when back pain strikes, strike back


when back pain strikes, strike back
“Oh, my aching back!” If you ever uttered these words, then you know what
we are talking about. Back pain can happen to anyone. It is a part of modern
life and almost 80% of people will experience it at some time during their
Back pain usually hits us when we are at least
expecting it. There is already enough if we
do one wrong move – like bending down to
put our shoes on - and in a moment we can
start feeling severe pain in our spine or lower
back. And when your back stiffens up, it can
feel that your life is tipped upside down. If
you are lucky this lasts only a day or two, but
a little less fortunate people has to put up
with pain for weeks or even months. All the
little things you took for granted suddenly
become an obstacle. Getting dressed, sitting
comfortably, going for a walk, or even
getting out of the bed can suddenly become
a hurdle. Back pain is not life-threatening but
it certainly can threaten the quality of your
life and life of your closest relatives.
There are several groups of people which are
more prone to back pain. Do you find
yourself in any group?
The spine is the central supporting system of
our body, which has to last a life time. It is in
use 24 hours a day – even when we are a
sleep. It is made up of 33 small bones, called
vertebrae. At the top of the spine are cervical
(neck) vertebrae, followed by thoracic (chest)
and five lumbar (lower back). Beneath these
are another five vertebrae, fused together to
form the sacrum, and the spine finishes with
the coccyx (tail bone). Because the spine is not
a rigid structure, there are 'shock absorbers' in
between each of the vertebrae called
intervertebral discs. These help the spine to
bend in different directions.
Office workers
Back pain is not only common in people
doing manual work, many office workers also
experience back pain. Long periods of sitting in
the office, working intensively in front
of computer, bad posture, stress at the
workplace, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of time
for sports activities are just some of the reasons
for back pain. A
major cause of
back pain for office
workers are also
laptops as they
encourage you to
slump and are
usually not used in
the correct eye
Physical workers
Being a physical worker means you are often
dealing with heavy manual labour, manual
handling in awkward places, repetitive tasks,
such as manual packing of goods, operating
heavy equipment, poor posture (lots of
stooping, bending over or crouching), pushing,
pulling or dragging loads that require excessive
force and working beyond normal abilities and
limits. The physical demands of these tasks can
trigger an episode or make an existing back pain
Making beds daily, vacuuming, mopping and
sweeping the floor, carrying heavy bags from
the supermarket and other hard house work put
a lot of pressure on your back. Staying in one
position for a long time while doing dishes,
ironing or preparing food can put a strain on the
back. With a bad back, it is hard to go to work,
do average household tasks, or even stand up.
Back spasm, tension and strain can make even
routine cleaning unbearable.
Pregnant women
Back pain or discomfort is common during
pregnancy and should be expected to
some degree by most women. Back pain
may be experienced during any point of your
pregnancy; however, it most commonly occurs
later in the pregnancy as the weight of the baby
increases. Back pain can disrupt your daily
routine or interfere with a good night of sleep.
And you are not alone. Between 50 to 70
percent of all pregnant women will experience
back pain.
Recreational sportsmen
In general, sport is recommended as good for
your back and your general health. However,
some sports increase the risk of back pain,
especially if practiced intensively. Some sports
require sudden or sustained twisting, some
vibrations in the
spine area and others
increase the risk of
muscle spasm.
Improper weight
training or sporting
activities technically
actually increases the
load on one's back
and may cause pain.
In fact, lower back
pain is a common ailment among weight lifters,
runners, cyclists, and other athletes.
Growing old gracefully is easier said than done,
especially when you are feeling the creaks and
pains. On top of everyday wear and tear on the
spine, age-related conditions such as
osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and fibromyalgia
can make you more vulnerable to the injuries
that cause back pain. With ages, back pain often
becomes chronic, typically cycling between
improving for a while and then coming back.
The first day I didn’t feel
anything, not even the
second day. But as I
wore the Kosmodisk
Classic, I noticed the
pain decreased and
eventually ended. It
literally vanished. I
know that Kosmodisk
helps and I would really
recommend it to all who are suffering back
Minka Hozjan, nurse
Thankfully, there is a solution – KOSMODISK!
Heats, soothes and relaxes tired muscles,
comforts aches and pains.
About the KOSMODISK®
In 18 years the KOSMODISK® has helped
improved the quality of life for over 2.000.000
back pain sufferers worldwide. It also brought
back joy and happiness to their families and
KOSMODISK® is a clinically tested device,
designed by experts to relieve or remedy pain
in the spine and back area. Working at the very
point of pain, Kosmodisk provides gentle,
soothing relief as you work, relax or even
exercise, combined test results show up to 80%
improvement in back pain.
The unique shape of
the Kosmodisk
hypoallergenic nylon
vertebrae node was
designed to work
alongside your spine
without using any electricity, batteries or
magnets, so it’s completely safe to use. The
nodes support the length of your spine with
gentle pressure, just like the fingers of an
osteopath or a physiotherapist.
Who can use the Kosmodisk?
The Kosmodisk can be used by anyone over 12
years old. We highly recommend the use of
Kosmodisk to people who are more at risk from
back injuries or back pain, like pregnant women,
professional drivers, sedentary workers,
labourers… Besides being therapeutic, the
Kosmodisk can also be used to prevent back
When should you use the
The Kosmodisk should be used whenever pain
strikes. It is very practical, easily adjustable and
comfortable to wear. We recommend using it
for minimum 10-20 days for at least three to
four hours per day to enable the body to get
used to the device and experience the best
effects. It may be applied every day and if you
suffer from severe back pain problems, it is
recommended to wear it also during the night.
How can Kosmodisk® help?
The massaging effect of the
Kosmodisk stimulates the muscles
close to the spine area. That in turn
generates warmth which eases
blood-circulation, which soothes your
muscles and reduces tension.
Actually is the effect of massage which
stimulates the same regulation mechanisms of
the organism as for instance acupuncture,
acupressure, massage etc. It can be regarded as
a non invasive self-help over a long period of
When do you feel the first
some people feel the first positive reaction after
couple of hours of wearing the Kosmodisk, the
other need more time, approximately 3-4 weeks
to experience the positive effects of Kosmodisk.
This is normal, because every person is unique.
When you first start using the Kosmodisk, you
could feel a warm tingling sensation in the
back/or other affected areas or a slight pain in
the area where the spine is blocked. This is
nothing to be alarmed about as this is part of
the desired effect.
• Relieves or remedies pain in the spine and lower back area
• Heats, soothes and relaxes tired back muscles
• Comforts aches and pains
• Improves blood circulation and eases tension
• Natural, safe and effective
• No risk – 30 days money back guarantee
“A woman once asked me, how I could believe in
this “witchcraft” and I told her there was no such
thing. It’s just plastic with elastic straps, designed
in the right way and placed on the right spot.
That’s it!”
Marija Bergant, pensioner
Spine Massager
End Your Chronic Back Pain Now!
The KOSMODISK CLASSIC Spine Massager is an award
winning, clinically tested orthopedic massager, which
effectively helps to relieve back pain.
The massaging effect of Kosmodisk ribs stimulates muscles
close to the spine area, generates warmth and improves blood
In the package you will get:
• Spine Massager for the entire torso – designed to relieve and/or remedy pain mostly in the cervical
spine (neck area) and thoracic spine (upper back area)
• Lower Back Massager for the lower back – designed to relieve and/or remedy pain in the lumbar spine
• Cotton carry bag for convenient storage
Satisfied users recommend:
“The Kosmodisk for me is very practical! I love the fact that you wear
it all the way down the spine. It relaxes me, plus it made me more
aware of my posture and to stand correctly.”
David Hampshire, actor
Kosmodisk Exercise Program –
Invaluable guide to maintaining
a healthy, pain free back
Entirely natural – no drugs or chemicals
Practical, easily adjustable and comfortable
Universal fit
One investment for life
No risk – 30 days money back guarantee