estudio fitoquimico y farmacologico de la maca, en ingles, 1990


estudio fitoquimico y farmacologico de la maca, en ingles, 1990
MACA (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)
Gloria Chacón de Popovici
Prior to the Maca phytochemical study I made a Histochemistry study in the laboratory of Chemistry
organic of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos with the
advice of Dr. Alejandro Tapia Freses and in the laboratory of Criminology de la Policía de
Investigación del Peru, with the advice of the official biologist, Angel Dinatalli, in order to observe
the presence of characteristic of plant chemicals in the tissue of the root.
The identification of starches I used a solution of iodine Iodurada that seen under the microscope
gives a blue color in all of the cortical parenchyma, demonstrating thus its presence in high
concentration. Starch is the main form of storage of fuel at the root of the Maca and abundant. For
the identification of the cellulose and lignin I used the solution of eosin, coloring from red to the
lignin which produces the fiber and a brown clear cellulose. Cellulose is a polysaccharide, main
extracellular component of rigid walls and fibrous and Woody tissues of the same. Lignin is a
polymerized aromatic substance that makes up a substantial part of the Woody parts of plants. I
checked in this way the presence of fiber in root, its nutritional value will make it known in nutrition.
The alkaloids, are complex nitrogenous organic substances, enjoy basic properties. I've used
reagents Dragendorff, Mayer, Bouchardat for identification of alkaloids. He was observed under the
microscope in the cortical parenchymatous tissue and Medullary rays a whitish with Mayer, reddish
with Dragendorff green color and a color greenish and yellow Medullary rays in the cortical
parenchyma with Bouchardat, giving a positive reaction in the three cases.
Cellulose, and Lignin
Alkaloids - Mayer
Alkaloids - Bouchardat
Alkaloids - Dragendorff
Study phytochemical of Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) did in the years 1960 to 1962, whose
results were presented in my thesis of Bachelor in biological sciences (Chacón Roldán, Gloria,
1962) and the Peruvian Journal of biology, Vol. 3 (2): 171-272, in 1990 and in 1996 (Gloria Chacón
de Popovici, 1990), in my book "La importancia de Lepidium peruvianum Chacón (MACA) en la
Alimentación y Salud del ser Humano y Animal, 2,000 años antes y después de Cristo y en el Siglo
XXI” (Gloria Chacón de Popovici, 1997).
My scientific discoveries are known by international and national institutions, among them, the main
institutions botanical United States of Europe, the FAO-Rome, who, Switzerland, NASA, U. S. A..;
Embassies and scientists foreigners and nationals, and also through my lectures in courses,
workshops, international conferences and national, presented in the universities of Lima, Pasco,
Junín, Ancash, Cajamarca and lately Belgium (Popovici Chacón, Gloria, 2005).
Studies made in the 1960s, the root of the Maca phytochemicals
1961 and 1962 in the section of physical chemistry of the Faculty
of Pharmacy and biochemistry of the University of San Marcos,
was advised by the distinguished scientist and Professor Dr.
Victor Indacochea, Chief of the section. For chemical analysis
we used the technique of the Dr. Floriani. modified by Dr.
Indacochea, as solvents we have used acetone, ether sulphur,
96 °, alcohol and distilled water, as shown in the diagram below.
Photo: Dr. Victor Indacochea y Gloria Chacón Roldán, 1960.
(Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)
65 Extracciones: 16 horas
45 Extracciones: 7:30 hs.
81 Extracciones: 27 horas
Sol. Potasa
y eter
Capa Superficial
CO3 Na2
Capa Superficial
CO3 Na2
Capa Superficial
Capa Superficial
SO y Na2 anhidro
30 Extracciones: 67 horas
H2O Neutralizada
Na oH
Sub Acetato de Pb
Solución Acuoalcalino
The results of these analyses showed the presence of carbohydrates: sugars such as maltose and
Lebulosa in ether and aqueous extract identified by its Rf 0.30 and Rf 0.33 respectively, while the
tannins and fatty acids, found only in the Ethereal extract. Identification of fatty acids was positive,
forming alkaline salt and broke in an acid medium, fatty acid. The melting point of the mixture of
fatty acids was 50°C. The presence of alkaloids fou nd in extracts: acetone, Ethereal and alcoholic,
not in aqueous solvent, with the nonpolar solvents and medium polarity. They were very prominent,
reaching to the purification of the alkaloid extract, which was used in trials with rats for verification of
its fertilizer action.
MACA (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)
Quantitative analysis of the alkaloid extract was made by the central and radial circular Whatman
paper chromatography method. The rings showed the Rf 0.680, 0.346 and 0.198. Another
ascending paper chromatography showed an Rf 0.851 and was the highest concentration. These
alkaloids as a whole, are those who stimulate the reproductive system of laboratory in both sexes
(Chacón Roldán, Gloria 1962) rats present below 4 alkaloids or "Macaínas" names that I have
given in honor of Maca and in accordance with the chemical nomenclature using inas termination,
(Popovici Chacón, Gloria, 1990, 1997).
Rf 0.851
Rf 0.198 Rf 0.346 Rf 0.680
Circular chromatography
Activators of the reproductive system of
rats males and female
Column chromatography
Dated 2 December 1990 I wrote to the Director of the Programme in Human Reproduction in the
World of the United Nations Health Organization, informing him of my discovery of alkaloids in the
Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon). Dated May 2, 1991, Dr. J. Villar, Program Manager of
Development Special Research in the Region of the Americas and the Research in the Human
Reproduction of the World Health Organization, told me about sending my study on “Maca
(Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) and its Habitat, 1990" published in the Revista Peruana de
Biología, Vol. 3 (2): 171-272, August-September to Dr. Norman Farnsworth, of the College of
Pharmacy, Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of
Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60680, for inclusion in its database, therefore, the alkaloids from the Maca
are registered since 1990 in the United States.
Trials that I have done with Maca and its fertilizer action, using the root powder that served
as food rats males and females in 1961 and 1962, as also to dogs without zeal, in 1998 can
be seen in the study of Pharmacology in my web page .
(Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)
The interest I had to know what was the main Activator that produced the action fertilizer of
Maca in the inhabitants of Junin, led me to a pharmacological study of Maca in laboratory
animals, it did, I went where the Dr. Vicente Zapata Ortiz, head of section of
Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Human of the National University of San Marcos, who
advised me and gave me the lab mice Sanitas for trials with Maca. We prepare the root
powder that served as food animals, experiment that lasted 6 months (Chacón Roldán,
Gloria, 1961).
The experimental study was conducted with 2 lots of white rats (2 males and 8 females) in
each batch with weights of 80 g average, being considered in the laboratory-animal housing
in Lima, as rats that have not yet reached sexual maturity, in order to observe the frequency
of procreation. I managed one Maca root powder, equivalent to a third part of their food with
balanced Nicovita, while to the other batch only provided nicovita pellets, serving as a
witness. The number of young was 47 in the batch with Maca while the control group was
37, as shown in the following table, showing in this way, a remarkable difference to the
batch received Maca. It is important to note, that this result was very encouraging in terms
of the fertilizer root action (See Table).
Trials in male rats and female inoculated via intra peritoneal
with the pure alkaloid extract of Maca, was made in 1961 and
1962, in the Laboratory of the Institute of Pathology of the
Faculty of Medicine of San Fernando of the National
University of San Marcos, giving important results within 72
hours of having been inoculated. This study was advised by
Dr. Alberto Cuba Caparó, Director of the Institute and Dr.
Mario Montes, Chief of pathology (Photo: Dr. Alberto Cuba
Caparó and Dra. Gloria Chacón de Popovici, 2006).
Macaínas (alkaloids) of Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)
and Nutrition in the human reproductive system and animal
Anatomical histological in male rats, inoculated with the alkaloid (Macaínas) extract of
Maca, showed in the histological sections of the testicle, a clear and marked stimulation in
the reproductive system, with an increase in the number of mitoses, spermatogonium and
sperm as compared to control rats, these were minor, such as shown in the photo.
Tubules seminiferous
Inoculated male rat
Male rat control
In the case of female rats young (65 g) fed with boiled Maca powder, cuts reveal that
the ovary contains a good number of large Graaf follicles,
they are not eggs in these follicles and follicular liquor is
pale pink. There is also a small follicle maturing and
several follicles in regression. The tube appears normal.
The endometrial epithelium shows hotbeds of
vacuolization sub and supranuclear. The histological
findings show a clear and marked stimulation of the
maturation of the follicles (Photomicrography: Institute
of Pathology, UNMASM, 1961).
Fed rat: ovary
Female rats of 99 gr. inoculated with the alkaloid extract, the ovary exhibited two
follicles of Graaf of medium- to large-sized. There was no
egg in these follicles and follicular liquor has a pale pink
color. There is also a primary follicle and two in
regression. Endometrial light is a small amount of acute
leukocyte exudate. Small pockets of subnuclear
vacuolation are evident in the endometrial epithelium. The
tube appears normal. Diagnosis: Ovarian follicular activity,
albino rat. Focal early secretory endometrium. Normal
Horn. (Photomicrography: Institute of Pathology
UNMSM, 1961).
Inoculated rat, ovary
In rats fed and inoculated with the alkaloid extract, with a weight of 99 g, cuts reveal
ovarian tissue containing primary follicles and Graaf follicles at
different stages of evolution. In two of the follicles of Graaf note
an egg. On the other hand there are adipose tissue covered by
a layer of variable thickness of acute inflammatory exudate with
leukocyte degeneration and presence of fibrin. The layer of
exudate is also observed areas of hemorrhage. The vessels
are distinctly ingurgitates. The ovary is a Virgin animal. The
illustration shows the ovary of rat inoculated and fed with Maca.
(Photomicrography: Institute of Pathology UNMSM, 1961).
Rat control, with a weight of 99 g, cuts reveal ovary, tube and
uterus. The ovary exhibits several small follicles de Graaf, two of
which contain egg. The tube appears normal. The endometrial
epithelium shows no secretory signs. Diagnosis: Ovarian, Horn
and normal uterus. (Microphotography, Institute of Pathology,
San Marcos University, 1961).
Rat control: ovary
I show the protocols signed in the Spanish protocols by Dr. Alberto Cuba Caparó and
Dr. Mario Montes.
The effect of Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) on laboratory animals has been
positive as food, in the aspect of nutrition since the rats and their offspring were more
vigorous than those of the control group and the action of the alkaloid extract, has shown
that this is the active principle of the root, which stimulates the male and female
reproductive systems, confirming in this way, the belief of the people of Junín and Pasco,
on its nutritional properties and fertilization (Chacón Roldán, Gloria, 1962; Popovici
Chacón, Gloria, 1990, 1997, 2001).
These results show that the action of the alkaloids has occurred first in the brain, on the
hypothalamus in the regulatory factors of the follicle (FRF) and regulatory (LRF) luteinizing
activating gland pituitary or pituitary in the anterior lobe where hormones stimulating of the
follicle (FSH) and hormone gonadotropic luteinizing (LH),
stimulating hormones of the reproductive organs, in the case
of the ovaries for the formation of estrogen, whose
production is done in Graaf follicles and the progesterone
and luteinizing hormone which is produced in the corpus
luteum, while in the testicles, follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) will stimulate the growth of testicular tubules and
meiosis of the cells destined to become sperm. Hormone
luteinizing (LH) stimulates the function of interstitial cells to
produce androgens. This hormone stimulates the Leydig
cells to produce the main androgen is testosterone, male
sex hormone (Delhom, G. A. and von Lawzewitsch, Irene,
1985). Illustration: The trade, May 9, 1996.
This study was conducted with Dr. Freddy Madrid Gironda,
doctor veterinarian of the University of San Marcos, in 1997-1998,
the experiment using female dogs of different breeds and ages, fed
once a day, cooked flour of “Maca Dra. Chacón” in amounts of
1.5 g per 10 Kg animal weight, within commercially balanced dog
food (Freddy Madrid Gironda and Gloria Chacón of Popovici,
Female dogs in the treatment have developed healthy and strong. Once started the zeal,
was suspended with Maca treatment. During gestation the development of hatchlings was
normal as also that of the mother, as you can see in the table below.
"Maca de la Dra. Chacón" acts as an excellent nutrient and activator of the hypothalamus
and pituitary hormones FSH and LH Graaf follicles to mature and producing heat and
fertility in full and mature female dogs that have never had zeal.
The action of Maca as a nutritional food powder is 100% positive
for the development of fetuses and of the pregnant mother until
after the birth of the offspring. I show to Basse "Pepita" with 8
Cooked powder Maca and pure 100%, was highly nutritional in
small amounts throughout the body and stimulating in the female reproductive system. It is
not necessary to supply more quantities if it is going to have the same effects, since
increasing them to change the taste by eating them, that shows the limits of the quantities
used, but it is non-toxic (Popovici Chacón, Gloria, 1998).
SAFETY OF THE "MACA" (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) WITH
In experiments conducted by a team of scientists biologists and chemists from the
University of San Marcos between 1996 and 1997 (Beltran, S. H. et al., 1997) on the
safety of Maca, was first, the botanical identification by the biologists taxonomists Hamilton
Beltrán and Severo Baldeón of the Herbarium of the Museum of Natural history
specimens of Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) brought from Ninacaca district of the
Department of Pasco by Dra. in Medicine Lida Obregon, of the University Cayetano
Heredia to evaluate the toxicity of Maca root, as food.
Dr. Jorge Arroyo Acevedo, pharmaceutical chemist and biologist Soledad Sandoval de
Arroyo, carried out the safety test of the roots of the Maca of Ninacaca, using Williams's
method for the evaluation of the lethal dose (LD50) using 78 mice of 30 days of age,
reaching the conclusion in this investigation, "Maca" dust presents one more than 15,000
LD50 mg/Kg. that is to say 15 grams per kilo, whereas is harmless to the dose used in the
mice until the seventh day post-administration, noting an apparent good general condition.
Based on the results of safety studies, I have allowed me to develop the following TABLE
Extremely toxic
highly toxic
Moderately toxic
Slightly toxic
Practically non-toxic < 15,000
Relatively harmless
> 35,551
SOURCE: Beltrán, Hamilton, S.; Baldeón, Severo; Elida Carrillo Fuentes; Fuertes Ruitton,
César; Arroyo Acevedo, Jorge y Soledad Sandoval, 1997.
In July 2000, a group of students from the promotion 1998 of the Faculty of Human
Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Cuentas Jara, M. J. et al,
2000) presented this study advised by Dr. Jorge Arroyo Acevedo, Professor Associate of
the section of Pharmacology of the academic Department of Science Dynamics.
For the experiment they had 32 albino male rats for 6 months of age and with a weight of
350 g. The rats were divided into 4 groups with 8 rats each. Group A served as a witness,
to Group B, was administered (an anabolic) Nandrolone Decanoate, to Group C received,
the alkaloid extract of "Maca" and Group D received Nandrolone decanoate and the
alkaloid extract of Maca. The alkaloid extract was administered orally (previously diluted) in
the amount of 200 mg/ml.
The results were: within the percentage of sperm motility, Group A (control), presented the
80 %, Group B (Nandrolone decanoate), presented 60 %, Group C (alkaloid extract of
Maca) presented the 95 %, and Group D (Maca and Nandrolone decanoate) presented the
70 %. As to the sperm concentration in spermatozoa per mm3, Group A was 396,000,
Group B, had 240,000, Group C, presented 1'320,000 and Group D had 342,000.
In the analysis of cytological study of the figurative elements of the sperm, seen in 63 X
(increases), the control group showed normal sperm, the group treated with Nandrolone
decanoate presented a series of defects in sperm, such as beheading and rolled tails; the
group treated with Maca, did not submit any morphological abnormality, and the group
treated with Nandrolone and Maca, did not found with Nandrolone sperm abnormalities.
The study conducted by Cuentas Jara, M. J. et al. 2000, on "the effects of the alkaloid
extract of Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) in testicular function and the altered by
the administration of the Nandrolone decanoate", this last used as anabolic, showed in its
conclusions that rats administered with Nandrolone decanoate originating a loss of motility,
excessive decrease in concentration and morphologically sperm present considerable
alterations as: decapitation and proximal cytoplasmic drop, coiled tail. In the Group of rats
treated orally with the alkaloid extract of Maca had a significant increase both in number
and sperm concentration compared with the control group and the morphology of the sperm
were normal. Motility in the group previously treated with Nandrolone and then with Maca,
was greater than the group treated only with Nandrolone, but less than the control group,
with this you would be confirming the hypothesis that give authors, that Maca reduces the
harmful effects of the Nandrolone in sperm, and I would add, that the alkaloids act as
excellent antioxidant and biocatalysts that restore the normal function of the reproductive
This study was conducted for quantitative motility and morphology of spermatozoa number
measures. As you can see, the Macaínas restore the morphology of the sperm, making
them fertile since to be beheaded by the Nandrolone they make them sterile. This can
serve as an indicator to restore fertility to women who have received hormones from fertility
and also to post-menopausal women who use hormones to replace estrogen, which can
cause cancer to the breast or other body.
USE OF THE FLOUR COOKED OF "MACA" (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Thesis presented by the Bachelor Chura Rene Cruz, to qualify the title of License degree
in Biology at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (Puno) in the Faculty of Biological
Sciences in 2001. The main object was to determine
the effects of the "Maca" (Lepidium peruvianum
Chacon) on gonadal maturation of trout "Arco Iris", and
specific objectives, (1) quantify the time of gonadal
maturation for each treatment, (2) determine the index
somatic gamete (IGA) of trout dosed with Maca and (3)
determine that treatment produces more IGA at the end
of the experiment. Used Maca was the company
REALYMED S. A., flour pre-cooked "Maca of Dra.
Chacón" and mixed with the inputs for the production
of animal feed, in the Planta de Elaboración de Alimentos Balanceados. Treatment control
was provided with commercial balanced feed.
80 Players from 3 years of age, which 40 were females with an average weight of 1,657.5 g
and 40 males with an average weight of 1,412.8 g were used. The females were selected
on the basis of the diameter of the body at the height of the stomach and the males on the
basis of the emission of semen, after you press with your fingers the urogenital region, the
starting point for the experiment was the 4th stage, on the basis of the table of Laevastu
(1971). They were divided into four groups with different doses of treatment, presenting the
first treatment of 150 mg for males and females, the second treatment was 225 mg and 300
mg third treatment. The control group had no treatment with Maca.
The conclusions were: (1) that there is no difference in the time of gonadal maturation
between the sexes, on the other hand if there is a difference between different doses of
Maca on the time of maturation, there is no interaction between sex and doses of Maca,
demonstrating that these two factors interact independently from each other (2) The first
fish to spawn to the 456 hours = 19 days, are those who have received doses of 225 and
300 mg of Maca, both males and females. On the other hand witnesses newly start
spawning 960 hours = 40 days and conclude to the 1,272 hours = 53 days, both males and
females. This result indicates that the dose of Maca in the diet, accelerates the gonadal
maturation. (3) The treatments that were administered 225 and 300 mg have more IGA,
and between these two treatments can be considered that the use of Maca are almost
equal and (4) in general accelerates the time of gonadal maturity in the trout "Arco iris"
shortening gametogenesis (Chura Cruz, René, 2001). This study shows us that the
alkaloid extract of Maca has direct action as food.
ALKALOIDAL EXTRACT OF ROOTS OF Lepidium peruvianum Chacón
"MACA" (Brassicaceae), IN MICE
This thesis has been done by the master, Libertad Alzamora Gonzales, in Science
Biology of the University of San Marcos for the degree of Doctor in the year of 2003.
The conclusions were as follows:
(1) Determined the 4 alkaloids with biological activity who’s Rf were 0.180, 0.505, 0.455 and
0.190. (2) In all protocols applied research, the dose of 75 mg/Kg allowed confirm the
Antitumor effect and the immunomodulatory activity of the extract effect of Maca in Balb/c
mice. (3) Employed dose of extract effect produced locomotive activity increased in the
treated mice 100, regardless of the type of immune response developed. (4) The dose 0.5
ml of the full inoculated subcutaneously Freund adjuvant induced expansive and
vascularized tumors of fibrosarcoma type in 100 of the animals. (5) The effect of Maca
extract served protective effect against experimental tumors of fibrosarcoma type in 100 of
the animals treated. Histological evaluation confirmed the increase of macrophages,
polymorphonuclear cells and mononuclear in treated mice. (6) The extract effect acted as
immunostimulant of the humoral response and the cellular response front
immunomodulator DTP vaccine in vivo. (7) The activity Phagocytic macrophages of mice
immunized with DTP were enhanced by the treatment of animals with extract alcaloidal and
were increased in the presence of the same in Vitro.
(8) The effect of Maca extract acted as immunostimulant of the innate cellular response in
mice with moderate immunosuppression caused by methylprednisone, effect that was
determined at 48 hours of treatment by the increase of the tissue to the DTP vaccine
reaction and vasodilation around the same area. (9) The histological evaluation confirmed
the significant presence of macrophages in the area of tissue reaction to DTP in mice
immunosuppressed treated with the extract for 2, 9 and 17 days, so it is concluded that you
allowed to counter the effects of the exogenous immunosuppressant on macrophages, very
important cells of the celular-innata immunity. (10) In the 100 mice immunosuppressed
treated and untreated with effect of Maca extract, 10 and 19 days post-immunization with
DTP vaccine formed granulomas and gradual recovery of physical condition and spleen
weight was observed by what concludes the effect immunostimulant of the summary, under
the experimental conditions employed, can evaluate better after 2 days post-immunization
with DTP vaccine. (11) The oral administration of the extract effect not only affects the
immune system but that, depending on the type of immune response developed, there is
also involvement of the endocrine system (player), verifiable by the change in the weight of
the testes and seminal vesicles fluid production.
The body does not react but there is something that stimulates it, therefore when one is fed
with my product as food entering the digestive system, this is going to be digested in the
stomach, where it will be decomposed by hydrochloric acid, producing different metabolites
which are then passed to the small intestine where they make throughout the common bile
duct to the blood that it goes to the liver and the pancreatic that targets the pancreas
Through the bloodstream alkaloids or "Macaínas" are directed to the brain and is at the
level of the hypothalamus where they will be absorbed by the nerve cells that through their
axons pass to the network of capillaries and venules in the base of the hypothalamus that
comprise the system portahipofisiario, which pass the secretions to the pituitary gland or
pituitary where they will stimulate hormones gonadotropic and this to the male and female
reproductive organs.
In adolescent boys and adults the main hormone called testosterone is secreted in the
interstitial cells of the seminiferous tube, a potent androgen, also form small amounts of an
estrogen. Testosterone is responsible for several male characteristics beginning with
puberty, growth and function of genital organisms; the increase in the growth of the hair, the
central nerve expression of aggression and libido, muscle mass increase and the growth of
the larynx (voice change).
The stimulation of the secretion of testosterone made it the central nervous system via
hormone hypothalamic acting on the adenohypophysis. The gonadotropin pituitary that
stimulates the reproductive organs male have the same chemical structure of the women's.
Therefore, have the same names, which lend itself to mistake. The follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) stimulates the growth of the testicular tubules and the meiosis of the cells
destined to become spermatozoa. Hormone luteinizing (LH) stimulates the function of the
interstitial cells. Both gonadotropins are needed for a complete spermatogenesis and the
emission of sperm. Both are influenced by the releasing factors hypothalamic (William F.
Windle, 1976).
In pregnant women, prevents vomiting in the first months of
getting pregnant, feeding two months earlier with my
product, strengthens the development of the fetus in the first
months and throughout its development, as it also helps the
mother in the gestation and lactation of the baby. In the case
of the pregnant woman with bipolar illness, helps in all the
development of the fetus and the pregnant mother, even in
infancy (Popovici Chacón, Gloria, 2005, 2008, testimony
Mrs. Margot). Photo: Mrs. Margot and Dieguito.
Dieguito, 3 years old
and Margot
Mrs. Rosmery
Renatita, daughter
3 years old
Normalizes in cases of irregular menstruation, from the onset of puberty in women,
whether by psychological, physiological problems or pollution in its habitat (Popovici
Chacón, Gloria, 2005, 2008, testimony: misses) (Rosario, Sonia).
Resets the stunted testicle not descended by the lack of blood supply to the testicle and
disappears the pain without drugs within three weeks of feed on my Maca product (Mr.
Alvarez's testimony, country: France, 2008). Testes are located within the scrotum
where there is more fresh than the body temperature. This lower temperature it is important
for the development of the testicle as well that for the production of normal sperm. One of
the important factors is the presence of potassium in the root, which is presented as the
main macronutrient in all the colors of the roots. The lack of potassium in the human body
negatively affects blood flow, heart, bowel, muscle and the enzymatic action of cells.
In nutrition, helps people who cannot eat milk, replacing it with my product dissolved in
warm or hot water, for its high nutritional and functional value, recovering its anemic State a
month feeding with half spoon from Monday to Saturday, in case of anemic children due to
malnutrition of 1 to 6 years (Aguila Calderon, Jorge and Chacon Popovici, Gloria,
1998). Two teaspoons per day for adult, strengthening the blood system for red blood cells,
the immune, endocrine and nervous system (Popovici Chacón, Gloria, 2005 and 2007).
Breastfeeding helps mothers who have had caesarean section at the time of birth to one
year and seven months with a daily teaspoon of my product (Popovici Chacón, Gloria,
2007, testimony: Mrs. Maria Esther, 2006). In the case of Mrs. Monica, 2006, was not by
caesarean section, breastfeeding up to two years. The gynecologist Dr. Michel Odent,
warned in the framework of the world of breastfeeding week that caesarean sections
shorten lactation. When a woman gives birth to a child through vaginal birth it secretes a
high amount of hormones that stimulate the mammary glands and milk production,
however, this process does not produce when delivery is by caesarean section or when the
mother is subjected to treatment using oxytocin. I have to say that the Macaínas (alkaloids)
stimulate the hormones prolactin and oxytocin in a natural way, producing milk-making and
the expulsion of the milk at the time of the baby's sucking.
My product helps patients with Diabetes type 2, giving you lots of energy to continue
working and their relationship intimate. Acts improving circulation and as a natural antineuritic (Popovici Chacón, Gloria, 2003, Roman D'Alessio, f., 2006).
Prostaglandins, are a family of derivatives of fatty acids that possess a variety of potent
biological activators of hormonal or regulatory nature. There are at least 14 prostaglandins
in human seminal plasma, others have been found in other tissues. All natural
prostaglandins are biologically derived from the Cyclization of unsaturated fatty acids of 20
carbons, such as arachidonic Acid, which comes from the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid.
He has reached the conclusion that mammals can synthesize saturated and
monounsaturated fatty acids from other precursors, but are unable to produce linoleic acid,
which integrates the 10 to 20 of the total fatty acids of your triglycerides and
Cooked flour Maca REALYMED of Dr. Chacón, contains fatty acids 2.22. Presents the 3
OMEGAS: alpha linolenic acid (Omega 3), linoleic (Omega 6), is an ally against cancer and
linoleic acid being the principal with 32 followed by 23 Palmitic and oleic with 11 (Omega 9),
and 18 other unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Enter thereon to my websites:,, clicks NOTICIAS and click Acidos
grasos, where are the OMEGAS.
Postmenopausal ovary. Ovarian do not secrete hormones already in significant quantities
once stops ovulation. Ovarian hormone production decreases, but is present until the end
of his days. Estrogen deficiency dry moisture of the vagina which is known medically as
vaginal atrophy. Gonadotropins continue to occur in the adenohypophysis in higher
amounts due to the absence of a negative feedback by the ovary. The postmenopausal
ovary contains many scars but no follicle because the fertility cycle is finished. Estradiol
17B is the main estrogen in the human ovary and B estradiol is the hormone
In postmenopausal people, alkaloids or Macaínas regulating the action of estrogen and
progesterone as alternative therapy. Minerals that have the Maca such as calcium,
potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, magnesium and iron, act directly in the nutrition
of the system, reproductive, bone and blood, strengthen the bones and blood, red blood
cells and the immune system, in other words, fights osteoporosis.
My product has the virtue of increasing the level of the hormone progesterone in mothers
with full hysterectomy and post-menopausal and menopausal level. I have made several
observations on the action of Maca in postmenopausal people, as I would also like to know
two testimonies of women with total hysterectomy that are feeding with my product with
excellent results in terms of their nutrition and daily life. Feel much better than when taking
chemicals or hormones that growth them. It seems that the gonadotropins play an important
role in blood, statements are displayed in my Web page from the 2005
The action of the alkaloids have an effect anti stress to act directly on the central nervous
system at the level of the hypothalamus gland pituitary gonadotropic hormones level and
these act (ovary and testis) sexual glands.
GLORIA CHACÓN DE POPOVICI, 2011. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Maca
(Lepidium peruvianum Chacón) and the Macaínas (Alkaloid extract)., click Noticias.