Understanding Lane Cove Village as a


Understanding Lane Cove Village as a
Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
How does this Strategic Plan ‘fit’ with Council’s Plans?
Lane Cove Village as a ‘place’
Regional and Economic Context of Lane Cove Village
Accessibility to Lane Cove Village
Urban Design Context of Lane Cove Village
Local Community Context of Lane Cove Village
Values of Lane Cove Village
Strategic Directions
Key Factors for Success
Understanding Lane Cove Village NOW....
Lane Cove Village the FUTURE....
This report has been prepared by consultants:
People, Place and Partnership
Clouston associates
Partrick Partner
Village Well
PART 2 - Key themes to deliver ALIVE
Theme 1 - The Village will build on its ‘Community Sustainability’
Theme 2 - A Prospering Local Village Economy
Theme 3 - Culture and Connectivity will be reinforced
Theme 4 - The Village Atmosphere will be enhanced
Theme 5 - Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group
PART 3 - Implementation
APPENDIX 1 - Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group
The aim of this plan is to create a framework that
clearly articulates what is required to make Lane Cove
Village a place that is vibrant, prosperous and
enchanting for its community.
Document and record a Strategic Action Plan for
the future;
Articulate actions that have been identified through
the extensive and transparent community
consultation process;
Illustrate how public domain improvements may
occur and prioritise where they should happen in
the short and medium term; and
Provide a Strategic Action Plan document that can
be easily used by the Lane Cove ALIVE
Leadership Group in the future.
Alive and vibrant both day and night, with a range
of different uses and activities;
Safe, more accessible, healthier, welcoming and
Offers a first rate quality shopping, culture and
leisure experience;
Contains a thriving business community;
A place which retains strong traditions, yet allows
opportunity for innovative and exciting new
A place which offers new opportunities and builds
upon the strengths of the village’s cultural
diversity; and
A village that boasts high quality buildings and
public spaces.
This document will be the subject of further
community consultation. Following this consultation
process, our proposals will be refined and finalised. In
its final form, the Strategic Action Plan will then be
given to the LCALG to prepare a detailed 2 Year
The actions and strategies within this plan can be
added to over the coming months, prior to finalisation
of the document.
This Strategic Action Plan is intended to provide an
overarching Framework for Lane Cove Village. It will
build upon the significant successes already being
achieved by the Council and its partners within the
Overall, the Strategy sets out the values and guiding
principles for Lane Cove Village which builds upon its
emphasis on a strong community platform.
It is envisaged that the Strategic Action Plan, once
adopted by Lane Cove Council, will fulfil a number of
roles, including initiating the on-going management of
the centre as a whole.
These actions and strategies within this document
reflect a number of key themes which have emerged
from our ongoing research and the range of issues
and priorities emerging from our community
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
How does this Strategic Plan ‘fit’ with Council’s Plans?
This year, Council completely reviewed its
Management Plan and Corporate Plan applying
a Quadruple Bottom Line Framework
Governance) approach. This fresh approach was
introduced in recognition of the need for our
community, and the way Council conducts its
business, to be more sustainable.
The Management Plan comprehensively outlines
Council's program for the next three years, with
particular emphasis on its initiatives for the 12
months to 30 June 2005. Actions identified within
the six theme areas of the Management Plan are
drawn from the Social Plan; Sustainability Action
Plan; Cultural Action Plan; and the Local
Environment Plan. Once the ALIVE Strategic
Action Plan has been adopted by Council,
actions will be incorporated into the ‘Our Local
Economy’ theme area of the Management Plan.
Action Plan
Social Plan
Action Plan
Lane Cove
Strategic Action
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Understanding Lane Cove Village NOW....
Lane Cove Village as a ‘place’
Regional and Economic Context of Lane Cove Village
Accessibility to Lane Cove Village
Urban Design Context of Lane Cove Village
Local Community Context of Lane Cove Village
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Understanding Lane Cove Village as a ‘place’
Places are about people, their perceptions and their
response to environmental influences. In a way, a
place represents a bundle of ideas that have been put
together by different groups, usually over many years,
even decades. At times these ideas will appear to
conflict, places look different depending on how old
you are, what your cultural background is, your
income level and whether you’re disabled in anyway.
People attach a multi-layered set of identities to
places that are significant to them. Where you are
born, where you live, where you work, where you felt
threatened, where you met a partner or brought a
child into the world. This makes place an extremely
complex and multi-faceted concept, not easily
reducible, represented or reflected through traditional
Identity, sense of place and local distinctiveness are
key features of the competitive success for places.
This individuality is increasingly associated with
cultural vitality.
This very approach and understanding of ‘place’ is
difficult to digest - but it is what makes the ‘hubs of
life’, our cities, towns and villages successful - the
investigation and application of creativity, the
development of cultural vitality, the celebration of
difference - is what we need to embrace to make
Identity is what distinguishes a place from another
place. It is what provides people with a broader, richer
layered sense of place and what connects them to it,
giving them a state and sense of ownership. This in
turn creates better places.
Distinctiveness, which only occurs when the special
features and character of a ‘place’ have been nurtured
and used creatively to develop and promote it.
Lane Cove is a place that is living, breathing and has
a strong cultural identity.
Identity and the way we handle and promote it has
any opportunity for community development
initiatives. It can provide a tool for discussing complex
local issues. It can involve people in participating in
projects that only promote the village, but actually
develop that village and the network of relationships
within it.
Places are shaped and made by people’s actions and
their perceptions. At the core of the identity of ‘place’
are local people as well as local business, facilities
and local landscapes.
The history and identity of a ‘place’ is shaped entirely
by human action and perception, through time. This is
of course influenced by landscape, climate and other
geographical features, but what we are really looking
at when we look at a place is the result of human
intervention and narrative.
The identity of place IS about the people that live
there. Places are not static, but constantly changing
and evolving. This makes it more difficult but more
interesting to plan and manage.
Authenticity and layers of different representations
and perceptions of ‘place’ allow people to create their
own ‘Lane Cove’, their own experience, from an
infinite menu of choices. The visitor and a resident
alike can then embark on new journeys and unearth
unique experiences, adding to the identity and
meaning of that place as they do so.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Regional Context of Lane Cove Village
Lane Cove is uniquely located in the Northern Sydney
Region, only 8 kilometres from the Sydney's Central
Business District, yet quite geographically contained
surrounded by the Lane Cove River and major arterial
Lane Cove - a Regional perspective in Sydney
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Lane Cove Village TODAY!
Lane Cove's Commercial Centre operates on a village
scale, which is in contrast to the major shopping
centres of Chatswood, Macquarie, and Crows Nest
located close by. It offers a different experience with
unique and quality businesses, and is a more tranquil
and friendly alternative to the larger shopping centres
in the Northern Sydney Region.
Retail and commercial services in Lane Cove are
made up of: restaurants and take away food outlets;
travel agents; banks and real estate agents; food
outlets; shopping facilities, including Coles, a Deli,
butchers, bakeries, and fruit shops; $2 shops; clothing
stores; gift and homewares stores; galleries; clubs
and pubs; flower stores; and a patisserie.
Lane Cove Village is the local shopping area for the
residents and workers of Lane Cove Municipality.
A major redevelopment of Woolworths will occur in
Lane Cove Village, providing 3,325 square metres for
the supermarket and 1,564 square metres of specialty
shops. The redevelopment will also involve a major
upgrade of the library and provide 204 additional car
parking spaces.
There are a number of smaller neighbourhood
centres, for example Greenwich and Lane Cove West,
that also supply basic goods and services for local
Lane Cove Municipality has two main industrial areas,
Lane Cove West comprising of a cluster of companies
and manufacturers as well as the Shell Oil Refinery
located in Greenwich. A Council funded bus, the
‘Village Express’ transports workers at lunch time
from the industrial area in Lane Cove West to the
Village shopping area. The objective is to support
local business.
Lane Cove Village is a multi-use shopping area and
supports a number of services including retail and
commercial uses, leisure activities, public spaces, and
residential uses.
Public spaces include the Library, the Community
Centre, the Seniors Centre, Centrehouse Art, the
Leisure Centre, and outdoor seating areas. Many
people participate in organised community and
cultural activities in these public spaces as well as,
using these public spaces informally or individually
with family and friends. School children find the
central location of the Library extremely useful and
this becomes a social meeting place each day.
Lane Cove Village is surrounded by a mix of single
dwelling houses as well as medium density residential
units catering for a broad cross section of the
community in close proximity to the Village centre.
The Woolworths redevelopment located in the Plaza
will re-enforce this space as being Lane Cove
Village's economic heart.
While many people who use the village use these
commercial and retail services, many people access
the Village for its public space and leisure activities.
Plaza performances, busking, and information stalls
are often held in Lane Cove Plaza. These attract
people to the Village and offer a more pleasant
shopping experience with a Village atmosphere.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Local Economic Context of Lane Cove Village
Town and village centres are at the nexus of
community contact and exchange. Good places
generate a variety of benefits including a more active
and vibrant public domain, greater investment return
over the life cycle of a project, more efficient
movement patterns, less crime and increased
workforce productivity. A consequence of well
performing places is improved health and welfare,
less social exclusion, reduced maintenance costs and
cash savings for the public purse.
each other and are easy to move through, putting
people before traffic and integrating land use and
The UK Department of the Environment Transport &
Regions & Commission for Architecture and the Built
Environment make the case that ‘successful streets,
spaces, villages, towns and cities tend to have
characteristics in common.’ They are as follows:
Diversity - to promote diversity and choice through a
mix of compatible developments and use that work
well together to create viable places that respond to
local needs.’
‘Character - to promote character in townscape and
landscape by responding to and reinforcing locally
distinctive patterns of development and culture.’
Quality of the Public Realm - to promote public
spaces and routes that are attractive, safe,
uncluttered and work effectively for all in society,
including disabled and elderly people.’
‘Ease of Movement - to promote accessibility and
local permeability by making places that connect with
Legibility - to promote legibility through development
that provides recognisable routes, intersections and
landmarks to help people find their way around.’
Adaptability - to promote adaptability through
development that can respond to changing social,
technological and economic conditions.’
Lane Cove has all these characteristics. Some may
need improvement, but the underlying structure is
already there. In the past it may have lacked the
political will to take advantage of its position. It
therefore has two choices:
1. Retain its incremental, no to low change position.
2. Actively establish the benefits it wishes to attract establish strategies for change, and retain and
protect the values and principles it holds dear and
which make the place attractive to all.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Accessibility to Lane Cove Village
Lane Cove Village is accessed by major roads such
as, Epping Road, Pacific Highway, Longueville Road,
Centennial Avenue, Mowbray Road, River Road and
Burns Bay Road. Currently transport and access to
and from Lane Cove Village by car can be difficult
during peak times.
The main public transport routes to and from the city,
Chatswood, St Leonards, Gladesville and around
Lane Cove are accessible from bus stops along
Epping road, Longueville Road, and Burns Bay Road.
There are a number of parking areas located
throughout Lane Cove Village. In some cases they
are difficult to access due to the local topography, a
large percentage of parking spaces are provided on a
down hill slope from the Village Centre. Entry and exit
points into car parks can be congested at peak times.
There are many walking tracks available in Lane
Cove, although the topography can make it difficult to
access for people with mobility impairments, as Lane
Cove Village is at the top of a hill. Should walking
routes be promoted, it could have the potential to
decrease traffic around the town centre, and promote
a more sustainable Village. The amount of parking
specified for people with a disability or seniors could
be increased.
There are shared bicycle paths along Burns Bay
Road, Tambourine Bay Road, Longueville Road and
Rosenthal Ave all leading into the Village. Parents can
also ride on the footpath if they are accompanying
children under 12, so they are safe. There are limited
bike racks in the town centre that are easily
accessible. Bike racks located at the Library are used
Currently the back lanes of Lane Cove serve as
loading zones, however, one of the major loading
zones is at the Burns Bay Road end of the Plaza on
the corner. This is not an ideal location for a loading
zone both visually and for the safety of community
members. This is also located directly next to one of
the major bus stops in Lane Cove.
Traffic Management and local safety is a major issue
for the Village especially with the Woolworths redevelopment. Planning is underway to address these
concerns to ensure that changes to traffic routes and
conditions are managed in the safest possible way.
crossings which interface with major traffic flows off
arterial roads such as Epping Road.
Non-motorised access within the Village itself, can be
difficult due to the amount of space available for
pedestrian thoroughfares. Seating and obstacles such
as advertising boards can make it difficult for those
who use wheelchairs or scooters.
The challenge in the future will be to resolve some of
the major accessibility, traffic circulation problems and
parking configurations especially following the
Woolworths redevelopment and the Lane Cove
Tunnel. These areas are outside the scope of this
project are not addressed in any great depth in this
Strategic Action Plan.
Greater effort should be placed on reducing the need
for parking in the Village centre.
Traffic management will also be difficult to address
holistically prior to the construction of the Lane Cove
Tunnel as conditions and traffic patterns will change
as a result. Of major concern is the pedestrian
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Urban Design Context of Lane Cove Village
Historically Lane Cove Village was the first community
in NSW to develop a Plaza through closing a road to
make space for community and social activities and
Much of Lane Cove Village was developed circa
1920's and 1930's. The architecture reflects this with
a low-rise, art deco style with character building
facades. Lane Cove Village became the location of a
tram terminus and was the site of much activity as a
The Lane Cove ALIVE consultation has identified that
accessible and friendly urban design is popular and
the current design and layout is generally seen to be
cluttered. Through smarter urban design the public
space can be maximised with more flexible public
spaces to serve its vibrant community.
In the late 1960's and early 1970's Lane Cove Village
became a focus for many artists and musicians living
in the area. In particular, artists such as Lloyd Rees
and Guy Warren directed their creative energy into
spaces such as Centrehouse Art and Leisure Centre.
This creative vibrancy has had a positive effect on the
development of Lane Cove Village, and much thought
has gone into features that could support the visual
impact of the Lane Cove Plaza and Village.
Today, Lane Cove Village has maintained the low-rise
1920's and 1930's architecture. Human-scale
architecture is valued, as the community atmosphere
and tranquil Village identity are what makes Lane
Cove Village unique. Strong community and cultural
activities are common in Lane Cove Village.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Local Community Context of Lane Cove Village
During the preparation of the Lane Cove ALIVE
Strategic Action Plan extensive community
consultation has revealed the key issues and future
aspirations for the Village area. It is with the following
understanding and interpretations of the community’s
issues that this Action Plan has been developed.
These key themes are:
Community Sustainability;
Village Atmosphere;
Culture and Connectivity;
Village Economy;
Transport and Access.
Lane Cove has a uniquely strong sense of community
not often found in larger Municipalities. This is
reinforced with the value it places on qualities such as
its desire to maintain the shopping centres 'village
character' and friendly and safe environment.
Lane Cove Village is the 'heart and soul' of the
community and is a place that is highly valued. There
are many elements that contribute to its friendly
Village atmosphere including: positive and personal
customer service; low-rise and human-scale
architecture; active and vibrant public spaces; spaces
for tranquillity and reflection; and a cul-de-sac location
that is off the main thoroughfare.
The central sense of place for this Village atmosphere
is located in the Lane Cove Plaza, which is the social
and economic heart of Lane Cove Village. Lane Cove
Plaza was the first Plaza in NSW and it was the first
time that a road was permanently closed for the
purposes of community space and social interaction.
There is significant social memory and attachment to
this space.
The Plaza’s strong 'sense of place' is supported by a
vibrant range of cultural and community activities.
Currently the Plaza has the Rotunda that was funded
by local artist Lloyd Rees as the visual focus.
The challenge is to identify strategies and actions that
will ensure the community maintains its spirit and
works together to make Lane Cove Village vibrant and
a place for all.
The design and layout of Lane Cove Village including
the Plaza reflects the heritage of previous years.
There is a continuity of scale and proportions with
many historic building facades worthy of protection
and enhancement.
The community identified many ideas and options for
improving the design, layout and style of the public
domain of the Village including: reducing clutter;
simplifying design attributes; maximising use of public
space for social and cultural activities; ensuring
policies on outdoor seating are developed and
implemented; and ensuring that the layout and design
maximises easy access for a broad range of
community members. In addition enhancements to
the private domain could include: painting building
façades in coordinated colours as well as improving
shop presentation and layout.
The design, layout and style of the Village must reflect
the values of the community and nurture the Village
atmosphere that is so important to this community.
Places and spaces for community interaction that
supports cultural activities and events will be essential
to maintaining a rich and vibrant 'sense of community'.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Local Community Context of Lane Cove Village
Lane Cove Village has been a central focus for many
creative talents in Lane Cove from as early as the
1960's. The Village is a site of regular cultural
activities including: plaza performances; the
Cameraygal Festival; outdoor film events; and
celebrated days such as International Women's day.
In addition to outdoor spaces, cultural activities
regularly take place in centrally located cultural
facilities such as: the Lane Cove Library; Centrehouse
Art and Leisure Centre; the Lane Cove Civic Centre;
the Seniors Centre; Churches; and the Community
Centre. The Lane Cove Library has the highest
borrowing rate per capita in NSW and is a central site
of social activities for children, young people, and
Lane Cove community places importance on the
Indigenous culture and heritage of the Lane Cove
Village area. Lane Cove is located in Cameraygal
Country and the Cameraygal people are recognised
through the Cameraygal Spring Festival each year.
Revitalisation projects will recognise the importance
of Cameraygal culture in addition to the cultural vitality
and strength of the diverse community interests that
exist in Lane Cove.
Lane Cove Village needs to be able to meet a variety
of interest groups including people of all ages. The
mix of businesses needs to service the needs of
young people, families and older people. The Village
needs to be a site of cultural and social activities for
all age groups. For example:
Older People: classical music concerts; traditional
celebrations; and Christmas carol events.
Young People: band nights; display and
exhibitions of young artists works; central skate
park; legal wall for youth art; and film festivals.
Children: safe play equipment near shops; drawing
competitions; creative writing competitions;
performances; and pantomimes.
Lane Cove Village needs to maintain vital community
spaces that allow for informal social interaction for
children, young people, and older people, such as the
Lane Cove Library. Revitalisation projects that affect
children and young people in the local areas needs to
be undertaken in collaboration with appropriate
organisations such as local schools, Synergy Youth
Centre, the Seniors Centre - Queen Elizabeth, the
Queen Mother Centenary Centre, the Access
Committee and the Youth Advisory Committee.
The Village needs to be accessible for people of all
age groups. Pedestrian access routes need to be
broad enough to allow for access by people in wheel
chairs or scooters. Paving should be even to reduce
the risk of falling and contrasting colours or change in
surfaces could be used surrounding obstacles and
pedestrian crossings. Businesses, community
facilities and spaces in Lane Cove need to be
affordable with a welcoming style that is appropriate
to the needs of all age groups in Lane Cove.
Lane Cove Village needs to provide a mixture of good
quality businesses that meet the social, cultural and
economic interests of the community. There are a
variety of needs in Lane Cove. Currently some of
these needs are met in Lane Cove Village. However,
there are some people who find it more convenient to
shop in other commercial centres in the surrounding
Lane Cove Village needs to work to develop a strong
and adequate mix of quality businesses that meet the
social, cultural and economic needs of young people,
adults, older people, men, women, people from
diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and
children. There are many opportunities to do this
throughout the revitalisation process.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Local Community Context of Lane Cove Village
The Lane Cove ALIVE project has been a process
that has demonstrated a high degree of inclusiveness
and transparency in the way it has been undertaken.
The word ‘ALIVE’ meaning A Living and Inclusive
Village Environment was created in response to
issues of concern and interest to the Lane Cove
community. The community has responded to the
consultation with enthusiasm and there has been
genuine interest and involvement in the many
consultation activities.
The challenge for the future will be to resolve some of
the major accessibility, traffic circulation problems and
parking configurations especially following the
Woolworths redevelopment the opening of the Lane
Cove Tunnel.
These specific aspects are outside the scope of this
project and report are not addressed in any great
depth in this Strategic Action Plan.
A clear message has been received through the
community consultation process that the community
values information and transparent decision making.
The recommendation of this report to establish the
Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group is to deliver a
governance model which encapsulates the needs and
values of the Lane Cove community.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Lane Cove Village the FUTURE....
Values for Lane Cove Village
Strategic Directions for Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
1. Lane Cove will build on its Community Sustainability
2. The Village Atmosphere will be Enhanced
3. Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group will embody Transparency and Inclusiveness
4. Culture and Connectivity will be Reinforced
5. Lane Cove Village Economy will be Re-invigorate
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Values for Lane Cove Village
With the Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan,
careful implementation and a highly collaborative
Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group, Lane Cove
Village will be transformed into a vibrant and
connected place. Four guiding principles will set Lane
Cove apart as a place that resonates for its
Lane Cove Village will endeavour to:
Be the most vibrant sustainable and harmonious
Be a socially connected community with a sense of
meaning and place;
Be a thriving local economy servicing local needs;
Be a creative and cultural destination; and
Be a beautiful, safe and green village.
Lane Cove will grow and develop within four key
Sustainability; and
Sustainability Inclusive
A Village of evolving and
diverse retail experiences,
ideas and products taking
you on a journey that has
meaning and vitality for
the Lane Cove
A vibrant and pleasurable
Village with a sense of
community, connecting to
people and place. An
enchanting place that has
beauty, form, colour,
texture, design and
reflects the essence of
‘village character’.
A Village that showcases
socially responsible
practices with an
integrated approach to
management and civic
The Human
A Village managed by an
organisation that
represents the needs and
aspirations of the
community through
committed leadership,
partnerships, transparent
and genuine decisionmaking. Excellent and
extensive communication
will be essential.
Social Responsibility
Authentic Community
Urban Sustainability
Quality of Life
Civil Society
Deeply satisfying
Human scale
Village Atmosphere
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Strategic Directions for the Lane Cove ALIVE Action Plan
Based on the key values that have emerged through
the community consultation process the Lane Cove
ALIVE Strategic Action Plan has derived five strategic
directions, which inform the strategies and actions
outlined in this document.
The five strategic directions incorporate a quadruple
approach to sustainability including; environmental,
social, economic and cultural action and strategies.
A successful Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
will depend on the ‘collaborative integrated approach
and model’ being adopted. There are a number of key
elements that will ensure success.
The five principles are as follows:
1. The Village will build on its Community
2. A Prospering Local Village Economy.
3. Culture and Connectivity will be Reinforced.
Lane Cove Village has a tangible sense of community
- a real sense of relating and interconnection. A spirit
of generosity where people will do more than is
required because they care.
The LCALG together with the Lane Cove Chamber of
Commerce will develop and promote a new and lively
brand and image for the Village area that has
emerged from the ALIVE project.
Sharing of information and ideas between the
community and businesses. Creative tension may
exist at times, but sits within a context of trust that a
bigger picture is unfolding.
Capitalising on the opportunities of the ‘laneways’ a
new positioning will be promoted and focused on an
understanding of the future consumer and
community’s needs.
Lane Cove Village is interconnected with the soul of
the community. There is a 'village' feeling with strong
connection to place. It is essential to build on this
relationship to ensure Lane Cove Village is
sustainable and vibrant for its future community.
The future positioning will be a 'Village Lifestyle
Destination' with a variety of lifestyle and well being
products and services as well as a strong and fresh
café/restaurant story.
A series of actions will be undertaken to encourage
the community to shop locally, as well as a campaign
to encourage better customer service and promotion
of a ‘green agenda’. Encouraging environmental
sustainable practices will ensure that Lane Cove
becomes a truly sustainable village.
4. The Village Atmosphere will be Enhanced.
5. Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group will embody
Transparency and Inclusiveness.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Strategic Directions for Lane Cove ALIVE Action Plan
Lane Cove Village will be a village for all people, of all
ages and abilities. It will celebrate its indigenous
history and culture as well as the talent and creativity
of its young people. The village will be accessible and
welcoming, ensuring that people feel safe and linger
to meet and enjoy the various cultural events and
performances that occur throughout the year.
The heart and soul of Lane Cove Village is the Plaza,
an icon, a first in Sydney. It will continue to be a focus
for the community, a place to meet, connect, do
businesses and enjoy its enchanting sense of place
and village character.
The LCALG will support and assist where possible
Lane Cove Council in investigating the feasibility of
establishing a Multi-Purpose Cultural Centre for Lane
The Library will continue to be a major asset for the
Lane Cove Community and its enhancement will
make it an exemplary facility for nurturing learning and
Accessibility to information about events and
community activities is vital to a vibrant an connected
village community.
Through careful attention to detail the Plaza will go
through a renaissance to make it more accessible,
brighter and cleaner. Maintaining the village scale and
proportions will be paramount while enhancing the
public domain and taking the Lane Cove Plaza into
the future that reflects care and attention to detail.
Community art and cultural performance will enrich
Lane Cove Villages ‘Sense of Place’ while respecting
its history and heritage.
The challenge will be to manage this renaissance
through the Woolworths redevelopment phase and
careful consideration will be given to where and how
the Plaza is upgraded in the immediate future.
The establishment of a management structure with
communication strategies that ensure decisionmaking and delivery of the Lane Cove ALIVE
Strategic Action Plan is undertaken in a transparent
and inclusive way.
The Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group (LCALG)
will be established in a way that is transparent and
acceptable to the community. Its members will be
ambassadors and storytellers of the community’s
aspirations for Lane Cove Village.
The LCALG will be responsible for delivering the Lane
Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan in collaboration with
Lane Cove Council and the Lane Cove Chamber of
Commerce. It will engage a Place Manager who will
support, drive and maintain all communication in a
transparent and inclusive way.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Key Elements for Success
A single project cannot ensure community
sustainability. An ongoing series of initiatives is vital to
build community support and create lasting progress.
Small projects make a big difference. They
demonstrate that ‘things are happening’ and hone the
leadership skills and confidence of the Lane Cove
Leadership Group to enable them to tackle more
complex problems.
Only local leadership can initiate long-term success
by fostering and demonstrating community
involvement and commitment to achieving the agreed
Public/private partnership: The community
development process needs the support and
expertise of both the public and private sectors. For
an effective partnership, each must recognise the
strengths and weaknesses of the other.
Changing community attitudes and habits are
essential to bringing about a cohesive community
renaissance. A carefully planned strategic
framework/community action plan will help shift public
perceptions and practices to support and sustain the
community development process.
Frequent, visible changes in the look and activities of
Lane Cove Village will reinforce the perception of
positive change. Small, but dramatic improvements
early in the process will remind the community that
positive changes are happening.
Q u a l i t y:
From storefront design to promotional campaigns to
special events and community art projects, quality
and design excellence must be the main goal.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Part 2
Key Themes to Deliver the Strategic Directions
Key themes to deliver the Strategic Directions
Theme 1 - The Village will build on its ‘Community Sustainability’
Theme 2 - A Prospering Local Village Economy
Theme 3 - Culture and Connectivity will be reinforced
Theme 4 - The Village Atmosphere will be enhanced
Theme 5 - Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group
Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 1.0 - Community Sustainability
The extensive community consultation undertaken for
the Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan has
revealed that the Lane Cove community is profoundly
proud of its Village and Municipality. It has many
community organisations who are actively involved in
ensuring the Village atmosphere and bushland
character is maintained and enhanced.
To quote one workshop participant, ‘the notion of a
village is how we are treated as a community and
how we interact and treat each other’.
The Lane Cove community has a long history of
being active in ensuring community issues and
concerns are heard and acknowledged. This is a
really positive quality and something often sought
after by communities where the opposite is true, such
as high degrees of apathy and non-involvement.
through building involvement in a meaningful way,
community capacity is also increased and will be
sustained into the future.
The Lane Cove Village is the ‘heart and soul’ of the
community and is a place that is highly valued,
especially the Plaza which has extensive social and
cultural memory and meaning.
Sustainability is an underpinning element of the Lane
Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan and covers all four
pillars, including environment, social, economic and
cultural sustainability. This is aligned with Lane Cove
Council’s approach to developing its Social, Cultural
and Sustainability Plans and resonates with the vision
of ‘ a community committed to sustainability’.
The key goal of the Lane Cove ALIVE project is to
foster this sense of community and provide a
framework where leadership will be provided and
nurtured in an open, transparent and inclusive way. A
guiding philosophy is that the ‘synergy of the whole is
greater than the sum of the parts’. In other words
Communities that are empowered and involved in
determining their own futures become self-sustaining
and wonderful places to live, work and play.
ALIVE Strategic
Action Plan
Action Plan
May 2005May 2005
Theme 1.1 - A ‘Green’ Approach for Business
As the community and broader society become more
adept to the understanding of sustainability, this is
increasingly placing pressures on businesses and
government to be accountable for their own
influences in the global environment.
Small business is the least equipped to manage and
respond to these changing trends and consequently
continues to employ practices that are not sustainable
and in fact incur unnecessary costs to themselves and
the environment.
The time is right for Lane Cove to be a leader in the
sustainable management arena. Through a
sustainability program this can help businesses and
government to deliver both sustainable environmental
outcomes, while also improving the management of
the Village and its businesses.
Any program must raise the benchmarks in
sustainable business development. Lane Cove
Village could take strong leadership and positioning,
leading to significant marketing and public relations
opportunities by highlighting this ‘green agenda’.
There is not one globally recognised approach to
sustainability in business. The complexities that exist
in the free market make one generic response
implausible for all businesses. However, it is
understood that to best manage sustainability in any
organisation, a whole of systems approach is
required. A strategic vision is essential and the
practical tools to support that are needed to be
efficiently applied. Critical to the application of
sustainability in business is organisational
transparency; corporate accountability requires that
businesses actions be clearly reported to the
For any business or company it must have a
sustainable business system. Sustainable
management is a whole of process approach and
is adopted considering the businesses impact on
the wider community. The concept of sustainability
considers four elements:
Environmental, ideally to run your business with
a minimal impact on the environment,
measuring and reducing your existing impact on
the environment.
Cultural, to understand the training and
leadership from within the individual business
operations in relation to the four pillars of
Social, ideally to run your business with a
minimal negative impact on the society and the
community you operate in. Measuring and
reducing your existing impact on society is a
key goal in addressing this dimension.
Economic, making sure your business meets its
financial requirements as detailed in the
business plan and mission statement.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 1.2 - Actions for a ‘Green’ Sustainable Community
LCALG, PM, C of C,
Ensure that Lane Cove
Village becomes a best local businesses, and
practice example of a
Council including
sustainable centre that Environmental Education
protects and nurtures the
How will it be delivered
Priority Timeframe
Ensure that Lane Cove village becomes a best practice example of a
sustainable town centre that protects and nurtures the environment by:
3 to 5 years and
- Fine grates to reduce polluted stormwater;
- use solar lighting to promote green energy;
- develop a stormwater capture system that can service irrigation needs
of surrounding open spaces;
- Provide sustainable education and information outlets;
- provide recycle bins;
- develop and promote reusable bags with the Village logo on them;
- promote alternative transport through signs e.g., 5 min.
- Grow native plants or plants and flowers that require less water.
Ensure that new facilities in LCALG, PM, Council Develop best practice sustainable design features in new facilities
Lane Cove Village represent including Environmental constructed in the Village area including: Rain water tanks installed under
best practice in sustainable
Education Officer.
the floor of buildings; Grass roofs on buildings to reduce run off and
stormwater; Best practice in Every Drop Counts and Energy Smart
Programs; and Meeting the BASIX requirements.
sustainable LCALG, PM, C of C, local
businesses in Lane Cove businesses, and Council
Develop a central Village LCALG, PM, and Council
including Bushcare
Eco-Centre that is an
extension of the Eco-Centre
in Lane Cove West.
Environmental Education
Establish a sustainability program for changing trader behaviour around
sustainability including sustainable business practices.
Mid 2006
Feasibility study of establishment of a ‘Village Eco-Centre’ possibly located
on the roof of the ‘Multipurpose Cultural Centre’ that will enable: Access for
all people to work on community garden beds; Central sustainability and
gardening workshops for the community; Space for outdoor cultural
performances and outdoor cinema events; Environmental education and
promotion functions; and locations for environmental installations and
5 to 10 years
Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.0 - Strategic & Future Economic Position
The retail role of the centre will be largely fulfiled with
the addition of the full service supermarket
(Woolworths). This does not mean that additions of
floorspace or even other supermarkets are not
appropriate in the future. Rather a more sustainable
retail environment is established for Lane Cove
residents in terms of convenience shopping. Before
the addition of the supermarket, full service options
were not available to local residents in the village
area. Soon residents will not have to leave Lane
Cove and travel further in order to grocery shop
The addition of the supermarket will have a number of
effects on the performance of the Lane Cove centre:
it will increase traffic levels;
it will increase levels of visitation to the area;
it will improve car parking provision; and
it will improve the status and quality of the library.
Flow-on benefits of the supermarket are largely a
function of the connections to the plaza from the
supermarket, and the appeal of the village ‘heart’ as a
whole. At present the village has an attractive built
fabric in parts, poor quality laneway/arcade
connections, and an outdated public plaza that needs
quality additions and improvements. Therefore, at
present the overall village offer and the quality of
spaces in the village will need to be improved, if the
village is to take advantage of its increased profile as
a result of the new supermarket.
With the retail role largely fulfiled, the village should
look at opportunities to consider how it might improve
its overall economic performance. It has two choices
in this regard:
1. It can adopt a residential intensity focus.
2. It can adopt a jobs focus.
Increasing residential opportunities in Lane Cove
Village is a sustainable strategy, as the village is close
to public transport and high intensity employment
areas (Lane Cove west, North Sydney, Chatswood,
the City etc). Providing residential intensity here is
clearly more sustainable than providing it in the fringe
growth areas of Sydney.
A jobs focus is a more difficult proposition, and would
be a longer term exercise. Lane Cove is nevertheless
an attractive proposition for major offices. It lacks
some of the infrastructure of North Sydney or
Chatswood, but is highly accessible and close to all
the major commercial areas of the north and east of
the city. Unlike housing, in the current market,
speculative office development is unlikely.
Consequently, build-to-order is the most likely
outcome for major office development.
1. Residential Opportunities
These options are not exclusive and can be combined
in balance or to give one more of an emphasis than
the other. Both strategies are appropriate and
promote sustainability but will have different
implications for the role of the village.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
2. Employment Opportunities
This brings us to the nature of an employment
strategy. Within Lane Cove village there are three
ways to deliver an improved employment outcome in
terms of sites, and none of them are easy:
1. Incremental development and upgrading of
existing fabric within the current zones;
2. Expanding edge of village zones, especially
Epping Road, to allow commercial development;
3. Allowing development of council non-community
Again, these three options are not exclusive and
Council might consider all as a package, or just one or
In our view, the development of an employment or
residential strategy should be considered in terms of
its overall benefit to the village centre and not just for
development's sake. At present, retail in the village
would benefit more from an influx of workers (which
are there during the day), than the after-hours and
weekend benefit of residents.
It is unlikely that incremental development (1) would
substantially improve the performance of the village.
However, Council might give itself some time to
evaluate the effects of the new supermarket on
also has a preference to be in good urban places,
such as Lane Cove, where a sense of community is
demand for commercial space in the village, before
deciding on its strategy.
Given the political history of Lane Cove, one
community view with respect to intensification will be
to query why intensification should be an objective at
all. This group will make the point that they are happy
with a lower intensity of land use and therefore fewer
people using the village.
We see no reason to exclude an economic
improvement strategy from Lane Cove, especially if
such a strategy seeks to retain the character of the
village. In our view the village operates in a regional
and even global environment and should endeavour
to do its best in terms of contributing to the improved
economic and social performance of the city. In other
words the strategy should be inclusive and look
outward, rather than exclusive and inward looking.
The ‘new economy’ or information or creative services
economy is made up of creative individuals. Richard
Florida calls them the ‘creative class’. These people
are a major component of our economic growth and
want an economic and social environment that
nurtures creativity and artistic endeavour.
‘Technological and economic activity are nurtured by
and interact with artistic and cultural creativity.’
Lane Cove Village holds these qualities true to its very
existence. This future profile of the ‘creative class’ is
very appropriate for the Village. Future employment
strategies should focus on attracting these creative
individuals to Lane Cove.
Economic performance has proven social effects as
the two are actively linked. For instance a
consequence of good economic performance is
employment. A consequence of poor economic
performance is unemployment, which is a social
Improved economic performance has the effect of
providing net benefits to society as a whole. Business
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.1 - A Prospering Local Retail Economy
Lane Cove is a contemporary centre offering a
sophisticated urban lifestyle in a village atmosphere
and setting.
Growth Target Market The emergent growth target market can be classified
as 'Cultural Creatives' whose qualities consist of:
Quality café lifestyle experiences;
High end fresh produce;
Prefer to spend money on the traditional ‘main
Attracted to the village life and atmosphere;
Environmentally aware - will support traders who
offer quality and support the environment;
Enjoy quality urban environments;
Have high income;
Professional / well educated;
Community minded;
Change from suburban anonymity and
individualism to a yearning for community;
Purchasers of quality fashion, home wares, gifts
and wellbeing services; and
Recognising a need for change from mass market
standards to individual point of difference.
Future Growth Categories -
Lane Cove Village will find its future in the following
retail categories:
Fresh Food
This will be supermarket based and high-end fresh
food offering ie: Value added gourmet deli, fish, meat,
poultry and fruit and veg.
Restaurants / Take Out
Quality café lifestyle as seen in Melbourne laneways
offering quality restaurant food at café prices.
Quality medium to high-end fashion. There is an
opportunity for young designers to base themselves
within the myriad of arcades due to affordable rentals.
Home wares and Gifts
Quality home wares. Being a lifestyle centre the
village can become a hub of quality home wares.
Quirky one-off individual traders.
Destination Streets
One off quality destination stores, these could be
located within the laneways.
The wellbeing industry is one of the fastest growth
areas for the cultural creatives. Services such as
personal grooming, health care, day spas and gyms
will only grow and Lane Cove could position itself as
a Wellbeing Lifestyle Village Destination.
Lane Cove Village Laneways and Arcades
These are the surprise factor of Lane Cove. The
laneways if leased with quality destination operators
will provide the surprise and WOW factor for
customers. This needs to be promoted within the
marketing of the village to give it a point of difference.
Leisure, Culture and Entertainment
Building on the communities interest in culture and
leisure activities Lane Cove is positioned to deliver a
calendar of events that is coordinated and reached as
sectors of the population. The renaissance of the
Plaza and library will provide greater opportunities for
these events. Exploring the feasibility for a major
Cultural Centre will further focus the community on
things they are passionate about.
Niche retail opportunities
The community has expressed the desire to have
craft and hobby retail outlets. Given future trends to
nostalgic pursuits such as knitting and old fashioned
home based activities, these may be well positioned.
A eco garden shop with nursery would also satisfy the
communities interest in the green environment.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.2 - A New Village Image and Brand
The future positioning for Lane Cove will be a
'Village Lifestyle Destination' with all the lifestyle
products and services, as well as a strong and
fresh café/restaurant story.
An authentic Logo/Brand and unusual image will
give Lane Cove Village a sense of purpose and
positioning within the market place.
It is recommended that this be implemented in the
short-term to give a sense of confidence, welcome
and arrival to the town centre.
Branding can be utilised in the following forms:
Entry and arrival gateways for the Village;
Over street banners;
Cluster banners;
Street/urban art;
Trader's lifestyle brochure
Shopping bags; and/or
Window stickers.
An overall village brand concept is recommended
with different colour themes to introduce vibrancy
and colour into the area. Gateway entries need to
be bold and highly visible expressing a strong
This element of the
logo represents the
strong community
spirit and sense of
connectivity. It
illustrates that Lane
Cove Village is a
place for all people,
especially a family
place - where
children are safe
and family activities
are encouraged.
This symbolises Lane
Cove’s variety of
activities, including
outdoor seating with
relaxed dining in the
Plaza, to the more cosy
and intimate spaces to
be discovered tucked
away in laneways. The
plaza in particular is a
meeting place to mingle
and relax.
Human Scale
Lane Coves Village
character is largely
due to its human
scale of buildings
and proportion of
spaces that elicit a
feeling of comfort
and enclosure. The
building generally
has historic facades
that provide a
continuity of form
and character. The
Village’s hilly nature
creates interesting
vistas and view
Leafy - a strong
character of Lane
Cove is its leafy
and green
environment with a
predominance of
large native trees
that are clearly
visible within the
Village and its
surrounds. The
interest in the
environment is a
key value and
future planning
must be
underpinned by
this interest.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
The location of
Lane Cove
surrounded in part
by the Lane Cove
river, provides
many opportunities
for leisure pursuits
both active and
passive. The major
sport complex and
swimming pool
adjacent to the
Village is a major
asset for the
May 2005
Theme 2.3 - Marketing Lane Cove Village Image
Banners will be used to reinforce the village
atmosphere and utilising the new logo will
communicate feelings of belonging and a sense of
community. Different banners can also be used for
different events and seasons and create a lively,
colourful and interesting streetscape. Overall the
message is that this community cares and is proud of
its village environment. Banners at the entrance to
Lane Cove Village will be eye catching and welcoming
to visitors.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.4 - Examples of Local Marketing Opportunities
The first phase of marketing development in the
Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan will be the
promotion of the future positioning of Lane Cove
Village as a ‘Village Lifestyle Destination’ with
lifestyle products and services as well as a strong
and fresh café/ restaurant story.
Promotion of the new logo (developed and agreed
to by the community) will be achieved through such
items as shopping bags, banners, window stickers,
entry treatments and street art.
The use of the logo on environmentally friendly shopping
bags will really create a feeling of Lane Cove as a special
place. Apart from reinforcing the communitis interest in the
green agenda it will also introduce others to environmentally
responsible behaviour.
Use of the logo on shop stickers will also give the
message of "pride in place" and could be used for
specific retail promotions or events. They could be
used to signify which businesses are participating in
the overall Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
Lane Cove ALIVE Shop Stickers
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.5 - Business Development Program
Business development is often underestimated at the
‘mainstreet’ level. For Lane Cove Village to
successfully embrace the new positioning, a
collaborative effort is required between all
stakeholders: retailers, business, developers, council
and the community. It is therefore imperative that
individual traders are inspired and skilled to make the
most of the new Lane Cove Village story.
As future development will necessitate times of
transition and uncertainty for various traders, it is also
critical that a strong level of trust and communication
is present amongst the key players of Lane Cove
Key Objectives:
Key Issues
To communicate and sell the new positioning to all
To improve the skill level of traders; and
To upgrade the presentation of existing traders.
The unique nature of Lane Cove is made up of diverse
small business offering. It is crucial that a business
development program ensures support of and
improvement of these businesses to compete in the
local economy.
In some instances poor shopfront design and
Average customer service standards;
Average merchandising standards;
No strategic marketing story;
Average quality of food and service not up to
standard of a lifestyle village centre;
Poor quality of entrances (non-welcoming);
Poor - average quality of outdoor furniture; and
Average urban form - lack of beauty and central
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.6 - Leasing and Operations Issues
It is recommended that a future ‘outdoor seating
leasing plan’ be developed for the plaza. The future
product / service experience will be critical to the
success of Lane Cove Village as a destination for
lifestyle services.
Regular operational standards need to be adhered to,
especially with the use of public space (eg: outdoor
seating in plaza) as a commercial initiative including:
It is also recommended a leasing brochure be
developed to attract the appropriate mix of traders /
businesses to the Village. Council to create guidelines
for shop front merchandising, roller shutters and
No commercial branding eg: coffee / coke signs on
umbrellas, balustrades, seating etc.;
High quality outdoor furniture, umbrellas, gas
heaters and seating;
Safety, OHR and Environmental Health guidelines
to be adhered to; and
Traders to be encouraged to use new Lane Cove
Village brand in furniture and umbrellas.
Council to sign off on the above as part of the new
positioning and future direction of Lane Cove.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 2.7 - Actions for a Prospering Local Economy
How will it be delivered
Priority Timeframe
Lane Cove ALIVE Logo
Use Logo in a range of ways - shopping bags, banners, all promotional
July 2005
Image and Identity - branding
Develop a list of ways to use ALIVE branding and logo
Targeted Tenancy Review
Mid 2006
Lane Cove ALIVE Business
and Community Awards
Develop and delivery of business and community awards - different
categories including customer service and shop presentation
Late 2005
Training for local business
Establish customer service and retail training programs for participating
traders - develop incentive program to participate
Mid 2006
Mystery Shopper Program
Develop a mystery shopper promotion
Late 2006
Lane Cove Village Business
Develop a business directory of all businesses in Lane Cove - potential for
web based directory eg NZ web program
Lane Cove ALIVE Village
Golf Day or Bowls Day
Investigate the establishment of a Lane Cove Golf Day or Bowls as a
business networking event for all local businesses and sponsors involved.
This could be an annual event sponsored by ALIVE and Chamber.
Late 2006/07
'Green' Business Initiatives
Establish a program for changing trader behaviour around sustainability
including sustainable business practices
Late 2006/07
Shop locally campaign
Develop a shop locally campaign including loyalty cards
End 2005
Business Welcome Kit (for
new businesses)
Produce a Lane Cove ALIVE welcome kit for new businesses and new
End 2006
Business Database (Web
based - links with Buy
Local/Supply Local)
Develop a directory that lists suppliers used by local businesses - to try and
encourage joint deliveries.
End 2006
LCALG, PM, C of C and Commission and undertake a targeted tenancy mix strategy for all of Lane
Specialist Consultant Cove Village
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 3.0 Culture and Connectivity - People
Lane Cove Village will be a place for all people, of all
ages, and of all abilities. Lane Cove will celebrate
Indigenous heritage and culture through
acknowledging and promoting Cameraygal history.
The Village will be accessible and welcoming,
ensuring that people feel safe to meet and enjoy the
broad variety of cultural events and performances that
occur throughout the year.
LCALG will consider the needs of the variety of
interest groups in Lane Cove including for children,
young people, older people, Indigenous people,
women, people with a disability, people from culturally
and linguistically diverse backgrounds, religious and
spiritual groups, and people from environmental
There are a range of ways in which you can work to
ensure that Lane Cove Village is accessible to all
people within the community. LCALG will work to
improve the physical, intellectual, emotional, and
creative accessibility of Lane Cove Village.
In particular LCALG will support the improvement of
the physical layout and design of Village facilities and
services to increase the physical accessibility of Lane
Cove for people with a disability, and people with
mobility, hearing, and vision impairments including
older people. Design features may include public
artworks that reflect how the community interacts with
the unique nature of the Village as a ‘place’.
LCALG will also work to increase cultural safety in
Lane Cove Village by working with businesses and
services. All people will feel free to creatively express
themselves with care for the surrounding community
and environment, and without a fear of being
negatively judged as a result.
The Village will represent a diverse range of
intellectual interests through the promotion of
heritage, cultural and social justice principles in the
aesthetic design of the Village.
LCALG will work to increase the diversity of spaces
and atmospheres available in the Village that will
meet a variety of needs. The Village will develop and
enhance vibrant and active spaces as well as tranquil
and passive spaces.
The Village will also be convenient through increased
living hours in addition to providing enough social and
cultural variety amongst consistent services and
events that will keep people interested and engaged.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 3.1 - Events and Marketing
Healthy, vibrant communities have active calendars of
events and activities that reflect their place, culture
and identity.
Lane Cove Village already has a host of exciting and
vibrant events that take place throughout the year
including Camerayagal Spring Festival and the
Kaleidoscope Children's Festival. LCALG will work to
support the quality community cultural development
work that Council and community organisations
already undertake.
Throughout the consultative process, there was a
consistent need for further and more effective
promotion of community and cultural events and
services in the Village area.
LCALG will continue to enhance the quality and
variety of spaces that are available for social and
cultural events, which will further enhance the
communities strong connection to the Lane Cove
A Cultural Program for the Village aims to:
Invite people to interact and feel part of the ‘place’;
Set the tone that will attract the ‘village
Celebrate the heart and soul of the ‘place’;
Add vitality, surprise and culture; and
Entertain, Escape, Educate.
Community activities:
A place of celebration
The plaza should be a well-programmed place of - Quality buskers;
- Jazz on Friday nights / Sat morning;
- Events conducted by traders;
- A community space;
- A space for school concerts; and
- Community activities.
Marketing and Programming Strategy
It is recommended that a promotional calendar be
developed for Lane Cove with the central activity
focussed on the plaza. The calendar needs to
present the following:
Special events;
School Activities / Bands / Theatre;
Local organisation’s events;
Have a new 'what's on' community notice board;
Environmental Groups;
Civic activities (council promotions); and
Book Fair (building on the library influence in the
Retailer Promotions and activities:
Specific sales events eg: outdoor market;
Retail promotion calendar;
Eg: Xmas, Easter, Mothers day, Fathers day;
Saturday morning local produce market; and
Healing and Natural Therapies Festival.
Extreme Leisure event - utilising the existing
access to Leisure facilities within the Village, but
also within close distance to National Parks.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 3.2 - Communication
The Lane Cove ALIVE project will continue to support
and enhance the hubs of information and
communication in Lane Cove Village. The need for a
variety of opportunities to gain information about
community and cultural events has resonated as a
common theme throughout the consultative process.
Lane Cove has an educated population who are keen
to find out about community and cultural activities in
addition to becoming active and passive participants
in events.
Key forms of information and communication may
include the enhancement of a centrally located
community noticeboard that is up to date with relevant
information to activities that take place in the Village.
Further focus points for information and
communication include the Lane Cove Library, which
forms an important central hub for community
interaction and social engagement.
Future information and communication hubs may
include a Multi-purpose Cultural Centre that may offer
strong foundations for the cross-collaboration
between community groups and businesses. The
Centre would provide the opportunity to develop
cultural partnerships and realise excellence in
creative talent and skill development. The Centre
would work to meet the increasing needs of growing
community and cultural groups that are strengthening
each year in the Lane Cove community.
It is important that through all projects in Lane Cove
Village, LCALG seeks out opportunities to support the
growth of community and cultural groups. Central
community spaces and facilities can foster the social
interaction and community engagement in Lane Cove,
which will enrich the diversity of cultural interests and
enhance the quality of creative outputs for the Village.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 3.3 - Actions for culture and connectivity
How will it be delivered
Priority Timeframe
Lane Cove Multi-Purpose
Cultural Centre
With support of the entire
community through
extensive consultation
The multi-purpose cultural centre will be a facility that provides a range of
equipment and spaces that will foster an increase in cultural opportunities
for people in Lane Cove Village. A multi-purpose cultural centre would be
developed in collaboration with the cultural community of Lane Cove and it
would provide a platform for cultural and creative excellence in Lane Cove.
end 2009
Lane Cove ALIVE Logo LCALG, PM, C of C
Enable community and Community and cultural
cultural organisations to use
branding in order to be
recognised in the Village
ALIVE Independent Body and Place Manager works with the Lane Cove
Chamber of Commerce to enable community and cultural organisations to
utilise Village sub logos on flags. For example, the people sub logo could be
located on a flag or sign at each cultural location and facility.
end of 2005
Promote reconciliation and
Aboriginal heritage in Lane
Cove Village.
ALIVE Independent body and Place Manager advocate for the Aboriginal
Flag to fly in the Village centre every day all year round.
Support a diverse range of LCALG, PM, C of C and Work with Council to develop a comprehensive ‘Cultural Program’ for the
cultural events in Lane Cove Specialist Consultant Village, working closely with Council’s Cultural Plan.
end of 2005
Enhance the capacity to hold
cultural events by providing
facilities at Pottery Green - a
large open space in a central
location near the Lane Cove
mid 2006
LCALG, PM, Council
LCALG, PM, Council
LCALG and Place Manager advocate for, and support moves by Council to
investigate opportunities to increase the capacity for cultural events at
Pottery Green such as undertaking projects that will enable the
development of: a performance space and facilities and space that caters
for cultural events such as night markets and outdoor cinema that may
include documentaries that feature environmental education, surfing and
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 3.3 - Actions for culture and connectivity cont.
How will it be delivered
Priority Timeframe
ALIVE Independent Body and Place Manager advocate for the M
maintenance, protection and enhancement of public spaces in the Lane
Cove Village that are suitable for cultural and community events including
educational activities.
Ensure that the Village LCALG, PM, C of C
maintains public space
community events and
Community Notice Board
Research options with community - develop an action plan to plan, fund and
Community and cultural construct the community notice board.Seek Arts Council funding.
Assist the community in Lane LCALG, PM, C of C
To create a cultural and community directory between people and
Cove Village make links and
organisations in the Village, working closely with Council’s Cultural Plan.
Community and cultural
exchange information.
Information Centre - or LCALG, PM, Council Determine role and locate premises.
customer care centre
Support a diverse range of LCALG, PM, C of C and Work with Council to develop a comprehensive ‘Cultural Program’ for the
cultural events in Lane Cove Specialist Consultant Village, working closely with Council’s Cultural Plan.
end of 2005
Postcards produced to
promote activities and events
in the Village
mid 2006
Prepare fund and distribute cards for events.
Mid 2006
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
end of 2005
Late 2006
May 2005
Theme 4.0 - The Village Atmosphere will be Enhanced
Lane Cove Village has the opportunity to be a special
place, that can respond to the current ‘global trends’
regarding the desires and aspirations of communities
throughout the western world.
relationship with flowers and plants. Increasingly our
changing lifestyles are intimately linked with all other
interests in life like art, design, food, free times,
friends, family and philosophy.’
Enhancement of the village environment will take
regard to how the ‘place’ looks physically, but also
how it functions and the services it delivers to its
community, residents and visitors. It must be a
meaningful place that offers the community
opportunities to connect with each other and feel safe
and nurtured.
Some predictions include:
As stated by Li Edelkoort a Paris based Trend
‘As a trend forecaster I have noticed over the years
how trends come and go and influence our
Tribal and the need to unite, greater sense of
community- family, friends, and work mates;
Greater sense of family - not always in the
traditional sense;
Shared child rearing responsibilities;
Increase in group activities - clubs and groups
growing in numbers;
Generosity - care for one another and care for the
Water will be the element of the future;
Design will be about functionality and simplicity;
We will eat foods that are in season and become
far more concerned about nutrition and what is
going into our bodies;
Ready made foods will leave us in favour of semi
prepared; and
We will begin to take far more responsibility for our
planet and environmental issues will no longer be
just for the greenies. More people will embrace
sustainability in all forms.
The renaissance of Lane Cove Village must be
considered in a holistic way and this section of the
Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan suggests a
number of ways the physical domain could be
improved to create a more powerful ‘sense of place’.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.1 - The Existing Plaza
In an era of second and third generation plazas it is
timely to be revisiting and updating one of Sydney's
longest standing plazas in Lane Cove.
The existing plaza has been extremely successful
over numerous years and for many in the Lane Cove
community it's scale and character best epitomises
their concept of the village area. These are clearly
qualities that the community consultation suggests
must be retained.
Nonetheless, with an increasing local population,
commercial competition from other centres and the
imminence of a major development in the village
centre, the time has arrived for a re-think on how the
Plaza can better meet the needs of its community in
the 21st century.
In acknowledging the evident success of the Lane
Cove Plaza over the years there are a number of
design and functional aspects of the Plaza that need
to be addressed, particularly given the impending
Woolworths development and the arcade link to the
The attached analysis drawings (see page 41 and 42)
summarise many of these design and operational
issues which include:
Circulation that is inflexible in many places;
Poorly linked spaces;
Absence of directional signage;
Worn out grass;
Seating in unshaded spaces;
A poplar stage and bandstand that are not multifunctional;
Trees that have not been located to maximum
Walls and planters that clutter the space;
Outdoor eating areas that reduce movement
across the plaza; and
Loading zones that preclude views into the Plaza.
While this is not an exhaustive list, the issues and
opportunities that it raises are addressed in the
concept design (see 44) and the summary and
description below.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.1 - Existing Plaza - strengths and weaknesses
cross access
Useful shade but two
trees too close
Important shade trees
need to be retained
Very exposed part of
plaza with no shade
Too many trees in this
location reduce visibility
and provide limited visual
Access very
channelled at the
sides of the plaza
channelled at the sides
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Stage and Bandstand create a
strong visual presence but no
alternative use when not in
active performance
Numerous steps/walls
associated with stage
limits use/flexibility
Raised deck limits disabled
access and the edges are a
Awning level of
shops could be
used for more
outdoor eating
Raised deck not suitable
for disabled
make the
for a range
of uses
Loading zone
parking blocks
view into plaza
This space is not well
linked to the plaza
Cafe tables and seats
limit cross access
Grass in poor condition
Brick has long term
trip problems where
service authorities
access services
Brick planters appear
arbitrary in location
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.2a - A New Design for the Village ‘Heart’
Create a beautiful and enchanting Village ‘Heart’ for
the Lane Cove community to call their own.
While the following sketch concept conveys only one
way in which an upgrade for the Plaza might be
achieved, it encompasses a number of important
design and operational principles that should apply
equally to any alternative design. These principles
First and foremost the plaza is a place for the
To meet.
To play.
To people watch.
To eat.
To browse.
To shop.
1. Create Village Plaza of lively activity and
2. Maintain the human scale of the plaza;
3. Create a plaza that is a beautiful place to be, meet
and enjoy in Lane Cove Village; and
4. Ensure the appropriate mix of retailers encircle the
plaza, maximising theatre, activity and the senses.
Retain the village character and scale;
Appeal to all ages and cultural backgrounds;
Clarity and flexibility in pedestrian movement along
and across the plaza;
Simple legibility and orientation for users (main
path unobstructed clear and well located signage);
Design with multiple functions in mind(low walls
and steps as seats, a stage that doubles as a
seating area when not in use etc);
Layout that maintains efficient servicing of and
access to shops and shop windows without loss of
urban design quality or user experience;
A space that ensures public safety, amenity and
A well treed space with few but carefully chosen
Uncluttered spaces that can be readily adapted to
events and performance;
Visible links to other parts of the centre and
especially to car parks;
Use of materials that also include varieties of
textures but that retain a robust and enduring
Opportunities for seating in sun and shade at all
times of the year;
Considered balance between places for casual
eating or seating and café or restaurant related
seating and tables;
Designs that suit the disabled and elderly (to meet
Australian Standard1428); and
Extensive use of first level floors for viewing into
plaza (eg eating areas at awning level).
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.2b - Plaza Concept Design
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.2c - Plaza Concept Design Elements
The principal design features in the concept which
respond to the above principles include:
Central spine of linked spaces with clear paths at
either side for ease of access to shopfronts;
Opening up of the Longueville Road end to
improve pedestrian access and circulation as well
as to increase the Plaza capacity and visibility;
Series of simple stepped terraces facing onto a
new adaptable stage location closer to Burns Bay
Removal of any parking/ unloading bays on the
Burns Bay Road boundary to provide clear view
along the Plaza;
Uses of steps and low walls to change levels and
also provide informal seating locations; and
Larger raised thresholds for the roads at both ends
of the Plaza to improve pedestrian safety and to
calm traffic speeds in a shared zone.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.2d - An Aerial Perspective
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.2f - Key Design Features
During future design development phases for the
Plaza careful consideration of the details will be
required to ensure that the principles established for
the concept outlined above can be maintained and
realised. Set out below is a brief description of the
recommended approach to the design of a number of
critical design features.
Simple and robust materials will ensure a long
lifespan for the Plaza. Given the sandstone
geography of the area this is an appropriate material
used selectively. While use of all natural materials for
paving and walls may be preferable, the cost of using
such materials exclusively can make this impractical.
There are however numerous alternative materials,
many from reconstituted stone or concrete with
exposed aggregates and high quality finishes that will
be complementary to selective use of natural
materials for design highlights.
Texture is also important. Given the practical
problems of using grass in the Plaza, as is presently
demonstrated, an alternative may be the use of
materials with textures or a finer grain of finish. This
might range from use of small unit pavers in some
locations (such as porphyry setts) to alternative
materials such as softfalls.
Lane Cove is strongly associated with a bushland
context and the striking Eucalypts that line Burns Bay
Road are a visual icon for the village. Use of native
trees in the village centre itself is desirable but this
needs to be tempered with consideration of urban soil
factors that do not suit all natives and the need to
provide seasonal variation (sun in winter and shade in
summer as well as seasonal colour variation).
Safety and ambience will be important considerations
for the successful night time use of the Plaza. Subtle
and attractive lighting can greatly enhance the
amenity of the Plaza and maintain evening use which
thereby improves public safety. Again with space at a
premium the means of integrating lighting within other
elements such as wall lights, awnings, signage and
the like will assist in reducing clutter within the Plaza.
Additional colour can also be easily supplied in places
like the Plaza by using displays of annuls in specially
designed planters that can be readily moved and
replaced throughout the year as per Sydney City
Council). Carefully located hedges could also add an
architectural but green element in the Plaza.
Integrating a climber or hedge within a framework
construction (a hedge) can also extend a more
verdant character to an area that must otherwise
necessarily be mostly hard paved for functional and
operational reasons.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
The existing bandstand is clearly a popular element in
the Plaza. Nonetheless the stage and bandstand
have been designed for a single purpose and
consequently are poorly suited to general day to day
use when not in performance. Indeed given the
bandstand provides shade in an otherwise exposed
part of the plaza it provides no integrated seating for
general use.
Lane Cove Plaza has a lively outdoor eating
environment, but as in most public spaces within
urban centres there is an inevitable balance to be
struck between the important opportunities for outdoor
eating and the potential for this opportunity, if not
carefully planned to compromise the wider public
domain. For instance can a shopper who buys a
takeaway pie find a seat or table at which to eat.
Given that the bandstand is a popular and important
feature in Lane Cove there may be some virtue in
relocating it elsewhere in the municipality, possibly
within a park and reconfiguring a more flexible stage
space in the Plaza that also serves an everyday
For the most part in Lane Cove there is ample
opportunity for both, however circulation options are
somewhat limited in the northern end of the plaza by
the extensive and rather impermeable outdoor dining
area. Consistent street furniture (seating, umbrellas,
mobile barriers etc) can also assist in creating an
integrated character to the Plaza where quality
standards are also maintained. Such matters can
easily be written into any license or lease and do not
disadvantage shop owners from a commercial
A simple structure over the stage of an elegant and
lightweight structure and a small back wall would
allow event organisers to arrange lighting and a
simple backstage area. Adjoining storage of any
temporary staging equipment should be considered in
the design.
In the design concept there is a need to rationalise
and define outdoor dining areas. Generally the
Longueville Road end is best suited for this purpose
given the number of well established cafes and
restaurants already in place and the existing shade
provided by trees. The Burns Bay Road end of the
Plaza could also better accommodate some outdoor
eating if the new stage arrangement were
implemented, freeing up more space at this end of the
Given the relatively limited space within the plaza
there is a very practical opportunity to consider
outdoor eating on the first floor/awning level of some
buildings from where patrons can watch the activity
below without further crowding the space.
The Plaza is a relatively small space for the quantum
of activity that it contains so the opportunities to place
important street furniture such as bench seats are
inherently limited. The design concept therefore
maximises informal seating opportunities by providing
low walls an steps, taking up gradient changes across
and along the Plaza.
Street furniture such as benches, bollards and the like
can also provide ideal opportunities for branding and
public art either in the form of especially designed
furniture or in locating icons or logos by customising
proprietary makes of furniture.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
A strong sense of continuing identification of the
community with the Plaza will be greatly enhanced by
the development of Lane Cove's Public Art Strategy.
Given the space restrictions the nature of that art may
need to be integrated into design elements such as in
paving, walls, street furniture and light columns.
During the stakeholder consultations a consistent concern raised
by many participants was the absence of adequate signage in the
Lane Cove centre and the difficulty of many visitors to Lane Cove
in gaining orientation within the village centre. Signage that is
integrated with street furniture and design provides yet another
opportunity to combine public artwork.
Importantly the thrust of the artwork should be
focused on the particular qualities of Lane Cove and
its heritage and environment. These are ideal
opportunities for direct community involvement also.
Nor does artwork need always to be of a fixed and
permanent nature; ephemeral artworks and
installations provide variety and genuine opportunities
to showcase local and city-wide artistic talent. The
Plaza is ideally suited to such events.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.3 - Burns Bay Rd Precinct (near Coles)
As well as enhancing the focal point and heart of Lane
Cove Plaza it is suggested that the public domain
outside the Coles supermarket area to the west of the
Plaza should also be enhanced.
It is currently looking ‘tired’ and could benefit from a
general upgrade with new paving and seating while
maintaining the existing healthy tree. It is suggested a
similar treatment could occur with colourful mosaics
inserted into the payment edges in an organic flowing
fashion as well as at the tree base. The incorporation
of a sundial/clock feature is indicative of the inclusion
of some community art piece or image.
The enhancement of this western end will act an
anchor visually as well as making the space friendly,
comfortable and appealing to linger in, thereby
helping to attract shoppers to spend more time in this
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.4 - Laneways and Arcades
There are many laneways and arcades in Lane Cove
Village, an unusual number in for the size of the area.
Many of these Laneways (or arcades) are located
between Longueville Road shopping strip and the
Rosenthal Car Park. These spaces function primarily
to connect people from the surrounding carparks to
the Plaza and other parts of the Village area.
Many of them have a retail function with many smaller
outlets and businesses. They currently do not have a
strong character and are not particularly well lit or
friendly feeling.
There is the potential to work with traders in the
individual lane ways to develop an overall theme or
image by using colour and lighting. Targeting specific
activities that offer opportunities for novel or boutique
businesses to locate in them may create an element
of surprise and discovery.
The ‘Adopt a Laneway strategy’ will help to revitalise
the Laneways that exist in Lane Cove Village.
Revitalised Laneways will be more aesthetically
appealing, more accessible for community members
and more attractive to customers and shoppers. Each
Laneway will have a theme that compliments other
Laneway themes. Once the revitalisation projects for
Laneways have been undertaken, Laneway areas will
be more vibrant and viable for both businesses and
the community.
Examples of Community Art Projects
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.5 - Entrance to Plaza at Rosenthal Ave Carpark
One of the key entrances to Lane Cove Plaza is off
Rosenthal carpark. It is an important through route
from the carpark to the Plaza and it has considerable
pedestrian traffic throughout the day.
It currently lacks a clear design focus and is fairly
uninviting, being somewhat difficult to navigate
around existing services and structures.
The blank wall and seat do not attract people to sit
and relax in this environment and could be a an
exciting opportunity to introduce subtle features
through careful design. This blank facade could be
used to provide a vertical water feature that is
interactive for people (particularly children) to touch,
hear, smell and see.
Cluttered and not very aesthetically
pleasing entrance to Lane Cove
Village. There is a possibility of
introducing a seating design (as show
opposite) to upgrade this area.
It is suggested that this entrance to the Plaza be
upgraded as a priority and consideration given to the
incorporation of a community art treatment with
perhaps a mosaic seat or public art structure.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 4.6 - Actions for Enhancing Lane Cove Village
How will it be delivered
Develop a public/community art strategy. Consider introducing a percentage
for art policy. Seek funding support for Arts Council NSW / Australia Council
Investigate the introduction of entrance banners in the carpark on the corner
of Epping Rd and Longueville Rd - using the new logo and branding
End 2005
Sept/Oct 2005
Priority Timeframe
Public Art Strategy
LCALG, PM, Council,
Community Arts groups
Entrance Banners
LCALG, PM, C of C,
Lane Cove Entrances
LCALG, PM, Council
Develop an approach for ALL entrances to Lane Cove and prepare
indicative action plans to develop them over time
End 2006
Public domain outside small
paved area just before Coles
LCALG, PM, Council
Work with tenants and Council to upgrade area outside Coles incorporating funky mosaic design included in this report
Early 2006
Signage Policy (sandwich LCALG, C of C, Council Develop policy and encourage traders through an incentive/education
boards, general advertising)
scheme to carry out recommendations
End 2005
Cleaning up of public spaces
LCALG, PM, C of C,
in the Village (laneways,
arcades, carparks, etc)
‘Luscious Lane Cove Lanes’ LCALG, PM, C of C, Local
Walk the beat ‘hot spot’ audit - work with Council outdoor staff to clean up
critical areas
End 2005
Develop identity and positioning for individual lanes. Develop
communication material and launch Luscious Lane Cove Lanes strategy hosted by C of C
End 2006
Plaza upgrade
Council, LCALG, PM,
C of C
Prioritise and stage upgrade of Plaza to coincide with Woolworths
redevelopment and available funding- negotiation with Woolworths.
Consider stage 1 focus on the laneway to Rosenthal carpark. Consider
introduction of water feature.
End 2005 2006/7
Design for Library entrance
Council, LCALG
Develop a public domain improvement plan for the library entrance that is
enchanting and children friendly - opportunity for a community arts project
including school arts project.
Late 2006
Public toilets
Council, LCALG
Review and audit of current facilities and an action plan developed
MId 2006
Shop front improvements
Establish a shop front and visual merchandising improvement fund - to
encourage traders to actively upgrade their shopfront and internal layout of
Early 2006
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 5. Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group
To ensure that the projects and proposals contained in
the Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan are a
success it is necessary to develop a partnership
framework for the implementation and funding of the
action plan. This section provides an overview of a
potential framework for the implementation and
funding of the action plan. More specific details of this
approach are provided in Appendix 1.
Community consultation identified the importance of
developing working relationships between a range of
key stakeholders and a robust structure to deliver the
Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan.
It is therefore recommended that a partnership group
called Lane Cove ALIVE Leadership Group (LCALG)
be established. The LCALG is a partnership of key
stakeholders, sharing aspirations, expertise and
resources to create a connected and holistic plan to
meet local needs and strengthen its regional interests.
An effective, proactive partnership will strengthen the
Lane Cove Village, building commitment and a sense
of ownership and pride, as well as a strong network
that attracts both users and investors by harmonising
their mutual interests.
The establishment of a Leadership Group for Lane
Cove ALIVE during 2005 will be vital in ensuring that
the proposals contained within this Strategic Action
Plan are realised.
This approach to the management of Lane Cove
Village is innovative and challenging. The LCALG will
take on the role as ambassadors, supporters and
facilitators of the future. With the employment of a
suitable Place Manager, together they will spend
much of their time encouraging, advising and working
with traders and representatives of Government and
community organisations.
The Place Manager will need knowledge, experience
and skills in community and cultural development,
networking and stakeholder partnership building.
High-level relationship building skills are crucial in
creating the cultural glue that will bind the vision and
project together.
expressions of interest from individuals that represent
businesses, community and property owners.
As Lane Cove Council will provide substantial seed
funding to the LCALG it is intended that a
representative of Council at a senior management
level will hold a position on the group.
Opportunities need to be created for local
communities to participate in projects that develop a
deeper understanding of the character of Lane Cove
Village and help to promote it at the same time.
They should be regarded as local ambassadors or
social entrepreneurs of their ‘place’ and one of its
most important promotional assets. This is not just
about consultation to achieve consensus. It is about
creating a living, breathing Lane Cove ALIVE
campaign which places local people at its heart, so
about mobilising local cultural assets and generating
‘ideas-banks’ for future endeavours.
It is essential that the LCALG is representative of the
broad community. It is recommended that the group
be small in size to ensure that it is manageable and
action focused. It is not intended to include specific
community organisations as such, but rather call for
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Theme 5.1 - Actions for LCALG
ALIVE Organisation (ALIVE)
Council and Selection
Place Manager (PM)
Detailed 12mth Strategic
Action Plan
Media Liaison and Plan
How will it be delivered
Priority Timeframe
Selection Process identified
Advertisement and interview process
Through review and consensus of ALIVE Strategic Directions
end of 2005
Prepare a media strategy that includes processes for how to work with local media,
radio, TV. This will be developed and maintained by the group
Mid 2005
Construction LCALG, PM, C of C, and Preparation of an action plan of strategies to minimise impact of
redevelopment during and after construction phase
Mid 2005
Development of a network of volunteers and champions to work on specific
Lane Cove Ambassadors Social Entrepreneurs Group Community and cultural projects groups
Late 2005
Communication Strategy
Develop the communication strategy to cover; Key messages, Building
relationships with media, Village Observer and especially the North Shore
Times, Regular press release and good news stories.
Late 2005
Research and establish a Lane Cove ALIVE website
Mid 2006
Prepare quarterly newsletter
Prepare template, write and collate stories - seek sponsorship for editions
Mid 2006
LCALG, PM, Council
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005
Part 3
Delivering Lane Cove ALIVE
In order to provide a focused programme for action, a
number of key priority projects need to be identified by
the LCALG.
It is likely that the Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action
Plan will have a life of 5-10-15 years and possibly
beyond, and that its implementation will extend over
the majority, if not all, of this period. However, the
potential exists to secure ‘early wins’, which will help
to initiate the process of enhancement and change at
as early a stage as possible. While the Strategy will
provide a framework for management over this
timescale, it is important that it is seen as a ‘living’
document and is monitored and reviewed on an
ongoing basis, in order to reflect, changes in the
Village requirements and new opportunities which
may arise, planning policy, and the successful
implementation of projects.
These projects should intend to ensure that
substantial beneficial change can be secured,
focusing on those projects which have the greatest
capacity to transform perceptions of Lane Cove
Village, and to act as catalysts for further
enhancements in the Village.
In addition, these Priority Projects are intended to
strike an appropriate balance between those projects
which can provide 'early wins', or which can be
undertaken at relatively low cost, and those major
projects which will take longer to come to fruition, but
will deliver substantial benefits.
This process of monitoring and reviewing should take
place on a regular basis, having regard to the
progress which has been made in implementing the
key projects and proposals set out in this document
and, where progress is limited, it should aim to identify
the reasons for this, and the actions which need to be
put in place in order to rectify this. Where particular
problems or barriers exist in relation to a specific
project, then it may be appropriate for projects to be
Specific measures against which the overall success
or performance of the strategy can be assessed may
include the following:
Implementation of individual projects;
New commercial floorspace created;
Number of new residential units created;
Floorspace refurbished/number of vacant
buildings brought back into economic use (with
specific reference to heritage listed buildings);
Number of jobs creates;
Area of existing public realm enhanced;
Area of new public realm created;
Level of public sector funding committed;
Level of private sector funding committed;
User satisfaction; and
Existing public transport facilities enhanced (ie
amount of investment).
The proposals contained within the Lane Cove ALIVE
Strategic Action Plan will make a major contribution to
the achievement of the visions and values, ensuring
that Lane Cove Village is truly a place that is living,
breathing and culturally diverse. We hope that this is
a vision which others will share, and choose to
participate in.
DRAFT Lane Cove ALIVE Strategic Action Plan
May 2005