Read - Ewing Presbyterian Church


Read - Ewing Presbyterian Church
Ewing Presbyterian Church
100 Scotch Road
Ewing, NJ 08628
The welcoming doors of Ewing Presbyterian Church which are decorated
each season so beautifully and lovingly by Ruth Bartasawitz.
The 2016 April Newsletter of
Ewing Presbyterian Church
Les & Cindy Morgan
Mission Co-workers Serving in Bangladesh
all she could; but whenever I visited, my heart ached for
the child, just as it aches for all who live in want.
When Treesha was old enough to start school the Church
of Bangladesh, upon the mother’s request, placed her in
one of the church’s hostels for children of very poor
families. There she received clothing, food, health care,
and education in a secure and disciplined environment.
Many of the girls at the hostel are from Santal families,
and since it is located in Rajshahi, where I frequently
visit, I was able to see Treesha often – and she knows
how I held her in her infancy.
For 22 years now I have been visiting Santal villages in
the Rajshahi area. Most Santals do not own their own
land but instead work as daily laborers in the
surrounding rice fields. Earning about $1.50 a day, they
live in mud-walled homes with dirt floors and tin roofs
and cook on mud stoves molded over small pits in the
ground. Many Santals cannot afford basic health care,
so when I go to their villages I either run a small clinic
or visit the sick in their homes. Most recently I have
been helping the Church of Bangladesh set up a program
to advocate for health care access for the Santal people
and to accompany them through the difficult-to-navigate
government clinics and hospitals. The Presbyterian
Church U.S.A. supports this outreach and helps Santals
receive care at Christian Mission Hospital as wee,
through contributions to a medical assistance fund.
During one of my visits to the rural Santal village of
Astapukur about 15 years ago I treated a young boy
named Louis Hembrom. I met him again a few months
ago, this time as a teacher at St. Andrew’s Theological
College in Dhaka, the capital. Although his family is
poor, he was able to pursue his education with assistance
from the Church of Bangladesh; then in high school he
felt God’s call to serve as a minister in the church. Now
at St. Andrew’s he is in my class entitles “The Healing
Ministry of the Church,” which aims to equip future
church leaders with the skill and confidence needed to
minister to the sick in their communities.
has baptized and confirmed hundreds of new Santal
believers and established 10 new congregations in the
Rajshahi area
Yet Treesha and Louis are examples also of the mystery
of the fruits of the Church’s mission. For the raising up
of people of faith is not something we can anticipate as
we would a return on a carefully planned investment of
our resources. God’s children are not outcomes of
calculated human efforts but rather the offspring of free,
divine love. They are a begotten fruit – begotten, not
made. The Holy Spirit knits together the chosen ones in
the womb of Christ’s beloved Church, and we wait with
eager longing for the revealing of the children of God.
To bear fruit in mission the Church must invite and
receive into her arms those who suffer from disease,
want or oppression and care for them in the name of
Jesus Christ. For without this outreach, the Church’s
marriage to Christ will never be consummated, and our
life together as communities of faith will remain barren.
Last month I worshiped with a Santal congregation in
Rajshahi, and during the service Treesha, now 18 years
old, stood in front of the congregation and read from the
concluding chapter of Romans in which Paul sends his
greetings to the believers in Rome and all the saints who
are with them. In my relationships with Treesha, Louis
and many others in Bangladesh, God has shown me what
every missionary longs to see – the revealing of God’s
children, born of his love.
Your fellow servant,
For practical experience my students go to nearby slums
in Dhaka to visit people with serious illnesses. Recently
I accompanied Louis to the home of a severely disabled
Bengali Muslim girl. As I watched him hold and pray
for this child, I saw in him deep compassion and an
emerging capacity to lead his church in ministry to the
sick in the name of Christ.
Treesha’s and Louis’s stories illustrate how the Church
of Bangladesh, in partnership with the Presbyterian
Church U.S. A., reaches out through health care,
education, and evangelism to minister in the name of
Jesus Christ to the sick, the impoverished and the lost.
Through this work God has called many into the family
of faith; in the past 10 years the Church of Bangladesh
The above update was written by Les Morgan,
brother of EPC member Rachel Morgan. EPC
supports Les and Cindy Morgan’s mission through
Presbyterian World Mission. This update
appeared in Mission Connection, a newsletter
published by Presbyterian World Mission. Les and
Cindy Morgan serve in Bangladesh at the
invitation of the Church of Bangladesh. You can
read more about the Morgans online at, and connect
with them at [email protected] and
[email protected].
Adult Education at EPC
April 3rd
We Make the Road by Walking
Jane Doty MacKenzie will lead our monthly
discussion of We Make the Road by Walking. This
Sunday we will focus on chapters 33 and 34.
April 10th and 17th
Islam in America
On these two Sundays we will explore modern
expressions of Islam in our American culture,
looking at the different traditions of this dynamic
faith. We will look at the basic understandings,
worship, , and fellowship of the Muslim
community. Leadership to be announced.
April 24th
EPC Café Conversation
NJ (PNJ) for the purpose it was intended. These
funds will not be used for anything else. PNJ will
provide quarterly reporting to the Session on the
disbursement of these funds until they are
Approved the Sanctuary Lighting Fund and 1867
Sanctuary Fund be permanently closed once
transactions have been completed.
To avoid confusion in the future, EPC will not be
accepting funds on behalf of PNJ. Donations will
be made directly to PNJ.
Received Financial Reports and discussed at
length our financial limitations and options to
sustain this church. Budgetary restrictions will
be discussed during the next months to provide a
path for the future.
The need to prioritize building projects was also
discussed at length.
Come join in a conversation looking to the future
of the EPC congregation. Pastor Paul will lead
the conversation focused on a particular
question that has come out of the Sessions
continuing work with the Transition Study
Report. Come help define the future ministry of
the Church.
Approved that October 21-23, 2016, will be a
weekend to focus on issues of Mass
April Worship at EPC – 9:30 a.m.
Session Update
A letter of thanks was received from the
Presbyterian Board of Pensions expressing
gratitude for the 2015 Christmas Joy Offering.
A request from Brian Hough to be removed from
the membership rolls was granted.
Resignation of George Renwick as Treasurer was
Approved transfer of the Ewing Presbyterian
Church Sanctuary Lighting Fund and the
Memorial 1867 Sanctuary Fund to Preservation
The parking lots and cemetery paving project
will commence around April 4, 2016.
Sunday, April 3
Sunday of Easter
We Make the Road by Walking ch. 34
The Sacrament of Communion
Seminarian Dana Gray preaching
Psalm 135; John 20:1-31; Acts 8:26-40
Sunday, April 10
3rd Sunday of Easter
We Make the Road by Walking ch. 35
Rev. Paul Rhebergen preaching
Psalm 25; Luke 10:1-11, 17-20; John 21:1-15
Sunday, April 17
4th Sunday of Easter
We Make the Road by Walking ch. 36
Seminarian Elder Jane Doty MacKenzie
Psalm 103; Acts 2:41-47;
1 Corinthians 14:26-31 Colossians 3:12-17
Sunday, April 24
5th Sunday of Easter
We Make the Road by Walking ch.37
Rev. Paul Rhebergen preaching
Psalm 146; Matthew 10:16-20, 11:28-30,
Acts 16:11-40
Sunday, May 1
6 Sunday of Easter
We Make the Road by Walking ch. 38
The Sacrament of Communion
The Choirs of the Ewing Church will present the
Word and message in music
Deuteronomy 15:1-11; 1 Timothy 6:3-19,
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Our Church Family
In loving memory of
Robert A. Letts, 92
Barbara Salles, 63
March 22, 2016
March 29, 2016
Deacons’ Doings
The Deacons had a busy month of March helping
to get ready for both Palm Sunday and Easter
services, holding an Easter egg hunt and hosting
the Presbytery dinner.
The Presbytery dinner on March 8th was
attended by over 80 members from churches
throughout the New Brunswick Presbytery. The
menu went “south of the border” with tacos,
fajitas and nachos. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Proceeds from the event will go to Pastor Paul’s
discretionary fund.
Whenever church services are held in the 1867
Sanctuary, a deacon will be available to transport
those not able to walk across the street from the
lobby of the Education Building to the curb by
the Sanctuary – just park in a handicapped space
as usual and a ride will be provided. After
church, a return ride will be available. There is
also a new blinking light at the cross walk for
everyone’s safety.
With the help of many church members, the
Deacons assembled boxes of food for three
needy families and delivered them before Holy
End of the year potluck picnic – June 12th
Thunder Baseball day
Blawenburg Band and ice cream social –
August 28th
As always, the Deacons continue to visit, make
calls, send cards and deliver meals and flowers.
If you know of anyone in need, please let a
deacon or the church office know.
Also, remember to bring food on the third
Sunday of each month for The Mercer Street
Enjoy the warm weather and the blossoming trees
and flowers they are a wonderful gift of God
Mark your calendars and look for volunteer
opportunities in the coming months.
Youth News
Many thanks to Carol Hecky for providing our
Youth Group with breakfast and dinner. It was
Easter egg hunting!!
Thank you
If you would like to provide breakfast or dinner
for 8 – 10 of your youth, please contact Katie
Mulligan at 805-448-9641 or
[email protected]
EPC Kids
Thank you for the phone calls, cards, and prayers
all of you from the congregation have sent me
during my recent illness. It was very appreciated.
Vacation Bible School – 2016
August 8th – 12th
Leading worship through song.
Gear up for an over-the-top underground
adventure. Ground kids in the rock solid
foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us
through life’s dark times.
Celebrating Psi Da
Nursery School Notes
Submitted by Suzie Wentworth
It is April, when new buds and flowers,
warmth and sunshine remind us of God’s
miracles of nature and renewed life. The
nursery school classes are using lovely spring
colors for their crafts and our spirits are
high with the onset of warmer weather.
2 Year Old Class – Mrs. DeFilippo – As the twos
begin saying goodbye to the winter season, they
are learning about the spring and its promise of
new life through planting and stories and crafts.
They have grown so much since the beginning of
the year and continue to do so each week. They
are so eager to hunt for shapes and count, their
love for learning is growing with each class.
4 Year Old Class – Mrs. Sipe - Spring is here. We
were busy during the month of March talking
about the change in the weather and getting
ready for Easter. We had a lot of fun during our
Easter party and our room parents were very
helpful. During the month of April we will be
talking about animals: Jungle animals, Zoo
animals and Ocean animals. It will be interesting
to learn which animals are the Children favorites.
EPNS Plant Sale!
3 Year Old Class - Mrs. Genovay – March was a
busy month for the three year old class. We
focused on transportation, wind, weather, spring
and Easter. The highlight of the month was our
Easter Party. The children had a blast hunting
for Easter eggs.
During the month of April, we will focus on
things that grow, different kinds of seeds, and
Earth Week. Children will plant seeds and we
will talk about the importance of keeping our
Earth clean. We need to care for the world that
God gave us so that it will last.
The nursery school plant sale will be Sunday,
April 10th – Sunday, April 24th. Plant pick up date
is the Saturday before Mother’s Day, May 7th.
There is more information included in this
Around the Presbytery
Free Concert at Titusville
Princeton University Chamber Choir will be
presenting a free concert on Sunday, April 3rd at
3:00 p.m. at the Titusville Presbyterian Church.
The concert will be based on a current art exhibit
at the University Museum. The exhibit is based
on English landscapes. The choir is led by
Gabriel Crouch.
Titusville Presbyterian Church is located at 48
River Drive in Titusville.
The Music of Three Faiths: A Benefit
Concert for Refugees
A benefit concert for refugees will take place on
Saturday, April 30th, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville.
Musicians from the Turkish Band, Wind of
Anatolia, the Klezmer band, Odessa Klezmer, and
the bluegrass quartet, Barncats will play at
Lawrenceville to bring together people of many
cultures and raise funds for The International
Rescue Committee (IRC).
Tickets are $20, $10 for children 12 and under
and available through the Peace Islands Institute,
and the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville,
(cash or check).
The Belhar Confession: a study series
for all ages
Thursdays, April 7 through June 9 at 7:00pm
Covenant Presbyterian Church, Trenton
Love transforms! It’s no secret, there’s a great
divide present both in the nation and The
Church. Join us for an unflinching, yet hope-filled
look at the Belhar Confession and anti-racism.
Written in Apartheid Era South Africa, the Belhar
Confession is a call to the faithful to live into the
fullness of God’s desire for a loving and unified
body of Christ. It will be presented before the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
(USA) in June of this year.
This study provides not only a historical look at
the Confession, but includes practical exercises,
prayer, and Bible study for overcoming and
healing from racism, through Christ. This tenweek study begins Thursday, April 7th. We meet
at 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian
Church located at 471 Parkway Avenue.
Transportation is provided for those who need it.
Stephanie C. Merryfield, M. Div., is the primary
facilitator. To help us with planning, please let us
know you plan to attend by sending an email to
[email protected] . Haven’t
registered in advance? Please come anyway!
Feel free to contact Covenant Presbyterian
Church at 609.989.8282 with any questions.
EPNS Plant Sale
Orders for the plants will be taken from Sunday,
April 10th until Sunday, April 24th. Fill out the
order form and return it with a check payable to
“Ewing Presbyterian Nursery School” to the
nursery school office in the Education Building,
to the nursery school mailbox in the Church
Office, or mail your order to 100 Scotch Road,
Ewing 08628. You may find additional forms
outside of Fellowship Hall and near the nursery
school office door.
Plants will be available for pick-up at the
playground entrance on Saturday, May 7th from
10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. (no early birds,
please). If you have any questions, please call
Suzie Wentworth at 883-5364.
All are welcome to join in Covenant Church’s
newly forming Older Adult Ministries!
All activities take place at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 471 Parkway Ave., Trenton NJ 08618. For
more information please visit our website at or call the church office at
LUNCH BUNCH -- meets monthly on every 2nd Thursday
THURSDAY April 14 - Lounge
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
ELDER LAW UPDATE. Join us a Covenant seminarian and elder law attorney Genevieve Bishop
tells us the latest information on what we need to have in order to properly take care of our affairs. The
Lunch Bunch meets monthly in the Covenant Lounge. Each meeting will feature a focus of interest to
older adults. We enjoy a light lunch together; suggested donation is $3. Please call to place your lunch
reservation at 609.989.8282.
MONDAYS April 4 & April 18
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Renewing Your Caregiving Spirit – Lounge
We live in a world which is changing continually. For many of us, change is hard. Come and explore scripture
stories with us, as we examine God’s persistent call to open our hearts to life’s challenges.
Group Leader: Seminarian Genevieve Bishop
FRIDAYS April 1 through April 22
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Welcoming the Stranger Called “Aging” - Lounge
The experience of aging is often not what we expected. We can feel disconnected or estranged from our younger
selves. We’ll look at biblical stories where God worked in and through “well-seasoned” persons. All are
welcome- bring a friend!
Group Leader: Seminarian Genevieve Bishop
A special message from Veda Gill, Executive Director, Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan
March 28, 2016
Dear Friends,
March 27, 2016 was a day of celebration for Christians in Pakistan. We were celebrating the Resurrection
Day and also celebrating that it was a peaceful day for Christians. We celebrated Easter with a Sunrise
Service and then a worship service at 10:30 AM .The churches were all jam packed. The State provided
us with police security. We were all so thankful to God for His safety...until it was 6.30 PM.
My family and I were at our home when this tragedy occurred. Our house was packed with my husband’s
4 sisters, their husbands, and some of their children who had come from America to attend a wedding
when we heard a big blast. This blast was only a 5-minute walk from our place. This is the place where
Javaid and I usually go for a walk whenever time permits us. This is the place where I took my
granddaughter every other day when they were in Pakistan for Christmas. This park attracts children
because it has many different kinds of swings as well as many varieties of birds and animals. This is the
park where poor Christians and Muslims come to celebrate as many rides are free. On Easter and
Christmas we see a lot of Christians there.
The blast injured nearly 300 young parents and killed 72 young parents and children who were there for
the joy of the rides. The lush green park was all covered with blood and dust.
A Pakistan Taliban splinter group (by telephone from an undisclosed location) claimed responsibility for
this deadly suicide attack, saying, "We carried out this Lahore attack as Christians are our target." Punjab
Chief Minister announced three days of mourning.
This is a difficult time for us all. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters have lost their near and dear
ones. A Christian family came with 5 children and three died in the blast. My immediate family is safe but
this incident has really shaken us. We strongly believe that there is a day to die. We are not going to die of
fear every day. Life goes on with HOPE, TRUST, AND FAITH IN THE LORD.
Please pray for Pakistan and also for Christians in Pakistan.
My cousin, Barbara Loots, attends the Second Presbyterian Church of Kansas City. For years she has been
active in the Presbyterian Education Board of Pakistan. Sunday, a short distance from her friend's house in
Lahore, the bomb went off in the park.
Becky Lovett
Rachel Morgan
Jerome Moore
Leslie Nevius, cousin of Barb Salles
Dr. Mari Berens
H. Wayne Berens
Shirley Brower
Nancy Clark, friend of Nancy Coleman
Janet Corbin
Cathy Crawford, friend of the Schencks & Taylors
Doris Cregar
Quentin Fabiano
Michael Ferrara
Peggy Formaroli, mother of friend Gino – Gerri
Karen Fuchs, sister of Laura Wallin
Alice Haines
Ken Harvey
Kevin Hecky
Beth Hensler
Lydia Hill, cousin of Cathy Holland
Cathy Holland
Jean Hopkins
Dan Hough
Mary Jane Inman, Dan Sergott & Chuck Sergott
John Kelso, friend of Ginny Saiia
Alice Olson
Joyce Pillsbury
Marissa Porfirio
Cara Pressman, friend of Laura Wallin
Bill Raughley, friend of Jane Perelli
Robert Rodgers, friend of Laura Wallin
Michael Baily Schafer, grandnephew of Mary
Dick & Dottie Schenck
Brad Shropshire, Gene Taylor’s son-in-law and
Doug & Carol Taylor’s brother-in-law
Jane Snedeker
Ceil Szeg, friend of Bette Schubert
Frank Szachtowski, step-dad of Mike Hecky
Gwen Thomas
Travis Turner, nephew of Gay McGraw
Skippy Twining, friend of Barb Salles
Gloria Vernam
Leisal Vidal, aunt of Nancy Kriegner
Nelson Wallin, father of Laura Wallin
Barbara Walsh, sister-in-law of Jane Perelli
Harold Walter
Nadine Kunz, mother of Becky Lovett
Kaitlynn Webster, granddaughter of Nancy
Mary Lou Weinstetter
Marion Letts
Alfred Wensley
Charlie Magee, brother of Judy Carapezza
Eileen Whang
Margaret Marcks
Doris & Robert Wiles, sister and brother-in law
Harriet Berens
Marva Wyckoff
Nancy Kriegner
Matt Massimi
Samuel Meservey, grandson of Lois Meservey
Aaron Morgan
Grace & Norm Yates, friends of the Letts family
On Sundays
9:30 Worship
10:30 Hospitality
11:00 Sunday
School & Adult
On Mondays
5:15 AA, AL
6:00 Yoga, CR
On Tuesdays
On Thursdays
7:30 Al-Anon,CR. 4:30 Yoga
8:00 NA, AL
6:15 Choir
7:00 Scouts
7:00 Guitar Rm. 3
On Wednesdays 7:30 Bell Choir
6:00 L.O.G.
8:00 AA, AL
On Saturdays
3 pm AA, AL
1 Mind’s Eye FH
PW Coordinating
Team - Noon
90th Birthday
Celebration for
Cathy Holland
3:00 p.m.
Prayer Vigil
& Meal
6:00 p.m.
Service for
Barb Salles
11:00 a.m.
7:00 P.M.
Tabitha Circle
at home of
Ruth Circle
9:15 a.m.
MSF Food
7:00 p.m.
10:00 – noon
Earth Day
7:00 p.m.
Breakfast at
PW Spring Tea Michael’s
& Auction
9:00 a.m.
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
out of