Organizatio Happy Anniversary 40 years and more!


Organizatio Happy Anniversary 40 years and more!
St. Marys Ministry
May 22, Sunday
8 am: Most Holy Trinity Sunday
Greeters: Lenore Forsman/Maddie Rehder
Lectors: Madison Rehder, Joe Rehder
Hour Noelle
Schedule Child
- St.Lit: Morna
EM: Sarah,
Jim R., Roger/Chris
22: Jim & 8Sally
May 29,May
am: Rehder
Corpus Christi Sunday
Greeters: Heath & Tara Klapprich and Family
Lectors: Eileen Uhlenkott, Aly Seubert
Servers: Nicholas/Noah, Derick
Child Lit: April
EM: Denise, Matt, Betty, Maurice, Kris
Happy Birthday
May 22: Carly Behler, Mary Schwartz
May 23: William Crea, Nikolai Henry, Halle Klapprich,
Dalton Ross, Don Spencer Jr.
May 24: Adam Forsmann
May 25: Charlene Arnzen, Joe Baerlocher
May 26: Sheila Long, Toby Schwartz
May 27: Sharolyn Forsmann, Tim Schumacher
May 28: Noah Behler, Emelia Frei, Buddy Hood, Joseph
Lustig, Pat McWilliams
May 22, 2016 - The Most Holy Trinity Sunday
5 pm – Assumption Church, Ferdinand
8 am – St. Mary’s Church, Cottonwood
10 am – St. Anthony Church, Greencreek
Happy Anniversary 40 years and more!
St. Anthony Ministry
May 22, Sunday
10 am: Most Holy Trinity Sunday
Greeters: Norm & Julie Sonnen and Family
Sacristan: Arlene
Lector: Joe
Servers: Jessie/Dani/Rachel
EM: Johanna, Ashley, Kaitlin Wed, May 25, Bobbi
May 29, Sunday
10 am: Corpus Christi Sunday
Greeters: Eric & Alea Wassmuth and Family
Sacristan: Alea
Lector: Bobbi
Servers: Levi/David/Erin
EM: Curt, Eric, Doris Wed, June 1, Lector: Shirley
Assumption Ministry
May 21, Saturday
5 pm: Most Holy Trinity Sunday
Greeter: Kathy
EM: Carri, Kimberly, Virgil
Servers: Carson, Connor, Jade G. Lector: Barb
May 28, Saturday
6 pm: Corpus Christi Sunday
EM: Thomas, Shirley, Tim
Servers: Anthony, Natalie, Hope Lector: Crystal
Holy Cross Ministry
Masses for summer beginning Sunday, May 29th, 7 p.m.
Please come early and volunteer
Bishop Peter invites all couples celebrating 10th, 25th,
40th, 50th or 60th wedding anniversary in 2016 to the
Wedding Jubilee Mass and Celebration. It will be held
Saturday, June 18th at Holy Apostles in Meridian. Registration forms are available in the parish office or you can
register online at The deadline to
register is Monday, May 30th.
Monday, NO MASS
Tuesday, 6:30 pm—St. Mary’s, Cottonwood
Wednesday, 8 am – St. Anthony, Greencreek
Thursday, 8:20 am – St. Mary’s, Cottonwood
Friday, 8 am – Assumption, Ferdinand
John & Mary Funke, May 22nd, 51 years!
Robert & Donna Ross, May 25th, 52 years!
Save the Date: Calling all Catholic Men – the 19th
Inland Northwest Catholic Men’s Retreat will be held
on the weekend of Oct. 21-23 at Camp n-sid-sen on
Lake Coeur d Alene. This retreat will feature Dr. Tom
Curran as our Retreat Master.
Get your Tri-Parish Directory. . . Each Tri-Parish family is
entitled to one (1) free directory. If you want more than
one, each additional directory is $5 ea. and only available to
Tri-Parish members. Please come to the Tri-Parish office
for the new directories or contact Judy Forsman (9625906) or Sally Rehder (962-7798) for assistance.
Jubilee Year of Mercy - Litany of Consolation
*When my life lacks any purpose or direction - Lord
Jesus, you say: “Come to me, all you who are weary
and find life burdensome.”
*When the harshness and ruthlessness of life assail me,
Lord Jesus, you say: “I am gentle and humble of
heart; your souls will find rest.”
*When I am full of doubt, with no one to depend on Lord Jesus, you say: “Everything is possible to one
who trusts.”
*When bitterness and resentment poison my heart Lord Jesus, you say: “If the Son frees you, you will
truly be free.”
*When I see nothing but wrongdoing and failures Lord Jesus, you say: “Do not let your heart be
troubled; have faith in me.”
*When I am done in by hatred and violence in the
world - Lord Jesus, you say: “Take courage: I have
overcome the world.”
*When I think that happiness is nothing but a delusion
Lord Jesus, you say: “Do you love me?”
We are many parts…
We are all one body.
Fr. Paul H. Wander, Pastor
St. Mary’s: Sat. 3:00 – 4 pm or by Appt.
St. Anthony and Assumption - please watch
for notices in the bulletin.
Office: 962-3214 Home: 962-7370
Emergency: cell 208-940-1226
[email protected]
Vicki Shears, Secretary/Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Office phone 962-3214
Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri: 8-5; Wed 9-noon.
Heather Uhlenkott, DRE, 962-7098 @CEC
[email protected]
Monday & Wednesday: 8:30- 4:00 pm
Debbie Chicane, Youth Minister
[email protected]
In office Thurs. 9-3; available for appointment
Mon, Tues. Wed. - teaching partial days.
Cell 208-553-5837
BAPTISM: Preparation for Parents and
Godparents is required prior to Baptism.
Classes will be the first Wednesday of the
month, 7 pm. at St. Mary’s Church. Contact
parish office, 962-3214 to register for class,
it is necessary to do this, as if there is no
one registered then there isn’t a class.
MARRIAGE: The engaged couple needs to
contact parish priest six months prior to
the proposed wedding date. NEW TO THE
PARISH? Please call 962-3214.
Every Tuesday: 7 am – 6:30 pm
Third Thursday: 7 pm – 7:00 am Friday
First Friday: 7 pm Thursday – 7:50 am Sat.
7:50 am Benediction on First Sat.
St. Marys/Holy Cross Parish
St. Anthony Parish
Assumption Parish
Charlene Rehder
Elizabeth Nuxoll
Ken Forsmann, Pres
Max Nuxoll, Sec
Sue Sonnen
Nick Frei
Sarah Walsh
Ken Stubbers
Ron Riener
Heath Klapprich - Holy Cross representative
PO Box 425 Cottonwood, ID 83522 Phone: 208.962.3214 Fax: 208.962.5477
Tri-Parish Website:
KC Contact Person: Max Nuxoll 208-507-1058
When a funeral Mass replaces a daily Mass we try to reschedule
the intentions for the daily Mass as soon as possible.
5 pm:
+Lanny Wilson
+Willard Lorentz
May 22, Sun. ST. MARY’S
8 am:
+Lee VonBargen, bd 5/23
+Teena VonBargen
May 22, Sun. ST. ANTHONY 10 am:
High School Senior Graduates
May 23, Mon.
No Mass
May 24, Tues. St. Mary’s
6:30 pm:
Mass of Thanksgiving for the health of Raphael
Hattrup and for all the prayers offered for him.
May 25, Wed. St. Anthony
8 am:
For deceased members of St. Anthony Society
May 26, Thurs. St. Mary’s 8:20 am:
For Elizabeth Palmer
May 27, Fri. Assmumption
8 am:
+Jacob Riener, bd 5/15
+Hildie Miller
May 28th, Sat. ASSUMPTION 6 pm: Corpus Christi
+Percy and Edna Roeper
May 29th, Sun. ST. Mary’s
8 am: Corpus Christi
+Viola Helm, da 5/28, by Paul & Janet Hattrup
+Frank Enneking
May 29th, Sun. ST. ANTHONY 10 am: Corpus Christi
+Harold Arnzen, da 5/28, by Jeanne
+George Seubert
May 29th, Sun. HOLY CROSS 7 pm: Corpus Christi
+Andy and Ann Goeckner by William & Lynn
Mercy . . . “God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in my eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking; God be
in my heart and in my thinking; God be at my end
and my departing.” (Sarum Primer, 1558)
Pray the Rosary : The month of May is dedicated
to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sewardship . . . “But when he comes, the Spirit of
truth, he will guide you to all truth . . .” John 16:13
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and
live the truth. To prepare ourselves, we need to
open our hearts to receive this gift before we can
give it. Develop a daily prayer routine to ask the
Holy Spirit to help guide our thoughts and our
PFFP Annual May Crowning and Balloon Rosary
will be May 25th, 12:30-3:00 at the Catholic Education
Center (CEC) behind the Prairie Elementary School.
Class times are 12:30; 1:20; and 2:10; you can join
one or all three classes in reciting the Rosary. Everyone
is welcome to attend - please join us!
Assumption: Mass will change to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday
evenings starting May 28th.
Holy Cross Chapel: Sunday evenings, 7:00 p.m., beginning
May 29th through Sept. 11th. (No Mass at Holy Cross on
June 5th and July 10th as Father Paul will be out of town.)
St. Mary’s: Mass will continue at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday
mornings except for June 12th Mass will be 10:00 a.m. for
Mark Uhlenkott’s Mass of Thanksgiving and July 31st the
later Mass will be in the park as part of the Tri-Parish picnic.
St. Anthony: Mass will continue at 10:00 a.m. except for on
June 12th and July 31st, on those two Sundays St. Anthony
will have the 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Lawn Mowers are needed at Holy Cross . . . Ther e is a
schedule posted inside the entrance at Holy Cross Church, if
you can volunteer a weekend to mow the lawn around the
Church and garage your time will be gratefully appreciated,
please sign up on the schedule. You will need to provide
your own mower. Questions please call Lynn 962-3133.
Cottonwood Cemetery preparation for Memorial
Day: You m ay begin placing your flow ers around
the headstones on Wednesday, May 25th; as they expect to finish the mowing on Tuesday. Memorial Day is
Monday, the 30th. Flowers will be left in place 10 days
until Wed. June 9th; when they will be removed prior
to mowing. Please call Lorenzo Gonzales with questions
On a Swing and a Prayer: KC Golf Tournament will
be July 9th in Grangeville. Main Event Co-Sponsors are
US Bank and Brown Stauss Steel. Spots available for
Tee and Hole Sponsors, and they are taking reservations for team spots. Please contact Ryan 208-7910492 or Zach 208-791-6130. Proceeds go to support
Local Pregnancy Center, Special Olympics, Tri-Parish
Education, 153 Cross Fund, Food Bank and the
Knights of Columbus #1389.
Congratulations to Father Joe Schmidt, a native son of our
Tri-Parishes, who celebrated 50 years of being a priest. Any
one wishing to send him a card his address is: 1407 Buena
Vista Drive, Lewiston, ID 83501
Congratulations Graduating Seniors!
Debbie’s rectangle . . . for Youth Ministry:
May 22: Graduation Mass for HS Seniors from Prairie
and Summit Academy, 10:00 St. Anthony
May 23: Forms due to Debbie for Leadership Camp
May 25: End of School Bash for parents and youth at
St. Mary’s 6:30; fire pit, fun and food!
June 3: Adoration Time, Debbie & Youth, 10 pm. SM.
June 5-17: Haiti Team doing their apostolic work in
Haiti. Pray for their success and safety.
Tri-Parish Calendar of Events
May 22: Graduation Mass, 10 am., St. Anthony
May 25: Deaconate Ordination: John Kucera will be
ordained a Permanent Deacon at All Saints Church in
Lewiston at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.
May 26-27: Vicki will be gone from the office
May 28: Saturday Mass now 6 pm at Assumption
May 29: Summer Mass schedule begins at Holy Cross
May 31: Memorial Day, Tri-Parish Office is closed
June 1: Parish Pastoral Council meet, 5:30 pm Office
June 6-10: Father Paul will be in Boise
June 9: Priestly Ordination of Mark Uhlenkott, 7 pm.
St. John Cathedral, Boise
June 12: Father Mark Uhlenkott will celebrate his
Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Mary’s, 10 a.m. with a
reception to follow.
June 12: St. Anthony Mass will be 8:00 am
June 12: KC Breakfast, KC Hall, 7-10 am.
June 13: Father Mark Uhlenkott will celebrate a
Latin Mass at Holy Cross Chapel
June 14: KC Meeting, KC Hall, 7:15 pm
June 16: Third Thursday Adoration at St. Mary’s, ProLife Rosary and Rosary for our Nation, 7 pm
Father’s Corner:
Our Year of Mercy act for the
year is Alms giving. The word alms can be traced
back to the Greek word translated also as pity. It
is found many times in the Bible. In the Old Testament, it is seen as part of the social justice that
God’s covenant demanded. Alms giving was seen
as concrete aid given to the poor. It reestablishes
the right order and produces justice. After the
Exile, 580-520 BC, there was a growing emphasis
on the religious nature of personal almsgiving.
Giving Alms to the poor purges away sin and delivers one from death (Tb 12:9). It brings God’s
favor on the giver (Tb 4,7). In the New Testament, almsgiving springs from love and compassion. Jesus joins almsgiving together with prayer
and fasting as one of the pillars of religious life
(Mt 6,1-2, 5, 16, 19). And it merits a heavenly reward (Mt 6.4, 20; 19.27-29; 25.40).
St. Thomas Aquinas, considered almsgiving
to be the general and principal work of Mercy,
The first miracle after Pentecost was done by St
Peter who, when asked for alms, gave not silver or
gold, but gave what he had, healing in the name of
Jesus (Acts 3.6). Jesus tells, “people to sell what
you have and give alms.” (Lk 12.33). St. Paul
shows by his care for the poor in Jerusalem that he
considered alms to be a means of eliminating the
causes of disunity.
How can you give alms to the poor? 1)
Give to any charity that helps the poor. 2) Give to
the parish or diocese, for we then as a church try
to help the poor. 3) The Parish has on outreach
account that is specifically designed to give money
to the poor and those in need of help. You can
give alms specifically for that fund.
Father Paul Wander
Pope’s tweet . . . “Christ is our greatest joy; he is
always at our side and will never let us down.”
Congratulations to Shane and Ashley Poxleitner who
were united in the Sacrament of Marriage on May 14th.
PFFP Posts: Another session of the “Cathechesis
Congratulations to Jeremy and Jessica Meyers who
were united in the Sacrament of Marriage on May 21st.
of Good Shepherd” training will be held June 6-8.
"This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel.
It is time to preach it from the rooftops.
Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable
and routine modes of living in order to take up
the challenge of making Christ known."
- Pope Saint John Paul II, World Youth Day, Denver, 1993