkiralište za nekoliko automobila. Sastoji se od podruma, prizemlja i kata. Tlocrtno je površine 291 m2, dok ukupno
ima oko 551 m2. Ovo je kuća doista posebnog ugođaja! Tome pridonose rezidencijalni kvart, moderna gradnja, odličan
raspored, vrhunski riješen dnevni prostor - povezan s bazenom i vrtom, mahom drvene podne te staklene zidne obloge
(dnevni prostor u cijelosti ostakljen), prelijepe kupaonice, panoramski pogled na okolne brežuljke… Nedvojbeno kuća za
For sale a house on Bukovac, in very quiet surroundings. The house has an excellent room layout, an impressive living space,
as many as 5 living rooms, a garden…It also has a beautiful swimming pool, tiled in a very attractive mosaic, a sauna and
an entry into the garden area. There is also a large garage and parking space for several cars. It has been constructed in
the most modern architectural style, minimalism with enough warmth, highly stylized, elegant and refined. It offers an open,
panoramic view of the surrounding hillside. From the outside it is very modern, with straight simple lines. It has a minimalist
feel about it, yet it gives out a very warm feel. It is made up of the basement, the ground floor and the first floor. It has 291
m2 of floor are, while a total comes to 551 square meters
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 313 4435
Doista poseban ugođaj ovoj kući na Vrhovcu daje impresivan, fantastičan dnevni prostor veličine čak 160 m2, s kaminom, crnim koncertnim klavirom, velikom, natkrivenom terasom s koje se pruža otvoreni, panoramski pogled na
Sv. Duh i Bijenik, te obronke Medvednice. Ne uzimajući u obzir sav ostali odlično riješen, funkcionalan i atraktivan
prostor, samo ovaj dnevni više je nego dovoljan da bi svaki posjetitelj ovdje poželio stanovati. Osim toga, kuća je
gotovo na osami, te vladaju potpuni mir i tišina. Ima ukupno 600 m2 stambene površine, na nekoliko etaža, veliki
zatvoreni bazen, saunu, atomsko sklonište, nekoliko spavaćih soba, nekoliko kupaonica, garaže za ukupno četiri
automobila, zasebnu garsonijeru s odvojenim ulazom, atelje/studio, inteligentni sustav upravljanja svim funkcijama,
solarne kolektore, kultivirani vrt.
The house, 600 sqm size in Vrhovec, is in a very secluded location, offering complete peace and quiet, with a panoramic
view of the western city areas of Sv. Duh and Bijenik, as well as of the foothills of Medvednica Mountain. It has an impressive
160 m2 large living space, a glass – covered terrace, a fireplace, large in – door pool with a sauna, an exercise room which
would be ideal for a smaller gym, and an intelligent touch screed directed system, as well as an audio and video surveillance
at the main door. The areas surrounding the house are well looked after, with a beautiful lawn, landscaping and greenery
of highest maintenance, containing discreet sensor – activated outdoor lighting. The house contains several bedrooms and
bathrooms, a separate living unit with its own entrance, as well as a separate studio apartment, also with its own entrance.
There are two garages in the house, suitable to fit four vehicles.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 313 4435
Prodaju se stanovi u mini-naselju s 4 urbane vile. Stanovi u vilama veličine su od 55m2 do 152m2. Svaka vila simbolizira
jedno godišnje doba, te ima njegove karakteristike. Naselje je smješteno na vrlo mirnoj lokaciji, okruženo s mnogo zelenila.
Granešina se nalazi na sjeveroistoku grada. U blizini su svi potrebni sadržaji, a dobra je i prometna povezanost.
Apartments have been put up for sale in a mini-settlement that consists of four urban villas. The sizes of these apartments
range from 55 m2 to 152 m2. Each villa symbolizes one season of the year, and is adjusted to the characteristics of that specific season. The settlement is built on a peaceful location, surrounded with lots of green surfaces. Granešina is located in the
northeast of Zagreb. All the essential facilities are located nearby, and the traffic connections are excellent.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 31 34 435
Prodaje se stan na Gornjem Gradu, smješten u vrlo atraktivnoj i mirnoj ulici. Stan je kompletno renoviran, opremljen i
namješten prije svega godinu dana, pri čemu su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. Ostakljene površine pružaju prekrasan
pogled na krovove grada i okolne brežuljke. Površine je 126m2, s pogledom na istočnu i zapadnu stranu.
An apartment in Gornji Grad has been put up for sale, and it is located in an extremely attractive and peaceful neighbourhood. The apartment has been completely renovated, furnished and equipped about a year ago, and only top-quality materials were used in the process. Glass surfaces provide a wonderful view over the city roofs and the surrounding slopes. It has
126 m2 of surface, and offers a view towards east and west.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 31 34 435
Prodaju se dvije glamurozne vile u podsljemenskoj zoni.U svakoj vili nalaze se po tri stana,od čega je jedan u svakoj vili
dvoetažni. Raspon kvadrature stanova i parkirališnih mjesta je od 91,90 do 237,55 m2. Raspored prostorija u stanovima je
izuzetno moderan i praktičan. Stanovi su izgrađeni u skladu s najvišim estetskim i idejnim rješenjima.Korišteni su prvoklasni
i prirodni materijali.
Two glamorous villas have been put up for sale in the sub-Sljeme zone. Each villa features three apartments, and one apartment in each villa has two storeys. The sizes of apartments and parking spaces range from 91,90 m2 to 237,55 m2. The room
arrangement in these apartments is modern and practical. The apartments were built in line with the highest aesthetical and
design solutions. Only first-class and natural materials were used.
Cijena / Price: 2900 €/m2 - 3000 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)+385 (0)1 4882 750; +385 (0)91 446 6557
Prodaju se stanovi površine 67m2 i 65m2 u Novom Zagrebu. Izgrađeni su 2008.godine.Svaki stan ima pripadajuće parking
mjesto.Stanovi se nalaze u prvom hrvatskom niskoenergetskom naselju Odri. Opremljeni su najkvalitetnijom keramikom
i sanitarijama.Glavna karakteristika stanova u ovom naselju je iznimna ušteda energije i kvalitetno življenje. Otvorena je i
mogućnost najma određenog broja stanova s pravom kupnje. Naselje je opremljeno svim potrebnim svakodnevnim sadržajima.
Apartments with 67 and 65 m2 of surface have been put up for sale in Novi Zagreb. They were built in 2008. Every apartment
receives an accompanying parking space. The apartments are located in Croatia’s first low-energy settlement Odra. They
feature top-quality ceramics and sanitary facilities. The apartments’ main characteristic in this settlement is an exceptional
level of energy preservation and a quality lifestyle. There is also an option of renting out a certain number of apartments with
a subsequent buying option. The settlement features all the necessary facilities for everyday life.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 6262 021
www.crozilla.com ID 63104
Unesite broj u Crozillinu ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in Crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se novi, dvoetažni stan u Gračanima. Stan je površine 138 m², s terasom od 26 m² i balkonom od 10 m². Uz
stan idu dva parkirališna mjesta. Pri izgradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. Lokacija je mirna, te pruža pogled na jug
A new two-storey apartment is on sale in Gračani. The apartment takes up 138 m2 of surface, and it includes a 26 m2 terrace,
a 10 m2 balcony and two parking spaces. Only top-quality materials were used in the construction process. The location is
rather peaceful and provides a view over the southern section of the city.
Cijena / Price: 315.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5597 069
www.crozilla.com ID 35464
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se stan u potkrovlju uz sam rub Maksimirske šume. Dio je objekta s ukupno pet stanova. Površine je 110 m² s natkrivenom terasom od 70 m². Na terasi se nalazi mini bazen, a na podu egzotično drvo. Stan je luksuzno uređen do najsitnijih
detalja. Uz stan ide podrumsko spremište površine 4,5 m², te parkirilišno mjesto i garaža od 19 m².
A loft apartment has been put up for sale right next to the forest in Maksimir. It is part of an object with five apartments. It
takes up 110 m2 of surface, and it also features a 70-m2 covered terrace. The terrace features a mini-swimming pool, while
the floor is covered in exotic wood. The apartment is luxuriously decorated all the way to the tiniest of details. The apartment
also includes a 4,5-m2 storage room in the basement, as well as a parking space and a 19-m2 garage.
Cijena / Price: 2600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 617 634
www.crozilla.com ID 64280
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se prekrasno imanje na atraktivnoj lokaciji u Zagrebu. U neposrednoj je blizini Maksimirske šume, te nudi mir i
tišinu. Pri izgradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. Na raspolaganju je i garaža s dva mjesta. Odlično je prometno
povezano s ostalim dijelovima grada.
A wonderful estate has been put up for sale on an attractive location in Zagreb. The location offers plenty of peace and quiet
as the forest in Maksimir is right next to the estate. Only top-quality materials were used during the construction process. The
estate also features a garage with two parking spaces, and the traffic connections with the rest of the city are excellent.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +44 (0)20 3393 7745
www.immopoint24.com ID 81112