EvOlUTiON owner`s


EvOlUTiON owner`s
evolution owner’s
February 2011
Information for the Evolution
Owner and Builder
Redmond OR; February 22, 2011
HPAT Training
Another Evolution Flies!
oug Walker’s Evolution, S/N 018, N925DW first
flew on February , 17. Korey Stafford, HPAT
test pilot, reported no major squawks on his first
30 minute flight over KRDM. Over the next few days the
airplane was flown by Korey, Dave McRae of RDD Enterprises, Dave Robinson from HPAT, and Doug Meyer from
Lancair, each time getting better from minor engine set up
adjustments, pressurization tweaks and various calibrations.
Doug Walker began building his plane 10 months ago in
April 2010 and it is now working it’s way through a set
flight regimen and a 40 hour “Phase 1” fly off. It should
go to paint around March 1st and we can look for Doug
Walker and N925DW to be at Sun ‘n Fun on March 29.
For those that do not know, Doug is the Lancair Eastern
US Sales Representative and N925DW will be his demo
aircraft. Doug was assisted in building his Evolution by
Mark Mahnke at RDD Ent. based at RDM.
alker’s completion and first flight provides an
opportunity for a short discussion of test flight
and training for the EVOLUTION. Customers
that purchased their Evolution at the 2010 consolidated
pricing are entitled to a First Flight test flight, Initial Training, and Recurrent Training at one year at no additional
charge. This training is provided under contract by Pete
Zaccagnino’s High Performance Aircraft Training (HPAT).
www.hp-at.com. If you purchased your Evolution prior
to the introduction of the 2010 package pricing you can
contact HPAT directly and order the same package in full
or in part directly from them.
First Flight
he First Flight is just that; the first time the aircraft
actually flies. This pre flight inspection and single
flight, flown by an HPAT test pilot, is provided for
evolution owner’s
February 2011
you as part of your kit price. It may or may not include
high-speed taxi tests (it likely will if this has not been done
by you, your build shop or someone else qualified). You
should plan on having engine runs and initial engine set
up to be completed by you or your builder prior to the
actual flight day with HPAT. The initial scheduling of the
first flight should be coordinated with HPAT at about the
same time you schedule your Airworthiness Inspection
date, assuming you will be flying shortly thereafter. If you
will not be flying around that time, try and estimate the
date for first flight and continue to work with HPAT to
ensure test pilot availability. All test flying done by HPAT
at your request after the initial flight will be billed to you
directly by HPAT. You may use another pilot to do the
test flying at your expense.
However, do not take the first flight and or any test
flying lightly. It is important that this be done by someone
that is familiar with the aircraft and its characteristics in
order to identify and evaluate anything that may not be
safe or correct.
Initial Training
ou are entitled to 15 hours of initial training over
three days by an HPAT instructor in your Evolution
at no charge. You may train in another Evolution, if
you can arrange with another owner to provide an aircraft
for your use. (A reminder, you cannot rent an experimental
category aircraft.)
If additional training is required by the instructor before he “signs off”, this will be billed to the owner at the
standard HPAT rate.
Recurrent Training
pproximately 12 months after the initial training,
usually around your insurance renewal, you are
entitled to a one-day (up to 5 hours) of “Annual
Recurrent Training” at no charge. You should schedule this
with HPAT as far in advance as your planning will allow.
All training will be done at a location mutually agreed
upon between you and HPAT.
Sometimes HPAT instructors are nearby and expenses
can be mitigated through communication of these locations and dates.
Part Backorders
e continue to make steady progress on this issue.
Doors continue at one per week, a complete
Bill of Materials is allowing complete air conditioning distribution box sets to be supplied, and steel
landing gear sets and adjustable rudder pedal assemblies are
being ordered and produced in quantity. Kim Lorentzen
remains your source for the latest information on part
e are very pleased to report an extremely low incidence of any avionics/panel/wiring squawks.
You may find that when installing your wiring harness you end up with what you feel is some excessive length at the rear of the aircraft. These harnesses are
made slightly long to accommodate variances in routing
and amounts of slack at the front. If you feel you have
excessive length we would like to hear from you. We may
adjust the length in the future.
evolution owner’s
February 2011
Lancair Dot Com
he Lancair I.T. Team has been busy re-creating
the Lancair.com and Aerocraftparts.com websites.
They are almost ready to go live, so check in again
You will be able to securely purchase online from Aerocraft Parts and on the main Lancair site you'll still find a
password protected "builder's" tab where you can log in
and get manuals, bulletins, etc. for your aircraft.
We'll be issuing new passwords for this when it goes
live. We'll also have the ability to quickly load photos and
videos, so if you have contributions please send them to
[email protected].
Please give us your comments (good OR bad) on the
new site.
Thanks to Andy
would like to publicly thank Andy Cruce for allowing us to use this beautiful Sliver and Blue Evo,
N9QX, as our display aircraft at the 2011 Barrett-Jackson Classic Car Auction in Scottsdale. This
is fantastic exposure for the airplane and it was a real hit, even including a spot on Phoenix’s Fox
Morning Show. (I think you can still find that on YouTube.) Several good leads came from this event.