March Express - First United Methodist Church


March Express - First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church
332 East Second Street
Casper, Wyoming 82601-2506
Phone: 307-234-9385
Email: [email protected]
March, 2016
Editor: Kathie Walker
Assistant to the Editor Linda Brubaker
Reporters: Members of FUMC
Next EXPRESS Deadline
Sunday March 20, 2016
Email submissions encouraged:
[email protected]
Information in this newsletter is for events
occurring after March 1, 2016
First United Methodist Church
Casper, Wyoming
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky
Rev. Jeff Rainwater
Senior Pastor
Brian Oliver
Associate Pastor
Mary Bates
Worship Services - 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
The Third Contemporary Worship Service - 5:00 p.m.
Vol. 29 Number 03
I hope and pray that this newsletter finds you
and your loved ones doing well! It seems
like Christmas was just yesterday, and now we
are getting ready to prepare ourselves for Lent.
This month we are continuing a sermon series
titled, “Renegade Gospel,” where we will take a
fresh look at Jesus’ life, ministry and death. I
realize that the Lenten season is a time for
introspection, reflection, self-awareness and ultimately confession
with repentance. I don’t know about you, but for me, Lent can feel
a little heavy at times. As such, I remind myself that Lent, while
very important, is a season in a much bigger picture. Lent is part of
the journey in reaching our ultimate destination.
Yet I realize that without Lent, I would not be able to more fully
appreciate Christ’s unconditional love. I would not be able to more
fully appreciate that sin does not have the final word in our world.
In many ways for me, Lent is like shoveling your driveway and
sidewalks. It’s hard work. It’s not glamorous. It’s not always fun.
But in the end, it’s necessary in order to persevere and win the race.
Jesus didn’t take any shortcuts on his way to the cross. He plowed
through the hard work and obstacles in front of him. It wasn’t easy,
but the end result was incredible. This Lent, may the hard work and
obstacles in front of us serve as reminders, and more importantly, as
a promise of what is to come.
Where do you see members of
our church in Action?
Are they serving within the
Within the community?
We want to recognize our
Disciples in Action!
Click a pic...tell us Who and
How they are serving. Then
email it to
[email protected]
FUMC 2016 Financial Data
March Acolyte Schedule
March 6
March 13
March 20
March 27
Brandon Logan
Jacob Ruble
Kiera Gacke
Olivia Sausedo
Casamia Parker
Nickolas Scott
Faith Oliver
Casamia Parker
Thank you for serving your church!
REMEMBER! Daylight Savings begins
march 13
Congratulations to Dale and Cindy Olson on the birth of their first
grandchild! Everlee Grace born February 2nd to their daughter Erin Siems.
Our Sympathy goes out to: Jeff and Joy Clark and family. J eff’s
brother, Jerry Clark passed February 13. His service was held at
land Park on February 18th. Pastor Brian officiated.
The 2016 Flower Chart is in the Koinonia Room on the bulletin boar d
by the elevator. If there is a particular date that is special to you or your
family, please consider signing up to provide alter flowers on that day;
Or call Ann Hines @ 266-3160
All flower donations are GREATLY appreciated.
3/27- Easter
Thank You, UMW Mary Martha Group, for serving us
during the Fellowship Hour between services in February
and to the S O S class that is serving us in March
Weddings: Kathy Hutchings and Cleve Jordan February 29th.
Pastor Brian officiated
Online Giving!
It’s hip! It’s now! It’s happening!
Tired of carrying around all that coinage? Forget to bring your checkbook this
week? Leaving to spend a month in Belize? Flying south for the winter? Log on to and you can give online! Click the “Online Giving” button on our
homepage, and in a few short minutes, your donating will be done. Make it a onetime gift, or for even more convenience, choose the “recurring gift” option! Your
donations mean so much!
Thank you!
As the snow is melting, it reminds me that
spring is just around the corner. JOY! JOY!
This is a time for Lent as our hearts and we
begin again to prepare for Easter, on March 27th.
One way we can prepare for this Special Spiritual Event in the life of the
church is to attend Dr. James Fleming’s Lenten Lecture Series, March 12th
and 13th. His lectures weave four perspectives to help us understand Biblical
times –Archaeology, History, Geography and Theology. He adds a personal
touch to his stories because he lived in the Holy Lands for over 30 years.
He suggests implications of old and recent archaeological discoveries to
strengthen our faith. Through his messages, you will embark on a journey to
the ancient Bible lands and learn new discoveries of ancient manuscripts. This
will add significantly to our understanding of the events, hopes and fears of
various Biblical periods. His use of slides shows the geography, culture and
archaeological discoveries in biblical lands. This in turn will bring us closer
to the lives of the ancient teachers and prophets, and to the peoples that heard
Jesus speak.
Don’t miss this exciting weekend, March 12 & 13th. Registration begins at
9:00 am on Saturday morning, his lecture ends at noon. Only ONE worship
service, Sunday March 13th at 10:30 am followed by lunch at 12:00.
Afternoon lecture starts at 1:00-2:30. Contact me for more information.
Grace and Peace,
PS: Don’t forget “Harvest America” with Pastor Greg Laurie is Sunday
afternoon, March 6 at 4:00 at King’s Corner. This will be an awesome
evening of worship and great preaching. I Hope you can join us for these
great events.
Harvest America is an annual live nationwide event, streamed to thousands of host
locations including churches, theaters, and living rooms. Harvest America is more than just
a webcast, it is the body of Christ banding together to proclaim the gospel live across the
nation. The next Harvest America will be held on March 6, 2016, 4:30-7:00 PM local time,
streamed live from AT&T Stadium in Texas. FUMC Casper has joined forces and will
broadcast live from King’s Corner.
The goal of Harvest America is to impact a nation desperately in need of hope. The
event features top Christian artists, Lecrae, Switchfoot, Chris Tomlin, and Mercy Me, and a
clear gospel message by Greg Laurie.
March 6th
March 13th
March 20th
March 27th
“Renegade Gospel: Seeing Jesus Today”
Matthew 25:1-13
Dr. James Fleming
“Renegade Gospel: The Way of the Cross”
Luke 9:18-24
John 20:1-10
We are looking for greeters for the event and for volunteers to make
cookies or other light refreshments for the evening. If you would like to
join in and help out, contact Brenda Kennedy (247-1344) or Pastor Brian
Sundays at First UMC
8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
5:00 p.m. in King’s Corner
The Grace Singers music at the 8:30 a.m. service has been
changing! We are asking for musicians to help with live
accompaniment! If you are looking for a unique way to
contribute to the service, look no further! We need a guitarist,
drummer, or an instrument you think would add to the choir,
and we need more singers! You might not play every Sunday,
but then again, you might!
We practice in the Sanctuary every Thursday from 6:30 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m. Be a part of spreading the glory of God on to our
congregation with your music .
Call Elaine Vangelov now at 307-262-2545!
“Discovering God’s Vision for your Life” This is an eight week one hour
course that serves three purposes: personal discovery, education and
spiritual gifts, and motivation for ministry. This study provides
participants with an experience that can change their lives, deepen their
relationship with God, and increase the quality of our congregation’s
ministry. This class will begin on Wednesday March 2, at 6:00 p.m. taught
by Pastors Brian and Mary. Watch for registration soon. Cost for books
and inventory is $16.00. Scholarships are available upon request. Harvest
America, March 6th 4:00 at Kings Corner
Stephen Ministers were commissioned February 14.
Front Row: Gladys Gras, Kelly Schweda (Stephen Leader), Bea Leafdale,
Jan Cobb, Sharmon Scott, Nancy Potter,
Second Row: Rev Mary Bates (Stephen Leader), Marilyn Warnholtz,
Diane Payne, Ronna Boril, and Becky Ford
Not in the picture : Patricia Bell, Toni Patik, Bonnie Rohrbeck,
Gene Rohrbeck, Jim Potter, and Ruth Mitich
Lenten Lecture Series
Casper’s First United Methodist Church
M arch 12-13 (Saturday and Sunday)
Turning P oints I n Jesus’ Life, a series of lectures
Dr. James Fleming
Saturday morning lecture from 10:00 am –
noon, “Teaching the Disciples”.
Sunday morning worship from 10:30-12 noon, Dr. Fleming
will preach on the “Journey to the Cross”. Following the
service, a lunch will be served, hosted by the United Methodist
Women. Following lunch at 1:00 –2:30, the lecture will cover
“Christ’s Passion”
Dr. Fleming is a former professor at Hebrew University.
An American citizen, Dr. Fleming resided in Israel for 0ver 30
years. He lead camps for Israeli and Palestinian children
together; trained travel guides in Israel, and worked with the
blind and disabled. He currently serves as Director of the
Biblical Resources Study Center in the state of Georgia.
The cost is free, while registration for lunch is required. For
more information contact Rev. Mary Bates at 307-234-9385.
March Calendar of Events
Children’s Palm Parade,
All preschool through fifthgrade FUMC children are
invited to wave palm branches
during the Palm Sunday
morning church services. The
children will meet in the
Koinonia Room just prior to
each service in order to get
their branches and to line up.
Mar. 9—Sword of the Spirit
Mar. 23—Power of Prayer
Apr. 13—Stand Firm with Family &
Apr. 27—Standing Firm in the World
May 11—Summer Fun with God’s Son
Wed. Nights, 6-8 pm, 3rd Floor, Ages Pre-5th
N othi ng get s p as t
G od ’s A r m o r !
K I D S C A N ! S e r ve G o d ,
L ove O t h e r s & M a ke a
D i f fer e n c e !
Journey with us through the
Bible! Learn to use the Armor of
God to overcome challenges and
obstacles. Act out Bible stories,
play games, and do awesome art
and service projects!
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
10:00 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:30am - 11:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
9:30 pm
12:15 pm -12:45 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:15 pm
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
Praise Team Pr actice (King’s Corner)
The Third Community Dinner
The Third worship Service
Care Group (SonRise Room)
Koinonia Ringers Practice
NA Meeting Group 2 (Room 10)
Staff Meeting - Staff is unavailable dur ing this time
Prayer Group (Par lor)
Bulletin Deadline; submit anything for the following
Sunday’s bulletin [email protected]
Cub Scout Meeting (Fellowship Hall)
Community Mission Dinner (King’s Corner)
Understanding Depression (Lion’s Den)
Wednesday Morning Bible Study (Par lor )
Bach’s Lunch or gan concer t. Bring your lunch & enjoy!
Sister’s Bible Study (Par lor )
Youth Group (KCYC)
S.L.A.M. (2nd & 4th Wednesdays—3rd Floor)
Al-Anon meeting (Room 12), under SonRise r oom.
Chancel Choir Practice
Emmaus Reunion Group (2nd & 4th Thur sdays SonRise
Media Deadline submissions to the Media Team for the
Following Sunday; send to: [email protected]
6:30 pm
Grace Singers Practice
8:30 pm
NA Meeting (Room 10)
10:00 am
Drum Circle (King’s Corner)
*Book Club meets 3r d Satur day of each month, 9:00 am (SonRise Room) - March’s book is
“The Nightingale” by Kristin Gale
*Naomi & Hannah Circles meet the 3rd Thursday of each month, 9:00am.
Hannah meets in the SonRise Room . Naomi group meets in a member’s home.
*Mary Martha Group meets 2nd Tuesday of each month in a member ’s home.
*Couch Chicks meets in homes 6:30pm ever y other Tuesday.
*United Methodist Men meets 1st & 3r d Mondays, 7:30 a.m., SonRise Room.
*Staff In-Service Work Day last Thur sday each month, offices ar e closed.
*United Methodist Women Executive Board meets 1st Thur sday of each month, Par lor .
*SPR Committee meets 1st Thur sday of each month, 5:30 pm.
*Board of Trustees & Finance Committees meet 3r d Thur sday of each month, 5:30 pm.
*Board of Stewards meets 3r d Thur sday of each month, 7:00pm.
*Not Ready for High Church Players (NR4HC) meets 3r d Monday of each month, 6:00 pm.,
(SonRise room)
*Express Newsletter Deadline Sunday, March 20th to submit anything to the newsletter editor ~
Newsletter processing Tuesday, March 29th.
Brenda Berry
Ashley Christopherson
Jim Maddy
Denise Skarin
Katie Skarin
Malinda Bulgrin
Emily Cummings
Jessica Dalton
Bret McCann
Kelsey Terry
Tiffine Canepa
Brian Nichols
Jennifer Robinson
Merebeth Yankey
Linda Babb
Lannis Haldeman
Karen Hinchey
Jack Laird
Gayle Lord
Marc Benson
David Eastes
William Knight
Eric Sheppard
Norma Youel
James Doherty
Adam Longo
Cindy Olson
Tatum Ortiz
Jennifer Crown
Beau Griffith
Lori Johnson
Thomas Lineweber
Madison McBeath
Trudy Pancratz
Nancy Scott
Trenille Young
Jake Johnson
Jessica Wiess
JaLee Bowers
Bonnie Culver
Luella Judd
Todd Sheppard
Lisa Smith
Emily Applegate
Jo Cover
Jacob Daniels
Camryn Drake
Rhonda Franzen
Norma Loe
Frank Mowery
Bill Schilling
Jack Scott
Heather Taylor
Stephanie Bailly
Jim Brownlee
Marci Hildt
Ronald Salveson
Jason Sheppard
Luke Couldridge
Taylor Meyer
Tyler Purvis
Tito Quinones
Linda Ryan
Yvonne Wasserburger
13 Daylight Savings
Elizabeth Horsch
Rick Juday
Dave Wheeler
Mandi Atkins
Anna Bennett
Judy Catchpole
James Higday
Sara Loranc
Cheryl Patrick
Alfred Raver
Jerry Walker
Jesse Arnold
Brooklyn Calkin
Kiera Gacke
John Griffith
Samantha Leckie
Johnna Morgan
Roy Young
Deborah Bovie
Edward Morgan Jr
Julie Roberts-Littau
17 St Patrick’s Day
Ainsley Finn
Julie Horsch
Bruce Johnson
Elizabeth Kerr
Margaret Potter
Melissa Salvato
20 Palm Sunday &
First Day of SPRING!
Kramer Hirz
Opal Mclnroy
Kinley Nye
Matthew Alldredge
Sybellah Shugart
Olivia Threlkeld
Kathryn Cihak
Diane Cox
Ken Day
Diann Fondren
John Myles
Sharmon Scott
Alan Cummings
Alexis Gacke
Sylvia Kirschenmann
Sidney Luers
Keli Ortiz
Jeremy Yeager
Laura Beckman
Thomas Boatman
Karen True
Pat Johnson
Gerald Gentry
Orval Schwinler
Allison Ashburn
Mark Harshman
Carol Johnson
Nick Johnson
Peter Thorson
Rainey Auen
Jared Daniels
Mary Gossin
Marsha Nichols
Jill York
Sydney Cannon
Steven Hasely
Matt Kaiser
Richard Niesen
Darion Ramsey
Seth Wheeler
Brenda Hartnett
Frank Jones
Nancy Korenke
Andrea Miller
Tammy Pickinpaugh
Bonnie Rohrbeck
Sondra Somerville
Linda Brubaker
Rob Ford
Brian Green
Michael Harshman
Bob Odell
Brandi Reinhart
Heather Malody
Nadine Schwinler
John Scott
Katie Wanbaugh
This summer w e’ll explore how Jesus gives us
H ope, Cour age, Dir ect ion, Love, P ow er .
We’ll venture through
Deep Bible Q uests, Spelunker Sports & Games,
KidVid Cinema, and Imagination Station.
And, we’ll have our buddies
Sal, Mawtha, Radar, Olivia, and Ray
with us as we follow Jesus’ light.
Luck! I use this word a lot. “Good Luck!” “You were
lucky!” Lately, I have pondered what the word luck
means? Can you be lucky? “When we wish someone
"good luck", what are we saying? What we're doing is
appealing to an outside force to look after that person.
To protect them. To keep them from harm. To bless them
with success.” So is that “luck” or is that God?
We are cutting God out of our life when we use the
word "luck.” We're giving credit that belongs to God to
"luck". We're asking help from "luck" instead of asking
God. "Luck" has become our god.
Exodus 20:5 says our God is a jealous God. God is
wanting us to worship Him, and Him only. What was the
first of the Ten Commandments, that God gave to
Moses? "You shall have no other gods before
me." (Exodus 20:3) God treats this stuff seriously. The
Old Testament is full of examples of God's people worshipping other gods and God punishing them as a result.
Faithfulness to God is essential to being one of God's
Edited from
If you ordered a
cookbook, you
will be contacted
as soon as
cookbooks arrive.
We have ordered extras—so if
you forgot to order one, call
the office to reserve your copy
Mar 2: Youth Group @
Kings Corner 6-8 pm
Mar 9: Youth Group @ Kings
Corner 6-8 pm
Mar 16: Youth Group @ Kings
Corner 6-8 pm
Mar 23: Youth Group @ Kings
Corner 6-8 pm
Mar 30: No Youth Group
(Happy Spring Break)
Upcoming Study: In March, we will continue
video-based study of the Book of
John. Bring your Bible, your coffee and cookie, and join us at
9:45 upstairs in the Parlor each Sunday morning.
Questions? Call Merritt Benson @ 307-277-7410
Carl & Linda Babb are now class facilitators as we
study the book, Outlive Your Life, by Max Lucado
They will be leading the class into early April, when
Bruce Johnson will take over with a study of the book of James.
The class welcomes all folks as we share and continue our respective faith journeys together.
Snacks and beverages are provided. The class meets an Sunday
mornings at 9:45 am in the Lion’s Den (down the front stairs
towards Fellowship Hall, turn right at the bottom of the stairs).
We hope to see you there.
Did you know???
You are invited to attend The Finance
Committee Meetings and the Board of
Trustees Meetings, which both meet
the Third Thursday of each month at 5:30 the
Lions Den and in the parlor. The Board of Stewards
Meeting on the Third Thursday of each month at
6:30 p.m. in the SonRise Room.
If you want to see just exactly what the church is
doing, or if you are interested in being on one of
these committees but want to observe it first, please
feel free to attend the meetings!
Calendar of Events
UMW board meeting - March 3, Parlor
All Church Lenten Study– March 12 & 13 UMW will serve
lunch Sunday Noon
Lenten Lunches - March 21-25 11:30 to Noon and
12:05 to 12:30
Spiritual Life Retreat - Estes Park, CO April 1-3
Mission U - August 13
Our 2016 Board Members
Donna Roth - President
Linda Brubaker - Secretary
Wanda Bennett - Treasurer
Diane Payne - Asst. Treasurer
Rita Livingston - Education and Interpretation
Ann Hines - Membership
Genene Quick - Nurture and Social Action
Brenda Doyle - Spiritual Growth
Lori Johnson Communication and Publicity
Ruth Doyle - Youth Coordinator
If you would like to attend a
meeting, contact any one of
these women
Hannah Gr oup Meets Thur sday,
March 17, at 9:30 a.m. in the
SonRise Room.
Mary Martha Gr oup meets
Tuesday March 8, 7:00 p.m. at
Claranne Cannon’s 3281 East 18th
Naomi Group meets Thur sday
March 17, at 9:30 a.m. at Iris
Harnagel’s 4674 Glen Drive
Every year the UMW offers a scholarship to a church member graduating senior. To
apply, you may pick up an application in the church office or submit an online
application . Once online go to Ministries, Connecting Ministries, and then to UMW.
We as church members have many different ways to give to the church through our gifts, our
presence, our service and our witness. One easy way to give to the church is through stocks.
Did you know that we are set up to receive stock gifts? It’s as easy as calling your broker and
having them call our broker, Rita Stone at Morgan Stanley (307)266-3500. They will transfer the
stocks you choose into our account, at which time Rita will sell them. The church will apply the
full amount of the sale as you designate.
If you have any questions, please call Blithe at 234-9385.
Easter Flower Donation Form
To order flowers to be placed in the front of the church for Easter, complete
this form & return it, with payment of $15.99 per flower, by either placing it
in the collection plate, putting it in the office mail box in the Koinonia room,
bringing it into the office or mailing it in, Attn: Linda.
Please respond soon, as we do have a deadline
and must know how many flowers are needed prior to ordering.
(Please circle either “memory” or “honor”)
In Memory/Honor of:
2nd Flower, In Memory/Honor of:
Given by:
___ Please donate my flower to a shut-in, hospice or hospital patient.
___ I will pick up my flower after the 11:00 service on Easter Sunday
OR on Tuesday, Mar ch 29th after 9:00 a.m. in the SonRise room.
(Office is closed the Monday after Easter)
___ I can help deliver plants on Tuesday, March 29th.
Enclose/attach $15.99 for each flower ordered with this form.
Not Ready 4 High Church Players used the Grace Choir for its skit when Pastor
Brian preached on Revolutionary Lifestyle during the Renegade Gospel Series in
As noted in previous issues of the Express, FUMC Children’s Music Camp is
on the verge of dying. Our last performance will be June 26, 2016 UNLESS
(and this is where you come in) we get one or two adults to replace Janet
Garner, Director; and Jeanne Tomb, Music director. As stated in our 2015
Annual Report:
Music Camp is a yearly mission/camp held for one week every June beginning
the Monday after Father’s Day. Music Camp is a non-denominational camp for
all children in our community, regardless of ability, who have completed
kindergarten through sixth grade. The “Mission” aspect of Camp is to create an
atmosphere of love, acceptance, fun and growth through the use of music,
singing, dancing and acting to help each child achieve pride not only in his/her
performance but in their lives in general. The “Camp” aspect of Camp is
intense memorization of songs, speaking lines, staging and choreography in
ONE WEEK and then performing the Musical for both morning church services
the following Sunday.
Please, please, please, if you have any inter est in helping to keep this valuable Church Ministry going, let us know and we will be glad to discuss it with
you. We are hoping to have our replacements on board for this year’s production (a reprisal of Go, Go Jonah) so they can learn the ropes from us just as
we did from Pastor Margaret.
You may contact Janet, Jeanne, or Pastor Brian if you’re interested.
Janet Garner
[email protected]
Jeanne Tomb
[email protected]
For information about the next
Financial Peace Class, Call
Toni or Rod Patik @
472-1019 or 2676361
Birthday Celebration for
Bonnie Wasserburger on March 12th,
1:30 until 4:00 PM at the Yellowstone Garage,
355 W Yellowstone.
I would like to invite my church family to join me