PeoPle RePoRt - Kuoni Annual Report 2011


PeoPle RePoRt - Kuoni Annual Report 2011
People Report
03– People Report
Kuoni Human Resources
The names of the 50 portrayed Kuoni employees
03– People Report
[ Cagdas Akcos ]
[ Alessandro Alfieri ]
[ Pirada Bang-Aw ]
[ Fabio Bastone ]
[ Claudia Benvenuto ]
[ Raymond Bere ]
[ Paula Blomster ]
[ Susan Bowlby-Benson ]
[ Henning Boysen ]
[ John Cardie ]
[ Katia Chiossi ]
[ Calvin Choi ]
[ Bijal Darji ]
[ Dashmeet Singh Dheer ]
[ Sharon Doyle ]
[ Theresa Dsouza ]
[ Pascal Fussen ]
[ Carmen Gretler-Zhu ]
[ Geraldine Hayes ]
[ Shimei He ]
[ Heinz Karrer ]
[ Henry Katumba ]
[ Kanokwan Krairiksha ]
[ Leif Vase Larsen ]
[ Ji Kyu Lee ]
[ Matthias Leisinger ]
[ Stefan Leser ]
[ John Lindquist ]
[ Remo Masala ]
[ Peter Meier ]
[ Ram Mohan K M ]
[ Isabel Morgen ]
[ Michael Njogu ]
[ Kanyu Oh ]
[ Tetsuya Oki ]
[ Irmela Preissner-Bhaya ]
[ Mary Rahab ]
[ Namratha Rose ]
[ Peter Rothwell ]
[ Leticia Sanz Cabañas ]
[ Owen Saunders ]
[ Rolf Schafroth ]
[ Annette Susanne Schömmel ]
[ Svetlana Sidelyova ]
[ Ulrika Söderberg ]
[ Ramesh Tamang ]
[ Katie Teixeira ]
[ Ellena Thompson ]
[ Walter Weber ]
[ Veronique Wolf ]
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
People Report 317
The Kuoni Principles (3) 03_00_02_
The Topic of Confidence 320
Introduction 323
Kuoni / Human Interface
50 People at Kuoni
and their Motion Patterns 03_03_
316 | 317
Afterword 426
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
People report
Kuoni People
The Kuoni Principles (3)
« The tourism industry provides
its services by a way of
people-to-people communication.
The travel agent and tour guide
represent an archetypal figure.
A combination of guard
and guide in one.1 »
Every journey begins with the
hope that our wishes will be fulfilled.
But different people have different
needs and different ways of fulfilling
them. Kuoni’s job begins with advising customers, really understanding
what they want, and planning the holiday specifically to suit them. The better Kuoni understands and advises its
guests, the easier it is to meet their expectations. In addition to its advisory
work, Kuoni lays particular emphasis
on providing support during the holiday. All over the world, tour reps, destination insiders and specialist guides
work hard to ensure everything goes
smoothly, providing round the clock
availability for guests. Our employees
are travel experts; they are passionate
about travel and about ensuring our
guests’ needs are met.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Pictures of Confidence
There is one element in annual reports
whose style never seems to be quite on
target: the photographs of the group
management and board of directors.
This is a compulsory exercise – and it
usually looks like it too. The bureaucratic approach consisting of head
shots that resemble anonymous passport photos, no matter how hard the
photographer tries, is surpassed only
by hopeless attempts to get around the
situation with ironic or, even worse,
artistic photography.
For the year 2011, Kuoni took a systematic approach to this challenge. Most of
those who earn a living in Kuoni’s line
of business are passionate about their
work. It is rather unlikely for machinists to build machines in their spare
time, for programmers to continue
programming in their off hours or for
insurance agents to prefer policies over
novels as bedtime reading. But a tourism professional who does not pursue
travel as a pastime passion is inconceivable. The spheres of personal and
professional existence overlap.
This is also important from the perspective of customers who put themselves in the hands of these professionals and trust in their advice, especially
since the need to be led and the need to
be protected also overlap when it comes
to travelling. Much like the mountain
guide, tourism professionals offer a
service covering a spectrum that is embodied in the consonance of the words
“guide” and “guard”. Because people
continue to play such a role, even in
the epoch of Internet-based communication, Kuoni sought to underscore the
distinctive personalities of its employees. Together they form the human face
of the company. The images of these
personalities were then linked to their
individual patterns of travel.
People report
Kuoni People
Kuoni is good people knowledge.
Travel (ling)
Fifty portraits of individuality have
been selected here. At
human-interface, a much more comprehensive archive is being compiled
online, enabling others to study and
appreciate this worldwide community
and its travel preferences.
The portraits – collected on the basis
of voluntary participation, ­i ncluding
board members and senior management – were to reflect prevailing s­ ocial
and technological parameters: self-portraits snapped in the bathroom mirror
using a cell phone. This is not merely
the visual irony of contemporary iconography as illustrated by the human
image in Facebook friend catalogues;
it actually goes back to the roots of selfportraiture in the history of painting. Along with many symbolic references, Jan van Eyck’s 1434 painting
of the Arnolfini wedding contains a
small round mirror behind the bridal couple in which the tiny silhouette
of the painter himself is reflected for
the very first time. Almost a century
later, the twenty-one-year-old Parmigianino similarly portrayed himself
in a convex mirror, so realistically, in
fact, that the likeness was described
as a divine wonder by the Renaissance
biographer Vasari. Another famous example is Dürer’s self-portrait, which
demonstrates the artist’s growing selfawareness and self-referentiality.
This discovery of individuality and
personal creativity characterises the
transition to the modern era. The device of the mirror portrait, popularised
by the Internet and the availability of
camera-equipped cell phones, is hence
part of a long tradition, albeit one most
fail to recognise. How much more insight can be extracted from these images of the self than from images of
the other?
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
No one knows the planet like Us
For more than 100 years Kuoni has been at the forefront of an industry
that is influenced by social, political and economic factors, as well as by
people’s changing habits. Kuoni’s primary focus has always remained the
same, however: providing guests with unique experiences and emotions
that take them far away from everyday life, either through direct contact
with customers (B2C) or for other companies (B2B). All over the world,
our employees are dedicated to meeting each guest’s individual needs
and creating unique travel experiences of all types in collaboration with
our business partners and suppliers. Since the early days of leisure travel,
Human Capital: 50 Kuoni Faces
from around the Globe
Kuoni has been at the forefront of the latest trends and innovations.
Today, our employees all over the world are constantly creating new travel
experiences and providing travel services so that customers can discover
the most beautiful, exciting, romantic, elegant, pulsating and spectacular
places on earth.
Travel experts
At Kuoni, customers and business partners get to talk to real travel
experts who have the knowledge and skill to answer the most challenging
­questions. Now more than ever, we focus on using the immense collective
expertise of our employees to the benefit of our guests. Whether you want
a restaurant recommendation for an exotic place like Alwar in Rajasthan,
or you are looking for the best spa on Phuket, or insider knowledge about
getting married in Hong Kong – we will have the answer. With employees
in more than 60 countries it’s hard to think of a place on earth where one
of us hasn’t visited.
Technological advances
The 21st century has started with many challenges, including the ever
faster pace of technological change. Customers no longer depend on
stationary points-of-sale. In the old days people came to a travel agency
when they wanted to travel; but continued globalisation and the spread
of online tools mean they can also now book their trips over the Internet
without the need for personal interaction.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Introduction / No One Knows the Planet like Us
But our travel shops are no less important today. On the contrary,
Introduction / No One Knows the Planet like Us
events require extraordinary performance. This is why we encourage our
Kuoni is constantly opening new and stylish retail stores to bring the
people to take the initiative and focus on minimising the negative impact
brand and its products even closer to customers. The United Kingdom,
on our customers.
Italy, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Switzerland, Hong Kong and India
are only a few of the countries where Kuoni has opened new shops. These
Our most valuable asset
are characterised by a unique and appealing ambience and a focus on
personal contact. Very different to traditional travel agencies, our new
However, it doesn’t take a crisis for our employees to show their immense
shops feature “inspiration zones”: comfortable seating areas where
commitment and their passion for the travel industry. All of our staff
customers can relax and browse a large selection of travel books and
members share the same spirit and the same dedication to broadening
magazines. For experienced travellers there is an opportunity for a per-
their horizons – exploring the world and forming new relationships,
sonal consultation in a relaxed atmosphere. Other guests appreciate our
irrespective of culture, religion and nationality. At Kuoni, we believe travel
travel agents’ great expertise and advice, and want an easy, fast and less
is an integral part of the lives of our employees. Only those who have seen
technical way to book their holidays. Our travel consultants can tailor
a destination with their own eyes can tempt a customer to travel there.
suggestions to the individual customer, because they can ask questions
In order to ensure we always have the expertise we need, we work
and give direct feedback. There is no danger of customers blindly booking
a holiday that does not suit their needs.
hard to attract the best and most talented professionals in their fields.
Providing these professionals with development opportunities and good
Always in crisis mode
career prospects is an integral part of our HR strategy, which aims to
maintain a flexible and diverse workforce while providing the highest
Even though technology is becoming ever more important in our ­industry,
possible employee satisfaction. We know that it’s the passion and exper-
there is no doubt that it’s our people that matter most. This was demon­
tise of our employees all over the world that make Kuoni truly special.
strated dramatically during the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption in 2010
That is why in this chapter we are presenting 50 faces from Kuoni’s world-
and again in 2011 during the upheavals in Northern Africa and the strikes
wide network of employees. With them and our other 12,000 people, we
in Greece, when our travel professionals were available for our custom-
aim to keep providing our customers with what we have delivered since
ers almost around the clock. In today’s fast paced media world, we are
1906: Perfect Moments, wherever their travels may take them.
proud to have staff members who are well-versed in crisis management
and effective communication with customers. Challenged with frequent
external events that require prompt and efficient responses, we have built
A lexander Brochier
up an informal crisis management structure where the various depart-
Chief Human Resources Officer
ments involved work together seamlessly: our on-site representatives with
their first-hand information, our travel consultants who are in personal
­contact with our customers, and internal administrative departments
that maintain media relations and provide a continuous flow of information to the public through online and offline channels. Extraordinary
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Cagdas Akcos
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Istanbul, Turkey
·· Global Travel Services, FIT
·· Market Manager, Turkey
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· Istanbul
Personal Secret Retreat
·· 48600 Sarıgerme, Muğla
Province, Turkey
Place of Longing
·· Cuba
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Study trip to learn about
a specific subject or a culture
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Gourmet
·· Shopping
Travel Motto
··“You start dying slowly if you
do not travel.” Pablo Neruda
Cagdas Akcos was born in Bandirma, south of Istanbul, Turkey, in 1982.
Before landing at Kuoni in 2011, he worked in various aspects of the hotel
industry, including reception, marketing and sales, in numerous hotels.
His main passion is sport, whether playing or watching, and his football
team is Galatasaray Istanbul. The GTS team member also has a passion
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 2
for cinema and likes to regularly expand his DVD collection. On his travels, he likes to learn about foreign cultures and try the local cuisine, such
as Cuban.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Alessandro Alfieri
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Rome, Italy
·· Outbound Europe,
Kuoni Italy
·· Destination Services
·· Oceania and Japan
booking supervisor
At Kuoni Since
·· 1994
Territorial Expertise
·· Australia
·· Far East Asia
·· Japan
·· South West Pacific
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Aeolian Islands, Italy
Place of Longing
·· Tibet
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Gourmet
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping
Born in the Italian capital of Rome in 1974, Alessandro Alfieri has worked
for Kuoni indirectly since 1994, starting out with Gastaldi Tours which
today forms part of the Outbound Europe division. The passionate
traveller prefers beach holidays, with the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily
as his favourite getaway. The gourmet enjoys walking and shopping trips
Travel Motto
··“Travelling opens
and feeds your life.”
as well as music and cinema and also likes to get out on his mountain bike
occasionally. Inspired by his interest in Buddhism, Alessandro’s dream
destination is Xizang in Tibet, which he dearly hopes to visit one day.
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 10
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Pirada Bang-Aw
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Bangkok, Thailand
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Operations Pricing
& Production
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· Chiang Mai, Thailand
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Chiang Mai, Thailand
Place of Longing
·· Thíra, Greece
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Art & Culture holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Golf
·· Shopping
·· Spa
Travel Motto
··“Best way to charge
human batteries.”
Born in Thailand’s capital of Bangkok in 1984, Pirada Bang-Aw is a new
arrival at Kuoni this year. Before starting with Kuoni, she studied and
worked at the Nation University in Bangkok. She likes to divide her free
time between shopping, playing golf or strolling around art galleries.
When she needs a little rest and relaxation, she likes to visit Chiang Mai
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 2
in northern Thailand, switching off from the chaos of Bangkok among
the temples and rainforests. Her long-nurtured dream is to visit the Greek
village of Thira on the Cyclades island of Santorini.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Fabio Bastone
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Marketing, Design
·· Art Director
At Kuoni Since
·· 2009
Territorial Expertise
·· Germany
·· Sicily
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Mazara del Vallo,
Trapani, Italy
Place of Longing
·· North Korea
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Shopping
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Always intermingle
with locals.”
Fabio Bastone, born in 1980 in the Bavarian town of Friedberg, grew up
as the son of a German mother and an Italian father. The Sicilian blood
of his father and a love of Italy have accompanied him throughout his life.
He once worked as a pizza chef and has a deep love for old Vespas and
Lambrettas, which he restores, maintains and customises in his spare time.
This passionate music and film lover has worked since 2009 as an Art
Director at Kuoni and would love to someday get a glimpse behind North
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 0
Korea’s borders. Yet when he needs rest and relaxation, he goes back to his
roots – to the town of Mazara del Vallo on the Sicilian west coast where
his father is from.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Claudia Benvenuto
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Los Angeles, USA
·· Emerging Markets & Specialists,
·· Sales & Distribution,
Sales Support
At Kuoni Since
·· 2004
Territorial Expertise
·· Barcelona · California
·· Costa Rica · Florida · Hawaii
·· Madrid · Milan · New York
·· Paris · Rome
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Place of Longing
·· Papua, Indonesia
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Sports / Active holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking · Fitness
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping · Spa
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Claudia Benvenuto, born in 1959 in the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo, currently lives and works in Los Angeles where she has become an
American citizen. In 2004 she moved from AmericanTours International
to Kuoni with a position in the area of Sales & Distribution. The daughter
of a Uruguayan and an Italian, Benvenuto is a sports enthusiast who fills
Travel Motto
··“The most enduring memories
and the most amazing moments in my life took place
while travelling.”
Rejected Self-portraits
her leisure hours with bodybuilding, hiking, cycling, and winter and water
sports. At work she enjoys promoting her adopted homeland, the USA, but
for her own travels she is drawn to untouched nature with a particular soft
spot for the world’s rainforests. A journey to Papua, Indonesia, is her longcherished dream.
·· 8
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Raymond Bere
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Harare, Zimbabwe
·· Emerging Markets & Specialists,
Private Safaris
·· Destination Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 2009
Territorial Expertise
·· Botswana
·· Namibia
·· Zimbabwe
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Okavango Delta, Botswana
Place of Longing
·· Hawaii, USA
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Safari
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Fitness
·· Golf
·· Hiking & Walking
Born in Zimbabwe in southern Africa in 1970, Raymond Bere has worked
for Private Safaris since 2009. The passionate football fan is firmly rooted
in his home country, preferring to spend his holidays on safari and fulfil­
Travel Motto
··“Enjoy and forget about
home and work.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 2
ling commitments in wildlife management, dealing with issues surroun­
ding the co-existence of wild animals and humans. Having worked in
Namibia before his role with Private Safaris, it should come as little sur­
prise that he names the country as his inside tip. However, he also hopes
to visit Hawaii some day.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Paula Blomster
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Helsinki, Finland
·· Global Travel Services, MICE
·· Destination Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 2008
Territorial Expertise
·· Denmark (Greenland)
·· Finland (Lapland)
·· Iceland
·· Nicaragua
·· Norway
·· Sweden
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Immeljärvi, Lapland
Place of Longing
·· Reserva Indio de Maiz,
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Hiking & Walking
Travel Motto
··“Time to capture yourself.”
Paula Blomster was born in Loviisa, Finland, in 1970 and joined Kuoni
in 2008. Previously, she worked as an event manager for the United Nations and as a conference planner for the Nordic Council of Ministers.
In Paula’s free time she likes to try out the activities in her native region,
from bear watching and husky rides to checking out the coolest boutiques
in the Helsinki Design District. She gets inspired by the social events,
which she attends with her diplomatic husband. She also enjoys art, regu-
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 5
larly plays sports and likes to update her Master’s degree with further
education courses.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Susan Bowlby-Benson
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Lincoln, USA
·· Kuoni Group
·· Operations, Pricing
& Production
·· Regional Manager
of Operations
At Kuoni Since
·· 2000
Territorial Expertise
·· Arizona, USA
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Hawaii, USA
Place of Longing
·· Fiji
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Shopping
·· Water sports
Travel Motto
··“I travel to remind me
that there is much more
to this world than the
bubble I live in.”
Born in Lincoln, New England, in 1975, Susan Bowlby is almost a Kuoni
veteran having served in the area of Pricing & Production since 2000.
Previously, Susan worked on a hotel reception in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Having recently become a homeowner, much of her time is spent fixing
up her new home and preparing it for the arrival of her first child. The passionate cook is also a big sports fan, in terms of both practising and watching. On holiday, water sports of all kinds are a must. She was particularly
Rejected Self-portraits
captivated by the Hawaiian islands and her dream destination is Fiji.
·· 12
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Henning Boysen
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Gentofte, Denmark
·· Kuoni Group
·· Chairman of the Board
of Directors
At Kuoni Since
·· 2003
Territorial Expertise
·· Copenhagen
·· Rome
·· Swiss Alps
·· Tuscany
Personal Secret Retreat
·· My summer chalet on the
southcoast of Denmark
Place of Longing
·· Amazonas
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Ski / Winter sports holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Collecting unique moments
and experiences.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Henning Boysen has been a member of Kuoni’s Board of Directors since
2003. In 2006, the Board elected Mr. Boysen, a Dane, to be its chairman.
After graduating with a Masters in Economics, Henning Boysen began
his career as a management consultant at Booz, Allan & Hamilton.
In 1975 he joined SAS Service Partner as a project manager before going
on to the posts of Chief Financial Officer and then Executive Vice-President Catering. After stints as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Saudia
Catering and President of Aero-Chef A/S, he served as President and
CEO of Gate Gourmet International from 1996 to 2004, and as Deputy
Chairman from 2004 to 2005. During this period as President and CEO,
Gate Gourmet grew from a medium-sized European company to become
a leading global player.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
John Cardie
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Outbound Europe, P&P
·· Category Manager Europe
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Europe
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Ackergill Tower, Caithness, UK
Place of Longing
·· North Pole
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Sports / Active holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Hiking & Walking
Travel Motto
··“If you haven’t travelled,
you are only half the person
you could be.”
Born in Portsmouth in southern England in 1967, John Cardie has worked
for Kuoni since 2007 and is currently part of Procurement & Production
Outbound Europe in Zurich. The son of Scottish parents had previous
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
experience in the travel industry before coming to Kuoni, as an Incentive
Travel Manager in Scotland and as Marketing Manager of VisitBritain
in Switzerland. A Brit through and through, he is a passionate football fan
and himself likes to cycle and practise winter sports. Though he has lived
in Switzerland for many years, his favourite place for rest and relaxation
remains his home country – Ackergill Tower on Scotland’s north-east coast
is his inside tip; and the North Pole his long-harboured ambition.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Katia Chiossi
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· London, UK
·· Kuoni Group
·· Operations, Data Set-up
& Processing
·· Hotel chain implementation agent
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· Italy
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Grindelwald, Switzerland
Place of Longing
·· Thailand
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Fitness
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Spa
Katia Chiossi was born in the “Eternal City” of Rome in 1977 and today
lives in London where she has worked for Kuoni since 2010. In her free
time, she is a keen sportswoman, enjoying martial arts, walking and fit-
Travel Motto
··“Discover the world
and people.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 8
ness training. However, not all of her hobbies involve working up a sweat.
She is also passionate about music, literature and photography. Having
grown up in a capital city and now settled into another metropolis, she
normally likes to spend her holidays relaxing on a beach. The island
beaches of Thailand are high up on her wish list but Grindelwald in Switzerland is the Roman’s favourite destination for rest and relaxation.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Calvin Choi
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Hong Kong, China
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Operations, Verification
·· Tour coordinator, Groups
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· Bangkok
·· Helsinki
·· Hong Kong
·· Johannesburg
·· Paris
·· Shanghai
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Tromsø, Norway
Place of Longing
·· Zermatt, Switzerland
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Born in Hong Kong in 1980, Calvin Choi is an optimist. He firmly ­believes
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Shopping · Spa
that life’s downturns are always followed by an upturn and that eventually the latter will outweigh the former. So it is little surprise that he
applies a relaxed structure to his life, spending his free time surfing the
web, sleeping and listening to music. On his travels, he prefers to do his
Travel Motto
··“The world is big, we are
just too small. All we can
do is travel more and discover this world.”
Rejected Self-portraits
own thing and pursue his interests in art and culture, taking shopping
trips and enjoying good food. He would like to travel around Europe and
get to know Switzerland, with Zermatt at the top of his itinerary of places
to visit. Also high on his list of faves is the Norwegian city of Tromsø,
gateway to the North Pole.
·· 3
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Kuoni People
Bijal Darji
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Sydney NSW, Australia
·· Emerging Markets
& Specialists, VFS Global
·· Operations, Verification
·· Deputy Manager Operations
At Kuoni Since
·· 2008
Territorial Expertise
·· Australia
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Tromsø, Norway
Place of Longing
·· Las Vegas, NV, USA
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Sports / Active holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Fitness
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping
·· Spa
Travel Motto
··“Enjoyment of life.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 2
Born in Vadodara, India in 1983, Bijal Darji now lives in Sydney, ­Australia
and has worked for Kuoni in Operations Verification Services since 2008.
In his free time, he is a keen sportsman, playing tennis and cricket, but also
enjoys exercising his green thumb in his garden. His holidays are also preferably spent playing sport or walking, biking or fitness training. For balance, he likes to relax with a trip to a spa or by going shopping. His playful ­nature is not just limited to sport. It is his dream to one day visit the
gamblers’ paradise of Las Vegas.
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Kuoni People
Dashmeet Singh Dheer
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Delhi, India
·· Kuoni Group
·· Destination Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 2004
Territorial Expertise
·· North & South India
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Sikkim, India
Place of Longing
·· UK
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Culture
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
··“Life is short, keep travelling
and exploring.”
Travel Motto
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 6
Born in the Indian capital of New Delhi in 1980, Dashmeet Singh Dheer
joined Kuoni in 2004 and works in Destination Services. The things he
likes about his employer include the healthy atmosphere and the capacity
to learn something new every day, applying and expanding his knowledge.
On holiday, he likes to travel to new places and regions and always tries
to discover something new. He is particularly interested in the culture,
art and music of the places he visits and is repeatedly drawn back to the
Indian state of Sikkim in the north-east of the country at the foot of the
Himalayas. He also has a particular fascination with England, which
he describes as his dream destination.
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352 | 353
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Sharon Doyle
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· London, UK
·· Global Travel Services, FIT
·· Projects, Vice-President
Programme Management
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· Australia · Ireland · UK
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Murrays Beach, Jervis Bay,
Place of Longing
·· Yukon Territory, Canada
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Gourmet
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping · Spa
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1972, Sharon Doyle is a beachlover. Her inside
tip is the wild and romantic Murrays Beach in New South Wales, Australia. However, it is not beaches but the unspoilt beauty of Nordic nature
that draws her to the Yukon Territory in Canada, her dream desti­nation.
At home in London, Sharon likes to indulge her passion for literature and
Travel Motto
··“Our world offers unending
experiences and places of extreme beauty; make them all
happen and see the sublime.”
­enjoys cooking for friends and the social togetherness of a pub. For balance,
she regularly goes to fitness training. She joined Kuoni in 2010 and works
in Programme Management.
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 4
03– People Report
354 | 355
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Theresa Dsouza
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Mumbai, India
·· Kuoni Group
·· Executive Operations
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Mumbai, India
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Goa, India
Place of Longing
·· Switzerland
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Cruise
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Shopping
Travel Motto
··“Travel refreshes
and energises me…”
Theresa Dsouza was born in the Indian metropolis of Mumbai in 1980 and
joined Kuoni in Corporate Responsibility in 2007. Previously, she worked
as a travel advisor with Indi Travels and American Express. In her free
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 8
time, she likes to tend her garden, listen to music or hit the shops. On her
holidays, it is important for her to learn about the countries she visits,
which is why she often books tours, with art, music and culture the most
important items on her agenda. She likes to recharge her batteries while
travelling and she always makes time for a little shopping and pampering.
Zurich is high up on her holiday wish list.
03– People Report
356 | 357
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Pascal Fussen
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Outbound Europe,
Kuoni Switzerland
·· Marketing, Branding
At Kuoni Since
·· 2002
Territorial Expertise
·· Mexico
·· Mykonos, Greece
·· Swiss Alps
·· Yucatan Peninsula
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Oberems, Switzerland
Place of Longing
·· Iceland
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Ski / Winter sports holiday
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Spa
·· Shopping
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“The further you travel, the
closer you come to yourself.”
Favourite Holiday Activities
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Pascal Fussen was born in 1986 in Aarau. With his mother from Lucerne
and his father from Valais, he is firmly rooted in Switzerland. His travels
tend to take him to big city destinations, but when he wants to get away
from it all, he heads for the village of Oberems in Valais. The self-professed
gourmet learned the tourism trade at Kuoni from the ground up. Beginning his training as a travel consultant in 2002, he took up a post in Marketing Management in 2008 where he has been additionally responsible
for social media since 2011. He likes to treat himself to a glass of good
wine and enjoys cooking for friends and family. Although he’s an urbanite
by nature, he would love to experience the solitude of Iceland someday.
03– People Report
358 | 359
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Carmen Gretler-Zhu
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Geneva, Switzerland
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Coordinator of Far East
At Kuoni Since
·· 2004
Territorial Expertise
·· China
·· Switzerland
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Ireland
Place of Longing
·· Japan
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Spa
·· Shopping
Travel Motto
··“Understand how culture
is different from one to another
by travelling to all corners
of the world.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Carmen Gretler-Zhu, born in 1975 in Guangzhou, South China, studied
international tourism management in Switzerland. After several years
as a journalist and advertising designer, she relocated to Switzerland
and gained a foothold in the travel industry. Initially at JTB, she joined
GTA in 2004 and is part of the Kuoni Group since 2011. Although she
no longer writes for a living, she remains devoted to writing in her free
time and won first prize in a 2010 literature competition sponsored by
Swissinfo. On holiday, the adopted Genevan enjoys relaxing on the beach,
though her secret love is Ireland while wanderlust draws her to Japan.
03– People Report
360 | 361
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Geraldine Hayes
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· San Diego, USA
·· Kuoni Group
·· Destination Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 2008
Territorial Expertise
·· California
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Peru
Place of Longing
·· Marrakesh, Morocco
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Safari
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Fitness
·· Gourmet
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Tennis
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Travel enriches our lives
in a way that no other
experience can.”
Rejected Self-portraits
Geraldine Hayes was born in the Irish capital of Dublin and now lives
and works in San Diego in sunny California. Travel has always been part
of both her personal and professional life. Prior to joining Kuoni, she
worked at Incentive Travel and World Travel, where she created worldwide incentive travel programmes. This passionate sportswoman and
cultural enthusiast has visited 96 countries. While Geraldine’s favourite
holidays are safaris, she also likes to experience the culture and cuisine
of different nations. She was particularly taken with Peru and the Himalayas. Marrakech in Morocco is high up on her wish list.
·· 26
03– People Report
362 | 363
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Shimei He
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Copenhagen, Denmark
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Scandinavian representative
for Far East groups
At Kuoni Since
·· 2005
Territorial Expertise
·· Denmark
·· Finland
·· Iceland
·· Norway
·· Stockholm
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Rebæk Søpark 3,
2650 Hvidovre, Denmark
Place of Longing
·· Zurich, Switzerland
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Private escorted tour
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Golf
·· Gourmet
·· Spa
·· Shopping
Travel Motto
··“Fun, enjoyment
and happiness.”
Shimei He was born in the western Chinese city of Ürümqi in 1973 and
joined GTA in Communications in Copenhagen in 2005. Prior to joining
GTA, she worked in China as an accountant for China Patrol Oil Company. In private, she likes to indulge herself with the occasional luxury,
whether a shopping spree or something as simple as reading an exciting
book or enjoying good food. On holidays, she likes to immerse herself in
foreign destinations and really get to know the countries she visits. That
is why she prefers to book guided private tours, which give a profound
insight into the local culture.
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 16
03– People Report
364 | 365
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Heinz Karrer
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Münsingen, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Member of the Board
of Directors
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Alps (Austria, France,
Italy & Switzerland)
·· Andes (Peru)
·· France
·· Italy
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Mürren, Lauterbrunnen,
Place of Longing
·· Himalaya
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Fitness
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Tennis
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Travel means getting to know
and understanding cultures.”
Rejected Self-portraits
Heinz Karrer, a Swiss national, has been CEO of energy company Axpo
Holding AG since 2002. After studying economics at St. Gallen University
(HSG), he began his career in 1985 as General Manager of the Association
of Swiss Manufacturers, Suppliers and Agents for Sports Goods. Then serving as Managing Director of Intersport Schweiz AG from 1987 to 1992
and as CEO of Intersport Holding AG from 1992 to 1995. He then moved
to the Ringier publishing house where he remained until 1997, becoming
CEO of Ringier Switzerland and a member of Ringier Ltd.’s Group Executive Management. From 1998 to 2002 he was a member of Swisscom’s
Group Executive Management and head of the group’s Marketing & Sales
Division. He has served on Kuoni’s Board of Directors since 2007.
·· 0
03– People Report
366 | 367
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Henry Katumba
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Kampala, Uganda
·· Emerging Markets
& Specialists, VFS Global
·· Operations, Data Set-up
& Processing
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Kasese, Uganda
Place of Longing
·· Malaysia
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Art & Culture holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping
··“Travel is a break
from monotony.”
Travel Motto
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 15
Born in the Ugandan capital of Kampala in 1980, Henry Katumba, has
worked for Kuoni since 2007 in Data Set-Up & Processing. Previously,
he worked in a number of roles at Makerere University. In his free time,
Henry is a film fanatic and likes computers and listening to music. On his
travels, his main interests are art and culture and the occasional shopping
spree. He also enjoys walking and likes to wander around the town of
Kasese in Western Uganda, his favourite getaway for relaxation. His
dream destination for a big trip is Malaysia.
03– People Report
368 | 369
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Kanokwan Krairiksha
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Bangkok, Thailand
·· Global Travel Services, FIT
·· Sales & Distribution,
Sales Support
At Kuoni Since
·· 2006
Territorial Expertise
·· Bangkok
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Japan
Place of Longing
·· Switzerland
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Mountain holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Hiking & Walking
Travel Motto
··“Travel is the best way
to explore the world.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 3
Born in Thailand’s capital of Bangkok in 1982, Kanokwan Krairiksha
has worked for Kuoni since 2006. Travel is her greatest passion and she
decided to make this passion her career, taking her first job with a Thai
group travel company. In her free time, she likes to learn about various
countries and destinations through magazines and literature with the
objective of one day visiting these places for herself. Her big project is to
visit as many UNESCO World Heritage Sites as possible. She has already
felt at home in Japan and is now intrigued by Switzerland.
03– People Report
370 | 371
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Leif Vase Larsen
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Copenhagen, Denmark
·· Kuoni Group
·· CEO Outbound Europe
·· CEO Kuoni Switzerland
At Kuoni Since
·· 1999
Territorial Expertise
·· Crete
·· Denmark
·· Egypt
·· Sweden
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Rethymno, Greece
Place of Longing
·· Australia
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Kids activities
·· Tennis
·· Water sports
As a Kuoni director whose work involves frequent travel, Leif Vase Larsen
values his time with his family all the more. The father of four likes to make
the most of his beach holidays. He started his career with Maersk Line.
After graduating from Copenhagen Business School, he joined Bull A/S
as a financial analyst in 1986. Between 1990 and 1999, he held numer-
Travel Motto
··“Freedom to relax and spend
time with your family.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 0
ous roles with Danish shipping line DFDS in controlling and financial
management. Leif Vase Larsen joined Kuoni in Scandinavia in 1999, first
as Finance Director before being promoted to CEO in 2006. In 2009, he
was named Executive Vice President of the Northern Region and joined
the executive board. Leif Vase Larsen took over the helm of the Outbound
Europe division in 2011 and is also CEO of Kuoni Switzerland.
03– People Report
372 | 373
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Ji Kyu Lee
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Seoul, South Korea
·· Emerging Markets
& Specialists, VFS Global
·· Security
At Kuoni Since
·· 2008
Territorial Expertise
·· South Korea
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Daegu, South Korea
Place of Longing
·· London, UK
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Wellness holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Kids activities
·· Spa
Born in the South Korean city of Busan in 1981, Ji Kyu Lee is an IT special■■■
Travel Motto
··“Travel means creating happy
memories with my family.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 6
ist and has worked for Kuoni since 2008. He also pursues an interest in
computers in his free time, frequently buying the latest IT devices and
whiling away the hours on online games. On his holidays he values relaxation, which is why the IT expert prefers spa holidays. However, art and
culture are also high on the agenda, while time for children and family is
also important. When he wants to switch off, he goes to the South Korean
city of Daegu. However, his dream destination is London.
03– People Report
374 | 375
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Matthias Leisinger
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Head of Corporate
At Kuoni Since
·· 2003
Territorial Expertise
·· Canary Islands
·· India
·· Kenya
·· Thailand
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Oblast Irkutsk, Russia
Place of Longing
·· Sikkim, India
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Ski / Winter sports holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Gourmet
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Winter sports
Matthias Leisinger was born in Davos in the Swiss mountains in 1974.
He joined Kuoni in 2003 and is currently in charge of Corporate Responsibility. Having grown up in the shadow of the Alps, it is little surprise
Travel Motto
··“Active recreation.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 2
that he likes to spend much of his time in the great outdoors, walking in
summer and taking to the pistes in winter. On holidays, as in his free time,
­Matthias’ main objective is to be outside and active. However, he does find
relaxation among life’s finer pleasures and is a passionate cook, describing himself as a true gourmet. On his travels, he likes to venture off the
beaten track and was taken with both Irkutsk on Lake Baikal and Lapland.
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376 | 377
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Stefan Leser
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· CEO Emerging Markets
& Specialists Division
At Kuoni Since
·· 2005
Territorial Expertise
·· Bavaria, USA (South East)
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Unnamed Rd, Cape Hatteras
National Seashore, Buxton,
Place of Longing
·· Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Water sports holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Spa
·· Water sports
Stefan Leser’s idea of a relaxing holiday would be chaos-free but with
some opportunity to play sport. After completing his MBA at the Augusta
State University of Georgia (USA), he took control of Business Development, Marketing und Sales at Atraxis AG in 1999. Later, he became CEO
Travel Motto
··“Just enjoy what you experience the next minute – not just
planned excitement counts.”
of EDS Schweiz AG as well as a member of the executive board for sales
in Central and Eastern Europe before joining the Kuoni Executive Board
in 2005, taking responsibility for Corporate Development. Since 2006,
he has also headed up the Scandinavia business unit and, in 2007, he took
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
over the helm of the Smart strategic business division as well as the role
of CEO of Kuoni Switzerland. In the new corporate structure, he has been
CEO of the Emerging Markets & Specialists division since 2011.
03– People Report
378 | 379
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
John Lindquist
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· London, UK
·· Kuoni Group
·· Member of the Board
of Directors
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Caribbean
·· Europe
·· Indian Ocean Islands
·· North & South America
·· Middle East
·· Russia & CIS
·· South East Asia
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Otavalo, Ecuador
Place of Longing
·· Bhutan
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Ski / Winter sports holiday
John Lindquist, a US and UK citizen, is resident in London. He gained
Favourite Holiday Activities
a degree in economics from Princeton University and MBA from Harvard
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Kids activities · Tennis
·· Water sports · Winter sports
University and then joined The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as a consultant. He was subsequently elected a Partner and later a Senior Partner
and Managing Director, where he served on the global leadership team
of the travel and tourism practice. He is currently a Senior Adviser with
BCG, advising on strategy for clients in airlines, hotels, and government
Travel Motto
··“Travel engages the spirit and
broadens one’s perspective.”
tourism bodies on a global basis. He is a Board Director of VisitBritain,
the UK government tourism promotion agency. He joined Kuoni’s Board
of Directors in 2007.
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 0
03– People Report
380 | 381
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Remo Masala
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Chief Branding
& Marketing Officer
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Greece
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Alyko Beach, Greece
Place of Longing
·· Mongolia
·· Patagonia
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
Born in 1965, Remo Masala was raised in Freiburg by a Greek mother
Travel Motto
··“Travel is the future
recollection of oneself.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 3
and an Italian father. He is a passionate traveller but, despite having
seen much of the world, the Greek Cyclades islands remain his favourite
hide-away. Remo has worked in the tourism industry since the start of
his career, primarily as a marketing manager. As CMO of designhotels.
com, he developed innovative hotel concepts and has advised a number
of global brands as a freelance consultant. He is interested in structural
aspects of art and design and collects works of Bruno Munari. He joined
the Kuoni Group in Zurich in 2007, where he currently works as Chief
Branding & Marketing Officer.
03– People Report
382 | 383
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Peter Meier
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Winterthur, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Chief Financial Officer
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· Switzerland
·· USA
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Bonnieux, France
Place of Longing
·· Tibet
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Kids activities
·· Shopping
·· Spa
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Travel memories were
my best investments ever.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 10
After graduating in business economics, Peter Meier held positions
in several business units of Sulzer Group both domestically and abroad
from 1992. This included spells as Head of Finance and Controlling
of Sulzer Chemtech and Sulzer Metco. At the beginning of 2007, he took
over the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Sulzer Group and
became a member of the executive board. On 1 December 2010, Peter
Meier became CFO of the Kuoni Group and a member of the executive
board. Travel has always been his passion. There is no continent he has
not visited and every destination holds enduring memories. He hopes
one day to pass on his vast knowledge to his grandchildren.
03– People Report
384 | 385
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Ram Mohan K M
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
·· Emerging Markets
& Specialists, India
·· IT Head, Kuoni India
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· North India
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Dhanaulti, Narkuchi,
Uttaranchal, India
Place of Longing
·· Scotland, UK
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Backpacker holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking · Culture, Art & Music
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Kids activities
·· Hiking & Walking
Ram Mohan K M was born in the city of Thrissur in the Indian state
of Kerala in 1977 and today lives in Mumbai where he has worked as an
IT specialist for Kuoni since 2011. He previously worked in New Delhi,
Travel Motto
··“Travel for me is freedom. I am
an IT professional but a traveller by heart. I can take you
through the hills of North India, guide you to the remotest
villages and treat you with
the most delicious local food.”
Rejected Self-portraits
­India, as Head of Operations & Engineering at SourceFuse and a Technical Architect at The majority of his free time is taken up
by his family and particularly his son. Travel is very important to the
computer expert, who knows northern India like the back of his hand.
While his favourite holidays are spent backpacking, his travel plans now
largely revolve around his son, whom he would dearly like to take to
·· 2
03– People Report
386 | 387
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Isabel Morgen
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Global Photo Manager
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· The Seven Seas
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Ottensen, Hamburg, Germany
Place of Longing
·· Whistler, Canada
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“It’s not about where you go,
it’s about the memories
you bring back.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Isabel Morgen, born in 1978 in the Westphalian city of Hamm, Germany,
unites two great passions in her work at Kuoni: travel and photography.
Before joining Kuoni in 2010 as the head of photo management, she travelled around the world two times over as a photographer on assignment
with Hapag Lloyd. In her spare time and on holidays, she likes to keep on
the move. Sports are a constant companion whether that’s winter sports
in the mountains, diving in the sea, hiking or cycling – the main thing is
to be active outdoors. The place she’s always longed to visit couldn’t be
more fitting: Whistler, the famed winter sports resort in western Canada.
03– People Report
388 | 389
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Michael Njogu
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Nairobi, Kenya
·· Emerging Markets & Specialists,
Private Safaris
·· Strategy & Business,
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Ethiopia
·· Kenya
·· Rwanda
·· Tanzania
·· Uganda
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Brazil
Place of Longing
·· Siberia and the Antartica
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Golf
·· Spa
·· Water sports
Michael Njogu was born in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi in 1976. He
joined the Kuoni Group in 2007 and works in Strategy & Business Development with Private Safaris. To say he likes his sport would be something
of an under-statement. He is a huge football fan and regular golfer and
also a passionate fan of rally car racing. On holidays, he likes to go div-
Travel Motto
··“You think you know it all,
until your next travel.”
Rejected Self-portraits
ing or snorkelling. And where better to indulge his passion for football
and water sports than in Brazil? Siberia is not quite so suited to these
pursuits, but Michael is particularly fascinated with the Russian region
·· 7
03– People Report
390 | 391
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Kanyu Oh
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Osaka, Japan
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· General Manager Sales,
Western Japan
At Kuoni Since
·· 1997
Territorial Expertise
·· Italy
·· Switzerland
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Honolulu, USA
Place of Longing
·· New York, USA
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Golf
·· Tennis
Kanyu Oh was born in Kobe, Japan in 1968, joined Kuoni in 1997 and is
Travel Motto
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 2
currently GTS General Manager Sales for western Japan. In his free time,
he likes to fit in a round of golf or play tennis. However, his main passion
is his family, who is his inspiration and motivation. He prefers to spend
his holidays on the beach, but a tennis court or golf course should not be
too far away. Fortunately, this very combination is offered by Honolulu,
Hawaii, which he names as his favourite destination. He is also fascinated
with New York City, which is top of his wish list.
03– People Report
392 | 393
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Tetsuya Oki
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Auckland, New Zealand
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Destination Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· New Zealand
·· South Pacific Region
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Place of Longing
·· Crete, Greece
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
Tetsuya Oki was born in Kawagoe, Japan, in 1971 and today lives in the
Travel Motto
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 0
New Zealand metropolis of Auckland. He previously worked for two
inbound tour operators followed by a spell in destination services with
GTA before landing at Kuoni last year. He likes to spend his free time
in the outdoors, tending his garden and getting close to nature with his
favourite hobby of angling. His other interests include art, culture, music
and gourmet cuisine. Tetsuya likes to spend his holidays on the beach.
The South Sea island of Rarotonga is his favourite getaway but he hopes
one day to travel to Europe and visit the island of Crete.
03– People Report
394 | 395
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Irmela Preissner-Bhaya
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Jakarta, Indonesia
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Operations, Pricing
& Production
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· Germany
·· Indonesia
·· Malaysia
·· Spain
·· USA
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Maldives
Place of Longing
·· Machu Picchu, Peru
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Multi-stop tour
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Gourmet
·· Shopping
Travel Motto
··“I travel, therefore I am.”
Irmela Preissner-Bhaya was born in Bremen, northern Germany, in 1982
and today lives in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta after coming to Indo­
nesia to study Tourism Management. While studying, she also worked
at EF, a provider of school exchange programmes. In her free time, she
­often plays sport, such as tennis, or works out at the gym but she is equally
happy absorbed in a good book or interesting magazine. On her holidays,
Irmela likes to see something of the countries, which is why she likes to go
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 8
on tours and practise her hobby of photography. Her dream destination
is the Inca settlement of Machu Picchu in Peru – but in the meantime she
would love to pay a return visit to the Maldives.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Mary Rahab
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Nairobi, Kenya
·· Kuoni Group
·· Finance, Accounting
At Kuoni Since
·· 2009
Territorial Expertise
·· Kenya
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Place of Longing
·· Romania
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Multi-stop tour
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping
·· Spa
Travel Motto
··“I think of travel as refreshing
and eventful.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Born in Nyeri, Kenya in 1984, Mary Rahab has worked for Kuoni as a
financial accountant since 2009. Before joining Kuoni, Mary worked for
the non-governmental organisation “Free the Children”. She finds inspiration from nature and reading books but she also values her friends and
family, with whom she feels happiest. When she feels likes treating herself,
Mary likes to visit a spa or go shopping. On her travels, she likes to learn
about different people and countries, which is why she prefers to do tours.
On weekends, she likes to relax and a Sunday stroll can often be the highlight of the week.
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398 | 399
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Namratha Rose
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Bangalore, India
·· Emerging Markets
& Specialists, India
·· Sales & Distribution,
Travel Agency
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· Maldives · Mauritius
·· Sri Lanka
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Place of Longing
·· South Africa
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Study trip to learn about
a specific subject or a culture
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Shopping · Spa
·· Water sports
Namratha Rose was born in Calicut in the Indian state of Kerala and
has worked as Assistant Sales Manager for Kuoni in Bangalore since 2010.
Previously, she worked for two years as a holiday consultant in Dubai,
Travel Motto
··“The world is a book, and those
who do not travel read only a
page.” Saint Augustine
initially with Airlink International Dubai and later with Kanoo Travel.
With her passion for people and culture, she would like to travel around
the world and was particularly taken with South Africa, a destination
she would definitely like to revisit. However, having put down roots in
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Bangalore, she still sees Dubai as a home from home. When on her travels,
she enjoys shopping trips, water sports and likes to learn about the art
and music of foreign countries.
03– People Report
400 | 401
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Peter Rothwell
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Chief Executive Officer
At Kuoni Since
·· 2009
Territorial Expertise
·· Croatia
·· Spain
·· The Alps
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Zermatt, Switzerland
Place of Longing
·· Maafushivaru, Maldives
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Sports / Active holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Fitness
·· Flying
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Kids activities
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“The know-how of your
trusted advisor back home
and the service and quality
of your destination insider
is the foundation of an
unforgettable holiday.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
Peter Rothwell is a passionate tourism professional who has actively
helped to shape the tourism industry over the last 30 years. From 1982,
having studied languages at Oxford University (UK), Peter held a number
of roles at various British travel companies. In 1995, he took over the helm
of Airtours Holidays before being promoted to CEO of Airtours UK Leisure Group in 1998. He held positions as COO of Thomson Travel Group
and CEO of TUI Northern Europe and took control of TUI UK in 2004.
In 2006, he was named COO of TUI AG Tourism (Hanover) before taking
up the role of Deputy Chief Executive of TUI Travel PLC (London) in 2007
following the merger with First Choice. Since 2009, he has been CEO of
the Kuoni Group. He is a passionate skier and prefers highly ­active holidays with plenty of exercise.
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402 | 403
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Leticia Sanz Cabañas
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Madrid, Spain
·· Outbound Europe,
Kuoni Spain
·· Sales & Distribution,
Travel Agency
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· North & South America
·· Middle East
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Istanbul, Turkey
Place of Longing
·· Guatemala
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Art & Culture holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Hiking & Walking
Travel Motto
··“Travel is to disconnect
from the world.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 6
Born in the Spanish capital of Madrid in 1980, Leticia Sanz has a thirst
for discovery. This passion begins in her home town of Madrid, where she
is constantly looking for new and interesting nooks and crannies. She enjoys planning her holidays almost as much as the trips themselves, d
­ uring
which she always takes countless photos. A passionate dancer, Leticia has
worked for Kuoni in Sales and Distribution since 2010. Previously, she
worked at Travelider, a Spanish tour operator, and Air Madrid. Art, culture and cuisine are essential ingredients on her travels, which she particularly enjoyed in Istanbul. Guatemala is at the top of her travel wish list.
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404 | 405
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Owen Saunders
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· London, UK
·· Global Travel Services, FIT
·· Finance, Accounting
·· Manager of Global
Finance Systems
At Kuoni Since
·· 2008
Territorial Expertise
·· Australia
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Wagrain, Austria
Place of Longing
·· Sapporo, Hokkaido
Prefecture, Japan
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Mountain holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Travelling makes you realise
how big the world is, and how
small it is too.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 4
Born in London in 1973, Owen Saunders has sport in his blood. The Brit
loves to spend his holidays in the mountains – walking in summer and
on the pistes in winter. The finance expert has worked for GTA in London
since 2008 and previously spent two years as Head of Finance Operations and Financial Controller at Virgin Holidays. With no mountains
on the doorstep in London, he spends his free time playing “real tennis”,
a hybrid of tennis and squash played since the Middle Ages – his home
venue was built in 1529. His favourite destination for rest and relaxation
is the small village of Wagrain in Austria. Next on his wish list is Japan’s
03– People Report
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Rolf Schafroth
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Gachnang, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· CEO Global Travel Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 1996
Territorial Expertise
·· Italy
·· Switzerland
·· Thailand
·· USA
Personal Secret Retreat
·· My home
Place of Longing
·· Myanmar
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Fitness
Travel Motto
··“Personal travelling experi­
ences are as unique as the
individual. With a curious
and open mind they are even
more magnificent.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 10
His career vocation has been reflected in his travel plans throughout his
life. The passionate motorcyclist values independence when planning
a trip. After graduating in business economics, Rolf Schafroth began his
career at Coopers & Lybrand. He became Head of Controlling at Kuoni
Switzerland in 1996 before taking up the role of Finance and IT Director
of the Incoming strategic business unit. In 2003, he took over the helm of
Incoming Europe and, in 2006, the responsibility for the Destination Management business unit. He joined the Executive Board in 2007 and took
control of the Destinations division in 2009. Following the acquisition
of GTA in 2011, he became CEO of the new Global Travel Services division.
03– People Report
408 | 409
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Annette Susanne Schömmel
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Kuoni Group
·· Member of the Board
of Directors
At Kuoni Since
·· 2004
Territorial Expertise
·· California
·· Ethiopia
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Pantelleria
Place of Longing
·· Himalaya
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· City Trips
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture & Art
·· Gourmet
·· Hiking
Travel Motto
··“Constantly expanding
my horizon, challenging
my point of view, nurturing
my endless curiosity – diving
deep into different and new
cultures and experiences.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 0
Annette Schömmel – Swiss and German citizen – is a successful entrepreneur. She received a degree in Economics from Ruprecht Karls University
in Heidelberg and a Masters Degree in Marketing and Communication
from University of the Arts, Berlin. She is a Stanford Business School
Graduate. After working in various management positions in the creative
industry, she founded arthesia – an applied think-tank based in Zurich
and Los Angeles – in 1994. Annette Schömmel has built a track record advising the leadership of global companies and brands on strategy, transformation and change programmes as well as long-term positioning and
re-positioning in various industries. She joined the Kuoni board in 2004.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Svetlana Sidelyova
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Moscow, Russia
·· Emerging Markets
& Specialists, Russia
·· Operations, Data
Set-up & Processing
At Kuoni Since
·· 2007
Territorial Expertise
·· Moscow
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Home
Place of Longing
·· Vietnam
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Study trip to learn about
a specific subject or a culture
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Diving & Snorkelling
Travel Motto
··“Travelling is amazing.”
Svetlana Sidelyova was born in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don on the
Black Sea in 1982 and now works in Moscow. She uses travelling and reading to satiate her curiosity about the world and wide-ranging interests.
For holidays, she often goes on tours to see as much of a country as possible. Her main fascination is with the art and music of different nations.
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 5
Svetlana also likes to keep active, whether snorkelling, diving or biking.
However, her dream holiday is somewhat more relaxing, hiring a pleasant bungalow in Thailand or Vietnam.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Ulrika Söderberg
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Stockholm, Sweden
·· Outbound Europe,
Apollo Nordics
·· Finance, Controlling
At Kuoni Since
·· 2010
Territorial Expertise
·· French Riviera
·· Sweden
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Havstenssund, Sweden
Place of Longing
·· Cannes, France
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Gourmet
·· Shopping
·· Spa
·· Tennis
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“To relax and disconnect
from day-to-day life.”
Ulrika Söderberg was born in 1974 in the Swedish town of Västerås.
With one Swedish parent and the other Norwegian, she is Scandinavian
through and through. She finds inspiration in her family and friends
– the people around her – as well as in gardening, doing a bit of sports
and indulging in culinary delights and shopping. Before starting at Kuoni
in 2010 as a financial controller, she worked at HRG Nordic. When she’s
in need of a retreat, she prefers to head to the picturesque villages
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 20
of Sweden’s fjord country. Her secret longing, however, is to someday
return to the chic French resort of Cannes.
03– People Report
414 | 415
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Ramesh Tamang
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Kathmandu, Nepal
·· Kuoni Group
·· Operations, Pricing
& Production, Team
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· Bhutan & Nepal
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Nagarkot, Nepal
Place of Longing
·· Mt Everest, Nepal
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Backpacker holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Biking
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Fitness
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“We need to travel to get
closer to nature’s beauty
on this planet.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 6
Born in the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu in 1985, Ramesh Tamang
has high ambitions in life – quite literally. The passionate mountaineer’s
ambition is to conquer the earth’s highest summit of Mount Everest.
Before joining Kuoni in Pricing & Production in 2011, Ramesh worked
for Yeti Travel. His free time and holidays are largely dedicated to sport,
with walking, climbing, water sports, winter sports and hiking all on the
agenda. He is never without his rucksack on his travels as he mostly prefers to go backpacking, allowing him to take in the art, culture and music
of the countries he visits.
03– People Report
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Katie Teixeira
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· San Diego, USA
·· Kuoni Group
·· Destination Services
At Kuoni Since
·· 2011
Territorial Expertise
·· California
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Lugano, Switzerland
Place of Longing
·· Greece
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Safari
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Fitness
·· Gourmet
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping
·· Spa
·· Tennis
·· Water sports
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“It’s not where you are,
it’s who you’re with.”
Katie Teixeira was born in Merced, California in 1986 and loves spending time with other people, whether family, friends or work colleagues.
At Kuoni, she enjoys both the potential for development and, above all,
the family atmosphere in the office – she has worked in Destination Services in San Diego since 2011. In her free time, she enjoys the sunny San
Diego weather as much as possible either by hitting the beach or going
for walks. For holidays, she loves safaris but also enjoys playing sports,
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 6
including tennis, water sports or winter sports. The Greek islands are
on her wish list.
03– People Report
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Ellena Thompson
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· London, UK
·· Global Travel Services, FIT
·· Business Inteligence
At Kuoni Since
·· 2009
Territorial Expertise
·· South Africa
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Swartruggens, South Africa
Place of Longing
·· Machu Picchu, Peru
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Beach holiday
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Diving & Snorkelling
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Discover more.”
Born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1982, Ellena Thompson worked for
GTA since 2009 and, thus, arrived at Kuoni in 2011. Prior to her role as
Head of Business Intelligence, Ellena worked for Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 1
as a business analyst and business intelligence consultant. She prefers
beach holidays, including snorkelling and diving, with the Maldives as
her favourite destination. Her secret passion is to visit the Inca settlement at Machu Picchu in Peru. In her free time, she likes to dance or
practise photography as well as snowboarding in winter and competing
in triathlons in summer.
03– People Report
420 | 421
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Walter Weber
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Richterswil, Switzerland
·· Global Travel Services, FIT
·· Customer service agent
At Kuoni Since
·· 1999
Territorial Expertise
·· Switzerland
Personal Secret Retreat
·· Mals, Province
of Bolzano-Bozen,
Place of Longing
·· Lake Titicaca, Peru
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Independent travel
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Winter sports
Travel Motto
··“Like all great travellers,
I have seen more than
I remember, and remember
more than I have seen.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 6
Born in Richterswil, Zurich, in 1980, Walter Weber is now in his second
spell with Kuoni. He first joined the company in 1999 before deciding
to further his education in tourism and returned to Kuoni just over a year
ago. To say he has many interests is an under-statement. He is a passionate sportsman, playing floorball, hiking and skiing in winter. However,
the Swiss is also fascinated by art, music and literature. Lake Titicaca
in Peru is his dream destination, while his favourite hideaways are Val
Müstair, closely followed by the Italian village of Mals.
03– People Report
422 | 423
Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
Kuoni People
Veronique Wolf
Home Base
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
My Global Motion Pattern
·· Zurich, Switzerland
·· Global Travel Services, Groups
·· Human Resources
At Kuoni Since
·· 2000
Territorial Expertise
·· Paris
Personal Secret Retreat
·· My garden
Place of Longing
·· Maldives
Favourite Type of Holiday
·· Fly & Drive
Favourite Holiday Activities
·· Culture, Art & Music
·· Golf
·· Hiking & Walking
·· Shopping
Veronique Wolf was born in Zurich in 1953 and joined Kuoni in 2000.
Travel Motto
··“Learn about and see more of
foreign countries and people.”
Rejected Self-portraits
·· 3
She is working as a team leader at the reception of the office in Oerlikon,
Zurich, and her personal skills are appreciated by all staff members.
Besides her family, her other passion is sporting activity. She enjoys skiing
in winter and tries to fit in a round or two of golf in the summer. When
she needs time for herself, Veronique can be found relaxing in the tranquillity of her garden. When it comes to holidays, she likes independence,
preferably taking a rental car and keeping on the move. However, her
dream destination is the Maldives.
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Kuoni People
My Self-portrait in the Mirror
Kuoni’s Composite Motion Pattern
Here is the painter known as Parmigianino, born in Parma as Girolamo
Francesco Maria Mazzola (1503 – 1540),
in his famous “Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror”. At the age of twenty-one,
he set out for Rome with the self-portrait among his portfolio, which he
presented to the pope as a sample of
his talent. Celebrated in Vasari’s contemporary biography of the artist, this
painting was enough to secure his reputation and invite comparisons with
the great artists of the past. Unfortunately, his promising career came to
an abrupt end three years later with
the Sack of Rome.
First in Bologna and then Parma, his
remaining years were often highly
pro­ductive but failed to garner the
same acclaim heralded by his meteoric start in Rome. A major commission to paint frescos for the dome and
apse of a church in Parma could not be
completed due to his premature death.
In the last century, his renowned selfportrait often occasioned influential
theorists to reflect on the relationship
between self-awareness and artwork.
The painting embodies a curious modernity with the radical naturalism of
the distorted enlargement of the hand
in the mirror image and the mildly
ironic detachment of the young artist’s gaze.
The work currently hangs in the Picture Gallery of the Kunsthistorisches
Museum in Vienna.
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Kuoni Annual Report # 2011
This People Report features 50 people
who are connected with Kuoni, providing a small but globe-spanning sample of Kuoni’s world. The complete archive of all contributed profiles can
be found at:
Kuoni employees who have not yet filled
in their online profile are cordially invited to do so. Kuoni is proud of its employees’ expert knowledge and passion
for travel, which is why it wanted to
highlight these qualities in this year’s
annual report.
03– People Report
Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd.
Corporate Communications
Neue Hard 7, CH-8010 Zurich
tel +41(0) 44 277 43 63
fax +41(0) 44 272 39 91
Idea, Development, Creative Direction:
Wolfgang Scheppe
Wolfgang Scheppe, Remo Masala
01: Peter Brun, Heidi Elsenhuber, Stephanie Keller,
Matthias Leisinger, Simon Marquard, Wolfgang Scheppe
02: Laurence Bienz, Alexander Brochier, René Häsler, Michael Müller
03: Alexander Brochier, Elisenda Casellas, Oliver Fischer,
Wolfgang Scheppe, Silvana Ulber
04: Wolfgang Scheppe
05: Wolfgang Scheppe
Sara Codutti
Graphic Design:
Andrea Buran, Claudine Iselin, Marie Letz
Paul Day, Fiona Elliott, Ishbel Flett, Barbara Hauß, James Knight,
Catherine Schelbert, Julia Thorson
Project Manager:
Simon Marquard
Helga Sterr
George Steinmetz, Anonymous (Collection W.S.)
Andrea Buran, Claudine Iselin, Marie Letz
Mario Klingemann
06– appendix