December 2013 - Christ`s Church


December 2013 - Christ`s Church
A Publication of Christ’s Church, Greensburg
The Word
145 Main Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Staff, Officers, Vestry, Rector’s
Rector’s Letter………………..3
Vestry Minutes……………..4-5
Sunday School Schedule….…..6
Christian Education………..….7
Warden’s Wanderings…..…….8
Lunch, Soup & Bake Sale…….9
CCW News………………….10
Welcome, Parade, Prayers,
Altar Flowers, Stewardship,
Financial Report…….……….12
Christmas Church Tour
Saturday December 14, 2013
1:00 PM
Cost $20.00
Tickets can be purchased from
The Greensburg Garden Center,
at any of the participating florists,
and from Janet Colosimo (724-864-9711)
The order of the tour is as follows:
Christ’s Church, 145 N Main St
Blue Orchid Floral
Trinity United Church of Christ, 139 N Main St
Joseph Thomas
Congregation Emanu-El Israel, 222 N Main St
Le Jardin Florals & Home Décor
St. Joseph Chapel, Seton Hill University
Johnston the Florist
(refreshments will be served)
Parish Newsletter
The mission of
Christ’s Church
is to worship
God and to
make known
the love and
salvation of Christ.
122 N. Maple Avenue
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
724-834-4750 (office)
724-836-7140 (kitchen)
[email protected]
The Rev. Jeff Wiley, Rector
The Rev. Gretchen Peske, Deacon
Janet Schietroma, Parish Secretary
Karen Artuso, Sunday School Coord.
Ken Mock, Sexton
Sara Frye, Organist/Choir Director
Marsha Tallant, Treasurer
Tim Moore, Senior Warden
Derek Peske, Junior Warden
Barbara Baldwin, Fellowship
Gordon Graham, Property
Tom Kott, Communications
Marsha Tallant, Outreach/Mission
Sandy Carlson, Editor
December 2013
textbook definition of Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of
Jesus Christ at Christmas. It is also the time that marks
the new year for our liturgical calendar. The etymology of the
word Advent is quite interesting. It is directly derived from the
Latin Adventus which literally means “Coming.” The Latin word
Adventus comes from the Greek Parousia which is associated with
the end times and the second coming of Christ. So with this in
mind, there are two perspectives of Advent. The first is remembering the Old Testament longing for the coming of the Messiah
and the second is for Christians to be alert for Jesus’ second coming. Advent dates back to the fifth century, when it was also
known as St. Martin’s Lent and it started the day after the feast of
St. Martin. Advent was originally forty days and paralleled Lent
with a full penitential tone and fasting. Advent for us today is
more like a light Lent, because we must prepare for the coming of
the Lord. It is also a hopeful anticipation, as we remember how
God is working his plan from of old as the Israelites waited for the
first Christmas.
Advent is marked by the four Sundays preceding Christmas Day.
The Advent Wreath, which is optionally used in liturgy today,
reflects the four weeks of Advent. Week one, which is also the
first candle in the Advent Wreath, relates to the Old Testament
patriarchs who were first filled with the Hope for Christ. The first
candle is also called the candle of Hope, as this Sunday is also
about the Hope that Christ brings to us. The second week of Advent is centered around Christ’s birth in a manger and other prophesies of Jesus. The second candle in the Advent Wreath is called
either The Candle of Bethlehem, The Candle of the Way, or The
Candle of the Prophets. The third week of Advent is Gaudete
Sunday, based on Philippians 4:4. Gaudete means rejoice and
parallels Laetare (joyful) Sunday, which is the fourth Sunday in
Lent and based on Isaiah 66:10. The candle for the third Sunday
(continued on page 3)
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
(ON ADVENT—continued from page 2)
is called The Candle of Joy or the Candle of the Shepherds. The fourth week of Advent is the annunciation of Christ’s Birth. The Magnificat or Song of Mary are features of this Sunday. The fourth Sunday
Advent Wreath Candle is called the Candle of the Angel. The Advent wreath is usually an evergreen
wreath with four candles. Three of the four candles are either violet or blue. The odd candle is rose in
color, which is used for the third Sunday in Advent for Gaudete Sunday.
There are three colors of Advent, but commonly only one color is used. Violet is the most common color for Advent. This color reminds us of the passion and penitential character that is associated with the
season, directly paralleling the use of violet during lent. The other color of Advent sometimes used is
blue, or more specifically “Sarum Blue”, which is derived from the mediaeval Sarum Rite in England
(and yes, the Sarum Rite is what the Prayer Book was originally based on.) This color represents the
hopefulness of the season for anticipating Jerusalem as well as the hopeful anticipation of the second
coming. Violet and blue are never used together or switched back and forth from one Sunday to the
next. Either violet or blue is used through the Advent season, except for the third Sunday. Rose colored
adornment and vestments may be used on Gaudete Sunday (third Sunday of Advent), representing the
joyful and rejoicing tone of the day. In reality, most churches do not invest in a color that is used only
twice a year, in which case either violet or blue is used.
Since the Advent season is penitential in nature, we omit the Alleluias and Gloria. We also will be doing the Decalogue every Sunday throughout Advent, as well as the Exhortation on the First Sunday of
Advent. The church is to be scaled back in flowers and music. We are, however, hosting the Greensburg Garden Center on the Saturday before Gaudete Sunday, and the church will be magnificently transformed into its Christmas beauty. After talking to the Alter Guild and our worship ministry team, we all
agreed to leave the stunning flowers up, as it would be a shame to let these gifts of beauty go to waste.
So we will be a little more festive this year than what is appropriate for the Advent season, but there are
very few liturgical police and the fine is not very high.
One last point of Advent this year is that we are starting to use the new Prayer Book Texts, which have
been authorized by the College of Bishops. The primary reason for these new texts is theological.
Archbishop Duncan stated in his pastoral letter to the clergy, “Theologically, the texts recover the teaching of classical Anglican prayer books, though with contemporary idiom in the address of Almighty
God: the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit…. The provincial website also offers a set of Frequently Asked
Questions and an invitation to participate in the perfecting of these texts. For the sake of a common diocesan language at prayer, I do suggest that ‘And with your spirit’ become the customary response to
‘The Lord be with you’ at all rites. Similarly, our customary use for Pittsburgh in the Nicene Creed includes the words ‘and the Son’ when speaking of the procession of the Holy Spirit.” The provincial
website is
I pray you and your family have a holy and blessed Advent season and a very Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Fr. Jeff
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
The Vestry meeting convened at 7:03 p.m., following prayers for guidance and thanksgiving.
Members present:
Tim Moore (Senior Warden), Derek Peske (Junior Warden), Gordon Graham, Gene DiPrimio, Tom Kott
Barbara Baldwin (excused), Marsha Tallant (excused)
Others present:
Fr. Jeff Wylie, Gretchen Peske (Deacon), Ken Mock (Sexton), Janet Schietroma (Secretary)
September Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from Tuesday, September 10, 2013 were revised and accepted on motion of
Derek Peske and seconded by Tom Kott.
Treasurer’s Report
A balance sheet and statement of activities were distributed. Pending audit, a motion to accept the
amended financial report was presented by Gordon Graham and seconded by Derek Peske. The information for the pension plan was unable to be located in the office. A copy of the plan has been requested from the actuarial.
Rector’s Compensation Package
Outstanding issues of the compensation package were finalized. A motion to accept the compensation
package was presented by Derek Peske and seconded by Gordon Graham.
Youth – No updates.
Church School
Karen Artuso advises that 44 shoeboxes have been assembled to date. This program will continue
through Sunday, November 10. The bedbag ministry will prosper throughout the coming year.
Outreach – No updates.
The initial stage of the kitchen renovations has been completed. We are currently involved with the installation of the countertops and backsplash. The final phase of this work will include the replacement
of the flooring.
ADT has been scheduled to install the security buzzer system at the CE building on Tuesday, October
Moving the folding door in the Undercroft back to its original position was discussed.
The Christmas parade will be held on Saturday, November 23. We will reserve a popcorn machine, so
that we can once again serve popcorn to those watching the parade. In the Undercroft, we will serve
hot dogs, cookies, and beverages.
The CCW provided a complete listing of their event schedule, which will be posted in the Word and on
the respective bulletin boards in the Undercroft.
(continued on page 5)
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
(OCTOBER MINUTES—continued from page 4)
Cindy Leonard began making updates to the website. Tom Kott will
update the website with Fr. Jeff Wylie’s contact information and picture. Parish Directory and census
were reviewed, with the emphasis on the need for more accurate information on our members.
Greensburg Map & Guide was discussed, such that our parish information needs to be updated.
The 2012 audit is being handled by Lyn Liprando.
After Fr. Jeff Wylie starts his position, a meeting of this ministry will be scheduled. Acolytes are interested in being trained. Stewardship Sunday is set for Sunday, October 27. This year’s theme will be
“Building the Wall.” The bricks will be used again to promote the pledges that have been received.
Personnel Evaluations
Derek Peske and Gordon Graham have created an evaluation form. The organist, sexton, and secretary will be reviewed.
Greensburg Ministerium
The meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 9 at 9:00 a.m. and will be held in the Undercroft.
Women’s Retreat
The women’s retreat is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, and Sunday, November 17, at Mt. Macrina, Uniontown. “Stuff…things temporal…reaching for the eternal.” Cost is $80 per person, which
includes four meals. Scholarships are available. Deacon Gretchen Peske is coordinating this event.
Celebration Party
Tim Moore, Deacon Gretchen Peske, and Freda Schultz met to discuss event logistics. A letter will be
prepared and mailed to the congregation, inviting them to this event. Should anyone want to make a
monetary contribution, which will be given to Fr. Dan Crawford, we will request that these gifts be forwarded to Howard Finney or the Church office. The party will be held on Saturday, November 9, in the
Undercroft, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Pitney Bowes postage meter
The possibility of obtaining a postage meter was discussed. It was decided that we do not have sufficient volume of mail to justify the costs
The Annual Diocesan Convention will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 1st and 2nd, at St.
Stephen’s, Sewickley.
Senior Warden
Gordon Graham made a motion, seconded by Derek Peske, to officially thank Tim Moore and go on
record for his service. His sacrifice and professionalism has been outstanding.
The meeting adjourned at 10:33 p.m. following the Lord’s Prayer on motion by Gordon Graham, seconded by Eugene Diprimio.
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
Sunday School Schedule
All classes are in the Christian Education Building.
8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion Service
(without music)
8:45 a.m.
Nursery Opens
9:00 a.m.
Adult Education
10:15 a.m.
Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
Holy Communion Service
(with music)
11:15 a.m.
Children Join Parents
(at the “Peace”)
Worship is also held
every Wednesday
in the Nave with
Prayer at 8:15 a.m. & 5:15 p.m.
6th – 8th Grades
9:15 a.m.
December 1
December 8
Second Sunday Meeting
December 15
Deliverance: Moses
December 22
New Commands and a New Covenant: 10 Commandments
December 29
Preschool & K
10:15 a.m.
The nursery is open on
Sunday mornings in the
Christian Education Building
from 10:15 to 11:45, for
children up to 2 years.
Preschool Room in C.E. Building
December 1
December 8
Advent….”Christmas is Coming!”
December 15
“An Angel visits Mary....An Angel visits Joseph”
December 22
“Jesus is Born!” + “Angels tell the Good News...
Shepherds at the Stable”
December 29
1st & 2nd Grades
10:15 a.m.
Diane Robertson Room for Chapel & then class
December 1
December 8
Advent Lesson
December 15
Jesus is Born
Luke 2:1-7
December 22
Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus
Matt 2:1 – 12
December 29
3rd – 5th Grades
10:15 a.m.
Diane Robertson Room for Chapel & then class
December 1
December 8
Advent Lesson
December 15
Jesus is Born
Luke 2:1-7
December 22
Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus
Matt 2:1 – 12
December 29
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
Upcoming Dates
The children’s Christmas Program will be on Sunday, December 29th at the 10:30 service and
will include our famous Wee
Singers!! You won’t want to miss
Bible Studies
Tuesday’s Class will begin their
next study on January 7. We will
be doing the study Parables – Life
Guide Study Guide. The Parables
of Jesus sneak up on us, catching
us off guard. The familiar suddenly
takes an unexpected twist, and we
find our secret thoughts exposed
in the healing light of Jesus.
In this guide, author John White,
helps us explore twelve of the
greatest stories ever told. This will
be a book that we use with the Bible. This study will last for 6
Wednesday’s Class will begin
their next study on January 8 The Shelter of God’s Promises by
Sheila Walsh. If you look to your
circumstances alone, it may seem
that God has forgotten you. But He
hasn’t. He can’t. And He wouldn’t
even if He could. Through vulnerable storytelling and powerful indepth teaching, Sheila offers a lifechanging study on ten bedrock
promises of God, providing the
foundation for daily confidence,
joy, hope and shelter. DVD &
Study Guide. The study will last 10
Please join us for either or both of
these studies! We meet from 9:30
– 11:30 & babysitting is provided.
For more information, contact Karen
Artuso [email protected] .
We will be meeting on Thursday
January 16 at 10:00 to discuss
Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, MD. Please join us. We will
meet from 10:00 to 12:00 and
babysitting can be provided.
Sunday School
The kids collected $17.50 this
month and received a donation of
$20 for their “Bed Bag” for the
month. The “Bed Bag” is a set of
twin sheets, blanket, pillow and
mattress cover that is donated to
the Bed for Every Child program
at Christian Laymans.
Wee Singers
Wee Singers will meet on the following dates:
In Christ, the end is
only the beginning.
Sunday, Dec. 8
10:00 a.m.
Diane Robertson Room
Sunday, Dec. 15 10:00 a.m.
Diane Robertson Room
Sunday, Dec. 22 10:00 a.m.
Diane Robertson Room
Sunday, December 29
Christmas Program
Lots of popcorn was processed and
passed out at the Greensburg Christmas Parade. We enjoyed a prime
location to attract visitors!
We invite children of all ages to
meet at 10AM “SHARP” in the Diane Robertson Room on Sunday
mornings for 30 minutes of “joyful”
singing! Children will then be escorted to their Sunday School
Room location, as usual. Come
join the fun as we praise God
through music!
Questions? Call Cindy Swencki at
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
We are quickly approaching a most wonderful time in the Christian calendar. The season of
Advent marks the beginning of the year in our Church and a time of preparation for the impending birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
This year, we will be introduced to the some of the new elements of the Anglican liturgy,
which has been recently made available for our regular usage. Many of the changes involve
a revision of the language that we have used in the past. In some cases, you will experience
a return to the formats of worship that we used many years ago. As you experience our new
liturgy, it will be important to register any thoughts or concerns that you might have. Our
entire prayer book is in the process of development with the intent to improve our ability to
worship in the manner that is common to the Anglican Communion.
On December 14, we have been invited to participate in the Greensburg Garden Club’s Annual Christmas Tour. We will have an opportunity to open the doors of our church to a number of people, who will be most curious about what might be inside. With the planning that
has been put in place, I assure you that we will definitely be putting our best foot forward on
that day. A considerable thank you goes to all who have contributed so much to this endeavor.
While the plans are just getting underway, I request that you set aside a portion of your day
on Saturday, February 1, for the installation of Father Jeff Wylie as our new Rector. On that
day, we will be honored to have Archbishop Duncan, with a host of dignitaries from our Diocese, present to formally admit Father Jeff to this position in our church. We will be establishing a committee, who will be responsible to make the appropriate arrangements for the
type of celebration that this day will certainly require. As the preparations develop, we will
keep you informed of the pertinent details.
During this glorious time of the year, may the Lord bless you and your family. May He also
continue to guide and bless the work of this parish.
Tim Moore, Senior Warden
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
Lunch, Soup,
& Bake Sale
The “BIG ONE” is coming. . .
Friday, December 6! We have so
much to offer that day. . .a salad
bar plus homemade soups and
baked goods! People “shop” before they eat! It is a popular
event, and I hope you will make
one or two of your favorite recipes.
Twice the food and twice the helpers are needed!
Just a reminder . . . Soups and
baked goods should be brought to
the undercroft the day before on
Thursday, December 5, between
1:00 and 5:00 p.m. to allow us
time to put the soups in jars and
price the baked goods.
Please use the
flashers on your vehicle when
parking by the door to the undercroft to avoid getting a ticket!
December 2013
Mission Statement
"To glorify God in relationships and activities, and to
encourage a servant's heart
toward God, the church family, and our community."
Frozen Pie Sale
This sale was on Wednesday,
November 20, and our net income was $685.36. We sold 54
cases, compared to 58 in May
2013. Our sales are down, especially for the holiday season.
Even though the wholesale costs
have increased, our price remains the same and is affordable, along with good quality.
The new truck driver arrived before 8:00 a.m., so the four of us
unpacked the boxes and filled
orders in record time. Thank
you to the very best of helpers!
Christmas Dinner
Our Christmas Dinner, sponsored
by the CCW, will be at Lakeview
on Friday, December 27. A delicious buffet dinner will be served
in the Crystal Room. A new
group has been booked for that
evening and should be very entertaining and fun.
An invitation will be mailed soon
inviting you, your family, and
friends. A sign-up sheet for reservations will be posted.
Celebration Dinner
Christ’s Church honored Father
Dan, along with Della and Kenny,
on Saturday evening, November
9, with a delicious buffet dinner,
dancing, and fellowship. Even
though we will miss him, we wish
him the best in his retirement.
Salad Bar
We had a really great salad bar on
November 8. We served 100
guests (finally!), and our net income was $708.19. Really great
food and helpers, too!
Fr. Jeff talked and mingled with
our guests the entire salad bar.
His jolly presence was quite impressive.
This picture was taken on Father Dan’s last Sunday with us, October 6. The
“Early Christians” had a lot of fun posing for the portrait. An enlargement, in a
white frame, was presented to him at the dinner.
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Parish Newsletter
December 2013
Parade 2013
Harry & Grace Seitz
Transferred from
St. Albans, Murrysville
It is indeed “A Wonderful Life” to
be able to reach out and fellowship with our community as we
did on Saturday, November 23
before, during, and after the
Greensburg Christmas Parade.
The weather was perfect for hot
cocoa and hot dogs!!!! Popcorn
makes it more fun!!!
The Undercroft provided some
much needed warmth for parade
goers and participants alike. The
smiling faces of those we greet,
makes the event even more enjoyable.
Anyone interested in taking over a
lease agreement for a photo copier? The machine is a Kyocera
205c. If interested, please call the
church office:
Ruth Manson is
shown receiving
the Deacon’s
Award from Bishop Duncan for 25
years of service,
presented at the
Diocesan Convention banquet.
Your Prayers
are Needed...
Karen Altman
Judi Atchison
Marcia Boyle
Pete Bricker
Emily & Bill Burch
Tom Clark
Archbishop Duncan
Mary Gearing
Sally Gilbert
Gordon Graham
Sidney Hawk
Matt Grupp
John James
Adrian Jones
Jean Kunkle
Lyn Liprando
Ray & Julie King
Jane Klingenberg
Mika &Gabriella Lisiewski
Dale Mann
Ken & Betty McCullough
Bricelyn & Keetan Meerdo
Charlie Merriman
Jan Merriman
Dorothy Miller
Charles Mills
Beryl Murphy
Jamison Nimick
Bob Plummer
Gina Sienko
Bob Siliniski
Kaitlyn Siliniski
George Tallant
Gene Tarabek
Steve Temoshenka
Fr. Jerome Vereb
Alyssa Wagner
Olga Zinn
Stephanie & Mike
Rose Marie
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /
Christ’s Church
122 N. Maple Avenue
Greensburg, PA 15601
Hours: Mon-Thu 9-12, 12:30-3:30
[email protected]
Please get your articles in by
December 23 for the
January 2014 Newsletter.
Christ’s Church
for the Future
Envelopes for your memorial donation toward Christmas Poinsettias will be mailed to your home,
included with Fr. Jeff’s Advent Letter . Please PRINT names, which
will be listed in the Christmas services bulletins. Place your envelope in the offering plate or return
it to the church office on or before
Tuesday, December 10.
Financial Report
If your brick is not yet in our wall
please help our wall building effort now. For 190 years our parish has been a part of the
Greensburg community and now
with a new rector and clear vision
it is the opportune time to build
for the future.
As Nehemiah built the wall
around Jerusalem we need all of
our family to help build our symbolic wall for Christ’s Church future. Our need is 100 bricks.
During October $15,219 was received in income, making our total to date $141,251. Total expenses were $13,387 for the
month and $129,673 for the year
to date. This gives us a net gain
for the month of October $1,833
and $11,578 year to date.
Thanks to everyone who supported our church.
December 2013
Parish Newsletter
Christ’s Church / 145 Main Street / Greensburg, PA 15601 / 24-834-4750 /