June 2015 - Ramsey Memorial UMC


June 2015 - Ramsey Memorial UMC
Happy Fathers’ Day!
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Another account holds that
a West Virginia church held
a tribute service for fathers
in 1908, following a mine
explosion that killed 360
men. Regardless of which
story is correct, President
Calvin Coolidge was the
first president to designate a
special day to honor
fathers. In 1924, he
proclaimed the third
Sunday in June as Father’s
Ramsey Memorial United Methodist Church
5900 Hull Street Road
Richmond VA 23224
One Sunday in 1909,
Sonora Smart Dodd listened
to a sermon honoring
mothers. Her mother had
died some years before, so
her father had raised her by
himself. Dodd wondered
why there wasn’t a day to
honor fathers, so she
arranged a tribute to her
father at a church in
Spokane, Washington. The
date was June 19, 1910.
Many people believe this
was the beginning of
Father’s Day.
The Origin of Father's Day
Ramsey Memorial United Methodist Church
5900 Hull Street Road
Richmond, VA 23224
The United Methodist Church Young Jin Cho, Resident Bishop
Virginia Conference 10330 Staples Mill Road, P.O. Box 5606
Glen Allen, Virginia 23058
(804) 521-1100
March 10, 2015
Just These Lines My Friends…. To say that summer is almost here! Hopefully, for you and yours,
warm summer days bring some time of relaxation, maybe even some vacation time. Through the
years, the Koontz family has grown to appreciate vacation time as family time. Some enjoy traveling;
others prefer, (or needs require) a ‘stay-cation.’ In the early years, our family took what we called ‘little
vacations’ which were, for our young family, going on the road with Dad, the traveling salesman. As
our boys got older, we made a point of thinking about places we wanted to visit as a family. Through
the years, we enjoyed ‘making memories’ at the beach, in the mountains, including many camping trips
and seeing quite a few of our country’s beautiful National parks. Since our sons have grown, we have
enjoyed some special vacations, just the two of us.
While ‘on the road’ we have enjoyed worshipping in United Methodist and other churches as our travel
schedule allowed. Sometimes we enjoyed having ‘worship in the woods’ or even singing some hymns
in the car together, on our way somewhere. Whether you find yourself at the beach or in the
mountains, or just hanging ‘doing nothing’ at home…try to remember to pause on the Sabbath, and to
find a place to worship on Sunday! Remembering the Sabbath is something for us to do year round as
we praise God for the many blessings of our lives. I hope you enjoy some new landscapes and if you
do worship in another setting, don’t forget to bring Pastor Deb a bulletin. We pastors love to share
ideas from other churches…. When you are in town, we sure hope to see you on Sunday in worship at
Ramsey Church!
Dear Friends in Christ,
I want to offer a great challenge to you this year as we
approach the 2015Annual Conference session of the Virginia
Conference of the United Methodist Church. That challenge is
that we accept a renewed call to being disciples of Jesus Christ
and explore together all that comes with that calling! Being
involved directly in God’s missional activity in the world is a
big part of that call and this year we as a conference are being
asked to make a difference in the lives of the least of these by
setting our conference offering goal of $150,000! Our offering
will be focused on both international and Virginia-based
mission needs.
We will be strengthening our commitment to the Methodist
Mission in Cambodia in our third year of support as that
church continues its rapid growth moving toward its goal of
being an autonomous Methodist Church.
A second international component of the offering will be to
actively support the Global Health Mission of UMCOR as
they work with health boards of the United Methodist
Conferences in the Ebola ravaged countries of Liberia and
Sierra Leone. Our connectional church makes a difference in
the lives of sisters and brothers living hopefully beyond the
despair of that disease.
Our Conference is placing ministry with the poor as a priority
and will be exploring new ways to be in ministry with the poor
across the conference. This year a portion of our conference
offering is designated to Children Out of Poverty as we offer
love and support for mission projects in the Danville and
Eastern Shore districts that serve children and families in these
areas of our state that are well below the national and state
poverty levels.
As always, it is my joy and privilege to be your Pastor and friend!
It is our calling and our response as disciples to prayerfully
give. May our conference offering this year reflect that calling
to wholeness and justice as we live out our discipleship through
giving and loving in the name of the one who first loved us!
Pastor Deb
In Christ,
Young Jin Cho
Bishop Cho has announced the
recipients of the 2015 Annual
Conference Offering.
The offering goal will be $150,000
and again focus on both
international and Virginia-based
mission needs.
We will be offering our continued support to
our partnership with the Methodist Mission
in Cambodia with $50,000 as they continue
to purchase property for new churches and
expand their fast growing mission.
$50,000 will go to UMCOR Global Health
ministries to aid the Ebola ravaged
countries of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Both
of these countries have trained and
equipped Health Boards in their United
Methodist Conferences that are working to
meet priorities and needs of communities
recovering from the Ebola outbreak as well
as a holistic approach to health that
empowers people to take charge of their
own lives and develop positive healthseeking behavior in their communities.
VIRGINIA: $50,000
In Virginia our goal is $50,000 that will be
offering support to mission projects working
with the poor in the Danville and Eastern
Shore Districts. Both of these districts are
working in ministry in areas of Virginia that
are well below the national and state
poverty levels. Of particular concern and
emphasis are children that are living in
June Birthdays and Anniversaries
Nell Simmons
Rachel Thomas
Lisa Lowe
Kimberly Book
Deborah Koontz
Lynn Shelton
Haley Taylor
Danny Britt
Brenda Cordle
Louise Childress
Clarence Kaylor
Grace Driskill
Phyllis Woodfin
Brandon Davis
Virginia Abbott
Jeremy Newman
Sarah Lane Gonzales
Wiley & Dorothy Davis
Tom & Joyce Spain
John & Lucy Monk
Gary & Kacky Grubb
Herndon & Louise Smith
Dan & Ann Hallinan
Riley & Lisa Irving
David & Pam Rives
Joe & Rebecca Calhoun
Editor’s Note - Apologies for the omission
of the following anniversaries in the May
Brian & Nonie Barnstein
May 5
Jason & Laura McHale
May 7
Our fourth (4 ) annual men’s bible study and grill night was a huge success. Nineteen (19)
different men attended all or at least some of the sessions. We enjoyed fellowship with each
other and studied the Andy Stanley series “Your Move” about decision making from a biblical
perspective. We studied and discussed how you should consider tough decisions in light of
how you want to write your own life story. It was a time of much reflection and sharing.
The BUCS participated in presenting twenty-five (25) youth Bibles, purchased for the
children attending our children’s ministry program, at the joint 10:30 AM worship service on
May 31. Each child received their own illustrated children’s Bible to keep. We are happy to be
involved in this way and pray that these Bibles will have be a fundamental, positive influence
in each child’s life.
As it has been said, “We drink from wells we did not dig and warm by fires we did not
build.” It is our responsibility to keep the flame lit and keep the well from running dry. That is
why we are Brothers United in Christian Service (BUCS). And that is part of how we want to
write the story of our lives.
discussed how you should consider tough decisions in light of how you want to write your own
life story. It was a time of much reflection and sharing.
What if your boss told you that he did not know how much you were to be paid for your work?
In fact, he may not even be in on payday, so you may not get a check at all? How could you
plan your budget? How could you pay your mortgage or rent, utilities, insurance, etc.?
This is how your Church operates every week. No one knows how much some members plan
to contribute to the monthly expenses such as mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc. Last fall,
Ramsey received pledges for only 54% of the 2015 budget, which was increased by only .6%
over the prior year budget.
Remember, even if you do not attend service on Sunday, the expenses of the Church remain the
same. Your Church family wants to see you at one of our 3 services. But, if you cannot be
there, consider having your bank send your contribution automatically for you.
Stewardship Sunday is coming up in September. Please prayerfully consider how you can
support Ramsey and turn in your pledge card. Your Church depends on you!
Each year, we ask the various groups within the church with a checking account to give us a statement
showing income and expenditures, and we do this for two reasons. The Book of Discipline states that
we are responsible for all monies collected and expended by Ramsey Church from any and all sources.
But it is also a good way to publicize the generosity and hard work of these groups.
We received statements from 13 groups - Sunday School classes, UMW Circles, the Choir, the BUCS,
the Youth, and the Mission Team. For 2014, they reported total income of $40,535, of which about
1/3 came from member donations. The rest of it came from various fundraisers – selling pecans,
barbecue, knives, Brunswick stew, a yard sale, a craft sale, an auction, a raffle, a bake sale, the
Valentine dinner/dance, Spud Sunday, Souper Bowl Sunday, Santa Breakfast, Prayer Breakfast, a
women’s retreat, newspaper recycling, and the Mothers’ Day/Fathers’ Day bulletin inserts.
What did they do with all this money? Several thousand dollars were donated back to our church for
the Lenten Offering, the Ellen Project, prayer shawls, our Food Pantry (which gave out 598 bags of
groceries last year!), youth trip to Kings Dominion, Sarah Russo’s music project, love baskets, new CLC
tables, painting a classroom, CARITAS, White Christmas, flowers and gifts for the sick or shut ins,
thank-you gifts, meals for our church families after funerals, and memorials.
In Christian Love,
Beth Lane, Stewardship Chair
June 12th
55+ Luncheon
Celebrating Dad
Instead of taking dad “out to the
ballgame”, bring him to the
55+ Luncheon.
Join us at 12:00PM
in the Fellowship Hall.
Invite a dad to come with you.
A lot of money was donated to various groups in our community and our state – J.L. Francis
Elementary School (for books and a teachers’ breakfast), the Good Samaritan Inn, the Manchester
Rescue Squad, the Bensley Rescue Squad, a First Responder breakfast, My Parent’s Table Community
Dinner, the Hermitage Samaritan Fund, a birthday party for Hermitage residents, Bikes for Christ, the
Blackstone Fund, Shalom Farms, the West Point Pharmacy for the Mattaponi Indians, and our own
Marion Mission Team.
And there was still enough money left to spread all over our country and beyond through programs
like Easter Seals, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Nets Against Malaria, Christian education, World Vision,
Conference kits, Compassion International, and Hurricane Sandy relief.
What an impressive list! Thanks to all these groups for their energy and dedication. Your stewardship
is an example to us all.
The Finance Committee
JUNE ▪ junio 2015
8:00AM Care-A-Van
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:00PM Wellness
6:30PM Citizenship Class
10:00AM PickleBall
1:00PM Precious Blessings
7:00PM Administrative Council
8:00AM Care-A-Van
10:00AM Prayer Group
11:00AM Prayer Shawl Knitting
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Orientation
7:00 Estudio Biblico
7:00 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
1:00PM Precious Blessings
6:00PM James River Homeschool
2:00PM McGuire Park Circle
8:30 & 11:00AM Worship Service
9:30AM Fellowship Gathering
11:00 Escuela Dominical
12:30PM Servicio en Español
3:30PM Praise Choir Rehearsal
6:30PM Youth Group
JL Francis ES Volunteers
6:00PM James River Homeschool
11:00AM Ada Mae Bookman
6:00PM New Life Basketball
6:00PM Hazel Gibbs Circle
6:00PM Wellness
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Registration
10:00AM PickleBall
1:00PM Precious Blessings
2:00PM Nina Woodfin Circle
7:00PM Board of Trustees
8:00AM Care-A-Van
10:00AM Prayer Group
11:00AM Prayer Shawl Knitting
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Orientation
7:00 Estudio Biblico
7:00 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
12:00PM 55+ Luncheon
1:00PM Precious Blessings
6:00PM James River Homeschool
8:30 & 11:00AM Worship Service
9:30AM Fellowship Gathering
11:00 Escuela Dominical
12:30PM Servicio en Español
3:30PM Praise Choir Rehearsal
6:30PM Youth Group
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:00PM Wellness
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Class
10:00AM PickleBall
1:00PM Precious Blessings
7:00PM Finance Committee
8:00AM Care-A-Van
10:00AM Prayer Group
11:00AM Prayer Shawl Knitting
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Class
7:00 Estudio Biblico
1:00PM Precious Blessings
6:00PM James River Homeschool
8:30 & 11:00AM Worship Service
9:30AM Fellowship Gathering
11:00 Escuela Dominical
12:30PM Servicio en Español
3:30PM Praise Choir Rehearsal
6:30PM Youth Group
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:00PM New Life Basketball
6:00PM Wellness
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Class
10:00AM PickleBall
10:00AM Food Pantry
1:00PM Precious Blessings
8:00AM Care-A-Van
10:00AM Prayer Group
11:00AM Prayer Shawl Knitting
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:30PM Citizenship Class
6:30PM EL/Civics Class
7:00 Estudio Biblico
1:00PM Precious Blessings
6:00PM James River Homeschool
5:00PM Community Dinner
8:30 & 11:00AM Worship Service
9:30AM Fellowship Gathering
11:00 Escuela Dominical
12:30PM Servicio en Español
3:30PM Praise Choir Rehearsal
6:30PM Youth Group
6:00PM James River Homeschool
6:00PM Wellness
NO EL/Civics Class
Virginia United Methodists
save 56,804 lives from
malaria: As of May 1,
Virginia Conference United
$568,044.61 and saved more
than 56,804 lives for Imagine
No Malaria. That number
does not include at least
$41,565 raised at lemonade
stands across the conference on World Malaria Day, according to Maria Maxwell,
conference field coordinator for Imagine No Malaria. “I’ve received reports from
local churches ab out how much money they raised in their lemonade stands,”
Maxwell said, “but we haven’t received and processed those funds, so we are not
yet including them in our totals. It will be exciting when we receive the lemonade
stand funds and watch our totals rise.” The current total is more than halfway
toward the goal to save 100,000+ lives by 2015 Annual Conference which will be
June 19-21. Ramsey Memorial UMC raised $369.66 during our lemonade stand
and collection efforts. That equates to 37 lives saved!
United Methodist Women’s Calendar
You are invited to participate in the folllowing upcoming events:
June 6 – UMW Day at Ferrum College
July 24-26 -- VA Conference Mission Encounter at Blackstone Conference& Retreat Center
Also, thank you to all those who donated to the
Jewelry, Purse, Scarf, and Tote Sale last month!
Wouldn’t you like to help with our Children’s Ministry on
Sundays at 11:00AM until 12:15PM? There are at least
four adults every week involved in that ministry and we
need more – we need you! We need adults who are wiling
to be extra hands and be present with the children. You
don’t need to do anything but be here. If you are
intersted, please call Sue Newman at the church office
(804-276-4628) or email at
[email protected]. God has blessed us with
children and we need to share ourselves with them and
teach them about our Savior, Jesus Christ.
“FUN RUN” is this year’s bilingual Vacation
Bible School, being offered July 27-31, 6:008:30PM. Come run and finish the most
important race of all – the pathway to
salvation in Christ Jesus. It is for Preschool age
through Elementary and there will be an
adult class as well. Suppers will be offered,
starting at 6:00PM. There is no cost.
We will need lots of helpers as well as leaders
to cover different stations such as story time,
crafts, games, and music. Please think about
where you could use your talents. Fill out a
yellow card from a Sunday bulletin or call the
church office with your name, phone
number and email address to volunteer.
We are looking forward to a great week with
lots of children! You won’t want to miss it!
Day Insert
Once again, the
Kirkie Powell class
is sponsoring a
tradition at Ramsey
– the Fathers’ Day
bulletin insert. For
only 50¢ per name,
you can honor your
father on his
special day, June
21. Envelopes will
be in the pew racks
for your
Proceeds will help
fund projects, such
as the Food Pantry,
the Samaritan
funeral meals, and
many others.
Do you have my address?
Desde un Rincón Pastoral
¡Ay de los que viven tranquilos en Sión y de los que viven confiados en el monte de Samaria!
¡Ay de los notables de la nación más importante, a quienes acude el pueblo de Israel!
(Amos 6:1).
A mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo Jesús, Señor nuestro,
En su libro Cada Celebración, El hno. Emilio E. Müller hace la invitación a la iglesia de
Cristo a recordar sus responsabilidades y personalmente es mi deseo que la iglesia recupere
su compromiso y fidelidad a aquel quien la llamo. Comparto esta exhortación con ustedes
¿Cuándo descuida la iglesia sus responsabilidades?
Cuando ve las necesidades espirituales, físicas, económicas y sociales y no hace nada por
mejorarlas, o cambiarlas.
Cuando se siente ofendida por aquellos que le hacen ver que no ha cumplido con su
Cuando el nivel de las ofrendas es reflejo de la pobreza espiritual de sus miembros.
Cuando las oraciones se dicen sin sentimiento, fervor o amor.
Cuando las lagrimas no están presentes en su vida de adoración.
Cuando los miembros piensan que es el pastor el único que debe orar, predicar y enseñar la
Cuando el trabajar por la iglesia sustituye al trabajar como iglesia.
Cuando no hay intolerancia hacia aquellos que hablan contra el pecado en la iglesia y la
Cuando hay temor a iniciar alguna labor nueva que Dios indique a través de su Espíritu.
Cuando puede permitir el pecado entre sus miembros pero no entre las otras comunidades de
Cuando no puede ver algún milagro de Dios que se ha hecho producido entre sus miembros.
Cuando todo se "espiritualiza" y se cierra los ojos a las necesidades de los hijos de Dios.
¿Que pagaremos al Señor por todos sus beneficios para con nosotros?
Paz de Dios el Padre y de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Pastora, Norma
If you have any contact information for any of the
following members of Ramsey Memorial UMC whom we
have not been able to reach in some time, please call the
office and share.
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Baxley
Tiffani Bowman
Donald Bowman
Wendy Christiana
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burns
Gary Luther Covington
Mary Covington
Mr. & Mrs. RL Day, Jr
Ida L. Joyner
Kimberly Seale Fulwider
Lillian Queen Glaze
Rose L. Godfrey
Betty Grayless
Linda Hackett
Robert M. Hamrick
Wesley Kyle
Henderson Mark Heslep
Karol Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Howell
Gary N. Howell
Janet Jasper
Elizabeth Rouse Lewis
F.B. McHanes
James G. McRady
Lawrence Mansfield
Erica Miller
Paul Mullins
Barbara Street Naff
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Stucke
The Samuel Pagan family
Marty Rogers
V.W. Schott
Clayton Shepherd
Michael Shull
Elizabeth Taylor
Mary Jean Cash Wichmann
Lauren Amber Wray
Special dates
• Flag Day, June 14, 2015
• Father’s Day, June 21, 2015
• First day of summer, June 21, 2015
The Ramsey Church family remembers
those who have claimed the promise of
resurrection this year (to-date). We offer
prayers and thoughts to the family and
friends of:
Margaret Bridgers Winfree
Margaret Kelley
Marion Woodcock
Virginia Gupton
Susan Turnes
Rita Yoss Evers
Paul Hrip
Virginia Laine
Heaven Moné Salley
Hilda Baughan
PickleBall is basically a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It’s easy to learn for beginners
and can eventually develop into a quick, fast-paced competitive game for experienced players. There are
over 250,000 players enjoying the PickleBall sport around the country. Seniors, in particular, love this sport
since the court is ¼ the size of a tennis court(less space to cover) , so it’s easier on the body. PickleBall is
great for health and fitness, by promoting
balance, hand-eye coordination, stretching, bending, and endurance.
And it’s so much fun, promoting camaraderie among players!
Come join the fun on Wednesdays at 10:00AM in the CLC.
St. Francis of Assisi — perhaps best remembered for his love
of animals and his belief that God cares about them in
special ways too — was said to have lived with an exuberant
“attitude of gratitude.” He wrote, “Such love does the sky
now pour, that whenever I stand in a field, I have to wring
the light out when I go home.”
As summertime begins, what natural wonders amaze you
and make you grateful: sweet-smelling grass? Warm, gentle
rain? Blooming flowers everywhere? Pristine, blue skies? Just
for fun, write an exclamation like that of St. Francis,
glorifying God for his creation.
Reminder: Graduates, Sunday, June 7 is “Graduate Recognition Sunday”. A
breakfast for all graduates and their families will be served at 9:30AM. Graduates
will be recognized at the 11:00AM worship service with a projected slide in their
honor and a small gift from the church.