band news - Miramar High Band
band news - Miramar High Band
BANDNEWS SPRING 2009 Did You Know: Over $100,000 in music scholarships were awarded to Miramar band seniors last year! 100% of band seniors were accepted to a four year college or university. Visit for more info on how to join band. NOT JUST A SUPERIOR MARCHING BAND Event after event, the Miramar band program continues to prove that excellence is not only at Friday night football games, but that they are just as talented in any musical setting. The spring semester was full of events that group before. You hear them in the recording of allowed the Miramar band program to continue the professionals, but you don’t hear high its strive for "Superiority" in all phases of music schools play with that type of balance!” performance. In addition to participating in the Most recently, the concert band received Thanksgiving Day Parade in Chicago, IL., and an invitation to perform at the Gusman Center their Superior rating at Marching Band Assess- for the Performing Arts in Miami, Fl. and their ment (MPA) this fall, the Miramar band program jazz band will be performing for the Community also continues to prove that they are just more Blood Center Scholarship Luncheon. than a great marching band. In February, band students received a total The Miramar Band Program continues to build excellence in musicianship, social and of 36 Superior and 6 Excellent ratings at Solo & emotional growth in all participants. Our pro- Ensemble. In March, the Miramar High School gram is growing exponentially and requires the Symphonic band participated in the FBA District efforts of the students, parents, community, 15 MPA where they walked away with straight and staff working together to create incredible superiors on stage. One of the judges, Dr. life-long experiences through music. For more Bentley Shellahamer of Florida State University information on becoming a member of the Sol- said ”your playing with such good balance, I’m dier Band from Patriot Land, visit us at hearing lines I’ve never heard form a high school More Facts: Over $70,000 in academic scholarships were awarded to Miramar band seniors last year!