the four essential keys to successful weight loss


the four essential keys to successful weight loss
Discover the secrets Weight Loss Companies don’t want YOU to know!
Graham Park | Adventures in WEIGHT loss
Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied, reproduced or extracted without the prior
written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
Dear Friend
Welcome to our special report, “The four essential keys to successful Weight Loss –
Guaranteed.” Before we get into the report, I wanted to introduce myself – that’s me now
on the right!
I’m Graham Park, the man responsible for bringing
the Adventures in WEIGHT Loss program to
I personally know just how difficult it can be to
get off the Weight Loss Merry-Go-Round.
You see, I’m passionate about helping Australians
to successfully lose weight, because I know what
it’s like to want to be thin.
I know what it’s like to be told by my doctor that I
had to lose weight or else I wouldn’t be here to see
my daughters grow up– and not know where to
start, or how to go about it.
For over 15 years I tried literally dozens of diets and weight loss programs. I’d lose
some weight, no problems, and then I’d put It all back on with some extra thrown in.
It was just so disheartening.
So you see, I know where you are right now, and exactly how you’re feeling.
I was extremely sceptical when my doctor introduced me to the Adventures in WEIGHT
loss program, but 3 years on after losing (and keeping off) more than 43 kilos, I
know this system works.
That’s why, right up front, I wanted to give you a no obligation opportunity ... to learn
a little more about the program... Call us now on 1300 657 207 or Click here to email
the team and we’ll send you more information.
Wishing you success in your weight loss journey…
Graham Park
Adventures in WEIGHT loss
Weight loss is not about only one thing: eat this or eat that, exercise like this
or exercise like that, take this pill or that pill. Successful weight loss is really all
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
about a combination of THE 4 key elements and ONLY by utilising all of these
keys can we expect rapid success as well as long lasting success.
Four Keys to Lifelong Weight Loss
Traditional weight loss programs generally only focus on only one of the 4
essential keys to weight loss, with each group shouting that they have “the”
The truth is that it is the combination of the 4 essential keys will enable you to
achieve and maintain a lifelong healthy and much
slimmer you. These keys are quite obvious once
you see them.
It is the combination of all 4 that makes them
so powerful in our weight loss adventure.
1. An Effective Eating Plan
2. Targeted Nutritional Supplements
3. Emotion& Mindset
4. Exercise
Sow a thought and you reap
an action; sow an act and
you reap a habit; sow a habit
and you reap a character;
sow a character and you reap
a destiny.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson,
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
1. An Effective Eating Plan
The food factor is obviously a vital part of
any successful weight loss plan. The old
saying “We are what we eat” is very true
and unfortunately for most of us the
simple truth is that we are eating the
wrong types of foods. In many cases,
we’re also eating too much of the wrong
foods. You can correct this and be eating
tasty and healthy food in no time.
If you need to lose significant amounts of
weight (more than 5 kilos or 12 pounds) then you actually need an effective
eating plan to assist you in meeting your weight loss goals.
Do not be fooled by the talk of “managing” your weight – after all you have
“managed” to get it to its present level! Now is the time for a plan and for you
to follow through on that plan and lose the weight. After you have lost it then
you can begin to manage it. Think of it this way, you will have less to manage
so it will be easier!
I am quite biased in this area due to my own experiences. Aside from losing
43 Kilos (95 lbs) myself 3 years ago and since then having helped over a
thousand others successfully lose weight (and keep it off) by showing them
how to reactivate their body’s natural fat burning hormones using these 4
A truly successful eating plan should be tailored to you as an individual, taking
into account many factors including your medical history, food allergies and
your current hormonal and metabolic state, which can really only be
determined by an extensive blood test. Some people say to me that this is
“too much trouble”, but I believe our health is worth a little effort and that this
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
effort will be repaid with exceptional results. By taking this extra step you will
learn much more about your own body and find the weight loss journey far
more interesting (and maybe even see it as an adventure rather than a
Tailoring nutritional requirements to each individual simply makes sense and
will optimise your results, so my own advice is to
find someone you can trust and who is
knowledgeable about weight loss and diet, and
work with them. Any money you spend will be an
investment in your health and your future.
The truth is it will actually save you a fortune down
the track, so please don’t be cheap when it comes
to your health, find someone good to work with.
You want an eating program that offers a correct
balance between fats, carbohydrates and
proteins. By getting this balance right you will find
that you do not experience much in the way of
cravings and that your body will begin to heal itself
from the damage done by years of imbalance.
Once this occurs your hormonal balances will
begin to realign as well and as that happens you will find that your weight loss
becomes easier and easier because your metabolism is no longer under such
constant stress, so it will begin to function effectively.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
Some quick science:
Think of food as fuel for the body in the same way that a car needs the correct
fuel to function well (or at all.) How the body uses its fuel is determined by a
range of chemicals and chemical responses in our bodies.
To start with, we need to understand the relationship between glucose and
fats in our bodies. The relationship between the 2 main energy producing
substances we consume is dramatically affected by
the balance between glucose and fats in our
systems. The main hormones that control these
substances are: INSULIN and GLUCAGON and
many other hormones and neurotransmitters are
also involved.
During the day insulin and HGH are the predominant
hormones utilizing glucose. At night during sleep,
HGH is predominant and with HGH, fat is the main
source of energy.
A correctly balanced and customized eating program
will actually cause your body to produce more of its
own HGH again and you can and will experience the
same anti-aging effects that the Hollywood stars get for thousands of dollars
each month. The higher levels of HGH will help burn that fat and also help
keep your skin tighter so that you do not end up looking older once you have
lost weight.
The importance of a correctly designed eating plan that balances fats,
carbohydrates and proteins and promotes effective hormonal health cannot
be overstated, but it is only one (a very important one) of the 4 keys to
effective weight loss
2. Supplements
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
High quality, targeted nutritional supplements make a huge impact in our
health and how our body reacts, especially when your diet changes and you
are losing weight quickly. I am not talking about diet pills designed to
suppress the appetite, but about vitamins, minerals and herbs that are
beneficial to optimum health and will assist you in your weight loss journey.
They are the perfect complement to your food plan.
I realize that many people still believe nutritional supplements are a waste of
money and are not needed, but my own experience in the past decade has
shown me the exact opposite to be
true. Our modern diet (regardless of
weight levels) is quite deficient in any
number of essential vitamin/mineral
and trace elements. This is due to a
combination of processing and
factory type agriculture that uses
massive amounts of chemicals and
even genetic modifications in some
Think about this: you know that
tomato in the supermarket has been
in the cooler for literally weeks or more as it slowly ripens to a red colour.
Remember when you had a tomato plant in the backyard? You would see
them ripen quickly and then pick one for lunch; it tasted totally different from
the supermarket version and it also contained far more essential nutrients as
well. There are many great books on general nutrition so I will not spend the
next 20 pages trying to convince you about the value of supplements to
general health, but let me say this: after more than a decade in the
supplement industry I make sure that I buy supplements for all my family
members and gift them every month. Trust me that I would not bother if the
science was not clear about the benefits.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
With regard to your weight loss it will make your journey far easier and
effective if you do supplement correctly. You will feel better with fewer colds
and you will also lose weight faster.
Supplements become even more vital when you are on a weight loss program
as the body stores toxins in fatty tissue, so as we begin to burn that excess fat
off, guess what is released back into your system?
That’s right, lots of toxins that have been stored
in the fat cells come flooding into our system,
creating free radical damage and lowering our
bodies’ defence mechanisms.
This explains why many people experience
some type of illness (flu, colds) when on weight
loss programs, so it becomes even more
important to supplement with a good antioxidant (anti-oxidants neutralize free radicals).
There are only 2 ways to get a solid supply of
anti-oxidants, eat lots of fresh fruits and
vegetables (especially brightly coloured ones)
and to take a supplement.
When you begin to lose weight your body is
also under increased stress. You have
changed your usual diet and you are also burning fat for the first time in a long
time. This means you do not want to deplete your nutrient levels, which are
most likely already low as the more overweight we are the less our body
actually absorbs nutrients (from food or from supplements). This is one
reason we get hungry all the time as well as because our body is actually
undernourished in relation to key nutrients.
Think about this: a clinical study conducted in Texas and reported in the
Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association found that taking the
Pharmanex brand dietary multivitamin/mineral supplement “Lifepak”
enhanced weight loss results. Researchers divided 203 participants into four
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
groups. The subjects’ body-fat percentages were noted at the start of the
study and again after 90 days. Results showed that those in the group
consuming the supplements lost twice as much body fat as the group taking
the placebo supplement and three times as much as the group taking no
supplement at all. Additionally, the group consuming the most supplements
lost no fat-free mass during their weight loss program. These results show just
how important it is to support your weight loss process with a comprehensive
multi nutrient supplement.
I cannot emphasise enough the benefits of a high quality, targeted
supplementation program as part of your weight loss strategy, the challenge
to create a targeted program means it needs to be customised (just like your
eating plan) and to get high quality amongst all the hundreds of brands out
there is also a real challenge so you need good advice in this area (and not
from the 17 year old shop assistant at the pharmacy). I have asked prominent
scientist and Vice President of Research at one of the world’s largest
supplement development firms, Mark Bartlett Phd to comment as well.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
Expert’s Advice:
Mark R. Bartlett, Ph.D.
Nutritional Supplementation during Weight Loss
There are dozens of weight-loss supplements on the market that claim to help you
lose weight, lose fat, gain more energy etc. Some nutritional supplements are
particularly relevant to weight loss and may actually assist with facilitating weight loss
and maintaining muscle mass. But that’s not what will be covered in this section.
Rather this is about how to stay as healthy as possible during the weight loss
process, and beyond, once you’ve met your goals, with sensible micronutrient
What your body needs
The human body requires both macronutrients and micronutrients. The
macronutrients are pretty obvious. These are the main source of calories such as
carbohydrates, protein and fat that you consume on a daily basis. But your body
also needs about 40 micronutrients. Most of these are the vitamins and minerals but
there are also some other biologically active substances that help us stay healthy
that aren’t on the official vitamin and mineral list. These are called phytochemicals, or
phytonutrients. These are often colourful antioxidants – nature’s own preservatives –
mostly found in colourful, as well as green leafy vegetables. They often act as natural
defence systems in plants but they also show potential in humans for reducing risk of
degenerative disease, like heart disease. How much of these micronutrients you are
able to gain from your diet alone is very dependent upon the quality, or the nutrient
density of your diet.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
Do you need to supplement?
In response to the question “do I need to supplement”, typical advice goes something
like this: “If you eat a low fat diet that includes plenty of vegetables, grains, legumes
and fruits, you should have no trouble meeting the RDAs.” On the surface this
sounds reasonable, and you’d be tempted to think you’re OK. But consider it a little
longer and you’ll probably ask yourself: “who eats a low fat diet that includes
PLENTY of vegetables, grains, legumes and fruits?” This very question is probed by
our governments in frequent national health surveys and the results may (or may not)
surprise you.
National Food Surveys and what they show
In the USA and Australia, large nutrition surveys at the national and state levels
provide basic data on the dietary status of our populations.
A recent study released (April 2007) suggested that less than 11% of 23,907 adults
(≥18 years) are meeting the current USDA guidelines for both fruits and vegetables.
Approximately 62% consumed less than one serving of fruit/day, and 25 percent of
participants reported eating NO daily vegetable servings. Similarly, in Australia,
results of the NNS survey indicate that “more than 20% of children under 12 had not
eaten vegetables or vegetable products on the day prior to interview”. A higher
proportion of adolescents reported consuming vegetables and vegetable products
than children but this was still less than 100g.
In the June 2002 edition of the Journal of the American Medical
Association it was stated that “low levels of the antioxidant vitamins (A, E, C)
may increase risk for several chronic diseases. Most people do not consume
an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone” and then went on to
recommend “It appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements”.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
The Overweight Person and the Dieter: A special case.
There are even more compelling arguments for the overweight, and the dieter to be
supplementing their diet with a comprehensive nutritional supplement.
Firstly, the overweight person has unique nutritional requirements from the start.
Scientists no longer consider adipose tissue, or fat, to be merely a passive storage
reservoir for energy. It’s now known to be “alive” or metabolically active. Adipose
tissue is an endocrine organ which manufactures and excretes hormones as well
as pro-inflammatory chemicals. This resultant chronic, low-grade inflammation can
actually even sabotage your attempts to lose further weight. Many of the
micronutrients, especially the omega 3 fatty acids, help to balance this type of
Secondly, if you’re overweight and you’re seeking to lose that weight, something
has to change, and most of us understand that that “something” is the balance of
energy intake and energy expenditure. In short, we must make small decreases in
food and beverage calories, and gradually increase physical activity. When we eat
less and move more these changes will also impact the balance of your body’s
micronutrients. Since you’ll be eating less you’ll not only be getting fewer calories,
you’ll also likely be getting proportionately less micronutrients. This is not desirable
since, if you’re an average person described by one of the many nutrition surveys,
you were probably already on the borderline in deficiency of at least some
nutrients. This highlights the need to supplement once you lower your caloric
As part of the changes you’ll be making, you’ll hopefully also be more active.
Higher activity levels are associated with increased metabolic activity and
increased oxygen consumption, and resultant increased free-radical activity. Now
that your body has a higher than previous oxidative metabolism, your body has an
increased need for antioxidants.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
3. Emotion & Mindset
Most weight loss programs treat you as if you only exist from the shoulders
down! The reality is that emotional and behavioural issues are perhaps the
single most important reason why some of
us become and stay overweight.
We all have certain triggers that can set us
off eating (or not eating); I know that when I
visit my parents’ home, within minutes I
have an irresistible urge to eat, and while I
stay there I will always eat more than
normal. Why? Who really knows but I
would assume it has to do with an
emotional attachment I have between my
mother and food, between the relationship
of food and parental love.
Some people eat more when under stress
(that’s me!) and some almost stop eating altogether when under stress (my
mother), so you must understand that the emotional or mindset side of this
weight control issue is a big one. Don’t act like it does not matter and simply
ignore it, that will not help solve the problem, what you need is a program that
works with you on this level as well as on the eating level, try and find a
program that has been developed with some input from a psychologist as well
as simply addressing the food intake.
Take into account how you react to different circumstances and situations and
factor that into your weight loss journey. This is actually one of the most
rewarding parts of your journey as you will come to know yourself far better
and realize what a fantastic human you are. You will also learn that you can
control urges you never even considered in the past.
I would go so far as to say that your weight loss adventure could well become
the best personal plan on the planet! Think about that, the concept that the
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
personal growth of your journey may well be as or even more important than
your original weight loss goal...
One of the books that helped me to understand that I truly could succeed at
losing my weight was a book by Jack Zufelt called “The DNA of Success”.
Here is what Jack M. Zufelt, best selling author and acclaimed success
expert, has to say about the importance of emotion and feelings in being
successful in any endeavour.
Expert’s Advice:
The DNA of Success
Jack Zufelt
It is my observation and experiences that a “mindset” is not the reason people
succeed. In fact it is often the reason they don’t succeed. Einstein once stated
that, “When will power is pitted against imagination, willpower loses.”
Imagination always has emotion attached to it i.e. Ummm that piece of cake
would sure taste good, etc.
Only those desires that are felt deeply within the heart, the seat of emotion,
have the ability to provide us the motivation from within to make anything
happen including losing weight. I call then Core Desires.
It’s the emotions that originate from within your heart that motivates you. I call
this your heartset©. You must have the proper heartset, not just a mindset, to
unleash your Conquering Force© so you can overcome all obstacles and
This is the most important information in the world relative to achievement,
success, joy and happiness…and yes, weight loss. Sir Walter Raleigh said it
very well when he stated. “If the heart is right it matters not which way the head
Everyone wants to know where the switch to that latent energy I call the
Conquering Force is. The only thing that will unleash your own Conquering
Force are Core Desires. They are the switch to the tremendous wellspring of
ability and capability that you have possessed since birth.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
A Core Desire is genuine, clear and accurately defined want -- that which will
cause you to put forth the necessary effort for as long as it takes to overcome
any obstacle in your way (so you will achieve it).
Your Core Desires are not mere wishes, idle whims, or insincere and artificial
goals. Nor are they New Year’s resolutions that are made with no intention of
fulfilling them. They aren’t even wonderful dreams, or things that “would be nice
to have.”
Those will not bring results. Robert Collier once noted, “If you care enough for a
result you will most certainly get it.” The opposite is also true. If you don’t care
enough for a result you will most certainly not get it.
Excerpts from Jack Zufelt’s best selling book, The DNA of Success,
reprinted with his permission. Available at
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
4. Exercise
The great news is that you do not need to exercise yourself into a sweaty
mess in order to lose weight. (I bet you liked that news!).
I realize that flies in the face of much of the information out there, but the
reality is that to lose anymore than a few kilos you would need to be doing
hours a day of strenuous exercise.
This will have several effects,
1. You will get very hungry from all this new exercise,
making it very difficult to stay on a well organised
eating plan designed to get your metabolism
functioning at optimum levels.
2. You may cause serious injury to your joints and
other areas from suddenly going from very little
activity to a high level, many studies show that if
you are over 100 kilos there is serious risk to knee
joints etc.
So while I do not suggest you start any new exercise plan
when beginning your weight loss journey, exercise is vital to your long-term
vitality and keeping your weight off.
When you reach your goal weight or get close to it then you need to be able to
access some clear direction and guidance (look for a program that can also
help you in this area with advice) to help you enjoy a lifetime of healthy
I am no expert in the area of exercise (except in the past when I was an
expert in avoiding it) so I have teamed with a very experienced expert in this
area and have asked Katrina Dolahenty, long time personal trainer and
successful fitness business owner to share some quick thoughts on making
activity fun with you.
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
How to Make Activity Fun
Make a list of all the activities you enjoy doing by yourself as well as with the
family. With a little creativity you can do what you love doing and incorporate
some fitness at the same time, so it won’t seem as much like a chore or hard
work, for example:
Change your choices, so you don't get bored.
Use different jogging, walking, or biking paths to vary your routine.
Set goals and reward yourself when you achieve those goals.
Become a member of the local walking, jogging, netball, horse riding
or tri-athlete club (to name a few) – it’s very social and you have the
opportunity to compete and make great friends.
Want to get really creative?
If you enjoy reading books you could sit on an exercise bike at home or
put your own bike up on a stand and ride, read and burn fat at the
same time for 30 mins.
If you enjoy watching TV or movies you could get on a treadmill and
walk, run or walk with weights as you enjoy your favourite show or the
latest movie for 30 mins. You will be surprised how fast the time will go
plus you will be getting your heart fit and adding longevity
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Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.
“The Four Essential Keys To Successful Weight Loss – Guaranteed”
So to recap, it is VITAL to address all 4 of these key if you want to lose weight
quickly, while increasing your energy and becoming healthier and CRITICAL
to keeping the weight off.
What we are doing by addressing these 4 areas is to get your body
functioning correctly and reactivate your natural fat burning hormones so that
your metabolism will work like it should and help you shed those kilos.
With our program using the 4 Keys, we find that our average client loses 1.5 –
2 kilos per week and is not starving but enjoys the program because it is
customised by our doctor just for them.
We are so confident that we now offer a 100% money back guarantee to all
our clients that they will lose weight.
The 4 Keys will work for you, take the step and understand you can do this.
I wish you all the success in the world, if we at 1300 657 207 can assist we would be proud
to work with you to help you have a successful journey toward optimum
We have a highly trained team ready to find a solution that will work for you
I hope that you enjoyed reading this special report, and that the information
contained within it proves useful.
Wishing you every success in your journey towards better health…
Visit us online at or call 1300 657 207
Copyright © 2008 Graham Park & Adventures WEIGHT loss. No part of this report may be copied,
reproduced or extracted without the prior written consent of Adventures in WEIGHT loss.