July and August 2010 Postmark


July and August 2010 Postmark
The Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Glen Ellyn
2009 2010
From our Rector
Building a Solid Foundation
A new program year at St. Mark's begins on Sunday, August 29th. There is much to be excited
about, including the addition of a Sunday service at 9:15 a.m., a focus on reading the Bible called "One
Year, One Book," the launch of St. Mark's Preschool and outreach efforts that highlight involvement with
the People's Resource Center.
We are focusing on and strengthening the fundamentals of what defines a community of faith:
worship, Bible study, formation for children and adults and outreach. You will be hearing more about
each of these "basics" in the coming weeks and months, and here is a preview:
Worship: the first priority of St. Mark's is Sunday worship. For the past six years, we have offered
services at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. These will continue, and beginning on August 29th, a new service will be
added at 9:15 a.m. Offering three Sunday morning services will provide more space for our growing
attendance and offer more options for combining worship and formation. The Sunday School hour will
run from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Adult classes will be offered at 9 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Coffee hour will
begin at 11:15 a.m. and continue until noon. So for example, families with small children who wish to
worship together as a family and then have Sunday School will attend the 9:15 a.m. service and go to
Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. Other parents may choose to attend the 10:30 a..m. service while their
children go to Sunday School and then join them at 11:15 a.m. for Communion. (See page 8 for further
details about the new schedule.)
The Bible: in our 2,000 year history, the Episcopal Church has always emphasized reading the
Bible, especially as an integral part of our worship experience. In the past century, we have not been
known for having people memorize the Bible or quote chapter and verse when discussing theological,
moral and political issues. As a result, it has been said that we don't know the Bible very well or respect
its authority. This is, of course, not true. But we can do a better job as Episcopalians in gaining confidence
about the Bible and in understanding and articulating to others its core themes and ideas. To this end St.
Mark's is offering a "One Year, One Book" series that goes through the Bible from beginning to end, and
in doing so, offers the opportunity to see how the Bible is relevant to us today, relating specific passages
to political, moral, economic and social issues in 2010. So get out your Bible and bring it to the first
session on Sept 12th. If you don't have a Bible, we'll offer suggestions and help you choose one.
Outreach: St. Mark's location is a key to our identity and mission. Located in the center of Glen
Ellyn, a core part of our outreach is to serve as a gathering place for the local community. Our new St.
Mark's Preschool will enhance and strengthen this key part of our mission. The preschool, for children
aged 3 and 4, will be based on the Reggio Emilia philosophy of education which views children, parents
and the community as the three key parts of early childhood development. An important part of Reggio is
to document and show the community what the children are learning. Keep an eye out for bulletin boards
in hallways and entrances that tell the story of what the children are learning. Another part of our
outreach efforts in the coming year will be a focus on the People's Resource Center in Wheaton, which
assists people throughout DuPage County. There will be opportunities for hands-on involvement for all
I am continually amazed and thankful for the vibrant life of our faith community at St. Mark's and
for the love of God made know in Christ that makes this possible.
Yours in Christ,
Summer 2010
On the Liturgy
The Church Calendar celebrates a number of very important people in August. August 15 is the day that the Church
remembers St. Mary the Virgin, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. From the earliest days of the Church, great
honor has been paid to this simple Galilean girl who of all women was chosen by Almighty God to bear and raise the
eternal, incarnate Son of God. As Luke tell us, one night the angel Gabriel told her that she would miraculously
conceive the incarnate Deity while a virgin, through the power of the Holy Spirit. She immediately declared her
desire to do the will of God: "Here am I. I am the Lord's servant; as you have spoken, so be it." (Luke 1:26-38). Her
poem of faith is known to us as the Magnificat and is used in both Morning and Evening Prayer (see the Book of
Common Prayer, pp. 11-12).
Along with St. Joseph, Jesus' adoptive father, the Blessed Virgin was the person closest to Jesus in his most
impressionable years. Later, during Jesus' Galilean ministry, she was often with the other women who faithfully
followed and ministered to the Lord. She was among the few who kept watch at the Crucifixion, and after the
Resurrection was with the Twelve in the upper room watching and praying until the coming of the Spirit at
Pentecost. Her role in redemption history is attested by her inclusion in both the Nicene and Apostles Creeds. As
the early Church found as it contested many heresies, those who believe in the incarnation must also appreciate the
role of the “God bearer,” or Theotokos, Jesus‟ earthly mother who gave him his human nature. As Gabriel
predicted, all generations have indeed called her Blessed, and she has remained for all ages an example of humble
obedience, sacrificial love, and unwavering devotion to the Lord.
On August 20 the Church remembers a great abbot, theologian, and poet, St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
Bernard was born into nobility in 1090. Unlike his brothers who trained for the military, Bernard chose a religious
and academic life. Perceiving a monastic call, he entered a strict monastery at age 22, persuading a number of male
relatives to join him. Under orders of his abbot, he started a new house amidst great hardship, which ultimately
grew to 60 institutions under his direction.
Bernard was best known in his own day for his involvement in controversies, including taking sides in a
disputed papal election, promoting the ill-fated Second Crusade, and attacking views of Peter Abelard that Bernard
considered too rationalistic and not allowing enough room for mystery. He was appreciated by German Jews as a
"righteous Gentile" for defending them against persecution, who in his honor made the name Bernard a popular
Jewish name. Today Bernard is best known for his devotional writings and his hymns, including "O Sacred Head,
sore wounded," "Jesus, the very thought of Thee," "O Jesus, joy of loving hearts," "Wide open are Thy hands," and
"O Jesus, King most wonderful."
The Collect for his feast day expresses much of what the Church values in Bernard: "O God, by whose
grace your servant Bernard of Clairvaux, kindled with the flame of your love, became a burning and a shining light in
your Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and walk before you as
children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one
God, now and for ever."
On August 27, the Church honors two Christians who testified to the Faith by pioneering the ministry to the
deaf. The Rev. Thomas Gallaudet was born in 1822, the son of a deaf mother, Sophia, and Thomas Hopkins
Gallaudet, founder of the West Hartford School for the Deaf in Connecticut. This school was for many years the
principal institution for the education of the deaf in America. Gallaudet worked first as a teacher of the deaf and
later as a priest, having married a deaf woman, Elizabeth Budd. The year after his ordination he established St. Ann's
Church in New York, especially for deaf persons, with services primarily in sign language, and he encouraged
congregations for the deaf to be established in many cities as well as for deaf interpreters to serve congregations of
mostly hearing individuals. His brother Edward Miner Gallaudet was the first president of Gallaudet University, a
university for the deaf in Washington DC, named after their father. Gallaudet encouraged his parishioner and
student Henry Winter Syle, deaf from an early age, to become a priest, and in 1876 became the first deaf person
ordained in the Episcopal Church. The Rev. Henry Winter Syle established a congregation for the deaf in 1888, and
died January 6, 1890. The Rev. Thomas Gallaudet died August 27. 1902.
David Fletcher / [email protected]
Page 2
Summer 2010
Coffee Hour Ministers Wanted
As we move to three services in the fall, St. Mark‟s will have an expanded coffee hour in order to encourage
community among parishioners and provide a relaxed time and place to gather. The Coffee Hour Ministries
Team will facilitate the coffee hour by setting up, guiding coffee hour hosts through the process, and making
sure that we are well equipped. If you are looking for a fun low-level commitment, consider joining us. Each
coffee minister will have responsibilities every three to four weeks.
For more information contact Joyce Fletcher / [email protected] / 630-204-3175
or Joanie Somerville / [email protected].
So Easy, Even a Caveman Can Do It!
What provides an opportunity for increased involvement in the St. Mark‟s parish community, yet no „take
home‟ responsibilities? Ushering!! This fall more ushers are needed for the new three-service schedule.
Families, couples, and singles are all welcome. Please consider participating in this ministry. To participate, or
just for information, contact Paula Zwiebel, 630/858-6185, or [email protected].
2010 Summary of Restricted Accounts
Fred Lundgren,
John Hess Memorial
Ida Hanson
Bruce Mahon
Jean Lattan Memorial
Marjorie Truesdale
Budzicz Memorial
Philip Carter
Marion Hoffman
Meryl Wiggins
Rachel Dinse
John Schmuck
Fred Dinse
Wesley Hookham
Virginia Whiting
Peggy Shopinski
Dorothy Peterson
St. Mark's is fortunate to have a number of memorial funds that have been set up to honor loved ones who have passed away. The
information above shows the current balance in each memorial fund. Working in consultation with the families that set up the
memorial, St. Mark's utilizes the funds in a variety of ways (i.e. outreach, in support of various ministries). If you would like to
establish a memorial fund for a loved one, or contribute to an existing memorial fund, you may do so at any time. If you have any
questions, please contact George Smith at 630-858-1020 / [email protected] or Dave McCarraher at 630-469-7929 /
[email protected].
Page 3
Summer 2010
Women’s Ministry News and Fall Preview
We have been busy planning many different activities for the women of St. Mark‟s for the 2010-11 program
year beginning in September. In the coming year (previewed below), we will repeat annual favorite events and
add some exciting new ones. Back to school is always a busy time, so mark your calendars now for our fall
kickoff programs and be sure to see us at the Fall Ministry Fair in September for a complete overview of our
year‟s programs. Watch the next edition of the Postmark for more details.
Women-to-Women (W2W)
For all women of the parish, W2W celebrates the rich intergenerational relationships at St Mark‟s. This year,
we will meet almost every month. Our year will include perennial favorites like the Christmas Ornament
Exchange, Women‟s Retreat, the third annual Women‟s Tea and, back by popular demand, “Cookie
Decorating with Caroline McAlpine,” along with several salad suppers, and introducing “Game Night.” Help
us kick off our season with a Women‟s Salad Supper on Wednesday, September 15, at 7:00 pm. Stay tuned for
location and sign-up details!
This summer join us for a summer salad supper at the home of parishioner Sarah Adler. Women of all ages are
welcome. We‟ll meet Wednesday, July 28 from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. at Sarah‟s home at 570 Phillips Avenue in
Glen Ellyn. Bring a salad, bread, wine or dessert. Sign-up sheets will be in the Narthex. Please R.S.V.P. to Sarah
no later than Sunday, July 25, at [email protected] or (847) 224-6596.
Questions or to help with Women-to-Women, contact Kathleen Leid [email protected].
Are you experiencing the exciting, intense, demanding childrearing years at home with young children who are
not in school yet? You are invited to connect with us to recharge your batteries each week! Nurturers of the
Very Active (NOVA), our weekly group for mothers of preschoolers, will continue to meet every Thursday
from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., alternating between play dates/outings for moms and kids one week and programs for
moms in the parish library (childcare provided) the next week. We understand that life with little ones can be
unpredictable, so you are welcome to come late, leave early, keep your child on your lap, or just drop in
whenever you can! Our year begins on September 2 with an outing with the kids to the Children‟s Garden at
the Morton Arboretum. We will begin our programs the following Thursday, September 9. Our programs for
the moms will span many topics including Do-It-Yourself Birthdays, Teaching Kids about Money, and Taking
Care of Yourself: Nutrition, and Assessing Your Spiritual Gifts. For more information contact Elizabeth
Lanzillo at [email protected].
After Hours for Moms
Last year we introduced a new evening group for mothers of all age and we received feedback that we need to
gather more frequently! This year we will get together almost every month, on a Wednesday evening, to hear a
speaker, have a discussion, and enjoy refreshments and fellowship. Our first meeting will be September 29
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., when we will welcome Lori Radun speaking on S.E.L.F. C.A.R.E. On October 27, we
will invite the community to join us and “meet the author”, Jill Savage, talking about her new book Living With
Less So Your Family Can Have More. Many other programs are in the works, including “Easing the Meal-Time
Madness” with Janet Speich, “Stirring the Volunteer Spirit in Children” with Kathy Blair, “Cultivating
Contentment” with Lara Krupicka, and more. Whether you work fulltime, parttime, or in the home, please
plan to take a “night off” and join us at After Hours to connect with other moms of the 0-to-18-year-old
crowd. We welcome volunteers to help out with a program; please contact Caroline McAlpine at
[email protected].
Page 4
Summer 2010
Capital Campaign Update!
We have made another major payment on the Church mortgage. Through the generosity of the people of St.
Mark's and the ongoing support of the Diocese of Chicago, we were able to pay down our mortgage by
another $300,000 in June. This reduction, the second major reduction this year, brings the amount of our
mortgage down to $1.7 million from $2.4 million at the beginning of this year. The additional reduction was
possible because the people of St. Mark's have given more than $350,000 to the campaign already this year.
The Diocese matched our giving with a $200,000 check in March and sent another $150,000 matching check in
June as our collections from the Capital Campaign continued to come in. As a result of the reductions, our
monthly mortgage payments have gone from $16,188 to $11,525, a reduction of $4,663 a month. While we
still have a very significant mortgage, we are well on our way to our goal of cutting our debt in half.
On June 22, St. Mark‟s Vestry met with Terri Mathes, the consultant from the Episcopal Church Foundation
who has been working with us on the Capital Campaign, to do an overall review of our campaign. Here are
some highlights from Terri‟s report to the Vestry:
“The success of St. Mark‟s campaign is a tribute to outstanding leadership, enviable diocesan support, and
parish-wide commitment. Consider the following statistics:
Over 90% of regular pledging members contributed to the campaign, putting you 10% above average.
Nearly 25% of pledging members volunteered for the campaign, making calls,
creating videos & skits, designing graphics, writing prayers and hosting events.
The diocesan matching gift was so effective that donors exceeded the match before
the campaign was officially launched.
Of the 172 pledges made to the campaign [note: as of the time of this report], only
7 were over $20,000. Working together, the people of St. Mark‟s raised nearly
$800,000 in $5,000 and $10,000 increments.”
Terri also points out that we “accomplished this during one of the worst economies
since the Great Depression.”
Thank you for your generous and enthusiastic support of St. Mark‟s Second 100 Years.
Dick Anstee & Julie Carson / Capital Campaign Co-Chairs
St Mark’s 2nd Annual
Children’s Clothing, Toy, Book, and Sporting Goods Sale
Saturday, September 25 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Mahon Hall
(free entry and open to the public)
Resale Preview Party
Friday, September 24 from 6:30-8:30 pm
$10 admission for Party
Be the first to shop the sale with friends and enjoy hors d'oeuvres while you bargain hunt
We are currently accepting donations of children's items!
For donation drop-off Info, please contact Penny Taback, [email protected], Kim Reed
[email protected] or Cindy Flynn, [email protected]
All proceeds benefit the St. Mark's Preschool.
Thanks for your support!
Page 5
Summer 2010
San Marcos Scholarship Fund:
Last year, as in previous years after our visits to San Marcos, St. Mark‟s wired money to the Diocese of
Southeast Mexico for a number of projects. One specific request was for funds that would go toward academic
scholarships. We provided $2500.
We did not stipulate how the scholarship money was to be used and had not heard any further plans for the
funds until we received pictures via email of youth from Nigromante being presented with scholarships at a
ceremony held at the new Anglican Center in Tuxtepec (where Horacio Chavez helped install electricity back
in late December and early January -- an hour drive or a two hour bus trip from Nigromante).
In the photos, Padre Daniel was honoring at least twelve scholarship recipients from San Marcos, each of
whom had written a letter stating his or her need along with a copy of a report card. During our recent visit,
we had the pleasure of meeting each of these recipients, from 3rd grade and up, and congratulated them on
their accomplishments.
Many of these children cannot afford an education beyond high school. Few have the resources to attend a
university or trade school. Frequently, young men immigrate to Los Angeles in order to find jobs, leaving their
homes at 17, 18, or 19 years of age. Many of the young girls
marry at 16 or 17 and move in with their husbands‟ families,
helping to make tortillas, cook, clean, and wash laundry by hand.
With the help of St. Mark's, those who received assistance will
have more choices for their futures. One of the beneficiaries, a
17 year old girl named Lupe, is in Veracruz studying to become a
nurse. Her sister, Digna, also received a scholarship to help with
her last year in high school, and she hopes to further her
education like Lupe.
Padre Daniel encouraged us to make copies of these applications
so we could share them with you. Alex Reed translated the following letters, and you will have opportunities
to read the others in future Postmarks.
Asunto: solicitud de una beca
Nigromante Playa Vicente Veracruz
1-de nov. 2009
Subject: application for a scholarship
Nigromante Playa Vicente Veracruz
November 1, 2009
Iglesia Anglicana San Marcos
Nigromante Veracruz
San Marcos Anglican Church
Nigromante Veracruz
Por medio del presente me dirijo con el debido respeto que se
merece, con la finalidad de solicitar la beca que se está
proporcionando en esta Iglesia.
Mi nombre es Alma Yanet Zaragoza Valentin. Actualmente curso
el 4o grado en la escuela primaria Ignacio Manuel Altamirano.
Agradezco su fina atención la presente.
By means of this letter, I respectfully present myself to you for
the purpose of applying for the scholarship that you are providing
to this church.
My name is Alma Yanet Zaragoza Valentin. I am currently in the
4th grade in the primary school Ignacio Manuel Altamirano.
I appreciate your time and attention.
Alma Yanet Zaragoza Valentin
Alma Yanet Zaragoza Valentin
Page 6
Summer 2010
Domingo 11 de octubre del 2009
Sunday, October 11 2009
Apreciables señores y señoras
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Me llamo: Guadalupe Anastacio Ambrosio
My name: Guadalupe Anastacio Ambrosio
Tengo: 8 años y vivo en Nigromante, Veracruz. Voy a la San
Marcos con el padre Daniel. Y voy a la escuela Ignacio Manuel
Altamirano. 3 año de primaria con promedio de 8.5.
Me gustaría que me ayudaran con la Beca Porque ya no tengo
Papá y Mi Mamá es la que mantiene Mi Familia y yo vivo con Mi
Mama Mi Abuelito y Mi Hermana conmigo y soy la única que
Estudia y quiero seguir adelante con Mis Estudios
I am: 8 years old and I live in Nigromante, Veracruz. I go to San
Marcos Church with Father Daniel. And I go to Ignacio Manuel
Altamirano school, third grade with an average grade of 8.5
(NOTE: On a scale of 10).
I would like for you to support me with this scholarship because I
don‟t have a father and my mother is the one who supports my
family and I live with my mother and my grandfather and my
sister and I am the only one who attends school and I want to
continue to advance with my studies.
Guadalupe Anastacio Ambrosio
Guadalupe Anastacio Ambrosio
Reflections from St. Mark’s 2010 Mission Trip to San Marcos
(Be on the Lookout – Additional reflections will be printed as a series in future Postmarks)
I was a little apprehensive about this year‟s trip to Nigromante, our fifth. We were taking the largest group yet, and I was
concerned that we would overwhelm and burden the parishioners of San Marcos with the feeding and housing of so many.
Additionally, George had received the news that his sister Eleanor was dying, and he would not be able to lead us in what
would have been his sixth trip to the Diocese of Southeast Mexico. While we missed George‟s leadership and presence and
were saddened by his situation, my reservations were unfounded. By God‟s grace, we experienced another amazing visit with
our friends in Nigromante. The seventeen included new travelers: Chad Alcorn, Sawyer Hill, Maggie Hughes, the Rev.
Elizabeth Molitors, Molly Toliver, Hunter Walor, and John Walor; the veterans among us were Lina Benich, Trey and Matthew
Buchanan, Gemma Miller, Kim Toliver, Anna Zaccaria, Lane, Alex, and Elliott Reed, and me.
The trip is never without some discomfort or concerns – there are always language and cultural barriers; it is hot; the
accommodations are not what we are used to; the concept of time and scheduling is very different; the bathrooms are
different; the food is different. We created too much garbage, disabled too many toilets, and made the same dinner these past
five years only to find out that the people of Nigromante have been too polite all this time to tell us they are not fond of our
However, there is so much to celebrate about our growing relationship with San Marcos. This year we painted a space in the
sanctuary where the religious statues will be displayed -- away from their position at the altar. Padre Daniel‟s office also
received a fresh coat. We participated in VBS, bringing music, musicians, and beautiful crafts. We were able to honor at least
twelve scholarship recipients. We presented the newly ordained Daniel with a stole, a guitar, and our most recent parish
picture. We worked with the women in preparing food. And most importantly, we played, talked, and just sat and visited with
our old and new friends from Nigromante.
Once again, you can read about the generosity and love with which the parishioners from San Marcos embraced us, the stories
from our trip captured in the reflections of those who recently visited Nigromante. We will feature a few of these reflections in
each of the Postmarks until they have all been included. Thank you, St. Mark‟s, for supporting this grace-filled relationship with
San Marcos.
-Kim Reed
This was my first year going on the trip and I was really excited. When we pulled up in the van for the first time, I was nervous;
everyone that had been there in the past years was so excited, smiling when they saw the kids that they had grown close to
past year. I was afraid that it would be harder for me to get close to the kids because most everyone else had gotten a head
start. I was quickly proven wrong. The moment I stepped out of the van, kids that I had never seen before in my life began
hugging me like I was an old friend. Of course, now I was worried about the language barrier. After an exchange of "Hola" and
"Como te llamas" the conversation was pretty much over. To the kids, this did not matter at all. I soon learned that to make a
friend you do not need to speak the same language or even live in the same country, because smiles and laughter are universal.
-Molly Toliver
Page 7
Summer 2010
Save the Date!!!
Women of St. Marks!!! Don‟t miss out on the Women‟s Retreat March 18-20, 2011.
Mark the dates on your calendars now! We will again be going to The Abbey in Fontana, WI. Cost will be $220/
double occupancy for two nights, four meals, and spa admission. Ask around…you‟ll discover it is a time you
won‟t want to miss!!
Joyce Fletcher / [email protected] / 630-665-3174
New Service Schedule at St. Mark’s!
Begins August 29th
At the end of August, St. Mark‟s will add a third Sunday worship service. In addition to the 8am and 10:30am
services, we will be offering a 9:15am service. Details are noted below:
Rite I Worship: a 40-45 minute service with limited music followed by a coffee “moment” and
Adult Formation beginning at 9am.
9:15 a.m. Rite II Worship: a 50-55 minute service with broader musical expressions and musical leadership
by the children‟s (and on occasion adult) choir.
Children’s worship & Lamb’s Chapel (children join their families later)
10:15 to 11:15 a.m.
Sunday school for children & youth (at 11:15, children join their families in church or in Mahon
Hall for fellowship)
Adult formation
St. Mark’s Café (in Lehman Parlor)
10:30 a.m. Rite II Worship: a 60-75 minute service with traditional music and musical leadership by the
adult (and on occasion children‟s) choir. Following the 10:30 service, worshipers can join the
coffee hour already underway in Mahon Hall.
8 a.m.
Although this is the first change to our worship service schedule since 2004, St. Mark‟s has had three Sunday
services in the past. The expansion of our service schedule allows for space for the growth in attendance
we‟ve seen in the past years, and offers additional options for worship, for education and for fellowship.
Regardless of which service you choose to attend, you have available to you opportunities for adult
formation and fellowship. Families with children and youth have the option of worshiping with their children
at the 9:15 service before continuing on to Sunday school and adult formation; or, parents may choose to
attend the 10:30 service while Sunday school is taking place.
Music will continue to be a part of every Sunday worship service. At the 8 and 10:30 services, Charles Snider
will be the primary musician; Marsha Webster will provide musical leadership at the 9:15 service, as Charles
rehearses with the adult choir.
As with any change, we can expect a learning curve as we work out the details involved in a three service
Sunday schedule. Please share your comments, feedback, suggestions and questions with any vestry
member, one of the wardens, Elizabeth Molitors or George Smith.
Page 8
Summer 2010
Children and Youth News
Summer Education Continues for Elementary Age Children
We are offering a special class for Bible Exploration during the Sunday Education Hour this summer, July 18
through August 22. Children entering Kindergarten through grade 5 this coming school year are invited to
come to the Undercroft at 9:15 each of these Sunday mornings for a time of Bible reading, games, and
activities. Thanks to the St. Mark‟s volunteers who have committed to help run the class: Virginia Vagt, Matt
Hug, Laurie and Olivia Vanderlei, Jared and Gina Friebel, and Danna Gross.
The 2010-2011 Program Year Kick-off is August 29!
Now is the time to mark your calendar and prepare for a new Sunday morning schedule, which will begin on
August 29th. The line-up of fabulous Faith Formation opportunities for children and youth is as follows:
8:00 a.m.
Rite I worship
9:15 a.m.
Rite II worship
Lamb‟s Chapels for 2s and 3s
Children‟s Worship for 4s through 1st grade (children join their families in worship for Holy
10:15 a.m.
Faith Formation classes (a/k/a Sunday School)
for Preschoolers (beginning at 3 yrs) through Senior High youth
10:30 a.m.
Rite II worship with choir
11:15 a.m.
Faith Formation classes end and children join their families in worship OR Parents who attend
the Adult Forum will pick their children up from individual classrooms.
Mahon Hall Coffee Hour begins
11:40 a.m.
Worship ends and Coffee Hour fellowship continues
Nursery Care will be available all morning, 8:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Where are you called to serve? Large or small, your contributions to our children are invaluable.
It takes a parish to run an efficient and meaningful program of Faith Formation for children and youth. We are
currently looking for volunteers in the following areas:
Children‟s Worship
2 Greeters, 9:15 a.m. Sundays; serve 4 consecutive Sundays, then off for 3 months, year‟
Lamb‟s Chapel
3 Leaders, 9:15 a.m. Sundays; serve once per month, year round.
Class Leaders
Preschool Class
K/1st Grade Class
3rd Grade Class
4th/5th Grade Class
3 volunteers needed, 9:15 – 10:15 or 10:15 – 11:30, once a month, year‟ round.
3 – 4 leaders needed
2 leaders needed
1 leader needed
2 leaders needed
For more information contact Marsha Webster / [email protected]
Page 9
Summer 2010
St. Mark’s M&O Mid-Year 2010 Summary (June, 2010)
Key Sponsors
Amount Raised
Cake Auction
Andrew Dorn
Diocese of
SE Mexico Trip
UTO Blue
Crop Walk
Paul Flynn
Church World
SE Mexico Trip
Spring Plant
Spring Jazz
Mother's Day
Rose Sale
Julie Carson
Not held
Angela Adkins
Glen Ellyn Walk
In Ministry
SE Mexico Trip
Bud Zwiebel,
Andrew Dorn
Cinco de Mayo
PADS Shelter
Kim Reed
SE Mexico Trip
Brian and
Cindy Stepien
St. Leonards
Coat Collection
Pumpkin Patch
Joe Campagna,
Phil Adler
St Gregory’s
Sleep Out Sat.
Leo Lanzillo
St Nick's
Ginnie Judd
Jill Bednas
Andrew White
PADS Lunches
GE Walk-In
Annual Total
Nets For Life
estimated on 3
meals ($20
total) x 60
15 men’s coats
PADS / Native
Dollar amount:
1/3 for PADS
GE Food Pantry
$ estimated on
avg per family
With Jim Gill
Gift cards and
several dozen
gift cards
Charles Snider
All Year
St Marks
Chicago Diocese
All Year
GE Walk-In
Thanks to everyone at St. Mark‟s who have made our events so far this year a success!
The M&O Committee (Chairs: Brian and Cindy Stepien)
Page 10
Summer 2010
A St. Mark’s Outreach Update:
St. Gregory Episcopal School Unites with Holy Family Lutheran School
St. Gregory Episcopal School has merged with Holy Family Lutheran School. Both schools are dedicated to
educating children from low income families in Chicago‟s North Lawndale community and have served this
community independently for many years. By joining the new school will be named Holy Family School without
denominational identification. It will combine resources; enlarge the student body; expand academic programs;
increase enrichment activities; and improve on administrative efficiencies of our
former school.
In 2008, Holy Family Lutheran School moved into a brand new state-of-the art
facility that was recognized that year by Chicago Building Congress as Chicago‟s
best building project for less than $10 million. This new facility offers opportunities
for programs that were not possible before. It provides an auditorium/gym, a large
number of classrooms, and space for sports and many enrichment activities. In
September the combined size of the student body will be nearly 250 students in grades K-8.
By joining a larger school, St. Gregory‟s boys will be able to participate in many sports and academic activities
which were not available at the older facility. Holy Family‟s plan is to use the new facility to serve the
community 24/7. Programs designed to serve St. Gregory‟s boys and their families will operate year‟ round
from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Before school and after school child care will be available; an increased number of
academic subjects, and an enlarged selection of sports and enrichment activities will include choir, art,
basketball, volleyball, track, martial arts, technology lab and tutoring. There also will be an eight week summer
camp that offers „Adventures in Learning.‟
The faith based traditions of the former schools included the Lutheran Synod‟s and the Episcopal Diocese‟s
efforts to come together in response to the Call to Common Mission. Holy Family School will provide
sustainable independent, quality faith based education at low tuition cost to children from low income families.
The Board of Directors has established a traditions committee that will incorporate the rich traditions of each
denomination into school life while omitting denominational differences that may limit the clarity of purpose of
the school‟s mission. It is hoped that the new school will have a lasting impact on the lives of children in North
Lawndale and the surrounding area.
Continued donations will be needed to support low-cost tuition, quality academics, expanded
enrichment activities and spiritual development of the children. Donors can be assured that
their contributions will go further at this new school because of increased administrative
efficiencies and expanded programming not possible at a school of fewer than 100 students.
Your continued support is deeply appreciated and essential for the school‟s success. It will
offer some of our most vulnerable children promising futures that include fulfilling careers and
opportunities to serve their families and communities as responsible citizens.
For more information contact Donald Sutherland
[email protected] / 630-469-8284
To donate go to www.holyfamilyministries.org and click on Get Involved / Donate or by mailing your donation
to Holy Family Ministries, 790 Frontage Road, Northfield, Illinois 60093.
Page 11
Music Notes…....
Rehearsals for the Chorister and Treble Choirs will begin on Wednesday, September 8th.
The schedule is:
4:15 – 5:00 Chorister Rehearsal; directed by Marsha Webster
Choristers are Kindergarten through 3rd graders
5:15 – 6:00 Treble Choir Rehearsal; directed by Marsha Webster and Charles Snider
Trebles are 4th graders through senior high
The Cherub Choir (preschools 3s and 4s will rehearse on Sunday mornings, during their faith formation time at
10:15 a.m.).
Marsha Webster / [email protected]
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