April 17, 2016


April 17, 2016
| A P R I L 1 7, 2 0 1 6
Saturday: (Anticipatory) 5:00 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am
Monday – Friday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Saturday: 8:00 am
Monday – Saturday: 7:30 – 7:45 am
Saturday: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Also by Appointment
Contact Parish Office to schedule.
Contact Parish Office at least eight
Months prior to the wedding.
Contact Parish Office at onset of illness.
In case of death in the family, contact
Parish Office immediately.
John Groneman, Cr aig Saeman, and
David Wolf
Monica Br adac (Chair) 303-777-5969,
Bill Egan, and Amy Loyola
Pastor: Very Rev. Andrew Kemberling, V.F.
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Douglas Gr andon
Deacons: Tim Kelly and Marvin Hegarty
Pastor al Associate: Dcn. George Morin, ext 202
Business Manager: Peter Ugr an, ext 204
Director of Accounting: Jeff Babcock, ext 207
Director of Communications and
Stewardship: Mila Glodava, ext 205
Director of Music: Mary Beth Church, ext 222
IT Director: Mark Weiland, ext 210
Secretary/Receptionist: Meg Robinson, ext 203
Bulletin Editor: Pam Pippin, ext 209
Principal: Sr. Maria Ivana Begovic, O.P., ext 100
1164 South Josephine Street
Denver, Color ado 80210
[email protected] | www.svdpk8.com
Go and Make Disciples
- Matthew 28:19
know your faith
live your faith
share your faith
Pastor’s Message
Dear Parishioners,
The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal (ACA) is how we give our
Archbishop the means to be merciful. Our Extraordinary Jubilee
Year of Mercy requires us to show mercy if we want mercy
shown to us. Please be merciful. Giving generously to the ACA
allows this charity to be part of our tithe. The tithe is the first
tenth portion of our income. Jesus tells us to practice judgment
and the love for God without neglecting to tithe. Mercy is
offered before the judgment of our world. From what I can
see, we need all the mercy we can get, because our society
stands wanting. When we help the Archbishop show mercy, we
participate in that mercy.
All Sinners Welcome!
Thursday, May 5
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Rev. Tim McKeown, who was recently
commissioned by Pope Francis as a
Missionary of Mercy, will be available
for confession here at St. Vincent’s.
Fr. Tim is from the Diocese of Savanna
where has been active in leading the
chaplet of divine mercy, preaching on
mercy, and hearing confessions. This
evening will have exposition, reflection, and benediction in addition to
Each family has different gifts and abilities. Some have more and some have less,
but all are asked to give an equal sacrifice. It is not equal gifts but equal sacrifice.
About one or two percent of our annual income should go to the ACA. We have a
need to give before giving to a need. Let our love for God compel us not to neglect
tithing and to assist our Archbishop to be generous in this Year of Mercy.
Sincerely in Christ,
Stewardship of Prayer
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Monday, April 18:
6:30am Josephine Hepp†
8:00am Lori Finch
Tuesday, April 19:
6:30am Humberto Vargas†
8:00am Dr. Souba
Wednesday, April 20:
6:30am Maria Molina†
8:00am Maria Rita Urbish†
Thursday, April 21:
6:30am Rachel Hoffman†
8:10am Mary Jo Graham†
Friday, April 22:
6:30am Lauren Shealey
8:00am Stella Picarella†
Saturday, April 23:
8:00am Mary Kay & Ralph Wilkerson
5:00pm Jim Morgan†
Sunday, April 24:
7:30am Kathy Serbin
9:30am Gilbert Maestas†
11:30am SVDP Parishioners
Thomas Lachkovich
Readings for the Week of
April 17, 2016
Our ill parish members & relatives:
Ned Duffy
Sandra Ginnetti
Lester Scribner
Fr. Mel Thompson
The deceased:
Stella Picarella
Acts 13:14, 43-52/Ps 100:1-
3, 5/Rv 7:9, 14b-17/Jn 10:27-30
Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/Jn 10:1-10
Veterans and deceased members of
our Armed Forces
Acts 11:19-26/Ps 87:1-7/Jn Due to the Privacy Act, only
immediate family members may
request a name to be placed on the
prayer list. Please call the office at
Wednesday: Acts 12:24--13:5a/Ps 67:2-
Ernest Ulibarri
Fr. Gabriel Weber
Maisie Louise Teitelbaum
daughter of Matthew and
3, 5-6, 8/Jn 12:44-50
13:13-25/Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27/Jn 13:16-20
Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2:6-11/Jn 14:1-6
Acts 13:44-52/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 14:7-14
Next Sunday’s:Acts 14:21-27/Ps 145:8-13/
Rv 21:1-5a/Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
Stewardship of Time & Talent
Twice per month volunteers make about 500 sandwiches for the sandwich
line at the Cathedral. Sandwiches are made after the 7:30am Mass on the
second Sunday of the month and after the 9:30am Mass on the third Sunday
of the month. Contact: Parish Office, 303-744-6119.
Sunday, April 17 at 10:30am to 11:30am in the cafeteria
Third Thursday Lunch Bunch
April’s potluck luncheon will be on Thursday, April 21. We will
provide the main course which is hot dogs, brats, and baked beans
this month. To round out the meal, last names ending in A-G bring
salads, H-O side dishes, and P-Z desserts. Please RSVP to the church
office at (303) 744-6119.
Donut Sunday
Join us for donuts next Sunday, April 24 after the 7:30am and the
9:30am Mass in the gymnasium.
APRIL 17, 2016
Altar Servers
Saturday, April 23
5:00pm Dylan Renner
Evan McClain
Braeden Keuneke
Jessica Garofalo
Lauren Garofalo
Sunday, April 24
7:30am Tristan Christofferson
Sophia Bradac
Catherine Bradac
9:30am Annie Tartell
Ashlyn Viereck
Michael Wolf
Natalie Burnham
David Burnham
Ryan Buckley
11:30am Alek Kilstrom
Jack Doyle
Tim Unger
The Wellness Clinic for April has
been canceled. It will resume in
Marthas is a ministry that helps families who are experiencing the
loss of a loved one by hosting a funeral reception at St. Vincent’s.
Each group is made up of several men and women who are called
upon on a rotation-basis to provide either a dessert or salad and
sometimes to assist in setting up, serving, and clean-up.
If you feel called to this Corporal Work of Mercy, please contact
Becky Morley at (303) 929-1445 or at [email protected]
Stewardship of Faith
Please pray for our First Communicants and Confirmandi as they prepare for the reception of the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and
First Holy Communion
Friday, April 29
This is First Holy Communion
practice. For more
information, contact Aubry
Quintero at (303) 777-3812,
ext. 135.
Family Faith Formation
Sunday, April 24
For more information, please
contact Dcn. George Morin at
(303) 744-6119, ext. 202.
Sealed and Sent
Saturday, May 7
If you have not already
picked up your tickets,
please contact Pam Pippin
(303) 744-6119, ext. 209
as soon as possible.
Healing Mass
Monday, April 25
Fr. Israel Gonsalves, OCD
will be the celebrant for the
healing Mass. The Bogumill
family will lead us in song.
We are pleased to announce that
our parish will be hosting the Denver
Catholic Biblical School this coming fall on Tuesday mornings from
8:30am-10:30am! Classes begin the
week of September 10. If you’ve
ever wanted to understand the Bible
in a deeper way, get the big picture
of salvation history, get more out of
scripture readings at Mass, and grow
in your knowledge and love of God
and his Church, then you must enroll
in this class! Visit www.sjvdenver.
edu/biblicalschool for more information and to register. Be sure to
attend one of the following information sessions before class begins
where you will hear a sample lesson
called, “The Road to Emmaus,” and
get more information about the
program: Tuesday, July 12 at 9am,
Tuesday, Aug 9 at 9am, and Aug 16
at 7pm.
St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic School
Principal of the Day
On Monday, April 11th, 5th grader, Jack Kennedy, spent his day as “Principal of the Day.”
From the desk of the Principal of the Day,
Mr. Jack Kennedy:
Advice for students for school and sainthood:
1. Study for tests
Stewardship of Treasure
How Your Gifts Can Keep on Giving
Imagine a gift that gives forever. Your donations of cash, stock, real
estate and life insurance entrusted to St. Vincent de Paul Parish
and School Fund through The Catholic Foundation can grow to
provide multiplied support for a ministry that transforms lives,
now and for eternity. Thank you for your generous support of our
parish through your thoughtful gifts to The Catholic Foundation.
Contact Jean Finegan at The Catholic Foundation, 303.867.0613, to
learn how your gift can leave a lasting legacy of faith.
2. Respect teachers and parents
3. Exercise a lot
4. Clean the halls and floor
5. Do all your work
6. Don’t be selfish
7. Treat people the way you would like to be treated
7th Grade Speech Meet
Congratulations to our 7th Grade Speech
Team!!! All did a wonderful job.
Ella Hagg 2nd for Humor
CC Capra 6th for Oratory
Catherine Bradac 4th for Speech Making
Sophie Link 2nd for Impromptu
Amy Seier 5th for Impromptu
Other members of speech team:
Jessica Garofalo, Regan Vandervelde, Lizzie Luebbers, Erin
Staib, Annie Tartell, Olivia Mellentine, Carolyn Johnsen
Proceeds to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal fund
nearly forty archdiocesan ministries. Consequently, your
Appeal donation will help transform the hearts and
minds of many who approach the Church for guidance,
instruction, and hope. Your gift, for example, will assist
in fostering priestly vocations, promoting the sanctity of life, and illuminating the treasures of our faith.
May God bless you for investing in the works of his
Church. Please visit www.archden.org/donate or call
Stewardship of
In the US and Canada there are more than 5,200 parishes without their own priest. Increasingly, priests are
serving two, three, or even more parishes. Will you
pray for more holy priests to bring us the sacraments?
Our Week at a Glance
Monday, April 18:
Rosary Club – 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Thursday, April 21
All School Mass –8:10am
Art Show – 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Spring Concert – 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Friday, April 22:
Parents in Prayer – 8:00am to 8:30am
The next Men’s Retreat is scheduled for Sunday,
April 24. The Retreat begins at 10am and ends at
5:00pm. Register now for this Spring Retreat.
APRIL 17, 2016
Activities & Meetings
Fourth Sunday of Easter
I like to think about all the great shepherds I’ve had in my life. My
grade school music teacher, Sr. Genevieve, comes to mind. “Kathy,”
she said to me when I was twelve, “here’s the key to the back door of
the church. Let yourself in, go up to the choir loft, turn on the organ,
give yourself the first note and sing the Mass.”
I remember, shortly after my Confirmation, being picked up after
school and taken to an inner-city parish to help with a Religious
Education class. “Kathy,” said the wonderfully kind director there,
“Here’s the book. Here’s the kids. Sing to them. Tell them stories.
Teach them to love Jesus”
I remember Father Frank Syrianey, he of blessed memory, who was
the pastor of my parish when I was in college. I had no idea then
the great blessing of having such a wise, warm priest at the helm a
few years after the Council. I rang the doorbell of the rectory one
afternoon, and he answered.
“Hi, Father,” I said, “you don’t know me, but my name is Kathy.” And
he said these unforgettable words to me: “Of course I know you.”
That’s a good shepherd. The one who calls forth gifts, who inspires
young people to lead, who knows us by name―that’s the Good
Shepherd so desperately needed today.
A few weeks ago, as they were working on the music for Holy Week,
about a dozen of the stunningly talented teenagers in my parish had
to be shooed out of church by their brilliant choir director because it
was time to lock up.
You know what? one said. Church is my favorite place to be.
Who are the good shepherds who are helping to build the next
generation of believers?
Kathy McGovern ©2016 www.thestoryandyou.com
Year of Mercy
Blessed Mother Teresa said, “The soul is the window
through which we can see God and hear his voice.” If sin
dirties the window, it’s hard to hear God’s call. During this
Year of Mercy, the best thing you can do to discern your
vocation is to see forgiveness through the sacrament of
Confession. Then with a clean heart, ask Jesus to show you
His will.
Relics of the Passion
Sunday, May 22
SVDP will host The Relics of
the Passion presentation. It is
organized into a program with
supporting musical pieces
that serve as a guide to help
one meditate upon the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The event concludes with an
opportunity for personal
veneration of the relics.
For more information, please visit our website at
Sunday, April 17:
• Sunday Masses – 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, Church
• Sandwiches – 9:30am to 10:30am, Cafe
Monday, April 18:
• Student Mass Prep – 2:15pm, Church
• Rosary Club – 3:00pm, School
• Enrichment Class – 3:30pm to 4:30pm, Cafeteria
• Men’s Basketball – 8:30pm to 10:00pm, Gym
Tuesday, April 19
• Tuesday Rosary – 8:30am, Church
• Optional Confirmation Meeting – 3:00pm to 3:45pm, School Auditorium
Wednesday, April 20:
• Wellness Clinic – 8:30am to 12:30pm, Garden Room
• Nazareth Group – 9:00am to 10pm, MCR
• Excare – 2:30pm to 3:30pm, Cafeteria
• Adult Music Rehearsal – 7:00pm to 8:30pm, Church
• Finance Council Meeting – 7:00pm to 8:30pm, PCR
• Revive 1787 Denver – 7:00pm to 8:00pm, SCHAUD
• K of C Planning Meeting – 7:15pm to 10pm, MCR
Thursday, April 21:
• Patriarchs – 6:15am to 7:15am, Garden Room
• All School Mass – 8:10am, Church
• Thursday Bible Study – 9:00am to 11:30am, GR
• Thursday Lunch Bunch – 11:30am to 1:30pm, Cafe
• Fr. Barron Meeting – 3:30pm to 4:30pm, Garden Room
• Alpha – 6:00pm to 8:00pm, Garden Room
• Art Show/Spring Concert – 6:00pm - 8:00pm, VR
Friday, April 22:
• Patriarchs – 6:15am to 7:15am, Garden Room
• Parent’s in Prayer – 8:00am to 8:30am, Garden Room
Saturday, April 23:
• Confessions – 3:30pm to 4:30pm, Church
• Anticipatory Mass – 5:00pm, Church
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